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tv   News  RT  January 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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the the us president joe biden confirms the strikes on who's the targets in cities across yemen, said he will not hesitate to direct further military action against degrees. prior to the attack, who the defense official declared that america would be defeated as the rebel group analysis, administrate mobilization any event. however, in washington, the awesome questions over the strike as a democratic congressman says that joe biden should have addressed congress before attacking these pieces in government. on the radio navy concerns a seizure of an oil tank cap that was previously confiscated by us all star through some of the violation of sanctions on iraq. the
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crew must go to the world. if you are watching oxy international. my name's peter scott's here with all the lights, he's thank you very much for joining us. now we do start with some breaking news at this hour in yemen, as the us president joe biden has confirmed minister sites on who's the level positions, the president of the united states, the stress, the, the lights to talk on read, see shipping triggered the assault of these strikes are in direct response to unprecedented who's the attacks against international merits on vessels of the red sea, including the use of empty ship ballistic missiles for the 1st time in history. these attacks have endangered us personnel. civilian mariners on our partners, jeopardize trade and threatening freedom of navigation. these targets it strikes are a clear message that the united states and our partners will not tolerate attacks on our personal or allow hostile acts as to imperil freedom of navigation. and one of the world's most critical commercial roots. less cost live now to ortiz caleb more pain in new york. caleb, and thanks for joining those again, this, uh,
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what developments have that been, and these a strong against human. well, how, as we see uh, buys and has just confirmed that 10 sites in yemen are being hit, including the portico died. uh, the how many capital the city of said, uh, uh, now at this point, it's also being forwarded by forces on the ground that the united kingdom is involved. and we understand there was an emergency meeting of the united kingdom's cabinet that took place several hours before the strikes began. now, here in the united states, there's been an interesting reaction to biden's announcement and the moves from the patent gone. we have some, even within biden's own, already saying that 5 instead of sought couldn't rational approval or at least consulted with the congress before you launch the strikes. here's what we heard that we swear. even if we have broken down into agents and scattered into year, we will mazda bend in gaza. we will continue to target zine. his ships will
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confront america, force it to me and boon its battleships all of its basis and everyone who cooperation with it, no man at the cost, we will most abundant guys. let the great void night. we are its people, we are its man. the well should prepared to hear from america's defeat, and i say without pride, we will trace an american without feet. and whoever does not know us will know our strength on the battlefield. the president needs to come to congress before launching a strike against a how this in human and involving this in another middle east conflict. that is, article one of the constitution will stand up for that regardless of whether a democrat or republican is in the white house. now as you just heard, there was a member of congress who was criticizing the by the administration for taking these moves without at least consulting the us congress. now this is all coming in response to the moves by the who these to support the palestinians. as israel
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continues, it's bombardment of gods as it has been relentless since october. there's been a global call for a ceasefire. the food, these have been stopping ships in the red sea that they deem to be connected to his rail or tides you companies to do business with israel or countries that support israel like the united states of the united kingdom. and that has caused many companies to redirect their ships around africa, to not go through the suez canal of the red sea. and as a result of that, we have a situation where the who these are essentially setting up what date was deemed to be more or less a picket line in the red sea. and that ticket line is blocking trade with israel, demanding israel implement a ceasefire. and stop is bombardment of gaza. now we have the united states moving its forces in to break this naval blockade. open up the red sea, protect maritime trade. channels as the by the ministration is putting it. but the
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who's the forces have been talking about how they are preparing to fight against the united states. and they've been emphasizing they are prepared to retaliate, to fight against the united states. they've been saying that for months and most, especially in the last few days. here's some of what the, the force is said in anticipation of us strikes regarding the red sea. we swear, even if we have broken down into atems and scattered into year, we will mazda ben garza, we will continue to target zine. his ships will confront america, force it to me and boon its battleships all of its basis. and everyone who cooperation with it, no matter the cost, we will most abundant guys, let the great void night. we are, it's people. we are, it's man. the world should prepared to hear from americans to feed, and i say with a to pride, we will try and america will feet and who really does not know us will know our strength on the battlefield. now militia is in your rock and said they will strike
