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tv   Documentary  RT  January 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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unity and those other income children is ombudsman and they know guns. peebles through a public is investigating cases of missing children associated formative can't live that way. there's a lot there is to say, i'm just, i'm the sort of it is a d, a substitute for fishing out and it's really that that's going to happen. just give them like a normally don't put people on your, we're going to kind of a middle school. but again, the g e. and then in the sense that, but i'm really am i, i'm going to show as little as collateral letters for the comp 9. yes. cool blush, that would be the one that was probably the most we were switching and you should you're moving to swing by introducing easy yes. not showing him a girl and i probably am. i was not success. they're like spring break entity getting enough, which was really, really i knew of 2022. so i repeat with children once again being evacuated from territories controlled by kids. those right. so
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political did it for you. it's not something that adults here are you one of the you, the goal is as cool in the bus and you know what was that you were getting is a big deal in 240 and we'll go to another one that is for me to get what is it going to pass code let you know to the thought in specific the way we is the voice sales that says this media was more than bring me out of the colleges. the oakland were for chile, hundreds of all from this from the nets, people's republic were evacuated in the same manner. but it's anyone's guess how to find children who have essentially being abducted from dumbass. the most favorable outcome would be adoption. but there's a question mark on the diagnosis and nobody knew of what i yes, is it going on nor come through and is that the young did, she was nobody i am with she has
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a desire to be on the teaching it deal with. but some more. yeah. or good. never did you buy, did you just say no, some leveling? yeah. you have a lead. so what you mean by me and them you ukraine. it knows international legislative rooms and refuses to say anything about the fate of children. it has taken much ridiculous, but almost, or even, and you're the guy with sigma from the, the cheapest guy with non oregon children that are splunk. that's in the you should have pretty much and gigi store things, tests some suspicions about respected organizations such as the red cross, some doctors without borders who was sent to have dealings with neo nazis and ukraine. to have been allegations against doctors without borders of human organ trafficking, and close to the uninstalled. the representatives of the organization were present
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when the children were evacuated, including your beloved. don't mind me in the move as i did. you already made the agent as jim out of his upset or cheer and disagree. it's really weird, only fucked. the investigating and good as the num and it says if you put out of the point you and then it'll come good list for them of the nation, they have to connect you to give them the guns, canada municipal children now also taken away from their parents under various pretext that we're looking into what i've done that show the model to go, it's still a good. so when you color have guide, then you unscrupulous jugglers. beautiful for suppression, june the food use will, will, does actually, the images can be the solution. we just returned from the grease put, or i thought of you to me when you call me as much cool, little push coordinator for friday, new deal. you log it isn't with me, go to a, go to them sliding didn't can use. now put you down there so quickly so, so we need you to me cause always for gigi and you can use it,
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but also associated with each of them. each prose the valid if we're using those up a new cleaning, the the charlotte, i'm with a good i mean, yes, month lease. i don't want you to still sitting with the case when she was. that's totally what, but also on 3 was me selling children in ukraine. these anything button you e sure you're almost a 100 multiplying in business. use my associate law school list here of uh, last night waiting. and so it should look familiar or should look kentoria for adults to, to the number of new and they did you find me at the investigation found the head physician available regional technical hospital logged on say, doc, so new bones, organs to the united states, telling them of those in ukraine that then children had died when you went from washington both 2nd thought i only have table part of just one with the not cisco
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product. yes. that's what i see windows left on the computer, but i'll assume leasing that and that's just good part of to international humanitarian organizations. seem unconcerned about crimes being committed to the new crane. why don't you do that and you have a good aspect is all the pleasures that the phone there this way a full set on the table with a phone. so know that the table with the a truck unless you think about it, cuz i talk to them when i set them up with shi. uh, but real quick with those issue unless you get the, when you, your direct to the guns childrens tuberculosis hospital recalls. i changed the new smashing gift, got the bundle of my body and send me if i'm on god. if i tell you that, and if i do listen for the local at the, during world war 2, international humanitarian organizations, most notably the red cross ignore the suffering associated prisoners in the same
