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tv   News  RT  January 14, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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the, the, the only thing pictures coming in from the bowl around the world as millions stand in solidarity with palestinians today sunday, mocking $100.00 days since the start of the conflict with these royal leaving roughly 24000 people dead across the entire gaza and collect and as it pro independence kind of wins the presidential election in taiwan, the islands for ministry calls on china to face the reality of aging. so as it stands, aids for the world must recognize taiwan is a part of the main and in su, done no. you an agency voice is can so an over the growing amount of displaced people them of the ongoing conflict. many of them finding themselves stranded in
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neighboring self. and so to do office in the defense counsel dr. smith to use the environment, is that the same and the usually in the country that is not yours. you are not safe. i started with the mainstream media refusing to report on historically huge demonstrations worldwide today. we've got you covered right here. we're not see international. so taken off the, our with a great amount of us are you, can you imagine it's been exactly a 100 days since the start of the war and gaza? is there any time paying this kind the lives of roughly 24000 people with more than 60000 wounded, amid the as riley bombing campaigns well, from europe to africa, to elsewhere around the globe. hundreds of thousands of people worldwide getting the streets to run the in support of the palestinians. malays, yeah. south africa,
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the u. k. america, indonesia, thailand, japan, italy, greece focused on demonstrations with all the part of a global day of action for palestine and cold on israel. to stop its deadly attacks . well, of course archie is world wide. we were on the streets and we spoke to some of those people right. that the united states government is complicit in this genocide . sale funding is all to the to say is that i have the funds that are dropping one guys of a you estimate and the unimportant just think about it. we have been saying that like from the beginning of domestic, that of the genocide, that's what is taking place right now. is that genocide because we would have to 5, is it a water cut? the defense minister, the 5 minutes to the president himself of is it a wound us both and on a genocide that they wanted us to leave jobs off and to, to egypt. in other words, they would call in for an insignificant i'm saying is open the world every month.
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they don't have a right to to is forbidden to take the lots of mothers, fathers and children. they have no right? and that's a, this is a crusade and everything was planned in advance. and that's in yahoo is objective is to take garza and wipe out the palestinians. she wants to take the entirety of our land and we need to ask before he does so i'm happy to stand here in solidarity on this important day of co sign alliance. israel must stop the slaughter and america should reconsider its support for the nation. the freedom of palestine is the freedom of all humanity. in washington, what began as a riley turned into a march headed straight for the white house. the single along the perimeter security fence right there, a collective effort rustled the barrier. there's a line of police stood inside the ground, so ensure the situation is said someone on the control. local john with manila china reporting now from
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a mit the crowns. i am presently right now as the model for guides of rally here in downtown washington, dc added for, you know, a lot that at least 10000 people that i thought would be, the crowns are going, bending down past the work flow strong, which is the main avenue, the main drag and one of the, the speakers i said at the moment to are currently family members and survivors. the oh the god and bard meant the lot their families are their voices for the dad. right now we've heard some very tearful story. the more in breaking images shown, there are no makers, including dr. cornell west. the candidate here in the united states, as well as dr. jill time. who is also the guardian for president of the united states, the prison
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we are in fact an on. 7 mobile majority and then on stop mobile floors for p. c just says. c and and to genocide now. 7 is where we served that international law. 7 and human rights are the law of the land and the law of the future, the crowd, we're continuing to grow and we're hearing chance of the free god, the i actually the yeah, a lot of this time the jewish people is this that are saying you a couple of the state of israel does or not will represent world jewelry one and there's the table of power 9 building is very, very easily. there are no counter demonstrators that i have the very piece of
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the lab. is there a lot of the groups do the big national rally through that in writing and by some national coalition. after listening to a number of speakers that were on the stage, sharing the park reading stories of family members who are lost in gaza. we're still continuing to see a flow of thousands and thousands defend here on washington. and they say this battle is not yet over until they take all their messages to the halls of congress and a ceasefire. happen now. in nigeria, pro palestinian activists hit the streets of the country's capital, demanding a ceasefire and gossum. this report now with local correspondent timothy obeys who, in other words, you of our mazda products here in apple job. this is bob, bob,
