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tv   Documentary  RT  January 11, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

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we still have to see how this plays out us. we understand these rights are taking place. american and u. k. forces are striking human as we speak. i kind of gone and said there are can't 10 key targets that are being yes and people have to wait and see how this situation unfolds. of the coming hours. a candid thanks very much for that update. let's go live now to political unlist jackson. hankle who's joining us from miami jackson. thanks very much for joining us at such short notice of a say, a developing situation here in the middle east. yes, it is. and it's quite the situation in terms of the impacts it's going to have on the multi polar world. the who these indian men have done a successful job in stopping any of these is really, or is really link ships from travelling through the red sea over the past several months. and that's brought to below a billions and billions of dollars to be is really economy. they did all of that
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without firing a single bullet. and now because of their actions in solidarity with the palestinian resistance, they're now being bombed in 10 separate locations. so we'll continue to see, you know, how other actors like his beloved iraqi militants and siri and militants respond. uh, but i can only imagine this is just the beginning. mm hm. well, let me see this here. it says the options were causing, as you mentioned, billions of dollars worth of destruction. this of not just to is vainly linked shipping. but the international shipping, with many of businesses for us to go around the horn of africa, red increased times and expense. i guess this could have only got away with the reactions in the red sea talking to civilian cargo ships. it has to be safe for so long before there's some pushback from the us led coalition. the oh yeah, and it's quite something about a month ago the united states aimed to put together
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a joint military coalition about 12 different countries to take on the who these in the joints naval operation right in the red sea. and for some reason that never materialized until today, we're now seeing this us and u. k thread. but we haven't seen any other major actors get directly involved in these airstrikes yet, or whatever they are. they very well could have been unable strikes. and in fact, i think that's probably what they were. again, what i'm more concerned about is the response. we're going to be seeing the who these have reported. lee fired a garage of cruise missiles back at those us ships that are right off the coast. i doubt they hit anything, but again, this is one domino that could lead to another. and this ever changing, you know, multi polar world that sees us getting weaker buquet getting weaker and nations
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and peoples who have never really had true freedom. get a little bit closer to actually achieving it. thanks very much, jackson. i'm very pleased to say that we've also been joined now by daniel as off from new york journalist, an orthodontist. great to help you with this. i'm done with nice to not those technical issues. um, 1st of all, i just want to get your thoughts on this situation is very fluid situation. this developing in the middle east now as well as predictable is very dangerous. 12 percent of. busy trade goes through the suez canal into the red sea, so they were making a major dance and the global economy. and the us has finally decided to respond. and of course the while there are many dangers here. one danger of course, is the, the damage that will be done to the, to yemen, the be people who will be killed, property that will be destroyed, buildings blown up. but the, the other great danger, of course, is the war will. why do they even more? and if that happens, then the u. s. has in for some really hard times. 20. thanks very much daniel. i'm
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directing you. you've always gets us on this before. there is certainly a fine line here from the, the west and let the coalition between targeting certain sites along the coast that had things dividend ships in the red sea. what also not doing a bombing campaign, this c big that would then involve the, the, why the region and provoke a, a big a conflict. the there is a very fine line, and i would say that the western partners of already crossed it again. the hoot, these managed to shut down the red sea in effect without firing a single bullet. obviously they did target civilian cargo ships, but no one was injured. and the u. s. joe biden violated not only international law, but he also violated us law by legally striking those who the targets in yemen without congressional approval. he violated our own country's most basic and
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fundamental laws and members of congress are already calling out joe biden like ro condo from california for doing so. so even in our own country, this is an impeachable offense offense. it's a red line that has already been cross. unfortunately, this is just another old thursday for joe, but well, i'm just going to pick you up on that jackson because i keep a vision of wednesday, security council resolution, which is sponsored by the us and japan said that you wouldn't mind the states in accordance with international law quote could defend the vessels on the top, including those that's on demand, navigational rights and freedom. so this is not violated international law by disrupting civilian vessels in the red sea. that's why i think it's a question of what is defense? if defense is bombing the capital of human, then i guess we have different ideas of what a reasonable defense might look like. israel for example, says that they've been defending themselves for the past 100 nearly 100 days with
