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tv   News  RT  January 14, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the around the world. people are standing in solidarity with palestinians sunday, marking 100 days. there's the south of the conflict with israel, which has left now roughly 24000 people that now that is their main street in washington, a huge crowd making its feedings clear about the pool with thousands of miles from on the white house, demanding it. as for the violence and the pro independence candidate wins the presidential election in ty, one, the islands, foreign ministry calls on china to face the reality of aging says it's dawn, it's fun on the world must recognize taiwan. that's
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a part of the main the so there's an awful lot of shaken going on in the world today, which the mainstream media is hospitably, ignoring. don't believe the demonstrations happening worldwide right now. so as we begin this, how it with a grim anniversary, it has been exactly 100 days now since the stock of the war and gaza is really offensive, has claimed the lives of roughly 24000 people. about 60000 palestinians have been injured. a hundreds of thousands of people are just joining these demonstrations worldwide today. they're old marching in solar, directly with the palestinians. approach has to be seen in malaysia, south africa, the u. k. america, indonesia, as well as thailand, japan. it's only 3 unpack of stock demonstrations old part of a global day of action for palestine into coals of israel to end. it's definitely bombardments. so we were on the streets and we spoke to some of those taking pod.
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the united states government is complicit in this genocide sale funding. is it all to the to use it? um and is that i have the funds that are dropping on guys uh are you estimate and the an apology. i think about this. we have been saying that like from the beginning of domestic, that of the genocide, that's what is taking place right now. is that genocide because we would have to buys it? is it a leak water? cut them, the defense minister, the prime minister, the president himself of is right. want us both and, and i do enough time that they wanted us to leave jobs off and pool to egypt. in other words, they were quoting for an estimate kicked, lindsey is open the world every month. they don't have a right to kill, is forbidden to take the lots of mothers, fathers, and children. they have no rights, and that's a, this is a crusade and everything was planned in advance. and that's in yahoo. his objective is to take gaza and wipe out the palestinians. she wants to take the entirety of
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our land and we need to ask before he does so i'm happy to stand here in solidarity on this important day of co sign alliance is room a stop disorder, and america should reconsider it support for the nation. the freedom of health science is the freedom of all humanity. in washington, what began as a riley turned into a full on march towards the white house. for the 2nd part, try to scan the sentences around the building. not truly right place where despite the crowd so the mining an immediate cease finds the violence in gaza local john list manila, chad monitoring the events throughout the day filed this report. i am presently right now at the myers board, guides us the rally here in downtown washington, dc added freedom a lot that at least 10000 people that i thought would be the crowd, sorry, bending down pappy or close drawn,
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which is the main avenue. the main drag and one of the, the speakers on the page at the moment are currently family members and survivors. the oh the god and bard met the lot. there's family where their voices for the dad right now we've heard some very tearful story. the more in breaking images shown, there are no leaders, including dr. cornell west. the candidate here in the united states, as well as dr. jill sign. who is also the guardian for president of the united states. and we are we are in an on. 7 mobile majority and then on stop mobile floors for p. c says
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$1.00 and $2.00 genocide now. 7 is where we served that international law. 7 and human rights are the law of the land and the law of the future, the crowd, we're continuing to grow and we're hearing chance of the free god, the alice stein sawyer seeings as we have to be as us as the mall of palestine flags beyond. but my camera than i actually the yeah, a lot of the jewish a people is this that are saying you a couple of the state of israel does or not will represent world jewelry, boom, boom, boom, they're standing with table, a power line loses in part with the entire mass crowd, you a better understanding all the way back to the washington capital in the capital building and perhaps beyond the stage as well. right, so the door step, you know,
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joe lied and trying to send a message that a lot of the theme buyers are the now that are made the demand for very easily. there are no counter demonstrators that i have the very people in the lab. is there a lot of the group, the big national rally that the by some national coalition, many people joining together at least a 100 rooms have going on to endorse the day, goes on, the crowd is gross and here in downtown d. c. in a be a black white red flag and kissed the 10s of thousands of demonstrators here, marching towards the white house. calling for a free, free palestine and an immediate cease fire right now. stop the genocide is this
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chant that we're hearing all throughout the day. here at the march for garza, after listening to a number of speakers that were on the stage sharing start reading. stories of family members who were lost in gaza were still continuing to see how slow of thousands and thousands defend here on washington. and they say this battle is not yet over until they take all their messages to the halls of congress and a ceasefire happens now without a we heard from a john list of my like salad, and she offered her take on how israel is trying to justify its options that have resulted in roughly 24000 debts. have a blessed, a in 2024. when you hear that the is written, it is are defending, they tried to commit the agenda sided under the types of defending themselves. do
