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tv   News  RT  January 15, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EST

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the the a fee of support from all corners open kind of people around the world stand and sort of dodge with kind of simians off to the conflict in gaza pits the $100.00 day marks, even almost 24000 civilians that lack of saving the lock you into any lack of access of going to the team building and heavy leap. the money that i'm actually, as of all continues to rage and the death toll mouse, we have from the red cross sides of both sides in the conflict and associates success, brittany needed humanitarian aid, couldn't reach the area. the south african legal team were towns home from the international court of justice and the have and is greeted as heroes over the genocide case against as well also to comp taiwan has
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never been in the country. it was not in the past and it will not be in the future . taiwan independence has never been possible. strong lots from basing that or is it to that sound, washington some metal legs of thought to us congratulate to the newly elected president of taiwan. a storage advocate, pull the islands independent, the one can hit and most good thanks for choosing off this monday. as we take a look at what's happening around the world. let's get us started. over the past 100 days is really bombardments, across calls that have caused the mass displacement of palestinian people the largest since 1948. that is, according to the you, one over the weekend, huge riley's were held around the globe, demanding a safe spot to the world that has affected the entire population of garza. so you
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want to sound that's moving to 1000000 people the the i am presently right now, the model for god, the rally here in downtown washington dc. the, i'm here right now in berlin and i am at the national day of action for how side. and this is part of a larger global movement today where people are congregating and various cities around the world in order to draw attention to the cause of the palestinian people . the
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here in the capital one ends of gathered in front of the un office to demand a b i. c, j rule for the immediate cessation of it is really twice a force on jobs at the start model. progress your email pulled up on top of the demonstration globally, but that's with the plan. the, i'm happy to stand here in solidarity on this important
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a south side alliance is room a stop is slaughter, and america should reconsider its support for the nation. the freedom of bel assigned is the freedom of all humanity. since october 7th, almost 24000 palestinians have been killed in the enclave. but more than 60000 have been wounded. and there was no sign of any less health in this way do on sort. despite the grunting humanitarian catastrophe all to use throughout that isabel has been digging deeper into the story. it's been a 100 days of war in gaza, yet with palestinian depths mounting. there's no a parent's end in sight. israel continues said soft and meaning it's full of destroying him off by any means necessary for the whole. no one will stop us, not the hague. it's not the axis of evil, nor anyone else. it is viable and necessary that we continue until victory will to and that is what we will do well, is roll excuses. its deadly operation by saying it's targeting him off the
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aftermath of the bombings all across the hall. so 10 leave even the most stoic of onlookers and tiers to put it into perspective. 24000 palestinians have been killed and more than 60000 a wounded 1400000 people are in shelters, facing a looming famine. civilian infrastructure, schools, hospitals, and waterways have all been destroyed. the un says that garza is now basically uninhabitable. the massive death destruction displacement, hunger loss and grief of the last $100.00 days are staining or shared humanity. south africa has accused israel of committing genocide at the international court of justice. providing facts that contradict israel's narrative is a special genocide on intent. is the router in the belief that in fact the enemy, this is not just the media type of waiting call from us,
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or indeed how most and that on file is embedded in the fabrics of public opinion life in cause. this intent is evident from israel conduct in specially targeting palestinians living and gaza using weaponry that causes large scale, homicidal destruction, designating save stones, for palestinians to seek refuge and then bombing beans. israel contested all of the accusations and sent their own legal team to the i. c. j denying the bombing of hospitals in gaza and assuring they were following international law. in urban warfare, civilian casualties may be the unintended but lawful result of a tax on lawfully military objectives. international humanitarian law recognizes this reality and provides a framework for balancing military necessity with humanitarian considerations.
