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tv   News  RT  January 11, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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to the side convention wherever duty to prove rep, genocide was seeking the quote to intervene and stop the ongoing muscle correct in . because today it does come on costs. but the under general side could have been prevented from my un secretary general go for a non expressed this will get it listed. but when he said, and i quote, the international community filled with one. and that must live us, always with a sense of the type of bread and abiding sort of gross quote, the one that stands out as a segments. they've got a group to all of us for giving phase for it, for the international community living face. to prevent it from hip and that does not have to live with the same regret when it comes to publish type this case, present quoted an opportunity to at the time to prevent genocide from continuing and goes up by using an agent injunction. so definitely got is most defense that multi close to the end, the month to they shall come to that embraces the concept of
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a one is way of defining what we are and how we relate to us or move domains. i am because you are, i am, becomes homes, blah. is you because do not i was in, is this, you know, so full of i'm going to means your money to and is it reflected in the idea that a fair amount of money to wouldn't offend the money to of us. it is a play the majority of the for you also the mission of consciousness and in the process of these democratic transform mission, admission building our history. so i know for depression and violence, human rights abuses, a part of data is a crime against you. money to discrimination and distrust between people born on the same story. this history enjoys us to stand in principle and solidarity with the people of palestine. as so far funding for the will of wanted us to do those on monday. because i used it as one month by crimes against humanity. that is, and what are things is,
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of the city of guys are being transformed into mazda bit of ground onto mount our minds that allow me inside of jubilant, unfortunately. so the gross introductions, well finish and move doesn't, isn't at the most of us. but what in that, that examination by these, on the court? the ways of these are the ministers. is the members of parliament, the general also, i mean, speeches are just calling people to punish the human animals. shows that the statement of intent to wipe out the police didn't and people out of doesn't to you and community on the illumination of racial discrimination stated that such a language is an incitement to general site and underscore the importance of preventing genocide by allstate. but this is a signatory to the conviction was i have a duty to bring these meta to the quotes attention and to stop genocide. the extra is taken by is that i like games for the students posted by minutes did parties including the state of palestine itself to be in breach of the convention.
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palestine is express, could i have concerns over the international system, incompatibility to prevent aids of genocide, identities, people. and this is into call for an action towards such as the uncompromising enforcement of the floor must be used to seize the ongoing of trustees and gaza. this case also is about a set f issue and the information of the international law flew into an exceptional reason when it comes to the state is that i our distinguish, the golf team is expanded on notice in the one of the quotes, we want to conclude with the width of much introduction, when he said, and i quote, the judge of the model of the universe as will always bending to us justice. we believe justice would provide this quote. thank you very much. thank you said
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it didn't make a huge difference. the fact that the state is that i least held the account by the international community. the sort of just the know, the reason is that i, they know that if they continue, they may 1 day because even before the isis individually and beheaded comfortable. so the message is clear, they must cease, they must disease from the ends of genocide. or how confident are you that the chord will actually pronounce the provisional measures against israel? obviously we cannot do one to 2. and if i take the quotes that hold and also 2nd guys, the quotes that we believe doug would prevent, was presented to compelling case fence. and the law international law is due to this prevents with regards to the case and effects that was prevented was presented as of yet no one else is also quoted for extensively on international
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students. that is what that is, where that is, where we stand on. and then we will continue to allow the court to the mind defense and to come up with the video is not for us to put a note on behalf of the court. the sheets of the assault to respond to the minister. this often is statement the by many countries, particularly those who are sympathetic to insulate as that goes what's been pallets us. and i said to can to is the right. i likely going to time is 12 of what is called the switch i was, was this an installation to have a phone out like me going to in the same. thank you sophie. i would think that question um we have engaged with many of the companies that you've mentioned. many of them understand the good thing that integrate different
