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tv   News  RT  January 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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of the 10 people i reported killed in the recent ease, riley attack on the search field. they're all blind central guys as a desktop across the policy and region is approaching $24000.00 the astonishing videos from around the world as millions. dad and sold a diary to with policy by the it has been one honda day. he says, because they get wrapped up between these within the mass and try to denounce who is the us for meddling in the countries affairs and backs out to washington for ease. deadlines, duly elected regional leda. as he speaks independence from beijing, the
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heart is midnight in moscow. welcome to our global news coverage and our team to national i a michael point, joe with the latest now we start this, our breaking news. united states and british forces have reported me and lost the barrage of strikes against who the fight is in yemen. a port city on the red sea is set to have borne. the brunt of the attack of the us led coalition has been hammering who the positions in the region of retaliation for previous attacks on cargo ships, links to ease. well, i will discuss the latest escalation with john list and political auditors. yusef mari in yemen. the 1st, the latest news is that the us officials, defense ministry officials, are basically saying that they played no part in years price that took place in the province over the data. and just after that, the, you know, the british defense ministry and als and statements,
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claiming that they were the ones who carried out the attacks and the products of, of the data. even if it wasn't the wisest fight or just a carried off years price. it was still within the coordination of the us for this british fighter jack to carry off the attacks instead. so it could be this game where they are playing, you know, one day the british fire to with attack. and then the next day the us fighter jets would attack. you have the, i'm sort of lost government officials be their response to that is the international shipping role of government that is not under attack. it's not being blocked from any other nation except that of the is really government and the only way they will stop their military actions against these really being shipped is if the quote unquote genocide ends in palestine. if the is really government and it's aggression in the besieged guys a script and 2 guys and now for at least 10 people had been reported killed and these really attack called the city of darrow, belong
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a warning that you might find the following images disturbing. the dash and the one that web brought to our access hospital and it's a medical facility who has been struggling to cope with power blackouts and mid severe fuel shore. if they just adapt stalled, in the policy, in a region is approaching 24000 another, 60000 people have been wounded and that's according to the enclaves helpful forward . he's been a while in the south of the gather strip, yet more bodies are lined up ahead of burial with relatives and locals gathering to pay the last respects many of the deceased women and children treasure and have it in the home of. what did this little girl do to them? she died hungry with bread in her hand. we tried to remove the bread from her hand, but it was held tight, but she, part of the resistance, is this the objective of is really pm netanyahu. this is the resistance they are targeting and gaza, just children. oh, the little we have been experiencing injustice since 1948 until today. nobody
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stands with us, not the united nations, nor the international court or anyone else. we think south africa, which is the only side which stands with us. we hope he's really judged on his crimes against the posting and people. and according to palestinian hills, venice rate a set the 6 just to major. there i've been 160 people killed, and more than 100 others have been and george at during ever strikes humble bod months. all the various spots of the gaza strip, including the rough off city and the south of garza where, where, where more than 1300000 smallest indians have been displaced to recently from different spots and the major larry up, the northern guys us to read and garza city and rough. i city alone. there have been reports about that killing golf 10 palestinians, including there's a place to residential, to the east of the city, to the east of profile and other parts like hon. you and us,
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which is near by near to drop off and the side of guys us to read. there have been a, strikes all over a few homes and watch people have been killed. also a garza and durable off down there have been and is really are my presence and be think of that leaving job of those were alien forces around that a road does. that leads to that lots of monitors hospital in major area. and then some homes have been reportedly have been reportedly had to by the is what ever strikes around the locks almost as hospital itself, which had neglect through city, got its, been applied into blood and the dark and those because of that, an accessibility to a few of that is more needed for the hospital, a grim milestone and the destruction of gas or ask the conflict is raised for $100.00 days, protest as around the world of coal for an end to the war,
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from europe to africa, to elsewhere around the globe, a hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have taken to the streets through valley and support the default as the new people in malaysia said, africa, the u. k, u. s. and indonesia, as l, as in silence japan, easily greece and pakistan demonstrations. well, part of a doable day of action and follow spine into poll for ease or to end. it's deadly attract. were heard from some of those taking part in this demonstrations. in the united states government is complicit in this genocide style funding is i'll to the to you say is that i have the funds that are dropping on gaza, you estimate and the an apology. i think about this. we have been saying that like from the beginning of domestic, that of the genocide, that's what is taking place right now. is that genocide because we would have to 5, is it a leak water cut? the defense minister, the prime minister, the president himself of is it, i want us both and on
