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tv   News  RT  January 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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of us, some of the greatest add to the business, and some of the most frustrating actions happens right here. the yes, president job, i didn't, british p. m. rush. you see not confirmed this strikes on who to target in cities across gavin. so i think of the sites on the bed, the shipping by the who replaces the trigger. the a while. if your face publish a video of a missile launched as the group's deputy foreign minister pharmacist, both to us a new case will quotes pay a high price for their at psych fund in washington democratic representatives, islam and joe biden. cuz bypassing congress over the strike or for the us presidential candidates, potosi gearbox says the, it's like could fact fire. you know what, what they're doing here now appears to be not well thought out at all or
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considering what the ramifications of this will be. and how it serves our national security interest, the world you're watching on the international funny speech of scott. and these are the top stores at 6 am this friday. let's go to the post office and breaking news this hour in yemen as the us president joe biden. has confirmed military strikes on who feet level positions are you said the move was in response to the group's targeting of cargo shipping. and the red sea of the strikes are in direct response to unprecedented who see a tax against international merits on vessels of the red sea, including the use of empty ship ballistic missiles. for the 1st time in history, these attacks of endangered us personnel civilian mariners and our partners jeopardize trade and threatened freedom of navigation. these targets it strikes are a clear message that the united states and our partners will not tolerate to tax on our personal or allow hostile act as to imperil freedom of navigation and one of
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the world's most critical commercial roots. i will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect top people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary. so we have confirmation at this point from the united kingdom and from the united states that they are indeed carrying out air strikes. the kind of gone says there are 10 sites that are being targeted in. yeah, and this is you break the naval blockade that has been carried out by the do you have any force with the army as been stopping ships in the red sea to sort the palestinians demanding israel stop it's bomb our is meant guys. so now we have united states in the united kingdom moving in to clear out the red sea and to try to protect international maritime shipping. as israel as possible, i continued, here's what we heard from the u. k. prime minister. the royal air force has carried out targeted strikes against the military facilities used by who was the rebels and
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human. despite the repeated warnings from the international community, the whose these have continued to carry out attacks and the red sea, including against u. k. and us warships just this week, this cannot stand. we have therefore taken limited necessary and proportionate action in self defense, alongside the united states, with non operational support from the netherlands, canada, and bar rain against targets tied to these attacks, to degrade who's the military capabilities and protect global shipping. now, there has been some in the united states, we've spoken off in criticism of by saying you should have met with congress or gotten congressional approval prior to the strikes. but regardless here is what we have heard. the president needs to come to congress before launching a strike against a how this in human and involving this in another middle east conflict. that is, article one of the constitution will stand up for that regardless of whether a democrat or republican is in the white house. now the who's the forces had been anticipate a clash with the united states and
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a direct attack from the united states and its allies for quite some time. and they have been saying they are prepare, they have the weaponry, and they are ready to mobilize their forces for a full on confrontation with america. here is some of what the who the forces and their spokes person's their representatives have said if washington and loans and expand that hostile actions will strike the basis in the region. all facilities have been subjected to attacks and who will not hesitate to respond. we have the capabilities that allow us to conduct legitimate self defense. in addition to that, we understand that throughout the region, there are forces that are aligned with the who's to use that intent to retaliate against the united states as well. among them are militias in iraq forces in syria has the law in lab and on. and there is widespread sympathy and support for the who it takes many throughout the region and around the world have admired their actions . seizing is really ships or ships connected with israel trying to help the
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palestinians amid the ongoing bombardment of gaza, demanding the ceasefire. so this could potentially blow up into a much bigger regional confrontation. there are already, reports of strikes, possibly taking place in other parts of the middle east. this is a very, very intense situation will be watching to see how big it expands in the coming hours. i mean, while the who says has published a video of a miss, our launch is on the clear when or where it was taken. though the leader of the many rebel group says it's mobilizing forces across the areas a controls by to talk a who's the defense official declared that america would be defeated if it does $5.00. we swear, even if we have broken down into agents and scattered into year, we will mazda bend in gaza. we will continue to target zine. his ships will confront america, force it to new. i'm boon. it's battleships all of its basis. and everyone who
