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tv   News  RT  January 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EST

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the the, the ac of support from a corners of the kind of people around the world stand and sort of the actual, palestinian, up to the conflict and gauze, i hit the $100.00 day mock, even with 24000 civilians. to go see the local, the local boxes, of course the scene didn't have really the money that i'm action as the wall continues to rage on the death toll. now we have from the red cross, which has both sides in the conflict, negotiate so desperately needed humanitarian aid can reach the area on the south african legal team returned home from the international court of justice and the have that is greeted as heroes over the genocide case again,
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the hello and welcome for myself and the whole team here at ortiz, h q, and must go. thank you for joining us. have got to us voice. what are the pos 100 days is ready for apartments across goals that have caused the mass displacement of palestinian people? the largest since 1948. that is, according to the un, over the weekend, huge riley's were held around the globe to monitoring a c spot to the war that has affected the entire population of casa, that's moving 2000000 people. the am presently right, the model for god's rally here and down the cnbc the
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time you're right now in berlin and i am at the national day of action for how side . and this is part of a larger global movement today where people are congregating and various cities around the world in order to draw attention to the cause of the palestinian people . the here in the capital one in south gathered in front of the un office to demand a, b i. c. j. rule for the immediate cessation of it is really twice a force on jobs or the
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armada of progress to your email for the 1st series of demonstrations on globally. but that's with the plan. the, i'm happy to stand here in sole delancy on this important a smell size alliance is wilma stopping slaughter and america should reconsider its support for the nation. the freedom of bel assigned is the freedom of all humanity . meanwhile, locals as well as age groups are describing the conditions and northern gauze as quote, catastrophic. well, the red crescent has now received its walk in the region on the unclipped largest
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medical facility, the al. she's the hospital as reopened parts of the area, or large, the cutoff from any humanitarian assistance on the in dire need obeyed no coach on this mountain with some reports. now on the challenges faced by so many maddox, a demo, she said the largest medical complex and guys out sci fi has resumed operations after significant damage inflicted by israeli occupation forces during their takeover of the hospital problems, especially currently certain departments of l. c. if a hospital are a new operation, such as the emergency and keeping the units along with some operating rooms, saving the lives of those injured in bombings, however, several sections remain auto service due to various obstacles, primarily the influx of displaced people seeking refuge entering the hospitals functionality to address this, it is crucial to evacuate, the displaced individuals to a safe place in showing the hospitals return to full capacity. this necessitates
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the provision of experienced medical teams, medicines and medical equipment to replace those damaged or destroyed. the health situation in gaza is extremely dire due to the overwhelming number of daily injuries requiring a significant number of specialized doctors to deal with them. there was an urgent need for these medical teams, which are currently unavailable. well done with the hospitals, condition is dire. the lack of antibiotics for my injured grandchild in the absence of blood pressure medication for my ailing wife are critical issues. the available we're in the hospital is worse than the dead sea. forcing us to use it only for bathing visitors must bring drink. i'm aware of the hospital supplies, i'm fit for consumption. i didn't do that already cuz this traffic situation waste is accumulating everywhere with no basic hygiene facilities. firewood isn't available for cooking and going out to find some posts our lives at risk. my home is destroyed and i cannot find any shelter from the wind to cold. this is the reality of the i'll see for medical complex, the health care system strives to recover from the crisis caused by the israeli
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occupation. we discussed the bleak situation in garza with the red cross federation spokes person to most of the longer. he says the longer the, the conflict dr. song, to move to your monetary needs of civilians. ok. the, the situation needs to be on the store. and we, i mean we, we talked a lot about the situation and last weeks and months and seem serious, be almost finished the words for this guy. and, but the, you, my, the solution and goes us 3. but what does up in, after these i'm the days has been to more of the golfing. we go add, the more that you might have that means withdrawal. so i'd, system is collapse biasing that after the end of the day is that situation is just the worst sitting day by day. and there is no one who is really able to be of a corporate answer and all the software off of the try. you many don't answer because a lot go save me the lack of the lack of access. so of course he's, he didn't have really the money that i'm action. these are was on the days for the
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all the deals and then we went to it and you all that quoted up what i mean. yes. and then from the shorter lease, or they also do septic, you know, so do you see there is international you money that i don't know? the idea is that the, we, all of us, i wanted to ask the most part, the most vulnerable people, including all studies. but the reason that he's no longer even between about these are these, the 5, these are not allowing us to work with us for the salt, salt salad. and he said to see fox, se never you 5 to gaza. i want to work is almost impossible. safety is a creed to go where the because you need safety to bit 8, that'd be nice. you when he died in so we need safety and what, 8 my thoughts as you need to have some new safety. some guess what they need. we need to save boxes and the weight and got something even though these are tiny, but not i need setting forth for news about finding the grand scheme of what is going on. on this side of crescent was able to restart, the said to be seen enough,
