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tv   News  RT  January 11, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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said the colonialist, it just failed the racist smith of the european invincibility. the 22 members of the are league joining that global chorus of voices supporting this sort of african war search. talk choosing israel of a genocide and gaza, which is said for its 1st hearing of the hey officer coming off on the problem at the prominent nigerian human rights activist, the lawyer tells r t that all right thinking humanity is a poll by israel's assault and gals that on the i, c j law suits is a ground breaking news show something is the full good. see for your money that's also watched the 1260 something very well,
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but she would be good in hospitals under the house. while i had a hearing out the hague, the idea pulse gals that with more strikes, reportedly killing thousands, including many children thoughts as a local journalist makes hello setting discovery and the rumble of a destroyed significant help. here. this is the birth certificate for mariah, born in 2014 and for catching up were in the 2018. apparently they were a semester as well as security, somehow responsible for the total of 7th tax funding. the dishes government is quote, no fathered by us and british criticism of its recently held the general election. we'll get into that later. just the reply from our introduction and you centered most codes. this is our to hello and welcome to the
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news our mr. in a case of a legit genocidal acts being carried on in does that by israel will be heard of the hague for the 1st time today. the international court of justice is due to start looking into the south african broth law suit. now the motion has been endorsed by many countries around the world. most recently, the 22 members of the art of blake. it's natural and logical for the arab league to fully support the lawsuit, filed by south africa against israel before the international courts of justice on charges of committing genocide. we look forward to a justin bold ruling that will stop this aggressive war and put an end to shedding and posting in black. but let's get more details on this from our so if i forget, correspondent do you couldn't gay the very good morning to you. indeed, take us through the build up to this lunmark case against this real of the hey, you will have a good morning to you and to the view is human. indeed,
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a very big day full of africa and traps for the rest of the world, which is in just a few hours the free time is so will be taking the stand before the international court of justice in a case that could save the ongoing is really a must rule and application to promote understanding filed by so back because all being the i c j to take into mrs to immediately suspend is while the military operation in the gaza strip. and also try to take all reasonable measures to prevent the genocide to taking a place in gaza in that document. so that's the case. i think incitement to by top is really official, but including the is really defense. a minister who has referred the to policy needed in gaza as human animals, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who has made comparisons of, of palestinians to a biblical story of the,
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i'm elect nation, which god, or did the easily live to, to destroy. and i also think it's important to note that every one of the traffic is claim supports. it is supported by reference to, to the investigations of, to reports and statements from refutable sources. these include the, the likes of the re across the world health organization for the scene in turn, a list of doctors without borders, even the likes of united nations of human rights. it's good and i'm like, the previous case is like the international criminal quoted which is why has the before boy caught it because it does not really recognize those quotes authorities . that is why has no choice but to, to appear in front of the i. c, j today and tomorrow because it is the signature of the genocide convention, in fact both of africa and as well as signatories of, of the united nations the but genocide convention. and that's
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a lot of states. that's all the countries that are assigned to that convincing, have the application to stop with the committee of genocide and also prevents and dependents. those who are committing genocide and i guess that answers the question of where exactly. so that's what it gets. the power was, and the privilege is to submit this case because a lot of people of sausage, insinuating the fact that i'm so that's because ad is, will have deep rooted history. and they do. and usual became a key at least in the defense or rather in the partnership of the whites of government to back in the potted era. and so that's we got, but this is a no way. so that's because way of trying to get back to you. so in fact, a lot of people say that's the reason why. so that's like a is needing this case that i think it has long been very empathetic with the put a scene and people it has acquainted the lives of the people in guys us to those of the blacks. so that's because back in the day in the days, in fact, let's have