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us basis in response to attacks on the who these there's also some anticipated response in syria. perhaps an anticipated response from has the law in lebanon, and many fear these events could spark a region wide confrontation as there is widespread admiration and support for the who's these among the allies of the palestinians. around the world. many of meyer members using the ship, seeing it as an act of necessary solidarity to demand a ceasefire, and stop is really a grass. and so it remains to be seen how much retaliation will be mounted against the united states. who these do have significant forces helicopters, rounds cruise missiles on other material, they apparently are ready to retaliate against the united states. there is reports that some of that retaliation may have already been gone. we still have to see how much of a regional confrontation this blows up into. indeed,
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we will. i don't think it will take long. caleb, thanks very much for breaking down the latest. thank you. let's across life now to scott, but it's for my us army officer. scott, thanks very much for joining us as such. short notice, obviously a very fluid situation in the middle east of the moment. i'm not here say that they've been targeting civilian toggled vessels now for months. i guess it was only a matter of time until the, the western forces stepped up onto the box as well. they may have stepped up and hit back, but this is a fight that they will inevitably lose uh, based on the morale and the, the, the will power and the amount of nations and people that are choosing sides and, and the m and e is, have been the heroic leaders and the people that have risen up and actually put muscle to where their mouth is. turkey hasn't a egypt and jordan and how these other countries have not. but they who with these,
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how they've river risen up and they've simply said stop the genocide of the palestinian people, stop murdering women and children stop blowing up every inch of gaza. and we'll let shift pass by. if you don't stop committing genocide, we won't let a single ship that is bound for is real or trades with israel, or exports or imports. anything to or from israel float will sink everything we can . and i think that is a noble and necessary tit for tat. i think that when you come right down to it, this is the nature of war. and the west doesn't particularly like their head gemini, being challenged. they don't like that these little that bands of tribesmen that the west and the british thought had been effectively neutralized during the saudi war. uh, they've actually risen up as a, as a mighty gorilla forks. so i think as the west opens up this front and engages in
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bombing strikes and other things, you will indeed see hezbollah strike. you will see how mos strike you will see. serious strike. you will see iraqi malicious stride. you will see bases in syria bases, interact bases and could tar all. coming under increasing guerrilla attacks, you will see us and british ships sunk to the bottom of the gaza, or the mediterranean sea, as well as the red sea. i have no doubt about it because the west is sewage seidel and its its strategy. it thinks that if it shows enough fire power, the rest of the world is going to back down. well, this is not 2003. this is a world that is learned after 2003 that you either stand up to a ferocious cannibalistic maniac. bully or you're devoured by that bully, as we've seen in afghanistan, the rack and olivia. so the world is learn the lesson that the west cannot be
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trusted and is nothing to admire. and it's recently seen this again with the is really a genocide that it is launched against the people in the gaza. and i think the world is rising up to stand against it. done one final low to it's interesting to note that wrote, con or the american congressman as cited that this is indeed a legal for the west america, specifically to do a military strike. why? because let's remember the house of representatives passed a resolution that the united states would not engage in war war activities or attacks against iran or anywhere else in the, in the to the middle east region. they pass that resolution to stop donald trump from taking action against the wrong, but that resolution still stands and to say that it's okay for joe biden to engage in this unlawful act of war. uh, without going through the congress is complete hypocrisy. there are floods the
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adjustments the congress was brief to according to cynthia, a senior excuse me, administration official on thursday. that's according to a congressional source of this carlos on the scotland. obviously there are questions of the the the, the galaxy, if there's never the less, the un security council did pass a resolution demanding that the, who's the stopped their thoughts on ciboney and cargo ships. and whether or not that just targeting sibling is bailey ships. it is disrupting cargo shipping world wide, forcing many, many ships to go around the hold of africa, a great expense and time. um do you think there's obviously a fine line, the west it has to it has to tread had between targets it strikes against yemen. what is it determines, again, shipping or smoking a why the conflicts which you seem to think might have been trick it tonight as well? i do because i know the, the main se in the,