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a genocide that they wanted us to leave jobs off and who to egypt. in other words, they would call in for an insignificant and saying they don't have a right to kill, is forbidden to take the lots of mothers, fathers, and children. they have no right. that they will. this is a crusade and everything was planned in advance. and that's in yahoo, whose objective is to take gaza and wipe out the palestinians. she wants to take the entirety of our land and we need to ask before he does so i'm happy to stand here in solidarity on this important day of co sign alliance is real. must stop this load or an america should reconsider its support for the nation. the freedom of palestine is the freedom of all humanity to a ride. now glad crowds gathered into rod initial support. first of advocates case against each roll out. the international court of justice argues christmas by the use of july, the filed this report, 20000 lawyers on legal experts and to have on and across the country. you have
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staged simultaneous rallies in support of south africa's case filed at the international court of justice. but accuses as well of committing genocide and it's ongoing war and gaza. here in the capital one ends of gathered in front of the un office to demand a v i. c. j rule for the media accessed ation of things is really strikes, of course, on jobs are there now drawing off a list of thousands of, uh, signatures to deliver to the united nations office in general, onto urge and immediate action or to and the guns. the crisis now people here say the number of casualties in gaza is entering onto the 24000 mark and yeah, israel justifies its actions as self defense state. it goes to south africa as argument that television has reached the 1948 genocide convention drawn off in
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the aftermath of world war 2 and the hall. the cause many countries have now walton, south africa's i c, j. case against israel, including members of the organization. of is rami countries and the arab legal force, turkey and malaysia, brazil and several other nations have voiced their support for the south african case these wonderful public copy. ron was quick to voice and support for, for tory as filing call and get a responsible, courageous. and honorable moving solidarity with the palestinian nation and a viable measure that can and what it called the raft of crimes committed by israel in guns on the warranty. and foreign ministry says israel has enjoyed unconditional unwavering again, unrestricted support from the u. s. u. k. and other western governments to carry out a full scale new latoria dogs, the guest house, the ends and the besieged gauze is for
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a man be occupied west bank over all the past 3 months and has been infringing upon all international conventions concerning palestinians, especially now that the american and british governments have directly been drawn into the conflict bombing b o. c targets. since you have an active as your war and that is not con effects of these really hum us or are gripping far flung corners of the region. the young men is situated 1400 miles away from the epicenter of the crisis, and gosh, i know it has turned into another hotspots in the crisis. as the u. s. u. k. college and habitats. several cities and young man in response to the who, the pro power assign campaign and the right see of course that has season attack is really bound ships. they are now people here say of course they look at the south
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african case as a practical staff to bring the snowball in conflict so on and urging the ones top court to pull the plug on quote, as well as war machine. political on the list. i'm time i'll beside i flight gather stated to the south and with his family. he shared his impression of the on the same road he took in search of refuge. we so uh this, almost in the corner of the god. just if i have to move up to my home to, to all the different places in the god listed seeking, safety as a school for myself from my family. uh, it's like a very little situation in many is it down to a formal skills by is what a little broadband. that is why you just called in a different the in the areas which is room. does that make it as soon as it goes in the south of gov?
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it's wasn't say, it's already hold on, excuse to do, to be honest with you. so for me and for my family and it was something that we will never forget where it's going. uh that south africa both ends where the international court of justice because what is what has been doing for the past 100 days is very much genocide. again, is the palace of young people. uh is very much disconnected from the outside world with know enough to assist, you know, fuels. i know what people are starving in god in addition to a ceiling almost on saturdays as a result of uh, uh, pounding uh. ringback uh, one of the most is the areas in the world. so i think as legal team is returned home from the united nations court and they hate with a here as well come a country, here's a key. these are all of committing genocide against palestinians in
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a case of the international court of justice. local douglas catholic goldman, so me report from defendants but is made by just the hi. let's see. and meticulously finding evidence to support a case. i guess they argue that actions in the occupied territories, amounts of genocide, crime against humanity. in this case, justice should lights, ongoing. humanitarian firmly believes that the international community to put in in the process and how, how the comfortable the
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applicants behind to express their directions and admiration itself together get this thing done. so, you know, very, very, very sort of this is about saying you have something like this and it was one with when we have to design is don't have, we have through these that they are pressing the to genocide
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into this thing in the fall of flame they have, according to realized and what is interesting is more and more young series activities to realize we thank you in see thank you. fantastic. thank you and the lady. i know we appreciate the impact palestine. he's on the president. he didn't sanction 7 tells us it's 131948. these people have not. even though we have seen the guys, they don't know that they need to know that he loves them and we do for them as a legal team arrives today. there's kid if, if it's with south african it's showing a powerful message that the people are dependent on monday.
