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tv   News  RT  January 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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the the, the, the idea of funds a red present ambulance telling at least 6 of the crew, including a medic and a journalist that says israel intensifies airstrikes in areas if previously declared as safe. so the framework country is enjoying the left supporting the genocide case, filed against as well by south africa at the international court of justice. and the bangladesh government is not bothered by the us. and you take criticism of at the federal election, that's according to the countries of foreign minister, the rental rouble live in moscow. you're watching our
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t international. we start in central gaza. where is really far says have targeted a palestinian red crescent ambulance killing at least 6 of the crew, including a medic. and a journalist does a base and journalist times a shell on reports on that listing. and rick press settings uh, got targeted by that is really forces for members of the policy and requesting killed in this attack. and there's 2 injuries inside this. i'm also killed before one hour of this attack and there was an air strike to residential house just in front of and talk for hospital request sent announce on their platform that they condemn about doc on the, on police. and they condemned to that part of the house in front of a shut down opposite hospital as well. so the numbers of casualties in the middle of gaza strip is increasing every single hours because that due to the in the,
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a ground operation in the middle area, in the middle of the center of the gaza strip of the ground, the position is getting wider. every hour and they are very close. that is what we were planes here in the roof. safety goes also. it clearly to here they targeted presidential house and out of city in the middle of the city. there is a 15 pet, a senior were killed. most of them childrens and women's, we witnessed the arrival of casualties to our community hospital and the rest of the casualties delivered to uh, we use different much on hospital. so the hospitalization drug, this trip is getting clearly targeted by the is there any forces and the number of casualties is increasing from the civilian belsky and civilians. and from also a, that a survey of different screens and medical crews. and they're basically targeting
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the workers who works the people who've worked with international organization. it's very clearly to see these uh, we can say a work lines and war crimes every day and got a staple settle for me. but it is rarely forces he the force and a few floors which are full of people. more than 100. inside the building, they struck it without any advance warning people what the pot, children, women, and others, every one was killed. the color i saw the apartment was on fire, we risk those, we could. but there are still many people under the rubble of the race and as rarely strikes on guys, i killed the coach of the palace to the little impact soccer team. penny on monterey was a towering figure on the nation's foot. busy so saying for over 2 decades, here's what one player had to say about the top sports manager. i haven't a certain that the sort of honey was a very kind and peaceful person from central got them. i remember he had so many
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goals he wanted to achieve. but this war tools, the dreams of guidance, is really is don't care about anything. schools, shelters, hospitals, mosques in churches, they bomb everything. the palestinians in gaza are facing a genocide with the whole world simply watching these really as have very clear methods of killing innocent people by targeting buildings and residential houses. this is a cowardly occupation for us. they are hitting on armed people. look at all the children and shelters as they try to play sports like football. just trying to live a normal childhood, but they are deprived of that right. i witnessed 2 wars and got them, but they were not as brutal as this one. my sisters are in garza now and when i talked to them on the phone, they say the situation is unimaginable. meanwhile and is
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a risk lum. hundreds of jews gathered at the western wall for mass and prayers for the hostages. still being kept by her moss and relatives of the captives joined in the powers local, active as raised banners with pictures of all 100. 36 hostages and gaza. 4 of whom had been held for years. the multi namibia and pakistan have joined the list of countries supporting the debt aside case filed against israel by south africa at the international court of justice. the may be as deputy ambassador to the un called israel's actions, quote, tantamount to genocide by intense and by number. the actions carried off by israel a tend to mount to genocide and the international community is boned by principles that do not afford as the luxury of complacency, while lives are lost in critical infrastructure is destroyed. the remich ramifications of this crisis will reverberate for generations to come. for this
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reason, we welcome the support and action by the government of south africa at the international court of justice. the media both identifies and aligns with the arguments put forward by the republic of south africa and reiterates long standing support for the inalienable rights of the palestinian people to self determination, independence and freedom. but pakistan has welcome to south africa's initiative in looks forward to the i c j advisory opinion on the legal consequences arising from as well as policies and practices in the palestinian territory. the guys of health ministry says over 23000 palestinians have been killed in is really attack since october 7th. and the number wounded is approaching 60000. yeah. and the face of the shocking numbers and is really good party member as cold for garza to be burned to the ground. i still say that god is a must be built and the terrorists will not think that they are beautiful eyes in front of them. i don't apologize and i have no,
