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tv   News  RT  January 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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fashion the, the video of motor around the world as donating really as millions openly steining and solidarity with tell us sunday, marking 100 days to start the conflict with israel leaving roughly 24000 people debt all across the gauze that included the fire. now that is there may, the washington, the messages also have crystal clear and massive crowds, marsh, most of the white house, the mind being an end to the violence in god's i'm as a pro independence candidate, wins the presidential election in taiwan and the islands for ministry calls on china to face the reality. beijing meantime says it's dawn is. the world must
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recognize taiwan. that's a part of china mainland. the, i'm sorry, was the mainstream media, openly ignore it was the millions of pro palestinian demonstrations worldwide today . hero, nazi will tell you everything the mainstream doesn't want you to know. so beginning this our, now it's a great amount of us are you, can you imagine exactly 100 days now since the start of the war and gaza at these ready campaign came in the lives of roughly 24000 people? can you imagine approximately 60000 wounded, amid the adf bombardment swell from europe to africa, elsewhere all around the world? have a look at these pictures as hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets to rally in support of the palestinians. malaysia, south africa, the u. k. america is an easier way was tylen depends it's least,
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greece. i'm talk a song, demonstrations old part of a local day of actions, a palace, not the cold on israel to stop the file as well. we were there on the streets and we spoke to those taken by the united states. government is complicit in this genocide sale funding. is that all to the, to you to is that all the forms that are dropping on gaza, you estimate and the an apology. i think about that. we have been saying that i from the beginning of domestic, that of the genocide, that's what is taking place that i know is that genocide because we would have to buys that is a daily water cut them the defense minister of the prime minister, the president himself of is it, i want us both and on a genocide that they wanted us to leave jobs off and to, to egypt. in other words, they weren't quoting for an insignificant and saying is open the world every month . they don't have a right to kill. it's forbidden to take the lots of mothers, fathers, and children,
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they have no rights and that the crusade and everything was planned in advance. and that's in yahoo as objective is to take gaza and wipe out the palestinians. she wants to take the entirety of our land and we need to ask before he does so i'm happy to stand here in solidarity on this important day of co sign alliance is room a stop disorder, and america should reconsider its support for the nation. the freedom of bells, science is the freedom of all humanity in washington. what began as a raleigh just turned into a march right towards the white house. the some of the tech people try to stay on the fence around the building, right? police as one might imagine what the spot without demanding an immediate cease fire and gaza. local john let the manila chime monitoring the event. i am presently right now. i see in the model for god. the rally here in downtown washington dc
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added freedom a lot, that at least $10000.00 people that i thought would be, the crowns are going. bending down past the work was from which is the main avenue, the main drag and was indeed the speakers are the moment to are currently family members and survivors. the oh the god and bard meant the lot. there's family where their voices for the dad right now, we've heard some very tearful story. the more in breaking images shown. there are no other waiters, including doctor cornell, west the candidate here in the united states, as well as dr. jill sign. who is also the guardian for president of the united states and we are we are in shopped and on the stop mobile
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majority and then on stop mobile floors for p. r just says one and 2 genocide, no guns, no is where we served that international law. 7 then human rights are the law of the land and the law of the future, the crowd were continuing to grow and we're hearing chance of the free god, the i actually the yeah, a lot of the, a jewish people does this, that are saying you have something the state of israel does or not will represent world jewelry. the bottom there's the table of power 9 room is very, very easily. there are no counter demonstrators that i have the very piece of the beer grew to do the big
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national rally that the by some national coalition. after listening to a number of speakers that were on the stage sharing, reading stories of family members who were lost in gaza. we're still continuing to see a flow of thousands and thousands just in here on washington. and they say this battle is not yet over until they take all their messages to the halls of congress and a ceasefire happens. now, bloodier be heard from john list up my like hollywood and she offered her take on highways. relatives trying to justify its actions that have resulted in roughly 24000 have a blessed, a in 2024. when you hear that the is written, it is, are defending their right to commit to a junior sided under the title of defending themselves. if you just sent it good. because since the 7th of october, we have been eating all kinds of file features,
