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tv   Documentary  RT  January 13, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EST

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because at one time it was a married guy that started the one time to buy the c that has been honored by the enviro planet. no. and yet it is now, are they knighted states that has been supporting the in directly, not directly more minutes, we'd be in that by one us 75, but the platform of the b b, b. no, of course i want to gain independence. again, this is an opportunity for the united states, the same china, which unfortunately will bring the bridge of closer to the brink of conflict. unfortunately, for the philippines, this election seemed by one is paying for the boss because of the city of the b. b may be a step towards the war and the which will involve us because unfortunately, our president that has allowed the americans to use our military bases, which are very, very close, figuratively stores throw away one by one. so what, what do you assess now? is that the, that they one issue obviously will become a proxy wire between china and the united states. and because we are the most proximate neighborhood by one. and because of the i got 3 meant that we have
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entered into with united states. this could mean the water for the philippines as well, and lost the update this hour. you can get more details on our t does come have suddenly see you again in about 30 minutes. the under dozens of different breed techs laurel, more non governmental organizations began to spring up in russia. the incumbent us some passages to russia. like look, full admitted to america, finance, opposition forces and all the countries and also spread democracy allows me to democracy, ideas with senior democrat. you see if those do both the front of the media have a good idea that the feel about shipping talk about the vision comes up a bit because of these this carpet the it's not because that's not standards. probably not unless i don't do in gore. i missed the 1st one that even though it's
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a nicholas will definitely one of the of this is one of the largest and most well known organizations conducting such activities as the us agency for international development. and us said, we are proud to stand by the ukranian people to strengthen their democracy and sustain their economy as they defend their homeland, the usaa like america's political. it eats in general attributes bull countries as a 3rd world. ukraine is an example seen though by the whole world of what the uncontrolled activities of american n g o as late to move the positive because of value. so i assume i use looking at what i see the 1st year. why did you start looking for? i'm going to pull it up. what is, what do i do to get the good? good. good guys. you don't use the to the storage
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facility. it's in your data against. look at the feelings you, it's go, the until recently, these threats went on, noticed. he is a short list of the largest and most influential non profits, a non governmental organizations that we're operating in russia, freedom house, transparency international, human rights watch, foundations of soros, ford. henry jackson, macarthur's, and dozens of smaller companies. no need for the c i a to be physically in russia. everything the department did regards ideological sabotage. information was in financing all positions. costs to these organizations
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now. gonzales still not just the amount of finances bios up even us down against the last it's sun is up brand. if you have done avenue it, what i see for those that, that i bought the fil a stitch and go push this for to do it. and this with the tech shows up with the phone. the almost all of me will post 33. yes there, i know, i think of the supervisors must get or why took up to a clue to them, but it was cruelty, but it moved thumbs up, but i will. i will give it to you. basically. i see it when you deal with most time . don't you to keep the volume on the study, i should say the motion is going to screw us when i see of those now progress issues and discuss the next. so that stuff i'm not gonna assume you does not preclude what's going to be a number. i was just ridiculous, just let me know. just to send the thing over, you get to get people difficult. done school concerts to distort the piece of land with the source of the 1030 a little bit. they have the same and g o directory is sponsored by the british
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consulate is the largest and most active center of support the sexual minorities in russia. and it was a bridge issue, launched a campaign in the capital of the url. the site is bridge funded. n g o is office was in the center of the toad input. within walking distance of both the governor's resident's and city. whole minority support expanded in full force of the richard dwell became console general in the touring blood in 2019. before that he was in courteous done from where he left shortly before the riots upon taking office. the console personally promoted the famous british of any scholarship to local students. for
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fine is they raised the bridge give thousands of pounds to young russian leaders. but why does the u. k, do this? the 7 in unites leaders for more than 160 countries. seventy's over 50000 strong alumni network includes 19 current and former head of state or government. as you progress and
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develop with new perspectives and purpose. there are many ways to stay connected with and give back to show the name that you can a and the global community to the east and west flow of the list today. when you're moving to diligence that you need to determine what is couple of assessing your students, you wanna almost at the need to use this just losing it a little bit further than farm up. so the more deposition, i'm not sure how you doing that. you don't like discussing with you what, but it is clear through the spirit. this is a hit that one of the conditions with joining the shooting program speaks for itself off to studying. scholars must assume high positions in the countries. here's a list of some of shavings of russian graduates. among them, employees of government agencies, banks, embassies, opposition journalists, and employees of foreign companies, including amnesty international n g, a facebook band in russia, the society general bank dunston young. having
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graduated and signed non disclosure documents. scholars returned to russia and us sent to meet often with 2 rates as they are often just as a split up files. but each uh, we definitely do any of the sports. it was a bit about what the 30th of course i can look forward to give you the google except for the new uh what i see. what, uh, what i should most of the weight is treated of i need um, does i call the to delegate the for the more than that that was the best buy these, these come off of this list. do you mind if the you do well, the x console and you can turn in book personally deals with promising young people in spring 2023. he was dismissed due to the failure of the shifting program and it'd been an extremely successful project before. so what went wrong? does that mean? should i do you guys never was neck?
