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tv   Documentary  RT  January 11, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EST

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member of the board to release my body's box is a gas company. a giant gas company, again in ukraine and under obama. it was considered as one of the most corrupt in ukraine. good vacation? oh board. you find the hot button? why see that he doesn't speak ukrainian, he doesn't speak russian and he doesn't know anything about gas or the, or all the thoughts of change. so what does he do that? well, he says influence joe finding him to feed in ukraine and affairs by saying that to obtain, posted to be american press that be on intervene to make sure that is the shocking was the general prosecutor at the time was getting ready to investigate our body. small, the mr. shocking that being fired all the time. that the government officer lensky fired, prosecute a shockey. well,
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says joe biden, because it was a colorado the guy. oh, it was quite good. but the son of joe biden is at body smart. so you see there is no absolute proof, but it gets closer. it gets much closer and the republicans in congress will not let go. but that's it for me, how not to international, but rachel river will be ready with more news in about half an hour. the unity and those of income children's ombudsman in the guns people's republic is investigating cases of missing children associated formative can't live that way. there's a lot there is to see them just on the sort of it. is it the 1st image for pitching out and it's really that that's going to allow them. just give them why and
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normally don't put people on your grandson elementary school. but again, the g. i'm done in the center, but i'm really am. i am going to show as little as collateral. that is point 9 in school bush. that would be the one that was probably the most. we were slits in your district and we were going to swing by and introduce g. easy as not showing him a girl and that i'm really am. i was not successful. i swing by just getting enough, which was really, really i knew of 2022. so i repeat with children once again being evacuated from territories controlled by kids. those heard so political did it for you. if not, since you're gonna move here, are you one of the you? the goal is as cool in the beginning of the was that you will get it is a big deal to get 40 and will go to another one that is for me to get what is it
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going to pass gold rush and that you did 40 a good, 50 way with the voice sales that says the media was more bring me out of the colleges. the oakland with foot chilion, hundreds of all from this from the nets. people's republic were evacuated in the same manner. but it's anyone's guess how to find children who have essentially been abducted from dumbass. the most favorable outcome would be adoption. but there's a question mark on that diagnosis and nobody knew what i yes. is it going on nor come through and is that person who i am did she was nobody. i am a senior. i dislike in teaching it. you'll see it, but some more. yeah. or good. never did you buy, did you just say no, some leveling? yeah. you have legs, so would you mind me and send me ukraine? it knows international legislative rooms and refuses to say anything about the state of children. it is taken so much i did, but almost to even use the car with sigma from the the cheapest,
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but not oregon children that are splunk, that's in the you should have pretty much and gigi or things pest. some suspicions about respected organizations such as the red cross, some doctors without borders who was sent to have dealings with neo nazis and ukraine to have been allegations against the doctors without borders of human organ trafficking, and close to the uninstalled. the representatives of the organization were present when the children were evacuated, including your beloved. don't mind me in the move as i did, you already made the agent as jim, out of his upset or cheer and disagree. it's really weird. only fucked him into something. and grabs them, and it says if you put out of the point you and then it'll come good list for them of the nation, the whole bunch come out of middle school children. the also taken away from the
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parents under various pretext that we're looking into what i've done that show the multiple, it's still a good. so when you color, i've got the new scope list of most beautiful for so, but as of june for this will, will, does actually, the images can be the solution we just returned from greece. but i thought of you to me, when you call me as much cool, little coordinator for friday, new gifts to lug it isn't with me. go to a, go to them sliding that i didn't can use. now put you down, you're stuck with us as we need you to me because always for gigi and you can use it, but also associated with each of them. each prose the valid if we're using those up a new cleaning, the house, i'm leaving with charlotte. yes my please. i don't want you to. i'm not supposed to do with the case when she was. that's totally what but also on 3 was me selling children in ukraine is
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anything button you e? sure. you're almost a 100 multiple in your business. use my associate law school list here last night. what you mean? so it should look familiar or should look kentoria for adults. so to be such a number of nearly digital media, the investigation found the head physician available, regional technical hospital log done say doc. so new bones organs to the united states, telling them others in ukraine that then children had died. when you went from washington bull 2nd thought i only have to hannibal. part of just one with the not cisco product yet. that's what i see. windows are slow, was that for the computer? let's see, let's see that, and that's just good part you. international humanitarian organizations seem unconcerned about crimes being committed to the new crane. why don't you do that? and you could ask like this, all the jump, a could give a pleasure to sit on the table with a phone. so no other thoughts today with the
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a truck unless you think about it, cuz i told them when i set them up when she left the bus real quick with those issue. unless you get the, when you your direct to the new guns childrens tuberculosis hospital recalls, i changed the new smashing gift at the bottom of my body infinity. if i'm on gladly such a is done in the do listen for the local at the, during world war 2, international humanitarian organizations. most notably the red cross ignore the suffering associated prisoners in the same way the soldiers, women and children were killed on the horrible experiments were done. but the red cross allegedly kept silence the same organization kidwell for us and european prisoners. so we look, i just know, i only moved them was most likely in the could you find your story?
