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tv   News  RT  January 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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the the civil unrest spreads throughout the streets of papa and you get his capital for at least one person is reported to have lost the life of the country's police. i'm going to think going strike over pay. also i had the and i'm going to insist his body's ready a strike in central jobs, a feeling for medical workers and see patients that's the idea of intensifies is from 5 minutes of various previously declared a safe spot in come us tell it's not the palestinian population, and we're doing so in full compliance with international law. instead of the problem is significant. yahoo tones down he's resurrect on the gossip is more countries like south africa's law suits in the international court of justice, claiming israel committing genocide. plus,
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we must be under no illusions about the true objective of this resolution. this is also a matter of ensuring safety and navigation in the red sea as an attempt to legitimize the actions of this coalition retroactively obtain the indefinite blessing of the united nations security council. as it calls into question to the did the mistake of the us led coalition, us the un security council, adults have resolution on that side by humans to see that both in the rest of the just on the floor and in the morning k and the rest and capital money is pete to scott, and here's how the world is looking as there's a gets under way that's on the top story. the saw, the puppet, and you get a capital a port. moresby has been roberts by a wave of civil unrest. us up to the police service went on strike of a missing pay. local authorities say that divides is to its buildings and stress,
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and firefights has attempted to tackle the blazes off cuz it was forced to evacuate these stations as the flames that spread from nearby shops already engulfed by flames. rights is also covered outside the parliament building, breaking through a barrier, the prime minister's office. foutz took advantage of the police drive by stormy shops and moles in a frenzy of looting for both just at least one person is already being killed in young dress up and you get his natural covered this both rise the deployments of additional metric us know to help restore order. the move known to central garza now when it's very strike has hits a polished and you bet to present ambulance cutting. at least 6 people on board, including full medical workers and to patients is cause a base jealous um is a challenge with more ballasting and recross sense uh, got targeted by that is really forces for members of the policy and requesting killed and this attacked. and there's 2 injuries inside this. i'm also killed
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before one hour of this attack. and there was an air strike to residential house just in front of impacts or hospital recross sent announce on their platform that they can them without talk on the, on police, on the condemned to that part of the house in front of a shut down. and also hospital as well. so the numbers all are casualties in the middle of gaza strip is increasing every single hours because that due to the in the, a ground operation in the middle. the area in the middle of the center of the gaza strip of the ground. the provision is getting wider every hour and they are very close. that is what you were planes here in the roof. i'll say deals also that clearly to here they targeted presidential house and out of city. in the middle of the city. there is
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a 15 paris team were killed. most of them children's womens. we witnessed the arrival of casualties to our community hospital and the rest of the casualties delivered to a we use different much our hospital. so the hospitalization gathers trip is getting clearly targeted by the is there any forces and the number of casualties is increasing from the civility, belsky, and civilians. and from also a that a survey of different screens and medical crews are they basically targeting the workers who works the people who've worked with international organization. it's very clearly to see these uh we can say a work lines and war crimes every day and got a staple settle for the ease. rarely forces he the force and a few floors which are full of people. more than 100. inside the building, they struck it without any advance warning people what the pot, children, women,
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and others, every one was killed. the color i saw, the apartment was on fire. we risk those, we could. but there are still many people. under the rubble they, calvin spoke with sabri side. i'm the deputy secretary general of the foster central committee. and he says, israel is waging a war of conquests against the people of palestine. it's not the water i gave you guys up so far. it is the war against the police time inclusive officer fees. you can submit it is towns in the west bank and beyond infinity all back in september of it gave this famous speech at the general assembly of the u. m. he has the map that shows no us back of no god. so people that lives in palestine and beyond understand that this is no longer award against. i'm as know, it is uh the, the town of detainees. uh, it has nothing to our claims because it i bought the eviction of for the sims from the west bank and gaza, watching all the brothers and sisters being slow to i am for them guys. my family
