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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  January 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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sion for the oil tanker seized by the american regime and is currently being transferred to his law, make republic ports for delivery to the judicial authorities. this trip was carrying a rocky oil into port city of mass drawn was balance for addie of a port in western char key when it was attacked and seized by on known clothes, on known arm demand, the impounded oil tank. it was once known as the so as well drawn and was previously involved in a year long dispute over the shipment of a warranty and crude oil. the united states department of justice finally ordered this seizure and unloading of 1000000 barrels of iranian crude oil contained in this vessel. and this cargo was transferred to another oil tanker off the coast of texas, located in the gulf of mexico, mexico. we did ask the iranian foreign ministry for an interview, but they refused to comment. however, yvonne's national television has confirmed the confiscation. it was,
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may be said that the tanker was seized by the country's naval forces following a court order. and upon the approval of the ports and shipping organization in retaliation to quote, staff of oil by the american government. the navy said that the seas vessel is now being transferred to the ports of these womic republic of iran for delivery to due to shuttle forward use. of course we will update you about more details as soon as we get more information from the wanting authorities. all day, one of hearings of the hague, south african lawyers accused israel of openly stating a policy of genocide to link fence against palestinians in gaza. which idea of troops are allegedly carrying out? it is a special genocide. our intent is the router in the belief that in fact the enemy. this is not just the minutes of waiting call from us on indeed how most turn that
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on file is embedded in the fabrics of public opinion life in cause. this intent is evident from israel conduct in specially targeting palestinians living and gaza using weaponry that causes large scale, homicidal destruction, designating save stones, for palestinians to seek refuge and then bombing beans. the dispute had crystallized as a metal view. this was consumed by his rogues, official, and unequivocal denial on 6th december that it was committing genocide in gauze, despite the adoption of the conventions, to prevent and punish the crimes of to decide the atrocities continue and the, the international community. according to the minister as failed to translate the goals of the office of the previous and into the odyssey. and we know that the
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responsibility to protect the fulls of states. and those are some of the states that have acted a bit concerned and made it seem like the well worried about the children and the people in the guys and some of those states that the u. s. and the u. k. a lot of people say it's quite a lot of people and when they try to, so some sort of empathy and sympathy towards put a scene in tennessee and children. and a lot of people say those are always the crocodile tiers. and the as of the longer the will continue, the, the more children and people in guests us continue to stuff up, but overall, so that's what the v b. all you did. how did before the international court of justice today, many palistine and representative and people a so that brought to to, to us of africa. and that's something more on that south africa. i'm a pro active step on behalf of humanity to protect the palestinians, people and ensure that the genocide convention and international law do not become
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completely irrelevant. which is a prospect that must specify all of us. this is a case of death, could also find that the empower the genocide convention and is a very significant one for international community to be in go to showcase its usefulness and to prove that it's not really or rather immediately a playground for the wasted, the ways to have now, so it's discontent. that's have a listen to this. watching african women and men fighting to save humanity and international legal system against the ruthless attacks supported and enabled by most of the west, will remain one of the defining images of our time. this will make history, whatever happens. a lot of people are speculating, kind feet and trying to make sense of what is on will say, and it's defense tomorrow. but no one really knows for sure. so we wait to see what
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each valve will bring to the table tomorrow. and back to our break can use now coming from yemen, where who see rebels report strikes on the capital sun as well as the cities of our for data data. and saw the, here's the defense official associated types of card up by both us and british will planes. the defense systems are reported to be operating in coastal cities of human as air raid sirens. right now let's go live now to all these kind of both in, in new york. caleb, a very fluid situation of the moment. um, but what can you tell us about what's going on so far? what do we know? the pentagon has confirmed that strikes are indeed taking place in yemen. 10 specific targets are being hit by the us military. now we understand that there was an emergency meeting of the u. k. cabinet that happened several hours ago prior to the strikes beginning. it's also important to note down that the who the forces