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the air against the hubris that animates the british and the american war planners . these fools and pen in the pentagon, such as lloyd austin and others who have arrogantly presume that the rest of the world will bow down. if america floats, aircraft carriers and woke rainbow flags next to the red, white and blue on their military aircraft. and that's not the case anymore. i think the united nations is viewed by the arab and muslim world is a laughable joke. i mean, look at it from their point of view, how could you possibly respect the united nations of the united nations security council when they fail in the basic dignity to stand up for women and children that are being genocide and, and murder. this is not a war against a military targeting other military members. this is the, is really defense for us with a lot of other indian design as mercenaries playing a role and others, waging war and blowing up buildings of children,
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blowing up schools, blowing up hospitals, murdering countless civilians. this is not an international organization to be respected or even listened to. so the arab world, the muslim world, that i would say, the bricks world, the brick stations, are going to be increasingly detached themselves from, from listening to, or respecting, or honoring anything that comes out of the united nations security council. let's remember the united nations security council facilitated the us invasion of a rack bypassing a resolution the us use that as a license to a beta rack and destroyed. so the united nations passing this kind of a resolution against the who these is simply a set up for a larger ward that the us is going to try and trigger against iran. yeah, man, syria, as the is really use had been golding and trying to prompt the might be americans to do. so i don't think the arab and muslim world are going to be listening to the united nations. i don't like russia. well, i don't think any of the bricks,
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countries will not, not south africa who's waged a, a war crime complaint and the chinese, i think you're witnessing the vast majority of the world picking sides and the sides that are on the side of the palestinians. i think are on the side of life, while those are on the side of the united states and israel, or on the side of death and murder, i would simply say one of the possible resolutions is chips that want to pass through the red sea. let them fly a palestinian flag, let them fly. a brick flag, let them fly, some sort of a flag that would show the yemenis that they stand with palestine. and that might allow the ships that are, are uh, you know, in, on good standing to pass through and trade. but i can understand that who is the stopping every other ship because if they're not stopping the genocide, they're aiding and abetting it. and that's probably what be who these are thinking . well, i certainly won't have to wait long. i don't think until we find out what the response is from the who visits to these attacks. scott, mark bennett, form
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a us army officer. i'm sure it will be along as well. so we have you again on the program discussing the situation. thank you. thank you. but meanwhile, the us state department is furious over around the seizure of an oil tank off the coast of a month, calling to move a menace to the global economy and demanding the release of the best. the iranian government must immediately release the ship and its crew. this unlawful seizure of a commercial vessel is just the latest behavior by iran, or enabled by iran, aimed at disrupting international commerce. we believe this kind of action will simply add uncertainty for commercial shipping and for regional and global economy . but earlier, the radiant armies press office confirmed that his naval forces seized an oil tanker close the city of so ha, there, pull the vessel is now heading towards the valium coast,
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the military news release says it sees an american target invitation of this oil tanker renamed the saint nicholas is carrying oil in the sea of oman. it was seized by court order this morning and approved by the ports and shipping organization of the strategic navy of this law. mac republic could be wrong. in retaliation for the oil tanker seized by the american regime and is currently being transferred to islamic republic, ports for delivery to the judicial authorities. this trip was carrying a rocky oil in the port city of mass drawn was balance for addie of a port in western char kit when it was attacked and seized by unknown clothes on known harm, demand the impounded oil tank. it was once known as the so as well drawn and was previously involved in a year long dispute over the shipment of a warranty and crude oil. the united states department of justice finally ordered this seizure and unloading of 1000000 barrels of a warranty, included oil contained in this vessel,