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get them. and then if there's, by that, it's very easy the, there's um, but is there any administer the, the, there's the cool thing about the human animals. and if this is not done and 1014 is tied, what is and then sort of genus heights when, when we're talking about cutting and exist city cutting voltage and, and that i am located that is ongoing for 17 years. and now it's even getting hardly what i see it, that is a, is just the serve and for the us, the interest in that each and for preventing any kind of phase. and for the people of this region and forward ensuring to control all the political and the social changes that might be coming in this area of the world. you would, that gives us lectures about the key words and about that it's up to people to live, to exist, and to express themselves. what you're seeing now is basically a kind of new, not the overtaking the, we're not on the, an overt region. and you cannot now uh both speak about the support thing on the
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side. and due to a biased suppression in germany for itself is that is because technically supporting budgeting, those type of is right and, and, and you kind of talk about that for you. the and then the medium is to need the all that i'm the word and only if you need your help set. how's the cottage to add a is the 15 on or the proof and a senior invoice with a pro palestinian protest over in the german capital as well with thousands highlighted, a dire situation and gaza and meet the crowds audit contributor rachel last. i am at the national day of action for how side and this is part of a larger global movement today where people are congregating and various cities around the world in order to draw attention to the cause of the palestinian people . now i got a chance to talk to a lot of the people involved here and many are very, very young. and they all kind of have the same story. and it's quite shocking. many of said that they've attended several of these protests, and they've made posts on social media, which they consider relatively benign,
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are maybe slightly provocative. but they've ended up being visited by the authorities and the equivalent of what they say are the members of the german, c, c, f, b, i or the police officers. and in some cases they've been arrested sometimes multiple times and even charged with things like incitement. and i asked them why do you think that is their being charged with just saying particular things that the government doesn't want said. and they said, well, a lot of it has to do with the kind of qualification that the government against certain kinds of speech that hearken back to the kind of language that comes from germany is very complicated history. so things that evoke faster as a nazi is and that kind of thing, lot of kind of students in berlin are being visited by the police are being intimidated and interrogated at the protest. certain chance are being forbidden on a daily basis. really. we face oppression and extreme police brutality. we're being
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beaten or being taken and we're being arrested. and we don't feel welcome here as german citizens, and we also don't feel safe anymore. i've been arrested several times. i've been asked to, yesterday, how many times i got arrested. and suddenly i realized that i don't know the number in germany, every culture is here are what is coming on. i saw these and every. 1 of abuse is here also very common yet, but when it comes to that bodies, cnn's todd show our bodies opinion is sure it is from their side. it doesn't come in the lies. and while the or international criminal court of justice was presented this week with what south africa calls, evidence of is riley genocidal actions. and these are any prominent so simply dismissed the allegations that on yahoo will subtract a ton of tables by blasting. the accuses adding that will be no compromise until the quote full. this is the new nazi user trying to blame us in genocide and it
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will not deter us. it's the same anti semitism. it hasn't changed, but we have the army. we are on the way to win the war. we will not compromise until we get a full victory because we don't have a choice. we will do it in recent weeks. we prove to him us that each one of them is a dead man walking. and we will continue to eliminate them, but these operations take time. some time ago, i meant blinking, and i told him that we will not stop until we bring your hostages back. and i also told him that it was not our only war, but also the war of everyone. i called at the 3 h as a mosque who refused and has blog the law, the families of his right most, which is still held by him. and so once again, demonte big government do more to bring home then loved ones over now to um, at least bureau chief, but this is around march $100.00 days since the beginning of the
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people are the number of traders with rel is being held weekly. have gathered here in dallas that would be behind me to protest, demands immediate release. this whole crowd, child's meaning. now in hebrew, from time to time, this is when they want their loved ones back home. people are here to express the anger or disappointment and grief for joining the relatives of the captive. we're today, our masters, the u. s. has just has a big confirming washington's commitment to policy 0 politicians, members of the world cabinets foreign influence or is and are as you can hear now people are trying to nav shop in hebrew to maturity before this event starts. his prime minister benjamin, he said, yeah, who made a statement to repeating again and again, that is real. well,
