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tv   News  RT  January 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the people around the walls and they installed the dark, see, with palestinians sunday hawks, $100.00 days since the thoughts of the conflict with intro, which is left to much $20000.00 faithful debt. the fire now that are made the man and washington a huge crowd makes its feelings. claire about the war with thousands marching on the white house. it's a monument to bind them on rows tied to
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a residence of people across the young man i made out, waged up to the us and u. k. targeted who's the positions in the country and were tiny ation for a tax on shipping in the red feed, the hello and welcome to our to international on sunday. it is the week k, the highlights of the past 7 days. but of course, and the latest developments to it's great to help you with us as well. we all the getting the saw with a great amount of us 3 because it has been exactly 100 days since the start of the war in gaza is very defensive. has claimed the lives of almost 20 full 1000 people . well, more than 60000 palestinians have been injured. hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have taken to the streets to riley in support of the palestinian people. protests have been seen in malaysia, south africa, the u. k. u. s. indonesia as one is over and thailand, japan,
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it's an increase on practiced on the demonstrations, all part of a global day of action. so kind of sign i'm to as well to and it's that to me from apartments we are from some of those. take some pos to the united states government is complicit in this genocide. sale funding is around $250.00. um and is that all the funds that are dropping on guys uh are you estimate and the unimportant just think about this. we have been saying that like from the beginning of domestic, that of the genocide, that what is taking place right now is that genocide because we will have full size . is it a leap water cut? the defense minister, the 5 minutes to the president himself of is it a wound us of and on during those times that they wanted us to leave jobs off and to, to egypt. in other words, they were quoting for an insignificant and saying is open the world every month. they don't have a right to kill, is forbidden to take the lots of mothers, fathers, and children, they have no right. and it is that a, this is
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a crusade and everything was planned in advance. and that's in yahoo is objective is to take garza and wipe out the palestinians. she wants to take the entirety of our land and we need to ask before he does so i'm happy to stand here in solidarity on this important day of co sign alliance is real. my stop is slaughter and america should reconsider its support for the nation. the freedom of palestine is the freedom of all humanity. is ready, prime minister has dismiss mounting accusations that his forces are committing genocide against casa benjamin netanyahu labeled such statements onto semitic. i think that is where i would not stop until it achieved complete victory. hey, so is the new nazi user trying to blame us in genocide and it will not deter us. it's the same anti semitism. it hasn't changed, but we have the army. we are on the way to win the war. we will not compromise until we get a full victory because we don't have a choice. we will do it in recent weeks. we prove to him us,
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but each one of them is a dead man walking and we will continue to eliminate them. but these operations take time some time ago, i meant blinking, and i told him that we will not stop until we bring our hostages back. i also told him that it was not our only war, but also the war of everyone. i called at the 3 h as a mosque who fees and his blog. the meanwhile, the family's hope is really hostages, still held by have most of once again to mont. does that government do more to bring them home? autism? at least your chief risk notion has the story is around mars $100.00 days since the beginning of they were engaged with thousands of people on the rest of them. the number of demons traders with rel is being held weekly, have gathered here in dallas that would be behind me to protest demands immediate
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release. this whole crowd, child's meaning. now in hebrew, from time to time, this is when they, once they loved ones back home, people are here to express their anger or disappointment, and grieve for joining the relatives of the captive. here today, our investigators, the u. s and y has just has a confirming washington's commitment to suppose a 0 politicians members of the world cabinets for influence or is and are as you can hear. now people are trying to nav shop in hebrew, just the sure thing before this event starts his prime minister benjamin you said yeah, who made a statement to repeating again and again. israel will not survive on any of the hostages. the people here have hard time believing they later 136 is rarely hostages, still remain, inconsistency in the guy who has 3 for 100 days already including all the people
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mine or is it might take an injured, especially for today's gruesome events, local officers has failed to assess him into a tunnel here on the square that resembles the underground tunnels of mass and the gather stroop. the families of the hostages. believe their loved ones are held in a similar place. and this art installation serve to assimilate the conditions the captive are probably house and people end to the tunnel and leave it cry. and this is certainly as far as a full, the entire nation. people support each other and especially with the families of those in connectivity. and this is another mission of today's gathering to pressure the government to secure the release of the hostages as soon as possible, but also show solidarity and unit team to resend the step t mess law has a new come says it will have to the middle east was entering a new era of peace,
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vanished up to all types of everything has changed for us, as for the whole country is october 7th. i called stress as the last we lived, we were celebrating age. we're trying to day that day. and now everything is upside down. my children's friends have either been killed in the attack or in the will. my, my daughter is the best friend, is the sister of a hostage. we are or routing around the hostage families. and this something that has died in front of us. i mean it's very difficult to explain some optimism. i always was an optimistic person. i've spent the last 3 years building peace in the middle east river. i'm a fools initiatives. and i really believed that we could be in a new era of peace in the middle east, and that's what we were all working towards. and this happens julie was actually a very interesting case because 40 percent of the population of the city i'm working tomorrow. um, normally we're living in peace,
