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tv   News  RT  January 12, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EST

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the, the headlines are t at least 5 who's the porters are killed after the american and british military elisa, massive bombing campaign on gammon. this friday. the rebels group has filed to retaliate. hope your officials say the western coalition launched more than 70 strikes on again and several cities including the capital or a phone for that. plus the hundreds riley in washington, dc and new york walls. all american lawmakers slammed the white house for ordering the military strikes with south approvals from congress and the israel presents it for buffalo embers calls to landmark case by south africa. i have to have
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accusing as well over the genocide in gossip reactions to the proceedings from the acts of his granddaughter of nelson mandela. i can say we have to be able to to, to intervene because the re, i peach care applicant, best texas all white house. the other one. welcome safety. just joined us. this is art. see international moreno call server. now at least 5 people have been confirmed, killed and 6 more injured then friday mornings bombing altogether. and by the last and the u. k with the rebel leaders have been warned that washington and london will pay a high price for attacking the country as well as supporting israel. of the
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american and british enemy bears full responsibility for its criminal aggression against our yeah, many people and it will not go unanswered and i'm punished. the many armed forces will not hesitate to target the sources of the threats, along with all the aggressive targets on land and etc. in defense of human sovereignty and independence, this brutal aggression will not deter human from its supportive position will be wrong to palestinian people. you know what some strikes were lost without warning from war, plains ships and submarines and the red sea, the west. and he has a cold, unnecessary response to recent attacks in the region. why that's what the military, there's so little information about how much damage was inflicted on gallons infrastructure. we have this footage that shows american and what is just taking off to form the country. london has confirmed that it's twice some flyers support in the strikes. soil navy already has 2 or sits in the red sea with another on the
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way. and the wes also use this infamous tomahawk cruise missiles against the sea fighters. now, who's the officials say the western coalition launched over 70 strikes all the government? several cities were bound including the capital. so not, and the port top of all hard data, at least for airports. we're also hits now president by them says he's prepared to order even more attacks or less the hit, the stop target saying vessels of the countries coastal waters. the strikes are in direct responds to unprecedented who see attacks against international merits on vessels of the red sea, including the use of empty ship ballistic missiles for the 1st time in history, these attacks of endangered us personnel civilian mariners on our partners, jeopardize trade and threatening freedom of navigation, these targets it strikes are a clear message that the united states and our partners will not tolerate to tax on our personal or allow hostile act as to imperil freedom of navigation and one of
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the world's most critical commercial routes. i will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect top people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary. the thing is, meanwhile, release. this voltage overnight time miss our launch is from an undisclosed location. they claimed to have had several wester warships in the red sea and accusation denied by washington and london, the m, the militant groups as it's now mobilizing its forces across the country and has told that you was so gracefully provision. a local reporter told us more about the attacks are just that we're hit, are the same exact targets that were uh, targeted by the savvy, the collision when they launched their war on you and back in 2015. but um, you know, the, uh, i'll follow up with these, they haven't really confirmed what was hits, what was targeted. what i can tell you though, is the, you know, the, who, the sort of law, military officials, they, you know, they're, you know,
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they say that they've been expecting this attack by the west and east west and forces. so any military sites that were targeted was most likely free and empty. you have any weapons or more ballistic missiles. no victims or casualties have been reported. i think the us has made that died there. there's specific targeting is the, from the military installation of their military storage facilities, which they claim to have targeted the with these on. so on a lot this was the claim that none of that was destroyed despite the large explosions and the series of attacks that, that, that took place earlier. now, keep in mind, a major protest is expected to take place at to friday. prayers. you know, we're talking about all hours from now where it is expected that 40000000 human these are expected to take to the speech here in the capital. so not to avoid their anger at these attacks space by the us. and usually,
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whatever these products take place, it's, you know, it's bills this piece of the many capital. these protests were called for before the attached to took place against the american plan to attack human and against the blood shed that's taking place in gaza. and again, i have to say this one more time despite these attacks will read. these attacks continue by the us, according to the booty officials, no matter what happens, they will continue to prevent is ramsey link chips from passing by, but made up in passing. and meanwhile, hundreds of ex, this had been gathering in front of the white house in washington and new york times square to protest the bombing all b. and the demonstrators raised banners and tens of slogans against jose called western russian, calling for peace in government. and also to former us
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presidential candidates altogether or the has slammed the call, listens lives on the jose saying the decision to attack human could create serious ramifications for america's own national security. my greatest concern, both as a soldier who serves in the army reserve a veteran for over 20 years, and multiple deployments to different wars zones is how short sighted incompetent and lack of carrying that this administer the by. and harrison administration has, for our own national security and the american people, you know what, what they are doing here now appears to be not well thought out at all or considering what the ramifications of this will be and how it serves our national security interest. just like they didn't think through what the ramifications would be of taking the who these off of the terrorist list a few years ago. now, there has been some in the united states who spoke enough in criticism of by saying he should have met with congress or gotten congressional approval prior to the