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their operations in gaza. and they fully believe that i happen to believe that what they're doing is actually not self defense. and it's something much, much more sinister. so the us will call this defense. sure. but i don't think what they're doing with these outrages, bombings, 10 different locations, is actually defending themselves if they want to defend themselves and those cargo ships, you know, go in there like men don't go bon with wanton disregard injury civilians likely and actually go take those ships back thanks very much jack. so that done you. what's your take on, on the legality of these actions now in the red sea to defend the cargo shipping the as well. so you have the security council pass a resolution uh saying that a country is transmitting the uh, the, the, the red sea of a right to defend themselves. then i presume. and, and being aware of how elastic the definition of self defense is. then i presume
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that this is probably a legal action. in other words, in the, in a chord with international law, as presently the defined, by the way, congress will not do anything to repeat this. the uh, believe me, uh there probably only a handful of dissenters on capitol hill, ro cannon, maybe one of them. but uh, but uh, this will have the backing of 95 percent of the us congress, which is really to say that the us congress is a, a, is war crazed, aggressive, militaristic, etc. so they will see nothing wrong with this uh, operation. mm hm. well, the political, unless trucks and hankle from my on engine list, and also daniel is off from new york. i'm afraid we do have to leave that even though i'm sure we could discuss this for many hours to come. thank you very much for your time on your thoughts here or not. so you today. thank you. well over to su, done now where the 9 months conflict between the countries. um and paula metric
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falls, this continues. it's a different between monetary, in the process, so far more than 12000 people have been killed, an 8000000 displaced in the country. according to the u. n. a local reporter. both has more details. the power struggle between the city's armed forces and power, military rapids support forces by road into a large scale conflict in april last year. and it has been worst means of humanitarian prices in the country. the un says more than 12000 people have been cubes, and 6000000 displaced inside the country, including more than half a 1000000 displaced by renewed bosses which broke out in out of 0 states in december. the latest violence passed and around that humanitarian of prices and costs many and chose to withdraw the stuff. and these only means more suffering for the student needs. even before the conflict started around 15800000 of them were in
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dire need of humanitarian aid. caused by long term political instability, economies challenges ended stream wherever saw the conflict, not only it's also paid at this problem, but as left, almost swear to 5000000 people, or more than half of students population in precarious situations without any rest but inside the prices is the largest engine, all displacement prices globally, and the international rescue committee says sit down tops. it's a watch list of punters most likely to experience data rate in humanitarian prices for c siding more mass displacements, economy challenges, and a health care system. now, a live support. more than 70 percent of health facilities in conflict affected regions of sit down or non fonts, and i'll close this while more than 200 people have died from over 9000 suspected cases of father. i did you in says the latest figures represents an increase of
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over 40 percent compared to the case load one month ago since last year. more than 1300000 people have fled across the students board is seeking help in neighboring con is including nearly half a 1000000 whole flags to south sedan. thousands more, a report of the waiting at the border to get in. critics, a diplomatic responses to the complex, especially from the international community, has been clumsy and thought sedans, neighbors, like egypt, you'll be out of a central african republic. i believe we have to face both of our when reference of prices and the risk of active complex feeling over their part is timothy obese of our team. border material. let's go slide not to michael muller for format pentagon security on the list. michael, thanks very much. for joining us as such, short notice. so i'll just like to get your thoughts on the, the developing situation in the red sea. well, it wasn't surprising. um,
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who these have been um, attacking uh uh it's really vessels and they actually been firing as i understand it on us and u. k. warships. and they and the us and the end of your cable had been warning about escalating to not just hitting the drones budgeting the actual launch sites. so this escalation tonight is not surprising whatsoever. but giving, hitting the sites is one thing, but i've heard reports now that they're hitting around the capital. and unless or launch sites there, i don't know why they get into the capital. and it's as one of your folks, a little earlier said they who these are put up with a lot from the kingdom of saudi arabia. and so i think that they're prepared to undertake go further, launch is against the united states, the u. k. and, and as
