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tv   Documentary  RT  January 11, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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uh, internet then uh, social networks, i think people outside the ukraine story but shortage starting understanding what the reality of ukraine is about owing to something talking point being repeated owing to the corruption and debbie corruption going on there. uh, obviously people are concerned about their own situation in their own countries, but they understood that the idea that you're planning, whereas is farrah gone, of democracy, human rights, etc, etc. this training as long left the station, it's also been reported that biden's partners are financing terrorist actions. do you think these actually accusations should be investigated or do think that they will be investigated while they're important possible, they would think that the guy shows that are related and going back to the demo corruption, as you called at the external management, the crane and the money laundering of the but we smile with bodies, my essentially just a lot of that money. he's actually finance some of those operations. so to the
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extent we get some of those partners might in partners to answer for their corrupted business practices, we will get to find out what exactly the money was used for. and just, just basically the, the rugby tools, so we'll have to see. mm hm. and what's the likelihood that you've the international community's position on the credit and conflict will change after this interview? and i'm afraid and next to neil. at this point, this is really a you have to understand that we're dealing with an entire establishment that is protecting, not only the chief executive eagle biden, but also the state department. seems a lot of them more involved also in the external management of your clients. but also all the intelligence agencies and, and this, you know, everybody's got a lot to lose. so uh, it will come out eventually. but right now and on field the us elections. i doubt that we'll get to him, but your body forces not. all right,
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we're gonna leave it there for now or no, definitely political consultants and human rights defender. thank you so much for your time. do you use double standards undermine trust and it's values. that's the message from a public, a service skipped president miller. i don't like who has accused of brussels of it . sacrificing is principles for a political agenda. they decided to give us candidacy because the you also decided to give candidacy to ukraine in this way. all european principles were violated for 20 years. we have been carrying out different processes to join d, you. meanwhile, ukraine was put forth as a candidate for geo political reasons. i can state that the union has lost is who are being values. i think an increasing number of people in our country are euro skeptics. the survey and later in bosnia and herzegovina has also drawn attention to the decline and the u economy. he maintains that the block was a thriving 5 years ago, but now suffers from mass strikes and fuel shortages. dudek says europe has entered
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in the era of scarcity, as it follows us policies and directs its resources against russia, which has survived waves of sanctions. the president says he's paving the way for republicans service goes independence from us influence in bosnia to meanwhile, in an apparent show of force, washington sent a pair of it's of 16 fighters to fly over bosnia. on tuesday, the rest of the extra size was aimed at backing up america's commitment to bosnia is territorial integrity. but serbian americans are less than the ocean mileage dismissed the move as an act of desperation. it was supposed to be a show, a force of the surface a show a force, i guess this is a flu shot down to a nice notably nice and 95 in july and then again, you're the customer or 99. so it's not like the serbs in bosnia or serbia are afraid of back 16, especially not a couple of them practicing, you know, ground a tax with the members of the boss. the military specifically was one members of
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the military separately, sending it to us. 41 community to get water is positive, which is not exactly excuse me, repeats me. and the whole thing with the desperation because of their essentially trying to forbid the serves to been serves on account of them. tiny, this fly over with the universe read of republican service because creation packing, nice, nice to do say with us up next are to his interview with prominent nigeria and human rights activist. me full on a on efforts as push toward multiple learning is really actions in gaza in western hip. on the do you think the genocide case filed by the republic of south africa against israel
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at the international court of justice will be a significant pressure tool to stop each route from its relentless brought them into palestinians, and garza children and dying on a daily basis. in a sense and it may be removed, this bombardment to places like kind unit is where they said civilians to move to even a rough or this to assassinations that going on there on different to minus 2 out of the my paul by doing leslie is displayed to buy a machine, make him fine dental fight. i'm goose. the pupil palace to contriving to oh, come on. so i'm assuming i'm on him. i need to be on the
