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tv   News  RT  January 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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let's go, as i said, i get the rest of that completely. got you? the top headlines, 0 nazi tie, ones routing party candidate to class victory and the territories the presidential race. while the opposition concedes the top states resulting in the legislative ballots with thing, the power controlled with us is on the ballpark. again, humans, capital city on the fire, just our software, un security council, emergency meeting of the fridays, initial power, and then in an easier march of solidarity with palestine locking nearly 100 days of the war and gone to protest kickoff worldwide. people are demanding israel, stop the violence, the
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. all right, so i want you, haven't garza, i'm the united nations. i show a news program is packed for this our lot from so type ones or routing part. the candidate has basically won the presidential election off the taking 40 percent of the ballot or position contained does have conceded defeat, off the lighting pay, receive nearly a $1000000.00 vote advantage. now here's the chairman of the ruling democratic progressive party and 4 years ago served at the time when he is prime minister. economy serves as the islands vice president since 2020. and his party is known for supporting close ties with washington 9 opposing the reunification process. with mainland china, while enjoying the presidential victory, the ruling party has suffered losses and the legislative race. we discussed the elections development with a panel of experts. this is part and parcel of biometric us pharmacy. it wouldn't be in china as rise as the world's
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biggest economy, and probably as of world saw, strongest many by the power right now. unfortunately for the philippines, this election seen by one is paying for the bus because of the city of the b. b may be a step towards the war and which will involve us. because unfortunately, our president that has allowed the americans to use our military bases, which are very, very close figuratively stores so away from day one. so what, why do you assess now? is that um, but they one issue obviously with the gun a proxy wire between china and the united states. and because we are the most proximate neighborhood by why and because of the god we meant that we have entered into with united states, this could mean water for the beans as well. nobody in there a healthy mind, i guess the one to not the war and in, in the world. yeah. but of course, last august of 2022. and then the policy is such a high ranking?
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yes. i'll visual, uh, 50 did pay in such unprecedented action. yeah. i think, yeah it's, it's not on the between what they are, all technology as one china policy here, but also a propagation to real effort floor uh, piecing the range and apparently is still on discussions. and we are upheld into a more pause and discussions rather than uh, installations that really uh, necessary for everybody. well, what do you mean? it's a critical strategic political, both trying to enter us with seeing how amazing has consistently argued that cause that why do you need the ultimate resign and now for, for washington? no, cause we minutes critically different spectrum of you know domains to can see that a how do you see yourself quickly and what those for washington for kind of want to remain just at this point of defending a little flaw. freedom and demo, i think we have also seen how the importance of treat supply chain as well as the
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importance of the technical, not the industry, and seeing that one is for more st themselves. we know and sure we can use the v p global create as a fi of these critical resources, especially in terms of 74. the due for not just a capacity is i would say it's even got to do. we need to create us keeps a free meg. no. because and why not? it was a married guy that started the one china policy that has been honored by the entire planet now and the, the, it is now the bill. are they knighted states that has been support the email in directly, not directly movements. we the not by one s 75, but the platform of the the b b, not i'll court by one. the gaming defendants. again, this is an opportunity for the united states. the same china, which unfortunately will bring the bridge and it's closer to the bank of conflict. this is a clear that depart the, that the people of the taiwanese themselves that will, uh, some of the most of, uh, if there are escalations. uh, not only in the island but also uh in the region. uh,
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especially for example, the probably whenever you control products are being banned from chinese market like moving full time sold, salts have over 6 years and then other communities uh, exports with the mainland busing. but the problem is will the west or uh, the other uh, united states uh, allies market will, will they be the featured market uh for uh, those high ones products. um hm i, i don't see that coming that way. and uh, it is not about those big words and you'll probably, they go again to us. i believe it is very much about the daily living condition of the people of high one itself that really needs to pay attention to how, why and so for the same, that idea actually, st. bill, people create from you know, in east east asia. that's what i think it has the surfaces here until they get over to the middle east. so we have seen how us washington is going to maximize the value of both taiwan use, you know,