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you just sent it good? because since the 7th of october we have been eating all kinds of files, teachers get them. and then if there's by, that is very easy. there's um, but is there any administer the, the, there's the cool thing about the human animals and if this is not then and then for general side, what is and then sort of june the sites when, when we're talking about, i think electricity cutting voltage and, and that and the blow k that is ongoing for 17 years. and now it's even getting hardly what i see it. that is a, is just the serve. and for the u. s. a. and system that agent for preventing any kind of phase and for the people of this region and forward ensuring to control all the political and the social changes that might be coming in this area of the world . you would, that gives us lectures about the key words and about that it's up to people to live, to exist, and to express themselves. what you're seeing now is basically kind of new and not
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the over taking the, we're not on the an overdue region. and then you cannot now a go speak about the supporting palestine and you to buy expression in germany for example, that is speaking is cynically supporting budgeting those types of israel and, and you kind of talk about that for you. the and then the medium is to need the all that i'm the word and only if you need to help set, how's the cottage to add a is the listing on or the proof of his genuine voice. they were a pro palestinian protest over in the german capital as well, with thousands pulled out the on going, suffering an image, the crowd off area and contribute to rachel mazda. as i am at the national day of action for co signed. and this is part of a larger global movement today where people are congregated in various cities around the world in order to draw attention to the cause of the palestinian people . now i got a chance to talk to a lot of the people involved here and many are very, very young. and they all kind of have the same story. and it's quite shocking. many
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of said that they've attended several of these protests and they've made posts on social media, which they consider relatively benign, are maybe slightly provocative. but they've ended up being visited by the authorities and the equivalent of what they say are the members of the german guess you say f, b i or the police officers. and in some cases they've been arrested sometimes multiple times and even charged with things like incitement. and i asked them why do you think that is that you're being charged with just saying particular things that the government doesn't want said. and they said, well, a lot of it has to do with the kind of qualification that the government against certain kinds of speech that hearken back to the kind of language that comes from germany's very complicated history. so things that evoke fascism not see is and that kind of thing, lot of kind of students in berlin are being visited by the police are being intimidated and interrogated at the protest. certain chance are being forbidden on
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a daily basis. really, we face oppression and extreme police brutality. we're being beaten or being taken and we're being arrested. and we don't feel welcome here as german citizens, and we also don't feel safe anymore. i've been arrested several times. i've been asked to, yesterday, how many times i got arrested. and suddenly i realize that i don't know the number in germany every culture is here are what is coming on. i saw these and every. 1 of abuse is here also very common. yes. but when it comes to the parties, cnn's called shareholder party, cnn is sure it is from their side. it doesn't come in the lies to nigeria. web pro palestinian activists took to the streets of a capital demanding a ceasefire. in ga, so we'll have this over now to local reporter timothy. you'll be asked about the process here in apple job. this is the body shop. oh god demonstration globally.
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you thought that's 55 by members of the islamic movement. that's more popularly shy . so what they are doing here right now is my ration of the 100 pre screen, the 5 mean stop in between israel and the come out for finding and guys out this, this is part of them, you know, a global warming volume members of the move made or the most of the members to show this totally guard to the college said these demonstrations straight straight up to your us today, but you know it's the same. deb hughes are you can hear what the top right behind me that they don't put us down. these are calling for the be based on all of our land and jobs. and while the international criminal court of justice was presented this week with what south africa, coles evidence of israeli genocidal actions is ready. prime ministers simply
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dismissed the allegations made them. yeah. we'll also try to turn the tables by blasting via chooses, adding. they will be no compromise until the quote full duct a hey, so is the new nazi user trying to blame us in genocide and it will not deter us. it's the same anti semitism. it hasn't changed, but we have the army. we are on the way to win the war. we will not compromise until we get a full victory because we don't have a choice. we will do it in recent weeks and we prove to him us. but each one of them is a dead man walking and we will continue to eliminate them. but these operations take time some time ago, i meant blinking, and i told him that we will not stop until we bring our hostages back. and i also told him that it was not our only war, but also the war of everyone. i called at the 3 h as a mosque whose he's in his blog. the we lot of the families of his right,
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the hostages still being held by a mass of once again demanded that government do more to bring their loved ones back of a bureau chief, i'm at least bureau chief more if an ocean are now picking up the star is around mars $100.00 days since the beginning of the war. you guys, a 1000 people on the number of demons and traders with rel is being held weekly. have gathered here in dallas, telling me is behind me to protest, demanded immediate release of the whole crowd. child's meaning. now in hebrew, from time to time, this is when they want their loved ones back home. people are here to express the anger or disappointment and grieve for joining the relatives of the captive. here today, our masters, the u. s. and y has just has of age confirming washington's commitment to suppose a 0 politicians members of the world cabinets for influence or is and are,