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no see for those who stayed the are 2 correspond to another who you couldn't do. it brings us the details of south africa's international lawsuit against israel. so that's what guys put together a formidable document outlining it's evidence off of what it says is a genocide taking place in the gaza strip. it says that is where i'll have to send it into a new level of criminality. and that's the magnitude of the a plus the twos committed by as well as a fee that the threshold of the 1948 convincing off to prevention and punishment of 10 to slide. it says that these are actually intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of for palistine and national, racial and ethnic group. all of this has come together in this particular document . and so that's because voice is not alone saying what is happening in god's eyes in a humane but because no one wants to take up the mental. so africa did say and identifies would walk. the police thing is going through the acts in question include killing
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police students and gaza, causing them serious bodily and mental home and inflicting on them conditions of live, calculated to bring about their physical destruction. the ad so o attributable to israel, which has failed to prevent genocide and is coming in genocide and manifesto violation of the genocide convention and which has also while it is continuing to awhile it, it's all the fundamental obligations under the genocide convention. it is not obvious that wisdom governments onto not heavy to address crimes committed by as well. and i'm not willing to stop the war. many of those countries of a former colonial as themselves who in practice continue to colonize many parts of the african continent. so holding is while accountable for its crimes could bring attention to the phone, controversial past the submission merit list counterproductive and completely without any basis. in fact whatsoever. instead of simply seeing the loose lock made
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in mind of the states accused a full crime. that is why it is, i think, the n c by its willingness to defend itself at the you in court. smell is that is really presidents as a catalogue has the describe, sought after, because lawsuit, as a choices and propose service with some of these wells at the top of visuals. things of africa is collaborating with give us the self efficacies claim, lex, both effectual and the legal basis and custody. choose a despicable and contemptuous explanation of the court. south africa, east corporation for the terrace organization that this call in for the destruction of the state of israel sub africa side, and also includes concerns relating to you as well as conduct towards palistine is doing the close of the 75 year long. the cottage, an occupation of palestine integrity. however, as the mainstream media news of this group on the global directive, more and more people are signing petitions around the world and beginning to realize that they have been lied to. so that because
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a quest to the international court of justice could have very significant consequences. whitney as well. and it is yet another test of geo political alignment west versus the wrist. with general us caspar class for us says it's on the board will always stand for palestine in independence and that supporting south africa as i c j case is another example, the boxes on the highest dickens by the highest. it's always thick inside the police. the next and when it comes to the for loss or damage on was what was going to actually says the biased against is that the addition of that? and what i am giving farm is talking about is fox. you tony government allows is 5 ways the people you know, the fuck you sign. they want to do i me thing. what about the stage and them the is there any suggestion of felony? and one more thing that used pockets on closer to the, the,
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the show where do you think is the, you know, the americans visit us? i think this is the vice, a dodge park. it's on. i'll take on the stone in long side bits off because actually lobby of over the last side we saw something and it was big. i've read. see if we can see the everything, whatever it takes to that. suffice for the policy that of and in a ron the countries problem, it has hosted the 5th emergency meeting of palestine standing committee with representatives from the organization of this long and cooperation and other countries around lawmakers have demanded the u. n. and the i c. j look into is really crimes in gaza. we dom on the international organizations in states including the u. n. a nice the j. inquire about as well as it commits crimes against humanity. we have my, the out to south africa regarding its claims against as well in the i, c, j. israel will face the international court for the 1st time on thursday to follow
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all the latest developments from the hague. be sure to stay with us here on our, to international and of course our website r t dot com a coverage of the israel guys, a war by mainstream media demonstrates a bias against the palestinians. that's according to the intercept news organizations analysis of major media coverage in the new york times, washington post and los angeles times this coverage of israel's war on guns showed a consistent bias against palestinians. the print media outlets which play an influential role in shaping us the views of the as rarely palestinian conflict, paid little attention to the unprecedented impact of israel siege in bombing campaign and both children and journalists in the gaza strip. they are set, denalis has reported that major us newspapers wrote disproportionately about the status of his rallies and their deaths were presented with emotional emphasis with less attention paid. the palestinian killings. coverage of anti semitic actions in