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i think of those not up with that is there's got i still declared is there communion sponsor of it that kind of wish it would display up to base it? you would have been protested for that stuff on as originally calling your cell and book a new page. and i share this to you by, as the brand comes up in the goals throughout the rest of those on line you. the main task of any calling noise is to educate the loyal who leads the anglo saxons have practiced this technique for centuries. even though we could do them work even us any longer, loopy as well. and, you know, kind of josh sort of made some up, you know, so we speak with you on your computer, which, you know, review and note as well as here's the come into the city. so it will be a very good you can look, look at a new quote and it is good. it's key of leslie was to the largest and most famous local universe state. the virus hills in your old federal university hosted foreign delegations, diplomats, and the employees of west and concerts. non stop of all the special operations.
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again, the real shipping is do like you to be they to what we support the euro state university. maybe for the last 15 years, classes don't pay for mail or use it as a soft tissue. even the human 5th club will continue to truly not send this to me of the palace, the beautiful material it says when you, unless you need the full show, us get the nickel would show us. what you mean is the signal disclosure is too much, was that that was go, i also knew that i needed them when you sent us the bill this month for a month to meet or square feet. i mean, you're still young video, so most people still get the last name was when it comes in us a significant people don't want to pull stuff gonna, you know, we'll probably, yeah. would you let me use the euro says approved test region with notes on the account of it, same as native virus, hilton, because of this impose nature of unruly frosted and people. that's an elegant
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legend, but the truth is much simpler. yeah, because we're in the, is an industrial call. no powerful russian transport hub. being working for you. just wondering if 0, besides, you mean the hooting support the skip of central stanley. the doors do most of them. will the syllables look like they're more of them. just to the instance, pretty different team will be best critical illness. the media cameron's gonna be, i think, throughout, clearly, greeves you will have the most delicate them that the guard use, the doors to move. it was reading into the shape is pretty usually for me. you them look like i'm be sure to new it's going to even cause chrome would think of fuels mation. i can look at that. it's listed on there. you know, i think something we need to screw this compared to the wisdom limley. and we mentioned that when you get to the in book is the center of metrology, engineering and the military industrial complex connected by the trans siberian
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runaway and 6 federal highways. a city with good universities that attract many young people that the by just a couple of issues of the team of okay it's, i mean, it comes getting funding source here and your presume are to city and then you still can use every single because west of all the you that you will, but usually typically the way it again these kids virginia police report is to know what are the adjustments to the folk of a couple of interest. but if you could use them as well with using your pms line, you core dice, credit score because uh you mean, so i figured i should do a competitor with slugging carpets told me what i was gonna probably get the short mention of the whole chip a general seem to virginia is, are sitting at us, he's a junior, we're all good. i seen the thing at the
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there's many problems in u. s. society now that they're facing because of the, their model is again, it's not able to fulfill the expectations of people guessing growth in, in, in, in homelessness, us and growth in poverty. this is a lot of traffic ations on the people who say so that they need to find a way to, to vote for, you know, solving their own problems and not trying to police the world. the records are in books and g o's funds in foreign country. let's find the dog and do they have access to young people? one society band on russian soil managed to introduce its educational programs. this is a business breakfast function we use of the euro branch of the memorial and g o o.
