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tv   News  RT  January 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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the, the mass protests, it dropped across the welding, solidarity with palestine, demanding israel, and the file that is on the table $100.00 days of war and gather the, i believe, the $135.00 people are killed in the past 24 hours. and the idea of slides on the in place with the south or the a designated as a safe area. the main august, also ahead we were focused on making sure that the conflict on going out and goes, it doesn't spread. as washington talks peace,
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2nd day of us to mess all solve those rain down on given the resistance grows stateside that's local highlights, american monetization to 54 percent of our federal logic goes to the military. and the website is ation that as well as wide high winds, willing paul to wave the presidential election with just 40 percent of the vote. dean says that the result doesn't represent the mainstream opinion of taiwanese, the by that is, are to international reaching. you live vermont new center in the russian capital. i have my comp watch it with the updates. now we started solving guys aware on these really asked like on the residential building and ross has left for 10 people . dad, including a 2 year old go. several of the wounded were rushed to a local hospital.
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the according to the and claims house ministry, $135.00 minus the ends up being killed and hundreds more wounded than the last 24 hours. and that's brought the greeting tolls and this thought of the war in october to over $23000.00 killed. and $60000.00 wounded bodies lined up and covered locals gathered to pay a respect to the loved ones. many of those killed women and children locals last out against the on just killing treasure. another land in the home. what did this little girl do to them? she died hungry with bread in her hand. we tried to remove the bread from her hand, but it was held tight. but she, part of the resistance, is this the objective of his really p and yahoo? this is the resistance they are targeting and gaza, just children. oh, the moment we have been experiencing injustice since 1948 until today. nobody
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stands with us, not the united nations, nor the international court or anyone else. we think south africa, which is the only side which stands with us. we hope he's really is judged on these crimes against the posting and people. and according to palestinian hills, venice rate, a step does dix just to mates? there i've been $160.00 people killed, and more than $100.00 others have been and george during ever strikes humble bod months, all the various spots of the gaza strip, including the rough off city and the south of garza where, where, where more than $1300000.00 to indians have been displaced to recently from different spots and the major larry up the northern gauze, us to read and garza city and rough last city l. and there have been reports about that killing golf 10 palestinians, including there's a place to residential, to the east of the city, to the east of profile and other parts. like how do you want us,
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which is near by near to drop off and the side of guys us to rep. there have been a, strikes all over a few homes and watch people have been killed. also a garza and durable off down there have been and is really are my presence and be think of that leaving job of days where even poll says around that a road does that leads to that locks a month does hospital in major area and the some homes have been reportedly have been reportedly had to by the is what ever strikes around the locks almost as a hospital itself, which had neglect through city got its been applied into bloods in the dark and those because of that an accessibility to a few of that is more needed for the hospital. now the sounds has been the main focus of id of operations recently. an area previously deemed the safe zone molded
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to many and displace policy unions of struggling to survive that local. describe the mental troll. my very going through a mid, the really relentless idea bombardment. i know you're not gonna be, but let me deal for the past 100 days. we've been suffering living through the anxieties of war. we've become emotionally numb, experiencing psychological disorders. we've lost our senses and feelings. avoiding even simple conversation and ignoring each other's greetings, we've reached a point of nerve wracking tension, losing our sense of humanity. these really are me, manipulates us, throwing down leaflets, asking us to leave, then calling us back. we've become ponds in the hands of the israeli army controlled like robots robbed of our humanity. the hardest thing is witnessing your friends and family members die from error strikes, feeling helpless. the dearest people to you leave in every minute. there's another death. they carry the dead as a life without tears has become the norm. even fear and sadness have vanished.