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these do not constitute genocidal acts, but as the number of pro posted in raleigh's increase all across the globe, more more people are tuning out israel's narrative. and despite washington wrapping up its weapon supplies to tell a b, even they are starting to falter in their support. is there a security can rest on the united states? but right now it has more than the united states. it has the right be in union. it has europe, it has most of the world supporting them, but they are starting to lose that support by indiscriminate bombing that takes place. targeting civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow . they cannot, they must not be pressed to leave gaza. we reject the statements by something's really ministers and lawmakers, calling for re settlement pallets, and these outside of guys are, as these statements are responsible, there, inflammatory washington has even warrant that israel may actually lose the war if
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they continue down this path. the less than is not that you can win in urban warfare by protecting civilians. the less than is that you can only win in urban warfare by protecting civilians. but it seems like israel is not open to its partners criticism as it showers bozza with more air strikes. things are so bad that some is really civilians are calling for now. and yahoo, who's removal, angry that he's treating, is really hostages, as collateral damage. so with what's happening and gaza being called, quote, the deadliest conflict in the 21st century, and with a death full continuing to rise, it all backs the question, what can actually be done to stop at all? meanwhile, no pauses. what is the age groups all describing the conditions in an open casa, as catastrophic? well, the red crescent has now resumed its walk in the region and the untamed largest
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medical facility. l shape. the hospital has reopened, or some parts of the area which a large pothole from any age to monetary and assistance and all in dire need of aid . they put you on this macklin stop our reports now on the challenges faced by metrics, the damage in law, she said, the largest medical complex in god's out sci fi has resumed operations after significant damage inflicted by israeli occupation forces during their takeover of the hospital along with suspicion currently certain departments of l. c. if a hospital are in no peroration such as the emergency and kidney units along with some operating rooms, saving the lives of those injured in bombings, however, several sections remain auto service due to various obstacles, primarily the influx of displaced people seeking refuge entering the hospitals functionality to address this, it is crucial to evacuate, the displaced individuals to a safe place and showing the hospitals return to full capacity. this necessitates the provision of experienced medical teams, medicines,
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and medical equipment to replace those damaged or destroyed the health situation in godaddy's extremely dire due to the overwhelming number of daily injuries requiring a significant number of specialized doctors to deal with them. there is an urgent need for these medical teams which are currently unavailable. well, the rest of the hospital is condition is dire, a lack of antibiotics for my injured grandchild, in the absence of blood pressure medication for my ailing wife are critical issues . the available we're in the hospital is worse than the dead sea, forcing us to use it only for bathing visitors must bring drink. i'm aware of the hospital supplies on fits for consumption. i didn't do that already because this traffic situation waste is accumulating everywhere with no basic hygiene facilities . firewood isn't available for cooking. i'm going out to find some puts out a live such risk. my home is destroyed and i cannot find any shelter from the winter cold company though. this is the reality of the l. c. for medical complex, the health care system strives to recover from the crisis caused by the israeli occupation. we discussed the bank situation and also with the red cross federation
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spokes person to my so the longer he says that the more time pulses, the more the she monetary needs of civilians continue to go back of the situation needs to be on the store. and we, i mean we, we talked a lot about the situation and last weeks and months and seem serious piano. and most things, the words will describe the mind that i see the ocean and goes us 3. but what does up in, after these, on the days has been more of the call and we will add, the more that you might have that means withdrawal. so i'd, system is collapse. i thing that i'm going to days is duration is just was sitting day by day and there is no one who is really able to be the culprit on sort of an old song that opens the if i you want to get an answer because a lot go see the lack of the lack of access. so of course he's, he didn't have any. do you want? is that an option? these are old. so on the days for the all the deals and then we want to put in your
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web portal. but i mean, yes, and then from the shorter lease owner, they also do some digging. also juices are easy to show you many that i know the idea is that uh we, all of us, i wanted to, uh, to most of the most vulnerable people, including all seduce. but the reason that he's no longer the men leaving the policy . so these policies are not allowing us to work as well as a police officer. so what did he say to say, fox, se never, you have to go. so i want to work is almost impossible. safety these are pretty to go where the because you need to say 52 bit 8. that'd be nice. you anybody and so we need seem to did what? 8 my thoughts as you need to as a new safety guess what they need. we need to say foxes and the wedding got some, if there is a tiny bundle financing for, for news about finding the grand scheme of what is going on. on this side of crescent was able to really stop the the, what i said be seen enough. they've got so which of course it is an important news,
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but then also a continuous scroll all the money in the name that was put in the same kind. you want to use, you know, what else the dollar model on this side of costs and what funding that's the sense of the need. and so, so in order most patients coming in the speed tell us so many that's the amount of the money that i need the magazines, anthony got. so i'm not enough to furnish every time monday. seems that that needed that to support people. i think that that is um, a lot of looking at that at least my field on the bottom of the gift for us to say and the other fellow international committee to just the president's always. yes. he said the icing. that's what we have uh, seeing these days, uh, not calling by this time. i mean the by the other in the context on where the way they call flip side of going to in the cries. these are going to add the, and there is nothing more that they're supposed to be the for the, for the dish and for people much to, for the hands of town cities proceed down the sky. and i seem to these clear that
