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tv   News  RT  January 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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the, the we were focused on making sure that the complex ongoing now goes, it doesn't spread, washington strikes again her 2nd day of mess, all the solve, those written down on the admin. but read this stance, grows pace side as locals. highlight america's motivation to 54 percent of our federal logic goes to the military and the website is ation mass protests you brought to across the world installed a diety with palestine did not ease roll and the balance on the eve of $100.00 days of war and gas it quiet taiwan is running pa to wait is the presidential election with just 40 percent of the vote aging? so as a result, definitely that presented the mainstream opinion of taiwanese,
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the route would consider the coverage of the latest developments with around the world . welcome to our attention, nationals. hi a michael quail with the updates of south now. yeah, man comes under attack again on us and a u. k. a reports coming in right now say enable babies in the western part of the country's being targeted by the coalition. it comes on the heels of on overnighted striker, the admins capital was part of the us led the effort against the fight is which of taking a much ease ready link ships trusting the red sea of the strike was conducted by the us us carney. he's in tomahawk lunch, but talk me solves and was a follow on action on a specific military target associated with strikes. taken on january 12th, designed to degrade the who, the stability to attract maritime vessels,
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including commercial vessels in the nightstand, new k as conducted editor icons. and i add booth, i'm a day, let me a base and notice else, and i the, i mean, we headed the lot of the explosion. assume that a to the one had been the yesterday. and as the united states, as the ad declare to deal with, they say that they have actually, to get into a said a, they said me side at 8 does, instead of defense does exactly what the united states has been doing throughout history. many has make it clear that the retaliation against the united states, it will come and it will come on. they will actually had a united states new. okay. and they should not expect attack on bought the zip i used. i think after this 2nd, the attack on the m, and you have any folders as they wouldn't be before. maybe they wouldn't beat start targeting and united states and u. s. the motor said ship because the m a now is on that. i thought for them the united states, it does the united states actually who would support in, in,
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in the genocide against the policy union. and many of the month on the request is to allow food and medicine and to lift the relocate against. because the, if they are going to do so this will get the uh, the menu item you spoke, but does it have said yesterday that i talked, i guess is that any ship? is it a link table, any ship that is headed towards, is it a enclosed or related to is it i by any way they will still continue on? they will come under attack a lot. this came just hours after a un security council, the burdens and meeting cold by moscow, the russian and back to the claims that the attacks were a new phase of western aggression in the middle east. and clearly, a validation of international village is easiest to so the white house has stated that it resolves the rights, the resume, military action should have received any new threat. you don't need to be a clairvoyant to understand that the us will perceive these threats and determine
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it's response to the mom to try really without the slight disregard for international law. this is yet more military aggression by the collective west, the latest and a long line of raids on the suffering middle east, that the pseudo legal justification give them by the white house does not stand up to any criticism. but it's been a while from a us deputy national security advisor band road said that washington's actions and yet men could cost a domino effect in the region and bring other states into the fight. once you do that, you potentially open a pen drawers box because they are connected to a network of groups that could take action against united states in a rock that could escalate the war across the region. yeah. and they could ultimately lead to a regional war. the draws in iran and so the stakes and this are enormous. now while the u. k. and the us in bassett, i said that would be a tax on the admin. were conducted in so called self defense, the bombing sponsor and our speech side, where protest as duke a month, washington's interest,
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the 74 percent of our federal logic goes to the military. and the website is ation . and the reason the i'm in other countries in the us tax payers are paying for the whole thing, weighs as tax payers must not paying taxes to the federal government of the united states because they are armed. mass. murder is united states, which makes the people of the united states mass murder is also the us back into a space has wrapped top is latest to around the middle east end of the blanket and visited to key jordan that the u. a. e. bahrain and egypt to discuss the escalation between gather and he's, well, all these deals all the washington solve the bombs in the region. you suggested the us doesn't want to why the conflict. we were focused on making sure that the
