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tv   News  RT  January 13, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EST

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the the story is right now, if you want to see at, on the wall pos the us, yet again, strikes yelman's capital. and it's just our doctor and un security council emergency meeting on fridays, initial attempting is an easy, a mazda of solidarity with a policy by mocking almost a 100 days of the war and gaza approaches to kicking off all around the world, demanding israel to stop the violence usa republican funds, the death of a to la and american john listed ukraine with a man's father saying he was tortured to death in prison over its criticism of presidency landscape. on the whole top, closed and counting is on the way in taiwan. this could prove a paper to vote any results, have the routing pond to kind of a head with of
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a heart of the pallets counted so far the we're just so much talk about of this got to the afternoon life or a month ago. we bought your top stores lined up front and center, so it will be breaking news to help. okay, i'll kick off this hour should say from yemen. washington confirming is ministry conducted another stripe on this nation's capital city. and the strike was conducted by the us us carney, he's in tomahawk lunch, but talked me solves and was a follow on action on a specific military target associated with strikes taken on january 12th, designed to degrade the who it's a stability to attract maritime vessels, including commercial vessels and then i'd say nuclear has conducted it is that icons and i at both id. let me a base, an order phillips and i, uh, is it the,
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i mean, we headed the lot of the explosion. assume that a to the one had been the yesterday and as the united states, as the declared they would, they say that they have actually targeted, induce. uh, they said me side at a does instead of defense this exactly what the united states has been doing throughout history. many has make it clear that the retaliation against the united states, it will come and it will come on. they will actually had a united states, i knew ok, and they should not expect attack on. but the zip i, i think after the 2nd attack on the m and you have any folders as they wouldn't do before. maybe they would be starting to get in the united states and you as a commode associated because yeah, my now is on that, i thought for them the united states is the united states. actually who's supporting a, is it i in the genocide against the policy and, and many demands on the request is to allow food and medicine and to lift the relocate guns because if they are going to do so and this will get the money out of
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his book but does it have said yesterday that i talk, i guess is it any ship, is it a link table any ship that is headed toward? is it a info's or related to is it i by any way, they will still continue and they will come under attack of the so the 1st round of the western stripes on dozens of military sites across the i'm going to a lowest early on friday from both the air and sea and the british prime minister, call them the strikes self defense in response to reason, the attacks by who these on commercial shipping. that is, while the group itself, that it's read see a time. so it's simply a show of solidarity with the palestinians unable only stop when israel allows the entry of aid and to gaza. stripes by the western coalition, killed 5 and wounded 6 of those u. k. defended the attack, saying it took place to quote, get this a lift gate tensions, all right? and is very clear, it's to de escalate tensions and to restore stability to the region. and that's why
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allies, over the policy weeks of issued several statements, a combination of what's happening, courting on the duties to desist it without the circled stability might be rather elusive. there were concerns we might see further escalation said who, cynthia, who is the leaders of now promise, washington and london, a swift response repeatedly saying that not intimidated, and then not afraid of the criminal aggression against our here. many people will not go unanswered and unpunished. this brutal aggression will not deter again from its supportive position with the wrong to palestinian people will then hear out of strikes that came just hours after a un security council emergency meeting cold by moscow. the russian and bassett claim the tanks were a new phase of west and military aggression against the middle east. and a clear violation of international law are really,
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really slow. so the white house has stated that it resolves the rights, the resume, military action, shouldn't perceive any new threats. you don't need to be a clairvoyant to understand that the us will perceive these threats and determine it's response to them. i would try really without the slight disregard for international law, the right to self defense cannot be invoked in order to ensure freedom of navigation. our american colleagues are well aware of this. this is yet more military aggression by the collective west, the latest and a long line of raids on the suffering middle east. the pseudo legal justification give them by the white house does not stand up to any criticism. while the un security council, the 15 member body that leads the united nations, met to discuss the recent us attack on yeah, the united kingdom also involved in that attack. and after the meeting of the united kingdom and the united states said that their action was justified because they had to protect the red sea, they had to stop the blockade that has been put up by the who the forces in yeah,