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and then in the gods i didn't have seemed to be on the ground d, n. u goes on in history, as the heroes raising listed for international justice. these are the legal giants of shoulders. the remaining children, the side are sabbaticals have expressed. so the diety with palestinians who they see as victims of on a bounty dream similar to the one that plague their own country for generations. israel has rejected the case, broad bias of africa, and it says that it is not committing genocide. it is a matter of public record that south africa enjoys close relations with some us, despite its former recognition as a terrorist organization by numerous states across the world. these relations have
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continued unabated, even after the october 7th atrocities this data visit i have to do is phase to disprove. so, but it does component that was presented before the court yesterday. we stand by them fed the law and then all the evidence we have submitted yesterday. and we believe and things are very confident that those fed the law in violation of the genocide convention. israel argue that its forces on the following international or when he comes to its miniature operation and gather. also we claimed that hospitalization, gases, or were never bombed or targeted hospitals have not been bomb. rather the idea of send soldiers to search and dismantle military infrastructure. reducing damage and disruption, indeed the tunnel, the sat directly under the main building and chief
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a hospital was exploded without damaging the building above damage and harm have occurred. as a result of all studies in hospitals vicinity, sometimes by idea of fire, sometimes by homos, but always as a direct result of her mazda is abhorrent method of warfare. is you huddled, the jewels of such this is maybe not potentially maybe to argue this is this pollution that i was i was interject. i'm probably due to be true if i structure this one was because i so is a concern to kind of see the sister of both. but it kind of argue that maybe $10.00 to $20.00, the fox is the rest of the shoes also, cuz it's been distributed at all these uh, 2 shots. so see what is the shortest hospital schools of homes. um,
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ears is costa as to based on just to fire software or for the odyssey is what it says to those guys. i was just too strange operation blue to farmers. i know it was that's a sticky shoot store. we do our lives of automatic cousins. the synoptic, a file that's play me in late december, and the key is these are all on the leadership of things. i mean the thing, yeah. who of quote genocidal acts outside the hearings pro palestinian protest as gather to voice that support for the people of gaza id is, was i brian at was there and has this report. hundreds of pro palestinian foot testers gathered just in front of the court building, waving palestinian flags, banners, pictures of slow toads,
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children and civilians chanting palestinian songs for addition of songs of existence in our big english. i'm actually in some other languages, depending on the group. john through the songs also, i noticed many organizations are human rights activists, civil society institutions who will be using this optimist here highly charged to coordinate actions. we're hoping that there will be some sort of positive result from the hearing that the court finally in on next week. but this is the case of genocide. the south african team has provided extensive evidence of the genocide and loves us. and we're hoping that beyond this point, the public and protesters, the national organizations, will take further efforts to end the genocide. and let's go find that has
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a cues the united states of meddling in its internal affairs. and that's off the washington congratulate to the newly elected regional leader of taiwan. we seeking independence from the aging. fine us as the us must respect its own commitments on the one china policy. the one question is at the very core of china's core interest, and the 1st red line is, must not be crossed in china. us relations the one time the principles of basic norm and international relations of providing consensus among the international community and the political foundation of china. us relations, china from the opposes the us having a form of official interaction with k one and into southern and tie want to fast in any way or under any pretext. the u. k. in japan also it congratulate of the new the elected president of taiwan, the voting condemnation from china. in both cases we spoke with jump. busy optical experts are in a ton genuine vague, and he says that the us support for taiwan is an attempt by washington to contain
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the rising china. well, they're not really interested in taiwan per say. i mean, they are interested in this. somebody goes after chips, the taiwan produces 90 percent of them go to the united states. so that's a big issue. but if you asked the average american word taiwan was, it wouldn't be able to tell you, they wouldn't be able to tell you why. so strategic importance, basically what it comes down to is this is part of the containment strategy that washington has come up with. isn't working very well. but you know, if you take a taiwan hong kong and a 2 beds and she and john, these are these guys in the south china seas, these are the areas where they feel china is wrong ruble and where they continue. this kind of misinformation campaign to try to portray china is somehow evil when it's simply trying to assert control over what he believes is its territory. to the president elect lighting, days from a party known for its pro independent stands. he won the 3rd time in power but fails to gain the majority of the regional upon him. and find this as the election