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a set, as their spokesman said, any country that supports is are, and that's an interesting development and interesting space. it certainly is a very concerned, and that's why you can imagine that this is a fine line being charged. now by the us and the u. k, the conduct, you don't know, strikes i to the deterrence for the here if he's no longer to attack these cargo ships in the red sea, but also no, no, no to i'm so cause of why the conflicts in the region. the it can imagine is a very tricky line to, to follow. well, yeah it's, it is, and unfortunately once you start down the slippery slope, there's, how do you stop it? and this is a concern. this is just going to escalate even further. and the who is the spokesman promised that there would be more than 20 drones at a time aimed at us warships and, and the u. k. worship. so they got themselves into a yet another upfront. and again, this was not unexpected because of our uh,
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continuing backend of uh the israel is, uh, 2 days and the, and the israel is and, and the by the administration, by the way, tonight. but can't find by me even comment on this. and, and we just have this problem with the chain of command with our secretary defense . and the white house has absolutely shut, put a lid on any comments about what's going on right now. mm hm. so it's less the american people in the dark and, and, and this white house is just the dead on the right. so this is a problem in the world. indeed. and the said it was a un security council resolution that, that approve the defense of ships in the red sea in accordance with international law boards. as an american, maybe you can tell me how this works in america. and we've told us to do my construction, the progression of approval to be carried out 1st. if there's a, if there's a, um, if it's in what they would call self defense,
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they can go ahead. there was no prior congressional approval, for example, when the president johnson launched a counter attack in the gulf of tonkin, i think they have up to 48 hours to inform. they can, they can uh, the, the war powers act says that they can respond to any, any aggression against the, of the us asset. if it's in international waters, in this case. and, but there are half that there will have to be a report to congress for, look at the congress right now. it's in such disarray and it's, and hasn't even been focusing on this and, and, and the governments about ready to shut down. so where are the people in terms of readiness, in terms of chain of command, in terms of trying to wage piece rather than war and, and, and not in them in any position because netanyahu is see if the united states um,
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by the, uh, you know, what and, and, and he's leading us right into war, and he has every intention of, of expanding this thing and he wants to, that now he, he's been dropping fast for his bombs on the southern 11 on it wants to expand into lebanon. and, and ultimately he wants to go after iran. now here's another reaction that could occur because this is escalating on all of a sudden in the mind. uh, uh, straights there. one could retaliate as. busy by shutting down the straight so far, moose and that's the other concern i have. and as, as it's because these are all prophecies of, of iran. so these, this thing could escalate out of control. and, and i have been 64 months that this or will expand into at least 3 to 4 fronts. and we're already seeing, and it's
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a very troubling thoughts. mike told them what to expect the response to be by the who says now they've been resolute in, in the news on the red sea. and they have said that they will strike fox. do you think they will do to have the capability to do so against those vessels and the red sea? yeah, i think they do. they have demonstrated that they've got, they've got so many ship missiles, they've got ballistic muscles. they, they and, and they have some mobile capability. so yeah, they, they've already, the, the spokesman for the who's these has already promised a response to the american m u k. that's those. so for, for the warships. so they're, they're gonna start a, me that the warships now, and that's going to really bring on that. could even it in white, in the war and, and engaged ship both countries into a young man. uh, ultimately and, and, and from past expect is the saudis had
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a terrible side of for years trying to do anything that they, they, they tried to settle with the who states and that's what they were working on and why they've been to the very low key and, and in, in uh, in this task force that is controlling the red sea right now. even though they've given quiet approval to buck rain, to cooperate. but it's, it's, um, this thing is expanding very rapidly and there's the whole complection of this war could change. by tomorrow, i'm sure it won't be did the last time that we we have you on discussing this escalation, michael ball of pharma, penske and security on list as always. thank you very much for your, your insights. oh, not too. my pleasure. thank you. moving on to other news now the form you currently businessman andre debt caught use of $0.07 and you courtney in parliament was given a sweeping interview to an italian journalist. the couch is known for exposing the
