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tv   Documentary  RT  January 11, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EST

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article to of the convention by committing actions that full within the definition of genocide. the actions show a systematic pattern of conduct from which genocide can be input. allow me to place these acts in context. garza is one of the 2 constituent territories of the occupied palestinian territories occupied by israel since 1967. it is a narrow strip of approximately 365 square kilometers as depicted in the matter now. displayed israel continues to exercise control over the space, territorial watches, land crossings, more to electricity, electromagnetic sphere,
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and civilian infrastructure in gaza. as well as of a key governmental functions. as the hon minister has said, and fee and exists are, is a and see to gaza is prohibited with real operating b. o need to crossing points. garza, which is one of the most densely populated places in the world, is home to approximately 2300000 palestinians. almost half of them children for the past 96 days is where it has subjected godsa to what has been described as one of the heaviest, conventional bombing campaigns in the history of modern will fare. palestinians in gaza all being killed by his rarely weaponry and bombs from a land and sea as they are also as immediate
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risk of death by starvation, dehydration, and disease as a result of the ongoing siege by israel, the destruction of palestinian towns in sufficient age being allowed to to the palestinian population and the impossibility of distributing this limit to date, while bombs full this conduct brenda's essentials to life. i'm obtainable at this provisional measures stage. as this quote has made clear in the gambia my case, it is not necessary for the quote to come to a final view on the question of where the israel's conduct constitutes genocide. it is necessary to establish only where that at least some of the ex alleged
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are capable of pulling within the provisions of the convention. on analyzing the specific and ongoing genocidal acts complained of it is clear that at least some if not all of these acts full within the conventions. provisions. these acts are documented in detail in south africa's application and confirmed by reliable often you in sources. it's stuff unnecessary and impossible for me to recount all of them. i was highlights only some in order to illustrate the pass and of genocide will contact you in statistics that are relied upon up to date as of 9 january 2024. and so that's because already submissions,
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we will illustrate the facts that we rely on with the limits of use of audio visual material. madam president, we do so with just strange and only way necessary and always with respect to the palestinian people against this background. i move now to demonstrate into how israel's conduct violates articles to a to b, to c and to d of the convention. the 1st genocide will act, committed by is red is the mess killing of palestinians in gaza in violation of logical to a of the genocide convention. as the un secretary general explained, 5 weeks ago, the level of israel killing is so expensive that nowhere is safe in
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god. so as i stand before you today, 23210 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces during the sustained attacks over the last 3 months. at least 70 percent of whom i believed to be women and children. some 7000 palestinians are still missing, presumed dead under the rabble palestinians in gaza subjected to relentless plumbing. wherever they go. they are killed in their homes, in places where they seek shelter in hospitals, in schools,
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in mosques, in churches. and as they try to find food and water for their families, that they have been killed if they failed to evacuate in the places to which they have fled. and even while they attempted to flee along is rarely declared, say troops. the level of killing is so expensive that those whose bodies are found are buried in mass graves, often on identified in the 1st 3 weeks alone. following 7 october, israel deployed $6000.00 bombs per week, at least $200.00 times. it has deployed 2000 pound problems in southern areas of palestine designated as
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a safe volumes have also decimated the north, including refugee camps. 2000 pound bombs are some of the biggest and most destructive funds available. they are dropped by leaf full sights, a jets that i used to strike targets in the ground by one of the world's most resourced armies. israel has killed an unparalleled and done president, a number of civilians with the full knowledge of how many cillian civilian lives. each thumb will take more than 1800 families to send you and families and gaza have lost multiple family members and hundreds of multi genera. generational families have been wiped out with no remaining survive is mother's
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father's children. things, grandparents, aunts, cousins, often all killed together. of this killing is nothing short of destruction of palestinian life. it is inflicted deliberately. no one is sped, not even newborn babies. the scale of palestinian child kings in gaza is such that you in sheets have described it as a graveyard for children. the devastation resubmit is intended as intended to and has laid waste to gaza beyond any acceptable legal. let alone humane justification. the 2nd genocidal act identified in south africa's application israel's infliction of serious bodily
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or mental hum to palestinians in gaza. in violation of article to be of the genocide convention. israel's attacks have left close 260000 palestinians, wounded and named again. the majority of them, women and children, this and circumstances where the health care system has a whole bunch of collapsed. i return to this later and my speech. large numbers of palestinian civilians including children, are arrested, blindfolded, forced to undress and load it onto the trucks. taken to unknown locations the suffering of the palestinian people. physical and mental is undeniable. turning to the 3rd genocidal act and to see israel,
