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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  January 15, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EST

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and as far as the tide intervenes, the conflict between russia and ukraine and now in the a will between israel and palestine. have you reached out to come? yeah, of us. that is the is the up. we have quite a good point. it is a question related to an intern this lot of nations, the police to respond to that question about them. and the he goes with the d. g of the offer. international relations. who re emphasize and in the steps out of the court that in the, by the missions i've sold the as is what they see to fees that i have. and then we continue to engage with them and that content is sorted with this, the kind of thing as i like to go minutes. i just want to find out from you, especially full viewer to really want to know if the order is granted for. so that's because you want the association of a file. now with regards to a mazda, are you saying that the must also, for example, is,
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has been reading up the issue of october 7 to hostages as well. i say it also seems on his end as well. this one must his file most sit on the table results, which one is in line with the united mission. so there's an issue of face to face offered to the states. so thank you so much the way the, the mouse sooner attention. welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world, from the middle east in recent days,
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over 10000 to palestinians. mostly women and children are being killed with u. k. u s e u nation weapons and gaza. i'm the jerusalem. it's in a donation media and politicians advocating against us these 5 minutes. this loads of the war on children began 7 weeks ago today. but is israel repeated 911? really want nato corporate media want you to think it was one of the greatest john this in the world writing today has new revelations about what happened on october, the 7th. he's editor in chief of the grades on base in washington, dc. co director of killing gaza, an author of the management of savagery, how america's national security state fuel, the rise of al qaeda, isis and donald trump. he joins me in the studio. max, thanks so much for coming to us studio. why? i mean, it's not the do by a show, it's not the global media for him. perhaps it's something grimma than the outcome you're here. it is fairly gram. i had actually been in cairo, egypt hoping to reach the gyptian side of rafa to monitor the aid situation.
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as part of a delegation that was going to raise awareness about the lack of aid going in and the gyptian government blocked are permission blocked, has blocked all internationals. and pretty much any form of activism in support of palestine or against the humanitarian catastrophe. and gaza is off limits in ccs egypt at this point. so i diverted to here to your studio and well these he did refused to meet with the president biden in france, along with the course the king of jordan. but let's get to the 7th of october then because central to the native nation narrative is everything began on october. the 7th. um yeah, tell me about that. what do you think of that as well as the beginning of history? and you know right now, as we speak, the hospitals of northern guys are under attack. cnn is not showing these images from inside the hospitals, doctors being handcuffed, blindfolded,
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humiliated. babies being taken from intensive care units and incubators, to other wings of the hospitalized or under attack by israelis. this is to, is the product of american propaganda deployed by the pentagon and white house, claiming that there are underground bunkers that the hospitals are doubling as military bases. their intelligence assessments are essentially recycled as rarely propaganda. and we saw the same thing take place after october, 7th, with the white house, green lighting, israel's genocidal military operation in the gaza strip on the basis of lies deceptions and distortions of half truths. spun straight out of it. nothing. yeah. whose office and into the mouth of bite and starting with the 40 be headed babies lie. but one of the greatest slides that hasn't been unpacked yet, which i delved into at the grace zone, was what actually took place on october 7th. and raising the question of how many is riley's were actually killed by the,
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is really military using the same doctrine of this proportionate force and the indiscriminate use of heavy weapons that we're now seeing in the gaza strip. and it appears that the death toll is pretty high. yeah, because all we hear from the politicians in nato countries is october. the 7th is when i'm us open fire on innocent people. i mean, the intent is many of the may, will it mean idea of reserve is because they were as early citizens, but they were partying by the siege war. and this has nothing to do with is really on, is railey fire. well 1st of all, we now know from official is rarely statistics and confirmed as published by our it's that at least 50 percent of those killed were on military basis at the time they, regardless they were, israel's guys, a division which was enforcing the siege of gaza active duty soldiers in uniform, they were the main targets of the mos commando division, their elite units,
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and us media never western media never showed the video shot by hamas and islamic jihad commandos by group go pro cameras of them killing the soldiers who had been previously killing them and many military operations they turn to the killing of civilians are not as really non combatants in order to create political space for what was to come next. these really operation inside garza and these relays, assisted them by providing images which are now seen on websites that these really formed ministries promoting like hamas dash dash massacre. dot com would show extremely grisly images. now it's clear that in the attempt to take captives how most militants did kill civilians, they were shot with kalashnikov. some may have been killed with grenades. those are the only weapons they carried. but if you look at the images of, for example, the homes and keyboards, the area which was one of the main sites of hostage stand off these homes,
