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tv   News  RT  January 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the needs of k, all the shows have gone up with 3 civilians, are reportedly pilled off the id. f opens file in a crowd at the local, sort of how the delivery of aide had arrived nearby and the ink, the length of the quote into a local human rights for the war and gods, and now raging for over a 100 date of death told til things 30000 to 1000000 displaced so far we decided to move to the last point in gaza and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in garza. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son were looking for safety. we pray to god that the world will
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stop close to germany, cut off a tow and for its own parts twice, opposing with genocide in gaza. that is the dining statement from the namibian president and talked to butler and supported israel of the international court of justice. the island nation of novel cuts diplomatic ties with ty, pay some days off to the pro independence candidate, wins the presidency in taiwan, up to taking home. only 40 percent of the by the garage covering all corners of the globe live from moscow. more than an hour we have lined out for you as well. appreciate you joining us are kinda starting this new dollar right now. disturbing for the shot of gauze or it's claimed is ready for us, is they've been shooting it civilians to a rushing to get aid the, the video released by the euro mad at human rights monitor reports say at least 3
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people were killed. a multiple hedge from the side showing thousands on the shows of west and gone so city running towards the food distribution side. hope they hearing that a truck load of aid had arrived. that happened shortly before they came under alleged is riley gun. the fire was you can imagine the food process it, it is beyond dire yang place, frankly speaking, it's on the break. according to the united nations ha of o, godson's are officially starving now, has continued conditions continues to deteriorate. humanitarian organizations continue making that loud cole's piece. now, according to an as riley officials who requested to remain anonymous, there is no hunger in gossip. i've looked at this comment on your screen. while a member of the code policy had this to say about the situation. for the show, i'm so last, if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be in my opinion,
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a terrible decision because without hunger and thirst among the gods of population, we will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence, we will not be able to provide people with drink with food, with medicine. but meanwhile, the palestine red crescent, the distributive 1500 food parcels, to displace families in the south with to bring up some of the latest numbers for you right now from the gaza media office. for example, you can see them for yourself 31000 killed. so far or missing that is since the beginning of the conflict off of them, women and children. can you imagine though more than 60000 people wounded and that's alongside the 2000000. we've already be displaced. the bad, much the, the after the shelling intensified and dear of a lot. this is my last refuge. and i don't want to go to con units because it's dangerous and weirdest place. we decided to move to the last point in gaza. and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in garza. our goal now is
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to assure egyptian brothers and the soldiers opposite us. to fill the suffering, we are suffering and to see with their eyes how we were forced to flee to the border. or the i came here near the junction border after the warnings that is real through it has to go to the milwaukee area. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son were looking for safety or that we pray to god that the world will stop. we call in all the countries of the world to stand by us and on the side of all the poor. we discussed the bleak situation and gossip with the red cross federation spokesperson, tomas of dental look. the situation needs to be on the store and we, i mean we, we talked a lot about the situation in last the weeks and months and seem serious, be almost finished. the words will describe the my, the situation and goes to the bus. what does happen after these are the days has been the more of the golfing. we're glad the more that you might have. that means
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we go. so i'd system is collapse. i thing the fact that i'm going to days is duration is just worth sitting day by day. and there is no one who is really able to give a comment on sort of an on software off of the how you many don't answer because a lot go save me the lot community that i made a lot of access. so of course, the scene didn't have really the money that i'm actually, these are i was on the days for the all the deals and then we want to do and you are what quoted the, what i mean. yes. and then from the shot, at least one of the also do send thinking also jesus easy, the show you money that i don't know. the idea is that uh we all of us at once in a while after most of the most one or more people, including also the is. but the reason that he's no longer the men leaving a lot of these for these to 5, these are not allowing us to work with us for the salt, salt salad. and you said to see fox's see never you guys a, i want to work is almost impossible.
