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tv   News  RT  January 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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the, the, the special genocide on the intent is the roots are in the belief that in fact the enemy is not just the media type of weighting of how moss is embedded in the property of public opinion lives in god's south africa accuses israel of carrying out a war of genocidal intense against the entire promised indian population of guns on international court of justice at the hague is hearing for jury as lawsuit against tele beads. as dozens of countries back to the motion, uranian army confirms a seizure of an oil tanker that was previously compensated by us authorities under sanctions against iran. and a former ukrainian businessman and politician offers of details on the by them
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families, corruption regarding ukraine in revealing interview with an it's holly in journalist the you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. recovering the top new stories from around the world. the south african justice minister has made some convincing arguments to prove israel genocidal crimes in gaza. one example is evidence that is really officials have called residents of guys a, quote, human animals, latoria as a statement came during a news conference following the 1st day of hearings against israel at the hague. and the ways of these are the ministers. is the members of parliament, the general office of the army? speeches are just putting people, putting this thing. human animals shows that the statement of intent to wipe out the police didn't and people out of doesn't that you and call me to under
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illumination of racial discrimination. stated that such a language is an incitement to generals. like said, with the well as not succeeded in stopping the genocide that just cut into unfolding and does. the international community is like the main positive dentist sponsored this atrocities, women and children in such as solutions you come. schools and hospitals have been targeted, living to mentor in places the sort about a dental and the as on the 6th of december 2023, called on to support the concept of breast of ed. hey, human integrity and cut us little feet and cousins in united nicole $4041.00 to the answers for you. between is that i and, and it published in militants, display overblown to a political who might need to of the international community to put of 8 west template. if not, is the instrument infinity was sort of enforced despite the adoption of the conventions to prevent and punish the crimes of kate aside, atrocities continue and the,
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the international community according to the minister as failed to translate the goals of the off of the previous an into the odyssey, and we know that the responsibility to protect, to fools on states. and those are some of the states that have acted a bit concerned and made it seem like the well worried about the children and the people in the guys. and some of those states that the u. s. and the u. k. a lot of people say it's quite to a law symbol. and when they tried to so some sort of empathy and sympathy towards could athenians in tennessee and children. and a lot of people say those are always the crocodile tiers. and the as of the longer the will continue use of the more children and people in guests us continue to stuff up. but overall. so that's what the v v b. all you just how did before the international court of justice today, many palistine and representative and people a so that brought to to, to us of africa. and that's something more on that south africa took
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a more active step on behalf of humanity to protect the palestinian people. and ensure that the genocide convention and international do not become completely irrelevant. which is a prospect that must specify all of us. here's what i, as a special genocide, our intent is the router in the belief that in fact the enemy is not just the middle type of wing of how most indeed, how most turn it on is embedded in the fabrics of public opinion life in cause. this intent is evident from israel conduct in specially targeting palestinians living and gaza using weaponry that causes large scale, homicidal destruction, designating save stones, for palestinians to seek refuge and then bombing beans. the dispute had crystallized as a metal door. this was consumed by his rogues,
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official and unequivocal denial on 67, but that it was committing genocide in garza. this is a case of death. could also find that the impact of what the genocide convincing and is a very significant one for international community to be in go to showcase its usefulness and to prove that it's not really or rather immediately a playground for the wasted, the ways to have now. so it's discontent. that 7, listen to this. watching african women and men fighting to save humanity and international legal system against the ruthless attacks supported and enabled by most of the west will remain one of the defining images of our time. this will make history, whatever happens. a lot of people are speculating, kind feet and trying to make sense of what is on will say, and it's defense tomorrow. but no one really knows for sure. so we wait to see what
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each valve will bring to the table tomorrow. how large a crowd gathered outside the building of the hague court for the hearing is taking place. demonstrators are calling to the end of genocide against policy sign and for a boycott of israel to pro palestinian activists. we're also seeing gathering ahead of the hearing in south africa, which initiated the last 2 palestinians in the west bank, also renovated on wednesday at nelson mandela square in ramallah to express their gratitude to south africa from following the lawsuit against israel. the world is upside down. that's how it is rarely prime minister netanyahu describes the latest developments in the hague. he also into south africa of defending him aust, claiming the idea is the most moral army in the world. and i'm wondering how many bump bloomed the terrorist organization carried out the worst crime against the
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jewish people seems to holocaust and now someone comes to defend it in the name of holocaust. what brazen gulf the world is upside down to the idea of the most moral army in the world who does everything to avoid harmony, not incompetence, stands accused by the representatives of these monsters of genocide. so south africa's heap of proceed screams to the high habits, crushing, soothing to, oh, we do not have any monday thrown from us. our monday to is from the south african government. and our peace also is not that busy juices of people. our case is like this, the actions of the state is that i the actions of general sites that are committed in does up. all right, let's cross live now to international relations analyst oscar event here in oscar. good to have you on with us. what do you make of the latest comments from the is really prime minister.