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a listen to more of those so that we can official that continue to stand by their decision their collective punishment, palestinian civilians through the, under the full use of force by israel is a war cry, the deliberate denial of medicine, few of food and water to the residents of gaza is time to mount to genocide. the collective punishment that is riley is exacting on, or palestinian people is in the front that has gone on for too long. right, so palestinian people i infringed on a daily basis. you know, side, if i'm not missing out of the month you, i why the, i did submit or not in fact is one has defended itself against those arguments and it will continue to defend itself against those arguments that's really based
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on it convinced. and that was drawn to prevent the repetition of the holocaust and a top off which is really officials have also been hood saying that this is the will between is why the must not with the people of gaza. and that is one is committed to conducting its upper race and in accordance with international laws, and which is no harm to proceed in civilian any way. but when you look at the whole scenario, this is despite the killing of more than 23000 for this thing is including almost 10000 children. but just for some context, for those 2, asking why if he's well in, in the and why do you think it is? well, a to the, to the 1st page of a listen to some of those talk which is read the officials. i think you don't be that long. we must promote a solution to encourage the emigration of the residents of gaza. this is
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a correct just moral and humane solution. i call on the prime minister and the new for administer. this is an opportunity for planning and immigration project and to encourage the migration of residents from gaza to the countries of the world. and i still say that god is a must be balance, that the terrorists will not think that they are beautified in front of them. i don't apologize and i have no, no see for those who stayed the so really paying close attention to these comments, these opinion and the statements from the is really officials and taking in mind. but a lot of experts and officials, i saying it is sufficient to prove that there is some sort of risk of tenants like in all of this. and the at carried out by as well could fall into the category of genocide and batch. but a scene is all at risk of being subjected to genocide. and i also get, this is why we've also seen a number of states like cherokee jordan back in the case. but we've had malays,
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yes, publicly offering. so that's it, that it's full support. even the lots of namibia, in fact it's done also coming out. and so we need a list of nascent standing by. so that's recap as of africa takes on this historical case. in fact, even africans from other countries that have as well. so that was due by so i've actually got that have a quick listen to some of those voices regarding south africa's complaint about the war and gas i. i agree with africa's position on the genocide in reality, beyond the occupation of guy somebody's real. where now with this in a genocide, because there engines bombings that deal everyone, and we see that it's children and we may have a battery that have nothing to do with the war. israel is a country which is supported by the west. the need to when you see the images, it's really beautiful. yeah, because there is a lot of deaf. so sense to reason that south africa is filing charges against israel for war crimes. because they have to know that in war, according to un tax sort of things must be respected. civilians must be spared. if
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they only target to the military buildings, then we can understand it. but it is well is deliberate to target and civilians. and certainly in the population and refusing food aid, then we can understand south africa's reaction to the because of the i salute the courage of south africa, which is truly the 1st to make this pronouncements on a question which is of vital importance with human rights. the jewish states wants to marginalize and must take care of the palestinian people and pushed them out of their homes, the states complicit in this state switch. i've been thinking about human rights for a long time. israel avoids military confrontation using power to the method. so i could talk to the civilians attacking hospitals as an unconventional approach, which is really unprecedented in the entire history of conflict. it's too nice to use to bob barrick, it's sadistic, or is it. and this is a case that is closely watched by the rest of the world. also, you know, this is a case that raises the cost,
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simple reputation or damage for the likes of the united states. because we know that the united states has increasingly been isolated as one of the few countries that have supported and stood by as well since the 7th of october. in fact, to if, if the quotes lose, the games is well, it would then lead to the us stopping the supply off of whip has to, as well. so the amendment to the she to all of this as well. and they have come out saying that's what they find. the submissions, the bias of africa may request and completely without any basis. yeah, we will at watch with much interest of a benevolence today on tomorrow. indeed, from the hague. what comes out about the significance as you've been talking us through our tea correspondent, you're lucky. you can get well ahead of the hearing up the hague. israel's prime minister tone done his rhetoric and gas it. some wat benjamin netanyahu refuted his previous suggestions that the policy mean enclave would be occupied by the idea for
