tv News RT January 11, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EST
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[000:00:00;00] the, the special genocide on the intent is the router in the belief that in fact the enemy is not just the media type of weighting of how moss is imbedded in the properties of public opinion. life didn't cause south africa accuses as well as carrying out a wall of genocidal intense against the entire palestinian population of gaza. as of the international court of justice is here in for tory of those to say against as well at the hague. with the motion fast by just some, some other countries speaking to on a permanent nigerian human rights activism lawyer says that all right, thinking people uh polls by as well as assault on garza. and that the i c,
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j low c to the ground breaking the actual soft of this. i looked over here for a few months about the house and watched the closer to the web. be good in hospitals under the house. the hearing in the netherlands, the idea of the tunnel garza with most strikes, supposedly getting at least 20, including many children at the local residence, makes an obsessive discovery and the level of his family moved here. this is the birth certificate for mariah, born in 2014, for catching up ward in 2018. apparently they worked for us through his mail with security, somehow responsible for the cobra, 7th tax sancho dash sage, as quotes no voltage by west in criticism of a recent elections of the south asian countries need
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a previous clear to use the us of seeking raising change that the and very it will welcome this is all the international with the world news update is good to happy with us this out. and we start with the hague, where the international court of justice is hearing what south africa is called a case of genocide to spite as well in gaza as listening points from his re alone. won't you just doing to implement the order? general assurances on don't see enough reports published by the court and essential elements of accountability. i should address the question of self defense and this advisory opinion in the will case, the court due to the threat to israel, hood argued,
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justified the construction of the war was nothing pupil to a foreign stage but emanated from territory the occupied palestinian territory over which israel itself, exercises control. for those reasons, the court decided as a matter of international law, the rights of self defense under article $51.00 of the charter. the when charlotta had no relevance in such circumstances. 20 days to go to the security council. if um you get again the gaza is occupied territory, is way refers to a complete withdrawal from gaza. it has retained control over garza over accessed by lambda, cna and over t governmental functions and supplies of water,
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electricity. it's talked to the servants group and they have very but no one can doubt succeed. continuous realities of israel scrape on garza courts legal holding from 2004 holes. good under similar points has to be made here. what is riley is doing in gaza? it is doing entire tree under its own control. its actions are enforcing its occupation. the law around self defense on the elliptical $51.00 is the un charter has no application but that is the main point. the main point is much simpler. is that no matter how long the stress or a pooling an attack will provocation?
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genocide is never a political response. every use of force with a used in self defense or is enforcing the occupation or in policing operations or otherwise must stay within the limits set by international law including the explicit duty of all i think one of the conviction to prevent genocide so it's have for it could be used to the publicly available evidence of the scale of the destruction resulting from the bombardment of garza and the deliberate restriction of food water. let's, let's do let crystal tree available to the population of causa. demonstrates that
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the government of israel, nope, jewish people is really citizens, the government of israel and its military to use the intent on destroying the palestinians because as a group and is doing nothing to prevent or punish the actions of others who support that a and i repeat the point is not simply the israel is acting disproportionately. the point is to the prohibition on genocide is an absolute, a per rep, pre roll of little nothing can ever justify genocide, no matter what some individuals within the group of palestinians in garza may have done no matter how great the threat to his regular citizens might beat genocidal attacks on the whole of gulls and the whole of its population with the intent of
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destroying them cannot be justified. and no exception can be made in the provisional measures order to allow us state to engage in action, the civic capable of violate tickets obligations. under the genocide convention, it is on the same people that the court would never do such a thing. that is the simple point to this case. genocide could never be justified in any circumstances. this man is action to be examined closely and methodically. at the marriott stage when the cold we want to hear what israel has to say in its defence. what matters now is it the evidence indicates that israel's actions have finally tickets obligations under the genocide convention that they continue to violate them. by this way, it is