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as you can hear now, people are trying to nav shop in hebrew jets majority before this event starts his prime minister benjamin he said, yeah, who made a statement to repeating again and again, that is real well not save on any of the hostages. the people here have hard time believing they leader 136 is rarely hostages, still remain, inconsistency in the guy who has 3 for 100 days already, including all the people miners and the sick and injured. especially for today's gruesome events. local office has the bill to spectrum. it's a tunnel here on the square that resembles the underground tunnels of mass and together streets the families of a hostages. believe the loved ones are held in a similar place and this art installation serves to assimilate the conditions, the captive. uh probably how and people end to the tunnel and leave it cry. and
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this is certainly a strategy for the entire nation. people support each other and especially with the families of those and could save it can. this is another mission of today's gathering. to pressure the government to secure the release of the hostages as soon as possible, but also show solidarity and unit team. well actually off out of drama is before my power steering, administer a prison affairs, he's joining us now live from with it on my load about quarter past 2 in the afternoon. your time actually off of variable. welcome to today. so i'm sorry that you're joining us on such a grim anniversary, mocking 100 days of this war in gaza. just off the top of my head. if i may just ask you what, what do you think regarding at this point a 100 days into this? what comes next, and i think it is a good thing to get the that we bought the and the before us. but because of this or that ok, it's the chevy because the is a, is
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a crying of the genocide clients that gains the bus to young people and dump them this moment. no, i can't. who she is that i had to stop before because there is there, i have the approved the, the sort of the max, this medicare to do this for i guess the bun, hunting and people, unfortunately loving the whole of the nation. that community can, as of these are wrong, the continue and this was this unified again as the last thing and people will see that it doesn't matter just as the car, we do something we need to have a decision on this one is i and maybe it was or should or may of this, this is una from the the israel was very quick is where it was very quick. i shut
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off the cost off. if i to israel said pretoria will be judged for taking israel to the international court. a court of justice regarding a are these claims of genocide. i wanted to ask you because at this point we're looking at a death told of roughly 24000 palestinians. it's probably a high when you consider how many unfortunate victims are still buried in the rubble of so many buildings. but i forgot if i thought somebody is ready to guess get come on here and out of the international. they tell me that the idea is where the defense force is. is the most moral ministry in the world, only making surgical strikes on gaza? your comments? yes, that is not the the, the model, the model. uh, i mean the, these are the last the mean that, um you know, uh because this, uh me, is cutting out to june assigned actions against the balance being in the for the when you go there, the amenities, riley. oh, how many?
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uh, 5000 from us we're getting but is there any uh me and the, and the disability as well. we have kids. we are speaking about uh, 24000. so the thing is, uh, yeah, and most of the savings depends on the women and children. the, the, uh, there are thousands of the, the merchant houses. no one can even have the number on the bus. the, here's where the kid is that i throw in the lecture and god bless that wouldn't be bad because sometimes it houses phones. this is susan with cynthia. it's fine.
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again, this is, i'm going to ask you about, i should have i do apologize. i do apologize. i'm going to have to interrupt you. we're losing the signal ashok. it's not a very still that connection. we have right now please stand by. we're going to try and re a so disconnection for you. it is sorry, it's just a bad online connection. please stand by. we appreciate your patients. thank you very much. i a type one is a foreign ministry. has told china to face reality, you offer a pro, independence candidate came out on top in the islands presidential election. and the vote stole of the democratic progressive party when a 3rd time in panama, but failed to gain a majority in parliament. several countries including the u. s. u k, and japan and congratulated a lodging town. his victory weight, just 40 percent of the vote, secured him the top spot. so china has reiterated that it's stones on tie. one will
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not change the results of the 2 elections in taiwan. this time showed that the democratic progressive party does not represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. taiwan is china, is taiwan. the selection cannot change the basic pattern and development direction of cross straight relations, nor can it change the common desire of compatriots on both sides of the street to get closer and closer. nor can it stop the general trend that the mother lead will eventually and inevitably be, were unified. more now of course, you will have to want to contribute a college, i'll call it a great to have you on the program. thanks so much for joining us here. yeah. okay, so it, okay, it's, it's early days yet regarding the results of the vote and what's going to be the future full costs? some people are saying, it's just the maintenance of a status. quote, your thoughts? yes, both parties, both the party that participate in the election, both the d p p that one and the position part of k and t,
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they're basically the status quo part given the iep presidential candidate light. shouldn't do it has stated just before the election. he said, well, there's no need to declare by when you dependents because republic of china on the tie one is already dependent, which is really saying that he's not going to start off the water. and let's face it, whatever by one does, the, has to be as explicit. go ahead, an approval for washington right now. washington is embroiled already on the team from work, one of proxy words in ukraine against russia. another right now a d u. s. is deeply involved in middle east to support is really atrocity in the policy. i mean now is the us just bomb jim. it us does not have extra lead is extra aircraft carriers to send it to tie one at the moment i use not in us interest to start it as the 3rd from war. so i don't think anything will