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is when you guys are almost 50, southern members of my family situation is very desperate. so when you with such a scene, you would basically hope that the, the international community at large would wake up and give credit sign up, i think. and that it was a conflict i'm finished with this madness. there is an increased idea of presence of the west button right now with the idea of check points, increased security measures. how do these impacts with daily lives, of palestinians in ramallah and other cities? movement between city is a minimum people and go about the they did. ives only wasn't that i just put it all in need. the oil for the work methods is nor norman see in the situation as a to add it before the something to that or whatever. and the busses between cities is now limited, also because is right and as active the newer check points and have to put in. i'm gates at the entrance as though they use it. these advantages which make kept
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movement also more difficult and it is more of a company the. ready veins is collecting the financing and that is endorsed back wives. supplements are being expanded quietly and behind the scenes. people in the west bank, tired of sitting there, expecting that there's an annual income, maybe in food any time soon and see dr. and nothing they always kinda is having american colored american leverage, american support and the police again as well as military and backing about is allowing him to go to, to the, on the market. this is a situation that is desolate. this is a situation that is on seen since the 2nd level and i processed these off to the atrocities are being committed. so we look with dismay. we look with dispensation. meanwhile, these are the prime minister says that his country does not seem to permanently occupied garza, the big donnelly's claims. the idea of is only engaged in the fights against from us. i wouldn't make a few points absolutely clear, as well as no intentional,
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permanently occupying guys or, or displacing it civilian population as well as funding come us terrace, not the palestinian population, and we are doing so in full compliance with international law. the adf is doing its utmost to minimize civilian casualties while come mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian civilians as human shields. the idea for just palestinian civilians to leave or zones by disseminating leaflets. making phone calls providing safe passage corps doors while from mos prevents palestinians from leaving a gunpoint and often with gun far. our goal is to rid guards of commerce, terrace, and fear hostages. once this is achieved, guys, it can be demilitarize it and do radicalize. thereby creating a possibility for a better future for israel and palestinians alike. that's in the all his life just comment came on the eve of
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a hearing of the international court of justice on south africa's law. suits of is really actions in gaza. is really pm previously said, this is what i was thinking. so you maintained quote. so you would see it responsibility over garza, for an indefinite period. rolling an american journalist who has criticized both us and is very actions and gaza accuse they dissolve this honesty and causing ciboney and suffering damaging that global model. quite a bit of these people are liars, it's an yahoo bite in blinking. they're all horrible. evil, liars, if israel had its way, it would certainly go until like, literally everybody in gaza, you must be clear about that. they would love to kill everyone or at least get rid of and push them out to other places, ethnic cleansing, genocide again to the term that you feel best. describe the situation, the us doesn't care about the posting and people in all the us cares that the us government cares about its reputation, the global. so we're just taking again to thinking to use it
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a basically us credibility is shots is destroyed in the middle east in africa, in the many other countries, many of the regions of the world and the american government did. i grew up believing that the american government would always do the right thing with find for the press, protect the innocent. and now it said if you live across the red line to israel, ok, you want, you defeated guys that use longer those people. but now you're going to have to live in a neighborhood with everybody hates you. and you usa, you no longer have any more credibility. you have no more moral authority. don't you dare lecture us, you know, the global community is basically thinking is don't you get to lectures about human rights and democracy and freedom look what you did in gaza and for again, for the next 30 years, the global community is going to remind america. and is you know what they did in gaza? meanwhile,
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more countries have supported the case against israel filed by south africa, the international court of justice. yeah. biggest best dates on waving support for the low seats for the melodies, and then it'd be unpackaged on. also followed suit is wanting to maybe step some buses to the you and have to say quite intense and by number. the actions carried off by israel, a tense amount to genocide and the international community is boned by principles that do not afford as the luxury of complacency while lives. the last and critical infrastructure is destroyed. the remich ramifications of this crisis will reverberate for generations to come. for this reason, we welcome the support and action by the government of south africa at the international court of justice may be a both identifies and aligns with the arguments put forward by the republic of south africa and reiterates long standing support from the inalienable rights of the palestinian people to self determination, independence and freedom. because of health ministry says that since it's ready,
