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tv   News  RT  January 11, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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k mails and donkeys that's inside our info case in to i'm on the west end this thing, but i did. it was a computer, but it just did not turn you all in a laptop to the is ryan armed forces on 3 november printed from the city. but i'm president. that's a prime ministers with speak for themselves. has done to you says in our holy bible and we may remember and we are fighting our for rave. it troops in combat in so are now in gaza or around gaza and i'm in the and the deputy to speak of the kind of set that i as parliament has called for
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the raise up off the godless slip from the face of the, at the defense force agrees, 19 october, the defense minister jo of god gave a situation update to the on what you said. but as is ryan was imposing a complete siege on cause. that would be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. ever the thing with the closed because is what i am this fighting human on the most speaking to 12 spend the gossip or the he instructed them that he has a list all the signs. and that's garza one to turn to what it was before. we would eliminate ever think we wouldn't, rates or places eliminate ever to see that it's all places without
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a notice states this is that same of destruction of human onto minus was that you thought a to, to buy and is right on the call with the data of government activities in the territories, or 9 or pull, but 10 to 20 city. in an address to hamas, and the presidents of cause stated that her mazda has become peices and lots of the citizens of cause a celebrated instead of being part of what he concludes that schumann, onto malls, adults, with, according to right, has imposed a taught type located on cause, no electricity, no water, just stomach. you want that have you? we've got to have the language of systematic. do you mind? ization is evident here too many on the most bows come off and civilians, according to that within that is right. it could be that this is also a widely held to view the minutes of energy and infrastructure to ryan cuts
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called for the denial of water and fuel. as this is what really happened to a people of children to laws and smoked on us. this admits of no, i'm majority it's moons to create the conditions of death, of the palestinian people in cause to die. a slow death because of starvation and to high dice in order to die quickly because of a bomb attack or the snipers, butts to die. never the less in fact, hesitates minister, i'm his high and he said that is what i must find ways for cousins that are more painful and death, it is no on. so to say that neither in combined of the, on the a minister in the is that are in the government. they vote in the connecticut and
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in a position to state state policy of the intense to destroy it because it has been not sought at the highest levels of state as president isaac hetzel has joined the balance of those sign in bones destined for cause. having previously noted, it's about the entire population in gaza is responsible and that this is what i told her about civilians not we're not involved is absolutely not true. we will fight until we break the boat later attempts by the president and others to utilize the speech. have not only taught this the low fees with which was put top or palestinians as responsible for the actions of from us know as i would show below. because it affected how state the policy is understood within government administer of national. so i told her to repeat that the president statements that
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hamas and civilians are responsible into con mazda 110, november 2023. in a ton of our interview, he stated that when we say that how much should be destroyed, it also means those will celebrate. those will support. and those will hand out kennedy that all totaled was and they should also be destroyed. this order is to destroy and to main what cannot be destroyed. those statements are not open to you attract interpretations or of the fact that last night is ations and very interpretations by is that i am. the statements were made by persons in command of the state. they communicate to the states policy. it is simple. if the statements are not intended, that would not have been made. that's an aside. the intent behind those statements
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is not on bid us to the is the right of the soldiers on the ground, as indeed it is directing the actions and the object is 17th, december 2023 is that i had a soul just proved that they understood the prime minister ministers message to remember what the mother has done to you as soon as i do it. i called the advice to analyse dancing and singing. we know our more to know, uninvolved, that they will be one commandment to wipe off. the seat of the prime minister has been vocation of malik, is being used by soldiers to justify the kingdom of civilians including children. these are the foliage, us to think the insights and widths of the prime minister. man the
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. 2 the . 2 the the soldiers in gaza were filmed, dancing, chanting, and singing in november. may the village bend make us that'd be raised.
