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tv   News  RT  January 11, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EST

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one box weighing a 170 for these virtual distance. it's all we going to let that stay. the headlines stories today, the nations of the audibly joined the global chorus of voices supporting the sound of african laws through type choosing israel of a genocide in concept, which is set for its 1st hearing of the hate. today, speaking to archie, a prominent nigerian human rights activists as the lawyer say, is that all right, thinking people are a cold by israel's assault on dallas. that's not the i. c, j law suits is a groundbreaking, the actual sort of design, the full good fit for your money. it's not possible. watched the girl sitting phone well,
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she would be good in hospitals and the homes while i had all the hearing in the netherlands, the idea of post jobs that with more strikes, reportedly killing at least 20, including many children as a local resident. so no upsetting discovery in the rubble of this family. so here is this is the birth certificate for mariah. born in 2014 for catching up, warning 2018. apparently they was for us to as well as security, somehow responsible for the silver 70, the tax fund button on the dash saves. it spoke not bothered by western criticism of its recent elections up to the size of asian countries. liter previously accused the us of seeking regime change the across the world around the clock. this is are too great to have your company,
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but then use our a case of a legit genocidal acts. being carre dante guns by israel will be heard of the hague for the 1st time today. so it's out. forget, filed the lawsuit of the international court of justice. the motion has been endorsed by many countries around the world. most recently, the $22.00 members of a prominent regional briefing, it is natural and logical for the arab league to fully support the lawsuit filed by south africa against israel before the international courts of justice on charges are committing genocide. we look forward to a justin bold ruling that will stop this aggressive war and put an end to the shipping and posting in black. so that's what time is. so will be taking the stand before the international court of justice in the case that could save the ongoing is really a muscle and application to promote understanding filed bias. so that's because all these, the i c, j to take into mrs to immediately suspend is while the military operation in
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because the strip and also try to take all reasonable mrs. to prevent the genocide to take a place to engage in that to document. so that's the case i think it's likely to by top is really official, but including because really defense, a minister who has referred the to police the news in gaza as human animals as one of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who has made comparisons of, of palestinians to a biblical story of the i'm elect nation, which called or did the easily live to, to destroy is what has no choice, but to, to appear in front of the i c, j today and tomorrow because it is the signature of the genocide convention. in fact, both of africa and as well as signatories of, of the united nations, the genocide convincing. and that to move states that to all the countries that are assigned to that condition,
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have the application to stop with the committee of genocide and also prevents and dependents. those who are committing genocide that, that advocate has long been very and put that to what people have seen and people, it has acquainted the lives of the people in gaza to those of the black. so that's because back in the day in the day is in fact let's have a listening to more of those so that we can official that continues to stand by that decision. the collective punishment of palestinian civilians through the under for use of force by israel is a war cry. the deliberate denial of medicine, few of food and water to the residents of gaza is time to mount to genocide. the collective punishment. that is really the exact thing on, or palestinian people is in the front that has gone on for too long. right. so palestinian people i infringed on
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a daily basis. you know side in time this is not exciting. i see much issue i why the i did submit or not these read. the officials have also been hood fee that this is the will between is one of the must not with the people of gaza. and that is one is committed to conducting it's operation in accordance with the international lawyers, and which is no harm to put a senior civilian anywhere. but when you look at the whole scenario, this is despite the killing of more than 23000 for the seniors, including almost 10000 children. but just for some contacts, if it goes to austin, why? if you solve it in the city, why do you see this is well a to the 1st place that you don't belong? we must promote a solution to encourage the emigration of the residence of gaza. this is a correct just moral and humane solution. i call on the prime minister and the new
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for administer. this is an opportunity for planning and immigration project and to encourage the migration of residents from gaza to the countries of the world. i don't know what the lead i order to complete siege them guys. there will be no electricity, no food, no fuels, everything will be cut off. we are flat and human animals and we act accordingly. i still say that god is a must be built and the terrorist will not think that they are beautiful eyes in front of them. i don't apologize and i have no, no see for those who stayed the so really paying close attention to these comments . these opinion and these statements from the is really officials that i'm taking in mind with a lot of experts and officials that saying it is the official to prove that there is some sort of risk of status. i didn't all of this and the at carried all right as well could for into the categories of, of genocide. and that's put a see news off at risk of being subject to, to genocide. and i also case,