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look like many of the homes in the gaza strip. which i personally seeing, covering the in 2014 assault on dallas. totally destroyed cooked, entire families are actually found in these homes. is really families under rubble, as palestinian families are now being found in gaza. if you look at cars which were fleeing the nova electronic music festival, these cars were completely charged melted, and many of the bodies that were found inside were also charged. and all of these images were taken and presented to western media in various screenings. and through these websites as casualties of home, off the savagery that they burn, people live that they burned entire families a lot. and what's absolutely clear and confirmed is that the is really military shelby's homes and keyboards very with tags, under orders from the top to as, as one keyboard security coordinator them to valez scott, but put it to show the homes on top of their occupants. even if they were as railey
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and we can go through so many other testimonies produced in hebrew media, which i synthesize in my report to show a systematic campaign of friendly fire order from the top of the as rarely, military to prevent a mazda militants from taking captives into the gaza strip. is that one that you know who means by, oh, when all of this is over, we'll go through about the events on october the 7th, but that still doesn't even explain why it is that at the state department briefing view of being at them. john list, do not ask why this phrase, the headings, the phrase, right? yeah, just the un security council. i don't know what you have to say about. and that accusation, why these words obviously trigger words being used. and as you say, while the horrors of the real incubate is their own shows of the world in social media, rape, gang, rape, burning, people alive. tony blinking, and the secretary of state testified before the senate that almost cut the feed off
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of children. there is no basis for any of this. the real story should have been enough for them to have been able to justify their case. but they had, they needed to go further because they were planning to attack the entire civilian population. and the white house has accepted this uh, for example, i the bunk one new claim of re put on this. how much a mazda dash dash massacre site, which shows a naked woman who had been stripped and killed. this is a photograph likely of a kurdish female fighter that has been on line since at least 2022. i found what was it tweeted out is evidenced by and is riley is really foreign ministry is promoted as a mos rate. but if you actually look at the website that i found it on, look at the meta data, it 1st appeared in june of 2022. i found tweets of this image from later in 2022. so there's no way that this could have happened after october 7th,
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and they deleted the. is there any foreign ministry? deleted this off to you pointed this out. yes. and then you have uh yeah, he has been ports testimony. she was a woman who escaped and over music festival headed to keyboards very then was hold up in a home during the hostage stand. she testified to his rarely public radio that everyone who was killed among these rallies in that home during the stand up was killed by his railey special forces in which he called cross fire. undoubtedly they killed everyone except for the one. i'm off commander who was her captor, who surrendered, and then they fired 2 shells into the house for good measure. making sure everyone was dead among those who were killed according to is really channel 12 was a child who knocked tele bennett is really member of kinetic, former prime minister said was actually burned to death by how mosse this is confirm a code, firms kill by the is really military spun out by the former is really pro
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administer is evidence of law savagery. there's so many cases of this as a website, october 7th, dot org. or i just found a testimony by woman who said that she had been on a took, took a rickshaw with several other captives and gaza residents, who may not have even been with a mazda, is another element we can talk about. well, but i mean this took, took, which was hit not she was not hit by from us. some of them killed the people on it was hit by an apache helicopter held fire missile, and she was the lone survivor. there are so many cases like this. and we can just look at the testimony of these apache helicopter pilots to understand why that took place. and clearly the relatives of the bereaved in israel, one to know the truth just as much so we can establish if one doesn't think it some kind of falls like that. these really security state actually failed to have an absolutely any kind of a time. think of some failure, a hazard. is there different types of surveillance systems there? $1000000000.00 offense. all these things failed. and the propaganda war,
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they're having to delete the tweets and retract things. but of course, by the time the 1st light is out, is what your colleagues in the united states press. they believe the rapes, the headings, the bindings of bodies. yeah, it's just a systematic campaign of line. but as state department spokesman, matthew miller said, it's not misinformation. this is just uh, untruths happening in the fog of war. they can't imagine that the israelis would actually systematically seek to deceive the public in order to create political space for what is quite clearly a genocide that includes the destruction and occupation of every hospital in northern guys and the ethnic cleansing of one point. 1000000 people possibly more, but it's very clear to anyone who's critic who has a critical mind then what took the true story of what took place on october 7th, has yet to be told. and mark my words, ashen, the mainstream press will one day pick up on the thread that i laid down and will