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we work together. we live together, we share the same public spaces, helping moles caches. i'm for the most part that has remained in tat. um, there is a tens feeling in the city, and we're also at the moment how to 50000 in canada by trees menu from the north. but also from the south. people will have to run away from their homes because they're on livable because the communities have been destroyed because they're in the way of missed all attack. and they've been put in hotels in the city of jews. i imagine your family, it's a little kids and you're living in a hotel for 3 months. this is what these people are going to right now. and they don't know where they can go home of the west. so usually don't expect to be hospitable to these have to use to help them with their education of the children, entertainment, anything you can think of. we've been trying to do to help the plight. but it's very, very difficult within the visual discipline of a 1000000 in factories the law. i'm joined now by connect set members,
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the national unity, politician haskell shown. welcome to the program. we appreciate your time. of course, i'm the past and i have to ask you of the 6 a as an out of the 3, so to speak, where exactly 100 days into the school. and i think there are many people around the world who would have thought, but the conflict would have ended by now. um, so are you surprised that it's dr dalton for so long to um, to be honest we, we knew that this is going to take time. how much is a vicious terrorist organization? uh, its uh, radical cd all a g statements. i assist in oak ida in boca on in it and it is very difficult to eliminate such shock green line, terrorist groups, especially because they're hiding behind civilian population. but the other thing
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is that is also a civilian movement. and so it makes it a little bit more difficult. we knew that from the start, we didn't had any kind of delusion. we didn't want in that war. it was for sale on us. but we are a full uh aim to win this into this. ringback your experience, well we, i don't know of sure. also unfortunately, yes, it will take time will probably take quite a few more months in regard to the hostages, you know, the entire state of israel is sort of holding a breath. then we want to bring back our family members or husbands and fathers and grand parents and children and daisy back home. and you know, of those crimes against humanity to come off as submitted and then committing our
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heartbreaking. but we'll do everything in our capability order to make sure that the best the home. you mentioned that obviously, well, your definition of victory has the elimination of her loss. i mean that as well as being a bit page about this because, but it seems that only 6000 have mass militants being towed as opposed to obviously the civilian death count, which is around 24000. plus, of course you've got what i would imagine would be a whole generation of palestinians who even if tomas is illuminated, well, only supports resistance to its route even more in the coming years. westbank support for hamas has grown, for example, since october, but somebody quite nice. so i suppose my question to you is it seems smart. the numbers suggest that the military response is not actually bringing about the
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intended result. it's a little bit more complicated than that. and i'll try to explain the home us doesn't care for the life of palestinians as much as he doesn't care for the life of his reading on co insurance is that the palestinian people suffer. the more commodities we because the world is making its case for almost any words which one se, there's, they are using the palestinian civilian population to their target. they literally are using children in the battle field. they are hiding bunkers and munitions in children, in schools, in hospitals. and so those oscillations of commerce in their tactics is very well known and unfortunate. that's why they're all horse casualties that are
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civilian casualties because they really are using them and are hiding behind. i'm on in the case for the future and it's important to understand who most schools in gaza, our neighbors, who okay, they are schools of the united nation, but they were wrong. organization has been taken over by a comma. it means that almost all of their workers, $10000.00 worth of united nation workers, are actually come us to members and come up to families. okay. the teachers and these schools have an education system that is based on radical, it's long a learning that there isn't a higher respect then to die as a matter. same, or to be child soldiers in their education system. i can show you and i'm more than happy to spend some from some of their school kids where they've dressed as co mass soldiers and are attacking civilians. you know, the dressing i doing the show. that's what they're learning from the age of 0 because they've come up. and when i say they also,
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they come up with not just the mitre mean, but it's also a civilian name. this is what i mean. that's why what has to be stopped. it's been taken over by a terrorist organization that's educating the younger generation to radical as well . and if we don't stop that, then you're right. there isn't going to be a different future. and that's where the international community has the set. and the man with it man is going to represent the boundaries that we believe that like liberty's in freedom, quality and peace and co existence. that's the day when we'll be able to maybe be a different teacher. when we could nip side by side. can i just pick up on, on one thing that you said, he said that the high civilian casualty count is obviously beneficial to him off. i obviously understand the reasoning we've spoken to people from israel who makes the