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death has become routine for us. last sunday will mock 100 days is a start of these old war we can gather and tens of thousands of protesters across the world, taking through the streets to avoid the support for palestine. calling for an immediate end of thousands in the region are to contribute to arrange a mazda and reports on biling. i am at the national day of action for how side and this is part of a larger global movement today where people are congregating and various cities around the world in order to draw attention to the cause of the palestinian people . now i got a chance to talk to a lot of the people involved here and many are very, very young. and they all kind of have the same story. and it's quite shocking. many of said that they've attended several of these protests and they've made posts on social media, which they consider relatively benign, are maybe slightly provocative. but they've ended up being visited by the authorities and the equivalent of what they say are the members of the german guess
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you say f, b i or the police officers. and in some cases they've been arrested sometimes multiple times and even charged with things like incitement. and i asked them why do you think that is that you're being charged with just saying particular things that the government doesn't want said. and they said, well, a lot of it has to do with the kind of qualification that the government against certain kinds of speech that hearken back to the kind of language that comes from germany's very complicated history. so things that evoke faster as a nazi is and that kind of thing. a lot of college students in berlin are being visited by the police are being intimidated and interrogated at the protest. certain chance are being forbidden on a daily basis. really. we face oppression and extreme police brutality. we're being beaten or being taken and we're being arrested. and we don't feel welcome here as german citizens, and we also don't feel safe anymore. i've been arrested several times. i've been
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asked to, yesterday, how many times i got arrested. and suddenly i realize that i don't know the number in germany every culture is here are what is coming on. i saw these and every. 1 of abuse is here also very common. yes. but when it comes to that, probably cnn's culture or buddies being an issue, it is from their side. it doesn't come in the lives. the pro palestinian activists made their voices heard in the nigerian capital at. bu jack, what heard from a local reporter at the scene? our motto: protest here in apple job, this is the body shop. oh, got demonstration on global you thought that's what the plan. 5 member's hoping is lovely. um move and uh that's more popularly shy. so what they are doing here right now is my ration of the 100 screen screen supply names spot to between these
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are the amounts provided and guys of this, this is part of um you know, a global um, someone by members of the, of the most of the members to show this. so the guard to be all of these demonstrations straight straight up to your us today. but you know the same deb user you can hear what the time for right behind me. the thing deb put us down to these are calling for the be based on all of our guys out now we spoke to of the line and we'll saw her member of these line the movement of my julia. he said, that's all the nation should join the call for justice for the policy and people. the people i've been calling for joseph or the called for justice for more than 100 hold on most about 75 years people i've been calling for the justice for us. do you knows what nothing has happened?
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it would take the coolant is included in the, in the out. the america is but i'm positive of the feeling thing does that does supporting nothing? no, i'm definitely why do you we pump through body, which supports defending on on this in the address is the, is it me, it's almost 2 defense on easily. well, we're hoping to see justice on we is, he's, like i said, kudos to set up, put it up for making this move. this is the effective from neutral votes america and i'm in class, is that? yeah, i can build the calling for justice against what is happening in god and thousands stick to the central london waiving policy and the flags and calling for a cease fire and gaza were heard from one of. busy activists to, to park in there, robbie the
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the by mass pro palestinian protest is taking place in washington dc as we speak. local don't list many like chinese out there. raleigh. i am presently writing the sword guides the alley here in downtown or can be added for, you know, a lot of the crown continue to grow. circle much of the growing crowd,
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but i estimate at least 10000 people that i thought would be the crowd, the bending down past your goal. the main avenue, the main drag and was indeed the speakers are the moment to are currently family members and survivors. the guy on board members of the crowd are continuing to grow and we're hearing chance of the free god, the palestine we're seeing, we have to be as, as a model of palestine flag. and we're on it through outlets busy this matthew are out. we are o b o y of south, and the idea is that the knowledge them was down. the guy has done taking a scan or the i c j and we'll see when being possible. raven awesome because we found that on to the onslaught. i didn't jordan 1000 some local,