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overall some payment and some of china can see how the bulk of the democrats and freedom and allies from, from the, in the, of the southeast asia to issue we have seen that we knew better, you know, for the things that i've also seen, how renew i forcing pharma know across the board. and also, you know, the new capacity is by assisting us. that's what you refer to come visit somebody, you know, sort of go through a lot of montgomery. so how washington has confirmed this military conducted another strike on yelman's capital city. it comes as part of a us that f, a guns who the fighters, which have taken a but it is really link ships that have transiting the red sea. and the strike was conducted by the us us carney. he's in tomahawk lunch, but talk me solves and was a follow on action on a specific meal to target associated with strikes. taken on january 12th, designed to degrade the who, the stability to attack maritime vessels, including commercial vessels, the united states, nuclear has conducted the editor,
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icons and i, at both, i'm a day, let me a base and notify of son. i mean, we headed the lot of the explosion assume that it's with the one had been there yesterday. and as the united states, as the declared they would, they say that they have actually to get into a said a, they said me side and a does. instead of defense visit exactly what the united states has been doing throughout history, many has make it clear that the retaliation against the united states it will come and it will come on. they will actually had a united states, i knew ok, and they should not expect attack on both those zip eyes. i think after this 2nd, the attack on the m and you have any photos as they will do before. maybe they will be starting to get in a united states. i knew as to go to the ship because yeah, my now was on that i thought for them the united states, it does the united states actually who would support in and is it i in the genocide against the policy union and i need them on on the request is to allow food and
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medicine and to lift the located guns because they are going to do so this will get the money out of his book. but does it have they just said they that i talked, i guess is it any hit? is it a link table, any ship that headed as or is it a enclosed or related? is it i by any way, they will still continue on? they will come under attack. now this came out just out was offer a un security council remote, just a meeting that was cold by moscow. the russian ambassador claimed the tax was a new phase of western aggression in the middle east. and clearly a violation of international. a zillow is easiest to so the white house has stated that it resolves the rights, the resume, military action shouldn't receive any new threats. you don't need to be a clairvoyant to understand that the us will perceive these threats and determine its response to them. i would try really without the slightest regard for international law. this is yet more military aggression by the collective west,
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the latest and a long line of raids on the suffering middle east, that the pseudo legal justification give them by the white house does not stand up to any criticism. but it's on you. meanwhile, a former us deputy national security adviser, ben rhodes, the said that washington is actions in yemen could very well cause a domino effect in the region and bring other states right into the fight. once you do that, you potentially open a pen doors box because they are connected to a network of groups that could take action against united states in a rock that could escalate the war across the region in yemen, figured ultimately lead to a regional war. the draws in iran and so the stakes and this are enormous. well, while the u. k and us i'm positive said the attack sonya and well conducted and circled self defense. if it spark anger and america protest as accusing washington of woman growing a 74 percent of our federal logic goes to the military and the
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station. and the reason for a subsidy and other countries in the us tax payers are paying for the whole thing. weighs as tax payers must not paying taxes to the federal government. and then i'd say, because they are armed mass murder is united states, which makes the people of the united states mass murder is also well the secretary of state, just wrapping up as late as to the middle east. anthony blinking visited product. you join you a buffer lane on egypt to discuss the escalation between israel and gaza. and on the heels of washington solve a bowman's in the region. he suggested that us and doesn't want a wider funds that we were focused on making sure that the conflict on going on with guys. it doesn't spread to other places. so that's been our focus
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since since october 7th and it remains our focus today. that's makes it particularly important that we respond when we see something like the regression coming from the movies. we were talking with the rocky base independent politician who according to him, he says regional stability is not in america's interest. have a blessed a. it seems that the americans are searching for further hot spots to increase their prices and increase their influence in the region, attacking them and definitely enter a new phase. now, because the red sea will be on the safe for merchants and navigation and uh, shipping lines. and that is in itself, it's increasing widening the area of conflict in the middle east. so we can
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expect a lot of things that could happen may be in the goals, and the, and the other maybe other parts of the middle east. that the increased conflicts between the warring parties. cities around the world are holding demonstrations of solar directly with palestinians. as the war and gauze are a set to enter its 100 day on sunday. now, any of the indonesian capital up to call her, i should say, crowds already hitting the streets as best corresponding while this report a, c, y are now free policy. those are the magic says that the protest, this key thing during a profile plan this saturday morning inc, florida thousands of for testers have gathered in front of the american advocacy since 530 this morning. they show solidarity as to ford for the. busy first time in 2020. as we can see,