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the united states were also more one sided. as anti muslim racism was ignored after the events of october, 7th, the intercept anal aside, and analyzed more than $1000.00 articles by the new york times. washington post and los angeles times about israel's war and gaza. michael maloof, a former senior security analyst, and the defense department says us politics influences western media. the western media is controlled by a certainly in the united states by the, by new ministration. others that there is no, no under cover about that it's very, very clear now, but they control the media. they are under influence, heavy influence, internally in the united states and especially in the us congress by the israeli lobby. and i think that this is reflected in the light, very light covers. now people who are of going out and demonstrating on behalf of
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the palestinians are gaining access to media. other than that, that media within the united states and, and the certainly are responding accordingly. unfortunately, the us media then equates adherents to hom, us with palestinians, and their plight. and the bombing on the innocent children of bangladesh as government is not bothered about the us. and u. k. is criticism of its general elections that had to shake a scene of forest straight term as prime minister, as, according to the bangladesh, foreign minister, we're not bothered about those. are people have given a mandate in our favor. those came and said the election was held in an impartial, transparent, credible, and violence, free manner shake as he now has made a come back in bundle dish and this and in election which so it,
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historically you will talk to an out. but this was pretty obvious and uh there was no surprises since still meeting opposition thought in bundle the she went back in november, bundle dish and actually spot the b and b. they had announced a boy court of this selection. and they did so because they said that does he not? government was persecuting the position members. in fact, the accused phil, has he not government of putting some to 20000 ford opposition? members behind balls off today, organizes nationwide filters. seeing that there was economic and cost of living prices under cussing, and i'll call them now what i almost said and done, cuz he knows me to come back. she has the gone the longest 35 minutes to find the beach and she was getting congratulations messages from across the world with not the us, not the west be have been upset in the united states remains concerned by the
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arrest of thousands of political opposition. members and by reports of irregularities on election day, the united states shares the view with other observers that these elections were not free or fair. and we regret that not all parties participated. canada expresses its disappointment that this electro process has fallen short of the principles of democracy and freedom and calls on the relevant authorities to work transparently with all parties to move forward towards democracy, respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms. but i need to point out that bonds are the selection, they have a one to towed by around $127.00 international observers, which also included countries like the u. s. and russia. now the us on so on record has gone on to say that the bundle, the selections for free and say, and it was a given a teen sort of sold to the election that was held in bond movies. so really the a lot of discrepancy in what the statement is coming from the u. s. and what there was a silver one of the bundle of the selection was see,
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having said that now there was also a russian on zillow. they who has scott football recently said that if the u. s. e, as in satisfied with the elections the resolves, the have to be, have the follow to be civilized, strong navigational that is something that she has. e, now herself has been saying, so i'm going to guess she's going on to see on record that the u. s. has been trying to meddle in the internal wanted to, to bundle the. she's also going on to say that the u. s. has been trying to to a whole 100 couple months now. whatever said and done, she has bought another tom and she has been getting a congratulatory messages from across the world, including her $22.00 foot bar nicholas to a hunting league as a friendly neighbor. china from the supports bangladesh in advancing various both selection, political agendas in accordance with the law and is willing to work with the new governmental bangladesh, chinese willing, on the basis of mutual respect, equality,
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mutual benefit, unknown interference in internal affairs to work together with the new government of backlash to further enhance traditional friendship. i spoke to prime minister shake has seen it and congratulated her on her victory for a historic 4th consecutive term in the parliamentary elections. i also congratulate the people of bangladesh for the successful conduct of elections. we are committed to further strength and our enduring and people centric partnership with bangladesh along the elections. and the results have cost the attention of the was, was of a interesting because the we bundle. dish is placed in asia. it's strategically phase between 2 asian supervisors. india and china, let me point out the bond. the beach has done a very, very interesting evey. those all the good balancing act between the 2 countries now also very important. the bundle dish is the 2nd largest economy in south asia. and