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tom. oh, god demonstration on global you thought that's a good plan by members. hopefully as long as the movements, uh, that's more popularly shy. so what they are doing here right now is on the ration of the $100.00 green screen, the 5 mean spot to between israel and the come are providing and guys up this, this is pop up on, you know, a global on by members of the move made or the most of the members to show this totally dire to be a college said these demonstrations straight straight up to your us today. but you may have the same deb hughes or you can hear what the baton for right behind me just to just put us deputies are calling for the the the base on top of our guys out. so as the war and gaza has now entered, it's $100.00 the day the leader of hezbollah has insisted that is world cannot achieve a minute tree victory. i saw enough that allah said that
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a speech of the is really economy has also been heavily impacted by the conflict. and the address came to mock one week since the death of a senior has. but i'll come on to with some i'll tell we'll was killed by his ready strike in southern lebanon. mother, i'm just, i don't want to be any be accomplishing $100.00 days besides brutal destruction, killing civilians, women and children. it though it did not reach any real victory, it did not even reach a semblance of a victory. this is something design. this also agree on them. they failed to achieve their declared and semi declared implicit goals. with more details and highlights from his speech, his level john list malik highlighted, and baby it has been. so can you look at this and say, i like the 1st the week send the word he was actually highlighting the fact that the word needs to stop and smoking the word would never would need to solve other
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issues like just security and that it each and on that, the northern part of it. okay, if i for this to be enough drunk, which is a from that has been a escalating since part of the days we have more than a few 1000 the menus. the villages will have evacuated bits of space due to the complex and we have more than $250.00. and that's been market since home today. and we have as so many of the nations here in the suburb of basically what i'm sending the destination of the item is i'm gonna send you that. um that finished up with some of the other in the morning and say that it's and it's janetta check on the lower copays today. that's so it was basically like cut out of the hand with that bus days and a kid, a message to that is right. you the in 3rd, in a society that you are unable to carry on with the ward was just one. this been strong because picking up given gets finished with the opening other front with 7
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on and it all going to be on them on monday was also stating the fact that the inspection is actually having to use and the worst the, or the ben sebastian and as the board of desperate each ward or what they call the defense of ward is that you think up. so basically he was like putting that as a, as a button then as well as fines or the advice for the upcoming uh, as confrontation or the way things to go on. he mentioned the nothing the board on guess the then region was to talk about other issues like how just one level or how city is that hostages and uh that side, whatever they are to basically be cut on because aspect is one aspect of the last of the is that it is that doing this for and it's due to affecting them because it goes to the basement and also have the supplies. they used to have film that it did,
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given that, that i am in the army is the target. think every ship that's trying to reach for the as the easiest to provide them what they have been a customer. so as long as i'm located function is part of the. okay, but function you for that is that you just on the fence, sullivan, i, to iran where a crowd is gathered and tear on in a show of support for south africa's case against israel to the international court of justice. you know, it's all about charges of genocide details here with all these use of july, a 20000 lawyers on legal experts into one and across the country. you have staged simultaneous rallies in support of south africa's case filed at the international court of justice, but accuses as well of committing genocide and it's ongoing war and gaza. here in the capital, iranians have gathered in front of the un office to demand that the i c. j rule for the immediate cessation of a this is really strikes
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a force on jobs. are there now drawing off a list of thousands of, uh, signatures to deliver to the united nations office in toronto, urge, and immediate action, or to and the guns a crisis. now people here say the number of casualties in gaza is entering onto the 24000 mark. and yeah, israel justifies its actions as self defense state. it goes to south africa as argument that tel aviv has reached the 1948 genocide convention drawn off in the aftermath of world war 2 and the hall. the cause many countries have now walton, south africa's i c, j case against israel, including members of the organization of as long as the countries um and the arab league, of course, turkey and malaysia. brazil and several other nations have voiced their support for the south african case. these wonderful public copy,
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ron was courts to voice and support for, for tory as finally call and get a responsible, courageous and honorable move in solidarity with the palestinian nation and a viable measure that can and what is called the raft of crimes committed by israel and guns on the warranty and foreign ministry says israel has enjoyed unconditional unwavering again, unrestricted support from the u. s. u. k and other western governments to carry out a full scale new latoria dogs, the guest house, the ends and the besieged gauze is for a pending occupied west bank over the past 3 months and has been infringing upon all international conventions concerning palestinians, especially now that the american and british governments have directly been drawn into the conflict bombing b o. c targets said you have an active this year war and the,