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the only solution you guys are you. so for me to go to solution. but then when you do something useful to all and discuss and point you money, the 1st step because once we have seeing and these days is unbelievable and seem to be a project for you might be 200 days, might have fall since the beginning of the ideas a sense of but israel has no plans to stop a determination which impacts more and more tired chase with the course civilian support in the cross bar. while the move was hit, hard to southern garza has been affected as well now, which on this raw me on the car has more on the situation that today is the day 110 days or 80 war against the goal is as the trip that has fall killed it since october 7th. when come as as other other hundreds of policies, 10 years loaded into older areas called as really
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areas around the gaza strip. and the other guys, us rep says, day to day is really government hated by the prime minister, being a mean it to be a whole. and his a chief is army chief or was task is dated and 3, it's very a to as are able, is ition, that the war was, couldn't be continuing abated until, as well as i choose to declare the objectives mainly to the limitation of how much and they release all of the freeing of a cap church is or is how are now was to mated to $170.00 s or is this is really determination to continue the law. ongoing problems as a zip file drop off ongoing as a military operations across the big gaza strip,
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including that at rough last city and the south, where as really rates have a few targets in the middle upfront by city where the is a water plains and a ground forces at continued their operations and, and civilly and find you in this area at the just need a rough off in the south of that goes as trip. that is the situation for that time being on that day. 100 of the is the 80 was and also the lex mentioned here is that as the internet services, as well as the daily communications services have been cut off for the for today. for that said j. grove. rodney, i mean, i read all throughout the last city south of the gauze as to what i want to switch to south africa now. why the country is legal team has returned home from me,
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international court of justice in the hague. the group of course has been presenting the country's genocide case against as well. they arrived in china 5. i'm a going to buy crowd of pro part of sending pro testers and supporters. we'll just remind you south ask for that has accused as route of reaching its obligations under the 1948 genocide convention. how does he has so many projected, oh allegations, claiming that before his move shows that it's on the side of from us local john les cadillac, i'm selling me reports from the south. african capital is made size off and just the height, let's see. in the 16 is the evidence to facilitate case, i guess they argue that is all the actions in the occupied to retrieve amounts of genocide, crime against humanity. in this case, justice should lights on going to minutes. here me
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firmly believes that the international community to put in all parties involved how the comfortable the applicants behind to express their directions and admiration
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itself. as soon as we get done, now we're very, very so she has something like this and it was one with when we have the design is don't have we have through these they our pressing the to genocide each of those things and there's no way people aflame if they have a phone to realized in what seems this thing is more and more young series activities to realize we are a thank you in see thank you. thank you and the lady time though, we appreciate what is happening in fact palestine. he's on the president. he didn't sanction 7 sylva in 1948. these people have not. even
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though we have seen the guys, they don't know that they need to know that he loves them. we do for them as a legal team arrives today, there's kid if it, if it's with south african it's showing a powerful message that the people in south africa stand in front of their dependent, mundane and then on to god. it didn't seem to be there after she got locked in on the ground, d n. e goes on in history as the heroes raising the national legal giant shoulders. the remaining children offended side r
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namibia has hit child to its former colonial like germany for siding with is around the genocide case of the hague. and also just remind you both against tennessee by south africa in germany cannot morally express commitment to the united nations convention against genocide, including a toman for the genocide in namibia while supporting the equivalent of a holocaust and genocide and gaza. various international organizations, such as human rights watch, have chillingly concluded that israel was committing more crimes and gaza. the namibian president dodged by the end to reconsider. it's about intervene in the judicial process, quoting at a shocking decision, how they're going. gold went on to know the job, many has yet to atone for the atrocities that committed in the maybe of which berlin and cell phone you acknowledged over a century later in 2021 will say, dismissing the south african case out of hand is the british foreign section or cameron, he colby's accusations of genocide, quote,
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nonsense. besides hyper connection is, is role. i think it's on health. ready i think it shouldn't be happening now. of course, you know, i'm not a lawyer, but they are talking here about genocide, the taste in this case or on the base of genocide and do to prove that you go to improve for to prove that that there was intent that, you know, i take the view that israel is acting in self defense of their pulling a tag called the 7 volt tube. but even if you take a different view to my view to look at is a democracy, a country with the root of little country, with all the forces that are committed to a bang, the root of little to say that they have that country, that leadership, that offices that they have the intent to commit genocide. i think that is notes and so i think that's the role penny. and at this time, independent consultants on governance, democracy and human rights of him. but all your believes that south africa is right in the mounting accountability at the hague. why?