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have been emphasizing that they are prepared to repel an american attack. they've been saying that for the past several months and most especially in the past several day. and in addition to that, militias in iraq, i have said they plan to retaliate against the united states forces in iraq, if there is a strike on who the forces in. yeah. and now this is all based on the situation in the red sea. now the whole thing is answer a lot of these religious organization based in yeah, and have been blocking ships in the red sea. there's an accent in support of the palestinians. they've said that until israel stops and from barton gaza, they will continue to enforce a navy. busy loc, a to israel stopping any ship, connected the israel doing business with his rail or tide. what country like the united states or britain that is backing or align with his rail and they have been consistently stopping ships for months. so we now have
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a situation where the united states came forward with 12 other countries and said they planned to take action to clear out the maritime trade routes in the red sea. they are essentially going to protect israel and the ability to do business with israel as the who the forces have been stopping ships in support of the palestinians, demanding a ceasefire. so we now have the united states moving ahead. there were some strikes on the boats that took place in the last few days, but this seems to be a full fledged strike by the united states. these are cruise missiles, airstrikes going on, and gets told died. uh, uh, so the other sites in. yeah. and then in areas that are controlled by who the forces, the under a law movement of the port of o died as a very strategic port located located on the red sea. that is a very vital is where the, who these have been operating out of there been a number of strikes reported at this time. now the united kingdom he is involved in these activities. it's not yet confirmed that the u. k. is involved with that is
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what forces in yemen are reporting that is not simply the united states. it is also the united kingdom and is carrying out these error strikes. so i will be watching the situation very closely there. he is expected to be retaliation from the who, the forces and from forces aligned with them throughout the region. we already had the rocky militias that were saying that they planned to carry out strikes against the united states. and it's based as in iraq, others possibly retaliation coming in syria, possibly retaliation coming from has the lot of the potential here for this to turn into a region wide explosion is very, very big. as these who the horses have received widespread prey, it seems like the entire global palestinian movement has been tearing for them and supporting them as they stop the ships in the red sea as an active solidarity with the palestinians. they're essentially a picket line, you know, blocking trade with israel until they stop bonding garza so with the out out out spread wide spread support for the palestinians taking place around the world and the out of the widespread support for who the horses and doing this. now that we
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have the united states and the united kingdom moving against the bombing them. uh, it, it, it begs to be seen how much retaliation there will be, uh, from the global forces that seem to be sympathetic to the palestinians. this could have very big regional impacts and did it codes kid up? i mean, we'll be watching it very closely. take care of it. thanks very much for breaking down what we also followed by the strikes on government. thank you. the mustang in the middle east, as well as for ministry, released a strongly worded statements up to the hearing in the hague, in which it's accused south africa of functioning as a legal on the from us south africa, which is functioning as the legal arm of the how much terrorist organization isolated schools have the reality and goals are following the october 7th from mexico and completely ignore the facts at the time of taurus infiltrated as well. motor executed musket rapes and abducted as lady citizens simply because they was ladies in an attempt to carry out genocide. we do not have any monday from,
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from how much our monday to is from the south african government. and in our case also is not that busy juices of people. our case is like this. the actions of the state is that i the actions of general sites that are committed in because of what we spoke to the south african minister of justice rights after the 1st day in the cold ended. and he told us that the ongoing law suits regarding is really actions in gaza. is a challenge for the international court of justice, not to repeat the mistake you made with the genocide in one. it is important to give the quote to know, which is not the good because it is of the genocide into the one to unfold when. so the goal is going through a tunnel vision and there was no to intervene with this quote cuz we're giving the opportunity to quote high as board of d u. n organ. that is entrusted with preventing generously to make a finding that hulu based on the fence and the load that were present in the global
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community. we're a better place to know and understand what it means and the, the history of discrimination and violence disposition is almost akin to what is kind of unfolding in the doesn't how um, those would be the founding president. one of the 1st conversations that d, a pendant disagree to own the maintenance of each was the genocide convention. so was tending initially to offer jane to stand on principle, to assert their rights for life, for the palestinian police, you guys for the children to go to school to leave and know my life. so the children to go to texas health care, the elders, the college student population to be able to leave, like in