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the non con effects of these really hum us for our me, gripping far flung corners of the region. the young men is situated uh, 1400 miles away from the epicenter of the crisis. and gosh, right now, it has turned into another hotspots in the crisis. as the u. s. u. k. college and habitats. several cities and young man in response to the who these pro power assign campaign and the right see of course that has seized and attacked is really bound ships. they are now. people here say of course they look at the south african case as a practical staff to bring this snowball in conflict. so on and urging that he wants top court to pull the plug on quotes as well as war machine. what's the west bank where almost 6000 palestinians have been detained over the last 100 days? according to the palestinian prisoner society, the number includes more than 300 kids. it adds that thousands of the overall total
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it being held without being charged or even given a trial. so let's learn more right now a john, this mohammed and jeep. now joining us live from the west by and here on out to you international the habit of very good evening to you so. so the latest numbers on, i really hope you can help us with this. more than 5800 palestinians are posley erected by his ready forces in the west bank over the last 100 days. do you have any more details about that mohammed? oh, yes. so the actually the problem sooner and it was a club. the issue today and the total number off the policy as far as being honest, expensive in october right now or $5875.00, including $200.00 women. the 355 children, and 2856 of them. when i spoke to the administrative decision, which means petition was out the child was, this is the largest number since the 2nd intifada of follow, seen us for us the short time of 100 days. yeah. you're right. these are all very big numbers in the what about, i mean, we're looking at
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a 100 days now since the whole war erupt in my 100 and. and while the westbank is not the total focus for israel, what is the send some of the locals that who i, you know, i understand that to them who are pretty much every day. they're being subjected to daily security rates. the yes actually the i the it, he really cracked bone on those backs and civil football right now. even as i what was in guns up also the last bank last time because by the way it was they were is about 756 points about this clinic on the make the move month. it was really difficult for them both very also. spring is really nice, but if they did, that was thanks to this tom, i'm but if you just jumped out, is that the clash injured and killed the policy? yes. and the story very well. select charlottesville, the lines become extremely difficult, part of a thing as the restriction i get is the economic situation. also dw, listed as these last stop the 200000 and thought in what comes would work. it was right on the brink, $1600000.00 for that, but assuming they cut them every day,
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but it just, it was determined to pay the southern use of its public believes 165000. um, but that seems like within comfortable shopping here. the best sales rep i'm up. i'm able to pull up the other so that i can see jason deteriorated within 100. this of their life for basically um the people who are also feeling sympathy with guys are interested. i think it with us think it's not a lot of a life. i thought, well, how many i mean with so many people on the west bank with so many rates going on, and i guess that's a pretty uh guess, resentful sentiment that towards the idea of what do you think the potential is it a crazy idea to imagine kinda will spread from gaza to the west bank mohammed. it actually says the outbreak of the old and guys are the idea of move. it's a box. i'll come back units of from the west bank. i've sent them together and the brought to you, the idea is every student switch out our method, brookie, some of the books and i'll use open fire a guess about a scene and this is what just defy the how you number is what it is. i'm on the
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policy is over 300 for this isn't kill soon civil. so what i know, i suppose to have say's about the i the if want to get to the image of the big city that because it's accomplished and does i go to some of those back i those bank that is the problem was i just got to victory as well as i said, a lot of some during the scene on the 2nd valve of the thing. yes. and i think this is because it got back and we had to go back to stand there. hold on really just so i was on, on a nightmare for the cmc or it was spent. mama can i ask you because we've got kind of unclear reports, but maybe you could help me by reports. it is really settlers of intensified attack . so no rule palestinian communities since the start of the war. do you know what do you know anything about that? yes, i'm sure. of course the more that 50 volunteers were killed, the records work and stuff like that. so there's lucky all the advice it less down the that's a plus where on $220000.00 the guns with this are connected by vanishing with