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a substitute the treated and tends to continue them. are you saying that they say that it will comply with all of its obligations on the genocide convention and that orders from the court and not necessary but in previous cases, the court has held that sucks you deluxe will statements do not remove the risk of irreparable prejudice, or create the need for a court order. in this case, we're using for doubting the ethic to see if any such utilize undertaking is right as a parent and the ability to see as a teacher has done anything wrong in grinding gaza. and it's people into the test. another reason is that the departure from will read interpretation of any use, an actual undertaking by israel bailey, to consequences, so appalling,
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that the risk simply cannot be take the risk. the 3rd reason this was noted during the submission was to this course in the case conserving the reservations to the genocide convince in 1951. quote. the obligation to submit disputes concerning the interpretation or execution of to convince to the international court of justice was regarded as one of the prime guarantees of the do fulfillment of the basic obligation to prevent un publish the crime of genocide and quote. the role of the cold, which unusually extend as most only to the interpretation and application of the convex. but also to its full filament, is pivotal. in addition to the substances obligations under the convention,
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it is vitally important to the states respect the court. and the procedural obligations this is not available to the court to sit back and be silent. it's necessary, it's a search, it's so far ot itself, order compliance with the obligations under the agenda side convince. indeed, it's hard to think of a case in recent history, which has been so important for the future of international law. and of this quote, let the impressive members of the quote that concludes my submission. right, thank you for your attention and the list. so i can help you further, i'd ask you cool on the south africa's agent to read out the request for relief. i think professor lo and i now invite the agent of south africa, his excellency,
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mister, with some movie my don't sell a to address the court. you have the floor. excellent. see. but i'm president. it remains my own a to reach to your excellent sees the provision that amazes but sort of africa requests from the quote to have had the reasons set out which justify the measure as being sold to sum up the indication of probation on major as is we recognize without prejudice to the merits of the underlying claim. yet, the evidence at this stage indicates great violence and genocide on acts against the palestinians in gaza, in flagrant contravention of the genocide convention and increase of their rights.
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so that the guys come to this quote to prevent the genocide and to do so in the discharge of the international obligation, the address on south africa and all other states. under the convention. the consequences of north indicating the and particularized specific provisional measures and not taking steps to intervene while it is out of district thoughts, its international obligations before our eyes. woods, we fear be very brave indeed for the palestinians in gaza, who remain at the rear risk of further to the sidelines for the integrity of the convention for the rights of south africa. and for the reputation of this quote, which is equipped with muscles exercises powers to afford
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an effective plan is ation of the lights under the convention. that means with respectfully supplements indicating the provision of managers being sold, spice, south africa, as well as any others. in addition, which the quote might deem appropriate justice and equal respect for the rights of palestinians. points where mainly in favor of these critically required provision. i'm anxious but i'm president. i know proceeds to read the major's requested by south africa. on the basis of the effects set forth above south africa and the state party to the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. respectfully request the quotes as a matter of extreme agency spending the cost determination of this case on the
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merits to indicate the following provision on measures in relation to the post teen and people as a group protected by the genocide convention. these measures directed links to the rights that from the subject matter of protest disputes with each one, the state of israel shot shot immediately suspend it, submitted to the operation skin and against garza to the state of israel, shuddered. show that any made a treat uh, irregular units which may be directed, supported or influenced by it. as well as any organizations and peasants which may be subject to its control. direction or influence. take no steps in fed that ends of the military operations,
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but if it 2 in point one above $330.00 population of south africa and the state of his shot each in accordance with the obligations under the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in relation to the publishing and people take a reasonable measures within their power to prevent the genocide for the state of israel. shaw quote, ends with its publications come to the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in relation to the public gene and people as a group project. it's by the convention on the vention and punishment of the time of genocide. the says it's from the commission of any and all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention. the inside took you last
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a getting members of the group be cost and see that's for the need for mental home to the members of the group. see deliberately inflicting on the pre conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction. info on impulse and di, imposing measures intended to prevent brooks within the group 5 the state of israel. so this went to point 4 paragraph see above, in relation to the palestinians. desist from and take all measures within its power, including the sending of relevant orders of restrictions and all prohibits and to prevent a the expulsion and force displacement from their homes. be the def,