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conflict ongoing. our guys, it doesn't spread to other places. so that's been our focus since since october 7th and it remains our focus today. that's makes it particularly important that we respond when we see something like the regression coming from the booth. these are to contribute to our, to our read joining to my colleague where we associate in the studio to discuss the escalation in the region. or even us taking a lead role in u. k is, is um, being the laugh dog in this case and going along. unfortunately, what you're seeing is not just a violation of international law. it's a violation of constitutional law. the us president abiding administration, did not ask permission from washington from the congress which is required under um, article one and an under they are supposed to ask for permission and to go to war with another nation. this is blatant, you know,
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a violation of that. and you have several members of congress on both sides of the aisles complaining about it. so you have a real risk developing. but of course, this was the plan, rory, they planned all along to, to start this conflict with human because what are they trying to do? they're trying to a, gone around. they're trying to start a hot war with iran. i said this in october, i'm saying it to you now. anthony, blinking is, is all right line to the camera when he says that they're not looking for why the reason why they're absolutely are looking for lighter regional war and they're doing it, aren't they? and it's, it's stoking up quite a bit of fires. it's always the same place is when it comes to hot spots around the world. i wish people would just wake up to the fact that you've always got the same culprits. by the way, you know, um the u. k. and united states bombing. yep. and they, you know, they, they described as an active self defense. i mean, hold on a 2nd, america has not been attacked here, but the territory of the u. k. has not been attacks here just like they also say,
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oh, they're trying to save democracy. they're not trying to save anything. they're not trying to help anything. they're basically justifying a trillion dollar defense budget. what this is going to do is this is also upsetting the saudis, saudis put out a statement telling me us to back off. and we had gotten through as you know, just a few years ago with a civil war in the same region. so yes, this is about to escalate to other countries getting involved besides the u. k. just being the laptop for us. the sunday will mark $100.00 days since the start of results war and gather protest. as across the world i've taken to the streets, the voice desk support for palestine in the u. k. and soft korea. thousands of taken to the streets, holding policy in flags and banners, for just as a london condemned these rules a tax on the civilians of gaza. the tactics of the transpose increased patiently. evils and protest i
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showed the basic goal is to get to hear that well this, this thing and the world is purchased about what's going on. a government needs to recognize that what is happening and does that. these are the sites. that's a goal for an immediate i'm permanency. so i think in used to come it's going to be one the a lot of people are kicking themselves and saying we should have been on the right side of history back then. so i, quite frankly want to be on the right side of history. now, in the indonesian capital people flocked to the center. so they said the holding policy in slacks, thousands of people were hot, had chanting ceasefire. now in the streets of jakarta, at over and africa pull, policy and activist made their voices heard into my jury and capital of buddha, were heard from a local reporter. i have seen the i'm of the process here in apple job. this is the top top. oh, they've got demonstration globally, but that's with the plan by members of the as lovely movements. uh,
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that's not popularly shy. so what they are doing here right now is um my ration of the 100 green screen, the primary sponsor between israel and the mouse provided. and guys up, this is palmer, i'm not a global. i'm someone by members of the, of the or the most of the members to show this totally dire to the people of all of these demonstrations straight straight up to your us today. but i'm gonna do the same, deb hughes, or you can hear what the top right behind me just a death for the us the use of calling for the be based on solve the problem in jobs. so baltic as well. it's a message that is becoming loud and clear out by the day. i've put this that's condemned these wells, a tax on gas. so the african presidents, the river on my pulls that says his country remains committed to sell the diary to
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with the policy and people just as it was a decade, decades ago. pardon them in the strongest terms? they are poorly floor. tom and joe, north side of the people of palestine, that is being perpetrated in garza. and there was band, nelson mandela, afraid it must be, be glad that our own freedom installed un freaking is incomplete. without the freedom all palestinians encumbered dot the remains prove. even today and now 2 guys away, easily, bombardments continued throughout the night, killing thousands of civilians across the in case of the south has been the main focus of the idea of operations. recently video shows the destruction of an area that no longer go had been deemed the safe place to find refuge for more than
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2000000, displaced by the cdn, just simply struggling to survive that. now back in october, the us vito, the un security council resolution 1992 and pauses, and the bloodshed continued on till the end of november when a choose between ease within him, i came into 4th, almost 2005 for the palestinians were killed. and more than $4000.00 wounded during that period. let's take a look for the civilian casualties. power located in december after the seas fly ended and another un resolution was blocked by washington of a 2nd period, which is ongoing, has so far claimed more than $6000.00 lives, plus $15000.00. when did that? that's a quarter of the total desk told and gather that could have been avoided if it wasn't for our us vito's. now let's pick a look at all of these other addition let to the depths of just over 6000 women and
