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tv   Inland Visions  RT  January 12, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EST

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is right, so what is the defense? let's see the defense then the i c j we have to know or to not to but to find is that i'm caught above me for a dental save in policy. i know that out of the minutes. and of course, it goes of the use of the united initial security council. we have to make a decision to take up with vision. again, this is why it effected the i. c. j, doug middle up mrs. i really don't see with us. uh, beautiful. um, i do vision from the i c j. the house that is opposing zillow site with for us. so what do you most? i didn't buy this fine with us the but the truth of them, i thought you, let's do you agree to create a bit of the struggle of the palestinian people under the struggle ending up? what they've done to the patient is right to the use of canyon high court advocates
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and the country's communist party secretary general benedict. what's your thank you very much, sir. thank you very much. i is okay. time to venture forth next on a company, sean thomas, as he explore some afresh as most spectacular, natural jams and the latest inland vision to the 1st show all the new year. because the, the, the circus is an amazing world. full of laughter, fun and excitement. and it's a whole lot more generations of circus artists to keep the art of life moving forward and preserving traditions at the same time. this is one of the oldest surfaces in russia, the moscow circus on. yep. know, boulevard, some of the greatest act in the business, and some of the most rest taking action happens right here.
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the to learn more about the philosophy of the circus and the rules that they live by. we're going to speak to maxime, the coolant. these are the director of the machine and thanks for taking the time to meet with us today. it's been impressive of seeing what you do here at the circus. so i have to ask, is the circus more entertainment, or is it an art form in of itself the printer? so it just goes to, i say it is an art form for sure. so the same holds true for everyone who works or is involved in the circus, or will know if it's a mystery to me why people consider the circus a form of entertainment in the so i don't think that's fair. what historically, that's been the attitude towards this age. this was, it was, there's no doubt in my mind however, that it's an art form is one which can easily compare with the performances at the
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bolshoi muranski theaters, furthest, scala, oper, house, and the alarm for the beijing circus. these things a, consider, this was how long this film existed as an art form spoken. and what about the circus spoken? i think that answers your question. what does it personally as you just mentioned of film a 2nd ago, which is a type of technology um, which makes me ask, has technology changed how the circus operates and if so, how so? oh yeah, according was, as with any card form, there has to be a balance. what we use, we want new technologies, new tools, and new techniques to enhance with circuits, experience. and we have to like not replacing this. are you sometimes behind all the sets and props are scenes and equipment, soft lights and sounds so you can lose sight of the surface itself and all of the performers, and there are. so you have to look and the performers are at the heart and soul of any circus. let me slip. so that's why i'm not a big fan of say,
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the circus. so they like to me. it feels like they're impersonating a real circus. me, unless you could argue that it's a circus like show. it's not the real deal. remember, it's not in the classical sense. it was and you said to me, which the circus. um, it's one of the oldest in russia, and it's also now named after using the cooling your father, which makes you part of the dynasty. talk to me more about what that means and why are there so many circus dynasties in the business? it's very so it's so that depends that argument, if you compare modern circuits with the 19 sixty's who used to be a whole lot different facts that are people, the people who are born into the circus, or as we like to say born and sought does brother this work, do they hardly ever had a chance to make anything else of their lives was an issue of whether you would see a boy or a girl going to walk on their hands before actually walking. you can go for it and you know, immediately what their life was going to look like. but some families would move from place to place, always on the road just to go to
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a meeting. there was no proper school education or warner. so these young men and women would stay in the circus, i think, and that was their whole life. and he's just, no trouble nowadays are a lot more opportunities for. and my young performers are already gearing themselves up for their future life outside the circus was more than a student. they prepared themselves to the reality that the professional life of an acrobat, a gymnast, or an harry list, which is rather short, richer people come to work for 35 years or so, and then you retire out. so not only that you often retire with a disability revenue, some of you to tory meniscus only for ruptures. achilles tendon, it gives me a lot of damage to find the show. that's the price you pay what you want to sleep. she want to do this. i still don't get why people choose that sort of like look like i'm not a performer myself is outside, so it's all very confusing to me. personally, i can understand what drives the person to it matters. the pay was afraid, you need to risk their lives. several times a day every day because the they climb, they fall, they break their bodies and he doesn't play, you know,