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a period after the war. israel has no intention of permanently occupying guys or, or displacing its civilian population, as well as finding how much terrace, not the palestinian population. and we're doing so in full compliance with international law. the adf is doing, it's almost to minimize civilian casualties. welcome mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian civilians as human shields. our goal is to red gods of come us terrace and fear hostages. once this is achieved, guys, it can be demilitarize it and do radicalize. thereby creating a possibility for a better future for israel and palestinians. i like a for just the point on it. mister netanyahu had previously said that israel was seeking to maintain code security responsibility over at casa for an indefinite period. meanwhile, in an exclusive interview to archie,
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nigerian human rights activist, i'm an attorney fan me for love. that saves the whole world is watching on an order of what is really doing to the palestinians. here's a preview of the sit down, which you can watch in full here on our, to international in around 15 minutes time to defend, to minus 2. out of the my paul, by doing leslie is displayed by is fine. you know, new. she make him fine, dental fight. i'm goose. the people tell us to try to oh, come on. so i'm assuming i'm on him. i need to be unable to back to extend the actual soft. okay, is i looked over the full good. see for your money, see,
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that's off watched the plus $50.00 something well by june, june would be good in hospitals and the homes get on. and so i'm assuming on that. they do move up on things you can look at that cause such as you can look that back on. i'm fins on children and women and this is 11 is watching on a daily basis. are they mainly based us? well ahead of the genocide case, hearing of the hague, the idea of fund least the must have been barred. been to strengthen costs that at least 40 people were killed and wounded in the central city of darrow belong. according to the local health ministry. distressing images from the scene show a civilian spring for their lives. just moments after is really miss. i was along
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didn't your, i'll accept hospital blood soaked. people right carried away from the impact site. while local scoured through the rubble of a 2 story building, that was how i send you an official st. more than 20 civilians side in that's well, some more upsetting images here, showing the injured being rushed to hospital. alexa is not risk of shutting down and due to the hostilities on that box to ation order from the idea. indeed, less than half of counselors, hospitals are still able to even partially function. while the rest have already. the strips, officials say the enclave death toll has risen to over $23300.00 people since october so well also enduro blah know there is really strong kid of palestinian red, crescent ambulance killing at least 6 people gaza based or less tons that you on
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can tell us more, the ballasting and across sense, uh, got targeted by that is really forces for members of the policy and requesting killed and this attacked. and there's 2 injuries inside this. i'm also killed across sent amounts on their platform that they can them without tax on the, on police, on the condemned to that are of the house in front of the shut down and also hospital as well. so the numbers of casualties in the middle of gaza strip is increasing every single hours because that due to the, the is in the ground operation in the middle area in the middle of the center of the gaza strip of the ground. the position is getting wider at a if the, our, the hosp within single district is getting clearly targeted by the, is there any forces and the number of casualties is increasing from the civil
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belsky and civilians. and from also uh the several different screens and medical crews are they basically targeting the uh, the workers who works the people who works with international organization. its very clearly to see this uh we can see a work lines and work crimes every day and go out of state but also in central accounts. uh, upholstery farm, with shell bias really tights, leaving a report of 13 family members killed with a dozen still believed to be trapped under revel us despite the idea of claiming the area was safe for civilians. here's the local journalist with the report from the scene and warning upsetting financial. i guess the saucy who stuff is family is originally from northern guys, or they were displaced here. essential gas. it was considered safe place without any warning. bees rarely are me talking to their place of shelter. when more than
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50 of the i was stuff you, family, or their relatives, brothers. children were all trapped under the rubble and needed help. at least 13 people buried. today. it's clear that all those who were trapped died and also survived can naturally cover the bodies of people here have no tools or equipment displace residential area. it was supposed to be a safe area, according to is really army announcements and all who died. here are just children and women with the most here is. this was the birth certificate for mariah, born in 2014 and for catching up born in 2018 and apparently they was for us to be able to secure it. so you got the somehow responsible for the tober 7th attacks. now the other kind of what my colleague, nicky, are and spoke with some brace sites um deputy secretary general of the thought to central committee. you choose israel of seeking something to seize, published in a lot and it's not the water i gave you guys up. so far it is the water against the
