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tv   News  RT  January 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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all of the questions, some more questions ask the better the answer is, will be the, the outrage of the united states, and this proxies documents again and may result in, not only a fully fledged war in this country, for the conflict, the can spread around the world bosco denounces the coordination strikes, so again, and triggered by who pay a tax on read the shipping as well. she is new and envoys says that the west is quick to use force. instead of sinking a political solution in indonesia, a march of solidarity with palestine marks 100 days of war and java. picking a protest around the globe to demand is reports in end to the carnage. of the hague is represented defense to south africa, as accusations of the genocide is being committed in gaza.
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the at 6 am here in the russian capital must go. this is our t international thanks for the training and i do show on josh. let's take a look at the latest stories around the world. starts with some breaking news from him and we're report saving us the military. it has conducted another strike on the m and a capital also. now, it also reported that the u. k is launch and fresh strikes on the city. the ronald details on the targets of the coalition forces at this time. but we're keeping a close eye on this story and we will keep you updated as soon as we get them. a 3rd, 4th of a new round. all the strikes come just hours after a un security council emergency meeting on yesterday's attacks came to a close,
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the russian ambassador to the un slammed the collision, saying the strikes are a new phase of western military aggression against the middle list and are in k violation of international law revealing live is easiest to so the white house has stated that it reserves the right the resume military action shouldn't receive any new threats. you don't need to be a clairvoyant to understand that the us will perceive these threats and determine it's response to the mob a try really without the slight disregard for international law. the right to self defense cannot be invoked in order to ensure freedom of navigation. our american colleagues are well aware of this. so this is yet more military aggression by the collective west of the latest and a long line of raids on the suffering middle east. the pseudo legal justification give them by the white house does not stand up to any criticism. while the un security council, the 15 member body that leads the united nations, met to discuss the recent us attack on. yeah,
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the united kingdom also involved in that attack and at the meeting of the united kingdom and the united states said that their action was justified because they had to protect the red sea. they had to stop the blockade that has been put up by the who the forces in yeah, the who these say that until israel stops is relentless bombardment of gaza. they will continue stopping ships in the red sea. and it was in response to that, that the united states in the united kingdom bombed yeah. and carried out strikes against 10 specific targets in yemen. now this is what the united kingdom and the united states had to say in defense of their recent activities. let me be clear a few times by who cheese on vessels and the red sea must stop. we have made this clear to the who chase and we call on them to de escalate.
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the united kingdom is committed to continue working with the international community. and this counsel to come by this international threat. we have published a summary of all legal position on last night strikes and have reported to the account. so in writing, in accordance with the article, $51.00 of the you and shelter. the strikes were necessary and they were proportionate issues just heard from my u. k. collie. they were consistent with the international law and an extra size of the united states. inherent right to self defense, as reflected by article 51 of the un charter. and they were taken only after non military options proved inadequate to address the threat. still, any strikes of this nature is a decision. the united states does not take lightly. as you said, she didn't take the decision lightly. but it's been pointed out that from the
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beginning the united states was threatening, military force was not offering to negotiate with it, with the forces, etc. those days have been saying that all they are asking in exchange for this, you know, opening up with the red sea is the israel stop bombing garza. but that is something that despite the global prize for a ceasefire, the united states is simply not open to even discussing. they have gone to robert stream whites to edit un security council resolutions, and make sure that no criticism of israel's actions is ever included. now, as was pointed out by the russian and bassett, or the united states and the united kingdom talked of military force in response to yemen. from the beginning. now they claim they pursued non military options negotiations, but that doesn't line up with facts. this is what the russian ambassador and indemnity i had to say before the council was that i was supposed to time after time. instead of addressing the root causes of instability and throbbing and it's
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locked with the political solution to the problem. the west chooses to rely on force. we have ones that we cannot trust insurance is a western delegations about the supposedly good intentions, the intended from the outset to provide a works interpretation of the vague wedding of the resolution. in an attempt to lend legitimacy to the criminal actions. so typically the anticipated the risks of this scenario. arising, we propose balancing amendments to the text that would have made it possible to avoid this. unfortunately, the majority of the council members likes the result necessary to support proposal from the outrage, the united states and his proxies. documents in yemen may results and not only a fully fledged war in this country, but a conflict that can spread around the world to as low as it's pointed out that this is yet another example of the united states of using a un security council resolution. there was a resolution passed by the un security council that russia of this day on voting for, as did mozambique in china. 11 countries voted for it and they simply came down.
