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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 15, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EST

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12000 subject to the work of the since the beginning of this 4. so more people are getting killed or injured. and unfortunately the were, as has continued with, i use the prostitution at destruction on the president of destruction for the insect, for the infrastructure. almost 60 percent of homes have been destroyed on some of the humanitarian needs assistance, getting into godsa right flu and doesn't teach event 10 percent of the needs. all of this is happening. all of these continuous relations are happening and those are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been a target schools have been of target most searches. there's no particular places because of hospitals have been trying to get it kind of dicks. everyone is under target. there is no safety police in gloucester does not have been extremely dangerous and the most dangerous. please force children in garza and all of this
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hunger and diseases and the entire collapsing of the health system. so the words continued and the international community has failed to stop all of this situation. how for you to stop as read from a being to the international, the human it's the sort of jumped people to i was watching some of the hearings from the international court of justice. who knows, you know, pretoria south africa is cold and israel for this quote and either accusing the magenta thought i saw some of the hearings and the it's really official as well. no . just defy. and they will almost our good they, they, they, they seem to present this. that's sort of the case. like we are the exceptional people and we don't have to listen to anything. you have to say to us just quickly, before i let you go, the is ready probably minister and defense minister both saying the idea strictly follows international law and about i don't have much time your comments on that.
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my comments and message to the international community. that's this internationally community issue, this towns up for humanity. recall on an end for this more a ceasefire is urgent care required to save lives. palestinians have been closed as people are just living in hunger announcements, others will be losing their life either from hunger or because of the infectious diseases of this war is going to be continued. and about har, soc, is there with the palestinian red crescent society joining us by from around on it . thank you very much for your time. will taiwan has lost diplomatic ties with one of the 12 countries that shed official relations with days after elections on the island? that's as now what are what tiny pacific nation and micro an easy, a re establish ties with badging, a china price, the development to do so,
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there is only one china in my world. taiwan is an invaluable part of china. is territory. the narrow government's decision of reestablishing diplomatic ties with china, once again shows that the one china principle is the expectation of the people. and the prevailing trend of our time. china stands ready to work with now route to open new chapters in our bilateral relations on the basis of the one china principal. with the financial shows in our flag now removed from the diplomatic quarter in taipei with the pacific countries. embassy is located at time, and these officials last out of a decision, accusing china of quote and buying out the country. all this coming on the heels of a pro independence candidate who won the presidential election in taiwan. and now he's set for an historic. so it presidential time though it failed to gain any majority in the regional parliament trying to set the results will not stand in the way of the inevitable re certification. a vi settings are very busy monday afternoon here at most of our appreciate you joining us here with us international
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. we are back soon with many more of your top told him the hello. thanks for joining us. and archie exclusive interviews, my guess today is professor, but you can hear me is a professor of political science, the full mouth point of administrative, the federal republic of nigeria, professor can be thank you very much for talking to us. that's the oddity the guy's mind. thank you for inviting that professor. consider in south africa's move to take israel to the international court of justice. for the genocide, i will also send both parties make their presentations at the international court of justice at the hague. what's easier assessment if this development? i'm so proud of south africa versus i will say,
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i did best times for south africa for africa, for the ward. because south africa talk out east next. on a more route issue, my de beth, my della will be give you some. so wherever he is now, then yes, this is the nation that i left behind. because when q story ounce rights in the history of these times this war in gaza believes me is probably the one that going to use to judge or love thoughts on south africa will get a good mation. so i'm very proud of south africa,
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adaptive task blade. what i have on this car, on demand daylight roll in the water south africa made that narrow definition of genocide. you know, it's just such a narrow issue that is where i imagine for it's they do both the deal hold on. vince jumped on the same breath as they made that present dition as to why watts is rhodes. jerry fits the definition of a genocide on deal to hunt. when do is released, the y roughly or low budget is not talking about what the mosque date on that but that is domestic.