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the attacks by hutus on vessels and the red sea must stop. we have made this clear to the who cheese and we call on them to de escalate. the united kingdom is committed to continue working with the international community and this council to come back this international threat. the strikes were necessary and they were proportionate, as you just heard from my u. k. colleagues. they were consistent with the international law and an extra size of the united states. inherent right to self defense, as reflected by article 51 of the un charter. and they were taken only after non military options proved inadequate to address the threat. still, any strikes of this nature is a decision. the united states does not take lightly,
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as she said, she didn't take the decision lightly. but it's been pointed out that from the beginning the united states was threatening, military force was not offering to negotiate with it, with the forces, etc. there who's there is, have been saying that all they are asking in exchange for this, you know, opening up of the red sea is the israel stop bombing garza. but that is something that despite the global prize for a ceasefire, the united states is simply not open to even discussing that. there was a resolution passed by the un security council that russia of the day on voting for as did mozambique. and china, 11 countries voted for it. they simply come down to what that these were doing and defended freedom of navigation during the maritime trade route. never gave any authorization to the united states and the united kingdom to carry out strikes. but it was that resolution that the usa and the united kingdom used to say, gave them a legal justification for carrying out these strikes. now,
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they also invoke the right of self defense under the un charter. but as the russian ambassador pointed out, that right of self defense applies to an attack on one's country, not simply the blocking of trade routes or maritime trade routes. freedom of navigation. yeah. not far from caleb damage. right. is a new york booking 1st avenue as right next to the un plaza to show the support for the victims of that joint american and british attack on yemen are also demanding an immediate stoppage to the strikes. have a look at this over in the you have any capital here that's a demonstration, right? the protests as voicing that fury and courting for the immediate end to weston aggression against the country of the cities also us or across the nation. also seeing enormous protests to, well, i mean that is those pictures. wow. locals claiming the strikes get this of only reaffirm that commitment to palestine. we're discussing this with a full, my us republican states and its origin black. and he believes the current policy is
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coming out of the white house, will only see the middle east to grow more hostile to the collective west. surprised surprise. i think it's very important to understand that the divided ministration has been remarkably blood thirsty and the narrow against and everything they've done across the globe. there is no threat to us except the one coming across the the southern border from mexico. mexico is our greatest rest is not china, it's not roger. it is mexico of. busy phones and, and yet the body administration won't defend the border with mexico is, is quite bizarre. and i think americans are very frustrated. they, the government that we have now is, you know, it's the, the most incompetent one of my entire life. and i've seen some do is, i mean, i've seen some governments that you, you, you were not brag much about,
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but this one, this one really sets a new standard for low. but i think is around the world of gearing out for demonstrations of us on a day or 2. you would palestine the war and gaza entering is $100.00 the day the entities and capital up the cost of crowds already hitting the streets. a correspondent in the region filed this report, the see the wire. now those are the messages that the protest with people on the, during the profile. this saturday morning inc, florida thousands of for testers have gathered in front of the american advocacy since 530 this morning. they show solidarity epsilon ford for the 1st time in 2020. as you can see, they are raising your carry these
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my are prevented. actually they also were black and white and the traditional the rather sisterhood from this is margie, the 100 and is higher per minute. and this is for humanity and for my consciousness, because palestine remains under occupation by israel. this doesn't sit well with me because the palestinians are muslims. after all, it has already been a 100 days. when will this end? the victims are not only mothers, but also children, even toddlers. nobody's safe. we cannot accept this. well, i did because i came with my 2 children. i want to teach them the meaning of