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cooperation with it, no matter the cost we will most abundant guys, let the great void night. we are, it's people we are, it's man. the world should prepared to hear from eric is the feed. and i say with a to pride, we will try and america without feet and who really does not know us will know our strength on the battlefield. we spoke to a young many journalist in santa who described the situation the on the ground for us, a set where it hits are the same exact targets that were uh, targeted by the saudi, the collision when they launched their war on you and back in 2015, but um, you know, the, uh, on some of these they haven't really confirmed what was, what was targeted. what i can tell you though, is the, you know, the, who, the sort of law, military officials, they, you know, very, you know, they say that they've been expecting this attack by the west indies, west and forces. so any military sites that were targeted was most likely free and
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mt of any weapons or ballistic missiles. no victims or casualties have been reported. i think us, there's that died there. there's specific targeting is the, for the military installation of their military storage facilities, which they claim to have targeted the with these on so on a lot the shows they claim that number they were destroyed despite the large explosions and be a series of attacks that, that that took place earlier. now keep in mind, a major protest is expected to take place at to friday. prayers. you know, we're talking about the all hours from now where it is expected that 4000000 human . these are expected to take to the speech here in the capital, so not to voice their anger at these attacks spaced by the us. and usually whenever these posters take place, it's, you know, it's pills. this piece of the many capital these protests were called for before
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the attacks, which took place. so that kind of nice and, and, and it can be sent to the world of humans, stands against the american plan to attack human and against the of bloodshed that's taking place in gaza. meanwhile, the former us presidential candidates so think about has slammed the cold as and strike on the who says she believes the decision to attack human to create serious consequences. us national security. my greatest concern, both as a soldier who serves in the army reserve a veteran for over 20 years, and multiple deployments to different wars zones is how short sighted incompetent and lack of carrying that this administer the by inherits administration has for our own national security. and the american people, you know, what, what they are doing here now appears to be not well thought out at all or considering what the ramifications of this will be and how it serves our national
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security interest. just like they didn't think through what the ramifications would be of taking the who these off of the terrorist list a few years ago. let's discuss the situation in yemen now with joined by sarah flanders who's codes, all right, to the international action center cetera. thanks very much for joining us today on nazi. i'm now here's is i've been targeting bed sheets shipping. a shipping excuse me for months now. as well as you can us warships more recently, i guess it seems like it was only a matter of time before the us the coalition start back it was maybe a matter of time, but the us has been in a relentless war against the answer a lot movement against the m and since 2014 and was really to force the instigator behind the, the years of war, of saudi arabia against a young man that has come to an end. and now this is a direct frontal attack that should be absolutely condemned by the whole world. it's outrages. and it comes on the very day of the charges of genocide against
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israel in the international court of justice drop by south africa. so this is the us trying to preempt that message and with their own, i really agree outragious attack. a human has made clues there again and again that who was attacked in terms of shipping was strictly ships headed to ports in israel. and the red sea was of open ports were open to us canal was open for all other shipping. however, this shows who's the real protector. once again of israel on every front. here's biden climbing. he doesn't want a wider war, and he is absolutely widening the war and this totally unjustified attack on human and on the answer alarm nation. what do you say that the many who are
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things have only been targets in ships linked to israel? that that may be true or not, but they still have disrupted vets. the shipping dramatically, causing many companies to go around the horn of africa. and this still is the simple fact that they all targets in these cargo civilian ships is real related or not? is that no violation of the freedom of movement in the sea? well, the real violation that's going on is the targeting of the civilian of the population in gaza. that's the real crime that's under way. and in every way human has come to the defense of the palestinians and has every right to defend themselves as those palestine country under direct occupation. there is a right recognized by the united nations to resist occupation, to resist that includes militarily. so the palestinians have every right to resist
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and human has every right to support those actions with the measured actions that they have have now increased insurance rates. but really this whole war increases the costs even for working people right here in the us. but it really increases the costs for the people of young men, the people of palestine, the people of the entire region. here's another new war in west asia, we saw what the us did to libya, what they did to of got a stand what they did to arrive, complete, harrowing destruction. so everyone who supports palestine should be out here denouncing this attack on human. it's a wider war and very dangerous as well. that brings me on to my next question. so we're looking forward to the coming hours, days and weeks. how do you think the who sees will respond to this attack? we have had some very strong woods from some of the senior officials that do you