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okay, is, was, seems like we're having some a connection problems. we're not able to hear our guess. okay, i'm for tester. okay, great. i can hear you now. um, if you can just restart your thoughts there on, on the latest comments from the prime minister of israel. yes, i'm saying i'm not surprised about the retreat that to them. but i'm gonna send it to now who is a 3 and also gather with the usual accusation of anti semitism. the truth of the matter is that i think that africa has decided to repeat the only history and its own experience of a pop type. so that we can um, know how they are. okay, so we used to operate, this is why the south africans decided to bring this application to the i c j. and this is why the arguments that we've not today as being so detailed and so question
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we, we've also heard of the is really prime minister tone down his rhetoric about the potential indefinite occupation of gaza by israel. why do you think he's changing his stance on, on that? do you think it's because of this case? absolutely, absolutely. did this be the sudden change of the actual messaging? we would, we would recall they told that even the signature of state bank couldn't from the united states of america also suddenly today, a said that they think that the death toll of civilians are to refine. these were concerns that were not that a few weeks ago when they was the continuous bombing and key of the palestinians in garza. but because of the court case because of the application southerly, we see is totally down of the bondo. that was the of these, that highly officials and the cost of the united states. so for sure. and so one of the lawyers from south africa present to the new acronym highlighting the scale of
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tragedy in gaza. let's take a listen real quick to what they had to say. each day, yet more desperate people will be forced to relocate from where they are sheltering . a will be bombed in places where they have been told to evacuate to entire multi generation of families will be obliterated. and yet more palestinian children will become w. c. n s. s. wounded childs no surviving family. the terrible new acronym bore now to these rows genocidal a search on the palestinian population in gaza. oscar, what does this say about the current state of the conflict and it's human toll to the right. so this is precisely the point. you know, it's one thing to have on conflict. i think the soon that really shocked the world
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. and so i'd africa and of course the palestinians was the amount of discourse of fitness and trojan schools as well. but tools and in particular, you know, when people mentioned crossing the 50000, so instead of now being killed over 3 months period, 50 percent of those of tools. i mean, this is believable. and those 2 that have survive heavy, i'll be made every last looms. and then to make it worse, those that i have to have to lose the phone to do it. and i'm the understood you know, they have to actually do the, do some pretty. was it can time and so this is what we talk to. well, the nice thing in a large degree, this is what made sort of becomes decide to actually take this method to licensure . the us has weight in uh, as well,
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with the national security council spokesperson, john kirby calling the south african law suit. quote, merit list and counter productive. what signal does that send of the bad one? i think that the beat, the by the situation is on the wrong side. okay. so i think that they all just don't want to have to get to know they have decided to double down in their support to an extremely and i, we finally government and never before have we see the kind of attempts as the stipends and behavior of the violent government that received with this particular government and i seem to have made the comments from, from america, is just doubling down. not going to support as well. unfortunately, the world can see that america is complicit in the act of genocide. and right, we're going to live with their international relations analyst, oscar vent here. then. thank you. thank you. there's really government's
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devastating assault on gaza has sparked increasing criticism not only world wide, but also on the homefront. more than $600.00, isabel lays have assigned a petition in support of the law suit. south africa has filed at the hague. although the signatories are not legal experts, they share their position on ending the war is based on evidence they see or received from sources in gaza. we spoke to jonathan pollock, who has signed the petition. he says it's within the power of the i. c, j and other states to punish as well for its crimes. the discourse within is ready . society is a soldier in a cycle, and there is absolutely no prosecution of genocide of discourse and no, no richard, no reprimand to the to genocide to discourse. it also represents, it least in the very least, the large elements within days of the army. and we have seen videos of if any