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law and states assaults up to october. the 7th over 23000 palestinians have been killed and almost 60000 wounded just by the blood shed and folding humanitarian catastrophe. and these are the liquid pots he met best code for gaza to be bent to the ground. i still say that the cause of must be built and the terrorists will not think that they are beautiful eyes in front of them. i don't apologize and i have no, no see for those who stayed the correspondence miller you come get brings us the details on south africa's lawsuit against israel and the international court of justice. so that's what god has put together a formidable document outlining its evidence off of what it says is a genocide taking place in the gaza strip. it says that as well has to send it into a new level of criminality. and that's the magnitude of the a plus which is committed by as well as a seat at the place, hold of the 1948, convincing off the prevention and punishment of 10 aside. it says that these are
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actually intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of a policy national, racial, and ethnic group. all of this has come together in this particular document. and so that's because voice is not alone and saying what is happening in god's eyes in humane but because no one wants to take up the mental. so africa did saying it identifies with what the pointless thing is going through. the acts in question includes the killing poly students and gaza, causing them serious bodily and mental home and inflicting on them conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction the ad so o attributable to israel, which has failed to prevent genocide and is coming in genocide and manifesto violation of the genocide convention which has also violated and is continuing to while it, it's all the fundamental obligations under the genocide convention. it is not obvious that wisdom governments onto not having to address crimes committed by as
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well. and then not willing to stop the will. many of those countries of a former colonialist themselves who in practice is continued to colonize many parts of the african continent. so holding is while accountable for its crimes could bring attention to their own controversial passed by this admission merit list counterproductive and completely without any basis. in fact, whatsoever. instead of simply seeing the loose lock made in mind of the states accused a full crime. that is why it is, i think, the entity, by its willingness to defend itself at the you, in court, smell over is really presidents as a catalogue. as the describe sought after because lawsuit as a choices and propose service with some of these wells at the top of fissile saying somebody is collaborating with give us the self efficacies claim less both effectual and the legal basis and custody. choose the despicable and contemptuous explanation of the court, south africa, east corporation for the terrace organization that this call in for the destruction
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of the state of israel sub africa site and also includes concerns relating to as well as conduct towards palistine, is doing the close of the 75 year long, the cottage, an occupation of palestine integrity. however, as the mainstream media news of this group on the global directive, more and more people are signing petitions around the world and beginning to realize that they have been lied to. so that because requests to the international court of justice could have very significant consequences. whitney as well. and it is yet another test of geo political alignments. the west versus the risk of incidence. a long penny start. them says why the support for south africa's lawsuit could help bringing into the conflict. the reading of the quotes may play significant role in understanding the obligations of member states on the genocide convention 1st and full. and secondly, uh what the nation is that i should take aim circumstances of this kind in order to
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event. uh, you know, home done uh to the civilian population by exit this kind which may qualify as x of genocide. and i think it might contribute to the development of international law in this recall. furthermore, i also think that they might also be glad to t on the kinds of internal measures that the state is state may. an applicant for this matter could be entitled to what could be successful in obtaining from the quote. and i think um, because of the importance of that got also mex, a. we could expect a good number of states joining, i think that's uh, that is a good sign. and it can be of great assistance in determining the outcome of the proceedings. russia has criticized the newly adopted human
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resolution on attacks and the red sea by gibbons who the rebels says vs. i'm positive, dismisses the documents as a bid by washington to gain human bucking for the actions of the us led coalition. the reach, this was the way it does of which is 1st to say we have concerns that the us and its allies prefer to pursue or you know, actual solution to the problem using force as they have chosen so often to do in the past. they have assembled a so called international coalition to provide security, which towing lead consists of mainly us vessels. however, the legitimacy of these actions raise serious questions from the point of view of international law. we must be under no illusions about the true objective of this resolution. this is also a matter of ensuring safety of navigation in the red sea, but an attempt to legitimize the actions of this coalition retroactively obtain the indefinite blessing of the united nations security council. let's get more of this from our correspondence caleb up in, in new york. so can i, what is the story behind this resolution?