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children with the you and reporting that about 70000 or 70 percent of all debts in gaza. fall into these 2 categories of the u. n. on the 2nd to general modern griffith is concerned about all these. a staggering 85 percent of the total population traumatized and forced to again and again as the phones. 2 and the messiah's trading down on this faces of residents. we are as close to statements as rainy munificence regarding trans drink coverage to mass transfers, civilians, guys, up to it said countries these statements res, great concerns about the possible possible mass of the protection of the palestinian population from the gaza strip. something that would be strictly prohibitive, of course,
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on the international. we can't allow this jamika size for the consequences of isaac configuration as if this is not bad enough would be unimaginable in solving gaza and the legs ease really easily. s blank on the residential building and ross has left 14 people dead, including a 2 year old go. several of the one that were rushed to a local hospital. the, according to the inc, today's health ministry, 135 policy names have been killed and hundreds more wounded in the past 24 hours. and that has brought the grin toll fitness. the start of the war in october to over $23000.00 killed. and $60000.00 wounded bodies lined up and covered locals gathered to pay respects to their loved ones. and many of those
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killed for women and children. locals lashed out against the unjust killings. i got another letter, love went through this little girl do to them. she died hungry with bread in her hand. we tried to remove the bread from her hand, but it was held tight. she part of the resistance. is this the objective of his really p a mitten? yahoo! vist is the resistance they are targeting then guys just children of the we have been experiencing injustice since 1948 until today. one of nobody's stands with us . so, but not the united nations, nor the international court, or anyone else. we think south africa, which is the only side which stands with us. we hope he's religious judge, don't his crimes against the hosting and people have been falsely and a according to palestinian health. if any 3 step does dix just imagine there are being 160 people killed and more than 100, others have been and george during ever strikes humble bod months,
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all the various spots of the gaza strip, including the rough off city and the south of gaza where when was done 1300000 follow sentience, have been displaced recently from different spots and the major larry on the northern gauze, us to read and garza city and rough last city l. and there have been reports about that killing golf. 10 palestinians, including there's a place to residential, to the east of the city, to the east of profile and other parts like how do you and us, which is near by near to drop off. and the side of guys us to rep. there have been a strikes of or a few homes and which people have been killed. also a garza and, and durable off down there i've been and is really are my presence and the think of the leaving of, of days where alien forces around that a road that leads to that locks are marked as hospital in major area. and then some
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homes have been reportedly have been reportedly had by the is what ever strikes around the locks almost as a hospital itself, which had neglect recipient cost. it's been applies to into blogs and do documents because of that an accessibility tool. a few of that is more needed for the hosted with us. the high ones willing potty candidate has won the presidential election after whitting 40 percent of the ballot. the opposition has conceded defeat, after lighting to receive nearly a 1000000 votes more, but they didn't get assessed that the ruling party does not represent the power these people as it got the minority of votes compared to the combined opposition. the results of the 2 elections in taiwan this time showed that the democratic progressive party does not represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. i want this china state one earlier lighting tab delivered his 1st post victory
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remarks and took a swipe of the mainland. so mean, so we're telling the international community that between democracy and authoritarianism, we will stand on the side of democracy. taiwan will continue to walk side by side with democracies from around the world and seem like the looks like is the issue in to when he is the ruling party candidates. and the key has been produced right? um, for a uh, for independence as in a lease, retard, totally. but just before the election, he has, um, kind of sidetracked a little bit and he said, well, we tie one does not need to declare independence because we're already the republic of china pipelines is already in india, back and independent already so. so i don't think is the election will fundamentally change the equation. basically, we're going to have the same ruling party that will tie one for the last 8 years
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and they're going to continue the same policy as being the apply in us foxy, east asia. this is why the us politicians are visiting by one frequently. so apple fords for china point of view, the tie one issue is really an issue between china and united states. i mean the, the local election. i'll try why is mostly still about bread and butter issues. on the ground, i mean, most of the time when use today, they're facing with high inflation, stagnant wages, you know, all the problem the using most of the developing world are facing. and then those are the things that most, they're most mostly concerned about. i mean, most people are not actually concerned about a new patient on the mainland china any time soon because you know, they're kinda used to the pension that existed between across the pilots ready for the last 70 years. while enjoying the presidential victory, the ruling party has suffered losses in the legislative res. earlier were heard