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soldiers talking about the proper way to handle got that and the punishment that must be, that governance mustn't be met with. what i expect of the court is to forward there is that to stop doing governance, to stop the aggression on the people gather the. so going got the has to stop and have to stop now. and if you and cannot do that uh the you in and it is and cannot do that. then really what is the point of to you? and if it is only 2 to a 13 the power of the strong and not defend those who need defending each and every country can commit to sanctions. to boycott. to this event, to diff investments can apply by laughter of means of pressure on it said this, there's the time is no, there's no time to wait on the,
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the hearings on the genocide case that the heck, the idea of unleashed a massive bombardment of strikes on gaza, 147 palestinians were killed and 200 more wounded in southern gaza. cities, according to the local health ministry and reports at least 40 gardens were killed in the latest strike on the city of there all belong, warning is images. a head are upsetting to civilians fled for their lives just moments after as many muscles landed there. ok, so hospital people, so in the blood work hurried away from the impact site. well, local scoured through the rubble of the 2 story building palestinian officials say more than 20 civilians died in the strike. ok, so it is now at risk of shutting down due to the hostilities and evacuation order from the idea. less than half of guys, hospitals are able to even partially function with the rest already close. more distressing seems a has the,
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this emotional so it, it shows medical workers reactions afternoon is rarely striking and polished and red crest. an ambulance on wednesday, killing at least to 6 people, including 4 red cross medic, colleagues and relative something killed in ethics to say the scene was harassing the models around 4 pm. we lost contact with one of our crew. then 3 vehicles went to the place where they were and we found what you see when we 1st arrived. there were lots of body parts. we tried to collect them, we won't looks until we reached ambulance. we found more bodies. they were full power, maddox and 2 injured people who also died. so we had 6 months as the paramedics were in pieces. the scene was over with it. it was so difficult from the moment we arrived until we connected the body parts and took them to the hospital. even now we have stood in shock and we live in a state of territory. that's what am i calling you? cuz most of somebody collect his body parts which are in pieces on the face like
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i'm connecting my own to. so let me see if this is the full square lation again, suppose 10 rep pressing society problem. we have lost a tomatti so far. there are also 11 point romantic pain points. it is rarely occupation and the international community to remain silent. and the reason why alicia always see ma'am retrogressive m to health system on the verge of complete collapse, which in turn will lead to the collapse of humanitarian situation. because it's free for civilian, especially as a displeased with becky, though i lost my son's body and all those who died with him were like sounds to me as well. but maybe i will be next gotten no problem. we'll continue. we are all in danger. there is no safety here. i mean in our home there is no safety. they don't have humanity. they have any humanity within that. they wouldn't do that. targeting faucet, those medical cruise ambulance vehicles. what did the ambulance do to you in this
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for us, even if the injured is our internet, we help them load only if they're mostly, and we help everyone if they need help. uh, that will, you know, cause had a lot of why the total death toll and does and now exceeds $23300.00 casualties. with house is a little rated and streets ruins and is raleigh strikes. a resident of the city of shakes a protest. this report on what he's seen and heard a lot of the shot and upset that we had a demo. we have never experienced such a destruction in the history of wars every time these really army targets apartments and supposedly safe areas. and this is a safe neighborhood and it shows residents include the sick they haven't during difficult conditions to attain this housing. so they have no connection to the resistance. they are ordinary piece of civilians for live and co exist with other people out of us. the devastation that has occurred is hard breaking up. our children are scattered to submit. their schools are in ruins. we are exhausted. we
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suffer from war induced depression and everyone has abandoned us neither of them or european nations. no one has helped me to stop this search and i can see one every day doesn't tell us to use our kills. every day we hear about 70 to a 100 dead men. these victims have no relation to hum us. they are peaceful civilians for high casualty as targeting at all times when they go to fetch water their target. and when they return home to check on its way to certain target, it is a tragedy from the world stand with us. this city is not fit for having the patient at all. how does the untouched department and that just burns and the unburned one smell just demolished from the inside and dismissal, meaning complete destruction into one of the buildings cannot be access to be the staircase because all the towers have been completely destroyed. but we couldn't save anything from our home. we couldn't even secure blankets for the children. so