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it has deliberately imposed conditions on guys that cannot sustain life and calculated to bring it out as physical destruction is real. achieves this in at least 4 ways. the 1st by displacement. israel has forced forced the displacement of about 85 percent of palestinians in gaza. there is no way to say for them to flee to those who cannot leave will refuse to be displaced. have either been killed or an extreme risk of being killed in their homes. many palestinians have been displaced multiple times as families are forced to move repeatedly in search of safety. israel's 1st evacuation order. on 13 october, requiring the evacuation of over 1000000 people,
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including children, the elderly, the wounded, and info and title hospitals were required to evacuate even newborn babies and intensive care. the order required them to evacuate the north to the south. within 24 hours. the order itself was genocidal. it required immediate movement taking only what could be carried while no humanitarian assistance was permitted. and few water and food and other necessities of life had deliberately been cut off. it was clearly calculated to bring about the destruction of the population. for many palestinians, the 1st evacuation from the homes is in evidently permanent. israel has now damaged
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or destroyed an estimated 355000 palestinian homes, leaving at least half a 1000000 palestinians with no home to return to. or the special rapids to on the human rights of internally displaced. persons explains that houses an infrastructure quote, have been raised to the ground frustrating, any realistic prospects for display scoggins, to return home repeating a long history of mess, force displacement of palestinians by israel. there is no indication at all that israel accepts responsibility for rebuilding what it has destroyed. instead, the destruction is celebrated by these rarely army soldiers full mess with foam
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themselves, joyfully designating and tie up hoffman brooks and town squids erecting these rarely flag over the wreckage. seeking to re establish his rarely settlements on the rubble of palestinian homes and dusts extinguishing the very basis of palestinian loss and godsa 2nd. together with the force displacement, israel's conduct has been deliberately calculated to cause widespread hunger, dehydration, and starvation. israel's campaign has pushed gardens to the brink of famine. an unprecedented 93 percent of the population in gaza is facing crisis levels of hunger. of all the people in the world currently suffering, catastrophic hunger. more than 80 percent i am garza of
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the situation is such that the experts are now predicting that move palestinians in guys i may die from starvation and disease dennis strikes. and yet israel continues to impede the effective delivery of humanitarian assistance to palestinians. not only refusing to allow sufficient aid in removing the ability to distribute it, to constant bombardment and obstruction just 3 days ago on a january. a plan mission by you in agencies to deliver urgent medical supplies and vital fuel to a hospital and medical supply center. was i did, was denied by is really well thought of things. this smoked the 5th to
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denial of admission to the center since the 26th december leaving 5 hospitals in northern garza without access to live saving medical supplies and equipment. age trucks that allowed in are seized upon by the hungry. what is provided is simply not enough. the med interested in members of the courts. this is an image of in a truck arriving and guys a good israel has deliberately inflicted conditions in which palestinians and garza denied adequate shelter. close will sanitation for weeks that have been acute shortages of clouds, bedding,
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blankets, and critical non food items. clean water is well, bye, bye uh is leaving fall below the amount required to safely drink clean and cook. accordingly. the w h show has stated that gaza is experiencing solving rates of infectious disease outbreaks, cases of diarrhea in children under 5 years of age. having feast 2000 percent since facilities began when combined and left on treated, malian attrition and disease create a deadly cycle full of genocidal act on the article to be israel to military assault on god's us health care system. which windows lies. i'm sustainable. even by 7 december,
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the un special rapids to on the right to health. no said that the health care of infrastructure in the gaza strip has been completely obliterated. those wounded by israel and gaza are being deprived of life saving medical care causes health care system. already tripled by years of located anti uh, attacks by israel is unable to cope with the sheer scale of the injuries. finally, the you in special rapids show and violence against women and goals, has pointed to acts committed by israel that would fall under the under the 4th category of genocidal acts in article 2 d of the convention on 22 new them back. she expressed
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steve on the following of the ripped the productive violence inflicted by israel on palestinian women, newborn babies, infants and children who would be qualified as acts of genocide under article 2 of the genocide convention. including imposing measures intended to prevent books within a group. israel is blocking the delivery of life saving 8, including essential medical kits for delivering babies and circumstances where an estimated 180 women giving birth in gaza each day of these 180 women the w. w. h o ones that 15
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percent are likely to experience pregnancy, birth related complications and need additional medical care. backed care is simply not available in some madam president and of these acts individually and collectively form a calculated enough conduct by israel indicating a genocidal intent. this intent is evident from israel's conduct in specially targeting palestinians living and gaza using weaponry that causes large scale, homicidal destruction. as well as targeting snack targets it's nice thing of civilians designating safe zones for palestinians to seek refuge
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and then bombings, to depriving palestinians in gaza of basic needs. food, more to health care, fuel, sanitation and communications. destroying social infrastructure homes, schools, marks churches, hospitals, and coming seriously injuring and leaving large numbers of children often genocides on the declared in advance. but this court has the benefits of the past 13 weeks of evidence that shows incontrovertibly attaching of conduct and related intention. that justifies a plausible claim of genocidal acts in the gum.