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and this cargo was transferred to another oil tanker off the coast of texas, located in the gulf of mexico, mexico. we did ask the iranian foreign ministry for an interview, but they refused to comment. however, yvonne's national television has confirmed the confiscation. it was, may be said that the tanker was seized by the country's naval forces following a court order and uh upon the approval of the ports and shipping organization in retaliation to quote, saft of oil by the american government. the navy said that the seas vessel is now being transferred to the ports of these womic republic of iran for delivery to a judicial authorities. of course, we will update you about more details as soon as we get more information from the are wanting authorities. when this comes as early on thursday defense system shut down it onto drone over a bill, apple, it's in iraq's northern semi autonomous region. that's the us and all the
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international forces are stationed to play around the line. the rocky melissa is known collectively as the islamic resistance have claimed responsibility for the attack. us officials have reported more than a 100 attacks against its interest in iraq on serious since mid october. they were actually 5 minutes as told for a quick and orderly negotiated exit of us, that military forces from it so which has not set a concrete deadline as of yet. it says the us presence is a destabilizing fight to innovation. we always repeat this. we need to push iraq away from regional and international conflicts. this is not only for the benefit of a rockies, but for the region in the entire world. meanwhile, the form of us defense secretary bach, s very recently concerned that washington has no funds to rejoice. troops from iraq . our policy has not changed. we are not leaving iraq and a draft on sign letter does not constitute a policy change. and there is no sign letter to the best of my knowledge. i've
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asked the question, will pittsville commentary to contribute to a 4 hour monitor? i'll risk says the united states is losing its influence in the middle east. i think that the was as usual when it's released, the policy is treating itself with the photos for the site can be used for any online before october. second, before the is ready. we're wrong because they're one of the issues as it seems between the rock and government and the american forces in iraq. however, given americas ryan support for the is ready slide. this has led not only to the iraq, the tax on the american bases in both iraq and syria, but as law. so that for these demands for the united states to leave as a result of the, with support for his role. and also as a result for the u. s. one bottom in which the, which says is in response to our invitation that has left on members of the company
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on the issue of units killed. including a senior member of the image of the month, which is one of the more prominent redman saying, the popular one of them is ation forces. so, so i think that the, the rocky provost of how much to down a basically has know what the other choice now bought to intensify these efforts to same forcing. the americans, in one way or another to leave us involved way is set to receive a shipment of free bush and grain. the cargoes made a stop in mozambique, or waiting to be transported to its final destination is a local reporter. with more details, a jury, the russia advocate summit president puts in place to donate to african countries $50000.00 tons of green and fertilize. today i'm here at the barrow port in mozambique with shipments tearing 25000 tons of grain has arrived for the country of zimbabwe. a symbol of hope for millions of zimbabwe,
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laden with 25000 tons of live saving green. this is a to give from the russian for the race. and so the people involved with this, abducted and bedroom was a big, isn't just a delivery of food. it's a testament of the friendship that russia has for the country of zimbabwe ties forged for the fights of the liberation back in the 1980s continued to blossom. evan, up until today, and zimbabwe, like many of the african nations, for the security remains of pressing for the sun, with the projected el nino doubts on the way this presents a huge coal for concern. russia has proven once again that it is truly the over the friends to the nation of zimbabwe. the great and will help alleviate for the shortages that would have been caused by the el nino drought. as our see, we have been given an exclusive access to this ship carrying green that is destined for, as in bob boyd. as you can see behind me,
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we're on board of the ship. that is caring the grain right now. if you come with me outside, men are working here 24 hours to make sure that the grades leaves the ship and goes on to land. the ship comprises of 5 dogs, each carrying $5000.00 tons of rain. so right now, as it can see it as a total of $25000.00 tons of rain that has been lifted from the ship onto land. once it's on the line, the grain is taken onto the side loads that are they way it will be stored and then transported to as in bob we way it will then be packed and then presented to the president of the country. jean baptiste reporting for our to in beta mozambie. let's get back to our top story this own let's is of course the u. k. on us strikes on targets in yemen in response to, to the, to see rebels targeting cargo ships in the red sea. so without doing live by you
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having a gym list, you said bobby, who is in san yusef, i'm thank you very much for joining us. can you tell us 1st of all, what the situation is on the ground where you are? so yes, so it's basically the same play the same scenario of the war when it started in 2015 by the side you like coalition. this was around the same exact time, the bombs that were dropped by the us and the british military. a forces dropped around $230.00 and this was the same exact time. besides the coalition launched its war and attacked him in a 2015. and they also targeted targeted the same targets that were targeted by the sold you the coalition. when they 1st march the operations back in 2015, the, you know, so the us is claiming that they are targeting the, unsolved a lot with the military installations, military bases. and any existence of military presence in the areas that they have