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what does it, these were doing and disbanded with freedom of navigation during the maritime trade route. never gave any authorization to the united states and united kingdom to carry out the strikes. but it was that resolution that'd be usa. and the united kingdom, he used to say, gave them legal justification for carrying out these strikes. now, they also in both the right of self defense under the un charter. but as the russian ambassador pointed out, that right of self defense applies to an attack on one's country, not simply the blocking of trade routes or maritime trade routes. freedom and navigation in those not simply, you know, permit a country to attack another country because the flow of ships has been interfered, complete distortion of what the united nations charter actually set. now, russia pointed out the very dangerous implications of the us attacked on young men . and it is worth noting that not only that, who the forces in yemen, but also
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a number of forces throughout the region, militias in iraq, has the law and other forces have talked of now retaliated against us forces. there are u. s. military bases in syria, in iraq, there are u. s. warships in the mediterranean and elsewhere. and it is understood that those ships could now be a target of who the for is, is, and other forces throughout the region. so the dangerous implications of this, you as move which the russian and bachelor pointed out, did not in any way of legal justification under un resolutions or the un charter, was something that russia emphasized in the meeting. there could be serious consequences for the entire global community as a result of this unilateral action taken by the united states and the united kingdom. meanwhile, hundreds of people have gathered near the un headquarters in new york to raleigh in support of palestine and cannon. the demonstrators have blocked 1st avenue next to
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the united nations plaza, waving palestinian flags and signaling their supports to the victims of the joint american and british attack on gammon. as well as the people of and bottled gallons of demonstrations were also held in the game of the capital. so not in response to the collisions bombing campaign protest as voice, their fury and cold for un needed and to weston aggression against yemen. but these 5 people all concerned dead in the attack in the early hours of friday, the who's the rebel need is remain defiant from is in washington and london, that they will indeed respond to the criminal aggression against our here many people will not go unanswered and unpunished, this brutal aggression will not deter government from its supportive position would be wrong to palestinian people in the west. so strikes on dozens of military size across human were launched from war plains as well as ships and submarines in the
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red sea. the us and u. k. of called it a necessary response to recent attacks by hosting rebels on commercial ship. it's a local jump to ship this report from the nation's capital. so now this is on justified or that these are on, justified military reactions committed by the us, by the british government. however, they're saying they're both in the category. there's a strong retaliation whereby all the british military bases, they are going to be within the scope of being targeted by governments. armed forces where the hosting and people have lost everything is really, is committed crimes, genocide, and massacres. you how many people respond to this? we are visible to the world and we won't remain silent. what happened actually united them and us the us along with britain and global zine is and is responsible for this. but today we are ready for possible confrontation of the us and israel will most intimidate us and will happen,
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has actually raised the determination of the evidence. yeah, means armed forces, they responded with a batch of ballistics and on man trojan state, lost in the direction of targets into red sea, according to humans, military spokesperson. these were published of messiah that targeted us and british military presence in the red sea. so i think, you know, the us with this military actions yesterday and the british government military attacks yesterday, they're sending the message to the ever need back on sort of last week. these that if they go back to preventing is really ship something from passing by the end up crossing the red sea. more of these attacks will continue. i can tell you, however, however, that, nope, us hasn't really declared what fits are or the overall objective of this mission. the objective of this mission is to deteriorate. heard
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military capability. you are a secretary of state antony blinking, says the bowman against a young man is an act of self defense, british prime minister, wished as soon as also defended the attack, saying it took place to leave the attentions. all right, missouri claire. it's to de escalate tensions and to restore stability to the region. and that's why allies over the policy weeks of issued several statements of combination of what's happening courting on the duties to desist. and while the us establishment tries to justify the intervention, many politicians are questioning what impact it may have, and one and of serious ramifications for america's own national security. migrate is concerned both as a soldier who serves in the army reserve a veteran for over 20 years. and multiple deployments to different wars zones is how short sighted incompetent and lack of carrying that this to administer. the bi
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inherited ministration has for our own national security and the american people. you know what, what they are doing here now appears to be not well thought out. this is an unacceptable violation of the constitution. article one requires the military action be authorized by congress. the united states cannot the race getting tangled into and all the decades long conflict without congressional authorization. the white house must have worked with congress before continuing this ass twice in the admin. we spoke with richard black, a former us for public and senator. he shed his opinion on the recent american and british letter tax invest that countries in the middle is the united against the united states, as aggression in the region. i think it's very important to understand, said the divided ministration has been remarkably blood thirsty and the narrow again in everything they've done across the globe. the leaders of our