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humanity by showing solidarity refinements. 9 also because the biggest victims in this will all the children i carry that feeling with me. this is a very painful feeling that the children we loft, care about and raised full victims to the bomb parity of these radio, keep patient or be delivered, or the impala sign as well as savannah warner, on the data on the police calls for a living. and i mean from the community
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she think it is the guys that here where is there any bombardments continued throughout the night, getting done and thousands of civilians across the yanks. i have, i just have a look at these pictures right here at the south. that's basically being the main focus of the idea of operations. recently. a video basically showing mass destruction of an area, not that long ago actually been called a safe. so hold on to 1000000 displaced pilot studies now simply struggling to survive. now back in october, the us vito to un security council resolution on the humanitarian pauses in the bloodshed bethel continued until the end of november, when a truce between israel and hamas came into force. almost 2500 palestinians were killed in more than 4000 wounded during that period. but let's look further because civilian casualties skyrocketed in december of the seats, 5 ended and another un resolution was blocked by washington. second period, which of course is ongoing has so far claim well than $6000.00 lives and $13000.00 wounded. well, that is just
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a quarter of the total death told in gaza that could have actually been avoided if indeed it wasn't. and folding us veto, is it the un? now the decisions led to the depths of just of a $6000.00 women and children you and reporting around 70 percent of all deaths and goals and full into those 2 categories. and the un under secretary of modern griffith says, raise concern of, well, when it cools and pun folding situation, a staggering 85 percent of the type of pollution traumatized and forced to see again and again as the bones of the messiah straightened on. this faces of residents, we are as close to the statements as rainy menaces regarding trans drink coverage to mass transfers, civilians guys out to a 3rd countries. these statements res, great concerns about the possible possible mass of the protection of the
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palestinian population from the gaza strip. something that would be strictly prohibitive, of course, on the international we can hold to allow this tremendous size for the consequences of either configuration as if this is not bad enough would be unimaginable. so the us state department has confirmed the death of a chill, a and the american john list in ukraine. gonzalo laid out what's 55 and his father claims his son was tortured to death in prison for being critical of the training present. and so that i can not accept the way my son has died. he was tortured extorted incommunicado for 8 months, and 11 days, and the u. s. embassy did nothing to help my son. the responsibility of this strategy is the dictators of lensky with the concurrence of a see now american president, joe biden. i mean, when i wake up to the news,
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i was obviously shocked, and most people weren't necessarily surprised because, but those who have been following the war and ukraine, it's a been active on twitter. people will know the name of console and there are. but for those who don't, you just give us a quick introduction. who is this deceased? john les blog active as almost yeah. well, gonzalo was a very colorful character, very outspoken, and he had a very distinct style. and i just say anybody following on pretty big twitter following most of the uh, the dissenting sites on social media, twitter, youtube tell around, would know the name comes out of there. and he was almost unique and that he was on the last dissenting voices. certainly foreign voices in, at ukraine. saskia, i mean, despite, obviously claims from west and political need on the media that ukraine is. a nation that likes to you us a embraces the freedom of speech. we've seen indications and the long time in the
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making. the thought is not the case. so what is it specifically but thoughts uh see its a bit wound up. why was near a high boss? yeah. well essentially i think it was, but because he was based in the car called a predominantly russian city, a quite eastwood's in, in ukraine. and he had continued to bro, costs from within the calls even threatened, of course. but he persisted and his uh, content to become ever more critical of the frame. and the wes, all the propaganda. i said that the, you know zones. he's a hero, winston churchill figure, you know, and, and i can't redeem or just change all the stuff like that. now the bumps her feet, birds, the timbers. i'm telling you right now, in the aftermath of this and the view ukrainian, the secret service, if you like, with a very fear some reputation, they came calling, it comes out as a dress. they found out where he was, the rest of them. the it was here,