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they've got so which of course it is unimportant news, but then also a continuous scroll all the money in the main the what's going to be using can you want to use you know what else be the model of this site across and what finding this is the, the new stuff. so in order most patients coming in the speed, the last so many that's the, the amount of the money that i need, the man he seems, anthony got. so i'm not enough to to furnish every time monday. seems that that needed that to the people i thing that that is um, a lot of them will get out early as my field on the bottom of the gift for us to say and the other fellow international coming to the present toys. you'll see a said the i thing that's what we are seeing in these days, not calling by this time. i mean the by the other in the context on where the, where they call flip side of going to and the cries, the. so going to add the and there is nothing more of the possibility for a, for the dish, and for the pretty much to, for the hands of $103.00 is pushing down these guys. and that's the end of these
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clear that the only solution you guys are you supplement to go to solution. but then when you do something useful, talk and discuss and point you money. the 1st step because once we have seeing and these days is unbelievable and seem to be a project for you might want to. well, let's switch to south africa now. why the country pinnacle team has of returned home from the international court of justice. in the 8th, the group had been presenting the country genocide case. the game fits well. we arrived didn't johanna stock and we reached at 5 proud to prove kind of thing and protested unsupported. just remind us that south africa has accused israel of breaching is olympic ations. under the 1958 genocide convention, tennessee. it has found me reject to allegations, claiming that's up for torres move. so it's, it's on the side of how much john this got, like i'm telling me reports from the south african cast these way is made by
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ourselves as a can just dismiss the and i'll do i'm on that of what time is he and meticulously compelling evidence to support the case against israel, they argue that israel's actions in be occupied to retrieve amounts to genocide, a brief crime against humanity. the a and the launching this case was most of the, which is the justice for the people have had this done, but also to should lights on the ongoing humanitarian prices. and the region itself . south africa family needs that the international community must act to put an end to these atrocities point and then show that full parties involved held accountable for their actions. the
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vsoft applicants behind re, from whole of life, i've come together to express, paid rectitude and admiration for the needle teams. if it's writing solid, i'm sorry. so this is done. so now it's very, very, so i'm very sorry about this. and it was one with when we have the design is don't have we have through the seas said they are pressing the keys. there is a genocide into this thing and there's no way people aflame if they have a fun to realized in what seems this thing is more and more young theories
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activities to you to realize we thank you in see. thank you president. thank you. and the lady time though, we appreciate what is happening in fact palestine is on the president. he didn't sanction sevens of october, 13 1948. these people have not. even though we have seen videos, they don't know that they need to know that he loves them. we do for them as a legal team arrives today, it is here today if it's still good quotes with south africans this show of unit to you since a powerful message that the people on south africa statements on a day or 2 with the palestinian people, demanding suggested peace and then in to the suffering, john, to god's max, to for the see, i didn't have seem to make them die, toby, cd. so what i'm a find
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a sarah police and jones that i have to see guy that thing and meet and on the ground, the n roll. know, we not only go down in history as the heroes, the raising these to, to international, just as, as the use of the needle giants will be sold as the remaining showed enough kind of stein booth stand on that to them. so let me so are 2 times off to south africa finished presenting its case against is raw at the hague. he had the chance to sit down for an exclusive interview with the man behind the little search about south african justice minute minnes stuff. ronald in the murder, he spoke about the reasons why it's country motor, and you chose the public to blame, as well for tulsa t as in dog, but also to try to do something about that. the minister of justice. thank you so much for your time. i just want you to take us back to what
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people have labeled a very historic moment for south africa. and you being physically, they, with those that have also been labeled, that at the legal minds will feel that because of great ego minds of the country. and did it was a ground breaking moment and not only for the, for the, for the, for the entire loop to be able to see that and expose the, the, the, the, the, the cutting to general side that is unfolding in the goes us 3 for the world to know and you'll have seen that it was for instance the done by or less and the 2 plus i commends the evidence and also a bed by international law and quin visions of the of the native nation. so i believe that the country has indeed food have had a companion case embezzlement in front of the international court. but not only in front of the international court, but in front of the world was sort of the world must be able to see in,
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due to in the, in the mall, in taishan, of terms what is cut into unfolding and does a, which we believe it is within the definition of the genocide convention, listening to isabel's input. one, all of the arguments before the international court of justice was that the context of the somewhat 70 plus years of occupation by israel and palestine somehow does not match a how do you view this in the context of the sufferings of the palestinians over so many years know is that i live good, no more understanding to to say that because that in the pipe. so is an open play um, in terms of the to, i'm missing a lot. you'll kind one, some define the whole so big and the victims must be able to spend up for their rights. and it is telling to slip from africa and other people have to end. well,