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strikes. but regardless here is what we have heard. the president needs to come to congress before launching a strike against a how this in human and involving this in another middle east conflict. that is article one of the constitution. i will stand up for that regardless of whether a democrat or republican is in the white house. this is an unacceptable violation of the constitution. article one requires the military action be authorized by congress. the united states cannot risk getting tangled into in all the decades long conflict without congressional authorization. the white house must work with congress before continuing this ass twice and yet. and now the who see forces had been anticipated a clash with the united states and a direct attack from the united states and its allies for quite some time. and they have been saying they are prepare and they have the weaponry and they are ready to mobilize their forces for a full on confrontation with america. here is some of what these, who's the forces and their spokes persons. they are representatives of sad learning
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. the thought that the insured law will not hesitate to do whatever we can, a north american aggression will go on on sort. the response to an american attack will not be on the same scale of as a recent operation tear down to using $24.00 drones and several nice house. it will be much greater. in addition to that, we understand that throughout the region, there are forces that are aligned with the who's to use that intent to retaliate against the united states as well. among them are militias in iraq forces in syria has the law in lab and on. and there is widespread sympathy and support for the who it takes many throughout the region and throughout the world have admired their actions. seizing is regularly ships or ships connected with israel trying to help the palestinians amid the ongoing bombardment of gaza, demanding a ceasefire. so this could potentially blow up into a much bigger regional confrontation. there are already, reports of strikes,
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possibly taking place in other parts of the middle east. this is a very, very intense situation. we'll be watching to see how big it expands in the coming hours or rushes federal air transport agency has forbidden the country's plains from flying through gemini, aerospace, earlier on friday. the foreign ministry spokesman in moscow for the size, the west for his bombing. all the arab states, what do you see the message that we strongly condemn the irresponsible actions of the united states and its allies go on? a large scale military escalation in the red sea area would reverse the positive trends that have recently emerged in the m and settlement process, and also provoking disability ation of the situation throughout the middle east region. like we have previously warrant to justify their aggression, the americans and british are trying to abuse the resolution adopted the day earlier. the us, the very resolution adopted upon their suggestion under pretext of insuring the safety of navigation in the red sea. they have been using such dirty methods for
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a long time. everyone remembers the consequences of the us interventions in libya and rocks. and i also want to remind you that for these criminal acts, they have also used the preferred and then there protections of your own security council decisions. you put the people of these countries in the entire region are still feeling the devastating consequences of illegal military interventions by washington and its henchmen is still there as it is. and we've got some immediate analysis earlier on. today's definitely developments and examine from local journalists. abdullah, let's see if all was chalet. let's take a listen. the one that holds the responsibility for expanding the conflict in the region is absolutely the u. s. and the u. k. for attacking them and the people, the solution is very simple. don't attack the any bit pulls, don't attack any other people just to stop the killing of the palestinians, and then be how many people will hold the tags. i will stop attacking any vessels
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in the receipt. rather, the many people will continue attacking, and of course, they will be with precautions. and i believe that the international economy will be affected by the attacks and the recei. uh, i believe that this will be back to the international and every time and the recei, i'm the one that holds the responsibility is the one that i talked to many people a. m and a has the authorized to hear him and has the power to do anything to support. the other thing is as long as the war and does continues by the way these attacks were not approved by the congress. and this approve that a by then is insisting to protect is right. and to support this entity that these kenning, the people in goes uh there is a violating the international law and bindings not only and violating the international law. it is also violating the american lo, that did not give him the authority to saw such attacks against
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another country to support another country. the well, we can go live to the hey, good. now with an international court of justice is in the middle of a 2nd day of hearings on the south african the lawsuit against israel. the latter is now making its defense heard in response to accusations of janice, find the x, y, v i. b as in gaza, let's listen. and the referable consequences cannot in the present case because by the legit disregard of rights under the genocide convention. and again, this is not at all to say that the military and situation arising from the present armed conflict is not grave. civilians have been severely affected by the i'll still, it is instigated by him us. it's systematic strategy of prosecuting war from under and within the civilian population. expose the civilians to great risk
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and it has brought about great suffering. israel has done and is doing a great deal to alleviate the suffering and very challenging circumstances in disregard. the factual account provided by the applicant is once again entirely one sided. the application and request run no less than $84.00 pages. but they make hardly any mention of the extraordinary efforts undertaken by israel and by a host of other states and international actors to improve the military and situation . we again heard virtually nothing from the applicant on this issue yesterday. but this is a critical factor in the request before you as mrs. rodge one has shown,