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our reading now. why are per minute? this is for humanity and for my consciousness because palestine remains under occupation by israel. this doesn't sit well with me because the palestinians are muslims. after all, it has already been a 100 days. when will this end? the victims are not only mothers, but also children, even toddlers. nobody's safe. we cannot accept this. why did? because i think the i came with my 2 children. i want to teach them the meaning of humanity by showing still modality with 5 as 9 also because the biggest victims in this will all the children by carry that feeling with me. this is a very painful feeding to the children. we love care of allison race, full victims, the bomb parity of these radio keep patient prayers are being delivered our in house line as well as not has
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the data on the sofa leads and do so to calls for now from the community. the people have also taken to the streets of south africa, the biggest city and i show support for the palestinians. protest as a holding sign is condemning israel's attacks on gaffer. john is the local and say the countries of pod hide history influenced the feelings towards the palestinian conflict. so in order to support the people of palestine, um when they say we are old pesticide, we are old pet of style and i think as a full now part of that state, it was only necessary for us to say we feel you. we see you and support,
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so that's why we're hitting it. i just think it's really important to stand and some of the other tea with the people of had this done and particularly the people of guys of it have in good about a 100 days of just torture. and we're very proud of our legal team that took them into to the i, c j. and sometimes it's easy to feel quite helpless, but are demonstrations and i'm sharing information about what's happening. sharing the truth is, is incredibly important. so that's why i came to i think the standard is today because i'm your support, my most me. but others in the genocide into foot off turnover moves. so yeah, mostly by some of my brothers and sisters. wow. you know and we put in for you we know where this is, don't you?
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it's gotta weight is really bombardments continued throughout the night. kidding, thousands of civilians all across the youngs by myself as being the main focus of the latest idea of operations and the videos you see here just well, you can see if you yourself showing destruction of an area that not long ago, israel have been calling us save starting within 2000000 displaced palestinians are simply struggling to survive. that back in october, the u. s. veto to un security council resolution on humanitarian pause is a blood shed continued until the end of november, when a truce between israel and her boss came into force. but look at the numbers right here. almost 2500 palestinians killed more than 4000 wounded during that period. but let's look a little bit further because civilian casualties skyrocketed in december, off of the sci fi ended and another you had resolution was guess. well, yeah, locked again by washington. the 2nd period which is on going so far claim, well that's $6000.00 lives plus $13000.00 wounded now as
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a quarter off the total death. poland. gotcha. that could have been easily avoided . frankly, if it wasn't for all the american, vito, it was that's beside truth. the decisions led to the depths of just over $6000.00 women and children, but un says 70 percent of old testing goals that go into those 2 categories. the un under secretary general, modern griffith has a raised concern over what are you refer to as the unfolding situation is staggering. 85 percent of the total population traumatized. i'm forced to see again and again as the bottoms of the messiah's rating down on the faces of residents. we are as close to the statements is really ministers regarding trans drink coverage to mass transit styles, civilians, and guys out to a certain countries these statements res, great concerns about the possible possible mass transfer of the protection of the
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palestinian population from the gaza strip. something that would be strictly prohibited, of course, on the international. we cannot allow this jamika size for the consequences of isaac configuration. as if this is not bad enough, would be unimaginable to a central gossip with the main hospital. and the region has been left without power and fuel for at least 24 hours. medical staff say they are struggling. the hospital is one of the very last functioning and gaza. we heard from a level john list offer another idea of attack on a most in the region of the news news you the the alamo ramos can gaza, is one of the oldest and palestine. and it reflects the rich history and heritage of the hosting and people so its architecture and sanctity is riley army, has attempted to seize the mosque in the past with some of that on this occasion. the most targeted and intense strife and my number of missiles reducing it to