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things and doctors put them back together. but she said as soon as they recovered, they go back like, that's how circus performers are. so one thing about the circus this is often associated with force or before me. i don't wanna say negative connotation, but there is an idea about the surface. is there any truth behind that, or is there more to it? it may have to may have to show up. this notion bothers me a lot due to it and you're calling someone a clown used to be an insult. that's a start. okay. so when my mother told her parents, she didn't have it for a former and wanted to introduce him to the family. they said to her forehead, which theater does he perform? work was? she said he was a circus clown just but despite her mother was so shocked she fainted. cool. it turned out after the last time she cedar clown was before the revolution at a circus showing serrato and the clown was drunk with red hair and kept tolerate. yes, it was time to change you boys with everything changes in life very easily with some
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of these outdated perceptions and obsolete attitudes. unfortunately, persistence, though it's just like it's still part of the language to stop clowning around, it cetera. so there's a new scenario. it really is a problem for us as showing that because when you start explaining this, since people who, because of their busy lives, haven't been to the surface in a long time, they go for started, we had no idea what the surfaces actually like today. they thought it was the same as when they were kids, but it really has changed to all things changed for a living in a different world. now, where was this is the surface of the other planet for you? and what i mean by that is i've heard you say that children have to grow up fast here. people take care of each other. talk to me a little bit more about that culture for you. uh, well that doesn't contributors, is your point. there was an amazing friend, surface promoter, you know, the friend of mine pharaoh be done physically hoops here, but then he said, fling if i wanted to make people understand if we live on 2 planets where one is
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the normal planet for people, you know, i don't and the other is our own little circus search the to respond the big planet . there's all kinds of crazy stuff happening all the time. g wars when murders is cheating, floods. well, earthquakes, and armies. people die there. you know, the, the small circus planet use. there's none of that right now. this is not romanticize, the circus is easy and that's just how it is given to the circus. you can have conflicts based on the city, your nationality. there's only one nationality here. so some of the performers. so all that matters is what you're worth as a performer, which you do, you won't be judge by the color of your skin or your religion. the only god. here's the readers here with us and you read is the god you pray to get us to the new really you have left on the in a circus. you will hardly ever see a drug addict or an alcohol or towards that lifestyle is simply incompatible with the profession within your because you won't be able to work with you and that's it
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. just one of those relationships between people are different here. when you grow up in the circus environment, the circus becomes part of your life, and you have to follow certain unwritten rules. so those rules that have emerged fontaine easily, naturally, and one of those stuff which to me and then there's honesty. there's no lips thinking, no special effects and no 3 d graphics because the systems you can't fake tightrope walking or doing somersaults in the air. everything is real popular with everything's in plain sight. but reality of it all is palpable, suggesting certainly you can feel the performer giving is all in front of you. it's to doing it for you. it's giving up everything go to the way we lacked that sense of honesty in everyday life, which is very little love is lo, she is just like with love loyalty and other things that are always in short supply . you can see perfect. thank you for the taking the time. it's been incredible, a pleasure talking to you an interesting conversation. they all come up from
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the start as well. but donna is a one of a kind of area list. he created his own flying trapeze act when he was just 18. coming from a family of circus artist he grew up in the arena. now he has a team called the flying heroes. we decided to ask him, what drives them the thank you very much for taking the time to show us what you do. it's incredibly interesting. every single show, every single practice. you're putting your life on the line. it's dangerous. um, what's in it for you as the artist? put something last night and then what we do is more like a life style is something we do all the time. let's say it's not a hobby, so it's both a job and a lifestyle. and i'm with the, i've been doing this since my early childhood, which i was born into a circus family. the my dad was involved when i was still a child and i knew what i wanted to do when i grew up of the most. and so it was
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more than worth the because it was a way of life and the not show. so there's a sense of danger and what you do, we know that you put your life on the line. what is, what's in it for the audience? what does the audience get? is it a sense of adrenalin that keeps them coming to watch a show? and the was mean, typically people come to the surface to see danger and tricks. our job is to give them emotions as a transition, feel satisfied, and emotional level adrenalin comes into it. well, there's what our main goal is to blend athletic routines and wrapped them into this statics of the performance is we need to pull this, make sure it's not just an adrenalin bodies, but also a way to discover something in this genre that matters. and if it's a couple of seconds now, no one else can do it. you do a triple wide trap is act on how do you face the fear in doing this in the world? we mean everyone is afraid. there's nothing, no fear is impossible. but we managed by focusing on our work, what's it the, there's a trick he must perform dukes and a little bit of