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way the soldiers, women, and children were killed on the horrible experiments were done but the red cross allegedly kept silence the same organization kidwell for us and european prisoners . it's really just the only one of them is that unless you, unless you find your story, i'm willing to give me a book comes on at the for much. but you can sort of way that them signs and yolanda fully know him to say look, you mean it sounds good points to pull my chicago with the president of the red cross college a book on officially supported denazi's. i'm was personally received by hitler. it was through red cross channels that adults ashmond mazda mind of the final solution to the jewish question. michael, don't to yourself mangled a canal as bobby nickname the butcher of the deal under less than the nazis were able to escape justice. regardless of thoughts, nature, when you buy me, you know,
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is that wisdom set the lips of shifting the crown yourself? what are we going to see? what was coming joy of? what's about the students, but it is yet that you know, so then you maybe you me but yeah, and it's with the more people much time you go than your cousin or the 1999 doctors without borders put in an appearance in kosovo as well or specific to like out of his vantage set that i thought would be as i said this one, he loved them. uh only 2 of the most vehicle allow me to accept that and will be about that or should i have custody? i mean, is that a lot of different answers get? typically a bill for many alpha you want me to go to the movie? no. got any mental impulse, little down now. cushion. yeah. don't. and diplomats, the audiologist behind the doctors without borders, organization established in 1971. today,
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it's an international movement involving more than 6 to 3000 people. the activities of someone to be noble and humane. but in 2005, a book written by a former prosecutor of the hey tribunal. carla dale county was a released cold the fund me unvil criminals during the course of the prosecutor. so a much albanians trafficking human organs was the most shocking crime she uncovered. delta dante directly accused cushioned doctors without borders of human open trafficking. but the accusation only came out one still contact resigned as chief, prosecute to wild cut off, and that was the heads. prosecute the funeral. she kept silent throughout the key
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north. all the evidence, not only of this issue, but with many others after this, when she is not on that position anymore when she can only bennett's and slipped out of the trunk, for example, for books. so it'd be a journalist, meal drug zach of age has no illusions about the actions of law enforcement in his country. the watering meals and sort of after was when they can are very from james from allegations, from specialists. yeah, they do the, the, the though they should do this, but if they go to the go to the full intelligence of it the just to go to cuz it'd be good because you the lost your job. but it's because it'll be a financial don't go to the point that you've been a political facebook is a bit off, is what you'd have to check on the the gym. and if this is quantity of missing subs
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and costs of a seamless passage, lost relatives when the west savage, de, cob job yugoslavia, the owner. so that was ship bully menace will drop it off the kids up all the is article sponsors. if his doors may go to the vehicle sponsored, there was never to go to the detroit incident for inside see miss wouldn't go with us or generally while i deal with that, his article medical deal. but i'm going to the point is that the best thing about the contents of the hunt, me and the war criminals, a well known to both western intelligent services and various peacekeeping organizations the next day. and i'm probably going to bobby, enough to talk about it on his own agreement on the go button. is they will be
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snapped or they'll emmys up on the so thought up by you, nicky symbol identical to get his i'd say closer to him for what you would caught him is going to need to send that home. the so called are not going a single genuine record. i'm not sure if they need to go to god. his grade, he needs a septic. let's get him a couple extra is opponents like we need to be the 2nd. i mean, of course, like we should be ones if i do look at a $36.00 on the simulator. so we're going to go to the grocery store, you which evil. now the jeanette keels gets the most, the quest will be live as on his knowledge. and again, there's that team modules and, and i don't know module scott, see slide it shows up. i got this little chat fully. oh, i a logical oregon that sort of i think i'd see. and lizzie, don't see they have see, that's just a new course channels. it's so just sort of as of any, they'll say all i give the 40, so it'd be about about the simple that you'll shuttle that off in arlington. so until they call kosky was your lips. and she thought she threw his legs now cuz he has other show us why my dad got still pay as you want him to make it easy. novela