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binding from the corruption in ukraine and has been targeted by both washington and kip interview reveals some new findings, including how his life was upon to endanger due to his investigation. the financial difficulty in the process is to let you know, since 2021. we have received confirmation of all statements in the us congressional investigations on the bottom family corruption, then ukraine. that's saying, yeah, we identify the individuals who were supposed to make an assassination attempt on my life and on the life of a prosecutor in the case against the race. my counseling team clinic in january 2022, the secretary of state ads, and it blinking during a meeting with zill ask you told him to resolve the issue with the attach blinking . so the issue was not resolved so that they will deal with that naturally. some people came to me and told me the story. they said they want the streets you had called into the law and wanted me to take care of my security. everything was set
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about by this family corruption, most concerns in the us congress. materials were revealed, money, loans, ring on the part of the bureau is my company. this is the 1st time we hear about any assassination attempts on the people who expose jo. biden's links to with his dodge of dealings when it comes to ukraine and his son. uh no, just remind that he was exactly what happened. this is all surrounding the scandal, or where is my, which is a natural gas company in ukraine which employed joe by then. so on the hunts replied, and this was the time when joe biden was vice president, and he was sort of in charge of ukraine after the qu there, and he visited over a 1000 times in those early days. so read some other company where his son was employed on the board of directors receiving around a $100000.00 a month. so. so the, the owner of that comes in the upper, his mom, his name is nicolai's, which have ski. he was under investigation over money laundering,
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a tax evasion and corruption. so of course this did not look good for joe biden and he won't in this case gone. so he got the prosecutor fired and we know this because audio tapes have been leased by this the training and lawmakers that we just saw again. so he mix those types of few years ago, and we heard the joe biden talking to the filter, put aside, go back in the day when he was the cranium prices. and he said that if you get the prosecutor that is pursuing this case against for some of flyers, and we will give you loan guarantees, what's $1000000000.00? so this is exactly what happened. uh and then this led to another uh bribe. let's hear some more. i mean, the familiar green is not a territory, but it's people. and what do we see that today? no human rights, minolta allowed to leave the country. the question is that women might no longer be released today. ukraine is a constant try some time, but it's moving towards europe without freedom of speech without human rights,
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without freedom of religion. for us to blame for this bite and view on blinking the deep states landscape, horace hancock, and the rest of this organized crime group. the largest cast probably been 0, happened to into by the 20 transmitted for closing the bureaus. i'm a case of through a period of time the multi stream pipeline exploded duty and task was estimated a dozen times was made on prove that then the had so that you create in special services those high that they're carrying out. probably the goal is to as a nation and terrace tax full of budget cash. so you cranium authorities back in 2020 c's. these uh this enormous a cash bribe. but then what is supposedly that was made on behalf of was, was asking the owner of the resume. he of course, the noise oldest. well, what happened to the last 3 years and years of investigations in some on the laundry, into corruption. what happened to him, he got away with it, with just a small fine that he paid something else that mister cox talks about and says that now the original prosecutor, his life is also in danger,
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spots and man behind that all. and this is which has to be gets to walk away, sleep with just over justify, to go through to the wall is after profuse you practically saw how the $6000000.00 pride was transferred to law as on the, as the money was given for closing the bure, reese my case, the information and photographs was available in all of the repeating agencies for the 6000000 dollar pride was low chest. he received a fine offer around $1800.00. with that being said, he transferred 800000000 hurry via again to finance terrorism, supporting the drone army and the armed forces. that's why we will continue prosecute team by does partners for finance and terrorism, and this mr. success sky. looking into him as well. his background, he was formerly the minister of ecology who was also born from the deputy or is secretary of economic and social security. all the national security and defense council. yes, he was allowed to own a company. and you know,