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rumble, only the minarette to remain was towering above the ruins of to the roof of the mazda is broke. crushing down to us by the idea of forehead subtracted seen is really attempt to raise. i was standing, an hispanic heritage in gauze to make the people forget their own history. this is one in a series of systematic attacks targeting both churches and ancient mosques in various locations. the technology already must cause special significances. a gathering place for worship is during ramadan and other important religious occasions where palestinians would come to experience this unique spiritual atmosphere with a history that stretches back more than 4500 years. i'm already begun life as a pagan temple and before it was transformed into a church and then later and so imagine it played a crucial role in the religious life of cause. and many educational courses and lessons took place here which contributed significantly to the spread of as well the most school. so how's the central library is one of the oldest in any most established in the $99580.00. the library contains many priceless tablets that were essential for religious scholars, but unfortunately,
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it too was destroyed any idea of striking because all amare shot a similar site to many other important tasks and historical sites in regards to the manager of the home. and i'm off for that day just now as the is right, a war on god's that continues to claim so many protest in your lives. the idea for struggle to deal with an increasing number of friendly fire incidents. i'm at least bureau chief takes a good hard look of the devastating war that ace real estate agent in dallas or for a 4th months has claimed the lives of thousands of palestinian civilians, many of whom were just children. israel calls of the collateral damage, which it strives to minimize, but says it cannot to avoid completely. and these are not the only on one to the casualties of these really a sol, as the idea of kills dozens of its own people, and so called friendly fire. according to the idea of own recent numbers, every 6 is rarely soldier who died in guys lost their lives to accidents or were killed by their own troops, including an air strikes tank. shelling,
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old gunfire. hardy of soldiers conspire on the road as a result of simple, mistaken identity. this is a tragic and fairly common scenario in deadly urban warfare. likes the conflict on folding guys um, as a pre getting a general benson goober explains when you fight in. so call that area, a new fi, please note the one you will need much more than one unit. so you cannot fight this one. you will need to go inside because then you have on the side of both the, all the only dates open. we'll till i till 5, the fuel unit bill, i'm old under the same. the same for mendel equals here. we have one for middle of the in the other 5, you have another 4 member, and we have to find out exactly what each unit is located. enjoying the fight. when cecil going and safe the enemy, you don't know exactly on the meet the well every soldier the don't know exactly who ville, shooting in on the right place of russell thing on the,
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on the other office. does this happen when the troops attack or when they fire back the little funds on here? so, because you'll see this on the shopping for new, the photos and something unusual because you see someone in the window is the following, the, to i to show the new type them be the self wonderful. but meanwhile, the order eventually says, is very clear and simple. even though it is noteworthy, a little chilton, which raises the question of how a friendly fire incident can occur at all. the most shocking case happened in the december when the idea of killed three's rarely hostages. the people, it declares it is fighting to save during combat and gas. the men took off their shirts to show they were an armed fly. one of them was waving a white flag. the side knocked me all the command. we'll. i'm not sure thing on someone we flights labeled them all tilting of someone, the funeral give up no tilting on someone that they could sell them. but even
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though the end of the day, it happened is a lack of time, or rather a lack of understanding that you have to make sure that someone you are going to hate is a friend. as much as a subject and take a few seconds to think and it is a bit more patient. it oil is. and we have to, to, i do as much as we can to teach them and to find in new ways to eliminate the, the last time we met venturing a place that looks a lot like guys on only days. and that sailing base is a unique idea of facilities for urban warfare training. the site is designed to resemble a palestinian desert town by con units sold, kansas city. this is ways rarely troops prepare for the house to house fighting. they have been engaging in since the idea of ground operations. it's often gazda really the only to say the enemy. so we want to make sure that that is off. i think they think of all that. so he's selling so some that we know how you're dealing
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with that window. he's selling salt on that billing. always the guy that sold your fuel for the all the enemy, you're sold a lot of. so if you'll practice this enough, you would be ready to defend the pro 5 that you've been with those dilemma. and the file will involve, even if a friendly fire incident results in death. it is generally not considered a criminal offense. i feel a little knowledge of the klein. it's unfortunately both of them will what it is. it's not. it's also gonna be the mistake for sure. it's not the client is not benson gruber says, every friendly fire incident shouldn't be investigated, but mainly to figure out how to prevent it from happening as often in future. for now, it appears that the new one in these really army will be punished for these deadly mistakes. re functionality from jerusalem. the us to state development has confirmed the death of