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gathered in the capital for a mass protest. the support and the policy mean people local jump listed right. have off i sent us this report, the demonstrations going online, expressing anger of genuine cheapo towards american policies and american contribution to the war that is happening in gaza. america's taking just side of israel in a biased way. it is contributing with uh, west ends and uh, with all its sources. she supports it is against the people of guys. um, we've talked to some people. uh they're, they're very angry about the strikes and the u. s. has carried out along with the u . k. against yeah, yeah, many people as well. people here are angry and it's been this way for more than 3 months now. every saturday and jordanians do gather here and they show their, their anger and express their disappointments in american policies. a country that
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is always talked about to him. humanity today is a reason for a genocide that is happening to palestinian is really prime minister big. i mean it's in. yeah. he says that the warring guys will not stop until him mass is ex dominated. and that's a conflict and as it's 100 day, basically the new nazi user trying to blame us in genocide. it will not deter us. it's the same anti semitism. it hasn't changed, but we have the army. we are on the way to win the war. we will not compromise until we get a full victory because we don't have a choice. we will do it in recent weeks. we prove to him us that each one of them is a dead man walking and we will continue to eliminate them. but these operations take time some time ago, i meant blinking, and i told him that we will not stop until we bring our hostages back. i also told him that it was not our only war, but also the war of everyone. i called the 3 h is a mosque who refused in his blog to locals in tel aviv express their anger. i met
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them. yeah. who for failing to return all hosted is hailed by him as and demanding the reservation of these ready prime minister are to meet the least bureau chief brings off the latest from the protest. the bus is row mars 100 days since the beginning of the war in guys a thousands of people. i'd say, i'm ready for that number of demons and traders with rel is being held weekly. have gathered here in dallas behind me to protest, demanded immediate release. of this whole crowd child's meaning. now, in hebrew, from time to time, this is when they want their loved ones back home. people are here to express the anger or disappointment and grief for joining the relatives of the captive. here today, our investigators, the u. s. has just has a confirming washington's commitment to suppose a 0 politicians, members of the world cabinets for employ answers and our 10 is you can hear now
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people are trying to nav shop in hebrew to maturity before this event starts. his prime minister benjamin, he said, yeah, who made a statement to repeating again and again that is real well not gave up on any of the hostages. the people here have hard time believing they leader 136 is rarely hostages, still remain, inconsistency in the guy who has 3 for 100 days already, including all the poll miners and i think an injured especially for today's gruesome events. local office has built a spectrum, it's a tunnel here on the square that resembles the underground tunnels of mass and the gather streets of families will be hostages. believe the loved ones are held in a similar place and this art installation serves to assimilate the conditions, the captive. uh probably how and people end to the tunnel and leave it cry. and
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this is certainly a strategy for the entire nation. people support each other and especially with the families of those and connectivity. and this is another mission of today's gathering to pressure the government to secure the release of the hostages as soon as possible, but also show solidarity and unit team in the west bank. he's ready troops rated the refugee camp this saturday of the policy and in foreign ministry condemns the military action, saying that it's becoming a daily occurrence. an idea of, of the vehicle was spotted blocking the road to an ambulance in the area. local john lives to mohammed, the g brings us best report. is that how you do any type of what isn't it continue as expending across the was bang, get as the idea of the that it's a if something like that on the today. they talk to the bethlehem is also the stuff in hip run. and now bruce villages as well as gene. some others even the idea of
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surrounding the house from various sides. they told my cousin to hand himself over through a megaphone. so he went out and have themself over to them, but as soon as they opened the door, they shut them dead. they killed him at point blank range. they took him out and dragged him out of his house in front of his children, his wife, in front of us in front of our children. they shot them at point blank. it's criminal behavior. the idea declared that they killed the policy on so they are equally young crossing us to see these old might use old from is not from people who are shocked and cannot disclose to go to. and so for the month we still see that on the i basis lives, they were about to from doctor and effect welfare. kimberly said no, they were just the best advice that seems and the idea is to fix them on the open fire. i've and killed the seniors, and those bank are extremely, i agree, i guess what's going on. they cooled on the other countries of the community. so