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a general and helps keep fear down in somebody's during rehearsal. so if there's more time to think about these things and maybe fear begins to bubble out, if you do something so many times you get used to it as to the soap, the fear society. and so she's still there because accidents can happen. what's the physical? it's impossible for each performance to be identical. it's me in terms of how we link hands. sometimes you do it with too much force or not enough english, but or you can break something if you're positioning us wrong or left us. obviously you feel some anxiety every day before work because they didn't fit every day. bring something new. no, it's not like you just keep doing the same thing over and over again. enough every day before we go on stage is what we focus and prepare ourselves to mentally for something new. and you never know how it's going to end this time. so when we go to work, we don't know if we'll be able to link our hands name up. i guess the catch will go right. see any bizarre every day who's id or stress with me and will you get used to it? somewhat the stress and pleasure at the same time. there is pleasure with the results . what's good, that's how us to pull shirts. you mentioned this just briefly right now about
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what you have to really work together to make sure that you get rid of that fear element. but there's a lot of trust that is needed and what you do, how long as you, how, how do you build that trust with the people you're working with? the better, what's your trust is really key. such a person in the air has to have absolute confidence in the capture, which is what can you trust them with your life as the person who's safety depends on the person who catches you have to go over it. and if they catch you and they let go, but you can break some things, the catcher must be a professional by what you will if you see the 3rd professional and just trust them more, it's a kind of you've worked with them for a long time. still, he trusts not only with the with, but it takes time after a new person joins our team, which you get used to them. we'll say we get used to how they grip your hands before they catch you. so it's a process the longer you've worked together, the better those mistakes happen. it doesn't matter how careful you are. it doesn't matter how much practice you've done. what goes to your mind when you've missed
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a catch or you know, you start to fall so that how do you deal with that as an artist to you some good in virginia. 3rd, different kinds of falls summer, extreme work, but didn't know when you're spinning, but not knowing which way you're going to my name. but in this case, all you're thinking about is landing safely in that. so conversely, ideally you want to land in your values, but it is very dangerous to land on your head with less people. so, so you're thinking about how to avoid landing on your neck. there's 4 feet. i really wish you don't know where you are. and then you're focused on turning in time for a safe landing. in other words, it's not really thinking and it's more of an instinct with a link or it can be a simpler case equipment, say, if you weren't caught during the show, then you drop it into the net. can you do in this case, you're a little frustrated because you're spectators would like to see an immaculate performance successful. so it does happen that you fall during a shell of 6 always a little frustrating cuz they are getting the i know that in theater, is there a lot of superstitions are there any superstitions in the circus about good luck or
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bad luck? things that you have to do to have a good show and do you believe any of them or follow any of them? the, the old i can't say our team has any specific superstitions. they're more general circus. superstitions looking, for instance, you to, you can't sit with your back to the arena, then what, what that's common for everyone is they say it's a bad luck if someone crosses your path when you're going on stage. if i deal with these things are mostly remnants of earlier errors, so that's to keep them in the modern world smoke. we don't think about these things so much, but we do observe those older rituals. get that like you don't whistle in the circus, something that don't sit with your back to the arena, etc. music. but it's not because we think too deeply about these things with them. it's just like a unwritten rules stuck, but i love wish looks good. do you love what you do? i mean, what isn't it? what is it about the circus? what is it about flying severe? the drives you to come and do this every day? no, no. because if i could to deal with 1st and foremost, this is my job and it takes to for the people who have been part of the circus for
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a long time. and so if this is more than just work, i could do it. it's a way of life, and as i said, we have an unusually long break when we're eager to get back to training. and then what if you've been away for too long, do you feel the physical urge to go back to your routine settings? do you want to do this all the time that's of worth it even after an injury? do people want to recover and get back to even though they realize the danger is 0? so this is more than just work. and if it's up the stairs love for what you do, so they say the surface pulls you in and doesn't let you go. it's hard to leave. there's a lot of stress, it's not always pleasant when we do some sort of a still the people keep coming back with you to is going to perform. it says, of course, are rewarding. it's kind of people are clapping and they see their reactions and they have to slip to up and makes all the work you've put in worth while you still got that. right. so i think it's very interesting what you do flying through the air. thank you for sharing this time for me. appreciate the