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has he not gone back then becomes important in all those sense. i like bands all the director of the india foundation says the bangladesh elections were open and the western countries are wrong to criticize them. on the top comes on january 7th, was absolutely free and fear the extended uh uh, the nationwide has been in saltisha. it was an extreme even going back to the last elections. there was some wireless in the elections. there was certain calls. why the country that opposing it is because of the pollution bar fee, which is a, b and b know why didn't be it'd be more complex just because the when anyways, so been demanding that this would be a good, a good, good the share because the not to leave the governments installer or the election should we are under cared to get those folders changes the all the new student
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countries which are the decidedly mom of these 4 elections the moment. so i think it's a to see the country is really election state, please find the existing governments are asking for the government in dollars a cynical and have a critical that's how the russian ambassador to the u. n. but selina ben z a describes those pushing for our ukranian piece formula and mid cabins. dudley shelling of civilian areas in belgrade itself on december 30th. the gave received it on by british and american consultants in a powerless rage fired cluster munitions into residential areas of the russian city of belgrade, killing $25.00 people, including 5 children, made such events, keeps promotion of the so called peace formula and the convening of the next meeting in davos looks especially hypocritical and scenic cove. this is a sort of peacekeeping initiative, but in fact, and ultimate them to russia, which has nothing to do with resolving the situation and ukraine. any discussion
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without the participation of russia is obviously doomed to failure. for our part, we have never refused negotiations, but the language of ultimatums is not acceptable. pro. all you create had to do is implement mets, even when the collective west france trim united states turned her back on. mentioned in the fall of 2021 in december on december 17th, 2021 question. put 2 draft treaties on the table, one from a one from united states talking about a new european security framework that would have prevented a war. we ignored it, even when russia finally had no choice, but to go forward with the special military operation. because ukraine using a large needle trained army training for the purpose of killing russians in the don't best was already on the wish that army on the don't best russia preemptively attacked. but even after that, russia struggled for peace. they met 3 times, the dealer was twice in turkey. they had a peace agreement that would have ended this work on terms extraordinarily favorable for you create ukraine ignored it at the behest of the west. well,
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instead of holding mediation talks with russia, ukraine will get 100 more patriot air defense missiles. that's the decision of the nature. ukraine council and russia has increased. it strikes on kids to ground positions, hitting hundreds of artillery targets. and true positions are correspondent or mon customer of interviewed one of the russian commanders who defends a key battle ground area to alexander is a commander of a special storm brigade called veterans. he and his men had been defending the people of done bus since 2014 being constantly inside the combat zone. he's a hard man to arrange for journalists, but we were lucky to touch base in the next one he returned from moscow. ask for meeting with president foods and that was obviously one of the 1st topics that we discussed have a listen to my really what we brought to is not just the call field and zine body copy of the battle and sign for us. it symbolizes that. we hadn't seen over
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a copy of the battle and sign as a symbol of the military connection between the people and the presidents. this came as the president of ross shocked the supreme come onto the chief decided to give everyone who became a badge with his time dogs. it was a 2nd here, it's what we use on your own, but it will split the siding. here you all on the way to the front line, the re, a defensive line is why we have anti trend structures, drag and steve from tables mines properly. have you ever seen this line of defense passed through and you tell them to such a months? it doesn't pass through one anyway, but the equation on forces of strains, it calls into western standards that set it up, everyone in the cities, the city is helping wipes out personnel. a b wife childs alexander says that the
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ukrainian, the army, and the key of regime are doomed as a port from the last is on the battlefield. the countries current leadership have thrown their citizens into a debt that will last for generations to come on, such as me for those are all the equipment is being written off by the west, but it's still part of the financial program of money allocated. but it's still part of the loan, so the landscape has no way out. so he's out of stock, but this will when done lights up, paying back the money, which will have to come from somewhere, or otherwise the land scan, whose entire game will be gone. meaning they will just disappear, like in 1945, they will just hide out somewhere sooner. owns and live in silence. thousands of volunteer fighters have joined the veterans over the last 10 years. alexander considers them to be true patriots of russia while voicing strong discontent for those, claiming to the so called liberals the who in queue. yes, about 30000 personnel have gone through. they have clearly so the contract of 6