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be forced to investigate the orders to come, to carry out fratricide, by as rarely, commanders on his rarely citizens in order to prevent captains from going into the gaza strip. that's the worst fear of the is really military intelligence apparatus . and he is really political sphere. consider how many kept as they had to give up for god. surely the israeli soldier who was taken captive in 2006, 1027 palestinian prisoners or captains were given up for the lodge elite. now they have something like $199.00. this is a nightmare. this is the biggest scandal and is rarely history. thousands of mazda in the summit, jihad fighters were able to carry out an operation without israel's vaunted unit, 8200, detecting anything. it's humiliated these really intelligent services. their guys, a division was wasted. $4500.00 soldiers lost in a few hours, and so to deflect from that. and from nothing yahoo for nothing yahoo to stay in
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office. if many of these office he's going on trial again, he could be convicted to deflect from that. they need to deploy a tidal wave, a propaganda blitzkrieg of holocaust level imagery. and so what they have turned to in many cases is imagery of the victims of his rally friendly fire that included other scandal. but of course, until the day, uh, they uh, eventually understand what, what really happened to have a, uh, google propaganda. they're going to talk about the video that was shown to members of congress this week. i am yes. and john list going on the ground one invited you guys on one invite to present. we just see the secret videos survive the under the guidance of the israeli authorities as we haven't seen them. but presumably the shocked faces and teary eyed faces are members of the press and politicians. you know, you're wrong. you're not allowed to see it as editor in chief of the grades and, but if you knew, and i'd seen that you'd have seen, i mean, is it possible they have edited the voltage?
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i mean, it's, it's, it's, it's, it is absolutely certain that many of the images that were shown to them did not portray what they claim they did. for example, when the 40 be headed babies story was immediately debunked and biden retracted it along with cnn. nothing. yahoo had to cover for himself, so his office deployed a picture of burn body parts and they said it was a baby. there's only one documented death of a incident on october 7th, 10 months old shot by accident. these burn body parts turn out to have been probably body parts of people cooked by hellfire missiles that were then assembled together. so then you have these briefings. the 1st briefing took place on is really military base where they gathered the entire 4 and pressed together and put on a clockwork orange style performance for them to hack their brains and get them in line. and it was an off the record session on and is really military base. what kind of journalist would agree to such a thing?
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what were the ethics there you're agreeing to not go on the record about what you see and to subject yourself to a obvious psychological operation on is really military base. while the military is literally be heading children and burning them alive and gaza with 2000 pound bombs in refugee camps. so this is an indictment of the international press. and it's an indictment of these politicians who are willing to be subjected to this next movement. all, i'll stop you the more from the founder and editor in chief of the grades, and after this break, the welcome back to going on the ground. i'm still here with the founder and the editor of the grades on max blumenthal code director of the documentary killing gaza max. we were talking about october, the 7th. we now of course this week have seen if we are watching social media on sensitive media. we're not going to be seeing it on
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a arguable circle of mainstream at corporate media, around the world, the normalization of attacks on hospitals. how do you think journalists managing to cover what we can clearly see our babies in incubate is under attack as if that is a normal response to the events we were just talking about, about one or 2 of them. well, it really confirms in the minds of people across the arab world, palestinians, people in gaza, that the western western officialdom in the western press is simply racist. because only one year ago, they were all pining over russian attacks on hospitals, which were in disputed by russia, actually denied by russia, and which were indisputably less intimately carried out. then what we're seeing, where the is really military is actually going into these hospitals on foot and by
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hand attacking humiliating doctors and forcing patients out into the cold. and what does that, what does a lot, you mean? just the other day, i saw you at the state department asking questions of lincoln's works for us. and what's it like in that room? when most of the journalist said don't seem as upset as you put your post the the murder of babies. yeah, i mean, you just, it's serial to go in that room and to see this and witness the subdued tone about what's, what is the greatest atrocity of our time being carried out before our eyes? in my opinion, a genocide, any opinion of many genocide scholars and they're just asking about how many aid trucks got through or they're trying to divert the discussion to whether ronnie and assets will be stolen by the us. and there's me in a few other reporters, less than i can count on this hand who are actually willing to ask tough questions
