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tv   News  RT  January 13, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EST

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the, the the, the, the us, yes. again, strikes that yeah, man's capital. just that was up to you as security council emergency meeting on fridays initial attacks. those is the outrage of the united states and this proxies documenting in yemen may result in not only a fully fledged war in this country, but a conflict that can spread around the world. moscow denounces the coalition. strikes on yemen as right, plus out a violation of international low voltage called the us state department can funds the death of the chilean americans understand you prayed with the minds father, claiming he was tortured to death in prison, over his criticism of presidency landscape and throwing through deep poles,
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taiwan inbox on a pivotal election which could read the fine at the regions future. but the main candidates for the presidency, having very different positions of the pop for the hello and welcome. thanks for joining us. head on the international. it is just called 11 am in moscow. and in the meanwhile, we also crossing off this our, the bridge news coming in was that washington has, can fund the u. s. military conducted another strike on the nation's capital of sauna. the strike was conducted by the us us carney, he's in tomahawk land, attacked me styles and was a follow on action on a specific military target associated with strikes taken on january 12th, designed to degrade the who is a stability to attract maritime vessels, including commercial vessels, in the nightstand nuclear has conducted at edis that ica own center at both. i'm
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a day, let me a base, an order phillips and i, uh, is it the, i mean, we headed the lot of the explosion. assume that a to the one had been the yesterday. and as the united states, as the declared to deal with, they say that they have actually to get into a set. uh, they said me side at a does instead of defense this exactly what the united states has been doing throughout history. many has make it clear that the retaliation against the united states, it will come and it will come on. they will actually had a united states, i knew ok, and they should not expect. i talked about the ship. i, i think after this 2nd attack on yemen, you have any folders as they wouldn't do before. maybe they would be starting to get in the united states and you as a commodity i'd ship because yeah, my now is on that. i thought for them the united states, it does the united states actually, who would support it in uh is it i in, in the genocide against the policy and i am, i need them on,
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on the request is to allow food and medicine and to lift the relocate against the guys that they are going to do. so this will get the money out of his book. but does it have said yesterday that i talked, i guess is it any shit? is it a link table? any shape that is headed toward is it at fault, or the latest? is it i by any way, they will still continue and they will come under attack. the 1st round of western strikes on and thousands of ministry sites across the oven. williams, early on friday from will planes as one of ships on supper readings in the red sea . u. s. a new, hey, how falls it a necessary response to recent attacks by 60 flights is on commercial shipping thoughts. while the course itself said it's read, see a top floor show of solidarity with the palestinian people on what i me stop when is role. and i'll see entry of age into concept strikes by the western coalition and killed 5 levels and wounds of 6 others. they've had defended the attack thing,
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it took place to quote, a lift gate tension. all right, i'm is very clear, it's to de escalate tensions and to restore stability to the region. and that's why allies, over the past few weeks of issued several statements of combination of what's happening courting on the duties to desist. but will that actually be stability? it seems the who stated that he does necessarily think so, because instead that promising washington and london a swift response of the criminal aggression against our here many people will not go unanswered and unpunished. this brutal aggression will not deter young men from its supportive position with the wrong to palestinian people. the new round of strikes came just out was off to you as a security council emergency meeting called by moscow. the washing i'm positive claim did tax a new phase of weston meant a tree of question against them. at least the clear violation of international
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a zill and this is the store. so the white house has stated that it resolves the rights, the resume, military actions that receive any new threats. you don't need to be a clairvoyant to understand that the us will perceive these threats and determine its response to the mob a try really without the slight disregard for international law. the right to self defense cannot be invoked in order to ensure freedom of navigation. our american colleagues are well aware of this. this is yet more military aggression by the collective west, the latest and a long line of raids on the suffering middle east. the pseudo legal justification give them by the white house does not stand up to any criticism. while the un security council, the 15 member body that leads the united nations, met to discuss the recent us attack on. yeah, the united kingdom also involved in that attack and at the meeting of the united kingdom and the united states said that their action was justified because they had to protect the red sea. they had to stop the blockade that has been put up
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by the who the forces in yeah, the attacks by hutus on vessels and the red sea must stop. we have made this clear to the who cheese and we call on them to de escalate. the united kingdom is committed to continue working with the international community and this counsel to come by this international threat. the strikes were necessary and they were proportionate, as you just heard from my u. k. calling. they were consistent with the international law and an exercise of the united states inherent right to self defense, as reflected by article 51 of the un charter. and they were taken only after non military options proved inadequate to address the threat. still,