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not steve. up on any of the hostages, the people here have hard time believing they later 136 is rarely hostages, still remain, inconsistency in the guy who has 3 for 100 days already, including all the people miners and the sick and injured, especially for today's gruesome events, local office has built a custom. it's a tunnel here on the square that resembles the underground tunnels of have mass and together streets the spam elizabeth hostages. believe the loved ones are held in a similar place. and this arch installation serves to simulate the conditions the captive probably how and people end to the tunnel and leave it crying. this is certainly as far as a full, the entire nation. people support each other and especially to the families of those and connectivity. and this is another mission of today's gathering to pressure the government to secure the release of the hostages as soon as possible, but also show solidarity and unit team. so either friday, s my email is
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a former senior stop or in the us house of representatives who is joining us now. live here on elsie international on this sunday, appreciate you joining us here. so thanks for sharing your time. well, that's here at oxy international, can you imagine a 100 days? it's it's, it's hard to imagine we've got here all ready a 100 days with so many deaths continue on a regular basis a did you think you would get to this point? so unfortunately, yes, because right from the start uh we were not. um, we were told that it is going to go for a month. some people talk about an entire year and a friendly um, this is not a lot of surprising us in the sense, so of uh how, how, how long it takes. because this is anticipated. and if it wasn't dissipated because of the top of graphics of the situation because of the complexity of
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the nation and because of the almost unrealistic nature of the, the, all the goals that were assigned to the idea. realistic, realistic, oh, sorry, sorry, i just wanna pick you up that would unrealistic. what, why do you use that? would you bring it down to the mass? i mean, come on, come as is not the is more than it's 40000 members. maybe 101-2000 of them. i shall fighters. i'm asked as much more than that. it's an idea. i just don't even if you'll be, raise your rates even if you arrest the actual leadership website and get we get to that point. okay, what's the point? and your best all the way to ship more inside them or kill them, whatever. okay. so what the idea, i mean the question is why is an organization like how much, by the way other organizations will participate in this entire thing. like the p j,
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the better things that you had, which i would not, i would not uh, this just disregard. this is a very important organization with very strong leadership in the form of the highly and other people. um, so okay, maybe an organization or you maybe you can break the ability to, to keep the abilities that are going to station possibly a lot of it is being done right now, but like takes you to a throw you completely out of the board. then the thought is still there, the ideas is still there and the conditions that created how math and grade of the p i, jan, graded all the other organizations are still there. so as long as you don't address that, and i don't know how many times we have to say that to, to the easiest solution types. and these kinds o o, o substrate ogen and book interviews, all the bases and the various groups every call them is a substrate organization. the about the people that to where they have the above
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the fitness behind them. well, for that is the financial, they mention, and there is the material they mention, but i, you know, really all the damage that is happening now to the ability to come out. they don't hurt the, the, the funders, the funded people who are behind the still there. and so the thought has to be more realistic and saying, yeah, we can talk about the reviews that get the abilities of paralyzing something a little crazy. and people will be giving them a heart blow, you know, what's causing vengeance, vengeance for october 7th, which is really what was on here. that's okay. okay, that's when we went right to the start, we're going to destroy him as but yet we're going to save a lot of people who were older computer captives proud. it's either or i think that's an interesting comment and i think that's a very interesting comment. you're so sorry to interrupt you so, but as you say,
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there is a huge ideology that that's absolutely fair to say. and again, it's perhaps it is not realistic. the thing that you can just stump out such an ideology. well, one of the things isn't yahoo said that. he said to admit this a, this, i guess this ministry operation, he said one of the, one of the purposes to the d. radicalize palestinians. i think he was referring perhaps to, to the palestinian youth. fit to be radicalized, and did you think now what a 100 days of this operation of this, what do you think the, the idea of be radicalized when published in unit is coming to fruition? or perhaps it's actually going to make matters worse. it might strengthen the ideology that you're talking about with a lot of these issues of what causes radicalization, both from the standpoint of the mechanism, the actual mechanism. oh, there are people more on radicalized other people, is i? so there's a whole effort to an intelligence services i'm well aware of it. we studied and we
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still study the idea, whole radicalization, whether it is through prisons, people who are being presented to come early or then, or whether it's through the internet or whether it's not. maybe this is maybe events that happened to people, incidents that happened to people and radicalize them. that is a very intensely study area. now the question is, is, if you're going to review, if you will be radicalized people, one of the obvious things is you have to, to move them. if you want to move people's opinions one point, the point a to point b, you have to to find a way to move them and could be the negative using force like what is happening now . another one is also given another way out. a visa problem. yes, so far in the way before 9147, the silver we have so far into the life of the prime minister goals. right?