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i'm going to give me a book, comes on stuff for much cut, you can sort of way that them signs and yolanda fully knew him to say look, you mean it sounds good points to pull my chicago with the president of the red cross college, a book on officially supported denazi's, i'm was personally received by him. it was through red cross channels that adults heisman mazda mind of the final solution to the jewish question. my account don't to yoseph mangled a trial as bobby nickname the butcher of leal address and the nazis were able to escape justice regardless of thoughts, nature, when you find me, you know, is that wisdom set the lips of shifting the thought on your website and what are we going to see what was coming joy of what's about the students, but it is yet that you're so then you live usually, but yeah, and it's way that will. it will much time. you go then you cause or the
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in 1999 doctors without borders put in an appearance in kosovo as well, specific to oh my god of his vantage set that i thought would be as i see this one, he loved them. uh, only 2 of the most vehicle the allow me to accept that and will be about that or should i have custody? i mean is that a lot of different answers get? typically a bill for many alpha you want me to get the name and all impulse, little down now. cushion. yeah. don't. and diplomats the audiologist behind the doctors without borders, organization established in 1971. today it's an international movement involving more than 6 the 3000 people. the activities assumed to be noble and humane. but in 2005, a book written by a former prosecutor of the hey tribunal. carla dale county was a released cold the fund me unvil criminals
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during how well came close of the prosecutor. so a much albanians trafficking human organs was the most sheltering crime she uncovered. built on to directly accused cushion. yeah. and doctors without borders of human organ trafficking. but the accusation only came out once built on to i'd resigned as chief, prosecute to wild cut off. and that was the hands prosecutor of the house. you know, she get silent about the key because, you know, it's all the evidence, not only of this issue, but with many others after this, where she is not on that position anymore when she can only benefits on the account, for example, for books. so it'd be a journalist, me a drag zach of age has no illusions about the actions of law enforcement in his
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country. the country or some sort of they're talking about after was when they can or very from shames from allegation was from specialist. yeah. they do the, the, the though they should do this, but if they go to the go to the photo, doesn't it just go to cuz i'd be good because you the lost your job. but it's because it'll be a financial, don't go to the boat. this event optical to these buck you the, is what you have to take off the, the gym. and if this is idea of missing subs and costs of a seamless passage, lost relatives when the west savage, de cob job yugoslavia, the men. eleanor. so that was ship bully menace will drop it off the kids up all the is article sponsors. if his doors may go to the vehicle sponsored,
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there was never to go to the detroit incident point inside. see miss whittaker with as little change really. all i deal with that is article medical deal, but i'm going to the point is that the best thing about the contents of the hunt, me and the war criminals, a well known to both western intelligent services and various peacekeeping organizations the next day. and i'm probably going to bobby, you have enough to talk about it on his own agreement on the group of ease. they let me stop dory, they'll and he's up on the so thought up by you, nicky, single, identical to get his i'd say a co sourcing problem like cutting but it's good. i need to send that home the full record. i'm not going a single genuine record. i'm not sure if they need to go to god. his grade, he needs a septic. let's get him a couple extra is opponents, like we need to be the 2nd. i need a court. is that going to be lives? if i be looking at the $36.00 on the see, many of us we're going to go to the whole suite for you which evil. now the
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jeanette cables get the most the quest will be live as on his knowledge. and again that the my, my just ran and i don't know. imagine with scott, see slide officials, i forgot this little jet, fully, all i a logical oregon up set about i think on see, and lizzie, don't see they have see that's just a nuclear handles. it's so just one of the force of any, they'll say all i give the 40, so it'd be by the simple that you'll see a little bit of it off in arlington, something they call kosky was your lips and she fell. she threw his legs. now, cuz he is other show us why my dad got still pages. you want him to make it easy. novela. that's what he is. we'll check out there. what is the name of the task literally gives up. what is the result? smith is that the political book is only you pick what sort of they go to will problem to embody, yours will take, which is the
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put the question, it'd be less. you have those 2 components on the similar while vanya while they bought some of the super on a january's, any future lake will be the next ca, so still. so the owner for your, for easy, i'm a stock confidence one follow got nail, pulled the bill of us it. uh, both today be really cool. imagine you all are gone almost and for this month and see what we got dealt on. facebook is closing a major public outcry. the investigation was reopened and is being handled by switzerland's pace, representative dick monte faster. after the bombing campaign after search horses withdrew from castle after albanians and their natal matters, took full control over possible. there was the, there was serious origin perfectly, and the commodity actually reported on the weeds rolls examined as with testimony as from any of themselves whose reports on the
