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tv   News  RT  January 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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and again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the mass process erupt across to welding, solidarity with palestine denied unusual. and the valid and is all the evil $100.00 days of water and gas. we were focused on making sure that the complex ongoing now guys are doesn't spread washington strikes again the 2nd day of nestled father was written down. yep. in retrospect. busy goes to the side of the local highlight, america's most motivation to 54 percent of our federal logic goes to the military and the station while taiwan is running pa, to williams, the presidential election with the just 40 percent of the vote, they decrease as a result doesn't represent that mainstream opinion of highlighting
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the hello. this is on its international reaching you live from moscow. welcome to the global, all big this alex i a mike called quite a while. we started in southern gas aware on these ready as try calling the residential building in. ralph has left 14 people. dad, including a 2 year old go several of the one that were rushed to a local hospital. the according to the young, please have the health ministry. 155 policy unions have been killed and hundreds more wounded in the past 24 hours. and i have brought the grim toll since the start of the war in october to over $23000.00 killed. and 60000 wounded. the bodies
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lined up and covered loopholes gather to pay respect to the loved ones. many of those killed women and children, locals lashed out against the on just killings to another land in the home. what did this little girl do to them? she died hungry with breton, her hand. we tried to remove the bread from her hand, but it was held tight. she part of the resistance. is this the objective of his really p a mitten? yahoo! vist is the resistance. they are targeting guys. just the children. oh, the little we have been experiencing, and just as since 1948 until today, nobody stands with us. i'm not the united nations, nor the international court or anyone else. we think south africa, which is the only side which stands with us. we hope he's really judged on his crimes against a posting and people have been following. according to palestinian health of any 3 step tests, dick's dis damage. there are being $160.00 people killed, and more than $100.00 others have been and george during ever strikes humble bod
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months, all the various spots of the gaza strip, including the rough off city and the south of garza where, where, where more than 1300000 follow stadiums have been displaced the recently from different spots and the major larry up, the northern guys, us to read and garza city and rough. i city alone. there have been reports about that killing golf 10 palestinians, including there's a place to residential, to the east of the city, to the east of profile and other parts. like how do you want us, which is near by near to drop off and the side of guys as to whether there had been a strikes of or a few homes and which people have been killed. also a garza and durable off down there have been and is really are my presence and be think of that leaving job of those were alien forces around that. a road that leads to that locks are marked as hospital in major area. and the some homes have been
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reportedly have been reportedly had to by the is what ever strikes around the locks almost as hospital itself, which had neglect through city got its been applies to, into blood in the dark. and it's because of that an accessibility to a few of that is more needed for the hospital last sunday with mob 100 days since the spot of visuals war and gather in protest as across the world are taking to the streets to voice dep support for palestine thousands of taken to the streets, holding policy, and flags. and banners were heard from one of the activists who took part in the london, riley, the the, the, the the
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the the coverage of the news
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the so that's a good as well. it's a message that is becoming loud during sierra by the day. that's before taxes getting down these roles, the tax on gas levels in china is bug say, but the country is a positive history, has influenced their support for palestine. so we had to support the people of palestine. so when they say we are open to sign, we are old pedestal and i think as a full mouth out of state state, it was only necessary for us to say we feel you. we see you and support. so that's why we hate to, i just think it's really important to stand in front of that or t with the people of had this done. and particularly the people of guys of it has been good about a 100 days of just torture. we're very proud of our legal team that took demented to the i, c j. and sometimes it's easy to feel quite helpless, but our demonstrations and i'm sharing information about what's happening. sharing
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the truth is, is incredibly important. so that's why i came to i failed to stand on this because i'm your to support my mostly, but others in the genocide, wonderful adoption of america. so yeah. mostly based on my brothers and sisters. wow. you know what we put in for your not pro policy. the inactive is made. the voices heard in the my jerry and capital i bu jeff were heard from a local reporter i the scene i'm of the process here in a blue job. this resolved on top of the got demonstration on globally, but that's with the plan by members of the as lovely movements. uh, that's not popularly as shy. so what they are doing here right now is in my ration
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of the 100000000000 stream, the primary sponsor between israel and the mas provided and guys, up this part of, of, you know, a global i'm someone by members of the late or the most of the members to show this so the guardian of college said these demonstrations straight straight up to your us today, but you know the same. deb hughes are you can hear what the time for brought behind me just a death for us. the use of calling for the be based on solve. the problem is guys out the mass protests that are also taking place in tel aviv where people are demanding the return all the hostages held by him as and the resignation of prime minister netanyahu. what the ease riley leader says that the conflict will not stop on to of him as these exterminated. and the water is one. it is the new nazi user