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foreign policy now, or rather, rather crude, just simply blood thirsty, very arrogant people. and what's happening is that the middle east is beginning to unite against the west. and you see this with the around the beginning to link up with saudi arabia and with turkey. turkey has one of the largest most powerful armies on earth. and the people in turkey are very stirred up about this. so you just see this rising off of the middle east, and it's largely due to the incompetence of, uh, of the, by the administration. you know, there is a surprising amount of discord with in the us political system over this. what has happened is that divided administration has just insisted on going
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to war with every body that they can find were threatening. war with china were threatening war with russia more with it ran war with everybody. the american people are growing very weary of this incessant war, and these, you know, were different than most countries. we're insulated by 5 or 6000 miles of, of open c. and there is no threat to us except the one coming across the, the southern border from mexico. mexico is our greatest rest is not china. it's not roger. it is mexico. busy phones and, and the body administration won't defendable order with mexico is, is quite bizarre and i think americans are very frustrated. they, the government that we have now is, you know, it's the,
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the most incompetent one of my entire life. and i've seen some do is, i mean, i've seen some governments that you, you, you were not brag much about, but this one, this one really sets a new standard for low cities around the world are gearing out for demonstrations of solidarity with palestine as the war in gaza and says it's 100 day, the 1st city to host the mass gathering is the indonesian capital of jakarta, 100 civil, already taken to the streets, artist correspondence, rebecca, not been to who attended the demonstration and brings us this report. the flyer, now those are the message or a set, the keep mind behind the during the rally in front of the american embassy. this saturday in chicago, around for testers, gathered in front of the city,
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was 30 the shoulders before the war, and the people in power is alive and also to demand ceasefire. and in this part of the global, they all action marking a 100 and days of the war that drove between our mazda and as route in. because as you can see, the highlights of people are raising their policy and slacks. they are wearing black and white and also the traditional cars are palace type. we show the support and also to show the salt solidarity for people in palestine. the normal this is also part of the global movement. no nation has been as all knowledge supported or off house stand. yeah. for because there's a, there's not only a message that was being delivered loudly from the people from the interview saying that you can come for a minute to go towards college. senior inquired as mandated by their own
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constitution. also believe the substitution which calls for the solution of these all and me, are they gonna be reporting from jakarta? indonesia is ran is accused south africa of siding with him as as a defend itself. on the 2nd day of public hearing, the international court of justice and the hague. for dory is as it is rest and discriminated from bombardment of guns or amounts to genocide and maintains that it's case it's solar driven by full authority with civilians and gaza. it is a matter of public record that south africa enjoys close relations with some us. despite its formal recognition as a terrorist organization by numerous states across the world. these relations have continued unabated, even after the october 7th atrocities. south africa has long hosted and celebrated
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its tides. we've come spigots, including a senior, come on, still a go sion that incredibly visited the country for a quote, solidarity gathering. just weeks after the mexican, the south african justice minister also spoke to the media after the 2nd day of the hearing is as is risk lawyers of failed to address the arguments, put forward in the case of this data visit i today is face to disprove. so that's what it does comparing to that was presented before the court yesterday. we stand by them fed the law and then all the evidence we have submitted yesterday. and we believed and stands very confident that those fed the law in violation of the genocide convention. in particular,
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i would suggest i lied some few areas listed it as close to that they've been laid out by now. is there anybody to go in military sites and do this? is that it tells the court that these statements a simple rhetorical. how can you ignore this been handled? the payment is the big load. the statement of the defense minister ignore the gun forces. seeing repeating what department is the eclipse. that is the implementation of bodies. meanwhile, israel in space, it hasn't committed a new genocide in gaza and also denied that the idea of has bombed amy hospitals in the enclave. a hospitals have not been bombed, rather the idea of send soldiers to search and dismantle military infrastructure, reducing damage and disruption. indeed, the tunnel that sat directly under the main building and chief
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a hospital was exploded without damaging the building above damage and harm have occurred. as a result of all studies in hospitals vicinity, sometimes by all the fire, sometimes by homos, but always as a direct result of her mazda is abhorrent method of warfare, is you humble, the jewels of such this is maybe not potentially, maybe to argue this is this pollution that i was rejected. i'm probably due to the infrastructure. this was because it's as low as a consumer because most of the district of both. but it kind of argue that maybe $10.00 to $25.00 is the c shoes also because it's been distributed at all these uh, is 2 shops, so civil shows, hospitals, schools, them, homes, um ears as costa as to the on just to fire. saw for
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a folder or this is what it says to those guys. i was just too strange operation blue to homeless. i'm on the wall. that's a sticky shoot or do or less of a cousins. meanwhile, dozens of profile a scene in for testers have gathered outside the you and stop cord towards their support for the genocide case against israel. they demanded an end to the idea of a sold and called for a free palestine. archie africa bureau chief most brian is at the hague and told us about this sentiments outside the court. the optimist fears today in the 2nd day of the initial stage of the trial has been highly the motion of hundreds of pro palestinian foot testers gathered just in front of the court
