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tv   News  RT  January 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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the the people that reported killed and there recently is rarely attacked called the central guys, us 30 of the all blocks. a desktop, the process of a scene in region is a protein $24000.00 the astonishing videos from around the world as millions, dad. and so the diety was qualified. he has been 100 days since the conflict brought to between 11. am us at china down since the us for meddling in its domestic affairs and that's out the washington phrase di ones, new, the elected regional lead to seeking independence from beating the
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stuff is, is, are to, to national, reaching you live from on use to enter in the russian capital i a michael fletcher with the updates that would begin our program mean guys of where at least 10 people had been reported killed. and then these ready attack on the city of darrow belong a warning that you might find the following images disturbing. the dead and what did, what taking to all august the hospital, the medical facility has been struggling to cope with a mid power outages. in savanna fuel shortages, according to the policy and health ministry, the regions dest told, is approaching 24000, and more than 60000 others have been wounded. meanwhile, in the enclaves, south bodies have been lined up for burial with family and locals gathering to pay the last respect of the majority of those killed the women and children a john,
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others in love. what did this little girl do to them? she died hungry with bread in her hand. we tried to remove the bread from her hand, but it was held tight. she part of the resistance. is this the objective of his really p. m. yahoo! vist is the resistance they are targeting then guys, just children. oh, the moment we have been experiencing and justice since 1948 until today, nobody stands with us. i'm not the united nations, nor the international court, or anyone else. we think south africa, which is the only side which stands with us. we hope he's really judged on his crimes against the posting and people have been for and according to palestinian hills, submitted 3 step tests, dick's just to make their i've been 160 people killed and more than 100. others have been and george during ever strikes humble bod months, other various spots of the gaza strip, including the rough off city and the south of gaza. where, where, where more than 1300000 fellow stadiums have been displaced recently from different
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spots and the major larry up, the northern guys, us to read and garza city and rough. i city alone. there have been reports about that killing golf 10 palestinians, including there's a place to residential, to the east of the city, to the east of profile and other parts like hon. you and us, which is near by near to drop off and the side of guys as to whether there had been a strikes of or a few homes and which people have been killed. also a garza and and durable off down there have been and is really are my presence and be think of that leaving job of days where even poll says around that, a road that leads to that locks a month does hospital in major area. and the some homes have been reportedly have been reportedly had to by the is really ever strikes around the locks almost as a hospital itself, which had neglect through city,
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got its been applied into bloods and the dark. and those because of that, an accessibility to a few of that is more needed for the hospital as a grim milestone in the destruction of gather, as the conflict is raised for 100 days, protest as involved the wealth of called for an end to the war from europe to africa, to elsewhere around the globe. hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have taken to the streets to raleigh in support of the policy and people in malaysia said isaac, at the u. k. us in indonesia as well as in filing the time it lead threes and pakistan demonstrations were all part of a global day of action for palos fine and the colorful, easier to, and its deadly attacks. we're. busy from some of those taking pods in the demonstrations in the united states government is complicit in this genocide sale funding is all to the visa and is that all the funds that are dropping on guys
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out a u. s. made and the apology. i think about this, we have been saying that like from the beginning of the messic, that of the genocide, that's what this takes place. that i know is that genocide because we will have full size that is it a least water cut them the defense minister, the prime minister, the president himself of is it a wound us both and on during those times that they wanted us to leave jobs off and pool to egypt. in other words, they were calling for an insignificant saying, they don't have a right to kill, is forbidden to take the lots of mothers, fathers, and children. they have no right. that a, this is a crusade and everything was planned in advance. nothing y'all whose objective is to take gaza and wipe out the palestinians. she wants to take the entirety of our land and we need to ask before he does so i'm happy to stand here in solidarity on this important day of battle. site alliance is real. must stop disorder,
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and america should reconsider its support for the nation. the freedom of bel assigned is the freedom of all humanity. we're now john live by a middle east experts will defy a kid of what a cry. i'm happy to have you join me right now. it has been a 100 days since the easel and advise began finding. what are your thoughts on where this is going? as hundreds of people die every day. if you promise so and build these to do it, they would spare the life of many pundits opinions if they allow the palestinians to take it. there are still 2 in that in the house which they now getting garza thousands of them would be saved. but from us couldn't feel less about people of guys in the phone from the point of view they could be bill is as long as they how much it's not always on saving bills. so the sales,