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any strikes of this nature is a decision. the united states does not take lightly, as she said, she didn't take the decision lightly. but it's been pointed out that from the beginning the united states was threatening, military force was not offering to negotiate with it. with the forces, etc, those days have been saying that all they are asking in exchange for this, you know, opening up with the red sea is the israel stop bombing garza. but that is something that despite the global prize for a ceasefire, the united states is simply not open to even discussing. they have gone rather it streamlines to edit and un security council resolutions and make sure that no criticism of these rails actions is ever included. this is what the russian ambassador and i'm dancing i had to say before the council for that is that of use of those thing time after time, instead of addressing the root causes of instability and throwing in its lots with a political solution to the problem, the west chooses to rely on for us. we have ones that we cannot trust the assurances of west and delegations about the supposedly good intentions they
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intended from. the outsets provided walks interpretation of the vague wording of the resolution in an attempt to lend legitimacy to the criminal actions. anticipating the risk of a scenario arising, we propose balancing amendments to the text that would have made it possible to avoid this. unfortunately, the majority of the council members liked the result necessary to support proposal, the outrage that the united states and this proxies documents in yemen may result in not only a fully fledged war in this country, but a conflict that can spread around the world. there was a resolution passed by the un security council that russia of stains on voting for as did mozambique. and china 11 countries voted for it. they simply can damage what that these were doing and defended freedom of navigation during the maritime trade route. never gave any authorization to the united states and the united kingdom to carry out strikes. but it was that resolution that the usa and the united kingdom used to say, gave them a legal justification for carrying out these strikes. now they also invoke to the
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right of self defense under the un charter, but as the russian and basset are pointed out, that right of self defense applies to an attack on one's country. not simply the blocking of trade routes or maritime trade routes. freedom of navigation, it does not simply, you know, from it a country to attack another country because the flow of ships has been interfered, complete distortion of what the united nations charter actually says. and it is worth noting that not only that who the forces in yemen, but also a number of forces throughout the region, militias in iran. 1 is blah and other forces have talked of now retaliated against us forces. there are u. s. military bases in syria in iraq. there are us warships in the mediterranean and elsewhere. and it is understood that those ships could now be a target of who the. busy is there isn't other forces throughout the region. so the danger is implications of this. you as move,
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which the russian and pastor pointed out, did not in any way of legal case. and under un resolutions or the un charter was something that russia emphasized in the meeting, there could be serious consequences for the entire global community as a result of this unilateral action taken by the united states. and the united kingdom meanwhile, demonstrates some new york blocks. first avenue right next to the united nations plaza. they showed the support for the victims of that joint american and british attack on yemen and demanded an immediate stall to the strikes. be well over in the you have any capital demonstrations what also held protest as voice, the fury and full for an immediate and west. and the question against that country of the cities across the nation will say so huge protests with locals, claiming the strike separately re a fund that commitment to palestine radians gathered in front of the british m. c. entire on to condemn the u. k. on us bombing
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campaign with all the details as all to use use of july 20th so gathered outside the british embassy and just want to condemn the u. k. and us this friday attack against several, you have any cities, but a total. we can the who these defense capabilities of course, washington said this twice for an act of self defense in response to unprecedented goofy attacks against international maritime vessels and the red sea. this, as you have many officials, the attacks are on justifiable because human has not working international shipping in the red sea. and that the only target is really ships are ships that to move towards the occupied palestinian porch. they said shortly after the attack came on, we acted strongly by calling it a clear violation of humans, territorial integrity, and international laws. several sides of the attention only few in security and instability in the region. these people now have
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a code their warranty and government's remark, saying that the measure clearly shows that the washington fully supports as well when it's war on god. so they say the operation will not stop the resistance forces from supporting palestinians of the ongoing is where the war on god. this is one of the who sees also made clear today they said on this part attacks the target at their arms arsenal. their military power has not been effected and that they will continue to seize or attack is rarely bound ships and solidarity with the guys and people over the course of the conflict, cameron has launched multiple missile when jerome strikes against israel on us trips. and as i'm impounded is really length vessels dos, impacting maritime shipment through this for to, to x ray to mop on monday, which is a passage way for more than 10 percent of the world's c transit. so these people behind me now was your support for the who would fees for raising their quotes.