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positions to them. i'll position is on publish them as administer, as pointed out. and as our legal team is going to the is based on principal. so we can defend the position with all of them. and in fact, we're doing this in, in the interest of securing justice for fellow students by the school. so to ensure that international law, as you pointed out, is it implemented fairly and also evenly. and that is in the interest of preserving international law for the same den, go direct of that general of international cooperation. i administer your recognize any responsibilities by some variations happening as the website in court. the web condemned the extra though from us on the 7th of october and then we have done so also to a note of above. today's date is on the corner and it is just a matter of days or few weeks. when do you think the over yesterday we, we, we,
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we went to not to, to put them to quote, not necessarily pleasure on the quote, but we believe the quote says you had the site, they understand the agency and they will deliver to the video within the time the some time and send that to you as soon as the lead them all come out. yeah, we were presented the case. you am a on behalf of the government of the republic of south africa and we are doing so on be off of the number for this thing is young deeds, woman and the evidence that, that being an accused in the, in them and, and does it does it do well not presenting any case on behalf of 5 months so that the statement is baseless. that statement is good. no method. we, we do not have any monday from, from how much our monday to is from this old african government. and in our peace
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also is not as busy jews as a people. our case is like this. the actions of the state of is that i the actions of general sites that are committed in gaza. and so i'll definitely go, we've got a number of jewish people doing business living with us, and they also attend the churches in peace. so the case is about the state of is that i am is not about to do is people as a community, the african union noticed asian countries on the end of the push it off, as well as, as you playing politics with this. and as of right to self defense, this is a, is the highest again of do you. and i think it even insults to the court and to say that the court granting us an opportunity to present our compelling case. i don't know if you have seen citing international law providing fits and citing the intake and relevant articles of the convention. i think a lot of the convention and the number of m u. n conventions that the quote with
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has been presented with. so we have presented the compelling to the government. this is good politics. it's printing the quotes and put the notes on the feds and on the know how much uh did you so as, as obviously country or diplomatic relations is not normal, you'll see that we have a quote on both of those from, from, from, from years ago. and either i was also recall the best of different menus. yes. and we've also they called our entire team. in essence, what we're saying is that on the we will wait for the outcome of this quote case, but also for the full for justice to be found within palestine. and we hope that after that we can engage with, with israel, as with other stakeholders, towards adjusting last think be so both the statements. i mean, is there any side on the side of the relations after that?
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i think we'll be able to engage with the relations a lot more open the after the court case has been concluded. administer if the quote doesn't agree with the, with the questioning the system itself. yep. we're here to us. it's the international photo floor. this is the highest event of the, of the u. n. we one to believe that the judges professionals, well company, cent of the reality. open open international cost and is due to the dixie and how it's function. and they have taken an old and one to give them the, the benefits of adults that we'd be able to exercise professionally. and, and that's why we presented the case citing fred's side thing to this prevents citing the initial side of conventions of the way that they use. why he's on some white pile of how to send you the police. yes,
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we do the thing in front of a what does it say for both of us? well, uh good. go ahead. so this uh, well, 1st of all, i think the facts speak for themselves what this lady is doing and goes a step is all vs based on fact the little, the, the white plains, the people of guys and forcibly and putting the population that based on dishes that will lead to the mice, allow me to say a few words and not a bit get on behalf of the state of palestine. and then uh, to do make a short sweep statement also in english. i don't look for the stand for something alien. what the, what the, what the on, without the help of the hope of 30 see us if you like the ultimately, as you know, i see a few. those does, i'm not the most of the default where you up on a bunch of my, you know, and when i walk about a, what the, how you kind of that will do this about a lot. so they'll kind of