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trying to blame us in genocide name or we will not deter value. it's the same anti semitism. it hasn't changed, but we have the army. we are on the way to win the war and we will not compromise until we get a full victory, because we don't have a choice. we will do it in recent weeks. we prove to him on each one of them who is a dead man walking and we will continue to eliminate them. but these operations take time because some time ago i meant blinking, and i told him that we will not stop until we bring our hostages back. i also told him that it is not our only war, but also the war of everyone. i call it the 3 ages a mosque who refused and has blah i left the trust live now to our to mid least bureau chief, mario and austin. margaret is good to have you enjoyed me right now. your intel? i'll be, we're a mass protest has taken place. what. what can you tell us about what's going on? wow. hello to you as israel mars 100 days since the beginning of the worried guys
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with thousands of people i'd say. and then the number of demons traders with rel is being held weekly. have gathered here in dallas, telling me is behind me to protest, demands immediate release of the whole crowd. child's meaning. now in hebrew, from time to time, this is when they wants their loved ones back home. people are here to express their anger or disappointment, and grieve for joining the relatives of the captives. here today are and passengers the u. s. and has just has the informing washington's commitment to suppose a 0. politicians are members of the cabinets for the influence or is and are as you can hear. now people are trying to nat shop in hebrew to the show to before this event starts his prime minister benjamin he said, yeah, who made a statement to repeat, eating again and again the israel will not steve,
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on any of the hostages. the people here have hard time believing they leader 136 is rarely hostages, still remain, inconsistency in the guy who has 3 for 100 days already, including all the people miners and the sick and injured people who are not satisfied with how these really should handle the situation complaining, they know nothing about those into service except from those who have been released . they know that things in need of medical, the not to receive any treatment and any case they want to send back home. now 100 days, they say is too much, they haven't been a breakthrough risk and say with agreement to tar that plays a role over the age or between age role and that's much here to medicine. so the hostages will be delivered in the next single day. how to say if it is enough to
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these people, whoever gathered here today, but it is certainly better than nothing, especially for today's gruesome events, local office has built a spectrum. it's a tunnel here on the square that resembles the underground tunnels of mass and the guy the streets of families will be hosted as believe the loved ones are held in a similar place. and this art installation serves to simulate the conditions. the captives are probably held and people end to the tunnel and leave it cry. and this is certainly as far as a full, the entire nation. people support each other and especially to the families of those and could save it can. this is another mission of today's gathering to pressure the government to secure the release of the hostages as soon as possible, but also show solidarity and unity. back to you. more up in austin, a higher to mid least see a brew chief. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed with that development fair. and then jordan, thousands of locals gathered in the capital for
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a mass protest and support for the policy and people local journalists have all 5 sent us this report of demonstrations going online, expressing anger of genuine cheapo towards american policies and american contribution to the war that is happening in gaza, americas taking just side of israel in a biased way. it is contributing with uh, west ends and uh, with all its sources. just of course it is against the people of guys. um, we've talked to some people. uh they're, they're very angry about the strikes and the u. s. has carried out along with the u . k. against. yeah, yeah, many people as well. people here are angry and it's been this way for more than 3 months now. every saturday and jordanians do gather here and they show their their anger and express their disappointments in american policies. a
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country that is always talked about to him. humanity today is a reason for a genocide that is happening to cause to me and see where our washington has confirmed its military has conducted. and now the strike of the admin is capital. it comes as part of a us led effort against, with the fighters, which is taking a lot use ready leg ships. positing the red sea. the strike was conducted by the us us carney, he's in tomahawk lunch, attacked me styles, and was a follow on action on a specific military target associated with strikes taken on january 12th, designed to degrade the who is a stability to attract maritime vessels, including commercial vessels, in the nightstand, new k as conducted the editor icons and i add booth, i'm a day, let me a base. and notice phillips and i the, i mean we headed the lot of the explosion. assume that it's with the one had been
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the yesterday. and as the united states, as the ad declare to deal with, they say that they have actually, to get into a said a, they said me side at 8 does, instead of defense does exactly what the united states has been doing throughout history. many has make it clear that the retaliation against the united states, it will come and it will come on. they will actually had a united states new. okay. and they should not expect attack on bought the tip ice . i think after this 2nd attack on yemen, you have any pauses as they wouldn't do before. maybe they would beat start targeting and united states and u. s. the motor said zip. because yeah, my now is on that. i thought for them the united states is the united states actually, who would support in a is it i in, in the genocide against the policy union and many of the month on the request is to allow food and medicine and to lift the relocate guns because the if they are going to do so this will get the uh, the menu item you spoke,
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but does it have said yesterday that i talked, i guess, is it any shit? is it a link table any shipped that is headed toward? is it a enclosed or related to is it i by any way, they will still continue on? they will come under attack or are those came just hours after a un security council emergency meeting cold by moscow or the russian and bassett. a play in the attacks where a new phase of west and aggression in the middle east. and clearly a validation of international. the zillow is easiest to so the white house has stated that it resolves the rights, the resume, military action should have received any new threats. you don't need to be a clairvoyant to understand that the us will perceive these threats and determine its response to them. i would try really without the slightest regard for international law. this is yet more military aggression by the collective west, the latest and a long line of raids on the suffering middle east that the pseudo legal justification give them by the white house does not stand up to any criticism.