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prevention off access to adequate food and water cox this to many children and assistance including access to adequate fuel show to close gene and sanitation. the medical supplies and assistance and see the destruction of posting and life in gaza. number 6, the state of is charles in relation to palestinians and show that it's mandatory, as well as any regular units or individuals which may be directed, supported or otherwise influenced by it's. and any organizations and persons which may be subject to events, control, direction, or influence did not commit any ex, describes in $4.00 and $5.00 of off as well and gauge indirect and
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public incitement to clement genocide, conspiracy to commit to genocide attempted to commit to genocide a complicity in genocide and then so far as they do engage, varying that steps are taken to watch that punishment assessments 2 articles, 123 and $4.00 of the convention on the prevention and punishment for the crime of genocide. number 7, the state of these are so take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of experts within this scope of article 2 off the convention on the prevention and punishment of the time of genocide to that. and the states of israel, so not x to deny or otherwise district access by fact, finding missions international mondays and other bodies to gaza. to assist in in
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showing the preservation under tension of said evidence number 8. the state of these out shelves, supplements and reports to the court on, on the measures taken to give effects to this folder within one week. as from the dates of this folder. and that of the, at such regular intervals as the court shall order. until i find out the decision on that case is rendered by the court and that such reports. so i'd be punished by published by the quote, i think your phone number 9, the state of israel showed a frame from any action and show and show that no action is taken, which might, aggravates or extend the disputes before the quotes or make it more difficult to resolve. thank you madam president and distinguished members of the quote. that
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concludes south africa address. thanks. i think the agents of south africa flu statement brings to an end the single round of oral argument of south africa as well as this morning sitting. the court will meet again tomorrow. 12 january 2024 at 10 am to hear the single round oral argument of israel, the settings for the welcome back to our studio in moscow, where we've just been listening in live to the hague, is the quote. as being continuing to hire arguments from south africa as lawyers on representatives. now south africa fall this low states in december, and we've welcomed by several countries in with the global outcry is well as actions in gaza. several countries being malaysia took you had jordan bolivia, the mo, the movie of pakistan, columbia, and members of the organization of islamic countries. the eu has been silenced. and
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of course, the us of quotes as well. now the most, they both south africa, essentially one is best and full mass. it would be killing to stop and as well to suspend its military operations in dollars. so when it comes to the case of genocide, the most difficult elements here is going to be obtaining evidence for intense and it could take a long time to get that evidence together and our provisional ruling is expected. within a week, i found a ruling could probably take several years. we would of course, be keeping you fully across all the developments taking place in the hague. but today and tomorrow and in the coming days and weeks i do stay with us for that. now on day one of the hearings of the hague sounds, that african lawyers have accused as well, an opening staging of policy of genocide, intent against palestinians in gaza. which idea of treats a carrying is that i as a special genocide, our intent is
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a router in the belief that in fact the enemy is not just the media type of wing of hamas, or indeed mazda. and that on the side is embedded in the fabrics of palestinian life in cause the war being the war. when children all make clear that's to the side, that intent is both understood and has been put into practice. this intent is evident from israel's conduct in specially targeting palestinians living and gaza using weaponry that causes large scale, homicidal destruction, designating safe zones for palestinians to seek refuge and then bombing beans, depriving palestinians in gaza of basic needs. trimming seriously injuring and leaving large numbers of children, often south africa is recognized that ongoing not up to punish dean and people through israel scrutinize ation since 1948,
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which has systematically and forcibly dispossessed, displaced and fragmented to the public. jean and people deliberate to denying them the internationally recognized in the rights to self determination. the south african government repeatedly voiced his concerns and the security council. i need a big statement that his actions had become getting the size of the dispute had crystallized as a metal rule. this was consumed by his rogues, official and unequivocal denial on 67, but that it was committing genocide in gauze so that you guys asking the icy dates to indicate intern business to urgently put tip the rights of palistine as well as empty. i'm quote processes and fold. meaning that to the decision that a lot of people are probably looking for is not gonna come out today or tomorrow.