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non roy's very glare varies. no, just if it gets under rules to guided wolf, rice, fessler justification for genocide. none whatsoever. so that's that then know how much do these, how much did that and so on and say you now call month. so where we are doing this or we are going to do these to pre, to pre event genocide. when the president, you have prime minister, your defense minister, we have minutes, efficiency, now government or fish, as past said down record for say we wipe out a mouse and there's so many for where as far as quoting purposes, animals, yes,
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precisely. now, professor from south africa requested various provisional measures including the suspension of israel's miniature operation in gaza. and given his israel's history or for ignoring resolutions, do you believe it will comply if granted, especially considering potential consequences from powerful allies like the united states and the united kingdom? no, i don't expect, i don't expect a need will be due to the ruling of that costs. so on. it is a well being very good company. uh, i've never have through the united states itself. i had um, disobeyed, did it costs a britain that disobeyed difficult? i can give you a whole list of people who are disobeyed vehicle. so it's are going to have been
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good. dec company. uh this'll be vick often with our on on me, terry. i mean, junction, all, of course, this is the weakness, the weakness of the international court of justice. the main judgment is now going to call on to come tell me yes, by which time the war is over. i that the palace now since i've been wiped out or is there were life going with them, right, jason, that in this to do on best way. estrada important that the, the i c j mix, i mean tarion rule named with them wings for faster service here, the sake of humanity. yes. yes, that professor academy, south africa is a state policies of the genocide convention. it mentions it's publication to
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prevent genocide in its application to the i c, j. a. why do you think south africa is pursuing this case? you did mention in your opening statement that your proud of the nation of south africa for sticking its neck out is why are they pursue with this case, despite potential backlash from israel's inferential allies? and that would probably be a state for them. i'm in the united states that it's better, this is religious, condemned it as blood libel, as some of even described to south africa as the legal representations of most. so they will see all those this we're doing today. what do you expect? south africa has down's face is said rep policies. i have said that varies a that soft software costs rule in the world is a month deadlines,
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fission of what we offer to the dream on not to what we're doing for the whole world. don't forget vista, some who went to prison the side that trust to do deals to get out of prison. so many times, he refused to stop by something for i said that and they kept some done. i would say he was principled on the longer and longer on the find natalie. i'm in the the simply a touch to see fancy. so we got struck to one my 6 brick sites on my have said to this, that's when the was watsonville would expect of south africa. is this more outstanding? yeah, 5 more of standing that's just not expected of issue like to and that stuff that
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for guys coming these every loads because in terms of national, not an interest that are fins trouble, they've got to know or is a to do on expect my to rare ward reward for that. that fact will not be south africa. no professor, let's talk about the united nations. i did see your name on the internet. i described to you guys have nations as the united. nothing's referring to its inability to stop this master cousin garza. the united nations involvement and the creation of israel. it was involved in the creation of these or do you believe the organization is played a sufficient role in addressing the root causes of the conflicts such as the occupation and the suffering of the promising and people be careful of what you
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wish for? because what you get me come round to on to the night to 40 a come they show non genocide. believe me came into existence, be cause of what the mattress deed to the jews a fox, charlie. in fact i was listening to, to during the presentation. 8 drawers i drew a survivor of program. we invented the word genocide on now. it to be used to hong v the these right in the nation. now the united nation assessor directly said the intro, most responsible for the christian offices, right? but vis. israel is not what to do is united nations
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created and then the sites on that, on this aged on a fan this if and this is in the is really thing cause i did the beginning expect that the nation is ready to be a shy new modem for the war and also what the world war showed to be the thoughts that they will continue to remind. and that was also what progress gender site had been on now and the said never get understood nearby game. but then with what they mean now by nearby a game is,
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i mean if it dr. net the yahoo. yes. and have a game. will they be things or this was the be victims. they more inflict punishment. they wouldn't inflict genocide, they wouldn't same program on, not that big port on, on the people who cannot fight back. i know, i know you, i agree to say yeah, but i'm, i'm on the side table by 7th period noise factor in the background. so this does desperation, that discussion. so, so that is a saying that i'm in, if a m k d, i'm going to go to and see if there was no profit vision. they wouldn't be a creation of that if they british with knots or pressing the iris that i already would have not been great at the bridges with no oppressive the mama in k,
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i would love to great at that's a mass of the creation of a is really aggressive the local patient. quite quite it. your no resistance is so risky, reaction. so oppression? yes. so when we say the accent, job pressure approach still on the united nations was to have our support lights on the you and considered the united states consistent use of it's venture to protect ease row in the united nations security council. do you think that reform in the united nations security council, particularly eliminating veto power, could make it more effective and impossible? and addressing conflicts like this one for witnessing in the middle is not letting me know select us to just text back before the internet doesn't. it's just us created the legal missions was just on the calls
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do united states, so it just interests will not be protected. it didn't see johnny on the rank dryly. did you need golf initials or last video nights? a new shows a kimmy to existence. precisely because the power of vigil was there to protect the interests of this powers. now, at times more you get may not be the best, but so let's practice to car a few i but at least they did unite this. this will work. i mean, all the simple problems i see. so it's a type of protective mechanism to do that. now, professor, given the significant number of positive and casualties, equal strategic goals,
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do you believe israel is pursuing this disproportionate use of force and containers bombardment of gaza? i mean, they must be something and, and go and what, what, what sort of go, so you get this sort of high numbers of casualties. many of them, the civilians, women, and children. we all, we have would be making the mistake. we've all been focusing on guys, how about the west bank actually before a mass absent is right outside of being in the event in the west bank in video, the or no uh either the settlement, the, the model machine building set domains enough that didn't mean going in this is that had been platform the military action before
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a mazda event of victor. so that in terms of how much a, a, i, b, isn't it the whole one store? wipe out all the palestinians, not, not just 10 miles on the list and ask in guys more to really wants to do is to drive them in to sign that as a that and then she creates new areas for is really set domains in gaza in gaza. fast that sort, there wants to do now, is there a perceived double standard in the way west and countries have responded to use rose actions in gaza compared to marcia's miniature operations in ukraine is israel seemed to get a different type of treatment on the false award to feels
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t o c o y, the poor girl that the nazis inflicted don't just be costs of that. we told us a blank on blind eye on what the advice is. dread dose is like we've got to come pay say the jews for watson be so good. the last thing, the last thing a public for going the west was to be type is scientists. i me take a look to precedent or medical, you and invest. if i've lost that job on this matter, yes. what happens to be black? right? your 1st black president of 5, but this one is president of the university of pennsylvania. i'm still
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sure of us, be cause jewish go no, said of the tool moon, that type placed i will not donate on to this president goes and they had his way. oh yes. how do you say, now we'll do this to, is this so i, let's read vast things. later i'll see on our, i mean, i'd rush president said i said o i stop what is wrote on the by the published in nancy in guys i must be dealt with do use and they will remove in that often. yeah. so in light of the ongoing conflict, do you see any potential diplomatic interventions and the mediation efforts that could be escalates the tensions between israel and palestine?