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because it's a, it's way past it that uh, just buying the heck out of them right now is not gonna change or the hard for. yeah. the people that 2000000 people live there. yeah. you could bring them to a place to say, hey, it's not worth it. yeah, i mean, people to say that, but that's where your problem is. we are thinking about the hard for, and more importantly about those woodside them and support them. those people don't need one huge to them. what's happening and does that is exactly what they want to see. the want to see very these horrible pictures of the show this on 5 the moon and have some kind of mobile number of probably above 330000 people dancing. but again, oh uh, probably most of those to be the exact numbers we want to know for a few months. lease insane situation actually works plays right into the hands. so even if we get the, the population thing, stop,
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we don't want this anymore. and they have been saying that even before 7 o, 7 of october, of the people that move all of this, the forces and networks behind is that actually works with it. because radically radicalism feeds of misery feeds off pain, freedom feeds off the horrible fits of the destroyed dog. i'm watching and i'm trying to really like, not focus on those pictures. uh huh. this is what, see this whole thing. so when we talk about the radco ization, this is not something that happened within 2 or 3 months at um, oh, heavy balmy's, by the way, the only time i know in history where using extreme force have really changed people. that was a new problem with with dropped in japan. yeah. yeah. what was that the only time in history i remember that like in sales force did something like that. yeah. but a yes. i think i must think he raised, i think he wrote some really good points it sorry to interrupt you,
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but i just think it's fair to say i, i think he paid some very good statement is there, and i think when it comes to, to stamping out what, what is a wide spread on, you know, ideology is not just focused there and gosh, i mean, there are pub potts, around the world, or how most of the people in and there is, is id ology but, but also i also think it's interesting how you said that, that the ministry campaign is theoretically unrealistic to stump out the i audiology as well. so here we are at a 100 days into this. as you said, with so many deaths happening and so many civilians killed but for the smile is a form of senior stuff or in the us house of representatives who really appreciate your time. thanks for joining us here. we're not to international. thanks for meeting. thank you. very much thank from well, taiwan farm industry has told china to face reality after a pro independence kind of it came out on top in the islands presidential election . of the vote sold a democratic progressive party went up to a time and power but failed to gain a majority in parliament. several countries including the us, the u. k and japan congratulated a elijah, entitled his victory by just 40 percent of the votes. acute him,
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the top spot of china that has reiterated that it's on its own tie. one will smell of the results of the 2 elections in taiwan. this time showed that the democratic progressive party does not represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. taiwan is china. is taiwan, the selection cannot change the basic pattern in development direction of cross straight relations. nor can it change the common desire of compatriots on both sides of the street to get closer and closer. nor can it stop the general trend that the mother land will eventually and inevitably be re unified times a lot more crossing now to i know time going to a senior fellow at the time institute. the thing to go, i know it's always great to get you on the program before we get into what is essentially your specialty, cuz i love it when you talked to your politics. i just want to start off by saying that obviously the democratic progressive party winning the presidential election in taiwan just 40 percent of the vote. it has lost the majority in parliament. does
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not tell you anything i know are about, i guess the overall sentiment on the island or how did he read it? well last election they had a clear majority in the parliament and they also had uh 50 percent of the votes that propelled the president into office. so this is uh, you know, kind of going backwards uh, what the d p p has been able to do successfully is play the china cards, but they have not been able to play the economics. what about that? what about the aging previously criticizing the ruling party for it's a separatist style, and so what reaction can we expect? and beijing do things a well, i mean, a base thing has already put out both carrot and stick. the carrot. uh is, uh, you know, a few months ago they took away some chairs that were on petro chemicals. um, and they have had continued to have a favorable policies towards the start was the tie when his business in china was sick, is they obviously could do things to make life more difficult. the taiwan