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this is legal for members of parliament to own businesses and this was one very lucrative business. and as we can see with all the money laundry. so he was still allowed to do that. and then if we look into the f b i, informant revelations, where it says does look, shasky paid $5000000.00 to hunter by them. then $5000000.00 more to jo by them. so it's a mass we're corruption, runs wild, and those who are supposedly in the queue of us are not getting are not basically being fined or anything happened into them. instead, other people's lives have been put in danger for revealing these connections. meanwhile, florida governor of on desantis unfolding the us and buses its view, and nikki haley. it goes into a tense exchange of where the us to continue funding toward ukraine during a republican debate. the governor haley, you say that this is a quote war about freedom that ukraine must when governor to santa says, quote, we need to bring this war to an end. do you believe he shares your commitment to
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a ukrainian victory? nobody knows what he believes because one president obama was an officer. he supported foreign aid to ukraine. now he's copying trump and trying to act like he doesn't want to support ukraine. but let me tell you why ukraine should matter. russia said once they take you, crane, poland and the baltics are next. those are nato countries. and that puts america at war. this is about preventing more. it's always been about preventing more. if we support you crime, that's only 3 and a half percent of our defense budget. nikki haley is basically a carbon copy of would bite. and as it's an open ended commitment, they want another $108000000000.00. they will not tell you when the, the, they have achieved their goal. and this is going to go on maybe hundreds of billions more into the future. i think a lot of people have died. we need to find a way to end this because our priorities for national security, of course, the border which we talked about, and people like nikki haley care more about ukraine's border than she does about
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our own southern border. the form you invested to refer to desantis as a bit your life. and the governor of florida denounced haley for seeking offices to do had done his bidding. and the fittest concepts for 2nd place in the republican field handing desantis of vines on states each other. an image as the front runners against the former president, donald trump. adjusting haley desantis also states if you can save them both of the of the united nations. but you can't say you and also the impacts of the. meanwhile, instead of taking posse, cnn's events from attended a town hall hosted by fox news, continued his date of missing, of the republican bank. as well as all phenomena speak to scots 100 bucks in just a few minutes time with all the latest on those u. k. and us strikes on sites and yemen. so don't go anywhere the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, for the business. and you can in the 3 of the daily shows on you, how many comes green when you wrote it, you would just go to it. it's just such an upgrade to no ceiling and provide your stuff such as your records even was not sure of the different considering for which
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i'm working with usually thrown with them the probably just a little shorter issue through here that i sent to you yesterday. isaac, at the top 3, usually i'm looking at these studies leaning towards a flush to for me to on, on, on the if we can, we can load it mostly just some of the push to just read it wrong because of this new way to possible. do school culture, we really don't know which these are i know for the don't know is i can do given the other than the americans typically sort of these best opinion pronounced has come of us. the the by ministration is slammed south africa's get aside case against israel as married lives. this makes the following question. then what is happening in god's, if not a genocide, secretary of state blinked and says it's a 1000000000 dental and god's is far too high. well,
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what should that number be the actual motors probably for you still not to to see here's the mice. so how using the why it's what i showed you and somebody on the phone disposal. so in the front of mind that you go in this tool disposal setting the distributors of savings that you have someone to receive those who managed to free continue the work of undermining russia about in these team is opening offices in the us. that was so similar to the issue. so we need to talk about ceiling video on the for me at 4 in the office for the other thing is that sam got the new guy up as you'd say, alicia, but allow me shift. so the democrats, you actually deal example because i get the rest of that completely. got you
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the there's many problems in us society now the facing because of the, their model is again, it's not able to fulfill the expectations of people guessing growth in, in, in, in homelessness, us and growth in poverty. this is a lot of traffic ations on the people who say so that they need to find a way to, to vote for, you know, solving their own problems and not trying to police the world. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the us president joe biden confirms the strikes on who's the targets in cities across yeah, me saying he will not hesitate to direct further military action against the group . prior to the attack, who the defense official declared that america would be defeated as the rebel group announces amenities mobilization any event however, in washington, the awesome questions over this strike as a democratic congressman says that joe biden should have addressed congress before attacking these witnesses in yemen on the radio and navy concerns


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