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and is america the united states of america fed meeting to be fit a way to intercede one way or the other? no, unfortunately this is the election a year. you'll know that on by didn't pass to be pro is right. if he wants to have that chance really about what top want to clubbing? jeremy kobus. yes, it was the semester, it was the tag dentist submit to believe me that my wasn't on to send me to. but it was that i knew was driven out of the shipper delayed by to death to the east to the the, the jewish interest, regardless of the political party with a conservative whole label. the democrats or republicans big, big, big, the friends my food is still there. every budget has said that tool
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state solution, a sly xact is this of this, but who is going to false is right. so how does that back? as we begin to wind down on this interview, how would you assess the role of international public opinion and grassroots movements and influence and at the resolution of the palestinian israeli conflict? particularly given the rise of global activism and social media, we see protest with thousands of people on the streets of europe. and it seems some of this government's don't even listen even in america to their own people. yeah. because the restaurant is good to be good. they both do the thoughts. we have the evidence now, and i'm sure you're aware of faith that they may judge of the young people
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went to the beach when beat that was voted on. when does that issue remain in the euro fan us? it's yes. well then this stopped or is for gone. we know no, nobody's going to will fire on still new so that so we will go out of the day off, and then the reality the reality shift. so is the same thing. the reason that part of this just shows you know, who are very good, i dress, ruth mobilization, don't pay accusation. so all these young demonstrate draws garage rules movements on is that when it comes to the time of what they've done? sure. that's the way. now, considering as we speak, i mean, i'm sure, by the time we finish this interview more children that would have died in
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thousands of and most people would have been suffering from this event, effects of hunger and starvation. not considering the normal human and saving price is a garza and the west bank will steps can be taken to ensure the delivery of aid and so pull to affected populations. and how can the international community navigate to potential challenges and providing assistance because it's almost a life and death situation as the clock ticks did promise before the international court of justice did. and for use right? data from may so that you know, there are gonna open up challenges for e. g to go in. and i don't believe, yes, they will open up a few john nodes trickles. let me save this. of my
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men and women of the year. ah, the journalists, the ducks, to us, the united nations walk us through host into their, or off today i lies, was from a list. why, why doubt they did you have to say the last day i might people of the year on i hope i hope with that will be a draft. so you're know, wish you mind being south times is when you have the exact stuff like conveys that the funds you saw that you said the best. but that eventually, honestly, you have the concept of force that you are not expecting as drafting the what stuff
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was, you know, so soon did best for us. those people have the best of your money to the funding, the profess. so i can be looking ahead, what do you see as the last, as solutions to these ready published in, in conflict and do you believe us to states solution is produced by the united nations in the 1967 resolution is still a viable possibility. your task is to be, if you want to just talk to how mass resistance to deal with the piano is task to be israel. high store recognize, verify that the palace dns, last 5 home of the own may be the 67 room boundary is no longer active available. maybe we will have to think when they
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booked the 2 states. so this john pays this service and if not, good for me k. yes, i'm not. we'll be sitting here. i'm talking about, oh my god, see what has just happened. it's been an absolute pleasure talking to you professor black jack in the thank you very much talking to us about the language here. functions are much the the, the 1st time in history in the entire countries culture has been cancelled. that remote in west council culture need to ask one of the associated miles to the truck. it just means setting the money to close
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the phrase now, particularly do for us to canceling russian culture. let them know what it could be up to that idea when you might have folks who push bell renewal that is chill out of it. so that the most of the separate shalanda m d, the moist blood rushes, created the pos 1500 years. there's no questions, partially condemned, reviled and reject it to sit alone and use that to put somebody at the middle of panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know, she does have access to the little some of the list. joining total condemnation grows daily and now includes just asking you to call skate and assess the coverage that i need to. yeah. to invest, but yeah, she thinks that would be the w. w dot
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the of k, all the shows have gone up with 3 civilians are reportedly pilled off the id. f opens file on a crowd of the locals that have the delivery of aid had arrived nearby and the inkling steps, according to a local human rights for the war and gods, and now raging for over a 100 date of death, told tilting 30000 to 1000000 displays so far we decided to move to the last point in gaza and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in garza. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son were looking for safety. we prayed to god that the world will stop the.


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