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is coming off a year of very, very, very, very poor growth. they started at 6.6 percent and 20212.6 in 2022. and 1.4 in 2023. they're slated to be go to 3 percent. but in actuality, um, it's an economy and reverse the wages did not keep up. so real, real wages have been going backwards. so if you look at the jenny index, it's really not going in the right direction. we use be point 29, and 1985 today it's point 34. so that's what i say when they are in terms of the economics it's, it's not there, it's going to be very difficult for the need to live, to be able to govern that because he's not going to have the speakership in the house. that means he can introduce bills and he's not gonna be able to get much pass without cooperation. i know that meantime,
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the american institute in taiwan says, an unofficial us delegation plan to visit the island today. then you added, you know what, what, what the months ago, nancy pelosi and hollywood started flying in there as well. you've got a more american weapon contracts going to taiwan. also, i assume america will continue to, to, to sell it as warships and do it's freedom of navigation routines in the south, tennessee, taiwan straits, so on and so forth. and also with this find out if you'd be so kind. why is washington so interested in taiwan? on the selection well they're not really interested in tie one for say, i mean they are interested in the somebody because after chips that tie, one produces 90 percent of them go to the united states. right. so that's a big issue. but if you asked the average american word taiwan was, it wouldn't be able to tell you, they wouldn't be able to tell you why. so strategic importance. basically what it comes down to is this is part of the containment strategy that washington has come up with. isn't working very well, but you know, if you take
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a taiwan hong kong to a 2 beds and she and john, these are these in the south china seas. these are the areas where they feel china is valuable and where they continue. this kind of miscommunication misinformation campaign to try to portray china is somehow evil when it's simply trying to assert control over what he believes is its territory. yeah, we, you know, we hear this what evil being thrown around. we hear about the axis of evil and all this kind of thing. yeah. i've been in this business for too, too long. but when, when you talk about america, having a containment strategy regarding china. why, why would america have a containment strategy regarding china? i not of you. i don't think you need to ask it's about to jeremy uh the us um, after world war two's that this doesn't trust anybody, they don't trust the europeans and they made it clear that the u. s. is going to take control of the world and that it's the world has to come to uniformity and of
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course, and is necessary and they're willing to do that. but you know, it initially was all about just know, justifying what you did, you, whether, whether it was revolutions or assassinations and in south america, or, you know, armed interventions or political interventions in africa. it didn't matter. the cold war was running. everything could be justified based on power. but, you know, under reagan, all of a sudden it became a religion. the u. s. was anointed by god and therefore it wasn't right in anybody who pose it as is wrong. and that is the sticking point. you cannot negotiate with somebody who says you're, you're wrong. i'm right. and that's unfortunately where things are heading. i'm out of time. good is a senior fellow at the time instead of joining us live here on ology international talk about of mine. who knows as geo politics and g wrecker nomics, it's always such a pleasure to have you on thank you very much. thank you. thank you for joining us
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into sharing some of your sunday with us. here are the audience enough for headquarters? the mother ship it. we also have seen with more of your world news, [000:00:00;00] the facts on
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the the you have all the forces vote 4 times slot of yes. because call 0. that's what this guy for fresh and closer shots. so for that's shown like operation have


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