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they can tell us about the people who does that. unfortunately, not on the other hand, a lot of people are saying that what, what is the user of these to change his own strategy of fitness. we have women, children, old dying, and we're seeing this reports every single day. so we're following the auction, the, the model slip it on the is the actors did in chechnya as an option of the game and the pool. and when you, when you have an ice is like organization like come mouse, you don't mess with this. you just want to because this is the only way how to deal with this, with this organization in the house or knows it very well. yeah, well, as we focus on what's going on in the middle east, what, when you sit and see these reports and this video is coming out of little children and goals and, and so one of the elderly,
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what process your mind about humanity where he was my mind is what they did to us on october 7th, when they are raped our girls before they killed them. and they cut the breast. this is way in the play, the play that they have football with a brush on the ground and they love babies. and the bees they did a babies. oh, this is what i remember. this was what comes to my mind. this is an ice dislike organization in this is what they deserve. well, no one has seen the evidence of the claim. i think maybe i'm so go to the go to kindergarten and see what they did. they, they, they showed your, you know, just both telecom and, and to look for the most of doors. it is just look for this. and that's the adult. i mean, they don't know about this and about the point days. yeah, for the point days, we have lots of journalists covering everything every single day. no mainstream
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media has taken any of those images that, that, that has been claimed. so if we're going to depend on social media, how reliable would that be? this is their social media. did you have this? well, the videos, all they do is they did it by themselves. you're going to have it on there, you know zeros on that on. now on the subject of a 2 stage solution, what are your 10, what are the chances that easy will will ever accept such a reality? right now what we saw on october 7 actually blows that if they ever stayed there, we talked last. they're the same thing. but the big, much bigger and this is why today no one is like even the left does not support the 2 state solution. the order is those are what can be found,
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is the 8 state solution emulate in each and every of the city into then summary, like you want to have a wonderful the lines of good $11.00 in gary, cold and the other one even though my law in other one in the blues, janine diamant gimme a n in garza 5 to do the vibe goes according to the ones. and this is the only thing which works in the middle east that look at the emulates. they eh, each and every one of the emulates, wait, got that device. so what? i'll base on one. it's learn. and this is the only thing which works. even if you'll see a big states like syria, you lock or live. yeah. oh yeah, i mean, oh, over a little we've many groups. it is amazing. it is a disaster. while the only thing we watch in the middle east is manish emulates.
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and this is what we do, do it to the summary of the so called was bank. and in gaza is way. all right, a lot of on the least have argued that this issue right now didn't, does spots on the 7th of october. they have been talking about the issue of the they use the word injustices, occupation, and so on. in the united nations have come out with the issue of the toothpaste solution supported by so many other countries around the world. would you say that wasn't the hardwood that was put into the issue of the 2 state solution? that is how it works. of those who do not understand the middle is but if you look at the history, you can start the history with me. i'm a deposit of this lump lotto the, the jewels of high bar and the money to rise. so you know the history didn't stop in 1948 as you know. all right, not this week set off it go to is israel of genocide. that'd be haig. what, what do you think would happen then?
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what we'll do a guilty verdict mean for ease really quick creating a scenario. so i probably got it good for defense, come us, and defense them right off of my mazda slot, don't use. unfortunately, there's probably got a might. how many of you, i don't have the evidence, but i suspect it's not public. i was paid for this like got dogs, which wants to save it from us project. just like as wanted to say, well, let's see in the, in egypt 10 years ago. so this is the issue papa is behind, my mouse caught up in my only view is behind the so it's off. we definitely do that . i see j, it was the desk told, and g as in years 24000. and much of the inkling, even though we do, did you count the admissions? you know, you go all fresh, all lost. all righty and palestine which is recognized by law has said, but the best all these know here in 24000 that is deal with the,
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with the i agree like, you know, hadn't gone down to you as far as the best to recognize the thought. we do within the anc leave bit, that's the, that's the, that's what they have to put out there the know how to do it, but not a pod. no, but the find a says, so what is the value? it's going to tell you this number came from from us. how much does not deal is what is the what it, what is the yeah, from your said no, no, no what? no, you can send, nobody knows. that's why it's estimated. so how can you quote upon that you can say that i'm able to give you mention that no organization of how much that is like organization way use that vin number is such and such, c i o, and honestly, porpoise and say, what have mazda is different from the ministry of health, all in palestine. and this is said that figure is not the reliable and this time what is by this time? so, so as the, so just a few. yeah. what about the plan days the,
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the ministry of health is recognized. we'd be able to go on to some of the ministry of health is that good byes? the world health organization. now what can we didn't that's included with all of those officials. so from your perspective, what is the figure you that you can tell us? i have no idea, even if the must you always allow the people, those guys are the big stuff the most, which they dug on the guys out there would be much less why they would build them at the government is but this dell is not let the people of guys, a big filter in the panels. the a good. nobody asks why not even the are the do, did you, did you ask us on us? right. those just the must always why they didn't allow the people of guys are too big or if you would, in this terminals so, so after this,