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think that this will result in a further escalation and the region as well. the answer law movement has said that they would respond and that they have the capacity to respond. of course, no one has weapons equal to what she wes entry. elizabeth has, and the devastating use of their aircraft to wreck havoc on whole populations. but really, india men today, they have shown the ability to defend themselves. i have no knowledge of their weapons. but i do think that it's really the people, the whole world who have to now come to yelman's defense and to the defense of your many workers. what happens when you bomb so non and coded the and, and us side or, and the, the cities of, of young men who are already poor have been cut off from, from food,
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have been sanctioned for 15 years by the us, deprived of every possible need as as the people of guys or even more so. so there's a really a war that did not start tonight. it's been going on non stop, every effort being made against iman and they have resisted. oh, it's quite incredible. it's quite impressive. and i do think it deserves this, this courageous response and defensive, gaza everyone who supports palestine should also support them. and at this, in this hour, well, we'll wait and see what's the phone outs of these, those strikes on given will be in the coming days. also satisfy this co dot writes of the international action center. thank you very much for your time today. thank as well, this comes as earlier on thursday defense system shut down. and on drone over
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a bill, apple, it's in iraq's northern semi autonomous region where us and all the international forces are stationed. they run a line to iraqi malicious no. collectively, as the, as lumnick resistance have claimed responsibility for the attack. us officials have reported more than a 100 attacks against its interests in iraq on serious since mid october. iraq, you 5 minutes, the house called a quick and orderly exits of us, the admitted she forces, which is not set a concrete deadline. it says the us presence is destabilizing the beach and we always repeat this. we need to push iraq away from regional and international conflicts. this is not only for the benefit of a rockies, but for the region in the entire world. meanwhile, the form of us defense, secretary mach asked, but recently confirmed that washington has no plans to rejoice troops from iraq. our policy has not changed. we are not leaving iraq and a draft on sign letter does not constitute a policy change. and there is no sign letter to the best of my knowledge. i've
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asked the question, let's go come and say to and contribute to for our monica alrick. bisk says the us, the us is losing its influence in the middle east. in the us as usual when it's released, the policy is treating itself in the form for the site could be is randy holloway um, before october, 2nd, before the is ready. we run guns and then one of the shoes as it seems between the rocky government and the american forces in iraq. however, given americas right support for the is ready slide. this has led not only to the iraq, the tax targeting american bases in both iraq and syria. but it's also led to, for these demands for the united states to leave as a result of the, with support for his role. and also as a result for the us on bottom in which the, which says is in response to when returning ation that has left on members of the
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pump. the is ation units killed. including a senior member of the most of the month, which is one of the more prominent redman saying the popular on as ation forces. so, so i think that the, the rocky pro minutes, how much to danny, basically has know what the other choice now bought to intensify these efforts. same forcing the americans in one way or another to leave on day one of the hearings that the hague, south african lawyers accused israel of openly stating a policy of genocidal in spends against palestinians in gaza. which idea of troops are allegedly turning out is that i have a special genocide. our intent is the router in the belief that in fact the enemy. this is not just the minutes of waiting of how much or indeed how much turn it on file is embedded in the fabrics of palestinian life in cause. this intent is
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evident from israel's conduct in specially targeting palestinians living and gaza using weaponry that causes large scale, homicidal destruction, designating save stones, for palestinians to seek refuge and then bombings. the dispute type crystallized as a metal rule. this was consumed by his rogues, official, and unequivocal denial on 6th december that it was committing genocide in gauze, despite the adoption of the conventions, to prevent and punish the crimes of kate aside, the atrocities continued and the, the international community, according to the minister as failed to translate the goals of the off of the previous and into the odyssey. and we know that the responsibility to protect the foods on states. and those are some of the states that have acted