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there is no, it's friend among the soldiers to feed them themselves. committing atrocities is civilians and gaza in the form of snuff. we do wonder quite that himself today to over 50 houses in which i, you are the soldiers. what are quite a thing and will destroy all kinds of units and this house will blow it up for you and for everything you do for us. these are the soldiers. what's a good point? these facts, they are combined. the the, the the,
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the same about the con the find the command of the army. also of the say mind user i on the combined. yeah, you then david had stated that the army had done in bade her know and did the as she wants and live it did in novels. and that the entire cause should resemble fate her note is that i have the soldier. you saw your son live, published a view to against the backdrop of the ruins of what was the sights of,
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as our university, with a cup should. once upon a time that was the university in casa and in practice, a scornful met at us and human fund a month sold those of us to believe that this language and their actions are acceptable because the destruction of pilots didn't live in gaza, is articulate the state's part of sidney. i'll put it to come in minnesota. official has been cottage without sense of the 9 to 5 year old. is that right? i know the service is what i yes it is. that's all of the data. yes. the mostly against the policy knows ignited 48 to speak to the soldiers ahead of the ground invasion does in who's told people that quote, the same sentiment. why they've been proven around in a few sided, is that i mean i'm event dressed in is right. and um, if i take i quote the townsend and finish them off and don't leave anyone
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behind you. what is the memory of them? you raise them, their families, mothers, and children. these are the most to no longer leave. if you have an out of neighbor done to wait, go to his home and sure to. we want to invade, not like before. we want to enter and destroy what's in front of us and destroy houses, then destroyed the one after it. with all of our forces, complete, destruction, enter and destroy. as you can see, where we witness things we've never dreamed of. let them let them drop qualms on them and delays them as it is on to of 7. so i know how to print it to the full a video of a soldier that was posted online while he posts that the army had destroyed the entire village of he bet azar for troy, and phil said they had to work hard to bond with the village and as the truth,
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it's monday and it's with us in that city up for the 2 sons did not mean what they set. much less that the minimum was not understood by soldiers. ben garza would be without any medic in the scale of destruction. and because of the most target to lift the homes and civilians, the war being the war on children on make clear that's to the side that intent is both understood and has been put into practice. the courage related intent is the destruction of palestinian laws in on its monday for stations. the genocide of the toilet is also common place within the is riley. can estimate members of the 10 kind of foot have repeatedly called for gaza to be wiped out flat and raised and crushed on on its inhabitants. they have deplored
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n or soothing soldiers for the involved cousins, asserting repeatedly that there are no uninvolved that there are no innocence in garza that the killers of the women and children should not be separated from the citizens of cause. and that the children of cause, i have brought this upon themselves and that there should be one sentence for every one the death. finally, the law may cause i've called for a mess, the less the phone being from the with some advocating for the use of nuclear doomsday weapons and a not about to overshadow the knock ball of 48. the prime minister of genocide or speech has gained ground among some elements of civil society. if fame assumed as a repeat that mister natania was on the conference, stating that the government must be wiped out and destroyed with every alex, it was simply much destroyed, of cause and
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a 10 minutes. every one who is the to another has called toyota, is garza not live a single person the notice and comment to the to instead of announced that the woman is an enemy, the baby is an enemy. the pregnant for money isn't that i mean that it is necessary to attend the strip into us not to our house, to demolish every house our phones of come across its 10 minutes. everyone the intention of failure of the government is the right to condemn, prevent and punish sus, genocide on incitement. constituents itself, a great violation of the genocide convention which are the call from it and president that an article one of the conventions is that i am confirmed. that's tino site where the quins committed in time of peace and time of war is
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a crime under international law. and it undertook to prevent and to punish it as such. this failure to prevent condemn and punish such speech by the government has served to normalize to an a $5.00 product. an extreme danger for palestinians within is that i the society as m k most aside from the liquid party upset the government's bone attendance. so his views that palestinians can cause it must be destroyed. i quote, you go anywhere and they tell you to destroy the in the keyboards. they tried to destroy them. my friends at the state, attendance of this whole thoughts with me on political issues in debate said to me, it is clear that we need to destroy all causes,