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it frustrates any attempt to establish the necessary special intent for genocide. it's also bears upon the 3rd condition established in your case will. madame president, members of the court. we know from your case law, that the power of the court to indicate provisional measures will be exercised only in exceptional circumstances. there needs to be, as you have said, a real and imminent risk that irreparable prejudice will be cost to the rights claimed before the court gives its final decision to your order. in the myanmar case in which the genocide convention was also invoked suggests that the adoption and a quote of concrete measures. and specifically, and recognizing and ensuring the right end of quote of the group in question to exist. which means that irreparable harm and urgency cannot be established.
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precisely such concrete measures have been taken by israel, which has been facilitating the provision of more and more humanitarian assistance for people in need throughout the guys a strip. these steps have not only been increasing so as to meet the developing situation on the ground. they are continuously undertaking specifically in order to prevent harm to the civilian population. these efforts have had an impact just last week. for example, with the assistance of the world food program. it doesn't pay crease reopened with the capacity to produce more than $2000000.00 breds a day. the world food program has said the delivery of flour, salt,
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sugar and east continues so as to enable more bakeries to reopen increasing accessibility and affordability for thousands of families. and since the applicants mentioned yesterday, the number of trucks entering garza each day before and after the war. the accurate average number for trucks, specifically carrying food is 70 trucks. a day before the war and 109 trucks a day over the last 2 weeks. all this information may be found in your judges folder. access to walter has also been a priority. as with food supplies, there is no restriction on the amount of water that may enter gaza. israel continues to supply its own water to garza by 2 pipelines. it facilitates the delivery of bottled water in large quantities, ended repairs,
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and indeed expends water infrastructure that has been damaged by the fighting and additional water pipe. bringing water into southern gaza from egypt began operating a few weeks ago. access to medical supplies and services is also growing. israel has so far facilitated the establishment of 4 field hospitals and 2 floating hospitals. the establishment of 2 more hospitals is underway. israel is facilitating the entry of medical teams into gaza as also vaccinations, including and cooperation with unicef, ill and wounded persons, are being evacuated through the rough or border crossing to egypt. the united arab emirates, turkey guitar and jordan,
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tents and winter equipment are being distributed as well. the constant delivery of fuel and cooking gas is also facilitated. according to official data. again, in your judge's folder is from a december the amount of fuel entering gaza has doubled. and currently stands at 180000 meters a day. this is a target amount requested by the un itself. since 21 december, the amount of cooking guys entering gaza has also doubled. now standing at an average of 90 tons per day. the details of this kind concerning the various ongoing humanitarian efforts are updated every single day when a designated english website of co get the unit in the ministry of defense in
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charge of monitoring. the military situation. when pressing needs are identified, solutions are soon coordinated. a great effort is indeed invested in eliminating fox on the next so as to improve the entrance and distribution of aid not withstanding from us constantly stealing it. as you have heard, at joint operations room involving israel, egypt, the united states and the un operates daily to solve in real time logistical difficulties. israel also coordinates with various un agencies and the i, c, r c, to address their own means. on 15th december, israel decided to open its crossing at care. i'm showing them with the express
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intention to improve an upgrade, the delivery of humanitarian assistance to palestinian civilians in gaza. that part of the government's decision is in your judge's folder as well. this is congestion at the roof crossing and helped facilitate the provision of greater amounts of age . israel facilitates air routes as well. for parents shooting aid directly into gaza, facilitating a maritime core door is currently being considered with other states. met him, president, members of the court. again, these are just some examples. but they show that israel no doubt meets the legal test of concrete measures aimed specifically at recognizing and ensuring the rights of the palestinian civilians in gaza to exist. it has been
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the daily work of numerous is randy officials of various agencies to ensure that these and other steps are effectively carried out at a time when they and their families are themselves under constant attack and determination that the multilateral large scale, humanitarian effort is lacking or the scaling of access of humanitarian relief to gaza. would it be of no avail? as the applicant would have you believe should not be made likely. madame president, members of the court. 2 additional elements warrant your careful attention. they to suggest that the condition of urgency is not as easily met as the applicant would have you believe 1st,
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the scope and intensity over the still it ease has been decreasing. israel's defense minister said last week, but it's rarely forces would be shifting from the intense maneuvering phase of the war toward and i quote, different types of special operations. this statement made in an interview to international media is found a tab 16, a of the volume submitted this week on h, january. the spokes person for these rarely military confirmed that these rarely campaign had already started different position to fewer ground troops and fewer air strikes. the. busy or shifted a stage, he said, as you will see in tab 16, be of the volume is spoke of a new and less intense phase of fighting the specifically mentioned.