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. and i put for the quite the issue of blinking invite and accusing china and russia genocide. and why this did not qualify as a genocide, and they were actually green lighting every escalation of atrocities by the israelis up into the point where they are taking over hospitals and forcing icey you patients to die. forcing babies off incubators, the us started a war. the 1st gulf war over bogus claims of inc bader, babies, babies being taken off their incubators into weight by saddam hussein's troops. now it's really happening in the gaza strip right before our eyes. go on twitter and see it right now. and the us is sending more weapons, they're actually actually just authorized thousands more hellfire missiles and more jayden bunker buster bonds. who is real, can quote, finished the job. now what's really happening here with these hospitals, we need to be clear in understanding what the objective is because the white house is providing cover for as we ought to do it by claiming they've seen that there are
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high hidden bunkers under these hospitals. but that's not why is real, wants to remove these hospitals. it wants to clear out these hospitals because, and i've been to see if a hospital during times of war and peace during times of war. it's surrounded by people whose homes were destroyed, the entire neighborhood around it remodeled was destroyed, and it had tens of thousands of people there. and it's providing urgent care to people. and it's a station for journalists, they need to clear them all out, so they can ethnically cleanse the entire north of gaza. remove the centers of life in order to manufacture humanitarian crisis. then push the population to the raffle border of egypt and create impossible pressure on the gyptian government until they let these refugees in by the hundreds of thousands. they will put them in tents and assign a desert, and then they will be permanently resettled in the arab world. are scattered throughout the wes. this is the new knock book that former sion that director, avi dictor of israel has called for explicitly. it is ethnic cleansing,
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and genocide being carried out before eyes of the hospitals are central to this plan. so those are kaylee b breach is of geneva conventions established at a new or in bag. but then i think your colleague in that state department, the pressroom and the general assembly saying he was asking about complicity and genocide, seem to make them think. do you think there are officials in the state department and perhaps the whitehouse and the by to ministration as a whole? who understand that they could at some later date be prosecuted. some young book type tribunal for complicity in the worst crimes humans can ever do to other humans . no, i think tony blinking thinks that he can continue to play the blues and live a life of luxury until the end. that's why he pre empted this campaign of he is tempted to attempted to undermine the tradition and the letter of international law by introducing the rules based order. no one knows what the rules
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based order means. but now we see it means that the us makes the rules and everyone else has to follow their orders or they will die. finally, we and we, and we've, we had another report from the grades on liam, cause grow. go to the pentagon and ask their spokesman, you always talk about the laws of war and is real, need needing to follow the laws of work. what are those laws? and that spokesman general rider or she could not answer the question. and this question gets asked again and again, it briefings of the state of the city they want to get it. what are the laws of war? what are the rules based order? it's just rhetoric to undermine international law. then you have cream con, at the international criminal court. i mean on this show, as well as law football. now i think everyone recognizes, even though these hundreds of lawyers went to a genocide, conviction against a deposit. i see, i see jack, i'd go to ask you because you've been looking at this. yeah. who is anthony blinking? what is his background and why may that be really important for people watching to understand when they see him talking with will lead is his counterparts around the
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world about the rules based order, equitable world and human rights? well, i mean, i wish cream con, were sitting here, so i could ask him why when he promised to visit palestine. he never did. and was too busy in dining fruit and for evacuating children from awards zone. but to, to your question about tony blinking, this is someone who's been made secretary of state because of his zionist lineage. he is the grandson of maurice blinking one of the 1st is real lobby. as in the united states who set up a think tag in the 19 thirty's to produce a influential paper on how scientists colonization could be economically bountiful and productive in the historic land of palestine. he was raised by his stepfather, samuel pixar, who was himself kind of in israel lobbyist. he was constantly in french, one meter on 0 as his concierge. and he was also a fixer for robert maxwell,
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the late robert maxwell, who is himself and most side agent, got a defacto state burial and is real. and was the father of the notorious delane maxwell. so tony blinking comes into this to his position, having gone to the success of a pack gatherings, telling them that he inherited his commitment to is real strength. and that's how he got approved by the senate in bi partisan fashion. and that's where he stands. why he stands where he does on this genocide now now is this like that is clearly know what's out there as blinking. that to is the world. yeah. obviously they're killing women and children, edison to bend to they're also targeting journalists according to valid standing and forward is how important is it for israel to target journalists now because we seen the targeting of journalists in nato countries. as a matter of course, i know you've been covering julian hassan. just supplied in great detail,