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a person all over the room. so this is about to minutes. meanwhile, these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu reacted to south africa's allegations clements the ideas that holds them all high grounds by taking every precaution not to home civilians of the terrorist organization carried out the worst crime against the jewish people since the holocaust. and now someone comes to defend it in the name of holocaust. what brazen go the world is upside down. the idea of the most moral army in the world, which does everything to avoid harmony. non competence stands accused by the representatives of these monsters of genocide, south africa, the bulk receipt screams to the high heavens. i'm not surprised about the retreat that and i'm gonna send it to now who is a 3 and also gather with the usual accusation of anti semitism. this being the sudden change of the actual messaging, we would recall,
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they told that even the signature of state bank couldn't from the united states of america. also suddenly today, a said that they seemed that the death toll of civilians are too high. these were concerns that were not sick. a few weeks ago support when they was to continue was bombing and key of the palestinians in garza. but because of the court case, because of the application southerly, we see a tone down of the bottom of that was that of these, that highly officials and of course of the united states. so for sure, that's a summary of the south african lawyers have also puts a spotlights on remarks made by these really prime minister and his allusions, so that he boot bible in the arguments before the i c j i minutes to an attorney out in his address to the is right, the forces one point 8 october 10th, between the city. preparing for the invasion of cause, adds to the soldiers to remember what i look has done to you. so this
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refers to the people to call come on to buy gall. it's to solve for the tanya to destruction of an entire group of people known as the mother kites boats to death, men and women, children and in friends, cookie and ship k mails and don't cuz it's an inside out in vocation. and that was the thing. but i do because of the puter departments did not tell you all in a laptop to the is right armed forces on city, november 22 in the city. but i'm president. that's a prime minister, as words speak for themselves, cooler on the entire people, and the leadership of the people embrace them and believing them. remember what i'm elected to you, we remember and we fight with ahead of the hearing, the hague,
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as well as the prime minister turned down his rhetoric on gaza. that's. and you all who refused to these previous suggestions to the police. didn't enclave, or be controlled by the idea after the war, as well as no intentional, permanently occupying gaza, or displacing it civilian population, as well as finding how much terrace, not the palestinian population. and we are doing so in full compliance with the international law. the adf is doing, it's almost to minimize civilian casualties while come mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian civilians as human shields. our goal is to rid garza of commerce terrace, and fear hostages. once this is achieved, guys, it can be demilitarize in d radicalize, thereby creating a possibility for a better future for is room and palestinians. i like the prime minister netanyahu, uh understood that uh the case would be before the international court of justice could have the serious consequences for ease row. because even if
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the case is not enforceable, even as being junction that the called the may issue um, calling on this road uh to effect a ceasefire. we will be eventually veto the in the security council. it won't be a public relations disaster for israel. so all of a sudden he understood that he is a political maneuvers, a full domestic audiences have some international low cost and belatedly. now of course, it's too late. he turned down his statements regarding the occupation of guns and other calls such as the destroying aleck, which is of course, it'd be really cool. reference to an ancient enemy of the jewish people. a
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large crowd gathered outside the building of the hague coats, where the hearings taking place demonstrates his uh, calling for the end of the genocide against palestine as well as a boy scouts of israel or for boston. unites of this also seeing gathering ahead of the hearing in south africa, which initiated the law suits palestinians in the west bank also gathered on wednesday at nelson mandela square in ramallah to express the gratitude to south africa. finding the lawsuit against it's rather than a typical method. ok. hello. yeah, we spoke to the grand daughter of nelson mandela and tim becky late mondale, a foundation found in the lake at montela. she says it's also have both the international community and individual states to promote you want to see and mitigate the crisis. you have the authority to be able to, to, to intervene because the re, i base case, best case study,
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the best stretches of what, how you gain the mattress. what i'm expecting is for this is for you, you know, why they might decisions. they come up with the add to it too, and for that was, this is like the task successfully you know, to, to, to use it. you know, a e diplomacy in terms of, you know, quoting says via tools to mitigate, to, to, to sit. so people that are working to, to reach and nobody can do solution. that's why just because about patient. so it's a lot because yeah, pointing them out to see that to, to do what you have set up to do as creating tools. and you know, we need to catch that to manage and that's because no shumate dnc or correct. you could actually say no human being is one hate to we. i taught straight. so which means with sub to me that haven't we up with the 2nd committed to, you know,