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this is why we've also seen a number of states like cherokee and jordan back to the case, but we've had malays yet publicly offering. so that's it. that it school supports even the laptops. maybe i'll talk this done also coming out. and so we need a list of the lease of the standing by, so that's recap. and so that's that, that takes on this historical case. in fact, even africans from other countries that have as well, that was due by. so i've actually got a regarding south africa's complaint about the war and gas i. i agree with africa's position on the genocide in reality, beyond the occupation of guys are. but he's real where now with this in the genocide because they're indians bombings that deal everyone. and we see that it's children and we mailed parish have nothing to do with the war. israel is a country which is supported by the western nato. when you see the images, it's really beautiful because there is a lot of deaf. so sense to reason that south africa is filing charges against israel for war crimes. because they have to know that in war,
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according to un tax sort of things must be respected. civilians must be spared, and if they only target to the military buildings, then we can understand it. but if these will is deliberate to targeting civilians and certainly in the population and refusing food aid, then we can understand south africa's reaction to some the i salute the courage of south africa, which is truly the 1st to make this pronouncements on a question which is of vital importance for human rights, the jewish states wants to marginalize and must secure the palestinian people and push them out of their homes, their estates complicit in this state switch. i've been singing about human rights for a long time. israel avoids military compensation using cowardly method. so i could talk to him civilians attacking hospitals as an unconventional approach, which is really unprecedented. and the entire history of complaints is too nasty, as to bob barracks, it's sadistic. this is a case that that raises the cost of a reputation. no damage for the likes of the united states because we know that the united states has increasingly been isolated as one of the few countries that have
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supported and stood by as well to the 7th of october. in fact, to if, if the quotes who's the case is, well, it would then lead to the us stopping the supply off of wip has to, as well. so the amendment to the key to all of this as well. and they have come out saying that if they find the submissions, the bias of africa may request and complete without any basis. warranty offered, cab bureau, chief moose, say it better. he joins us. no, i from outside the international court of justice of the hague morning to you and this i believe proceedings are due to start there. very soon indeed, a symmetry. the populace will you be able to display its highly charged politically and you give the press from around the world is present. look at both be less support for both sides. it's high. but of course,
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specially if i study on site was on the streets or in the h p, but i'll be looking forward to just eating. so assume each case in which a country on the globe and solid stuff from is bringing a phase of genocide gets destroyed. for both countries, as will most likely be joyce, people suffer from such easiest genocide crimes in the past. so to bring them for us to be accused of committing genocide by end of present in defense of the city of people is indeed the special needs. i have here would be spoke stress for the ministry of justice, the governments of south africa. and if you allow me please, i just would like to get a quick statement on him before he has to go in next the i'm joining to be solid us
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. we go, yeah, we do, jason step. if somebody say happy you guys the stop. she of south fulton street by bringing such books and i'm not in the fields or trying to solve for the international part of justice. trustee a please. 5 minutes. that's, this is the right for us. we saw that. it's a nice for me, one more exercise reinforcement. stay the same as this, as well as any of that is being dispensed by a relative that can be transferred to the price because right? so we believe that this is the phone with the agent to show that the actions of things. so i took the side on the states and said that the speed by which would be the should i did this, i don't as many people as well. uh,
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i like to use this too. oh, so as soon as i come to the rug can only i, i can buy something on mine, says any fi as a function position? i mean, we have some breathing this display, essentially as part of the supposedly switch on the top of your ation that yourselves oppression. because i should say, you know, what else i see is that you have the model of the body to, to ensure that recheck. logistics isn't much the more, but you also have upstairs and it's actually called to do what the funds to human rights or what you're saying to the level i'm into this or a form space. i would say this as like an internationally to use that section. some problems, and maybe this stays with him. you know, the suffering people, not just on the phone interview. what did you get
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a more use in this case? it's important. there's nobody to do. so as long as patricia has been kept, you know, for the going in the states violate much different price, low nation to the company. and we can push and tell them the case is going to answer the value. is that since then in this case, if you don't have time to size it upfront enough to say it's not i looked up the additional mission sketching. so that way possibly the quotes reply the not people even, and then you just by the w e. so that's between 10550 . seems like the issue is that in the house 22010 of your thoughts as we can do the dimensions of the product units. so just as we have
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previously on minute story on stairs, you have to be one of the government job jeremy, to have familiars south of the the names and respects i'm, i'm waiting to give you all you do the best to get that much. let me mention it, and so that's the volume storage stuff like this, which aren't you, but we have a constitutional installed. so if you need to use the sun case and it seems like something, thank you very much. that's it. and hopefully we will need to make that for me this evening. thank you very much. so as long as you see the south african government is very serious about the case. i met with the some members of the south african team. and they showed me that the have the parents, but he was like this case and they believe that the, the end result will be positive for when they described to me i just on the