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a good deal. there is, i can model been a good, but that's it. look at those bank. he said to defend themselves, what was misuse to at tech about of seeing is uh the there for what it is on the close bottles and especially there called the settings. and even today, um, before i got the time they are taking over the land, they taking that month is that well called what it really wants to go and then does . uh, they have taken over the, the list back and see what i'm doing. good. last 2 weeks and also they are backed by the government. well why don't stop them or tell them not to do? is that not even if no the police have meant that to you, but that level john lives in the west bank? joining us live locally about 6 20 pm on sunday. thanks for all the details mohammed. we appreciate that. thank you all. israel stands accused of genocide, the united nations quoted the hey, got both the i, c, j, n i c c, a base back of a case with forward by south africa and then an exclusive interview. we're here for about countries, minutes to all the lease that's coming up just to touch base with the program
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for now, type one's foreign ministry is told china to face reality after a pro independence candidate came out on top and the islands presidential election, the vote. so the democratic progressive party went a 3rd time and power but fail to gain a majority in parliament. several countries including america, the u. k, and japan congratulated a lighting pay on his victory weight. just 40 percent of the vote secured him the top spot. so badging has reiterated it stones on taiwan, but that stones will not change the results of the 2 elections in taiwan. this time show that the democratic progressive party does not represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. taiwan is china, is taiwan. the selection cannot change the basic pattern and development direction of cross straight relations, nor can it change the common desire of compatriots on both sides of the street to get closer and closer. nor can it stop the general trend that the mother lead will
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eventually and inevitably be re unified both at the p p that one and the position part of k a t. they're basically status quote part given the presidential candidate light shouldn't do. it has a just before the election, you said, well there's no need to declare height when you dependents because we have like a china on the tie. one that is already dependent, which is really saying that he's not going to start off the water. and let's face it, whatever by one does the, it has to be as explicit. go ahead, an approval for washington right now. washington is embroiled already on a team from war. one a proxy. what do you mean? ukraine of answer russia. another right now in the us is deeply being involved in middle east to support is really atrocity in palestine. meetings now is the
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us just bomb, give it to us, does not have extra lead, extra aircraft carriers to send it to tie one at the moment i use not in us interest to start a as the 3rd from or um, so i don't think anything will change is showing the the, the candidate light seen the one the election. he one was 40 percent of the vote, which means 60 percent of the electorate voted for opposition candidates. so we reason one is because our position is dividing bad in the if i wanted legislature, jim t opposition party still won the most of what the one or seeds, then d d p, which means so mean to is the presence the lights into it is going to base off our legislature so i don't expect much to change china, so i'm in washington, london and tokyo for quote, interfering and its internal affairs after they congratulated. tie, once president elect know it was to speaking with a senior fellow at the time institute. the think tank i'm out of time. good for his
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thoughts on well, us foreign policy in that part of the world. well, they're not really interested in taiwan per say. i mean, they are interested in this. somebody goes after chips, the taiwan produces 90 percent of them go to the united states. so that's a big issue. but if you ask the average american word taiwan was, it wouldn't be able to tell you, they wouldn't be able to tell you why. so strategic importance, basically what it comes down to is this is part of the containment strategy that washington has come up with. isn't working very well. but you know, if you take uh taiwanda hong kong to a 2 beds and she and john, these are these in the south china seas, these are the areas where they feel china is wrong ruble and where they continue this kind of misinformation campaign to try to portray china is somehow evil when it's simply trying to assert control over what he believes is its territory or the regional tensions of even put
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a strain on the global economy. that's as taiwan is a crucial producer of somebody. conduct this on the president elect says the local industry will continue to develop a taiwan semi conductor industry as a common asset for the world. not only type one does cherish it, that we also hope that china and the international community can come together to cherish this industry. or what's i want accounts for almost half of the world's production of semi conducted chips, crucial for computers, smartphones and all sorts of other digital devices. so i want to also it dominates and the manufacturing automotive bonds to those components with more than 90 percent of that production. notably china is the world's largest semi conductor market. now, semiconductors have been the focus of a trade dispute between america and china. 2022, washington the restricted supplies of materials needed for micro chip production. but get this, it's china that produce as most of that material. last year it took that