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same pace. and i do just have to kind of blinks out and get moved. so you always put your opinion on the law suit on the to day hearing that we sort the hakes alpha for called the say taking taking as well. um to the hey, gonna case claiming genocide, i mean part of but to day hearing was a 22 minute segment. purely of comments by it's really officials talking about the need to essentially raise garza to the ground and to eliminate gall, couldn't who in the eyes of many, what does that radical fringe of what's as well? oh tower. right. so how, how does that? all kind of fit together with the idea of the oversee as well as doing everything you're trying to protect civilian life. so 1st of all, there are tops and there are actions. it's important to know that there is a more, more oh and the better, more code would when then with the idea this really should french forces actually
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have and we have them that not just now, but throughout our 70 years of is really history. and many was that we saw, we are working and we are in close a commitment to the humanitarian and the international laws is geneva convention and obviously any kind of serious a long lawyers that understand the, the, the ministry and the laws of war will tell you that, i mean, look on the out, israel's operating exam would be the case and would be true. why would israel and back the way civilians from the north to the south and the space that they saw the roots of the situation from the north to the south. and then they phones, homes that were refugee camps, that were housing palestinians,
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hooping full shot about homes from the north, into something. i mean, there were numerous testimonies from age groups to the refugees and south. we've spoken to them. this is, this is a misleading and it's, it's an accurate information. ok. they are safe areas. ok, where people live, some of them live in intense where they evacuated the surface area and they are refugee camps in gaza. that has been there for 70 years. okay. those refugee cans, they all tend, they're like neighborhoods would be less where we demanded to evacuate them and to evacuate. all the civilians into the south. unfortunately, come up since for many of the civilians to say no more shots, i was seeing it twice a week from the more in the south. and i have to mention is rarely soldiers defended. palestinians in the passage again come last night when it was true.
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why would be ideas for texas that was seen in on their passage to the south? why was israel chance so special mission and special offer ration just because there were children courses and that happened in many cases we, if we did that and we've shown that. so when we r have the opportunity to show i came from the course, we wanted to probably listen and do here. how israel have the highest moral ground any minute you and of any army in the world. i know that the schools have sort of 6 international organization, sometimes as dictated by politics, then justice. and we've seen that throughout history and fortunes, c, u. n has been useless in so many cases or more and, and in crimes against humanity like crime to come up, committed against israel. but when the probably see the evidence and see these
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really k, they know there isn't an army that has such a high cold, like these really on. i do want to ask you, i mean, you mentioned audio, of course the hostages does so much pain in as well. not just those who suffered on october 7th, for those who are still locking the loved ones by the side. and i'm sorry if, if you feel it's about some question, feel free, of course not to answer. but can i ask you just for me, you are impossible perspective how you have felt over the last 100 days and how you felt that the will changed you and your attitude or your views in general as well. we understand that we have to take off the blinds and the blindfolds that have been on our eyes for, for, for a lot of the time. things that we've absorbed in and for example, like united nations facilities that are being used by hamas for bunkers and tunnels
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. and, and in headquarters of symmetry headquarters is absolutely unacceptable. and we can not turn a blind eye on those things. the fact that children in gaza have an entire education system that's based on racism and hatred and violence where they educate them, educate them to be child. so just is unacceptable and we cannot turn a blind on those actions. that part of them are by the international committee being used by us that actually costs too many lives of our people, of our family and we have to change if we want a better future in the middle of the year. we have to take off the one full and, and address those issues. seriously. the education and also the controlling garza who's going to lead people not quite radical islamic etiology. same is isis
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around, but something different that can lead the people to be sure to call existence, not to that. that's what we want. and the only way we'll be able to do that is we dial from us and we have to take the blind or we cannot accept. and we cannot tolerate any kind of regression for hatreds or racism in this area. i really want to co exist on it side by side as well. i think that's a very, very positive and optimistic sentiment. and if you don't mind, i'd like to finish on that the idea of a better future as a peaceful sky since very much appreciate your time. and of course, offering us your and perspective on it that was that connect that members of the national unity party showing how school. thank you very much. i thank you. and washington, what began as a riley turned into a full on march towards the white house of the some of those taken
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talk. try to store them defensive surrounding the building. why police was dispatched to the see the crowds with them onto going to meet at least 5 like which on this minute a ton was monitoring the events throughout the day and sent us this report. i am presently right now at the miners board guides of rally here in downtown washington, dc added for, you know, a lot that at least 10000 people that i thought would be, the crowns are going, bending down past these weren't quite as strong as the main avenue the main drag and was indeed the speakers i said add a moment to are currently family members and survivors the oh the god and bard meant the lot their families are their voices for the dad right now we've heard some very tearful story around the more breaking images shown there are