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instead of a mass po, policy and protest, this taking place in washington as we speak. let's cross live now to john, less money like time joining us from the us capital money a lot. i'm happy to have you join me right now. what are you seeing of the process? how big is arriving? in this 1? 105 is southern. you want me to go down to the r b. i am presently right now. i've been in the mars for god the rally here in downtown washington, dc added for, you know, a lot of the shattering, kicked off some, maybe about an hour ago in the ground. continue to grow circles much of the growing crowd, but i estimate at least $10000.00 people that i thought would be the crowd, the bending down. pass your close to the main avenue, the main drag, and was indeed the speakers are the moment to are currently family members and
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survivors, the environment, the lot their families know their voices for the dad right now we've heard some very tearful stories. the more in breaking images shown, the there are the, the lakers that are scheduled to be here on site, including dr. cornell west. the candidate here in the united states, as well as the dr. jill time, who is also the guy i'm going for present of the united states, the smokers are not getting into the state. also the crowd are continuing to grow and we're hearing chance free inside the house side, we're seeing. we have to be as, as a model of palestine flags. and for on it through outlets busy this mass route, we are o b, y of south. and the idea is that the knowledge that was found,
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the guy has done taking a scan or the i c j and was the when uh, being plus the frame and the, the on slot. so right now is the beyond. but my camera then i actually really, yeah, a lot of the jewish people did this that are here. you most of us to be the size them that are saying you a couple of the state of israel does or not will represent world jewelry. while there's the table of power 9, do some of these are wireless series, orthodontics cleanings to the vendors here. this is the part with the higher on the crowd. you are a better understanding all the way back to the washington capital in the building and perhaps beyond the stage as well. right to the door step. you know, joe lied and try and just send a message that
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a lot of the buyer for the now that are may, the city route is continuing to the years over the last last rally and long as it takes the develop there are and it's very, very pleasing, there are no counter demonstrators that i am, the very people in the middle. there are a lot of the group, the national valley that is right by some national coalition. many people joining us or at least a 100 over $7.00 to endorse the as the day goes on, the crowd is gross and will be here to continue the time. remove the yes. all right, and thank you very much. my electronic don't like joining us from washington, d. c. c. thank you so much for the all me and me
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a while for me, you as deputy national security advice, i've been road set that washington's actions in e and then could costs a domino effect in the region and bring all the states into the fight. once you do that, you potentially open a pen doors box because they are connected to a network of groups that could take action against united states in a rock that could escalate the war across the region in yemen, they could ultimately lead to a regional war. the draws in wrong, and so the stakes and this are enormous the while the ok on the us and basset as said with the attacks on gammon. why conducted in so called self defense? the bombing spot and speech size, where i protest as took aim at washington's interest to 74 percent of our federal logic goes to the military. and the website is ation. that as soon as the, i'm in other countries in the us tax payers are paying for the whole thing,
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weighs as tax payers must not paying taxes to the federal government of united states because they are armed. mass murder is united states, which makes the people of the united states mass murder is also to the us, so i get your spade has wrapped top his latest tour of the middle east. and then the blinking visited to key jordan, the you a buffer rain in egypt to discuss the escalation between gas or an ease. well, all the hughes, all the washington, the solver of bombs in the region. he suggested that the us doesn't want to why the conflict we were focused on making sure that the complex ongoing, our guys are doesn't spread out to other places. so that's been our focus since since october 7th and it remains our focus today. that's makes it particularly important that we respond when we see something like the
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regression coming from the booth these area are to contribute to a, to our read joined my colleague where we switched, say in the studio to discuss the escalation in the region, leaving us as taking a lead role in u. k is as um, being the laugh dog in this case and going along. unfortunately, what you're seeing is not just a violation of international law. it's a violation of constitutional law. the us president abiding administration, did not ask permission from washington from the congress, which is required under article one and an under they are supposed to ask for permission and to go to war with another nation. this is blatant, you know, a violation of that, and you have several members of congress on both sides of the aisles complaining about it. so you have a real risk developing. but of course, this was the plan, rory, they planned all along to, to start this conflict with human because what are they trying to do?