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yeah, me and my case, this quote did not hesitate to impose provisional measures in relation to allegations that me and my was committing genocide o acts against the hinge a within the right time states. the facts before the court today are sadly even more stock and likes to get me and my case deserves and demand the supports intervention. everyday phase mounting, irreparable loss of life, property, dignity, and humanity for the palestinian people. our news feeds show graphic images of suffering that has become unbearable to watch. nothing will stop the suffering
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except in order from this court. without an indication of provisional measures, the atrocities will continue with these rarely defense horse indicating that it intends pursuing this course of action for at least a year. in the words of the un under secretary general, on 5 january 2024. i quote, you think getting 8 into gaza is easy. think again, 3 layers off inspections before trucks can even enter confusion. i'm long queues a growing list of rejected items. a crossing point meant for pedestrians not trucks . another crossing point we have trucks have been blocked by desperate hungry communities. destroyed commercial sector. constance bombardments, poor communications, damage drones, convoys,
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shots that damage delays that checkpoints a traumatized and exhausted population crammed into a smaller and smaller sliver of land shelters which have long exceeded the full capacities age. workers themselves. displaced told, this is an impossible situation for the people of gaza and for those trying to help them, the fighting must stop. so it's quote, or madam president, members of the court. that concludes my section on the genocide or conduct of israel. i thank you for your patients, attention and dos that you pool advocates. okay. tobey to the podium, to address the court on genocidal intent. i think this has seem and then now
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inviting mr. come back. a new good toby to address the court has of course sir met him president and distinguished members of the court. it is a privilege to appear before the court on behalf of south africa. i will address is arise genocide content. at this stage, the court is not sort of quiet time in is that the only inference to be drawn from the available evidence is genocide to order provision on measures as that is to decide the merits. rather, the assessment of the existence of the intent to destroy could be made by the court only at the stage of the examination of the merits. that some of the alleged
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acts may also amount to atrocities of the generals line. it does not exclude the finding of plausible x of general select better than president. so the guy is not alone in drawing attention to is arise genocide on that topic against palestinians in gauze. the students, united nations special drop out to us and $21.00 members of the united nations working groups have one that what is happening and getting cause of that reflects a genocide in the making and then or vet, intent to destroy the policy and, and people and out to patients is what i am, has agent aside the intent against the palestinians in gauze that
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is evident from the way in which is rise, middleton a tech is being conducted, which has been described by mr. hudson, a c. it is systematic and it's kind of tough and for the mazda displacement of the population of garza headed into areas where they continue to be killed. and the deliberate creation of conditions that quote, leads to a slow death and quote the is also the clear pattern of conduct the productivity of familiar homes and civilian infrastructure. making waste to vast areas of cause and the funding salad and sniping of men, women and children where they spent the destruction of the house infrastructure and local fox, us to who monitored and assistance so much so that as we stand today,
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one percent of the top part of student population in gaza has been systematically decimated. and one in 4 cousins have been inside since 7 october. those 2 elements alone are capable of evidence and is what i is genocide on content in relation to the whole or part of the part of student population in cause. this however, said there is an extra or the notice to sign in this case. that is right, as political leaders made a tide of commanders and persons holding official positions, have systematically, and an explicit tends to glad that you know, site content and those statements. and then a puter by soldiers upon the ground in garza as they engage in the destruction
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of palestinians and the physical infrastructure of cause. we solve this said elements. next is that i as a special genocide, our intent is a router in the belief that in fact the enemy is not just the military wing of hamas, or indeed how much tended on file is embedded in the fabric of palestinian life in gauze. on southern october in a televised address is right, the prime minister is, i mean, nothing else declared war on cause. and i quote that i had had started clearing out the communities that have been infiltrated by tetanus and he wanted to open on for us to attend the price to be paid by the end of the more than 2300000 palestinians in gauze is ryan is the occupying power in
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control of cause. it controls interest, exit and the internal movements of inside cause and quite a prime minister listed in the time you know, exercises overall combined over that is that i the defense force and in 10 the palestinians in cause for 10 minutes to an attorney out into his address to the is right. the forces on print to 8 october 10th between the city. preparing for the invasion of cause, adds to the soldiers to remember what i'ma look has done to you. this refers to the people to call come onto my goal is to solve for the tanya to destruction of an entire group of people known as the mother kites boats to death, men and women, children and infants, turkey and ship k mails and donkeys. that's enough. i've got info case it
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was kind of thing, but i do it. does it appear to? it's probably just did not turn you out in a letter to the is ryan armed forces on thursday, november 2023. but i'm president. that's a prime minister as well. as speak for themselves has sent to you says in our holy bible, and we may remember and we are fighting our for rave. it troops in combat in so are now in regards of or wrong guys and and the deputy to speak of the kind of set do that as part.


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