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to that's extend the actual soft costs. okay, so i looked over here for a few months see that the house of watched the plus 50 from the television? well, by june june would be good in hospitals and the homes get on. and so i'm assuming on that, they give up on things you kind of looked at the hospitals, you can look that back on, i'm civilians, and children and women. and this is what no one is watching on a daily basis. now the south africa has taken the steps to read you the library
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listed list credited to some officials and inactive. i misread the part on this assignment, but it also shows the importance of the case is from on the put the quote this, that the country a mouthful on these flies by the metrics of america. so they cannot believe how they are, you know, and that is why the fuck up because don't off hook up from south africa on the same few minutes on the problem. and that is why because it's going to be filled with diploma. it's the human rights community
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for the present here. so you might have to separate the events. this is going to is as far as i saw, it was the 1st one. do you think i'm happy? you mentioned you said it's going to be a reference point. the western countries and the united states have always seen themselves as a boston of democracy. they say is when is the only democracy in the middle east will be able to recover from this damage that has been done because it, this has to be one of the most documented genocides in modern times. we seat payouts and television every day. will they be able to recall that and have the model style know, schumann writes the ways episode, there is no way in style on the west. con, continue to pertain to below bumps of dom office of human rights because your life to life is the most basic human right. well you need to be on
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life to be able to enjoy for that, right? so wants to make it more clear on the right to life. you don't know what the civilized commitment is, what is going on, so which, which is the worst kind of diploma you're going to win the war. i'm going to come by have an access to a single book is i will nothing. when the piece i'm on the west has prepared to are loud dispute. the kindest in texas is no way you can exterminate the assembly or at the door. they want to place them on in front of the people. fitzcray is significantly controlled. right? yes, i'll post the door and they'll be gone. my support this in
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this group, the government and so in the, tends to be in the law of democracy trying to put the cost is because you know, ok. so you're off protest again this. i'm the one from the west of the night in 2021. while nigeria was in the middle of the boat go around insurgency of crisis. the united states will make us stop the proposal of a $175000000.00 worth of arms to nigeria. sites in the lead, he knows the lee he lows, talks about the united states, not sending weapons to countries with dubious human rights records. the united states government, they said based on niger was a government human rights rep is about just last week the united states president joe biden recently set them vented congress to so israel
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106000000 dollars worth of westbury. despite the documents, it draws human rights violations by ease or in his conduct of the will and gaza. how do you react to this agreement? if i say this, i'm election. yes. governments in america and the president and you know in know dr . wayne, uh, east, i don't know for the strategies in america, but that google funds, the focus on the consistency of the united states of america. when it costs that you might be choose which country is the same web post regardless of your to my restaurant duty. when that's exciting, james unit, this is america is a concepts i know. so the radio saw the some of the one i gave you will not just
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kindly give me a 2nd here is whereas cuba is v vi show me the one is going to the left in america that has the best you know, respectful fremont. i honestly a higher pets done that, that number 3 evens, send the medical doctors along side around the wall, trying to on the teachers anywhere you know, but when it comes to humor, oh, i'm ready to go. point the finger. i cuba where x x, the america kind of like it has been thought she might have done that. done cuba to call you when i hear. yeah. i know. so i'm gonna pretend if to maintain that this is butcher outside as oh,
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show this one kind of more babies. one such up here in the middle. so i'm not as your country what an event of the country gunners thought you like. rock like media. no countries, i've lived on peace since america on nice maintenance on them. so full new award. now you've got new shows that the united states of america, if need be involved and you talk to my, excuse me, please hold while nobody get on to instantly have. so stay with me. i'm sure you're aware that i've got that fee of uh, but just to move off uh some try both mohammed sooner