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it's funny when that to manage it switched. all that's really atrocities is of the people i think it is the color to initiative and they connect to energy. also a lot of people that to concentrate the image is to say that this is a positive outcome, but you want it's funny then that you will see change the kind of just be the you in it test look to be too much for me to imagine these ready comments? devastating assaults on gaza has spots increasing criticism, not only world wide, but it's also on the home front. well, the 600 is where these have signed a petition in support of the law suit, south africa's filed to the hague. although the signature is on legal experts, they say the position on ending the war is based on evidence they see or receive from sources in gaza. you spoke to jonathan like you have signed the petition and he says this within the power of the east, the i c j, under the states to hold israel to accounts. the discourse within is really,
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society is a soldier and a cycle, and there is absolutely no prosecution, but also genocide of discourse and no, no richard, no reprimand to that to genocide to discourse. it also represents, at least in the very least large elements within the army. and we have seen videos of if any soldiers talking about the proper way to handle gaza and the punishment that must be, that governance must be met with what i expect of the court is to, or there is there to stop killing governance, to stop the aggression on the people of god, the soul going got the has to stop and have to stop now. and if that you and cannot do that, that you in and it is and cannot do that. then really what is the point of to you? and if it is only 2 to us,
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13 the power of the strong and not defend those who need defending each. and every country can commit to sanctions, to boycotts to this event, to def investments can apply by laughter of means of pressure on this that this there's the time is no, there's no time to wait. what was the 1st days? having said the international court of justice, wrap up, the us department of state maintains the south africa's allegations of genocide incent, aren't found it. the allegation that israel is committing genocide are on founded. in fact, it is those where violently attack and israel, who continue to openly call for the lation of israel and the mass murder of jews. as far as us officials are concerned, the proceedings that are taking place are on the found it. they consider them to be illegitimate. so they are referring to the fact that they consider israel to simply
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be defending itself is real. enemy is a mosse which seeks to destroy them, not the palestinian people here assembled what we heard for john kirby. and we have said repeatedly that we believe these allegations this case is unfounded. and that there is no basis for accusations of genocide against against israel. that's not a word that ought to be thrown around lightly. and we certainly don't believe that it applies here. well, across the country, there has been an upsurge of protests in support of the palestinians. video is circulated at the dallas city council in texas being disrupted by very big protests and members of the community that are speaking out in support of the palestinians. recently, the san francisco city board of supervisors passed a resolution to support the palestinians, as well as to condemn the actions by a mazda on october 7th. then there has been a big upsurge of support to the palestinians among the american public in particular among joe, by his own tardy, where many among the democratic parties,
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they simply do not approve of the white houses action standing behind israel as it continues its bombardment. these really bombardments of gaza is taking a devastating soul on the civilians and aid workers and other medical personnel. that's going to the world health organization. as it sounds, the alarm that israel stretching insurmountable challenges like your monetary emissions and the entry level of clean water and sanitation and overcrowded living conditions are creating the ideal environment for this to spread. deliberating you money to, to and hey, didn't guys that continues to phase nearly inside of mount china and just or intern school environment restrictions on movement. fuel shortage and interrupted communications. make it impossible for w, jo and our partners to reach those in need. all the talks that we hear that israel is helping the people is trying to do its best to not target people. these are
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anywhere it's but we have not seen these words being actionable on the ground, the convoys, they say that so they so easily that through it is up to the international organizations to do all the necessary. we have not seen these actions on the ground . so we hear a lot of words, but we're missing the action, or the implementable action on the ground. the people are not protected on the way to the safe, so almost people are not protected in the safe sounds. the water is not being restored as not being able to be brought in. people are begging for what the ambulances are, as this horrific incident shows, not safe, but what, even by transporting wounded hospitals are not safe, no matter what is on the ground or should be supposedly on the ground possible. this has to be safe. convoys cannot get in and not enough fate is getting in. and then the con wise cannot get further up more. so we have to cancel 6 missions, 7 actually including yesterday to go further up north from,