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a step further. imposing sanctions of exports, of components use a again, that was america during those sanctions. the us is also welcome to production of time when these micro chips on its own soil with a factory of the company t s. m. c. opening in arizona. it's a reported clone by the way up the main factory in taiwan was discussing all of this with economic ex, but benjamin child. you said it's going to be difficult if america ever wants to wean itself off as dependence of taiwan. an insult subsector such as a foundry operations, the company t s n c a no accounts for half of the global market. and this firm alone is increasingly part of the tech competition between the us and china responding to a because of the american government. this company has been seeking to set up factories in the united states in general and in japan, but due to the high position and cult engineer as needed at the us, it actually has failed in many ways. because the, this companies,
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it's facing huge challenges at sbc, think a so long the laser fund by completing the plans of a to suit out. and now where are you in? humanitarian affairs office has raised that on over the growing amount of people displaced in the country. the crisis has been unfolding since a conflict between the student, these army, and the so called rapids support forces that erupt it in april reports nearly half a 1000000 people have fled the neighboring south sudan. and we heard from some of the refugees who ultimately escaped divine and now i think depending on if it is possible for you left your country to another, you are facing the different come. so that is not to use. the environment is the same and uh, usually to stay in the country that is not yours. you are not safe. the way i was living companies is the same. i live in foster down sometimes. uh,
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different quotes like sickness. and uh uh, also what, uh the what is not good. you really, we almost have to, you know, from wherever do. now we pick them like, uh lets say service. this is what lies. but you and offers. also highlighted of a 5 thing is disrupting critical to monetary and operations in the north african nation. we spoke to a political analyst from south sudan who explained how the influx of refugees is affecting his country. the 1st one, the economic concerns for south sedan is the economic impact of this conflict on uh, south sudan, south city, and the student have a strong economic relationship. south city exports all of his crew through sudan to port sudan to international markets. south sedan country towns and the border of south didn't rely on sudan for logistics for important and exporting, and also export in agriculture products. so that's what has been the impact. and
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then finally, from the humanitarian side, you look at the level of humanitarian pressure that has been placed on cells to that. recently the cell, students said that it needs 1800000000 to support return nice and refugees. so as putting a lot of pressure on local authorities is putting a lot of pressure on the government in order to find the solution. what i think. so what has suggested and done immediately was that president suffolk here as thought to play a, be a mediator in the conflict. the suck immediate, the conflict between the r a suff, and s a s. when you have a migrant crisis, you're going to see arise and disease just because number one, immediately people are living and very harsh conditions. people are living in close quarters. people don't have the proper sanitation. people don't have the proper housing conditions. that's why you have this. so some of the things that they need to do, the government is to work with international organization. work with key partners to identify ways to screen people. we by trade them to their home areas and then also give people the proper medication and their proper living conditions to ensure
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that they're safe with is a compounding of the problems. and so down those who have remained are also facing a food crisis as the company because ultimately crippled the agricultural industry . a video on and for logan has many farmers, including myself. we have these difficulties and were unable to plant their crops while despite managing to grow some beans, i am uncertain as to where i will be able to sell them. the price of crops has come to do to the ongoing war and they no longer cover the costs of farming and production. and all the currently agriculture in sudan has been completely paralyzed, particularly in the states of death for an elder 0, which are crucial for students economy. instead of focusing on farming and producing people are now preoccupied with self defense, to the ongoing, more mandatory and situation is also devastating. and there is a complete lack of response from international entities in organizations. furthermore, only 30 percent of the pledged assistance has been delivered to savannah,
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as stated by the humanitarian coordinator. part of the store is ongoing this week. let me just give you an update here cuz friday is ready. representatives spoke out against the genocide case against the country and the un sycold a south africa had initiated the proceedings, accusing israel of violating the international convention on genocide. quoting for an immediate cease fire, we discussed the south africa stones on the conflict with the countries minister of police. according to him, he says his nation supports palestinians because it remembers its own history of apartheid. what seeing the people who lead to that spinning all farther countries, especially with russia, also called to free west fairly countries that we showed high to see that there are 3 domains that zip by to use the individual parties and all that. but that is the end of the sub press everybody out of.


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