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a signatories to the genocide convention to add them and opens up the u. n. and the many resolutions of being that emissions that must end up for, for the people of protestant. and as you would have seen, that we have also presented the reports of others organs of the united nations. which of all is that there is a possibility of genocide happening in the augusta the well, most technologies must then must. they kind of be more clear evidence, evidence compiled by bodies of the admissions. speaking about connotates. israel's argument is also that the only context that matches is what i'd folded on october 7 mentioning come us repeatedly as a terrorist organization. something that the amc has also been labeled in the past . how do you make of those revelations with that kind of argument,
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given the developments in the middle east. so we obviously have them condemned the extremes of i'm us and you'd have seen our statement from the government condemning the issues of a mazda on the 7th of october. and, and then we have also done that through diplomatic china as to what is called in the box. but we have argued in quotes, and this is bed by judas, prevents of the quote that what they have i live in of atrocities cannot justify general sites. so a jewel side cannot be justified by what denver and a government is that i it has when it's of defense or whatever, you can not commit genocide in the name, most of the defense is not big bye into and there's no, there's all the quotes to that effect, a lot of salt applicants have expressed the about the impact of south africa supporting palestine. if you look at the united states of america,
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how they've looked at the developments and so far as your case is concerned, saying there's no mattress. are you concerned about the fix all this decision by the south african government to support as well, considering the fact that they are backed by the united states, a powerful country and it's all know we we are exercising or what? right disagree. tardies to the genocide convention. and then where we have going to is it is the international court, the highest of an open ended emissions in terms of education of dispute between congress which we have with them at georgia as a signal to the genocide convention. not only to be just as degree type, but also to prevent genocide from happening. so we're going to see why we must be punished for exercising. what is in the conventions of the u. n. and what is needed to be done by the contest? well then we've done this for,
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for the money to as well. you'd be aware of that. do. the genocide convention is one of the conventions. and so both of those accidents at the 1st ones in 1998 by a founding present, nelson monday. and so we had the motor, low position and the duty to stand for the people of palestine or anywhere indoors . thinking about the u. s. they said to have supported the a pod take. government helps out africa back in the day, the united kingdom as well. when you look at those 2 possible nations, the united states, the united kingdom, do you see the reflection of what had happened in the past them supported the apartheid government of south africa? do you see that kind of history unfolding in what is happening in because of the, by the, what is very important now is, is the 1st on the ground and which we're, we're being able to present. and so to the court is ridiculously to and with the
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forensic that the state of is that i am is committing genocide is involved in ethnic cleansing in does up. so that is what was made to him to the court end of the international communities. and them is not only that this bed by statements and of the of the issue in order to in is the prime minister. and the now the minister of defense headed out by the soul just we just clearly effect so lose . no, it's to get the committed to me must be taken into consideration, and that is what we must think. russia to be that we're on power to right now is an example of the media being suppressed. they aren't able to broad costs in many countries. these west infections mean such things, preventing a freedom of expression. and when you look at south africa, particularly the african national congress and it's experience in not being able to
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get its voice across the globe during a party. how do you make all these wisdom sanctions? right now, yes, the words must be part of the job of speech. for the most speech must be allowed to oppose the dope. it must be a bed of ideas and based on so put a new to the best ideas somebody must, must pervades. and that is what we have done to the eyes of g presenting. what we believe is a compelling case for incidentally done best buy evidence and also the convictions of the way we believe that is out there was sort of thing did you did try to sort of almost speech a low we submit a legit company based in the minutes of international relations in parliament in south africa, had spoken about the double standards of the international criminal court, and how it viewed the developments between russia and ukraine. now when you look at
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what is kind see happening now in the middle east, do you perceive double standards in so far as how the western side of the world is dealing? particularly with this issue in god's. i'll give you an example. minnesota many channels from the united kingdom, including the united states of america, did not entirely broad costs the side of south africa before the international court of justice. this was noted by many people across the globe. do you think that the perceived double standards and how they deal with this particular issue in the middle east, the waste in countries, that is and how they had dealt with the issue between rushing creek. yeah, firstly is that we have to distinguish between the i c g and the inter missed the criminal court. you will remember in november i was in and as
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a confidence of states parties on the i see. and as sold off ago, we have raised the concerns with that because of the double standards of the prosecutor. look moving with the same speeds in, in, in, in, in the area of palestine on investigations that were long open before the investigations and ukraine and so forth. we, we, we have looked at what you're seeing with the best of the broadcasting of us to be the one to shape your particular another team and agenda. but i don't think that is how the international community for the function and the people of the world for the given information visual of played for the. so the best present issue and then is what i was presentation and let us see the judges. some of the arguments presented by advocate attempted on guide to be what statements solve some of the state members problem as well. and if you look now minister at the united states of america,