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animal artists are part of the circus here in moscow. part of tutor and corina bundle saw my brother and sister who carried on the tradition their father passed on to them and became tiger trainers. first of all, thank you for bringing us here to be re not. this is a pretty intense um, so have you become an animal trainer? it's not something you go to school for or learn. is this something passed down from generation to generation? no, no, right? or is that right? no schools for animal train is anywhere in the world. the most mold, usually it's something that's passed down from the father to son support after a fitness these do nice to me, the current, many such as soon as these were a system croft is passed down through generations or continuous. look, i didn't. yeah. and i was less all about 6 years old and we will get them yet to trace me. money i traveled with my dad is a pop. i was already a tiger trainer at the time. going to be, i decided i wanted to become an animal train of you put to work with big hats. so slowly i began to learn the ropes. well. so for the animals they don't come from
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the wilds. do they come to you at a very young age? um, how do you train the circus animal? are they also part of the circus legacy showing up the was showing you are absolutely right off mile inquiry. you'll see a baby, tiny game, usa mamma, she's only 3 months old. those are both her mother and father are here to see stuff to visit dentist. do you like us to get this ticket up there in a while tag as happy as left off? now i can, now i have to ask, there's a lot of controversy surrounding animals in the circus. what kind of a job is this for a tiger? what do they feel when they come out? they are, they to go against their instincts, your firm standing, you put the last thing is they've done suppressed their instincts that push them get that off. you notice for example, that to you to is always rolling nobody else. their instincts, as mentioned to most of these are not wild animals, their 3rd or 4th generation circus animals, or what my father used to be pretty. we should have a hustle,
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like the one we had right now. he made it to work out for them. so really like going to the gym level, what makes the fitness group, they run the jump. you're good through exercising. so on a little pressure and yeah, well we didn't put a during the show thing. play that part. gotcha. like into santa what the total not smoked. he's matchup all along. is the tough guy. yeah. phenomenon. this lady, there was a sleepy head. it's obvious that they say if we tiger as a unique power to play or full and selling each one has their own skills that they show of it on us. so if it shows them the book of i'd store and you mobile. yes. mm hm. do you feel attachment to these animals? do they feel attachment to you? do they recognize you as a trainer or the has the pack or something along those lines? if the boys should got demo like cats like a cat, they don't feel the kind of attachment dogs dealing with somebody to get the haitian except predators. so the bathroom, so idea that not attached to a human. so tool, you probably will not going to rush to protect anyone,
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like in the cartoon when jasmine had a, have you try, go, we're going to protect it. actually, i think, you know, this is a predator. hold on. we don't need to be capped at a certain distance cross. so what that, what those give me that, i mean what you can just look up to a competitor in even though we've said well with them. um, an animal is a predator. um, do you ever feel afraid? is there fear at all in your work? no. okay, yes. and i'm the sure you guys find that have been showing the huge diaper. it's in the 5 liter capacity. now what i'm going to put that on and head to work schedule is that i sure am said yes of course. and you smart them up even though this is animals, they still have coolest you. they have long shell tc. they're massive, but i never know how your show is going to in which that the show. if you recall the story of siegfried and roy they were working in las vegas with those nice white . i guess the thing that i've seemed to come animals, but then something happened twenties or what it's like
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a busy me in the neck. you want to same here. so it doesn't really have to be a lot of people stay on the smallest ending here. karina's inside the reno, you sound like your destination if she leaves, they'll be, may have been like, oh, i can never turn your back on or tell you. i wish it though. i've never shown on what the slip, but if i turn my back on him now, did you see that? did you see how he looked at me? yeah, it's instinct. there's didn't even a baby tiger that his mom and dad never lived in the world knows from the earliest age of national merit, it should jump to you from behind to get you in your neck. interesting, because it doesn't matter how safe you are. accidents happen. um, 1st of all, how do you deal with that? and has anything ever happened to you? the slowing in the soul, and i mean you unable to go. there was a kelly's. he attacked me during the show is alika could suggest no, no, it was. seems that huh, he was lying down there with that, but it says it just happened during the show. so what's the issue is that guys that
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you'll never fully protected and ethics to my it's a dangerous job. we never know how the next performance you have now. it'll good how it will end when they come out here right now, there's no one out here in the audience, but for a show, this place is packed to with kids and all sorts of distractions. and how does an animal fight it's natural instincts to go against these distractions? total summer a human child is no different to a time to come. i didn't control age school. we know these tigers from a very young age. and so from that to the age, they get used to the life of style noises and the special effects, the applause and so on, who came to speak to the field at some point during the hassle of quite the invite kids to sit in the front rows and clamp, we certainly do that, our animals can get used to that as well. so now as you can see, the sleeping color when an animal sleeping mask like this one here, okay, do it. that means it's completely reassured about what's going on in the room.