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human treatment of people. and it is a trafficking in human organs, in cost of a dig montes says the doctors without borders, organization, and its head down, of course, now engaged in activities counter to what they had to click the proven auto. many cushion arrows involvement in human organ trafficking. but the cost of those prime minister has she and touch ease as well, and presented the entire case in europe in parliament. and you know what the roof engine following did we just said it'd be all like i'm just going to split it on chuck in the of i was like events is a busy box. all right, almost all part of it's a get up. what ixl it says mail called the survey based on the say, logical, because the larger bike, uh, where you buy doc as, uh, well i, uh go you was that a is, is, is, is go chase auto job. it is,
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it is border stuff according to jump on to on monte edwards, you and the officials in cost of a day to minute treat an e you representatives that interfered with the investigation of crimes committed by costs of albanians del county roads. we were denied access to documents. my advisors agreed that the investigation of nato activities was impossible. the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this,
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but can you see through their illusions, going underground? can the the, the, the, the, the of the school say the city of the, the little with you about these lots. what are the guidelines? i agree is there, but it's a, it's a projector. in 2015 bell now kush now along with doctors without borders. great, a part in creating the agency for the model. nice ation of ukraine. the they always presence. well boys raging on young healthy bodies are plentiful.
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people for them. money thought of new cox the most the so, sorry, bobbie the southern mean. they ask him both from the got any, my deep muscles on some is that i enjoyed just to, to meet hostilities, other hunters for ukrainian organs, film to ukraine, to hotspots of heavy fighting. push the be able to get the level jelly pretty what the, what do you have your most complete of us can do is just navigation. elizabeth, the video come up with the money in 4 months of the range and then what was the store? unless you notice i'm pushing of $32.00 of them. tons of although i'm short, i'm for the, for the full of not to the 20th. i made it yet. it is the best debris is the criminals fall last night. we may lose a real name once the special ministry operation wraps up. and the facts regarding the collective west crimes are collected at the middle,
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the night it shows you realized that the shuttle slammed with us some of the. what are you and your boss, the focus on beloved, even up, come to an uh, brains. good start. any sooner than the exclusive shelves, it'll be as in ice cream in the slot or a former employee of ukraine's s b. you told wiki leeks about working with elizabeth devereux? yes, the best i can bring the glamour up. first of all the blood provinces on for the best. so my passport daughter, elizabeth, the new student machine will be to going us a little pause. don't know when you might do it only be seconds or less so right. and just, i'm not so much would you or how long listen discipline my love, what is that part of portugal or in, in the way, the personal and all but so young as last week. i want you to see me and what you've been is you have any but usually worksheet, short from now as they're going to have questions to buy humanly from lewis. first
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thought for some more and more of that before. maybe how there is a chest on, you know, what might be leaving your technical support and go with telephone, little young, excuse laughter. so if i don't get loosely so, so, so now what are your feelings when the proceeding was it's customized virginia war science found that i'll be showing a marketable as an allow me say less cyber security is another, a little upset i ever though a city are you not going is up. there must be nice if you want us on the roof or some of the stuff that you know, i do wanna hear from you. and youtube goes, as always, the test of children's comes from full of let's click i as my gucci and your pro solutions on the should you almost talked across which and chest, are you familiar? if you do spend belk sales next? so is it, one of them is the item we're going to ask to restrict you. i will send the roof was i'm waiting done. i'm switch towards me. it says key fonts between 0. she's in
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rock as a new form or she would jump like edge of like a really pretty much on the music just to me. so i'm just like a freely dom. they're what email both of them. i typically do a little cleaning for us. so you'll take pretty ones all the questions gonna come on, but nobody usually screws in and use that unit for you. what's lucky those? let's do what i was gonna have to do. i'm just getting rusty or need to do is just i'm going to work for the clinics on the she really at the board least get to make sure it was like a freely one would have to follow that. i live to go and you me still some of the annual cleaning? no. losing pollution. okay. super no. is for sure. do you see the focus really is a lot of the borrower is valuable from a forced key relationship. sounds good for one more 100 was all the water and how it is strongly engine behind. but in 0 police as a, as a nice experience or your skill or the boy i'm sure. but for the