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spoke this war and to invest the price of this video to allow the entry, okay. you know, we did the food supplies because for me, because of like, what is, what is the quote with your mind to continue the war and a preventive? that's the, that's congress policy. that's how it for yourself. there. i'm asking movement pulled part of your station or my life, but it's friday prayers to show so that i feel with guys a goodness the 2 bedroom size that we are conducting in goes on now, washington has confirmed it's military, conducted a novice drive to the admins capital a comes as part of a us let f with against with the fight is we just taking a mock ease really link chips try sitting the right see. the strike was conducted by the us us carney, he's in tomahawk lunch, attacked me styles, and was a follow on action on a specific meal through a target associated with strikes taken on january 12th design to degrade the who, the stability to attract maritime vessels,
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including commercial vessels in the night state nuclear has conducted at edis that ike owns and i at booth i'm a day let me a base, an order phillips and i, uh, is it the, i mean, we headed the lot of the explosion. assume that it was the one had been there yesterday and as the united states, as the ad declared to deal with, they say that they have actually to get into said, uh they said me site at 8 does. instead of the defense visit exactly what they night state has been doing throughout history, many has make it clear that the retaliation against the united states it will come and it will come on. they will actually had it at united states. i knew ok and they should not expect attack on. but the zip i, i think after the 2nd attack on the m, and you have any folders as they wouldn't do before. maybe they would be starting to get in united states and you as a commode associated because yeah, my now is on that, i thought for them the united states is the united states actually,
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who would support in a is it i in, in the genocide against the policy and, and you may need them on the, on the request is to allow food and medicine and to lift the locate guns because the, if they are going to do so, this will get the, the am any ottoman spoke, but doesn't have said yesterday that i talk, i guess, is that any ship? is there a link table, any ship that is headed toward? is it a enclosed or related to is it i by any way they will still continue on. they will come on the attack a while this came just hours after a un security council meeting was cold by moscow or the russian and bassett. a claim that the attacks were a new phase of west and aggression in the middle east. and clearly, validation of international village is easiest to so the white house has stated that it resolves the rights to resume military action, shouldn't receive any new threats. you don't need to be a clairvoyant to understand that the us will perceive these threats and to 10
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minutes response to the mob a try really without the slight disregard for international law. this is yet more military aggression by the collective west, the latest and a long line of raids on the suffering middle east. the pseudo legal justification give them by the white house does not stand up to any criticism. while from the us deputy national security advisor, ben rhodes said that the washington's actions in yemen could cause a domino effect in the region and bring other states into the fight. once you do that, you potentially open a pen doors box because they are connected to a network of groups that could take action against united states in a rock that could escalate the war across the region in yemen, figured ultimately lead to a regional war. the draws in iran, and so the stakes and this are enormous a while the u. k. and us in bassett, a set of the attacks on yemen, were conducted in so called self defense. the bombing sparked angus states side where protest this took a month to washington's interest. the 74 percent of our federal logic goes to
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the military and the website is ation. that is how to email the i'm in other countries in the us tax payers are paying for the whole thing. we've as tax payers must not paying taxes to the federal government of the united states because they are armed map smart or is united states which makes the people of the united states mass murder is also the us secretary of state has wrapped up his latest tour of the middle east, as in the blanket visit at the 2 key jordan, b, u, a buffer 8 and in egypt to discuss the escalation between guys are and he's all the only he was all the washington solver of bombs. and the reason he suggested that the us doesn't want to why that conflict, we weren't focused on making sure that the conflict on going on with guys. it
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doesn't spread to other places. so that's been our focus since since october 7th. and it remains our focus. so today that's makes it particularly important that we respond when we see something like the regression coming from the booth. these are the, are to contribute to a tower read, joined my colleague, barbara, associated the student to discuss the escalation in the region, leaving us as taking a lead role in u. k. is, is um, being the last dog in this case and going along. unfortunately, what you're seeing is not just a violation of international law. it's a violation of constitutional law. the us president abiding administration, did not ask permission from washington from the congress, which is required under article one and an under. they are supposed to ask for permission and to go to war with another nation. this is blatant, you know,