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so. well that's and i'd love to talk about or see that, you know, i'm sort of see a into this concept. so that's what i'm both kind of not it thought so for i didn't change you know, that led to the killing of guthrie, the killing of, of a sudden i'm saying i'm the united states of america does not offer the best a human, less stressful than any of these regions, let's defend funding, i'm happy you mentioned the killing of conduct because in order for right, you said that one of the effects of that is the of the blow back of kin. i'm good for you is to put information of web post them moved south and then insurgencies. in the hills region. we're seeing the french ministry. there's been
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a great as a french sentiments in west africa. we've seen a series of schools of people that beginning to look beyond a multi pull the world that is not dictated by america. what do you make of this new change in environment, especially the west after we get off from the crisis in this neighborhood? so as almost 6 functions, you know, the latest you pulled up and this is part of the christmas close by the way. maybe our own, the best, you know, there's plenty of is a few my nice record had the best with the policy. and also the concrete as due to robles because of make i want to, to going to be fine of libya. i know that as us know, when probably more stuff on the lizzie, it course kind of is to be mfc. tony
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best to fight at the payroll is in the sign. they are being drawn this kind of, we don't know where it is, but do what it is to $5.00 to $7.00 for the troops to this going to happen. we consolidate gifts to funded troops for me that the sun moon, by the in africa, africans would love to defend themselves. africans would love to put the clinton in a game, as i said, for profit consumed. we do hope that once it's like 9 year, right? got it. i know that what queued behind stuff i've all will support the with south africa in this me. your on slot. i do gunfire. them impala fan,
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you know, as well wouldn't less than the the stick them would component of with them for the gift that the side of celia was this because they did just wouldn't care to get through the new year. oh, for g, for i teach that way. know for me teaching the scholars that should go and you have to do this, i'm going to west valley, provide you with that. the law for, she's my, it's a washing machine and when you move we must move. i'm on the stairs from 1st month to mostly mounted water to move menu with the continuum will just i get i as well as to the lowest quality. and i did some of them all studied significance and rough and you see the shortest finish. this is just all just for good news. i'm a section of 20th, i'm going to do friday use of material ordering to empower people for the for sure
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. interested in the table. so the induction to some of this the, that mr. product. and if you're not just a lead in human rights activist, your also that nancy corruption at campaign that corruption has been a big problem in nigeria for many decades now in 2016, in conversation with queen elizabeth the 2nd, the day prime minister david cameron of the united kingdom describe and i do as tactically corrupt in the policy and directed western governments for being complicit in the corruption by warehouse and stolen funds. uh, could you share more lights on this? um the book on mondays through the phone,
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africa is warehouse in the way in west some banks. i'm enough in my sense to please use this point despite alone to accuse me this is a recent conference as credit card will take from is on fire. here's a line for me is maintained on all the dictators that looked at the width of the conflict. i bet come and see that a safe haven. so that was i'm you have transplants and i'm assuming that this conference every year since i learned is never one of the most growth countries. is those punches with the new to the next best i said to this one, that's the kind of course not the orlando that the set to
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defend the money laundering to one goodness in front of duplicate on all we have seen where the monday for the police went to find the motion of criminal court against crush were stuck on this other looks because the beneficiary benefits at the low cost of the state on the subject of student phones, missed the front of the you raise concepts in the past regarding the rules bank supervision. of spending returned assets, legal be cool. so alternatives might denija and government have, if it believes conditions imposed on reasonable, or if it's 6 great to control over penetrated funds and i'm talking about things like the and by to loops with the police you on how you will spend your money. this is what you need to do and all of that the sites conditions before we fluctuate and move slow to us over for me now. and then to
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mention, i ran to dictate when she'll spend money over from that and i've tried the ticket, but the money will not be protect, sofa, pain, land will divide the flow you. i didn't give you these unfortunately because the news that a sort of locking tendency. so it's difficult for them to challenge. you know that most of the coming up for what i think that is something i think i will be able to as far from located as i can find them as an apple operator. but what is important? what's important is look for to, during the wes, i'm the ruling class here to the impression that corrosion is about