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from international relations and political analyst at nelson wong about while the election results mean for china and the us, the domestic thinking of china, actually water in the meantime, we have notice that the uh, a top different matt finch right now uh is currently in washington, dc and having a lot of meetings conducting a lot of meetings, both in new york and now we. busy also sending out a very clear message to the us government and to the public as well, but particularly to the us government and the, the june, the us government to, to stick to the one china policy, which the us government has done. actually the us department has confirmed the death of virginia and american journalist who was in
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the ukranian custody goes on the lira was 55, his father claims his son was touch it to death in prison for criticizing president zelinski that i cannot accept the way my son has died, he was tortured, extorted incommunicado for 8 months and 11 days, and the us embassy did nothing to help my son. the responsibility of this tragedy is the dictator zelinski with the concurrence of a senile american president joe biden. gonzalo was a very colorful character, very outspoken, he had a very distinct style, and i just say anybody following on pretty big twitter following most of the uh, the dissenting sites on social media, twitter, youtube, tell around, would know the name comes out of there. and he was almost unique and that he was on the last dissenting voices. certainly foreign voices in, at ukraine. why it was near a high boss? yeah. well essentially i think it was, but because he was based in the car calls
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a predominantly russian city quite eastwards. it in ukraine. and he continued to broadcast from within her halls. even threatened, of course, but he had persisted and his content to become ever more critical of you find the bloodthirsty murderers. i'm telling you right now in the aftermath of this and the, you do ukrainian, the secret service, if you like, with a very fear some reputation, they came calling it gonzalez address. they found out where he was, they arrested him. he, uh, went through here. he faced the trial days. now it was during this period of house arrest if you liked that, he was informed that the outcome of this may not go the way. he thought that the americans weren't going to help them. that this american citizenship, which he may have taught them no easily, was going to protect him in ukraine on his high profile as well. a lot of people following him, but that wasn't the case. he was informed, so he decided to try to get out of you fine. he made a break for the whole gary and border. unfortunately, he was detained,
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but you'd finance. and this is where his troubles really began. he was been imprisoned and it was from the prison that he began to give these revelations of extortion. and, and i'm terribly brutal uh, treatment taking a basic in my time. so show it how it like helps, but it was manageable. but then at 1.2 folks held my head and used it to speak to scratch the whites of my left eye while asking me if i could still read. if i had just one, go to correct rabid my 1st cell, but it wasn't too bad. the west stretch was a my full of cell from 1 pm on june the 21st until 7 pm. the next day 30. i was always beaten and sleep deprived my alms, twisted the wrong way around the shoulders in germany beaten pretty bad. as luck would have a 2 days later, when the bruising was in full bloom, a senior god came to give me a wellness check. this was like me because of the chilean embassies efforts the last time as he called me 3 times, but gave me nothing but support. and the bromide is the us outraged at the desk
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of one of its own citizens in ukrainian cost. the items all over the years, a place had been highlighted to the us state department on many occasions. they were well aware of what has happened. he had previously said that it was highly unlikely that the united states could exchange him, that he actually 7, victoria newland hated his goals and that it was uh uh, fonts, people to suggest that he would be rescued or exchange exchange for a i know the detainee on the, on the russian slash you for any inside that that was all likely to happen. now we know that as far back in august the 23 that matthew miller, the state department spokesman, was well aware of this. i guess if i you all for the exchange, when he's asked about comes out on the run some questions to put 3 by grades on report or the him cause grave about the whole situation. regarding gonzalez, we learned last night through a series of tweets by him that he had been tortured in the print in prison. if this is true,
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given the state department knew of his arrest and his detention. how has this been allowed to occur? we haven't us citizen being arrest being detained and perhaps tortured in the prison of one of our strongest allies. well, you, you lost me with the perhaps. and if this is true, i think i'd want to verify those reports before i commented on in some ways more questions than answers. you know, what it goes out to stay in, in the halls, in the midst of this, a brutal crack down on free speech. gonzalo, that was very brave and so much say know easily still that challenging the regime and it seems he's taking a big risk and maybe pay the price for the i will put the story up for the page with legal and media and the less loud l have a less than the best you know, what's fascinating is the selective interest as to who is arrested, who is that remembers? it was a basketball player. whitney, why and the rest of the russia for originally had violated drug lord. it was the end of the world here we've got together by can people is that who ready?