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destroys all cousins. it is a way off its destruction of products do not live an infrastructure. despite this knowledge, it does maintain and intuitive intensify its minnesota activity in cause as before, awareness in the width of the southern october n g o's and the united nations, one often unprecedented to humanitarian crisis. in causal that you and stated that the actors must allow humanitarian tombs and goods immediately and safe. no, it's the hundreds of thousands of people in need. so right from the beginning, if i knew that it was depriving water for electricity and defense, also survivor, it's set. so ever, the thing is closed, it is known that it was depriving part of the nose of health care and treatment for
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each other in the middle of an unprecedented form of food and water and of the essentials for survival. this time touch, there was house organization to say we are on our news often for sustains scaled up for tempted to monitor in operations, appealing to all those in a situation to make a decision or influence decision, make us to give us the humanitarian space to address this schuman cutoffs for from despite this knowledge, is that i am continues to target infrastructure as soon as officer by water and sanitation infrastructure solar panels, because meals crops. so it's forms hospitals designated to the health care system. it's todd of age, where codes and the infrastructure of the united nations. it is because of the
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point of self skills. why that cause that has become the place of death and despair in conclusion, but in president, man, it propagates us of great assaults. atrocity is protested to that we misunderstood, that they did not mean what they said that their own words were taken out of context. what state would i move to the general site, the intent? yet, the distinctive feature of this case has not been the silence as such. but the end of the petition, often the side of the speech throughout the sphere of states is that i wouldn't mind to the costs of the identity and or thought of it to, of the to know side up insights. us the prime minister, the president,
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the minutes of defense, the minutes off national security, the minutes of energy and infrastructure. members of the canals that senior officials and foot soldiers to northside auto lenses. therefore, not often the fringes. they are embedded in states policy. the intent to destroy is been understood by soldiers on the ground. it is also fully understood by some within the is right. as provided with a government facing criticism for allowing c n n a. h to garza on the basis that it has the country. once it's promised to staff palestinians or, and this was, this is, that is right in the office. i was did not mean what they said. oh, and not fully understood by soldiers and civilians are like for me and what they set should do to death by this court. the evidence of genocide,
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that intent is not on the children. it is also overwhelming and incontrovertible. but i'm presidents. it is not my or not to request you to call mr. john to got on the subject of tourist dixon. i think mr. good guy, toby, and i know and by professor john do guard to take the or you have the purpose. okay, we'll just interrupt it there. just give you a rough off of what we've actually been looking at over the past hour. 15 minutes or so. that is indeed the opening statements by side. i forget who brought a case of a legit genocidal attacks against israel in guys. and we've been hearing from the solicitor's members of that team going through laying out what they believe is the case against israel for that. just to give you briefly some of the main points there on some interesting points as well may right of the top saying by
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a d last name who heads base about for contain south africa, contends that israel has turn press article to the convention by actions which so a systematic part of it of conduct from which genocide can be inferred essentially, meaning that the court room does not have to rule that. it's a final view that it constitutes genocide, but only whether some of the acts my possibly be considered within the conventions . provision, so that's very significant because never before has that entire country at bring board brought the court to hear an act of genocide against dr. state. so whatever is decided here is going to have big rama vacations. also the push there from the at team saying that we need to bring a part a ceasefire right to way in order for actually monitoring a to get in another enough is being done in the international community to help
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bring out a boy. and that is why we're in the hague today as well, to try and make that happen. at thing that is real deliberately imposed conditions for gas has physical destruction. now there's one of the big lines on has calculated to create mass starvation. so some very big allegations being made today in the hey, got the international court of justice. israel will be coming, i'm sure at to the left turn shortly to give the rebuttal. there's a fence both today and tomorrow or friday, but it could be handed yours on till a final ruling is made on whether israel has committed at genocide against gals up. okay. moving on? no, no, i had all of the hearing up the hague, israel's prime minister told him down his rhetoric on java somewhat. benjamin netanyahu refuted his previous suggestions that the policy needed and save would be
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controlled by the id f after the war. if we can do so, let's take a listen to exactly what the is really prime minister had to say, as well as no intentional, permanently occupying garza or displacing it civilian population as well as funding . come us terrace, not the palestinian population, and we are doing so in full compliance with international law. the adf is doing its utmost to minimize civilian casualties while come mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian civilians as human shields. our goal is to red garza how much terrace and fear hostages. once this is achieved, guys, it can be demilitarize in d radicalize, thereby creating a possibility for a better future for israel and palestinians alike. and the change in the country is related to the i. c, j, the case,