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he faced the files days. now it was during this period of house arrest if you liked that, he was informed that the outcome of this may not go the way. he thought that the americans weren't going to help them. got this american citizenship, which he may have told me no easily was going to protect him in your brain on his high profile as well. a lot of people following him, but that wasn't the case. he was informed. so we decided to try to get out if you find he made a break for the whole jerry and border. unfortunately, he was detained, but you'd finance. and this is where his troubles really began. he was been imprisoned and it was from the prison that he began to give these revelations of extortion and terribly brutal uh treatment. he also wrote a letter about his decreasing health and his difficulties regarding accessing healthcare from within the 1st i've had double pneumonia, but as long as, as well as name a tourist and a very severe case of a dma swelling of the body. all this started in mid october, but was ignored by the present there in the admitted i had pneumonia at
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a december the 22nd hearing. i'm about to have a procedure to reduce the agreement pressure in my lungs, which is causing makes stream shortness of breath to the point of passing out often minimal activity, or even just talking to 2 minutes. in addition to this, uh, quite detailed descriptions. gonzalo talked about the brutal treatment torture that he received in ukrainian prison. i've taken a beating in my time, so i show it how like help, but it was manageable. but then at 1.2 folks held my head and used to to speak to scratch the whites of my left eye while asking me if i could still read. if i had just one, i got a crack ribbon my 1st cell, but it wasn't too bad. the west stretch was a my fault, so from 1 pm on june the 21st until 7 pm. the next day 30, i was always beaten and sleep deprived my alms, twisted the wrong way around to the shoulders in germany beaten. pretty bad. as luck would have it 2 days later, when the bruising was in full bloom, c, the god came to give me
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a wellness check. this is like me because of the julian embassies efforts the same as he told me 3 times, but gave me nothing but support and the bromide gun tyler was a quite capable communicator. even in the midst of his troubles, he was still able to portray the real situation of ukraine and, and that's why he really was still in an issue for the key version. well, i'm going to ask a know you have a question. now sherry is the us outraged at the desk of one of the tone citizens in ukrainian costs you. i mean, i'm presuming that it is shouting from the poll pets about depression. john listened, this be kind of democracy. ukraine. well, quite the opposite. and it's important that the viewers understand at gonzalo leers, a polite had been highlighted to the us state department on many occasions. they were well aware of what has happened. if you had previously said that it was highly likely that the united states would exchange him. she's actually 7,
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victoria newland. i hated his guts and that it was uh uh, fonts, people to suggest that he would be rescued or change in exchange for a i know the detainee on the, on the russian slash the dew for any inside that it was all likely to happen. now we know that as far back in august the 23 that matthew miller, the state department spokesman, was well aware of this. and this is how you all for the exchange when he's asked about something. so let me get some questions to put 3 via greys on for liam, cause grave about the whole situation regarding gonzales, we learned last night through a series of tweets by him that he had been tortured in the print in prison. and he was now on a motorcycle with a broken rib trying to flee the hunt, gary and border. and so i'm wondering, you know, if this is true, given the state department knew of his arrest and his detention. how has this been allowed to occur? we haven't us citizen being arrest being detained and perhaps tortured in the prison of one of our strongest allies. well, you, you lost me with the perhaps,
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and if this is true, i think i'd want to verify those reports before i commented on alex, go ahead. problems where it has the state broadcasting, i think i just want to verify anything before i come and go head out. there has been some reaction from russia, and let's look at that now. let's we're deeply outraged to learn of the death of the united states generalist, comes out later and ukrainian custody according to the information available, he was imprisoned and tortured, were also not surprised to learn that the usa did not make any efforts to release of citizen. moreover, we are sure that these champions of freedom of speech with double standards of morality will try to hush up the gentlest stuff. in some ways more questions than answers. you know, what did those other stay in, in the halls, in the midst of this, a brutal crack down on free speech. and you find gonzalo, that was very brave and so much say know easily still a challenging the regime. and it seems he's taking uh, a big risk and maybe pay the price for the but accounting is underway in taiwan.