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side inclusive offer for you, so you can submit it is towns in the west bank and beyond printing all back in september we gave this famous speech at the general assembly of the u. m. he has the map that shows no us back of no guys. so people that lives in palestine and beyond understand that this is no longer award. i guess i'm as known. it is uh, the town of detainees has nothing to our claims because i bought the eviction of for the sims from the west bank and gaza, watching all the brothers and sisters being slow to. i am for them guys. my family is when you guys are almost 67 members of my family situation is very desperate. so when you with such a scene, you would basically hope that the, the international community at large would wake up and give credit sign up to date . and that was a conflict and finish with this med miseries and increased ideas, precedence of the west button right now with the idea of check points, increased security measures. how do these impacts with daily lives of palestinians
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in ramallah and other cities? movement between city is a minimum, people to go about the they did. ives only was that i just sort of all it needs. the oil for the work methods is norman and norman. see in the situation as a to add it before the south end of october. whatsoever, and the message between cities is now limited also because is right and as active the newer check points and have to put in. i'm gates at the entrances to the cities . engine is which makes a movement or so more difficult. and it is more of a company the. ready veins collecting the financing and that is in the us bank wives, supplements are being expanded quietly and behind the scenes. people in the west bank, tired of sitting there expecting that there's an annual income, maybe in faith any time soon and see doctor anthony always kaya is having american colored american leverage, american support and the police again as well as military and back inc. about is
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allowing him to go to, to the, on the market. this is a situation that is desolate. this is a situation that is on scene since the 2nd level, and also these off to the atrocities are being committed. so we look with dismay, we look with dissertation, i'm still ahead in the program as the un security council adopts a resolution on conquering attacks by him and suits the rebels in the red sea. the ship questions the dock is calling at washington's attempt to promote another tree entered the okay. in jerusalem. hundreds of jews gathered up the western world to pray for the release of hostages. still held by some of the militants in cancer ra, buys were joined in per, along with relatives of the hostages and also soldiers who being fighting indians while some local active as res bonner's,
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with pictures of was one $136.00 tease and gowns a 4th and were seized years before october, so the okay to more world news now we go to the pacific region where at least 15 people have reportedly been killed and made widespread rights and pop when you get a non softer protest over police, public sector pay cuts descended into looting an arson, a tax, local authorities, se rioters torched buildings and threatened firefighters who arrive to tackle the flames. a hospital was forced to evacuate its patients as a fire spread from nearby shops. mobs also gathered outside the parliament building briefly reaching avari or near the prime minister's office. the rioters took advantage of the police strikes by storming shops and a looting frenzy. while officers were off to see the country's government ordered
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the deployment of additional military personnel to help restore 45 minister james brought office safe tensions in the capital city, largely subsides. it's the uh, in bangladesh. a casino has been re appointed for her 4th consecutive term as prime minister following or parties went in recent elections. the voting process results, however, were questioned by some western officials, leading to a shop repute from bangladesh. we're not bothered about those. are people have given a mandate in our favor? those came and said the election was held in an impartial, transparent, credible, and violence, free manner shake as he now has made a come back in bundle dish and this and in election which so a, historically you will talk to an out. but this was pretty obvious and uh there was
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no surprises since still meeting opposition thought in bundle the she went back in november, bundle dish and actually spot the b and b. they had announced a boy called all this selection. and they did so because they said that, does he not? government was for a secure thing, the position members, in fact, the accused feel his, he now government of putting some to 20000 board opposition members behind falls off today organizing nationwide, sorta seeing that there was economic and cost of living prices under hussy knocked off. and now what i almost said and done, cuz he knows me to come back, she has gone the longest time and it's still fond of age and she's been getting congratulations messages from across the world with not the us, not the west be have been upset in the united states remains concerned by the arrest of thousands of political opposition members and by reports of irregularities on election day, the united states shares the view with other observers that these elections were