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we are still working, but the ability to, like i told you, w h o is, is up or sorry, t and they have been working with locals that with the ministry of health within the enclave. and the figure has been put at 24000 use that you would don't accept all you. you don't rely on that. i don't know, but, but how many i didn't. how many in your, in your view, how many more people can be killed before? usual can say i fig business. ok. we need to stop here. you know, we don't, there are we, we have 11 mission, just like russia with isis. we are still this, isis lane come us in the sooner they raise the white white flag, the less would it be, the casualties within the people who they claim. ready very defend, but they couldn't care less about these people as i told you. and therefore the not the to the desktop, but they have survival of this doe is,
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is to high. unfortunately, we don't write to me. it was and people go out of angels and people in guys, i don't know. oh, but i'm us to, to raise the white flag. you know, this is build a life, but they couldn't tell us about these people unfortunately. and the questions which you might as somebody should be these brushes, why bone the raise the whites like you know, the to go to live with the guidelines and then why don't they allow the guidelines to thank you, if you would, in the tunnels or are we have to leave you here now, and thank you. a bit least experts, but a kind of cat. thank you for your i thank you so much. yeah. at over to him. and now where american and british forces have reportedly on least brazil strikes against the rebels. a point city on the red sea said to have one the front of the attack or the us led coalition has been hammering, solve the of who,
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the positions in the region, in retaliation for previous attacks on cargo ships, main links, doing as well. with this cost, the latest escalation, with john list and political armless, who say in our book id, in the given, i think the out of that i is the so force and the they, we are here. i knew for the stop any attack, i guess, is it, i a need a ship 0 or a your i type i at all in the, in that it c. as i said, my momma that said i have this book. what does that have on side of the who he have said is today? so a head that the visa option and by the united states and u. k will most so many put them continue and that an attack against is a aly link. shibley's that 80 ships go into a ship to go into. is that a boat, unless they will lift to the blue k against the because uh, they will let food and made this in, in that uh, because uh, as the one who is actually trying to escalate in that it see is the presence of
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view. okay. but the zip items will united buttons, zip. that's why i believe that's yeah, man is now they have the full right. i'm sure when they got a tiny 8, they kinetic tiny 8 and really hot. so the off it gets legal team has returned home from the united nations court in the hague, with the heroes, welcome the country he has a q. these are all of committing genocide against palestinians. in the case of the international court of justice, local journalists calculate them so many reports on how does, but it is a bias off and just the high, let's see, in this case, i guess they argue that is actually in the occupied tennessee amounts of genocide crime against humanity, in this case is not only to seek justice should lights, ongoing,
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humanitarian firmly believes that the international community to put in and ensure that all parties involved held accountable. so that the, you can see that too expensive practices and admiration
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sorted fits our services together. get this thing done in our team was very, very, very sort of in the or something like this. and it was a hard one with when we have that design is don't have we have through these that they are pressing the to see is this is genocide into this thing. in the fall of rain, they have a fun to realized in what these scenes this thing is more and more young series activities to you to realize we thank you in see thank you. fantastic. thank you and the lady. i know we appreciate the impact palestine. he's on the president. he didn't silva, it's 131948. these people have not. even though we have
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seen the guys, they don't know that they need to know that he loves them. we do for them as a legal team arrives today. there's kid if, if it's with south africans, it's showing as a powerful message that the people are dependent on monday. and then in 3 months, i didn't have seen the cdc. i live in mcgraw, the n you go down in history as the heroes raising listed for international justice . these are the legal giants of shoulders, the remaining children, those kind of side r c as of africans have expressed. so the diary to is policy unions who have,
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who they see is victims them on a positive do seem similar to the one that blake, the own country, for generations. israel has rejected the case brought advice of africa and it says that it is not committing genocide. it is a matter of public record that south africa enjoys close relations with some us. despite its former recognition as a terrorist organization by numerous states across the world. these relations have continued unabated, even after the october 7th atrocities this data visit i had to do is phase to disprove. so that it does component that was presented before the court. yesterday . we stand by them fed the law and then all the evidence you have submitted us and we believe in students very confident that those fed the law in violation of the genocide convention easily along here that it's forces that