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humanities that these and more than stop. yeah, great. the get direct testimony there from the justice ministers of expression of south africa and r t, i forget bureau chief new say able to him taking us through that from the hey, thank you a friend. well, let's go over here to our new as well because i want to discuss the situation with deal political on the list on or 3rd doctor, i bow mendoza joining us from zimbabwe. and thanks for holding on the program as well. sir. we're essentially in on chartered territory here we, we don't really know where this could lead, but we do know that there's potentially shoot ramos locations to this. what's your expectations for what's going to happen of the hague? i think the, the 1st the significant escape is being taken, though, so that's a good has been brave and courageous and as puts the semester before the global on
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the deep. and in doing so, i'm sure that's a good, isn't presenting an outraged global community. humanity yourselves and in the phase one of the worst in the sides of the contains in the modern history. so regardless of what, what does the outcome? yeah. at the hague, as in the state been made by it. so that's the, the one of us is significant enough and does put the ego and all those who was supported on the doesn't what is real, is legally borne by any decision that the i, c, j, the highest legal body of the un will eventually passed on the case, however ahead of the hearing the, it's really foreign ministry dismissed the south african obligations as quote, blood libel. so if they're planning to essentially ignore any really, what could,
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if anything, pump this release a change talking the result? well i think basically need to do so to judge them. we know that they have the support of the us, which has already pre judged the be be the closest, but just by dismissing. and so that's the connections, as minutes list and, and, and since it is and looked at this in a minute, wait a minute, the space uh indicates the possible uh, i was cutting off this case. it said the mattress stupid has been made. and the blemish of, uh, gave a guess is that it has been recorded. and then we said it was immediately so it literally douglas tatum's. and he was state of, of the genocide, the compendia in, in the goes up. there's no harm at all. there's no need my view to, to do,
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to belabor the point. the statement has been made with getting sad because as there is nothing, nothing, it can justify the emitter of all those tickets always and people including more than 10000 children, there is nothing else to scripts. humanity to stand by is, is case is kill us. you know, and most of the wisdom was included, the us itself is 10 by use a regardless is really and what was the, what's the us? how said? because the u. s. at national security council spokesperson john kirby, he called the south african law suit, quote, mirthless and culture productive. just to expand and what you're saying, sir, what signal is outstanding from ocean waves we say is we'll washington to veto any actions taken by the, by the courts. at this so that basically,
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as i said earlier on, is this is busting in the concept of the so that you can of the us uh, uh, uh, protection. uh but that, that stage the what it is there to see for yourself. and we don't care, my person don't care whether all is going to be the state because the image, so that's good. so this is taking the method to the i c j on the look on those. and that's based off of auto size you minute i'm just outpatient, across the globe. and that's why important, but of course you have is real set to defend itself. it's going to which it has done, i would suppose today, and tomorrow i choose from must itself of genocide. so could this case spread wider to involve both sides? but maybe so, but i mean, does it, does it say the only on we have watched as
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a special knowledge is it that we have watched? it was great to do, to the extent to which is that as volumes by the god of the length as a vendor can in keys bombing uh hostages. i mean, as i said to this case is unique in the, in the sense that it is as a backdrop of media competing that is self evident and, and a, and i know some people do the document, the a 2 page, a 2 page document as well as the search detailed it just complex. you do that as an amazing brooklyn against these though. well, thank you for your time today. we will, of course, the watch we have most impressed what happens today at the hague in zimbabwe though, for no pun africanist, an author doctor idle mondays and many sykes and gives
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a while ahead. busy of the hearing, israel's prime minister tone done his rhetoric on gas as some watch. benjamin netanyahu refuted his previous suggestions that the policy named save would be controlled by the idea after the war. as well as no intention of permanently occupying gaza, or displacing its civilian population as well as fighting. come us terrace, not the palestinian population, and we are doing so in full compliance with international law. the adf is doing its utmost to minimize civilian casualties while come mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian civilians as human shields. our goal is to red garza of commerce terrace and free or hostages. once this is achieved, guys, it can be demilitarize in d radicalize, thereby creating a possibility for a better future for israel and palestinians. i like, i can't want to bring you this now in an exclusive interview to our
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t prominent nigerian human rights activists, phemie, fall on the safe. the whole world is watching on and harder i'd want israel is doing to the palestinians. there's a preview of about sit done which you can watch in full throughout the day on this job. or defend 2 minus 2. out of the my paul. by buick. let's move displayed by east machine makes him dental fight. i'm goose. the people tell us to try to oh, come on. so it's, i'm assuming law on him. i need to be on low to back to extend the actual soft also is the full good fit for your money to that
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the house and watched the plus $50.00 from the television. well, by june, june would be good in hospitals and the homes get online. so i'm assuming on that, they do move up on things you kind of looked at the hospital, you can look at that one, i'm fins on children and women and this is 11 is watching listing on a daily basis. well, the head of the genocide case, hearing out the hague, the idea from least the must have been pardoned of strikes on gatzo. at least 40 people were killed and wounded in the central city of delta of the law. according to the enclaves, government distressing images from the same show civilians flinging for their lives just moments after ins really miss ours landed near l. x