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a lot. and if these are kind of believe others are my, you look at the shopping for the screen. if it doesn't look all both off in the car, shot the mule, this is america, not we'll look at the seat belt, michigan low, a lot of them. so things that i'm lucky to have to come to help with shabby, full screening will let people the elect, the cab dream, but the, by the july. yeah. well, i can even see up with 30 soon as my little the impulse the what is that i am lucky to setup help with shabbots from the scene. they've been on the neck of the wireless stem of what i have, i'll do with them using also the what the heck out kinda stuff that give us that are in alarm about. so somebody and how do you like about that? if you go to shopping for the senior well and insomnia, look at that, look and move on with. don't let me, i'll a little call him. i look on the sugar you're going to do and lucky side of the have a pump. well though i don't have the it'll help the equal yeah. what,
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what the bad football? sure. i let the comments be as you know about 3 player. well, what time, how me feel out before the how does the end the call shots and lucky to luck. wish it, but i'll see you look on the on. i see it on lock it. and the last i had had low . i looked at the as a matter. so what did you, i had the july i'm lucky to have to keep the so the aid valko shopping for the spinning was the default possible. also create other for the, for me or the for the bill cycle. and also how come from the spinning with a fee then before the city on the side of putting an elective took about valko chavez listed allow me to say a few words in glitch. and i'll try to make a choice. i know you've been working for long, sorry to make you wait for that long. but we thank you for being here with us and the started. they not only for palestine, but for humanity and for the whole international rules based system. the state of palestine values and appreciates wholeheartedly the sort of action taken by south
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africa today at the highest international court. as a part of the genocide convention, south africa has acted in pursuance of itself, negations and duty to prevent and punish the crime of genocide by requesting vi c. j to intervene. to to suspend the genocide the low lowest buy is read. i gaze the listing of people in guys, a very important key. the south african oral arguments also presented the context in which this genocide is happening. a function you, one of not the of colonization of disposition, oppression and appetite. the seeing people have been suffering from for the past 75 years. south africa presents a damning evidence confirming that palestinian people up some of the kind of suffering irreparable harm from misery is violation of the different genocide
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convention. this is that because at the moment for the international system, south africa to a bold and pro active step on behalf of humanity to protect the palestinian people . and ensure that the genocide convention and international law will not become completely irrelevant. which is a prospect that must specify all of us. nearly 100000 palestinians have been killed, disappeared on the level and is your buy is very, is over the past 3 months. is a cost systematic, extensive, and deliberate destruction of the foundations of life and gaza. including homes, infrastructure, and hospitals. josh is mosques, is a displaced nearly the entire population and is deliberately solving the population . is it a, is destroying the foundations of life in gaza? as we thanked all states and the government,
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the logo is organizations will support this important and distorted step by south africa. we also just to pull on all the states to take steps to support south africa's application. and let me be clear, no one. and no one can claim plausible deniability. that's thanks to at least the 115 colleagues of yours that have been killed by easily in the course of the 3 months that passed the scene and leave the ship will lock through land until our rights of done freedom and independence achieved humanity is that the cross roads, the case before the i c j is that, that's the national system. it is that moment of make it through an opportunity to provide the hope to humanity. at the time when it's solely needed. leaders have
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a historic responsibility and their actions will be judged by us 3. thank you. your name please your name. sorry i, i did not introduce myself. my name is somebody's as the i'm the assistant minister of foreign affairs of the state of palestine. to thank you very much and so thank you. i you are presenting the well, you were listening the to a press conference outside the international court of justice at the hague. listening the to not just the south african delegation but also a representative from the palestinian authority as well. so what i told you through some of the points that were mentioned in this press conference, we're going to start off with those uh points from roland la moda. was a justice minister in south africa. he said the idea of what the case of south africa is bringing was to make sure that they were promoting human rights and
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stability in the world. he said that the world was watching enough for a while gauze and his palestinians were being less to die. a painful death. he talked about the 10s of thousands who were already been killed in the last 3 months since, as well began. it's from boston and of the gaza strip. and he said south africa was cooling for an immediate cease fire and also humanitarian aid. now he also mentioned about the international community to say that they were being passive, while these atrocities were being carried out. and he said that what they wanted, the only c j to do is to prevent the on folding genocide that's taking place in gauze. and he said he was asked this question actually, due to believe that israel actually, and this is his personal judgment. wolf's 2.5 garza and he simply said yes, that is my opinion. now,