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change is showing the. busy the, the candidate light, you know, one day election he won was 40 percent of the vote, which means 60 percent of the electorate voted for opposition. candid and so we reason why that is because opposition is divided. so you know, the amount of a 60 percent of the voters, 33 percent voted for the k m t. i had 26 percent voted for the 3rd party candidate . and in the, in the high one legislature, jim t opposition party still won the most seat. they want the one more seat then p, p p. which means tell me to is the presidency. latching day is going to face a hostile legislature. so i don't expect much to change. that's an interesting call, but i appreciate that card. well, what about, i mean, you know, we know the badging has basically said that, you know, we can sort of taiwan to be a part of our mainland and then that in that position is really not going to change
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. but i want to, to bring up an interesting point to you on with what's going on in the world right now. there's so many flash points that it's just, it's almost like every week as a new one. you want to look at gaza yet another, etc. ukraine event as well, a guy on a and that oil and russian philosopher alex on to do good. as recently said, quote, now is the time for beijing to launch its own special military operation. how do you read between the lines about comment or maybe doesn't wish that to happen, but the aging leadership is always been very pragmatic. their main focus is still on the internal development of china. because right now the time is really on china's side. the reason russia has to launch the special military operation in 2022 is because with a limited, almost limited list natal founding of, of ukrainian military. the longer russia ways that the lot,
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the more all favorable is the balance of power. but it's not the suitcase across the tight and straight every day. every year is fine, it is getting stronger. you've got a position versus united states. so try to kind of for, for wait an edge. and again, this is a war breaking out between tyrants. we will not be a proxy or like ukraine war of breaking all across and titles rate will never set to take us develop direct involvement. because if the u. s. navy does not involve tie one will fall if it's as simple as that. so i don't think china is ready to sparkle. who was 3 yet, is it so this is not a try and trying to always seems to be one to lean almost immediately towards diplomacy and, and tool. so and peaceful mattress. you know, china certainly does not appear to have any war mongering appetite. i think we can all safely say that. i mean, china is nothing going around the world starting any, was the world tara, the war on drugs that you know, your name and china isn't like that, but i want it to wants to washington
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a number of officials and washington military guys. carl them said, be ready for war with china by 2025, and then you have america sending more weapons to tie one. you have you with nancy? pelosi isn't that goggles. making that little hollywood stands flying into type pay and all this kind of stuff. america is going to continue. it's um, freedom of navigation where it keeps sending is was shipped to the taiwan strait on the south china sea g, g. you expect? what many people cool, publications. do you expect that to continue? yes. was it to be the united states gaming use asia is to keep that pension high. so you can just, if i continue us military presence in japan, you korea in the philippines and then you order to do that. the united states have to strap tension, but again, this particular junction juncture, when the us empire is over extended the ukraine in gaza in the red sea,
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it does not have any bandwidth to create more trouble in the tie. went straight as much as he wants to. uh, you know, this is a case of spirit is rolling, but the flashes we. yeah, yeah, i mean that there, there was a comment for the pen to go on something about 6 months ago. so somebody said there, and i remember, i mentioned it one not see, a military official said if america went to war with china, america would run out of ammunition in less than 2 weeks. i mean, just to give you an idea of how finley spread the united states mandatory is around the world these days. and yet, speaking about carl, if you look at a mass of american ministry basis, if you look at china is north, northeast, east, and south east. it's almost an entire side of trying as the east is, is almost surrounded by american military base, is when you talk about how many military installations in japan and south korea and so on and so forth. do you think the time will ever come where perhaps the leadership in that part of the world would just say to washington,
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it too far away from home. you're causing too many problems. you need to get out. you need to go back to your territory. well, the thing is, uh right now is not showing that it's forcing anybody to choose to try it between china and united states is us is trying to force the issue in forsyth, countries in the neighborhood they choose. you are either with us or against us. now most people, they're happy to do business with both. they're happy to do business with china and united states. the last thing they want is to be forced to choose so. so the more the, the washington is pushing the more on popular. yeah, washington policy will be call college all or is and all to contribute to joining us live here from bar leona to international, always offering some really interesting comment tree and inside karl always a pleasure. thank you very much. i thank you. thank you for joining us. here for this program live from moscow, there is so much moving and shaking in the world today, a lot to talk about when we were at the top of the,
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the as a result of live, it was can be started by line piece can be scattered by true importance of, we can never be of a station,
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so that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic, patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public? he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, watched a so long realize pen smith and golf and, and or slate of late talk tenuously. i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought. adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through distance. it's all we going to let that stay the.


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