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following international law or when he comes to its military operation need gather also we claim that hospitalization gathaway never bombed all targeted. the hospitals have not been bomb. rather the idea of send soldiers to search and dismantled military infrastructure, reducing damage and disruption. indeed, the tunnel that sat directly under the main building and chief a hospital was exploded without damaging the building above damage and harm have occurred. as a result of all studies in hospitals vicinity, sometimes by idea of fire, sometimes by homos, but always as a direct result of her mazda is abhorrent method of warfare. you huddle the jewels and such, this is maybe in the loop. maybe to argue do this is
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this pollution that i was rejected. i'm probably due to the infrastructure. this was because i so is a concern to kind of see the picture of both. but it kind of argue that maybe 10 to 20 to fox. these are where i see shoes also because it's been distributed after all these 2 shots. so civilization was, hospitals, schools of homes, um ears as costa as to the on just to fire, saw for a funder as it is what it says to those guys. i was just up to strange operation blue to farmers. i know it was just to give, shoot or do our lives off on the cousins. so that's like a filed a claim. in late december i had a q. these are all on the leadership of the big. i mean, isn't, yeah, of quote,
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sought genocidal ads outside the hearings. pro palestinian protest as gather to voice their support for the people of gather all to use will say brian was there and has this report. a hundreds of pro palestinian testers gathered just in front of the court building, waving palestinian flags, banners, pictures of slow toads, children and civilians chanting palestinian songs. the addition of songs of our existence in our big english. i'm actually in some other languages depending on the group john sing, the songs. also i noticed many organizations of human rights activists, civil society and institutions who wear to using this occupancy are highly charged to coordinate extra. and we're hoping that there will be some sort of positive result from the hearing that the court finally in on next week. but this is the
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case of genocide, the south african sea and has provided extensive evidence of the genocide in the air hoping that beyond this point the public and protesters in national organizations will take further efforts to end the genocide and of those go sign. it has a key to the united states of meddling and it's internal affairs. and that's after washington congratulate the newly elective regional leader of taiwan who was thinking independence from bathing, finest as the us most respect its own commitments on the one china policy. the one question is at the very core of china's core interest, and the 1st red line is, must not be crossed in china. us relations, the one china principles of basic norm and international relations to providing consensus among the international community and the political foundation of china.
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us relations, china from the opposes the us having any form of a visual interaction with k one. and the decision and tiwana says, in any way or under any pretext in the you k in japan, also congratulate to the newly elected president of taiwan invoking condemnation from china. in both cases, we spoke with joe political expert, are you not to have jen badging? he says the us support for taiwan is an attempt by washington to contain a rising china. well, they're not really interested in taiwan per say. i mean, they are interested in this. somebody goes after chips, the taiwan produces 90 percent of them go to the united states. so that's a big issue. but if you ask the average american word taiwan was, it wouldn't be able to tell you, they wouldn't be able to tell you why. so strategic importance, basically what it comes down to is this is part of the containment strategy that washington has come up with. isn't working very well. but you know, if you take a taiwan, hong kong and uh, 2 beds and she and john,
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these are these in the south china seas. these are the areas where they feel china is wrong ruble and where they continue. this kind of misinformation campaign to try to portray china is somehow evil when it's simply trying to assert control over what he believes is its territory. as the president elect lodging day is from a party known for its pro independent stands, the one at the time and power but failed to gain the majority and the regional parliament. china says that the election results when they inhibit the overall trend of reunification between beijing and taiwan, are to contribute to colleagues as, as the new leader would go against the status quote. without permission from washington. both at the p p that one and the position part of k and t, they're basically status quote part given the presidential candidate light shouldn't do it has stated just before the election. he said, well, there's no need to declare i want you dependents because we have like a china on the tie. one that is already dependent,
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which is really the same that he's not going to start off the water and let's face it, whatever by one does the, it has to be as explicit. go ahead. an approval for washington right now. washington is in broyles already on the team from work. one a proxy. what do you do? you crave answer russia. another right now a to us is deeply in involved in middle east to support is really atrocity in palestine unions. now is the us just bomb? yeah. us does not have extra lead is extra aircraft carriers to send to tie one at the moment i use not in us interest to start the as the served from more. um, so i don't think anything will change is showing the the, the candidate lights and the one that you election he won was 40 percent of the vote, which means 60 percent of the electorate voted for opposition. candidates. so we
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reason why that is because opposition is dividing bad in the by one legislature, jim t opposition party still won the most of what the one board seats, then p p p, which means some into the presidency election day is going to base off the legislature so i don't expect much to change to and that is all from me now my colleague at the show of josh will be another some of the i to bring you more stories at the top of the. see you again by now the hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discussed some real and.


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