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they're trying to a, gone around. they're trying to start a hot war with iran. i said this in october, i'm saying it to you now. anthony, blinking is, is outright line to the camera when he says that they're not looking for a wider regional more. they're absolutely are looking for a wider regional war and they're doing it, aren't they? and it's, it's stoking up quite a bit of fires. it's always the same place when it comes to hot spots around the world. i wish people would just wake up to the fact that you've always got the same culprits. by the way, you know, um the u. k and united states of bombing. yep. and they, you know, they, they described as an active self defense. i mean, hold on a 2nd, america has not been a talk to the territory of the u. k. has not been a tax here just like they also say, oh, they're trying to save democracy. they're not trying to save anything. they're not trying to help anything. they're basically justifying a trillion dollar defense budget. what this is going to do is this is also upsetting the saudis, the saudis put out a statement telling me us to back off. and we had gotten through as you know, just
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a few years ago with a civil war in the same region. so yes, this is about to escalate to other countries getting involved besides the u. k. just being the laptop for us as a top ones were willing to spotty candidate, has won the presidential election now to winning 40 percent of the balance of the opposition has conceded defeat alpha lighting k receive nearly a 1000000 votes more now while in joining the presidential victory, the ruling party has suffered losses in the legislative res, begging and assessed the ruling party does not represent a time when these people, as he got the money. minority of votes compact to the combined opposition. the results of the 2 elections in taiwan this time showed that the democratic progressive party does not represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. one is china stay one area. lighting tay delivered his 1st post victory
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remarks and took a swipe. had the mainland so meaningful. we're telling the international community that between democracy and authoritarianism, we will stand on the side of democracy. taiwan will continue to walk side by side with democracies from around the world and see like the looks like he's issue in to when he is a ruling party candidates. and the key has been pretty striking for a for independence as in a laser retire coley, but just before the election, he has a kind of side track a little bit. and he said, well, we tie one does not need to declare independence because we're already the republic of china pipelines is already in india, back independent already so. so i don't think is the election will fundamentally change the question. basically, we're going to have the same ruling party that will apply one for the last 8 years, and they're going to continue the same policy of being the apply in us, foxy,
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east asia. this is why the us politicians are visiting by one frequently. so at $444.00 china point of view, the tie one issue is really an issue between china and united states. i mean the, the local election. i'll try why is mostly still about bread and butter issues on the ground. i mean, most of the time when use today, they're facing with high inflation, stagnant wages, you know, all the problem, the good thing most of the developing world are facing. and then those are the things that the book that most mostly concerned about. i mean, most people are not actually concerned about a impatient from the mainland china any time soon because you know, they're kinda used to the pension that existed between across the pilots ready for the last 70 years. now washington has welcomed lighting, days victory with the us to get your statement and it blinking. say that the nation
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will cooperate with a new government on the one china policy in the united states congratulates dr. losing k on his victory and tie one's presidential election. we look forward to working with dr. lee and ty, one's leaders of all parties to advance our shared interest and values, and to further develop our longstanding unofficial relationship, consistent with the u. s. one china policy. now, while washington says it wants to follow the one china policy from a philippines presidential spokesperson higher, rogue says that it is the us that has undermined it in the 1st base. because on one hand, it was a married guy that started to the one china policy that has been honored by the entire planet. and yet it is now the united states that has been supporting the in directly, not directly movements. we've been that by one us, 75 by the platform of the b b, b. no. of course i want to gain independence. again, this is an opportunity for the united states, the same china,
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which unfortunately will bring the bridge and closer to the brink of conflict. unfortunately, for the philippines, this election seemed by one is paying for the boss because of the city of the b. b may be a step towards the war and the which will involve us because unfortunately, our president has allowed the americans to use our military bases, which are very, very close, figuratively stores throw away from by one. so what, what do you assess now? is that the, that they one issue obviously will become a proxy wire between china and the united states. and because we are the most proximate neighbors to buy one. and because of the i got, we meant that we have entered into with united states. this could mean the water for the philippines as well, to rob a show to get more updates on r t does come. most derby is just the head of the top of the b while join john can react to next on with the
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the in many cases perhaps and most whistle blowing is clear cut. the issues are simple . busy the response is simple and the observer who is not steeped in the issue can still understand what the story is, but some cases it wasn't blowing are complicated. the right and wrong of it may not be hard to understand, but the background, the regulations and the governmental response often is it's a special kind of wisdom lower he keeps fighting in these complicated circumstances . is a special kind of whistle blower who continues to fight for 30 years. i'm john kerry onto welcome to the whistle blowers the
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