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a hospital blood. so people were carried away from the impact site while local scoured through the rubble of a 2 story building. that was all ascending officials say more than 20 civilians side in match by with some more upsetting images here showing the injured being rushed to hospital locks. it is not risk of shutting down to, to the hostilities and then back to ation order from the idea less than half of gals as hospitals are still able to even partially function on the rest is probably ready the and this emotional, but it shows the aftermath of another is really strikes out to hit a policy and in red crescent on doing some wins that killing police. 6 people galsen officials say the unclipped death total has risen to over $23300.00 people
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since october 7. but also in central guns. the upholstery farm has been shelled by is really tight leaving i reported 13 family members killed and doesn't still believe to be at trump to under this rubble, that's despite the idea of cleaning the area was safe for civilians. we heard from the relative of the victims, i guess the saucy surface family is originally from northern gas or they were displaced here, essential gas. it was considered safe place without any warning. bees rarely are me talking to their place of shelter. and also when more than 50 of the i was stuff you, family, for their relatives and brothers and children were all trapped under the rubble and need his help on the fence. at least 13 people buried in the movie today. it's clear that all those who are trapped died now since her boss can naturally cover the bodies of people here have no tools or equipment models and displace residential area was supposed to be
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a safe area. according to is really army announcement. seeing that the both reside here are just children and women with the most here is these are the birth certificate for mariah, born in 2014 and for catching up were in 2018 and apparently they was for us to be able to secure it. so you got the somehow responsible for the tober 7th attack is not the kind of us. this is some distressing footage we've received from the seller of dean road, the main highway funding the length of gal. so local is not call at the root of death because it's littered with debris bodies, bullet casings. the root was used by hundreds of dollars is a policy needs to flee from northern gas it to the side. but the highway has come under is really fire many times in the past 3 months, despite being deemed safe for systems. earlier we spoke with somebody, saddam deputy secretary general of the fata central committee. the highest decision making body of the policy need, organization, and political party. you choose the israel of seeking to seize policy in the in the,
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the smoke, the water again goes up so far. it is the water against the older brothers find inclusive over if he comes to businesses, towns penny all back in september and gave this famous speech at the general assembly of the u. m. he has the map that chose no us back. i know guys. so people applauded in palestine and beyond, understand that this is no longer award. i'm as known, it is the detainees at the all claims because it i bought the eviction of for the finance from the west bank and gaza watching all the brothers and sisters being slow to i am for them guys. my family is when you guys are almost 50, southern members of my family situation is very desperate. so when you witness such a scene, you would basically hope that the international community applauded would wake up and do the sign up loud at the end. and the desire to come today and finish with this madness. okay, now the story to bring, you know,
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we moved to the pacific region where at least 15 people have reportedly been killed and made widespread lights and possibly a new guinea. that's after protests, over police and public sector pay cuts, defend into looting an arse and the tax local authority, se rioters torch spelling names um, threatened firefighters to arrive to tackle the flames. a hospital was forced to evacuated patients as a fire spread from nearby shops. logs also gathered outside the parliament building, briefly breaching a barrier near the prime minister's office, where rioters took advantage of the police strike by storming shots without losing friends. the officers were off to see the country's government ordered the deployment of additional luxury personnel to help restore a quarter. 5 minister james mode off a safe attentions in the capital city have no large subsidence the okay to bring the dash where should casino has
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been re appointed for a 4th consecutive term as prime minister following her parties when in the recent general election, the voting process and the results, however, were questioned by some western officials, leading to a sharp rebuke from deca. we're not bothered about those. are people have given a mandate in our favor. those came and said the election was held in an impartial, transparent, credible, and violence free manner. shake as he now has made us come back in the vision this and in election which so a, historically you will talk to and out. but this was pretty obvious and uh there was no surprises there since phil mean opposition thought in long the lease, we can know when the bundle beach an option to spot the b and b, they had announced a boy court off the selection. and the did so because they said that that was he not, government was 1st secure thing, bill opposition, members, in fact, the key was still his, you know,
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government of putting some to 20000 board opposition. members behind falls off today organizing nationwide filters. seeing that there was economic and cost of living prices under hussy knocked off, know what it was said and done as he knows me to come back. she has gone the longest time and is still a fond law beach and she's been getting congratulations messages from across the world, but not the us, not the west be, have been upset. the united states remains concerned by the arrest of thousands of political opposition members and by reports of irregularities on election day, the united states shares the view with other observers that these elections were not free or fair. and we regret that not all parties participated. canada expresses its disappointment that this electro process has fallen short of the principles of democracy and freedom and calls on the relevant authorities to work transparently with all parties to move forward towards democracy.


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