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and why is it being given the cold shoulder by the russian and both of us? so in the red sea we have on sarah law or the who is the organization that have been stopping ships in the red sea, all that they deem to be trading with israel, connected to israel. and some way are connected with countries that are aligned with israel. they've essentially set up a picket line in the red sea and they are saying that until the bombardment of guys of stops are, they will continue to stop ships. now this is cause the international economy to certainly react a huge amount of ships passed through. there are roughly 12 percent of global shipping passes through the red sea. we have many ships they've been redirected to go around to africa, not go through the suez canal, so it's had quite an impact on the global economy. so the united states and britain and its allies have said they want to take action in the red sea to stop the who, the army from seizing the ships and enforcing their attempted enabled blockade of
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israel and its allies. so in response to that, we have the un security council meeting where the united states put forward a resolution and this resolution, which is co sponsored by japan of basically a mom that was justified to protect maritime shipping routes. now russia put forward to amend to the resolution, one of which objected to some of the language of the resolution. russia wanted the resolution to just stick up for international law. however, the resolution itself specified the members dates have the right to protect their ships and protect their, their rights, etc. in addition to that, russia wanted it to be within the resolution to acknowledge that the reason for that who these action is the ongoing bombardment of guys by israel. however, the resolutions, the amendments that were put forward to the resolution by russian were voted down by the united states and the united kingdom and the u. s. resolution went forward,
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russia of scanned and the resolution was passed. so here's what we heard from the russian ambassador regarding this somewhat troubling resolution that roger did not feel comfortable voting for and was not happy to see its amendments voted down in regards to the surfaces lives things for them. we regret that despite repeated demands by a number of allegations including representatives of the arrow boils, the documents fails to mention the real root cause of instability and the red sea, namely the plots of gaza. the approach from the offices of the document grossly distorts. the chain of cause and effect, and makes the document distinctly politicized unbalanced. now it's important to note, rochelle was not alone in what they had to say before the council, china and algeria also expressed and echoed rushes concerns. at this point, we have over 23000 palestinians who've been killed. that is the reason that i'm
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sure a lot of these are stopping the ships. but yet there was no mention of that in the resolution. the united states simply ignored the cause of this naval blockade. we have the us representative claiming that had nothing to do with gaza. this was quote, all about power on the part of the who was the organization. that was the u. s. claim. well, china was quite frustrated with the un security council for not taking action and moving ahead to bring about a ceasefire in god's. here's what we heard from the chinese representative. who is your 30 votes? it must be noted that the co natasha's interrupt see one of the manifestations of a spiel that said so the conflicts inc, because it is a fact that cannot be, you know, trying has repeatedly stressed the urgency of achieving and immediate disease fun in casa, it is the overriding prerequisite for everything else and top priority for international diplomatic efforts. we request that the resolution just adopted by the cause of
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sales to expose the, to a quote for an immediate assist in casa to. now it's important to know that the united states and the united kingdom have claimed that they repelled a major bombardment by the who's the army biggest in yemen? according to reports, this is the biggest uh, bombardment, the biggest attack with missiles and uh, you know, that has ever been carried out by this booty for us is, uh, the who, the, for us to say this is just the beginning of what they have in store and what they are capable of, uh, and the united states and united kingdom are claiming that they have repelled. this is major bombardment that took place. meanwhile, we now have 12 countries that have come forward and put forward a statement saying that they blame you. how many forces for any conflict that breaks out in the red sea in the coming days. and furthermore, that there should be and will be consequences for the many forces and their
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continued stopping of ships in the red sea. lots to wait and see what those consequences of kayla. thanks very much for breaking down. now. let's just un security council meeting 1st. thank you. well, bangladesh is government, is a quotes not bothered about the u. s. a new case, criticism of his general elections. the hundreds of chic, i've seen a 4 foot straight, so as prime minister that's going to the back of the dash for minister were not bothered about those. are people have given a mandate in our favor. those came and said the election was held in an impartial, transparent, credible, and violence, free manner shake as he now has made us come back in the vision this in and election which so it has started clean new watch or throwing out. but this was pretty obvious and uh there was no surprises since still mean all positions locked in bond release. when that can know when the bundle dish and actually spot the b and b, they had announced
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a boy court off the selection. and they did so because they said that that was he not government was for secure thing. bill opposition, members, in fact, the queue was still his, you know, government of putting some to twenties, housing for opposition. members behind falls off today organizing nationwide filters. seeing that there was economic and cost of living prices under hussy knocked off. and now what have upset and done, cuz he knows me to come back. she has gone the longest time and is still a found blah beach and she's been getting congratulations messages from across the world, but not the us, not the west be have been upset in the united states, remains concerned by the arrest of thousands of political opposition. members and by reports of irregularities on election day, the united states shares the view with other observers that these elections were not free or fair. and we regret that not all parties participated. canada expresses its disappointment that this electro process has fallen short of the principles of