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the so the is will check out there. what is the kind the only about the task literally gives up. what is the result? smith is that the political book is only a particular set of they go to will perhaps of others will take, which is the book, which i believe you have notes to go on. it's on the civil albany while they bought some of soprano genuine. please, any future lake will be the next ca, so still. so the owner store yet for easy on my desktop confidence, one photo got now for the be able to say, uh, both today be really cool. virginia, oregon almost instead of the $1000.00 sale to got it. built on facebook is causing a major public outcry. the investigation was reopened and is being handled by switzerland pace, representative dick monte after after 10 after
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search horses with june from possible after various and their native americans took full control over possible. there was the, there was serious order traffic inc. and the commodity actually reported on that wins pulse with german. this with just the one is from of any of themselves in his report on human treatment of people. and it is a traffic inc and human organs in costs of dig montes says the doctors without borders, organization, and its head down, of course, now engaged in activities counter to what they had declared the prove. not any cushion is involvement in human organ trafficking because of those prime minister has she and touchy is as well. and presenting in dire case in europe at bottom. it's and you know what the roof engine following did we just
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said it'd be all of those guys for the or chuck in the of i was like a visit is a busy box. all right, almost all part of it to give the exports has to be on call the survey based on the say, logical, because the bike. uh, what about the, cuz uh, well i agree it was that a is, is, is, is go change that or just it is, it is void is done according to jump on to on monte edwards. you and the officials in cost of a day to minute treat, an e you representatives that interfered with the investigation of crimes committed by costs of a albanians del phone to roche. we were denied access to documents . my advisors agreed that the investigation of nato activities was impossible. the
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in the circus is an amazing world, full of laughter, fun and excitement. and it's a whole lot more generations of circus artists to keep the art of life moving forward and preserving traditions. at the same time. this is one of the oldest surfaces in russia, the moscow circus on. she have no boulevard. some of the greatest acts in the business, and some of the most impressed searching actions happens right here. the, the the, the, the, the, the, the, of the school sort of say, the city of leave a little with you,
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but these lots, what are the guidelines? i agree is there, but it's a, it's a project of in 2015. they'll now course now, along with doctors without borders played a part in creating the agency for the model. nice ation of ukraine, the, they always presence. well, boys raging on young healthy bodies are plentiful, people for them money thought of the cups the most fee, so slightly above it seemed suddenly unfair scheme of both from the bottom of the muscle for months um is that a jeep into ingenuity to meet hostilities other hunters for ukrainian organs, film to ukraine, the hot spots of heavy fighting, push the be up to the level jelly pretty what the, what do you have? the 2 most couple of us can do is just navigation, elizabeth,
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the video clip and the money in 4 months of the range. and then what was the store on that? you know, it is so much and have to have them tons of although i'm showing them to the point though, not to the 20th. i mean it is a best. deborah, is the criminal as follows. tonight, we made the real name once the special ministry operation wraps up on the facts regarding the collective west crimes are collected at the bottom of a nation materialized just to show somebody thought some of the what are you and your boss, the focus on beloved, even the pets come to an uh brings guess that any sooner than you know it's collisions. it'll be as in ice cream in the slot or a former employee of ukraine's s b. u told which he likes about working with elizabeth devereux. yes, the windows are best. i can bring their laptops, la, hold a blood province on for the
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best. so when they spot the door is i get the new for me. know us do measurable thing that you're going to say a little bit of us. don't know when you want to. we're going to be circling celeste here, right? and just on the, someone should your or a life lesson disapprove my level. it is a bunch of grand in the way the 1st one. all right, so just last week i want you to see me and what you've been easily obtainable. it usually works here short for me. now, as i've got a question for you me from louis 1st i thought for some more more let before my being out there, is it just as when you know, it might be an even your deductible's for didn't go with uniform dental. see, i'm an excuse. laugh at us for it, but it could literally show system ality or at least one of the proceeding was it's customized virginia waterman sciences found that i'll be show a marketable lesson. let me show you list. cyber security is another, a little upset. i ever though a city are you not going is up unless you need to move us on the roof or some of the stuff that you know i do with the media and youtube cool. jazz or as the tester