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a bit concerned and made it seem like the well worried about the children and the people in the guys and some of those states that the u. s. and the u. k. a lot of people say it's quite to a law symbol and when they tried to so some sort of empathy and sympathy towards could athenians in tennessee and children. and a lot of people say those are always the crocodile tiers. and the as of the longer the will continue, the, the more children and people in guests us continue to stuff up, but overall, so that's a good d, v d. all you just how did before the international court of justice today, many producing and representative and people a so the practice you towards of africa, that's something more on that south africa to move on to active steps on behalf of humanity to protect the palestinians, people and ensure that the genocide convention and international law do not become completely irrelevant, which is a prospect that must specify all of us. this is
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a case of death. could also find that the empower the genocide convention and is a very significant one for international community to be in go to showcase its usefulness and to prove that it's not really or rather immediately a playground for the waste with the with to have now. so it's this content that's ever listen to this. watching african women and men fighting to save humanity and international legal system against the ruthless attacks supported and enabled by most of the west, will remain one of the defining images of our time. this will make history, whatever happens. a lot of people are speculating, kind feet and trying to make sense of what is all will say, and it's defense tomorrow, but to no one really knows for sure. so we wait to see what each valve will bring to the table tomorrow. with wells farm ministry has released strongly weighted statements following the hearing in the hague,
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that the q south africa advancing in time to time much south africa, which is functioning as the legal arm of the how much terrorist organization isolated source of the reality and goals are following the story was 72 months ago and completely ignore the facts, that's how much taurus infiltrated israel mode, execute his musket rapes and abducted as legal citizens, simply because they was raised in an attempt to carry out genocide. we do not have any monday from, from how much our monday to is from the south african government. and in our case, also is not against the jews as a people. our case is like this, the actions of the state of is that i the actions of geno sites that the committed in goes up us a we spoke to the south african minister of justice just after the 1st day in quotes ended. and he told us that the law suit is a chance for the i c. j. no, to repeat the mistake he made with the genocide in one. it is important to give the quote and i'll put you in is not to to go ahead because it is of the genocide into
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the one the unfortunate when. so i'll definitely go is going through a tunnel vision and there was no to intervene with this quote cuz we're giving the opportunity to quote, the highest body of the u. n. organ. that is in trusted with preventing generously to make it finding that based on facts and a load that were present in the global community. we're a better place to know and understand what it means. and the history of discrimination. violence disposition is almost a keen to what is kind of unfolding in the does as to how um, those would be the founding president. one of the 1st conversations that d, a pin to disagree to on the main domain to each was the genocide convention. so was standing on the shoulder to offer jane to stand on principle,
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to assert the rights for life, for the police doing for police. it doesn't for the children to go to school, to leave and know my life. so the children to excess ok, the elders them tell this to me and population to be able to leave like in a person all over the world. so this is about human. these are the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has head back in south africa's allegations. claimant is the i d f that holds them all high ground, but they can advocate and also home civilians. a terrorist organization carried out the worst crime against the jewish people since the holocaust. and now someone comes to defend it in the name of holocaust. what brazen go the world is upside down. the idea of the most moral army in the world, which does everything to avoid harming, not incompetence stands accused by the representatives of these monsters of
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genocide, south africa's heap of proceed screams to the high habits. i'm not surprised about the retreat that and i'm gonna send it to now who is a 3 and also gather with the usual accusation of anti semitism to this being the signs of the actual messaging. we would recall, they told that even the sick adjusted lincoln from the united states of america also suddenly today, a said that they seemed that the death toll of civilians are to refine. these were concerns that were not sick. a few weeks ago support when they was to continue was bombing and key of the palestinians in garza. but the cause of the court case because of the application southerly, we see a tone down of the bond that was that of these, that highly officials and of course of the united states. so fissions,
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somewhere in the south african warriors have also puts a spotlights on the box made by these rarely pm. and these illusions to the hebrew bible in the arguments before the i c j. 10 minutes to an attorney out in his address to the is right. the 4th is one point, 8 october 10th, between the city. preparing for the invasion of cause, adds to the soldiers to remember what i'ma look has done to you. this refers to the people to call come on to buy gall. it's to solve for the tide you to the destruction of an entire group of people known as the mother kites. what's too dense, men and women, the children send in funds, cookie and ship k mails and donkeys. that's enough. i got in vocation too. i'm gonna look was tend to think, but i do. it was that a few thoughts about it? missed it, nothing you all in a laptop to the is right. armed forces on 3 november 2023. but i'm president.