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but israel will continue to reduce the number of troops in gaza. 5 brigades, consisting of thousands of soldiers, have already been withdrawn from the territory. second, the un security council has only recently adopted a resolution for the specific purpose of alleviating the men to cherry and situation. by resolution $2720.00 of 22 december, which is found a tab 16 see over the volume. the council demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. as well as the delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale directly to the palestinian civilian population throughout the gaza strip. more specifically, still the counsel requested the secretary general to appoint
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a senior coordinator in order to establish the un mechanism for accelerating that provision of humanitarian relief consignments to gaza. contrary to what we heard yesterday, this resolution does not, and i quote, remain on implemented close quote. as senior coordinator has been appointed and indeed began her work. the council remains actively seized. of the matter, israel for its part, is already working with the senior coordinator to and this is just this week, coordinated the entrance of a u, and delegation into northern casa, in order to evaluate the situation and map of the needs for a future return of a standing and civilians, i recall in this connection that india g and c case. the court found that it was
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not necessary to indicate professional measures with a government in question showed willingness to act in accordance with the recommendations of the security council. concerning the matter before the court all these recent developments indicate that the fact as they presently exist do not call for awarding entering relief. they also suggest that the difference between the present case and earlier cases that have come before you are very clear . finally, the lack of urgency within the meaning of the court's case law is further demonstrated by assurances provided before you today by israel's co agents. they could not be clear in stating that israel remains bound at all times
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by its international legal obligations. needless to say, this includes israel's obligations. as a state party to the genocide convention, the applicant will have this courts say that it cannot take the word of a state that would be not only unfortunate. it would also be contrary to the law on unilateral declarations of states. and surprisingly, your consistent case law suggests the assurances of the kind offered by israel may well render vindication of provision measures a necessary. so madam president, members of the court. the conclusion is that the condition of irreparable prejudice and urgency cannot be met. it is israel,
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and its citizens would risk irreparable harm if the request of south africa were to be granted. madame president, distinguished members of the court. that concludes my statement. i thank you for your kind attention, and i ask that you now invites mister staker to the podium. i think mister sender and i now invite mister christopher staker to take the floor. you have before, sir. madam president, mister vice president, members of the court. it's an honor to appear before you again and to represent the state of israel is now being addressed on why the conditions for professional measures are not met. that thing. so there's no need to examine the 9 particular
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measures that south africa request. none the less for completeness, i will address h in turn, ensure that they terms unwarranted. in any event, they go beyond what is necessary to protect rights on an interim basis and therefore also have no link with the right sort to be protected. i stopped with the 1st and 2nd requested measures. these would require immediate suspension of his royal's military operations in garza. this request is frankly astonishing. a request is made by a state not policy to an ongoing conflict. the provisional measures requiring unilateral suspension of military operations by one party to the only
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leaving the other party free to continue a tax which it has a stated intention to do. south africa cannot argue that similar measures for granted in the russia genocide case, that case was fundamentally different. in the russia case, the legality of the military operation itself was an issue. by reference to the genocide convention. russia had claimed that its military operation was to prevent and punish genocide being committed in ukraine. the court found it doubtful that the genocide convention authorizes a unilateral force, you know, actual use of force in the territory of another state. and plausible the ukraine had a right not to.


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