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a chill in american john list who was in ukrainian and custody. because all the earlier i was 55, his father claims his son was tortured to death in prison for simply criticizing the ukrainian president. so that's i cannot accept the way my son has died. he was tortured, extorted incommunicado for 8 months, and 11 days, and the us embassy did nothing to help my son. the responsibility of this tragedy is the dictator zelinski with the concurrence of a senile american president, joe biden. gonzalo was a very colorful character, very outspoken, and he had a very distinct style. now, let's just say anybody following on twitter, he had a big twitter following most of the uh, the dissenting sites on social media, twitter, youtube. telegram would know the name comes out of there and he was almost unique and that he was on the last dissenting voices. certainly foreign voices in that ukraine. why it was near uh a high boss. yeah. well essentially,
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i think it was because he was based in the car called a predominantly russian city, quite eastwood's in, in ukraine. and he had continued to broadcast from within the past calls. he'd been threatened, of course, but he had persisted and his content to become ever more critical of you find the bloodthirsty monitors, the temperature. i'm telling you right now in the aftermath of this and the s b, you do ukrainian, the secret service. if you like, with a very fear some reputation, they came calling a guns dollars address. they found out where he was, they arrested him. he uh, went through here, he faced the trial days. now it was during this period of house arrest if you liked that, he was informed that the outcome of this may not go the way. he thought that the americans weren't going to help him. that this american citizenship, which he may have taught and not easily was going to protect him in ukraine on his high profile as well. a lot of people following him. but that wasn't the case. he was informed. so we decided to prescribe to get out of you fine. he made
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a break for the whole gary and border. unfortunately, he was detained, but you'd finance. and this is where his troubles really began. he was been imprisoned and it was from the prison that he began to give these revelations of extortion. and i'm terribly brutal at treatment. i've taken a basic in my time, so show it how it like health, but it was manageable. but then at 1.2 folks held my head and used to to speak to scratch the whites of my left died while asking me if i could still read. if i had just one, go to correct rabid my 1st cell, but it wasn't too bad. the west stretch was a my 4th cell from 1 pm on june the 21st until 7 pm. the next day 30. i was always beaten and sleep deprived my alms, twisted the wrong way around the shoulders in germany beaten. pretty bad. as luck would have it 2 days later, when the bruising was in full bloom, a senior guard came to give me a wellness check. this was lightly because of the chilean embassies efforts the last time as he called me 3 times, but gave me nothing but support. and the bromide is the us outraged at the desk
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of one of its own citizens in ukrainian cost. the items all over the years a place had been highlighted to the us state department on many occasions. they were well aware of what has happened. he had previously said that it was highly unlikely that the united states would exchange him, that he's actually 7, victoria newland, a hated his goals and that it was uh uh, fonts, people to suggest that he would be rescued or exchange in exchange for a i know the detainee on the, on the russian slash you for any inside that that was all likely to happen. now we know that as far back in august the 23 that matthew miller, the state department spokesman, was well aware of this. and this is for you all for the exchange when he's asked about comes out on the run some questions to put 3 via greys on report of the him cause grave about the whole situation regarding gonzales, we learned last night through a series of tweets by him that he had been tortured in the print in prison. if this
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is true, given the state department knew of his arrest and his detention. how has this been allowed to occur? we have a us citizen being arrest being detained, and perhaps tortured in the prison of one of our strongest allies. well, you, you lost me with the perhaps. and if this is true, i think i'd want to verify those reports before i commented on in some ways more questions than answers. you know, what goes out to stay in, in the halls, in the midst of this, a brutal crack down on free speech. gonzalo, that was very brave and some would say no evenly, still that challenging the regime. and it seems he's taking a big risk and maybe pay the price for the well, we put the story up for debate with legal and media analyst line or having us, you know, what's fascinating is the selective interest as to who is arrested. who's that remembers it? was a basketball player, whitney grind arrest here, russia for allegedly had violated drug laws. it was the end of the world here.
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we've got together by can people, is that who ready? greiner? who's that? but for some reason, that was that disc after a to the attention how, how could they not bending over backwards to return immediately or to help the the citizen of a country who's that? who's not that a major allied, probably the all and anyway, i don't know, i have no idea why. why is he and of such disinterest? could he be a part of this since he was at and t ukrainian or, or pro ration on a put an apologist. who knows? remember that best, you know, we go through these things here where if you think the wrong thing, we hate you or your vaccination, your your bread deny or are you an anti back, sir? are you what you get a new, are you a conspiracy theorist is that is, are you are, i mean are you are russo file if you pick the wrong sign and you're in front of the wrong crowd. they will dismiss.


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