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for food, for our families, i think i live in makeshift shelters and schools. the schools are not safe. every day, these rarely army targets us with gas and artillery, now displeasing and scattering us on it. that's why is your situation in the make shift? a school is difficult, right? but there is no clean drinking water or consumable food. you only get a meal of rice and that doesn't even satisfy the children. then when it you'll see of life is non existent and inhumane. what's the number we have reached the point and we should when we are needing truly entitled to a fun. yeah, we're right in armies or press office has confirmed it. so caesar of an oil tanker close to the oman city is so hard. they report the vessel is now heading toward the a rain in coast. the military news release says it has seized a quote american tanker in retaliation. this boiled tank or renamed the saint nicholas, is carrying oil in the sea of oman. it was seized by court order this morning and approved by the ports and shipping organization of the strategic navy of this law.
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mac republic could be wrong in retaliation for the oil tanker seized by the american regime and is currently being transferred to his law. make republic ports for delivery to the judicial authorities. this trip was carrying a rocky oil in the port. city of mass drawn was balance for addie of a port in western char key when it was attacked, and seized by on known clothes on known harm, demands the impounded oil tank. it was once known as the so as well drawn and was previously involved in a year long dispute over the shipment of i want you to include oil. the united states department of justice finally ordered this seizure and unloading of 1000000 barrels of a warranty, included oil contained in this vessel, and this cargo was transferred to another oil tanker off the coast of texas, located in the gulf of mexico, mexico. we did ask the iranian foreign ministry for an interview,
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but they refused to comment. however, yvonne's national television has confirmed the confiscation. it was, may be said that the tanker was seized by the country's naval forces following a court order and uh upon the approval of the ports and shipping organization in retaliation to quote, fast of oil by the american government. the navy said that the seas vessel is now being transferred to the ports of these womic republic of air on, for delivery to due to shuttle forward use. of course we will update you about more details. as soon as we get more information from the you're wanting authorities, farmer ukrainian businessman andre derek cox who served 7 terms and the ukranian parliament has given us sweeping, interviewed to an italian journalist. there catches known for exposing the bite and family corruption, a new crane, and it has been targeted by both washington and key of interview reveals some
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shocking findings, including how his life was in danger or due to the investigation. the financial difficulty in their process is to let you know since 2021 but have receive confirmation of all statements and that you asked congressional investigations on the line and family corruption that ukraine. that's the same. yeah. we identify the individuals who was supposed to make an assassination attempt on my life. final delightful to prosecute the case against the race. my counseling team clinic in january 2022, the secretary of state outs, and it blinking durant and meeting was the last he told him to resolve the issue was doing catcher, blake, and so they, she wants to know the results that they will deal with that naturally, some people came to me and told me the story from them. they said they want the streets, you had called into the law and wanted me to take care of my security. everything was set about by this family corruption, most concerns in the us congress. materials were revealed money loans, ring on the part of the bureaus. i'm a company. this is the 1st time we hear about any assassination attempts on the
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people who expose jo. biden's links to with his dodge of dealings when it comes to ukraine and his son love just to remind us, here is exactly what happened. this is all surrounding the scandal. all for is not which is a natural gas company in ukraine which employed joe by then son the hunter. by then this was during the time when joe biden was vice president, and he was sort of in charge of ukraine after the 2 there. and he visited over a 1000 times in those early days. so for some other company where his son was employed on the board of directors receiving around a $100000.00 a month. uh, so the, the owner of that company offers mom, his name is nicolai's, which have school. he was under investigation uh, over money laundering, a tax evasion and corruption. so of course this did not look good for joe biden, and he have on, at this case gone. so he got the prosecutor fired and we know this because audio