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let the pine ministers with speak for themselves. cool. um the entire people and the leadership of the people embrace them and believing them. remember what on the look for it to you tomorrow, but we remember and we fight. we ahead of the hearing the hague as well as a prime minister tongue down his rhetoric on gaza. and that's in yahoo refuted his previous suggestions to the published and your name place will be controlled by the idea of to the will as well as no intentional, permanently occupying gaza or displacing it civilian population. as well as finding how much terrace, not the palestinian population, and we're doing so in full compliance with international law. the adf is doing its utmost to minimize civilian casualties. welcome mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian civilians as human shields. our goal is to red garza of commerce terrace, and fear hostages. once this is achieved, guys,
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it can be demilitarize in the radicalized thereby creating a possibility for a better future for israel and palestinians alike. the prime minister netanyahu, uh, understood that uh the case would be before the international court of justice could have the serious consequences for israel. because even if the case is not enforceable, even as being junction that the called the may issue um, calling going this road. uh, to effect a ceasefire will be eventually veto the in the security council. it won't be a public relations disaster for israel. so all of a sudden he understood that he is a political maneuvers of full domestic audiences. have
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some international low cost and belatedly. now of course it's too late. he toned down his statements regarding the occupation of gods and other calls such as a destroying aleck, which is of course it'd be really cool reference to an ancient enemy of the jewish people. as the 1st a savings of the international coast of justice wrap up, the us department of state made signs of south africa's allegations of genocide of incense. a groundless the allegation that israel is committing genocide are on founded. in fact, it is, those square violently attacked and israel, who continued to open recall for the elation of israel and the mass murder of jews . you have said repeatedly that we believe these allegations this case is unfounded . and that there is no basis for accusations of genocide against against israel.
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that's not a word that ought to be thrown around lightly. and we certainly don't believe that it applies here. are these very bombardments of gaza is taking a devastating soul on civilians. 8 workers and other medical personnel, that's according to the world health organization, as it sounds, yolanda israel's creating insurmountable challenges. you monetary emissions in the x, the level of clean water and sanitation and overcrowded living conditions are creating . the ideal environment for this is to spread. deliberating you money to, to, and hate in guys that continues to phase nearly inside of mountain china. and just so intense bombardment, restrictions on movement, fuel shortage and interrupted communications. make it impossible for w, jo and our partners to reach those in need. all the talks that we hear that the israel is helping to the people is trying to do its best to not target people.
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these are many where it's but we have not seen these words being actionable on the ground, the convoys, they say that so they so easily that through it is up to the international organizations to do all the necessary. we have not seen these actions on the ground, so we hear a lot of words, but we're missing the action, or the implementable action on the ground. the people are not protected on the way to the safe, so as people are not protected in the safe sounds, the water is not being restored as not being able to be brought in, people of begging for water. the ambulances are, as this horrific incident shows, not safe the, even by transporting wounded hospitals are not safe, no matter what is on the ground, there should be a, supposedly, on the ground possible. this has to be safe, con wise, cannot get in and not enough to aid is getting in. and then the con wise cannot gets further up more. so we have to cancel 6 missions, 7 actually including yesterday to go further up north from, from rough up to supplies. if.


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