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children's comes from port of netscape k as mine, goosey, and your browsers chance on that i put the most talked across which in chest to you . i mean, if we do combat, let's see, i was like so it's like one of them is the item more than enough as to restrict you i will send the fullest. i'm waiting. dunham switched towards me. it says key fonts between the dealership. so not because when you pull machine, you jump like the edge of the evening on the music, just let me show them so i could really beat them. they would email both of them. i typically do a great little cleaning for you. we'll assume you'll think pretty much all inclusions gonna come on the equation. nobody ever least goes in and use that unit for you. what's like the doors? let's do what i want to go and say, what do you want me to do is just, i'm going to work for the next on the show. you at the bowl least can to, can you said it was like
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a free legal would have to follow that i live to go and you me still something almost going annual cleaning? no. losing bill ocean. okay. super to know is for sure. you see the furthest really is a lot of the snow from up dorski really see chance give for one more 100 was all the water audio storage and for my mind button and see what will be used as a, as a nice experience or use your the before you have show a personal audio and speak with drawing typically about the photo and we of the school, but decided football shape is do i want us to tax the possible media needed to use or let things on know i see for us and you come in each or when you're going to assign grandchildren new ways. when you went the way i live on his address, we have still in one of the past, my, on the porch case, it isn't, it is all on but it out so so many of that it wouldn't mean you. it's give you a lot to develop the log file that's important for me to let you get
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a list of the young lady and continue the process. the minimum. of course i love to put me in just a learning at a me for, for them, because like, for me she 1st of scroll the regular is music apply for, for letting me understand. you come with just to come look, i'm a push to organ and delivery to the patients can be more reliable. the markets change, they don't there while it is cadaver organs, people that are debt and that happens from 2014 onwards. people that are doing the transplants, want one, what say they call warm containers, living people putting it away in the solution on the and you need a sense of closure one. yeah. so when you, when you,
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let's go to my chest and you will consider the tip, i assume that this morning which in up to, to just get the consist that you and if you will, you always have night able to task. so when mutable you're going to come get it done early, but when you wish a pretty bulky, if i'm with you, we're going to and you'll stay, you'll see the terrible find. this continue to drop off in december 2022 at the city symmetry, nbc chance new guns people's republic. they discovered biomaterial remains belonging to the american and biological archery established the on the auspices of the ukrainian alternatives. the contract was the american farmer biotech company. your witness to it, usually my personal stainless nonsense. it certainly must. but as to what we mostly deal, it's just a one but the menus of the way to see what we will fluid from a couple of our needs any might. it's easier to more than a few, probably virginia i'm, which is the expedient of hope with the modem. sucky especially want to deal with the moving books for country items on the opiate months ago,
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representative rodeo and they wrote, sneak arrived in lucy chance immediately following it's never ration from the ukrainians. and since consent the winter, i think there's a couple of appointments this continued or is that the innocent child, can you somebody see that you need to order them in when you're thinking engineering. so we need to split it amongst each other. and if i'm going to, and if i knew this was probably going to spit out my clinic or a thought it was, and you might just clicking it this way and all, but then it was was done to lose the chance. residents will be revealed in the investigation. the it was the defense special declares that america will be defeated as the rebel group announces, amid a cheap mobilization and yep. and, and it's speculation kind of an imminent attack by us and u. k. forces also has special genocide on the intent is the router in the belief that in fact the enemy is not just the minnesota wing of
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hamas, but is imbedded in the property of palestinian life in gauze. and south africa says that israel's. busy or in the gauze as being waged with jennifer adult intent as it calls on the international courts of justice funding media. these 5 and emotion box. if i'm old enough to take countries, there is no basis for acquisitions of genocide against against israel. that's not a word that ought to be thrown around lightly, but it's by widespread bucking to the call to ends. the gaza blood shed. washington denounced as south africa's ice c. j. lawsuit is based less the time the radio navy confirms this asia of an oil tank guest that was previously confiscated by us sole source, ease of the violation of sections on iraq. the