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because of close against. uh, uh, uh, international norms of human rights. once you make your, uh, it's clear that uh that, that the state of his life is, uh, well you guys uh, does not intend to protect civilians over to the dentist, fixed bundle of relations. it depends to, uh, don't do the site and the absence of the ideas and that, and these ladies, i mean, they were coming on explaining that phase. i mean, is professional and dental. it's not that we haven't seen any evidence of that. they said he, i'm, he has got a note of a very, very, very extreme atrocity. so that goes to another civilians that destroyed uh, the most of them, the houses subsidies dismissing the population. and most of these countries will find a don't know exactly what's going on in uh is right. and i mean,
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the us itself was turned it on. so to kinda australia unit of this countries. so and many of them at the quote you sent, what we did that goes against the indigenous community. so i need to have know, i'm one of the best under us, is claiming that the basic they'd be giving us like government provided any evidence based off of them because of that. and that's the case study comprehensive . i think it is in the, the document they provided with a number of evidence from clinical sources about what's going on in uh, a medium to buy this thing and then it was kind of fine. if the ssl a china has elapsed out to the us accusing it of meddling and it's internal affairs, us off the washington congratulate to tie one's nearly elected president lighting tech, who is a strong advocate for independence for the territory station proclaimed such a move will never be on the cause, i'm not anyone who tries to split tried his territory, will be punished by the
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a. c. d less taiwan has never been in the country. it was not in the past and it will not be in the future. taiwan independence has never been possible. it was not possible in the past and it will never be possible in the future. anyone on the island of taiwan who wants to pursue taiwan independence to split china, his territory will be severely punished by the law fullness senior u. s. government officials have planted in taiwan in the meantime while they are expected to meet with local politicians, as well as the outgoing president. later on monday, the white house is said to have off the group to travel that in a private capacity. washington does not officially have diplomatic ties with the item thought, maintain strong length, and is the main supply of weaponry. meanwhile, the, you pay on japan of also congratulate different newly elected president. the shows on the i'm calling donation from china, patient and faith to expedite of time dead leaves the west and trust in taiwan is
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a what about waiting in a strategic life to as the average american word taiwan was, it wouldn't be able to tell you they wouldn't be able to tell you why. so strategic importance. basically what it comes down to is this is part of the containment strategy that washington has come up with. isn't working very well. but you know, if you take a taiwan hong kong to a 2 beds and she and john, these are these guys in the south china seas, these are the areas where they feel china is wrong ruble and where they continue. this kind of miscommunicating misinformation campaign to try to portray china is somehow evil when it's simply trying to assert control over what he believes is its territory. it's about his jeremy uh that the us um, after world war two's does, doesn't trust anybody. they don't trust the europeans and they made it clear that the u. s. is going to take control of the world and that it's the world has to come to uniformity and of course, and is necessary and they're willing to do that. and that is the sticking point.
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you cannot negotiate with somebody who says you're, you're wrong. i'm right. and that's unfortunately where things are heading. the president elect logitech is from the apology, known for its pro independent stones, and one historic fod tom and the election, but failed to gain a majority in the regional parliament. china says the results were attended, the overall move towards reunification between pacing on taiwan. i'll take them trip to call shaw says then you need to will navigate against the state as quote, without permission from washington. the most of the p p that one and stuff ization part of k and t. they're basically status quo part. given this, the presidential candidate lights into a has faded just before the election. he said, well there's no need to declare hi, when you dependents, because we have like a china on the tie. one that is already dependent, which is really the same that he's not going to start off the water and let's face
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it, whatever by one does the, it has to be as explicit. go ahead, an approval whole washington right now. washington is in broils already on the team from war. one a proxy. what do you ukraine of answer russia. another right now in the us is deeply in involved in middle east to support is really atrocity in palestine unions. now is the us just bomb, give it to us, does not have extra lead it extra aircraft carriers to send to tie one at the moment i use not in us interest to start a as the served from more. um, so i don't think anything will change is showing the the, the candidate lights and the one that you election he won was 40 percent of the vote, which means 60 percent of the electorate voted for opposition. candid and so we, reason one is because opposition is dividing bad in the if i wanted legislature,
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jim t opposition party still one of the most effective what the one more seats then p d p which means somebody into the presence the lights and do it is going to face our legislature, so i don't expect much to checked more on how the election that could impact the items for nations with china, head on over to our website policy dot com to find the exit button out assist. opinion is, what is the latest updates on so much more about the signing of this our or is this a will be in this hot seat from the top, dallas to join. but later on, as me, i'll see you said the the
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hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered 9 people live out in the spot like washington says it wants to de escalate regional tensions. but instead expands the conflict. this administration is simply out of control also, what are we to make of south africa's legal breed? charging israel with genocide in gosh, to discuss these issues and more. i'm joined by my usual guess george. send me while we in budapest, he's a pod cast, read the capital which can be found in youtube and locals, and america. we have mark j is an award winning journalist for i start out with georgia in budapest, georgia. you and i been watching very closely as x rays. they blinked hands of a recent trip say shuttle diplomacy is like the trying to do in that in the middle east find the de escalate. but why is the cited states.


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