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results one to inhibit the overall trend of reading. if occasion between begging and taiwan are to contribute to cause us as of the new leader would go against a status go without permission from washington. both a d p that one and the position part of k n t. they're basically status quote. part of given the d p. p. presidential candidate license has stated just before the election. you said, well there's no need to declare i when you dependents because we have like a china on the tie. one is already dependent, which is really the same that he's not going to start off the water and let's face it, whatever by one does the, it has to be as explicit. go ahead, an approval for washington right now. washington is in broils already on a team from work. one of proxy words and ukraine advanced throughout ships. another right now a to us is deeply being involved in middle east to support is really
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atrocity in palestine. meetings now is the us just bomb, give it to us, does not have extra lead, extra aircraft carriers to send it to tie one at the moment. i use my us interest to start in as the cert from more. um, so i don't think anything will change. it's showing the the candidate light seen the one that you mentioned you. one was 40 percent of the vote, which means 60 percent of the electorate voted for opposition. candidates. the only reason one is because our position is the binding fan in the high one legislature, jim t opposition party still one the most effective. what the one board seat then p d p, which means somebody into the presidency lighting day is going to face our legislature . so i don't expect much to change to the regional attentions of even put the
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strain on the global economy side want is a crucial producer of 70 conductive. and the president elect says, of the local industry will continue to develop the taiwan semi conductor industry as a common asset for the world. not only type one does cherish it, but we also hope that china and the international community can come together to cherish this industry. taiwan accounts for almost half of the world's production, a semi conductor chips, crucial for computers, smartphones, and all the digital devices. i want also dominates, and the manufacturing of the most advanced of those components with will the 90 percent of that production, notably tied at china, is the world's largest semi conductor market. i certainly conduct as have been the focus of a trade dispute between the us and china in 2022 washington restricted supplies of materials needed for mike richard production. although is china that produces most
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of that material? last yeah, it took that a step further and impose functions on the exports of components useful on to for some intelligence. or the us has also well come to production, the taiwanese micro chips on its own file with the factory of the company, t s m. c opened in arizona, a reported clone all the main factory in taiwan. we had from economic ex, but been to mean jail. and he says it will be difficult for the us to overcome its dependence on taiwan. in some subsector, such as a found to the operations of the company, t s n. c, a no accounts for half of the global market. and this firm alone is increasingly part of the tech competition between the us and china. responding to a because of the american government, this company has been seeking to set up factories in the united states in general and in japan, but due to the high position and call engineer as needed at the us. a to has failed
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in many ways because the, this company is facing huge challenges at it is to be shipping a so long delays from by completing the plans and to the central office. and now a top quartile in the democratic republic of congo has confirmed the incumbent president won the 2nd term in office. in the countries we sent the election, local dom list every come against the has the story, the democrats equipment because congress closest single got the certified and then slide to victoria of brands and to felix is a kid in the country in the same uh 20 elections the k, the one we have in c $147.00 plus and owns their votes. according to they've got the routing on tuesday, which is the only a few minutes the provisional results and all the way to the manual position. the candidates move, you've got to be put behind, we've $18.85,
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according to the god there is and where the majority will come. the credibility of the prison, this or an x and 9 o 4. this only does odd size indicator. this only dusting the result and us is the same time describing ellipse 2 and a same y onto the. com is where you can get for the details of all the stories or the following how the ride back again. that's how about the uh, with more updates. so you get the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the welcome to worlds, a part. now to polarity has long been a trained to for the most countries under your sanctions, but it didn't amount to much concrete. the part from perhaps a somewhat helpless disdain of us had germany. but over the last year and a half as more and more nations were forced to find their own ways of dealing with best and pressure multiple are to, has started to take a more tangible form. what is it and where is it? having to discuss that, i'm now joined by around call. as soon as alice, deputy minister of foreign affairs for north america, is or call us, it's great to meet you. great to talk to thank you very much for your time. thank
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you much for the invitation. now we are talking here on the sidelines of the, of all day for him, which the senior care is the title fair multiple larry, see how to ensure a security and development for all. and i want to start by asking whether you believe it's even possible to ensure security and development for all and do it in a fair manner. well, i think it's something that we have to strive for, for sure. in venezuela's own history. uh, you know, we are a revolution that uh, inspired by c mobile dealer in our liberator, who spoke about the librium of the universe as a concept back in the 1800. so he saw the, the tensions between the different poles that were rising and how we have to establish some sort of equity in room balance. so that we can assure that everyone's interest was consider. and i think this is the point we're reaching now . and in this point in history where we can no longer just sustain a world view,


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