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he also drew power allows of what's happening garza with through london genocide, back in the 1990. she said, you know, many people remain silent. back when that was happening. he said the international community failed rwanda and he said a don't want base to happen in dollars a to so he's calling for an urgent injunction. we also heard up from the, from the downfall, who's from the department of international relations in south africa ministry. and he talked about, you know, saying, you know, this is some things that we need to sort out. it's important that we make sure that israel stops of genocide that's taking place in south africa. and we also then finally heard from the assistant secretary of the foreign affairs department in the policy and state. and he sent south africa for the actions that it was bringing to the i c j to to said. so if i was working to prevent genocide and said that
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palestinians had lived on the oppression and colonialism for the last 70 years, he sits africa had taken a bold and proactive step on behalf of humanity. and he pulled on all the states to support the south african authorities in this case, and said that no one could claim plausible deniability for what was happening in goals at the moment. those the comments taking place outside of the i. c. j. in the hague. in the netherlands. well as well has openly stated a policy of genocidal intent against the palestinians in gauze which has been carried up by r d f troops. that's just one of those timing accusations that were made by some facile confederacies could be making the country's case before the international court of justice. in the hate, it is, it is a special genocide. our intent is the router in the belief that in fact the enemy
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is not just the media type of way and of how most indeed, how most turn it on is embedded in the fabrics of public opinion life in cause. this intent is evident from israel conduct in specially targeting palestinians living and gaza using weaponry that causes large scale, homicidal destruction, designating save stones, for palestinians to seek refuge and then bombing beans. south africa is recognized the ongoing neck of the punish dean and people. so is rouse colonization since 1948, which has systematically and forcibly dispossessed displaced conflict meant at the public gene, and people deliberately denying them the internationally recognized in the rights to self determination. the dispute had crystallized as a metal rule. this was consumed by his rounds official and unequivocal
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denial on 67, but that it was committing genocide in gauze so that you guys are seeing the i c. j 2 indicates intern businesses to urgently put tip the rights of palistine as well. lindsey, i'm quote, process is unfold. meaning that to the decision that a lot of people are probably looking for is not gonna come out today or tomorrow. but even after the time of the proceedings, the lawyer has but kept referring to the case as he's well as genocide did that on his own, gave it the way the feelings and to the sentiments in that portrait today. so. so that's because advocate has deemed detailed the history of the guys are presenting a map off because it says add indicating to restrictions imposed device as well on because it strips to say that it's not from mississippi to pull the quoted to come to a final view on 10 aside for the stating that the quote too much to find that the has
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been breaches of to some of the genocide convention the lawyer has really relied heavily on videos off topic is really officials and materials from social media platforms that to so that we can advocate to come back on the right tool, be pulled up videos of the is really defense force and is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu using those videos as evidence of how he's route is and has been a wage that it is committing genocide. we've also seen a number of cases, the, like a jordan and to, to keep the batching the case of malaysia as well, matching the case and supporting. so that's we got you as a takes on this case even recently, namibia had practice done. also toys me the list is in fact not even just countries around the world, the many african people around the continent. and so we listened to some of those voices regarding self africans complained about the war and gas. and i agree with
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africa's position on the genocide in reality, beyond the occupation of guy. so, but he's real. where now with this in a genocide because there engines bombings the deal as we want. we see that it's children. we may have a battery that have nothing to do with the war. israel is a country which is supported by the west and the need to when you see the images, it's really beautiful, isn't that the book who there is a lot of data sources sense to reason that south africa is filing charges against israel for work? winds can usually have to know that in war, according to un tax, sort of things must be respected. civilians must be spared, and if they only target to the military buildings, then we can understand it what it is will is deliberate to target to surveillance and circling the population and reviews. if we paid, then we can understand south africa's reaction to something i salute the courage of south africa, which is truly the 1st to make this pronouncements on a question which is of vital importance which human rights the jewish states wants to marginalize and must secure the published and in people and push them out of the