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with the representatives of the swedish foreign ministry, the meeting was shuttled on the eve of the world cup. it was thought that intelligence vigilance would be slack, and no one would notice. the swedish delegation constituted rabbits were interested in the state of n. giosel and civil society in the region. in 2021. and the moral and g o zero's branch mixed up with germany's consort general, much highest cruise level of interest. which janetta telling you about is still on board. the new shows that she started please, please to,
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to proceed with the cd to start to see in the news the easy. so there is as long as you actually do you just memorial. despite the court's decision, isn't planning to continue. its activities will work under different names. we designate ourselves as the league of historical and local lore of the urals, people and destiny's, sincerely volunteer program coordinator bureau memorial. christina haka adopting to modern circumstances just a year ago. our small informal group called itself the association of historical regional studies of the urals, is memorial and its numerous nationwide branches were doing good looks that he thinks the question why wasn't done with british money. take a look at these numbers. the table, which we'll talk about show today shows organizations that from 2018 to 2023 was a carry out some of us if activities on russian territory and
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a number of areas. ecology, science, media, socio political, and human rights activities. memorial, according to this document, was 1st advocated 555000 pounds. a 1000000 pounds later. memorial speculates on the topic of political repressions distorts historical memory, including that of the great patry. i'll take war and create a false image of the us as a, as a terrorist states said the state prosecutor during the court case on memorials. liquidation. it was a robust process. and then head of the most go helsinki group, lead me to, i think, see of a spoke in the n g o defense. at one of the events she said she would have been a week to trim. you should change or change she has to is the use of whether she be she has been a little mattress that i knew would be the extent of
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a sincerely believed that all the best in russia would come from the west in these memorial brothers and homes. another legendary n g a, the most go helsinki group. they often present it to us. the country's 1st human rights group had more precisely the 1st human rights activists to use human rights for political purposes. less and yet jim, can i change history jason? 3 you so we're going in circles name and number to move to the original shipment, which in previous little since 79. and it was the 1st human rights organization in russia to come out open to the and supportive sexual minorities in 2009 with the russian l. g b team network. it prepared reports on the situation of lesbians gays, by 6 shows and transgender people in the russian federation. and mr. stein, even jim. okay, just curious that lloyd you provide me good. so that would mean that exceed of
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a heading, american passports. the i lady managed to stay in touch with the russian president and at the same time, never refuse, generous foreign funding. the european commission because of that and source foundations the already familiar national endowment for democracy in the us agency for international development. these enemies of russia were concerned about the development of democracy and protection of human rights in the country. and they were willing to pay handsomely for these things. this level of a freedom helps goes about that goes to man, then cold, getting very senior wherever disappeared are doing something other than still perhaps interfere with any constant missionaries. let's say it's good to externally democrats. it's just us pushed as a new freedom house, taking the different interest in going to describe the grades on the drawings.
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because group, can you do that or the guys cause it that is as soon as your customer listed and you're focusing they were they for sure. let me know they just kind of just search the deluxe. right. so you're probably familiar with it. so to show it to them because the majority of the list goes, i mean, because the most go citicard's fraud and save of the ministry of justice is claimed to liquidate the moscow, helsinki grew ros. com. that's or don't say websites, although is accessible by a vpn and the group continues to collect donations from anyone who can employees said they sell, the lady told me that i like steve is joe collection to avoid going hungry. and
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there's always that begging for donations. when that you know, i have to go with funds in google, come find that. what's the difference right, what you watch with janice, you must close positions. google play break, the co chairman of the hosting club, which is back to me it's, it's around my books written by george soros and the famous opponents of the russian government coalition distance as a mechanic. you can also say no, my touch, your an anti soviet bible by me. kyle was lensky. if that's a gemini, they were laurie and so the m h g a lot which bought communities now the gathering money was a shift because semesters could, i knew the 30th, the size of the list is the same with the categories. when you move the are like july the we just love buckman can make some money for human
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rights. it's probably why he was visiting the dodge and see in most cases where we mentioned the 1st option is using a solution hallmarkco checkerboard. we'll just check our shepherd's mission. what i did is this, your website is for, for these being seen of the embassy several times since following i like see of his death. said diana, as to the hands of the pages, the m a c. j. together with many foreign n g o ages, she says on the board of a civic solidarity platform with journalist albert's deputy got a young man a ride to really sca she was part of the much public movement funded by the now i'm
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and foundation. she also coordinates the russian ukrainian human rights dialog assistance group. the was interested to comment as well. so it's still really good news. my screen screen looks to switching, but it don't stay diploma much. so it's me manual on a, for late at, for an office for this other thing is that same? i thought i thought you got enough up as the to the show on issue board. so. so, democrats, you dogs and deal examples because i see school crashed and that can be able to catch them while a john sewer in the cross has hundreds of smaller n g o's roommate in the shadows, driving and receiving millions from london. look at this table mentioned earlier, the n a center is another human rights and you had received at least 75000 pounds from the british foreign office. this of uh for an agent, information and candidate to go send to receive 300000 pounds,