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courageous stands against the western bullies. they say they called on force all resistance units from both these 2 as online, the rocky ministers to retaliate are the us and you case actions and do not let this flags on the go on. and sir, we're here to express our support for the resistance front and condemned the recent sections of the us and u. k. to was human with them on their embassies and the embassies of all those involved. and the recent attacks are coast across the stomach states. the resistance excess today is not limited to around. it extends from the red seats in the mediterranean, encompassing groups from the evans. i'm so i'll, so it has by 11 on, we are united in our stands against the us and israel and will strongly retaliate against them a level and actions. so the u. k. a bloodthirsty and cunning nation should realize that it seems will be few tile and eventually back via the many people have always been actively involved today with this approach to send the meal in person scale,
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whether you have any populace, they ever ready to defend their dignity. families and homeland encompassing everyone from main funds to the elderly. for my us republican states that it's a right to black believe that the current policy is coming out of the white house where me see the middle east squared move hostile to collect west. i think it's very important to understand, said the divided ministration has been remarkably blood thirsty and the narrow against and everything they've done across the globe. the leaders of our foreign policy now, or rather, rather crude, just simply blood thirsty, very arrogant people. and what's happening is that the middle east is beginning to unite against the west. and you see this where it's the around the beginning to link up with saudi arabia and with the turkey. turkey has one of the largest,
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most powerful armies on earth. and the people in turkey are very stirred up about this. so you just see this rising off of the middle east, and it's largely due to the incompetence of, uh, of the, by the administration. you know, there is a surprising amount of discord with in the us political system over this. what has happened is that divide administration has just insisted on going to war with every body that they can find were threatening. war with china were threatening more with rush or more with they ran war with everybody. the american people are growing very weary of this incessant war and these, you know, we're different than most countries we're insulated by 5 or 6000 miles of,
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of open sea. there is no threat to us except the one coming across the, the southern border from mexico. mexico is our greatest rest is not china. it's not roger. it is mexico of. busy phones and, and you divide in ministration, won't defend order with mexico is, is quite bizarre and i think americans are very frustrated. they, the government that we have now is, you know, it's the, the most incompetent one of my entire life. and i've seen some there is, i mean, i've seen some governments that you, you, you're not brag much about, but this one, this one really sets a new standard for low cities when we're on the wild dog, tearing off for demonstrations of solidarity with palestine as to who in gauze and is 100 the day. and the engineers and capital of to call to crowds have already
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taken it to the streets of correspond to the regions that this report the wire now . policy. those are the messages that the protest people on should say during the profile. this saturday morning in thousands of for testers have gathered in front of the american embassy since 530 this morning. they show solidarity at ford for the 1st time in 2023. as you can see, they are raising these wire per minute. we also we're black and white and the traditional rather than the sisterhood from this day off at
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a 100 and is higher per minute. this is for humanity. and for my consciousness, because palestine remains under occupation by israel, this doesn't sit well with me because palestinians are muslims. after all, it has already been a 100 days. when will this end? the victims are not only mothers, but also children, even toddlers. nobody safe. we cannot accept this because i think i came with my 2 children. i want to teach them the meaning of humanity by showing solidarity would find was 9 pulsate because the biggest victims in this will all the children and i carry that feeling with me. this is a very painful feeling that the children we love care about and raise full victim to the bomb parity of these radio occupation
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delivered, or the impala sign as well. and i have savannah warner on the data, on the police and to search costs for a living. and i mean from the one that's what is happening and going. so why, like i said, it was $100.00 days of who have pay more than $23700.00 postilion lives is really bombardments continued throughout the night, killing thousands of civilians across the and phase and puting. as i thought, women and children, the south has been the main focus of the idea of operations. recently,
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video shows mass destruction open area that not long ago had been deemed a safe so well been 2000000 just based upon experience and now struggling to survive them as the to day hearings on the situation in golf. drew to a close as well for me, rejected the claimant's committing genocide that while also denying that the idea has bombed any hospitals in the end case, that is despite numerous testimonies of different age groups on medical associations proving otherwise the possible roles have not been bombed rather, the idea of send soldiers to search and dismantle military infrastructure, reducing damage and disruption. indeed the tunnel that sat directly under the main building and chief a hospital was exploded without damaging the building above damage and harm have occurred. as a result of all studies in hospitals vicinity,
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sometimes by idea of fire, sometimes by homos, but always as a direct result of her mazda is abhorrent method of warfare. you huddle the jewels and such, this is maybe, you know, maybe to argue this is this pollution that i was, i was just, i'm probably due to the infrastructure. this was because i, so these are considered the kind of see the boat. but it kind of argue that maybe 10 to 20 to the fox is the way i see shoes. also because of industry at all these 2 shops. so see what is the shortest hospital schools i'm home, sam erases, costs are asked to be on just a fire saw for a folder, i say this one to assess what it was strange
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operation blue to farmers on the wall. that's a sticky shoot or do our lives of a cousins south africa, injustice minutes beside it. the hearing is ralph noise have failed to talk to address any of the arguments present of this data visit i today is face to disprove so that it does component that was presented before the court. yesterday. we stand by them fed the law and then all the evidence we have submitted yesterday and we believe and stands very confident that those fed the law in violation of the genocide convention. in particular, i really does highlight some few areas listed it as close to that