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homes. there are states complicit in this state so which have been singing about human rights for a long time. israel, a voicemail if you compensation using cowardly message so i could talk to civilians . attracting hospitals is an unconventional approach, which is really impressive into the entire history of complex. it's too nasty is to buy, right, it's sadistic and of course many saved regardless of the outcome. so that's because of the case and creates a public record of these wells, actions and forces as well to publicly account for its conduct illegals from relying on evidence, of course, rather than bad, bad faith history and evidence w all seen today in today's proceedings. and this also, it said that it can only help to put a senior cause to move forward. a large crowd is seen him massing outside the building of the quote in the hague without hearing was taking place. demonstrates his according to the end of genocide against palestine on foot,
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boy costs of israel, not pro palestinian next to this rule. so seeing and gathering a had just a hearing in south africa, which of course initiated the news palestinians also in the west bank. a gathered on wednesday at nelson's us mala they're expressing their gratitude to south africa for finding that low seats against is riley genocidal practices. meanwhile, the un, special rapid to for palestine has hail the landmark historical case at the international court of justice. watching african women and men fighting to save humanity and international legal system against the ruthless attacks supported and enabled by most of the west, will remain one of the defining images of our time. this will make history, whatever happens was that the couldn't lawyers have also brought up the remarks
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made by these wally prime minister and his allusions to be cheaper valuable in the arguments before b. i. c j. i minutes to an attorney out in his address to the is right. the 4th is one point 8 october 10th, between the city, preparing for the invasion of cause adds to the soldiers. totally ma'am. 1 what i'ma look has done to you, this refers to the people to call come on to by goal. it's to solve for the tanya to destruction of an entire group of people known as the mother kites boats to death, men and women, children and in friends, cookie and ship k mails and donkeys. that's enough. i've got in vocation to i'm and it was the same, but i do it was that a pewter? it's part of mr. nothing you all in a laptop to the is right. armed forces on city november 22 in the city. but i'm
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president. let the pine ministers with speak for themselves. cool. um the entire people and the leadership of the people down embraced. i mean i'm believing them. remember what um, it looks like you have my, i believe we remember and we fight and was a well ahead of the hearing at the hague is was prime minister tone down his rhetoric on goals. but even nothing you all her refuted. his previous suggestions, the policy, any known claims would be controlled by b i. d, f off to the war as well as no intention or permanently occupying guys or, or displacing it civilian population as well as funding come us terrace, not the palestinian population. and we are doing so in full compliance with international law. the adf is doing its utmost to minimize civilian casualties while come mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian
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civilians as human shields. our goal is to red garza of commerce terrace and free or hostages. once this is achieved, guys, it can be demilitarize in d radicalize. thereby creating a possibility for a better future for as well and palestinians alike. he is right and he does illegal . people know that it will, that is right and what phase implications and cause the quantities and the heat. and that's why there's changing that acetic. they saying this is not our policy on the ground. however, we see how and in gaza. and this is, you know, the history of the army and is really government full enforce destroying palace in allies. this replacing 1900000 palestinians. this solving them literally to this both in the north of garza and the south of goza. asking them to evacuate further south every day. this is that
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a and that the on the grounds and we, you know, facts on the ground or to speak louder than these these statements made by, is there any petitions with these where the government's devastating is sol? phone calls or has sparked increasing criticisms. not only world wide, but also on the home front mold and it's 600 is way nice. have signed a petition in support at the low seats that south africa. that's fine, that's a hague. now, although the signatories are not legal experts, they say that position on the ending, the war is based on the evidence that they see or receiving from sources goza. we'd be speaking to jonathan, paula who signs up petition. he says it's within the power of the i, c j and other states, the punish as well for crimes. the discourse within is ready. society is sole genocide and there's absolutely no.


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