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thank you for joining us a bit earlier than a regular program. we're starting with a bit of braking use this all or not say i'm here to rebels report strikes on the human a capital. assign him as well as the cities of all who di, yada donna and sada. i use the defense official besides the attacks were carried out by us on british war plains. a defense systems are reported to be operating in the coastal cities of yemen. as air raid sirens bring out the will. this comes as early on thursday defense system shut down, and the drone of a bill appleton arrives north and send me autonomous region. well, us and all the international forces are currently station as well. they are on a line to iraqi. but let's just know collectively as the, as lubbock, resistance have claimed responsibility for the attack. us officials have reported more than a 100 attacks against is interest in iraq on serious since mid october. they
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occupied minnesota is called a quick and orderly negotiated exits of us. the notary forces from his foil, but has not sets a concrete deadline. he says the us presence is destabilizing the region. we always repeat this. we need to push a rock away from regional and international conflicts. this is not only for the benefit of a rockies, but for the region in the entire world. meanwhile, the form of us defense, secretary mach as for recently confirmed that washington has no plans to rejoice troops from iraq. our policy has not changed. we are not leaving a rock and a draft on sign letter does not constitute a policy change, and there is no sign letter to the best of my knowledge. i've asked the question, well, meanwhile, tensions continued to rise between the us and who's the rebels and the region as the leader of the you have any level group. so it is mobilizing forces across the areas. it controls as follows, that one of the largest, the attacks on betsy shipping and the u. s. navy shut down for the one who the
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missiles on drones launch from yemen. you know, security council passed the resolution demanding and immediate and so the attacks but the rebel say they will continue to target is really link ships in the gym. any armed forces will continue to prevent is really ships or those heading to the ports of occupied palestine for navigating in the array, bmw and red seas, until the aggression stops in the siege on our steadfast browsers in the gaza strip . and will pittsville come and say to and contribute to for our monitor? ali risk says that the us is losing its influence in the middle east. i think that the wish, as usual when it's released policy is treating and shopping the phone for the site can be used for any online before october 7. and before the is ready, we're wrong cuz i'm the one of the shoes as it seems between the rock and government and the american forces in iraq. however, given americas outright support for the is ready slide, this has led only to the iraq,
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the task targeting american bases in both iraq and syria, but as law. so that for these demands for the united states to leave as a result of the, with support for his role and also as a result for the us on the bottom. and which the, which says is in response to our invitation that has left on members of the company of i'm about as i should units killed. including a senior member of the image of the month, which is one of the more prominent redman saying the popular on as ation forces. so . so i think that the, the rocky provost of how much to, danny, basically has know what the other choice now bought to intensify these efforts. same forcing the americans in one way or another to leave the state department is furious over. it runs the seizure of the oil tank of the coast of a mon calling to move a menace to the global economy and demanding the release of the vessel. the iranian
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government must immediately release the ship and its crew. this unlawful seizure of a commercial vessel is just the latest behavior by iran, or enabled by iran, aimed at disrupting international commerce. we believe this kind of action will simply add uncertainty for commercial shipping and for regional and global economy . if so alias, do you have any hobbies press office concerns that is naples forces seized an oil tanker to close the city of so ha, there, pull the best of these now. heading towards the venue in coast unlimited use release. says it seized an american 2nd invitation. this oil tanker renamed the saint nicholas, is carrying oil in the sea of oman. it was seized by court order this morning and approved by the ports and shipping organization of the strategic navy of this logic republic could be wrong. in retaliation for the oil tanker seized by the american
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regime and is currently being transferred to his lumnick republic ports for delivery to the judicial authorities. this trip was carrying a rocky oil in the port city of mass drawn was balance for eddie of a port in western char key when it was attacked and seized by unknown quote, unknown armed demand, the impounded oil tank. it was once known as the so as well drawn and was previously involved in a year long dispute over the shipment of a warranty and crude oil. the united states department of justice finally ordered the seizure and unloading of 1000000 barrels of iranian crude oil contained in this vessel. and this cargo was transferred to another oil tanker off the coast of texas, located in the gulf of mexico, mexico. we did ask the iranian foreign ministry for an interview, but they refused to comment. however, yvonne's national television has confirmed the.


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