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building, waving palestinian flags, banners, pictures of slow toads, children and civilians chanting palestinian songs for addition of songs of existence in the big english, i'm actually in some other languages depending on the group, john thing, the phones, people who are giving away interviews to international press. and they would also, i noticed many organizations of human rights activists, civil society institutions who wear to using this occupancy are highly charged to coordinate action exchange uh, phone numbers, website addresses. i'm thinking about, uh, i'm planning the next day actions. and earlier today i spoke to a number of these human rights activists swear,
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hoping that there will be some sort of positive result from the hearing both yesterday and today, and that the court finally in on next week. but this is the case of genocide, the south african c and has provided extensive evidence of the genocide and we're hoping that beyond this point of public and protesters, the national organizations will take further efforts to end the genocide. and let's go with being gathered here today. we made a statement today explaining that this is not the end, but we must continue to push the genocide is not know we're not only with the court during the announcements. we need to make more of an effort globally and the other side. meanwhile, germany weighed in bio for an israelite support in the i c. j case rejecting the accusation of genocide and cleaning south africa's argument. i have no basis in
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view of germany's history and the crime against humanity of the holocaust. the federal government sees itself as particularly committed to the convention against genocide. we firmly oppose its political instrumental. ization. i fan pressed the wrong way for the moment. if you had a good friend and you see a good friend, display mistakes, so as to use or friends can use are here on the population on this right you. it shouldn't stops, isn't it the logic steps to stop the long dog. busy and it's to my mind should support the call to chase or south africa, its name, all sorts of, against these are used in governments like south american states to get because that governments do that. because if uh, remote clearly at what is going wrong, jobs are there is some abuses of extras us against the international law by history. busy and we can see that i think,
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shall need some especially position because of the 2nd world war. and there is really a responsibility to be taken. but the responsibility to short tail is not the responsibility to support each steps of the government in each step. if they do mistakes and as things really well on guys that continues to claim policy in your life. the idea is facing a struggle with incidence of friendly fire as dozens of its own soldiers dying at the hands of their comrades, arches mariachi notion. i looked into the issue the devastating war that is real estate agent and gaza for a 4th month has claimed the lives of thousands of palestinian civilians, many of whom were just children. israel calls of the collateral damage, which it strives to minimize, but says it cannot avoid completely. and these are not the only unwanted casualties
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of these really a sol, as the idea of kills dozens of its own people. and so cold friendly fire. according to the idea of the own recent numbers, every 6th is rarely soldier who died in guys lost their lives to accidents or were killed by their own troops, including an air strikes tank, showing old gunfire. how do you have soldiers getting fire on the road as a result of simple, mistaken identity? this is a tragic and fairly common scenario in deadly urban warfare. lights the conflict on folding gals as brigadier general benson gruber explains when you fight in the closet area and you fight, please note the one you'll need much more than one unit. so you cannot slightly so then you will need to go inside because then you have on the side of both the, all the only dates open. we'll trying to fight the fuel units available until the same. the same for mendel equals here. we have one on the in the other side,
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you have another command and we have to find out exactly what each field is located, enjoying the fight. when cecil going and safe, the enemy, you don't know exactly on the meet the. we saw the don't know exactly who they'll show things in on the right place of the actual thing, although in an order office does this happen when the troops attack or when they fire back the little funds on here? so because you'll see this on the shopping on your photos as something useful because you'll see someone in the window. and if i wanted to, i to show the new type would be the self wonderful. but meanwhile, the older events, he says is very clear and simple. he really is no to the chilton which raises the question of how a friendly fire incident can occur at all. the most shocking case happened in mid december when the idea of killed three's rarely hostages. the people it declares it
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is fighting to save your income back in gaza. the man took off their shirts to show they were an armed fly. one of them was waving a white flag. we emphasized locally all the command we'll. i'm not sure thing on someone we flights labeled them until they know someone, the funeral give up on a tilting on someone that they could sell them. but even though the end of the day, it happened, is it the lack of time, or rather a lack of understanding that you have to make sure that someone you're going to hate is a flat. as much as a social can take a few seconds to think and it is a bit multi, isn't it oil insights? then we have to try to do as much as we can to teach them and to find in new ways to eliminate the last time we met ben. so in a place that looks a lot like guys on, on the days and that sailing base is a unique idea of facilities for urban warfare training. the site is designed to
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resemble a palestinian desert town, like con eunice, old, kansas city. this is ways rarely troops prepare for the house to house fighting. they have been engaging since the idea of ground operation kicked off in gaza. really the only display the enemy. so we want to make sure that that is off. i think they think about it. so he's selling, so some that we, they'll, have you been with that window? he's selling something that really go, he's the guy that sold your fuel photo all the enemy. you're sold a lot of. so if you will practice this enough, you would be ready to defend. if the fail find that to be with those dilemma. and the file we're having problem with whether every one of these really army had enough time to practice is a big question. the war started unexpectedly sucking and unprecedented amount of human resources from different backgrounds and levels of readiness. but even the very best training can not to prepare someone for their way out.


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