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greiner, who is that? but for some reason, that was that disc after he did the attention. how, how could they not thinking over backwards to return immediately or to help the the citizen of a country who's that was not that a major? well, i probably the only, anyway, i don't know. i have no idea why. why is he and of such disinterest? could he be a part of this since he was at and t ukrainian or, or pro ration on a, put an apologist. who knows? remember that best, you know, we go through these things here where if you think the wrong thing, we hate you, are you are a vaccination your you deny or are you an anti back, sir? are you what? you get a new, are you a conspiracy theorist is that is, are you a robert or you are russo file if you pick the wrong sign and you're in front of the wrong crowd. they will dismiss you for either being baseless. if however,
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you get it right, if you happen to get the right crowd, right victim and the right argument, then you're a hero and you will be met with a claim. it should be going on forever. it's not all a double standard is like a triple state. russia is continuing to deliver on a promise made last year. 25000 tons of great invested in for the central african republic is re supporting kenner roland to unload its goods. the other c, a r is among 6 african states that are also in line to receive free russian grain. they include booking of fi, so symbolically, molly somalia and every time you heard from me is jamari twice on the russian. the on are a consul in twilight to witness the on moody. definitely not who did setting up, but i thought that we are now in the ship carries green for the central african republic. this is a gift from russia for the central african republic. these gifts arrived a little late because it was announced 26 days ago, and that they were in
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a port. we waited a long time in for various reasons. we didn't know we were getting it. we're unloading it today after the $26.00 days. normally the best that the, another ship carrying more ross and aid has also arrived the mozambique on way too is in bob bowie. the country is permanent secretary of lands and advocates, a set of the front lines as a partial vulnerable communities. i believe doesn't exist any significant amounts of laser. and so this, if it lays out which is coming in is very, very crucial for our production for the people are not able communities that fit lazy is very, very inductive for full window each. for example, we need a 15000 metric tons for the presidential programs. so visa mound, which is come in easy now for
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a li tool tool tool or use which we know we for our present jo programs. so it's quite a significant, it is quite impactful when we look at production that different plays into so it will be able to do all of a say to 5000. that is, so flint, which is very, very, very significant in terms ofa production that can be done using that to fit laser is a alluded to india as involved with desmond, progress, significant amounts will fit laser. so having this donation is really critical, india is appreciated by the some baldwin funding community. and i see all the this hour, but sure to get more stories at the top of the see to get the
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i'm action or times here. welcome back to going underground broadcast to go around the world from the middle east on the thomas, just as we all know, millions killed during the 1st world war. the irony of western powers refusing to support disease 5 in palestine after the killing of over $10000.00 in the besieged cause and strip is clear. demonstrations are ongoing today all around the world against nature, nation leaders, funding this military and who continue to dismiss please from not just be un secretary general, but agencies, human rights lawyers and the people started golly as forward against imperial was all his life. no less to play, ride tv and film produce the historian friend of the late john lennon and celebrated in the rolling stones as street fighting. many joins be from london. it's wet tens of.


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