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democracy and freedom and calls on the relevant authorities to work transparently with all parties to move forward towards democracy, respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms. but any point out here that bonded the selection of a $1.00 to $2.00 by around $127.00 international look so which also included countries like the u. s. and russia. now the us on so on record has gone on to say to the bottom of the selection. so the 3 and say that it was a given a teen sort of salts to the election that was held in bond movies. so really the a lot of discrepancy in what the statement is coming from the u. s. and what there was a silver one of the bundle. the selection was see, having said that now there was also a russian of the day who has scott football recently said that if the us isn't satisfied with the elections, the resolved, they have to, they have to follow to be civilized on navigational data,
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something that chief is e, now herself has been seeing time and again, she's going on to see on record that the u. s. has been trying to meddle in the internal wanted to bundle the. she's also going on to say that the u. s. has been trying to talk to her government. now, what am a said and done? she has bought another tom and she has been getting a congratulatory messages from across the world, including her $22.00 foot bar neighbors to a hunting league as a friendly neighbor. china from the supports bangladesh in advancing various both selection, political agendas in accordance with the law and is willing to work with the new governmental bangladesh, chinese willing, on the basis of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, no need to fear and send internal affairs to work together with the new government of backlash to further enhanced traditional friendship by spoke to prime minister, shake his dina and congratulated her on her victory for
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a historic 4th consecutive term in the parliamentary elections. i also congratulate the people of bangladesh for the successful conduct of elections. we are committed to further strength and our enduring and people centric partnership with bangladesh along the elections. and the results have caught the attention of the was also very interesting because the we bundle. dish is placed in asia. it's strategically phase between doing easier and supervisor, india, and china. let me find all the bundle of these has done a very, very interesting evey. the good balancing act between the 2 countries now also very important. the bundle dish is the 2nd largest economy in south asia. and has he not gone back then becomes important in all those sense a low coupon. so who is the director of the india foundation says that the bangladesh elections will open in the western countries all wrong to criticize them . of the bullying as it happened on january 7th,
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was absolutely free and clear and to the extent of uh uh, being action by baptism has been sold to share. it was an extremely event conductive and bundled with last elections. beautiful soul was innocent that i'm up to the index shows that was such as blank or cons. why the rest of the country that opposing it is because the mental position party, which is b and b a y corporate directions. now why didn't being the board got the choose? because very light is the dental bundle in any. so they have been demanding that it should be appear to be good government, the she because he that should lead to governments installment geared to come government an election. so be that on that appear to get dollars. but what is reading does the all the best in countries which are the decided thing bundle of dish. well elections, the boat that we use in front of care take a moment. so i think it's a fuel to the bulk of seats. the countries we have election speed is under the existing governments. austin product here they've got
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a government in bangladesh. and finally, minutes since types have once again the stress of the peace in northern pakistan, we 5 policemen killed and several people injured in the latest round of attacks that took place in the cities of new and cohorts and bought into policemen gunning, audio workers were killed and 3 others were wounded. well, well, minutes since was killed. another detained unofficial say, the 3 policeman and the civilian were killed and attacked on a police chair points in co hot lights on wednesday with a new card on monday should have got little cheese and now it's during an encounter between the police and a group of terrace, a heavy exchange of 5 was witnessed by the local people according to the details the terrace that attack the offices when they were moving a pony have oxidation team for that security. 2 policemen were killed and 3 others were injured. while police killed one terrorist and arrested another when he was injured and took refuge in a house to be until so at night before going to bed, i went out to coming door of my house. while i looked in the door, i saw a 2 man,
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one was shot dead and the other injured one was approaching me with his gun, but she was not able to move fast. and she shouted at me to come out, but i refused. then she pointed his gun with me in order to leave the house. so we left the house and he entered so that at least 5 police officers with tilden almost 2 dozen wounded on monday when the vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb was a polio bucks, a nation drive and a north west. and province on the country's border with off gun they stopped. there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, but is the midst minutes in groups, including the bucket study, tell me about have previously targeted audio box nation work as us. what is the security that's that's a route to this all my name is pete to scott on the back again in around about 30 minutes time with all the latest news on use on nazi thanks for watching the .


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