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the international criminal and the international court of justice case, i guess israel brought by south africa invoking the genocide convention and goodness, israel and is right. and it is in the getting people to know better. well, that is right and what phase implications a cause the quantities and the heat. and that's why there's changing better acetic . they saying this is not our policy on the ground. however, we see how in gaza. and this is, you know, the history of the army is certainly government, full enforce, destroying, powerless thing allies, this replacing 1900000 palestinians. solving them literally to this, both in the north of garza and the south of goza, asking them to evacuate further south every day. this is that in that the, on the grounds. and we, you know,
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facts on the ground or to speak louder than these, these statements made by, is there any politicians? i think there is a very solid case of growth by south africa. again, this is wrote m a t 4 page document documenting how is read committed, genocide against the policy of people, including a section on the official is really statements by ministers. members of can use it and people in power this way is right. it's very war. it started taking some majors. i think it's too late. and it just astonishing images of the guest is talking. there isn't there. in the next 37 for you. by the way to r t. prominent nigerian human rights activists semi phenomena sees the her who are this watching on an har, up on israel is doing to the policy. and here's a preview about sit down, which you can watch and fold throughout the day on this channel. or descent to
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minus 2 out of the my paul by doing leslie is displayed by east machine. make him fine. dental fight. i'm goose. the people tell us to try to oh, come on. so it's, i'm assuming on him, i need to be unable to back to extend the actual south africa as i looked over here for go see for your money to the $1000.00, watched the plus 50 from the television. well, by june, june would be good in hospitals and the homes get online, so i'm assuming no one that they give up on things you kind of looked
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at the hospital. you can look that back on. i'm fins on children and women and this is what no one is watching on a daily basis. it's, well we watching a lot of discussions on talks, but actually on the ground itself more das b r i d f on, lisa must've bombardment of strikes on gals that just a number of hours before the speech of the hague. we've just been watching at least 40 people were killed and wounded there, there i'll by law, according to the enclaves government, let's show you some images from their distressing ones. indeed, from the seen, showing civilians fleeing for their lives. moments after is really miss alice landed near alaska hospital blood. so people were carried away from the impact site while local scoured through the rubble of
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a 2 story filling up with all the sitting officials say more than 20 civilians side and most 5. okay. some more upsetting images here is showing the injury being rushed to hospital. oh ok. so in fact, there's no risk of shutting down due to the hostilities and population order from the idea less than half of gas as hospitals are still able to even partially function. all the rest couple really close the yeah, this emotional footage shows the aftermath of another is really strikes out here to pull us to mean red, crescent, dump billing some wedding stick, killing at least 6 people. galsen official save in 50 death to has risen to over 23300 people since october 7th and also in central gals that a poultry farm has been shelled by years really times leaving a reported. 13 members of the one family kill us at dozens are still underneath the
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trouble. it's despite the idea of cleaning the area was safe for civilians we heard from the relative of the victims. i guess the saucy stuff is family is originally from northern guys or they were displaced here. essential gas. it was considered safe place without any warning. these really are me talking to their place of shelter when more than 50 of the i was stuff you, family, or their relatives, brothers. children were old trapped under the rubble and needed help at least 13 people buried today. it's clear that all those who were trapped died and also survived can naturally cover the bodies of people here have no tools or equipment displace residential area, was supposed to be a safe area according to is really army announcements. all who died here are just children and women with the most here is this was the birth certificate for mariah, born in 2014 and for catching up born in 2018. apparently they was for us to be as
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well as security, somehow responsible for their tober 7th attacks, not katya. but here's some distressing footage we've received from the cell. i'll dean road the main highway, spending the entire length of cancer local is now called at the root of death. as it's littered with the 3 bodies and bullet casings, the roots was used by hundreds of thousands of palestinians to flee from northern cal. so to the size of the highway has come under is really fire many times in the past 3 months, despite being deemed safe for civil. but earlier we spoke with somebody side um deputy secretary general of the fox, a central committee that's the highest decision making body of the palestinian organization and political party. if you choose the true love seeking simply to seize, polished and in lot, it's not the war against guys that so far it is the war against the older products side, inclusive officer fees. he comes to businesses, towns, penny, all back in september of a game.


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