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pets. but i can tell you, this is a very regressive military strategy, because guess what? the base is that they attacked, or the air trips that they attacked during the capitol sign off, and it dropped the bombs in. does humans a summer international airports and airports the air everybody's david and this is that were cleared off of any of the fighter jets that was cleared off from the military manifestation that used to be stored used to serve as a storage facility weapons. the board board is bent the ball and they scattered the what do the fighter jets in the areas there are 2 areas that are unknown as to other than those uh, special military officials. so use it, correct. it's not really full of all sorts of boxes, military arsenal,
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in their military capability because they target areas that were free of any military present. wish the military. yeah. apologies to jump in. that is the, any information about any big tims of, of the strikes sofa. so far the casualties have been reported. i can tell you that with you know, this a series of bombardment that took place here is serving as a warning by the us and by the british government that this is what's in store for young man. if the satellite with these don't and the military operations spend the rest of these types become just 6 hours or 7 hours after the who the sort of law leaders, 8 of the medical who gave a public tv address. where he was, he mentioned that the red c operations i guess is right. we went shift will continue, and that no other ships linked to any other country, including the us,
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including the british government, will be targeted by the given you are. the only ships that will be targeted again is, is rarely been shipped according to, i'm sorry, a lot with these. but the us is framing this narrative that the international shipping late enough that the end up is under attack. it's blocking the international shipments and that, that has been, that needs to be restored back into the security of the international community. whereas the are sort of like who these are arguing. it's not on the right. it's not being blocked or it's not preventing any other ships other than that to be is really government. so i can tell you that this is always the 1st series of attacks that will waste on government by the us and the u. k. army, and i can tell you that there's reports confirmed that the on site a lot who these have spies back towards military targets us military targets in the red sea, there's been a statements that were issued in the past 2 hours by side
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a lot with the officials stating that the so the radio or the u. e if they don't do that, if they allow their aerospace to be use by any nation to, to wage attacks on. yes ma'am. then they're to read these rankel facilities inside the like part of the way you move to targeted by humans armed forces. so this to, to grow if these attacks against him and continue, i can tell you that, you know, there's a. 1 that's a long given probably, it's probably traveling to the portable data where most of the password please. obviously the, the red c quote, the monthly data it's, it's, it's, it's right there in the red sea, it's what are the operations? i guess these really big chips are taking place is currently where it is really linked to galaxy leader is being detained. anastasia will use if i'm so we'll have
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to wait long to see what the fallout is from these u. k and u. k. it sites on those sites and you have an image and let's use of molar currently in santa thanks very much for bring this up to date on the situation on the ground that. thank you sir. thank you. of all the latest developments on the situation and you have and do subscribe to outside of gum tunnel ahead of us. all websites are come monday speak to scott's. i'll be back with all the latest in just over 13 minutes time. thanks the company the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, with the discovery of the new world, at the end of the 15th century, there appeared atlantics laved re. the slave traders from european countries started building fords on the western coast of the african continent to transport
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the african inhabitants to america to be forced into hard labor until the middle of the 17th century portugal headlight. the main role in this atrocious business. then great britain, france and the netherlands took the leadership for this fan of 400 years of legal and illegal slave trade. about 17000000 people were forcefully shipped across the atlantic. not including those who died on the way due to fund bearable living conditions. modern historians estimate that for each slave ship to america, there were 5 who died while captured, during transportation and rule obliteration of rebellion. this route was equal tre. practice by the leading european countries, took away tens of millions of african lives. organization of united nations class advised the trends atlantics laved raid as one of the greatest human rights abuses


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