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tapes happened least 5 se cleaning and lawmakers we just saw, i guess. so the mix, those types of few years ago and we heard the joe white and talking to the filter, put aside, goes back in the day when he was the cranium prizes. and he said that if you get the prosecutor that is pursuing this case against for some of flyers, and we will give you loan guarantees what $1000000000.00. so this is exactly what happened. uh and then this led to another. uh, brian, let's hear some more. i mean, the familiar green is not a territory, but it's people. and what do we see that today? no human rights might not to allow to leave the country. the question is that women might no longer be released today. you crane is a concentration camp that is moving towards zeros without freedom of speech, without human rights, without freedom of religion, cut off for us to blame for this or might in view of blinking the deep states, the landscape, horace hancock, and the rest of this organized crime group,
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the largest cast probably been 0, happened to into by the 20 transmitted for closing the bureaus my case with you all through a period of time and all of the stream pipe unexploded due to non tasking. was somebody to see a doctor times was made on pre life in the had so that you create in special services done outside the academy. now the political assassination terrace tech support of the budget in cash and the same training and authorities back in 2020 sees these uh this enormous a cash bribe. but then what is supposedly that was made on behalf of the flu shots could be on your resume? he of course, the noise oldest. well, what happened to them? i think years and years of investigations and some money laundry into corruption. what happened to him, he got away with it was just a small fine that he pays something else that mr. direct cox types of items says that now the originals prosecutor, his wife, is also in danger, spots the man behind it all mrs. low chest, who gets to walk away, sleep with just over justify. took her to the wall as you have cup of tea,
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you practically saw how the 6000000 dollar prize was transferred to life and the money was given for closing the bure. reese my case, or the information and photographs wont available in all the repeating agencies for the 6000000 dollar pride was low chest. he received a fine offer around $1800.00. would that be south? he transferred 800000000 hurry via again to finance terrorism, supporting the drone army and the armed forces, and that's why we will continue prosecute st bite as part of this for finance and terrorism, and this mrs. the tasking looking into him as well. his background, he was formerly the minister of ecology, who was also born from the deposition, is secretary of economic and social security of the national security and defense council. yes, he was allowed to own a company. and you know, this is legal for members of parliament to own businesses and this was one very lucrative business. and as we can see with all the money laundry. so he was still
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allowed to do that. and then if we look into the f b i, informant revelations, where it says that's low chest. he paid $5000000.00 to hunter by that. then $5000000.00 more to jo by them. so it's a mass what corruption runs wild, and those who are supposedly in the cubis are not getting, are not basically being fined or anything happening to them. instead, other people's lives have been put in danger for revealing these connections. george samuel le global policy institute senior research fellow says western countries will not talk about this interview because they consider andre their catches the statements to be russian propaganda. it will have an enormous effect. i think it will have, unfortunately a negligible effect. um, it might be persuasive among people who have been following the travails of the of the biden family and are involved with the new grain and of your brains involvement
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in american politics. so it reinforces everything that we have already known for many years since, since the whole thing really came out into the opening 2019 um. but as far as the main stream of public opinion is concerned, as far as the mainstream media concern, i don't think they going to pay any attention to it. they would just simply dismiss it as the roster propaganda, juliani discredit the conspiracy theories or whatever. and so i don't think it will is gonna have much effect on the election. ukraine is being invited to join the you ahead of a number of other candidate countries. we've been waiting patiently for years in, in the balkans, but they don't care because they want to continue with this a terrible horrific hit barbara's policy of using this country as a battering ram and the guys rush. right. or i just say it was our to international up next on the cost of everything,
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the cost of clean water. the water is a basic human need and it's required for drinking to support sanitation and hygiene sustain life.


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