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they've been, that is out by now, is there anybody to gun in military sites and do this is that it tells the court that these statements, simple rhetorical, how can you ignore this been handled, the payment is the big load. the statement of the defense means don't ignore the gun forces. seeing repeating what department is the eclipse not is the implementation of the south african team also presented videos of various is really officials on soldiers taking tool kit and rhonda about the plans for garza. but it's all again protested saying that those statements were misunderstood. let's have a quick listen to just a few of those misunderstood statements. i don't know what the leave i've ordered a complete seat. jim garza there will be no electricity, no food, no more, no fuel. everything will be cut off. we are fighting against human animals and we're act accordingly. cool. um the entire people and the leadership of the people
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that embrace them and believe in them. remember what on the look for it to you tomorrow, but we remember and we fight. and the us state department has confirmed the death of a chill in american john list. and you, craig gonzalez, there was 55 years old. his father claims hassan was tortured to death in prison. for criticizing president polanski, i cannot accept the way my son has died. he was tortured extorted incommunicado for 8 months, and 11 days, and the us embassy did nothing to help my son. the responsibility of this strategy is the dictator zalinski with the concurrence of a c. now american president, joe biden, gonzalez never had move in a to 1000 photos on youtube. i should posted videos mocking the us establishment in may, he was arrested in ukrainian city hall, called full discrediting the country's leadership on country hills, criticized cubes, unwillingness to negotiate
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a peace deal with most of the american investor. john aesthetics were been staying posted to lots of from gonzalez himself, and which he claimed that officials, what, ignoring his life threatening illness, i have had double pneumonia in both loans as well as newman solar x. and a very severe case of a d. my oldest started in mid october, but was ignored by the prison. they only admitted i had pneumonia as a hearing on december 22nd. i'm about to have a procedure to reduce the and deem a pressure in my lungs, which is causing the extreme shortness of breath to the point of passing out of the minimum activity. or even just talking for 2 minutes. the russian mission to the one as well. so commented describing gonzales, stuff as an inconvenient truth for the by didn't administration and we're deeply outraged to learn of the deaths of the united states generalist comes out later and ukrainian custody according to the information available. he was imprisoned and tortured, were also not surprised to learn that the usa did not make any efforts to release of citizen. moreover,
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we are sure that these champions of freedom of speech with double standards of morality will try to hush up the gentlest stuff. sadly, this is a huge failure by us administration, blinking was made aware of gonzalez, case eagle musk even reached out on social media. it's question ukrainian will far to use for the citizens of the us and indeed the u. k. it's a stock warning to gen license, in particular, the fact that the us administration allowed mister lira to languish. and as his father called the did, they dictates as lensky is prison goes out and they are himself, was very critical of this wednesday regime. the fact that they nor need loudon to languish without health, as is claimed, but also to his desk, should serve as a very, very start warning that the freedom of speech and democracy in the west is nothing but lit service is nothing but an illusion. they will not deliberate,
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they will not assist you. if you go against the narrative that regime taiwan is today, a ball count a pivotal election which could re define the regions at future polls have opened, if i'm not mistaken. 5 just play was minutes ago with 3 main town to this of buying for the presidency. each contend has a distinctly different view of the domestic and foreign policies of the territory of to show that coupon ski has more the walls gay is, is focused right now on the smooth chinese island. why? well, because how the people on taiwan vote this week den could have to take global implications . island as a choosing whether they will forge close it ties with the mainland china or take a step closer to breaking away with the packing of washington. china will surely be
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re unified, an old chinese people on both sides of the taiwan straits should be bound by a common sense of purpose. i'm sharing the glory of the rejuvenation of the chinese nation. so unlike ukraine to be clear, sir, us forces us men and women would defend taiwan in the event of a chinese invasion. yes, the decision over what happens next lie is in the hands of one of 3 candidates. so who are the man who could hold the power in this piece a new election? first up, it's like shooting to steve the car into the pete form, the ruling democratic progressive policy. he's a set portez tooth looking to shake things up and pushed the independence. the 2nd favor to in the races who you e, he's a candidate for the k m t, which is the chinese nationalist policy. he's a former police chief, i'm being company met of a new type pate city. he's called
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a dialogue with beijing to reduce tensions. cool, when j is shaking up the to paul, the traditional race, he heads up the c p. p, a full a matter of type pay, he's focused on bread and butter issues such as the cost of housing, which is going well continued in recent years. on the big issue at stake, he favors maintaining the status quote with the mainland, the idea of one country to systems. while this should be a loopo election and just that, it's not many see what's on folding in taiwan as a proxy will between china, i'm the us. if the d p be candidate wins and pushes ahead with independence, he will do so with the support of the us military. one year ago,
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our congressional delegations arrival into one sent an unequivocal message. america stands with k one as a defense itself and its freedom. the election is january 13th inauguration won't take place until may. so what we need to do is a country is to provide study on wavering resolve and support of taiwan democracy. and of course, we need to continue to critically enhance cross straight. the turns showing that has a two's the us of interfering in the election. and america certainly has a long track record of doing just that in many parts of the globe. beijing also fired a warning shot at washington over the military. a that's being provided to taiwan the us side leads to take chinese concern seriously and do more things that contribute to the growth of the.


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