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a violation of that. and you have several members of congress on both sides of the aisles complaining about it. so you have a real risk developing. but of course, this was the plan, rory, they planned all along to, to start this conflict with human because what are they trying to do? they're trying to a, gone around. they're trying to start a hot war with iran. i said this in october, i'm saying it to you now. anthony, blinking is as outright line to the camera when he says that they're not looking for a wider regional more. they're absolutely are looking for a wider regional war and they're doing it, aren't they? and it's, it's stoking up quite a bit of fires. it's always the same place is when it comes to hot spots around the world. i wish people would just wake up to the fact that you've always got the same culprits, by the way, you know, and the u. k. and united states bombing. yep. and they, you know, they, they described as an active self defense. i mean, hold on a 2nd, america has not been a talk to the territory of the u. k as not being a tax here just like they also say, oh, they're trying to save democracy. they're not trying to save anything. they're not
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trying to help anything. they're basically justifying a trillion dollar defense budget. what this is going to do is this is also upsetting the saudis, the saudis put out a statement telling me us to back off. and we had gotten through as you know, just a few years ago with a civil war in the same region. so yes, this is about to escalate to other countries getting involved besides the u. k. just being the laptop for us as a top ones reading pop to the candidate has won the presidential election after winning 40 percent of the ballots. now the opposition has conceded defeat. after lighting k receive nearly a 1000000 votes more. while in joining the presidential victory, the ruling party has suffered lossless end deposit legislative race beijing. and it says that the ruling party does not represent the time when these people, as he got the minority of votes compared to the combined opposition. the results of
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the 2 elections in taiwan this time showed that the democratic progressive party does not represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. i want this china state one area lighting to aid delivered his 1st post of victory remarks and took a swipe of the mainland. so means we're telling the international community that between democracy and authoritarianism, we will stand on the side of democracy. taiwan will continue to walk side by side with democracies from around the world and see like the looks like he's the issue in to where he is. the ruling party candidates. and the key has been pretty striking for a for independence as in a lease retired slowly. but just before the election, he has the kind of side track a little bit. and he said, well, we tie one does not need to declare independence because we're already the republic of china and pipelines is already been in the back independent already so. so
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i don't think is the election will fundamentally change the question. basically, we're going to have the same ruling party that will apply them for the last 8 years, and they're going to continue the same policy of being apply in us foxy, east asia. this is why the us politicians are visiting by one frequently. so efforts for china's point of view, the tie one issue is really an issue between china and united states. i mean the, the local election on try why is mostly still about bread and butter issues on the ground. i mean, most of the time when use today, they're facing with high inflation stacking in wages. you know, all the problem, the good thing most of the developing world are facing. and then those are the things that look that most mostly concerned about. i mean, most people are not actually concerned about a impatient from the mainland china any time soon because you know,
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they're kind of used to the pension that had existed between across the pilots ready for the last 70 years. washington has welcomed lighting, taste victory with you as the official saying that they'll cooperate with the new government under the one china policy in the united states congratulates dr. losing k on his victory and ty one's presidential election. we look forward to working with dr. lee and ty, one's leaders of all parties to advance our shared interest and values, and to further develop our longstanding unofficial relationship, consistent with the u. s. one china policy awhile. washington says it wants to follow the one china policy for most philippine presidential spokesperson henry rogue fast. but it is the us that has undermined it in the 1st place. because at one time it was a married guy that started the one china by the sea that has been honored by the entire planet. no. and yet it is now,
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are they not that states that has been support thing not in directly, not directly movements. we've been that by one us as exemplified by the platform of the, the b b. not. of course i want to gain independence. again, this is an opportunity for the united states, the same china, which unfortunately with bringing the bridge a closer to the brink of conflict. unfortunately for the philippines, this election, same by one, is paying for the boss because of the city of the b. b may be a step towards the warrant, which will involve us. because unfortunately, our president that has allowed the americans to use our military basis, which are very, very close, figuratively sold, is throw away from by one. so what, why do you assess now? is that the that they want to issue, obviously with the gun, the proxy wire between china and the united states. and because we are the most proximate neighborhood by why and because of the god we meant that we have entered into with united.


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