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them condemning some of the statements. and then people in america going, as far as saying, president fighters shouldn't just condemn some of these statements which were pointed out by advocating by toby before the i c j. now, when you look at what america is saying and doing during this conflict, what do you make of america's role now? oh yes, that's what we're going to to the court doing this statement of the prime minister and, and, and the minister of defense the sort of just cutting the statement in the actions with the video that has been sent. please then the celebrating and saying that i'm not involved, it would do the one all civilians. it could be a statement of intent of policy by the state of is that i, there's no way you can ignore this statement of a, of, of a prime minister and say, is just a retorted as pay. what is that? i have to assume your fundraising close enough for america,
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just condemn those statements without taking further action, but not actively supporting is right. you know, obviously in the context of the court and that we were dealing with, we have said such statements were not condemned and is what i am in the international community, including by the u. s. so that is not enough and because statements him good weight and in the context of general site, the date a pc they, they encourage the paper tray tests of genocide to, to carry the statement of intent of identity to so if they ask, would have condemned them on individual time, it would have also have, as we have seen from the video, this one is just on the ground already be kidding out. what do that department is that said that this is a moment offering from any of your, the minister of justice. but i beg your indulgence in this particular matter,
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related to whether you are concerned, perhaps i should say, is there any see concerned about the relations they all with the united states of america. given the fact that they've not only disregarded the case before the international court of justice, but they've also some work supported always and supported as well. are you concerned in any form about the relations between south africa and the us? we're continue doing great. you do this for by the to the other. lucian says what day is the met, the bus or the, the us to put across all positions. so we continue doing good, good. so what happens if you, when how, how, how do you, what are the things developing from the will be me, do supervision or for a fight and doesn't allow anyone to an age and allow engagements to, to, to continue to find a long lasting peaceful solutions for for the people,
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for proof of concept and, and cut when do you end visitation on the to see the solution? what happens if so that's because not crime to that there's but i've been continuous and we believe that them and it was fixed if of the outcome we have been able to expose the easy purposes of the powers that be in the world. and we've also been able to do to with forensic a pointed and this, the actions of the state of is that i'm so there was no notes. so it was picked to hold outcome. the words, when put the pressure on the state, is that i have to stop what is happening and push, pull it to states and machine as colorful by to you and you're sitting there in the court. i don't listen to the arguments all is well in your view, that is stuff. once you make the argument before the court and what all
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web stuff for me, the most is that they were turning the judges into well that day and visually know the statements made by them by the prime minister is what i am the minister of defense and i'm a general honest because those statements live with maids and as it is that a totally political to speak. and so that does really astonished to me because the statement by appointment is to have a good day or 32 in a kind of be seen as a political stick. inventory is government bodies and those statements were carried by the minutes of defense. they were carried by a day at ground forces. the generals, including the ground forces underground. they have fairly effect, so they can just be ignored and be dismissed. is that a totally political until they get appointed to go to speak? not only is that the next step is what has gone as far as to naples, south africa, as the devil's advocate at for aging, and defeating the activities,
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i'll come on. and there's also a negation that come us as also in south africa, or what each stage such develop, oh, the does on is unfounded. it must be dismissed to the contempt of deserves. we advocate on behalf of the government to solve the problem which i did with you in terms of the genocide convention, to act in this context and a violent that on a nation that sold off of a has we have with the state of punishment is on the quote is, will know, so that was just important to kind of like me to believe me, the government will sort of pick up not to do what it is due to balance in terms of the genocide convention has a, the south african government. i know you are in the space of justice and correctional services, and i know the minnesota international relations would probably be most 13 for this question, but it's called africa in tulsa. come us, have you spoken? have you reached out to them?
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we know so the africa has gone as far as to try and intervene in the conflict between russia, ukraine, and now is the a wall between israel and palestine. have you reached out to come? yeah, of us. that is the is the up. we have quite a good point. it is a question related to an intern this lot of nations, the police to to respond to that question about them. and the he goes with the d g of the offer. international relations who re emphasize and in the steps out of the court, that in the, by the relations i've sold the as is what they see to fees that i have. and then we continue to engage with them and that content is sorted with this, the kind of thing as i like to go minutes. i just want to find out from you, especially full viewer to really want to know if the order is granted full. so that's because you want the association of a file now with regards to a mazda are you saying that the.


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