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from rough side to supply the few partially functioning hospitals with any equipment. so diseases can spread easily or kill those who are already weak. so color, uh um, it has not yet taken place. it goes color, it needs of a tell you a, but of course, a tooth, walter with diarrhea which is just as bad as lacking. the bacteria is ramping and gaza right now. skin infections, rushes, all types of other infections, a multiplying respiratory infection, so long infections 20 folds the level we normally have in november. and that's only what b c reported because the less, right, sorry, so i'm not functioning, there's no way to test any samples to collect some present to testify. so the whole package, everything is basically destroyed at a dysfunctional. i'm back now to the breaking news coming from the yemen way, us and british war planes, as well as the tomahawk missiles as to the capsule of sauna,
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as well as the cities of all who di da, the unsolved to the prints are going to confirm that washington targets have 10 locations in the who control territory. the defense systems are reported to be operating in the coastal cities of human us air raid sirens, sound balance. with these developments come just hours after the senior who's the defense official declared that america would be defeated and suggested the rebels would not give up the support full garza, we swear even if we have broken down into agents and scattered into year, we will mazda bend in gaza, we will continue to target zine. his ships will confront america, force it to me and boon its battleships all of its basis. and everyone who cooperation with it, no matter the cost, we will most abundant guys, let the great void night. we are its people, we are, it's meant the well should prepared to hear from americans to feed. and i say
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without pride, we will trace an american without feet. and whoever does not know us will know our strength on the battlefield. as coast alive again now to get a more pin in new york. and caleb, what are the latest developments regarding these us and u. k. strikes on targets in yemen? so we have the confirmation from the united states that they are striking 10 targets in yemen. right now, the port of how died a very vital port city controlled by the forces side of the capital city of humans to not 10 different areas are being struck by the united states. now we understand that you k, for us is, are also involved in the attack. there was an emergency meeting of united kingdom's parliament several hours before the strikes began. now this is all taking place because the who, the forces, i've been trying their hardest to support the palestinians by blockading the red
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sea, stopping ships connected to israel, tied to companies to do business with israel, or tied to the united states and united kingdom countries and support is rail blockading the red sea in support of the palestinians as part of the global demand for a ceasefire. that would be forces see themselves in solid arity and in support of the palestinians. they've essentially set up a picket line in the red sea, a blockade to support the palace, denny. now, they are being condemned by the united states. there was a un security council resolution condemning that i'm calling for the clearing of trade routes and now it seems we have well different countries designed on to support the mission by the united states and united kingdom to attack the who the for this for is, is in yemen to clear out the red sea to support israel. but the question now is, what 3 allegation will these, the for these move? because the who these have been saying for the past several months, but most, especially in the past several days, as you've just heard in the past several hours,
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that they are prepared to retaliate. they are prepared to fight american forces. they have cruise missiles, they have helicopters, they have drones, they are prepared to retaliate. in addition, the rocky of militia for us, it seems that they will strike us bases in response ons to attacks on the, who's the forces in yemen. what people are wondering if there will be a response from similar forces based in syria from has the law based in lebanon and others. and this could be a region wide confrontation that we are seeing the very beginning of the cause. there have been a number of horses that have said that they will strike in support of the who these the who these, that add such widespread support from the global palestinian solidarity movement for their actions in the red sea. so it bears to be seen how much retaliation there will be. there seemed to be forces throughout the region. let's say they are now prepared to fight the united states and retaliate against the united states and united kingdom for these actions are they are prepared to support these forces. so
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we still have to see how this plays out. we understand these rights are taking place, american and u. k. forces are striking human as we speak of kind of gone a said there are can't 10 key targets that are being yes and people have to wait and see how this situation unfolds. of the coming hours, a candid thanks very much for that update. for us goes live now to political unlist jackson, hankle, who's joining us from miami jackson. thanks very much for joining us as such. short notice of a say a developing situation here. the middle east. yes. it is, and it's quite the situation in terms of the impacts it's going to have on the multi polar world. the who these indian men have done a successful job in stopping any of these is really, or is really link ships from traveling through the red sea over the past several months. and that's brought to below a billions and billions of dollars.


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