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this presidential election of the routing party candidate has taken a commanding lead with 3 quarters of the ballots counted. that's according to the central election commission. opposed close though they are on the island patiently awaits the final results. now, each contender has a distinctly different view on the domestic and foreign policies of the territory. as a whole has of pipelines, routing party of started to gather in the capital type, pay ahead of the official results being announced. so we'll have this over now to wanted to try to do bins key basically talking us through who is who and also what's at stake. the walls gay is, is focused right now on the smooth chinese island. why? well, because how the people on taiwan vote this weekend could have to take a look. little implications. island is a choosing whether they will forge close it ties with the mainland china or take a step closer to breaking away with the packing of washington. china will surely be
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re unified, an old chinese people on both sides of the taiwan straits should be bound by a common sense of purpose. i'm sharing the glory of the rejuvenation of the chinese nation. so unlike ukraine to be clear, sir, us forces us men and women would defend taiwan in the event of a chinese invasion. yes, the decision. oh, but what happens next? lie is in the hands of one of 3 candidates. so who are the man who could hold the power in this piece a new election? first up, it's like shooting to, he's a current vp form the ruling democratic progressive policy. he's a set portez tooth looking to shake things up and pushed that independence. the 2nd favor to in the races who you e, he's a candidate for the k n t, which is the chinese nationalist policy. he's a former police chief, i'm being company met of
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a new type page city. he's called for the dialogue with beijing to reduce tensions . cool. when jay is shaking up the 2 palsy traditional race, he heads up the c p. p. a for that matter of type pay, he's focused on bread and butter issues such as the cost of housing, which is going well continued in recent years. on the big issue at stake, he favors maintaining the stages quote with the mainland, the idea of one country to systems. while this should be a local election and just that, it's not many see what's on folding in taiwan as a proxy will between china, i'm the us. it's the d. p. p. candidate wins and pushes ahead with independence. he will do so with the support of the us military. one year ago,
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our congressional delegations arrival in taiwan sent an unequivocal message. america stands with k one as a defense itself and its freedom. the election is january 13th inauguration won't take place until may. so what we need to do is a country is to provide study on wavering resolve and support of taiwan democracy. and of course, we need to continue to critically enhance cross straight the currents showing that has a tuesday us of interfering in the election. and america certainly has a long track record of doing just that in many parts of the globe. beijing also fired a warning shot at washington over the military. a that's being provided to taiwan. the us side leads to take chinese concern seriously and do more things that contribute to the growth of the military to military relationship. the chinese side
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emphasized that china will not make any concession or compromise on the ty, one question, and demand that the, the us to bites by the one china, principal, owners relevant commitments stops and taiwan and does not support. so i want to use independence. china has sanctioned 5 us defense companies over on sales, which it says violate the one in china principal and also try latrell communiques. if with the p, p winds, tensions in the region could blow up a wind by the d p. p could also see the bye didn't administration coming in to move pressure from not just the republicans, but also many democrats to, to celebrate on deliveries to tyrone a move that would make beijing livid and could provoke a major military crisis base here. but of course, that's just one scenario as if i, the k m t, all the t, the candidates not to be election, the will may just be able to take
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a deep breath. well, at least for now, we can take this conversation much further here with the program now costing life to professor opponents in international relations are joseph gregory mahoney. now joining us life from shanghai at about 7 30 pm your time, it's great to have you on. thank you very much for spending a time with us here at all today. this is an interesting election. i'm sure. washington is keeping a very close watch right now. the routing party, basically taking a fun lead in the ballot count so far. but if, if you would, for a moment, joseph talked to us about the significance, if indeed the lighting t takes power, i what this means with the b, b, p, please, as well, you know, with around 80 percent of the public stations reporting the d. p is holding 41 percent of the boat and is projected likely to win the presidency will still have to wait for the final count. but the key question is whether or not the, the pete, which enjoyed legislative majorities for the past 8 years,
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will be able to maintain those seats going forward. that's not clear. and if not, then taiwan will see a divided government and possibly gridlock which could have all sorts of ramifications for cross straight relations as well as relations with united states . we mentioned the united states at washington, a power to proud to send a delegation to taiwan off to the presidential election. what, what do you think the purpose of this us delegation to tie one might be? well, the us uh will, will, uh, certainly send the delegation. i think biden had to commit to this, but i'm sure that it was communicated when a high level official from the cdc visited the united states a few days a few days ago. that this would take place a bite and had to make this commitment or risk. congressional leaders staging trips of their own that could further inflame ties and noticed we saw below as you do. but also the more we're speaking the house, kevin mccarthy, who met about the time when he's liter tied in california. of course, you know, find, wants some tensions with china over taiwan. but i don't think he really wants to
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lose control of them for a allow congressional leaders to, to you, sir. his position is i'm in a position to foreign policy, especially in an election year when trying us relations will be a key campaign issue. what, what do you, what do you think joseph, about, about the send someone to all the voting populace that because the other 2 candidates collectively are holding the majority of the vote, i guess, i guess bring us if you will bring us down to the ground level once the average sentiment among the voters that so this is the main challenge that you know, more than half of the voters are voting against the d p. p, which has ruled a timeline for the past 2 years. there's a widespread unhappiness, there's polarization in society. if we look at a map of which districts are going blue versus green versus white, the name of the colors is.


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