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not free or fair. and we regret that not all parties participated. canada expresses its disappointment that this electro process has fallen short of the principles of democracy and freedom and calls on the relevant authorities toward transparently with all parties to move forward towards democracy, respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms. but any point, though, teal of that bonds are the selection, they have a one to towed by around $127.00 international of service, which also included countries like the u. s. and russia. now the us on so on record has gone on to say that the bundle, the selection source free in fact, and it was a given a clean, sort of salts to the election that was held in bond movies. so really the a lot of discrepancy in what the statement is coming from the u. s. and what that one of the silver, one of the bundle of the selection was the, to the bottom of the selections and the results have cost the attention of the was, well, it's of age as being because the we bundle of dish is placed in asia. it's strategically
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phase between doing easier and supervisor, india, and china. and let me find all the beach has done a very, very interesting evey. the good balancing act between the 2 countries to a hunting lea, as a, from the neighbor, china, from the supports bangladesh in advancing various both selection, political agendas in accordance with the law and is willing to work with the new government of bangladesh. john is willing on the basis of mutual respect, the quality, mutual benefit, unknown interference and internal affairs to work together with the new government of bangladesh. to further enhance traditional friendship by spoke to prime minister, shake his dina and congratulated her on her victory for a historic 4th consecutive of the term in the parliamentary elections. i also congratulate the people of bangladesh for the successful conduct of elections. we are committed to further strength and our enduring and people centered partnership
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with bank with dish. now also very important. the bundle dish is the 2nd largest economy in south asia, and has he not come back then becomes important in all those sense. meanwhile, the bug that she prime minister has stated her readiness to develop cooperation with russia for the benefit of the peoples of both countries. we spoke with a lot of fun, so director of the india foundation think tucked in new delhi. he says that the bundle dish collections where transparent and western countries are wrong to criticize them. the bullying as it happened on january 7th, was absolutely free and fair. and to the extent of the uh, the election, the bathroom has been sold through sherry. it was an extreme, even conductor than been the last elections. beautiful. so why is that? isn't that i'm up to the index shows there was such as blank or guns. why the western countries that opposing it is because the mental position party, which is
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a b and b market directions and why didn't being the board got the extras? because very light is the dental one to rim. any be so bad, been demanding. the bill should be appear to take good government the she because he thought should lead to governments installments here to come government an election. so we've already done that, appear to get dollars. the oldest we didn't do is the, all the best in countries which are the decided thing bundle of dish. well elections, the boat that we use in front of care of that the moment. so i think it's a fuel to the bulk of seats. the country is we have election speed clues on the existing governments, austin product, where they've got a government in bangladesh. now another situation in a hot spot in the world, russia has criticized the newly adopted un resolution on the tax and the red sea by humans boutique rebels. most schools, boston char, dismissed the toner, the document as a bid by washington to gain un backing for the actions of the us led coalition in
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the reach. this was the way to live, which is 1st to say we have concerns that the us and his allies prefer to pursue where, you know, actual solution to the problem using force as they have chosen so often to do in the past. they have assembled a so called international coalition to provide security, which towing lead consists of mainly us vessels. however, the legitimacy of these actions raise serious questions from the point of view of international law. we must be on the no illusions about the true objective of this resolution. this is also a matter of ensuring safety of navigation and the red sea. suppose an attempt to legitimize the actions of this coalition retroactively obtained the indefinite blessing of the united nations security council. so again, the read say we have on several law or the who's the organization that have been stopping shifts in the red sea that they deemed to be trading with israel connected the israel in some way, are connected with countries that are aligned with israel. and they've essentially set up a picket line in the red sea and they are saying that until the bombardment of guys
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is stop so they will continue to stop ships. so then response to that, we have the un security council meeting now where the united states put forward a resolution. and this resolution which is co sponsored by japan uh, basically a fund that it was justified to protect maritime shipping routes. now the resolution put forward had 3 amendments to it, proposed by russia, one of which objected to some of the language of the resolution. russia wanted the resolution to just stick up for international law. however, the resolution itself specified the members dates have the right to protect their ships and protect their, their rights, etc. in addition to the ad, russia wanted it to be leading the resolution to acknowledge that the reason for the who these action is the ongoing bombardment of gaza surfaces. and whether we regret that despite repeated demands by a number of allegations including representatives of the.


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