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but even at the time of the proceedings, the lawyer has kept referring to the case as he's well as genocide that on his phone gave us a wave of feeling and to the sentiments in that pool to today. so. so that's because advocate has the detail that the history of the guys are presenting a map off because a strip ad indicating restrictions imposed by as well on because it strips to say that it's not necessary to pull the call to to come to a final view on 10 aside for the stating that the quota must find that the has been pre to the, to some of the genocide convention. the lawyer has really relied heavily on videos off topic is really officials and materials from social media platforms that, that actually can advocate to turn back on move i told be pulled up videos of the is really defense force and is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu using those
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videos as evidence of how he's route is and has been a wage that it is committing genocide. we've also seen a number of days like a jordan and the 2 kids i'm backing the case of malaysia as well, backing the case and supporting so that's we've got, as it takes on this case, even recently, namibia had practice done. also joining the list. it's in fact not even just countries around the world, the many african people around the continent and said, listen to some of those voices regarding self africa's complaint about the war and gas i. i agree with that focused position on the genocide in reality, beyond the occupation of guy. so, but he's real. where now with this in a genocide, because there engines bombings to deal. everyone. we see that it's children. we mailed spanish have nothing to do with the war. israel is a country which is supported by the west and the need to when you see the images, it's really a bit of phone, isn't that a book who there is a lot of data sources, sense to reason that south africa is filing charges against israel for work winds
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can because they have to know that in war, according to un tax sort of things must be respected. civilians must be spirited and if they only target to the military buildings, then we can understand it, what it is will is deliberate to target to surveillance and circling the population and we're using aid. then we can understand south africa's reaction to the i salute the courage of south africa, which is truly the 1st to make this pronouncements on a question which is of vital importance for human rights. the jewish states wants to marginalize a mexican of the published in in people and push them out of the homes. there are states, complaints in this state switch have been singing about human rights for a long time. israel avoids military confrontation using cowardly method. so i could talk to the civilians attacking hospitals as an unconventional approach, which is really unprecedented, an entire history of conflict. it's too nasty as to bob barracks is sadistic, of course, many say, regardless of the outcome. so that's because of the case and creates the public records of these wells, actions,
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and forces as well to publicly account for its conduct illegals for relying on evidence, of course, rather than bed um, bad faith history and evidence w all seen today in today's proceedings. and this also, it said that it can only help to put a senior cause to move forward. a large crowd is seen massing outside the hague. what a 2 day hearing before the us top quote started on the se, demonstrates the waiting palestinian flags and charging auntie as well slogans. according to us, president biden, and prime minister netanyahu criminals and us. so i think to boy, taught as well while demanding an ends to the palace city and genocide. meanwhile, the un special referrals to palestine has held the landmark historical case of the international court of justice. watching african women and men fighting to save humanity and international legal system against the ruthless attacks supported and enabled by most of the west,
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will remain one of the defining images of our time. this will make history whatever happens to have, and it's gone to the sandals the month. as i say, as the initiative is assigned to, the global community is outraged by the massacre in gaza. the 1st significant step has been taken. so that's a good as being brave and courageous and as push this semester before the global community. and in doing so as a, that's a good isn't presenting an outraged global community humanity itself. and in the phase one of the worst genocidal campaigns in the modern history. so regardless of what, what does the outcomes? yeah. as a, as in the state been made by it. so that's the, one of us is significant enough and does put the israel and all of those who was
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the 4 digits on the back. the state of glutamate with genocide because there is nothing that can justify the matter of almost 50000 people is nothing. the head of the hearing at the hague, as well as prime minister, turns down his rhetoric on garza benjamin netanyahu. refuted his previous suggestions that the palestinian and case would be controlled by the ideas off to the will as well as no intention of permanently occupying gaza or displacing it civilian population. as well as finding how much terrace not the palestinian population. and we are doing so in full compliance with the international law. the adf is doing its utmost to minimize civilian casualties while come mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian civilians as human shields. our goal is to rid gods of come us terrace and fear hostages. once this is achieved,
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guys, it can be demilitarize, the radicalize. thereby creating a possibility for a better future for israel and palestinians. i like the change in the country as it related to the i c, j. case the international criminal and the international court of justice case, i guess israel brought by a staff to africa, invoking the genocide convention and get this issue and is ready to need is in the get people know better. well that is right or will face implications. a cause the qualities and the he and that's why there's changing that ascetic they saying this is not our policy on the ground. however, we see how in gaza and this is, you know, the history of the army and is really government full enforce, destroying paris in allies this replacing 1900000 palestinians. this
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