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no makers, including dr. cornell west, the candidate here in the united states, as well as dr. jill sign. who is also the guardian for president of the united states. and we are we are in shopped and on the stop mobile majority and then on stop mobile floors for p for just says for and and to genocide, no guns, no is where we served that international law. 7 and human rights are the law of the land and the law of. 2 the future, the crowd are continuing to grow and we're hearing chance of the free god, the really how a style we're seeing is the has to be as,
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as the mall of palestine flags. there's a lot of the on, but my camera than i actually the yeah. a lot of the us up people is this that are saying you a couple of the state of israel does or not will represent world jewelry one and there's the table of power 9 move in the part with the entire a map, the crowd you a better understanding all the way back to the washington capital in the building and perhaps beyond the stage as well. right. so the door step, you know, joe lied and try and just send a message that there's a lot of the fire good. now that are made, the man seems very, very pleasing. there are no counter demonstrators that i have the very piece the lab is there a lot of the groups do the big national rally that in writing and
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by some national coalition, many people joining under at least a 100 rooms has learned on to endorse the day goes on, the crowd is gross, and here in downtown d. c, in a, b, a black white red flag and kissed the 10s of thousands of demonstrators here, marching towards the white house. calling for a free, free palestine and an immediate cease fire right now. stop the genocide is this chant that we're hearing all throughout the day here at the march for god, the after listening to a number of speakers that were on the stage sharing park reading. stories of family members who are lost in gaza. we're still continuing to see how slow of
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thousands and thousands defend here on washington, and they say this battle is not yet over until they take all their messages to the halls of congress and a ceasefire happens. now, with all of this week, a new spike, all fine interrupted in the middle east as the us on u. k. tired out, retaliate from strikes against who's the positions in yemen. several cities in the west of the country, reportedly voted including the capital, sauna on the port hub of our data as full appleton to minute to basis where electrically talkative summary and launched on the whole commit solves, along with fight to jets, was said to have been used in the strikes, the action came in response to attacks by the crew fees on international shipping in the red sea, including it's really vessels. since it's not alt is ready to bump baldwin to cause a back in october. the heard these have made clear that i'll position to tell the thieves auctions following to target any ship in the red sea heading to his right.
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he shows the u. s. as reports, and he's 27 attacks on commercial vessels so far off to the minutes in group saves to this way the call go ship and move them. but to be found to that, a wave incident of global consequence, hundreds of thousands converge on the streets of the many capital, protesting the west and attacks, civil actions took place and all the cities all across the country. the and finally a fema ukrainian and businessman who subs 7 times in the countries parliament has given a sweeping into your turn to tell you and john list. i'm afraid the couch is known for exposing a legit corruption involving the bite and family. and ukraine has been targeted by both washington on kids. ducats claims his life was in danger due to his walk of the pretty, i'm in there since 2021. what have received the consummation of all statements in the us congressional investigations on the bottom family,
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corruption and ukraine. that's the same. yeah. we identify the individuals who was supposed to make an assassination attempt on my life. and the life of a prosecute to the case against your race month counseling team clinic in january 2022, the secretary of state outs. and it blinking durant and meeting was the last he told him to resolve the issue with the catch block. and so the issue was not the result that they will deal with, that naturally, some people came to me and told me the story. they said they weren't the streets you had called into the law and wanted me to take care of my security. everything was set about by this family corruption, the most concerns in the us congress. materials were revealed money, loans, ring on the part of it being reason the company was just to break it down. the corruption scoundrel sent it around for risk. some of that's a ukrainian gas company. what job i can son hon. tests out on the board of directors. as of ben vice president job,
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i didn't was plain to have for that 1st $1000000000.00 and usa to kids in order to get ukraine's chief prosecutor 5. and it's the latch that this was done to block the investigation into prison. my articles, those accusations of corruption linked to the fight and found many audio we spoke with right, john this to conduct a band to with doc has listed i was pretty shocked by the amount of the sensitive information to the builder. and it kept working on exposing corruption ever since it is a p o from the public seen. one of the 1st and sectional facts that really struck my attention is that he was victim on that attempt to august as the nation in queen, by the hand of and i've been citizen who was able to to, to that basically stay in, punish the new site the new so these attempts to know tale about what is personally going to back to the origin of the stress dimension. these are,
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these are to blink and secretaries of state directed states and the e book of the stack of the media tunnel patient with a 1022. it was, she literally extracted that's the last the office send it to last himself to resolve the cash issue, making the of course, reference to a lawful methods of aly nation, of more discipline. see, there is a trip for the core and seeking president united states. we're not talking to any more uh, c, p about it, which will nice the department of justice has the experience before what 2 years ago was session by united states for leaking the evidence of the vitals correction the ukraine. but now we're talking about the physical, the munitions we have talking about in or denies crime. there is one thing that's really is upsetting. i think most of them, america and some of those sort of dimensions, you know,


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