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months to a year and they leave for the regents and the child has been multi invited to leave them naturally. much more useful to the boss out than a bunch of liberals is goal sign is motor, bear, or the marine in english. his words and mannerisms seem a little slurred at times, but to know tenuously very strong. all that is earned through years of fighting and gaining and i'm tired will respect from his men from on call for a warranty. the laughter public crane has not only subjected and soldiers to unnecessary risks, they endanger the lives of innocent civilians as well. that's the message that a russian movie called the witnesses revealed as a sparks controversy in italy. the film tells the story of ukrainian forces committing atrocities against its own population. ukrainian ambassador to italy has insisted that actions be taken to prevent the screening. and some local officials
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are lining with kias demands. the thailand war correspondent, andrea la td says the west fears the truth being told in the film. i don't so these are actual for any movie ever in my life. so, oh, why did you tell them 40 patients? why ukrainian, minnesota, or for an affair? so are ukranian men, but cindy bailey, it's a, it's for, for a moving, it's an early strange call. if this freedom is only proof, i'm out of the wine. if i am $0.42 and ukrainian 40 b says may as they are for the face of ukraine, are so scared about dispute. why such representation? but we can find that we can fund industry in a row, but are mirroring that out. and now to south america, where at least 10 people have been killed in
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a series of attacks by criminal groups across ecuador, president, daniel nicola has declared a quote, state of internal armed conflict in the country and says, his military is fighting against narco terrorist games, or the spanish correspondent, luis francisco so. so how is the latest? what is having develop tensions? continue to rise across the country. the gratian of a security system is currently being considered. there already checkpoints where citizens are being checked, nevertheless, live goes on as well as the comic activity, despite the atmosphere of uncertainty in the midst of the current wave of violence and insecurity that rings in different parts of the country. 70 people have been arrested in effects that have been classified as terrorist. in addition, 10 people including 2 policemen, were killed together in the current emergency situation. measures are also taken by various political entities. for example, the national assembly has already mentioned the barton, and i'm just the procedure with regard to ways of dealing with the price is that you quit dorian army claims that according to a presidential degree issue. the few days ago, anyone who belongs to
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a gang criminal group, or one of the more than 20 criminal organizations and mentioned in this degree, will be identified as a member of a terrace. so, and therefore, will be considered a military target. meanwhile, of to what we have seen in the previous base fires, criminal acts violence, and unfortunately the loss of life. everyone is anxiously awaiting what may happen in the coming days. we will continue to monitor developments in ecuador made us get along the latest. a shocking developments, a group of armed men, storms in ecuador, and tv studio, which was broadcasting live and taking the step hostage, police arrested the assailant to do this, let me give them the unrest erupt. it, after a prominent drug cartel later disappeared from a maximum security prison on sunday was spark riots at several other jails across the country. other drug gang figures were part of, they escaped amid the chaos. i 4 doors president no bull eye has reported. they gone into hiding as the crisis unfolded ortiz for ela,
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isabel explains the background of the events. what we're seeing now is a civil conflict between the organized crime and the state. now this has been a long time brewing in ecuador, but this is all due to neil liberal policies influenced by the united states. now when i say a right wing type of heal liberal policy, i mean the us coming in there and dictating the country's foreign policy. now one former president russell craft was an office, and as he left in 2017, i put or was the 2nd safest nation in latin america. it had a very low crime rate at about $5.00 homicides out of 800000 per 100000 people. and then when lending marino was the following, president replaced him. there came in a more western back type of policy, and that also was followed with kia malott. so who was the president before daniel navarro? and those administrations allowed bribery,
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they allowed corruption within the administrations and within the police forces as well. so ecuador had, eventually, a homicide rate increase to 500 percent or around $25.00 out of 100000 people in 2022. they've also reached high levels of prison violence, as you've seen, with 416 inmates actually brutally murdered. since february of 2021, at 4 doors, that has also largely increased exponentially since 2014 to about $74900000000.00. ecuador is a prime example of what happens when a country a band and ser sovereignty in favor of doing what the united states wants. now when we're talking about the u. s. as presence there, we're talking about multiple high level us officials coming into equity works. now this act was seeking to further increased bilateral relationships between the united states and ecuador, at hundreds of thousands of age.


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