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almost 25000000 rouble. the sense that claims defied hatred ends in a phobia release has its own list of russian nationalist which includes form ahead of rules cuz most dimitry read goes in and writes as a p lip in a so live knew mine. it was the last so or i just give them call me or would you know, solution do not since the 16th of not stopped the no, no. right? you get. so it's one of the states goes much, it's a complex, i'm just some general she and you'd be see if there's each for the most and consulting group for i see where we didn't have proof of we've seen enough on the pollution. i'm assuming enough no to go. i did send it so you can we do it on the info in ideas 80. so smith sent that a little bit there, but we'll chat with let's just see what needs to be successful and stuff. little cool. we like it and stuff, i think is actually of sense. the asymptote info agency opportunity to migrants rides, has received over 22000000 roubles over the years. as
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a separate mention of this, n g o is part of the, the euro house organization, recipients of over 89000 pounds. he just got a lot, british money sponsors, the still functioning, the man and the law and g o. another listed for an agent. the received 178000 pounds for political activities, actions building up the capacity of russians, human rights, defenders and local civil society activists. such as the last, the person defendants, you know, when you're pulling my son, can we do that? so even though not 11 place to go to court, i think that was actually sort of to the government to just which is associated with the keep the customer. the deal was not easily floating, suspicion roommates with and so in this thing gets spending every day. it's a typical one for you or she doesn't, you believe it was, it was a structural difference in before the money to do with them. so you could even use cricket, this choice clinical daniel not discussing, you know, cuz there's something to hold you to do is you're a little schooled the media zone
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a n g a, a recognized for an agents carries on the websites. normally, blogs continues to be updated with information designed to discredit the russian army with ukrainian and western propaganda. for his projects, georgia by russian security forces developing a network of legal assistance for the victims media zone i received $248000.00 from the purchase. for some reason the summit in us dollars while publication costs are written in pounds. we now know how much the incorruptible, unbiased journalism costs about $100000.00 pounds a year. this list of n g o is, is far from complete. if it weren't for british embassy documents, we would probably never have learned about certain organizations, county routed in various regions around russia, the gold witnesses. she could not store slots for google for book. how was that?
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just a phone? did you know? but he pays nothing unusual. i to the american is up. so i'm going to turn it over here to see you and you have a different mind. those officially, i'm sure what to, to probably call the a troop this procedures close, clickable to push through. i'm explaining the situation. i push marvel is 189. when it comes to decide to buy some updates. i want to go to a list of decision or not, and it will show them the spoke a should. or if someone could prestigious to for the annual conference business, and it was to increase to hit on 0. and now we didn't the not a huge interest that somebody out of the door to face it, that they're interested in the middle of many of the story. new crow from us here. when you're douglas, what i'm going to go to manage comes the phone to somebody from the denali to the american law on democracy. and russia requires us officials to hold mandatory meetings with democratic and human rights activists. independent media reps and angiano is so russia going organizations conducting activities against it's on its own territory along with the so called good faced people as
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a whole position called themselves up to the 2011 rally unblocked. nice square a bit. so the, then you've got the co insurance, that's the best of both of those. i knew you some options last. so i'm gonna show you a couple of it's easy most up with the stomach issues with the vehicle. so this is a, uh, the vital stove unless the mesh go up to 50 by 2 you, she tells you what that q u a category. and we approach this us like use the fully make up for the sort of news this afternoon that i do apologize to converse plus the differential fluid of this stuff is you still store those up. what do you do is cause of all human? it's interesting to you. some of this is one example of the thing to have, and g o, g is peyton, to the evidence state, captured by another not by military force handed over by its own population. america gain full control of ukraine with soft power structures such it was sort of
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one of the from pleasure to assist you attribute your dash to deep sight disparities to big, so distorted experience for the new covenant. you pretty much more easily use these people to see that if someone could shoot me an e, x ray, y u n g o, cover old social, strong to an age. categories to the into segment now exist lives on crohn's. some of those go into power structures and become influential. a new generation was raised with an ultra perception of history and looked in to see if we don't want to retrace ukraine's pause. we should start dealing with n g is the
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the hi. i'm acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show it seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do they have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching, but again,
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you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way the math professor rocked across to welding solidarity was paula spine, did not unusual. and the valid until the evil 100 days of warning gas that we were focused on making sure that the complex ongoing our guys are doesn't spread washington strikes again the 2nd day of mess. old file. those written down on the admin. but the regular spins grows that side of the local highlight, america's most motivation. 54 percent of our federal logic goes to the military. and when i put in the station, that is why the ones running pa to wait in the presidential election with just 40 percent of the vote.


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