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is targeting of journalists, a key in the management of savagery, the the title of your book. while we seem almost 50 journalist killed in the gaza strip. and when you look at how most of them died, several of them did the 1st journalist to die. 4 of them were killed when the main press, one of the main press buildings in guys, a city that was still standing. after many other journalists, journalistic and media towers were destroyed. they were killed because these rallies evacuated the building, and then they found the building. next door where the journalists were standing. now we start to see journalist, one after another, killed at home with their families. so they were targeted. israel has the entire population registry in the gaza strip, and those were everyone's home is in which family is in it. and we've seen the entire family of a journalist from palestine tv, which is funded not by home off by the but by the palestinian authority killed at home. we saw a wild, i do the, i'll just,
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your arabic correspondence in the gaza strip had of his 2 children and wife killed at home are targeted. and it is really pundit went on, is really channel 13 after the killing and said, yeah, we didn't like his reporting. so we, we killed them. i mean, there openly, boasting about targeting and killing journalist. and where is the response from all the press freedom organizations? it's very muted. tony blinking is made press freedom, one of his signature issues. and of course he refuses to talk about a song and he's not old. and now he has this blood on his hands. and you know, so what right now we, all the institutions are exposed the genocide prevention industry that samantha power helped spin out totally discredited. they said nothing about what's happening in the gaza strip. then you have the counter, this information industry that's supposedly existed to fight misinformation. now information and this information said nothing about it anyway. maybe see verifies
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go on. yeah. where's where's, where are they? it's only rush and, and we'll and, and the press freedom industry a very needed response. they that they, that. okay, okay. well, just finally, we seemed you've established desperately that there are allocations, that it's israel during the heading, israel, covering up and forging the idea of raping all these different crimes. human shields is the stand, the go to for all of these nature nation. someone tastes dental griffith was creating as dry unless you believe it is israel, that actually behind the use of human shields, what we're seeing is real use human shields in the gaza strip. now classic tactic, i've seen it used in hebron. they capture man blindfold them and standing in front of where the soldiers are stationed to prevent attacks on those soldiers. but then there's this, there's the concept of human shields that needs to be interrogated because what we're hearing is that homos embeds itself among the civilian population. and
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therefore the depths of civilians is something that we should just accept. and that is how mazda is phone, and not israel's fault, even though israel's using bunker buster bonds in densely populated refugee camp. i spent months and months over the course of years in tell of even jerusalem and other is rarely population centers. and you are surrounded by human shields because you cannot distinguish between the soldier who's carrying their weapons and wearing uniforms in shopping malls, restaurants, and bars, and is really civilians. and these really military places its own infrastructure, right among the civilian population, to the point where the largest is really military base, a cure. yeah, it's defense ministry command center is placed directly next to the as rarely mall in tel aviv. it's surrounded by civilian infrastructure for our restaurant homes.
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so if anyone had the capacity to attack is probably the most important target they would be attacking us really a neighborhood by design. is that not a human shield? well, if you think that's not a human shield, you're just simply racist and chauvinistic. well max, we love usually invites and to be blinking. anyone over the state department, anyone from israel to these rarely, authorities to deny what you'd been saying. and i'll invite myself to the state department when i get back, people can watch that on uh, the state developments website next to them at all. thank you so much for coming and thank you. that's it for the show. and condolences from the whole team here are going underground to those bereaved by the ongoing violence in the middle east. we'll be back on monday with holocaust survivor together, one much a, one of the world's greatest trauma specialist. and he'll then keep in touch of i will, i, social media is not sense in your country, and that's what channel going. i'll be going to be all normal, don't come to us, and you and all the episodes of going underground. see on monday, the
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a see of support from the corners of the planet. people around the world found and sort of dodge with palestinians. up to the conflict in thoughts. i hit the 100 day marks, even almost 24000 civilians that go see the lock, the lack of access of quality seem that heavy lead. the money that i'm actual cost of all continues to range and the death toll now we have from the red cross switch says both sides and conflicts to negotiate that desperately needed humanitarian aid can reach the area. the south african legal team were times home from the international court of justice and the hague.


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