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the furnace, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. and this is fantastic. um, so i have to ask, how are you perceived by the animals when you come out as a trained, are you the boss, are you the how does the pack, how does they look at you? got in the and yeah, posts as you've noticed, they've receive us differently. so i knew they see me as a calmer and foster kind of person. yeah. when i'm in the or read with them there realize that you have a lot of pointe ours are approaches to because they turn more aggressive and more out to me. so we have different roles that created isley apps for orleans. so when an animal obeys at your command, it's not about the strength because clearly the tiger is stronger than you are. is
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it about psychology? is it about trust? how do you get them to do what they do? what you want, and they told there's a long and important process of getting used to each other, allows you to be building a relationship. what are some building trusted over to? and of course, there's love that knows no bounds. the thing you know, if you don't love this job, but if you don't love the animals or she'll never succeed, which so when i ask of what we do is the 1st one of us these cops play. i mean, we observe them playing, assist and see what qualities they have and we need. some are better jumpers. if you guys, i'm can do a beautiful turn. good. others for me, just look splendid. one sitting or lying down i see was supposed send. this continues until they are 2 years old in 2 years. so think about it. okay, that's how long it takes for a tiger. to turn into an artist george process threatening. a dog would be much quicker, so on. but it's different for the type varies to sit out and when they reach me, hubert, he went around 3 years of age. he may refuse to do what they have been doing before with the most news. we have
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a tigris leslie so that he lives in flux. she's lying over there on all the other tigers. are in the arena clear, but she won't go let's step through cuz she could perform anything until she was 3 blends. and then all of a sudden she went to pre madonna on us me and said, i'm done. she won't, i don't want to, that's it. i can one use us, you can do anything about her. you can't force her to. it's only when she feels like it isn't what the used to be. it is great if an animal likes a good meal that such animals are a breeze to trade, that some animals don't care about the food that much i need. so i use different tactics which i have this long brush, and i use that liquid cat garbage of a kitty kitty kitty towards which edit hops along following the brush. if i can make this routine sick, like constantly trading the animal when it's here on the day of some of course this is in their head, so it's ended their muscle memory on you. and that's what makes them professional artist news. then there's a book sent out and that's just kind of weird question, but do you speak tiger, how do you communicate with them? uh, do you have your own language with them or was that you know, there's, this is
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a special kind of snort arthur showed you and you with that when they're snorting like this, which means they're happy to see you do that. so they are really fond of us. pleasure. sometimes you see them frightening their ears. they've come jerking their tails and raising their hackles, let you know that's a sure sign to leave them alone or simple. they're angry right now and don't want to do what you want them to do it, can you? and surely, you know, after all these years for fresh and we've been doing this for 35 years now, is substantially a that's most of our lives are no good able when you have been around animals for so long as you understand them. so if you feel them to dump us some magical subconscious level, feel that you know what they want towards. these animals are majestic. they're grand's very dignified. they even have taken just 5 names. can you tell me about the most just for they see me and i'm with you're right. we always choose beautiful names. i mean it's and we have tigers called
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a more cock overall. and by co named us, there's the great depression, rivers, the and the great lake was it on that? not sure. i'm not sure i see if there might and power are reflected in these names . yes. and i think we have hector, you know, the great warrior and that's used to have accurately. sonya said that, but we also have boots. i have no idea why he is called that way. and this is the only silly name we have got. we have a car, so it's a very the tigris action course. if you wouldn't call them fluffy or total would you make a sided? because um do you love what you do that what you for? yes. very much so. yeah, i love it. very much. is 2000 and let me tell you that. oh, so name is sandra. when i'm in there with the tigers. i feel more at ease than with people. that's true for subjects even when i not feeling well for in a bad mood because i walk into their enclosures and i'm in good spirits again. you know me, i feel restored. i am fine. again. there are moving source of positive energy, unlike people she knew tigers don't have and be or hatred. yeah. they don't feel
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hills literally don't have the negative qualities. we have got that as a result and the other energy is pure. so it's, i mean you, when you're close to them, you absorb this energy loss and you few rates that there's one that gives you the current. i thank you very much for taking the time to speak with us the
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motor public. are you still nonsense? he's got his new mice, a brother you are using the whites and what i showed him are you and somebody? yeah, yeah. the phones disposal so no, i don't mind that. yeah. um, but in the still disposal setting this to me, it is up savings and you have someone give it to see those who managed to free continue the work of undermining russia. nobody needs team is opening offices in the us for those of the solar eclipse. this with the to especially if i do, it's about seeing video on a fully up for an officer for the other thing is that sam got the do guy up as each of the shots, but i want to shift. so the democrats at dogs are deal examples because if you
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could ask them that can be really gotcha the. the more western intervention in the middle east, the american and british miller trees on leesha, must have bombing campaigns on yemen in response to attacked by cruelty rebels in the reds. noticing group vows to retaliate 10 claims to effect the western war ships while also pledging to keep targeting vessels linked to israel in a show of support for cancer. also it had this on the hundreds of active as raleigh in washington on new york, demanding peace for human while some american lawmakers from the white house for ordering the military strikes without approval from.


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