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a quarter of say, 6 is the money fish. i'll go push off it probably for a couple sentences. yeah. because i corruption. you save all parts of capitalism. yes, this is a company. and so when people, so our country is carlo. oh because of carol. so there's really develop to be. it's easy, a low simply minute fission of no new bra, policies mix it up by that. and if i want, that can be said to be the price is the $1.00 that development in africa. the main trends of human rights abuses in africa. and who are the main perpetrators of interest inside the government and the some of the most up
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for to lead me to political as the most fundamental aspect of the my can be sent to the associate. correct. right. to right to head. right, right. the see if i were to take it seriously. yeah. so for me, on the government's i responsible for the development of the clinton by a line, the war back on. i and mr. dictates the way the economy should be. if you take the 1st on that because a lot by the president boss of dimension economic comes
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in divided by solicit without body is not picking c b, i am. if i want to do, how do we have some repeating us suddenly, you know, the leasing decent position. that is because we looked on the basis sort of the bretton woods, natalie so far the most african countries of 50 years 1st independence, i mean in 2024. to said that we're talking about this pessimistic relationship that africa has with this colonial pause and the west, i mean, looking at the bretton woods institutions to the dictates and financial policies and economic policies for africans. and one of the most scandalous examples of these proximate is and was when the policy chief, joseph burrell,
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he said to you is a goddess with knots. we. we've seen the rest of the world as a jungle and that, that, that the government is to take care of this god. and what does that statement tell you about the west altitude towards the international relations and how it sees the rest of the world? and what can we, as a consequence, due to those shows some pride and insights. sovereignty, we're happy to good support system africa 5 to well, if i can look where i do use that to be here. so solution. cool. to test this. yeah, i saw a wells, i forgot since the 2nd of this solutions i bought from jessica, you know, that's why some stuff with the counseling. you also have the uh, the different things right now, which is 3 s 5 should be able to take as also breaks on to get,
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put on all of the content you're going to like me to get a survey. very looks good. looks because the game will be to, to be more customer. uh, so that'd be the easiest on the end of the united states to drain those, the is, is the letter. so i get the brakes and when the on you know what we're looking to buy jointly, organizations like books that finally mr. family filing a globally, we've seen a real push. like you said, the progressive forces beginning into tool. we've seen
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a real push towards a multi polarity at the african union. this plan is to introduce a single currency and the markets and the confidence. how do you think, at this push for, you know, with a cation with affects advocate as voice from the world stage, and how can we get back to the error of the or so jeff, for doctor appointment, for my, uh, speaking of african units in the practice bloomberg, as with this present pop of lead, as we have on the consummate attribute from move towards treatments africans, i'd be giving it to you guys to be prescription something with a wisdom and best dish making the work of democracy development. so i'm beginning to joining the forces. so focus we have to assume mice today,
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groups on the little bit each one click on the ultimate. so that would bring bod expert. 4 whereby you were off, let me pull some you know, that we would know we should get uh the last 2 to 5 for sure. the, again, as i said, you know, the development of stuff, it would be live just fine, but i'm quite sure that the more that will happen, the local interest are likely to support work south africa don't under just the show that was kind of going to be and that is where
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some of the board start by telling the decide that you guys, you know, i guess i like to end this interview with the codes for almost a job for them to come into. my said, you know, as africans, when i the new east north west, we should always look forward to and we hope for progressive african confident. thank you so much. let's define the following up for your time and for talking to us. and i think you do appreciate thank you. my pleasure. thank you. the
1:00 pm
the susan is a special genocide. our intent is the roots are in the belief that in fact the enemy is not just admitted to the weight of how moss is embedded in the properties of public opinion. lives in cost. south africa accuses israel of carrying out a war of genocidal intense against the entire promise to the in population of guns . international court of justice at the hague is hiring for the various lawsuit against tele beads. as dozens of countries back to motion the right, an army confirmed the seizure of an oil tanker that was previously compensated by us authorities under sanctions against iran. and a former.


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