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spring, for joint typically about couple when these i for to and we of the month to most of the but decided propose a business to i want us to tax the possible media you for the let things all know i see course and you come in each are when one assigned graphs deals with new ways and you want to be aware of with on these across we have still in one of them across my on the porch case, it is on who it is all but did have so many as it, it wouldn't be me you, it's to be a lot to do. let the law on side does appointment for me to let you get a list of the for the left, the lady and continue the process. give me a little more. so let me just a learning a miss sources and look for machine info. scroll. the kind of deal is we need to apply for, for letting me understand. i'm with just to come look at them and push to organ and
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delivery to the patients can be more reliable. the markets change, they don't there while it is condemned for organs, people that are debt and that happens from 2014 onward people that are doing the transplant. want one, what the dates call, warm containers, living people put the solution on the me, me a sense of closure when you, when you, when you have as good as much as to and you will consider the tip. i assume that this morning, which in the fifty's just gets the consist that you and if you will, you always have neighbors with us. so when mutable you're going to come get it done early, but when you wish a pretty baltic, if i'm with you over insure and you'll stay, you'll see the terrible find. this continue to drop off in december 2022 at the cities symmetry in lucy. chance new guns people's republic they
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discovered by a material remains belonging to the american and biological archery established the on the auspices of the ukrainian alternatives. the contract to was the american followed by a test company. you're witness to what he's doing, my visual stainless nonsense. it certainly was booked as to what we mostly deal with just or what are the menus of the way to see what we will fluid from a couple of our needs and what is easier to morgan left. you probably junior, which is the expedient of hope with the modem. so the solution went to the alex and books for computers, electric, the elbows, months ago, representative ready on their ocean inc. arrived and easy chance immediately following it's never ration from the ukrainians. and since consent the point now it took me a couple of appointments in the door, is that the innocent child, can you somebody see what you need to order them? and when you're thinking engineering, so we need to split it amongst each other. and if i'm going to do this at this point that it's pretty, i'm of clinical, i thought it was, and you might just clicking it this way and it will put than it was,
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was done to lose the chance residence will be revealed in the investigation. the se upset us funk us say erica suppression usually is what she walks to insure your own point chairs or in this store. because sylvester distribution, you move as most research 0 as and thoughts on is that the, you know, for me come to believe that the, at the for, you know, for her business with us and for additional which was better with your reasons for your gosh laundry organ donation is supported by both the law and the church. the church cor, worth and boss style. financial put their, you know, risk of post a new quote from the system for some phone number is optional. or a special for our new choice streaming cook for woodland
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movie. for example, a parent donating an organ for that child, or someone voluntarily donating organs to other people. not state or 3 star and then use cause. i'm not that a slot. that's unfortunate enough. spencer. we moved in, but the most the most used to push us why you got the task, but it does say force email doesn't if you from speech for still with a patient, not only prints but go through a sort of that practical functional not duties, but ukrainian organs are open really on sale in other countries. the
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doctor didn't say claims. in 2021, bulgaria presented the plan to trade ukrainian migrant slogans off to foreigners. the customer pays a minimum of $50000.00, but kidney the donor receives to between $515000.00 such a thought that was the little thing is just as the sluggard has done. so right now, it's about a senior 0 to me. electronic funds for me to look. you agree to spell it. the post is alton. no. the ok button g bank. you can create a sure to use only a total feed you. i should team. we juniors new shift from for for escape. this will this to what you're correct too much for them to frontier your credit. sima looks easier. it's hello,
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ms. flison thoughts i checked bring the keys in the budget because i was just pretty squeaking. okay. so its not only ukraine, and when it comes to exterminating people, either ukrainian or russian, the west has never really had a problem with it. the results would you 20 and they would do a decent solution for sure. and i'm comfortable which way, which insidiously sent him that process. the
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don bus is preparing electronic funeral, and condemnation of ukrainian new non system. also implies condemnation of responses. the earliest is the collective west crimes and must be brought to an end. the of the
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special genocide intent is the roots are in the belief that in fact the enemy is not just the media type of waiting of how much is in bed in the properties of public opinion lives in cause of south africa accuses israel of carrying out a war of genocidal intense against the entire policy and in population of guys up the international court of justice at the hague is hearing for torres lawsuit against tell a b as dozens of country faxed the motion they are right in army confirms the seizure of an oil tanker that was previously confiscated by us authorities under sanctions against iran and a former ukrainian.


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