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safety is a treat to go where the, because you need to say 50 to bit 8, that'd be nice. you, when he died in. so we need to see if we did homework 8. my thoughts are see really have some new say 50 to guess what they need. we need to say fox's family waiting got something if there is a tiny bundle finance funding for, for news about finding the grand scheme of what is going on on this side of the class and was able to respond to the over the said be seen enough they've got so much of course it is an important news, but then also a continuous scroll all the money that i mean the most confusing. can you only see what else be the model on this side? of course, and what funding? that's the sense of the need so. so in order most patients coming in the us be the lot so many that's the amount of the money that i need the man he seems entering. got so i'm not enough to furnish every time monday. seems that that needed that to the board people i thing that they use um a lot of and we'll get out there at least my failed all the more might be good for us to say and the other fellow international,
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i mean it just depends invoice. you'll see a said the i thing that's what we have uh, seeing in these days, uh, not calling by this time. i mean that i the context on where the way they call flip side of going to and the cries, he's going to add the and there is nothing more of the policy be before a, for the dish. and for people that much to, for the heads of town, city is pushing down these guys. and i seen that these clear that the only solution guys yourself will be to go to solution. but then the 20, the something you and discuss and point you money the 1st because once we have seen in these days is unbelievable and seem to be a tragedy for you, mind me to in northern gaza, locals on international age groups according conditions, catastrophic possibly area or just simply just cut off from any humanitarian help. open out to this local journalist and must much somebody has more details on how to
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be. i left to buy it a 100 days to be around goes a or a 100 days will on children. we mean, and the elderly as was left tens of thousands of moss and wounded and missing, not to mention the destruction of infrastructure of vital facilities and the health care system. and this report will show you how people are coping with all these crises in the northern parts of the gaza strip. you have a button the 100 days. these are difficult days for the palestinian people. we experienced a very terrifying war. everything that happened in this were all the losses, the children who are lost in the citizens who paid the price. as you can see, everyone left their homes. no one remained. everyone was displease. the situation is dire, there is no water, no electricity, no gas, no flower, nothing more than the price of every thing has doubled or tripled. there is no income, everything is closed. we've been surrounded from one side and the seas as a whole is a tragic situation in terms of health. hospitals are not functioning, most of them have shut down,
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but there's no fuel for the hospitals. there is no lighting that everyone has lost something. i lost my home, i lost my cousins and my neighbors. i lost my loved ones as a citizen, i pay the half the price. sorry i am. and in short, the days of were very difficult. they were like the little genocide that the whole world witness. there was a high amount of casualty, some kamala bon hospital alone, and that's a hospital that has been operating for years. the number of injured people during the 1st 100 days average, 100 per our casualties are challenging both medically and psychologically for the medical stuff. during the genocide of war, one had to choose either to run the medical department or state home with family. this basically means that during the 1st 100 days were almost cut off from our families. i as a doctor for, for the speed of recovery, oval our patients, and the brew in the cemeteries for all our dad. because our debt are currently buried in the streets. schools, hospitals, when the people who haven't died from being injured or dying from the hunger and
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hardship which they are experiencing these crises and who are increasing and listening for residents in the northern goals and strip with the occupation forces blocking aid from entering the area. well, over the weekend of the world, witness to some of the largest rallies in years. millions of people worldwide demanding a cease fire and gaza the i am presently right now. oh my god, the alley here in downtown washington, dc. the time you are right now in berlin and i am at the national day of action for how side. and this is part of a larger global movement today where people are congregating and various cities
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around the world in order to draw attention to the cause of the palestinian people . the here in the capital one is gathered in front of the un office to demand a, b i. c, j rule for the media. it's ation of and this is really twice a force on jobs at the very top we've got demonstrates on globally
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the able to stand here in solidarity on this important a south side. the lions east rooms stopping slaughter and america should reconsider its support for the nation. the freedom of palestine is the freedom of all humanity . we gotta tell it to speak with a rabbi of the international power steering for them. and this was in his stumble. he had some rather wealth, strong come and supper listen to this zionism is always from day one. uh, shaping is real because is real. is the creation on the, are the ology of zionism, which is a, that it's judy, isn't that used to be and is a religion of 3000 years to serve god that transforming it to nationalism. and
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that's what zionism is, nationalism minutes, unacceptable. judaism does not permit us to kill a steal. it's a older read binnacle a far as i carry around the books of the well known. we've been up to start these reading. rabbinical stars around the world, over a 100 years, already have been spending and told the position in stating this movement of zionism is a rebellion against god. it's unacceptable to still appeal, and it's unacceptable even to form a jewish state since the destruction of the time. and uh, and i always 3 pictures of the design is a forum you can see with either hit. so let's fix it here. and david, ben curry and reading the declaration of independence. and you'll see these that they made a of the so called you a state. now one of them is covering the heads. the rabbinical authorities, all the rabbis said, what are you talking about? this is not judaism. you're using our name, our identity preparatory to crime against god, against humanity and this, and they also,
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they beautify the people of palestine. this is how we lived together. no problem, no different because of a difference of religion. that was the problem. the problem is a nationalism, a sofa is more movement to occupy, unacceptable, not jewish. and that's why we are here. that's why we have to cross into the world around the world, the very religious communities reading with the world to hear the voice of true judaism directly to the israel. now where one woman is reported to have been killed and at least 17 people wounded in a suspected cause arriving on stopping attack. that's a corner of the israel is a national emergency. services should warn you, disturbing images coming your way. local police started the main suspect previously contracting the 3 vehicles. he as well as one of his relatives ever. fortunately, now being arrested a both of them as we understand residents of the west by the and it may be
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a has had how if it is full of colonial rule of germany for siding with israel. and the genocide case brought by south africa to the international court of justice. at the age. germany cannot morally express commitment to the united nations convention against genocide, including a told him in for the genocide in there may be a lot supporting the equivalent of a holocaust and genocide and gaza. various international organizations, such as human rights watch, have chillingly concluded, that israel was committing more crimes and gaza the countries the price of the button to reconsider its value to intervene, calling it a shocking decision. he went on to note that germany has yet to a tone for the atrocities are committed in namibia, which by letting only acknowledge over a century later in 2021. but also dismissing the south african case out of hand as the british foreign secretary lord camera. and he called the accusations of
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genocide, quote nonce even if you take a different view to my view, um to look at is a democracy, a country with the route of little country with um, forces that are committed to a bang, the route of little to say that they have that, that country that need to ship, that poses that they have the intent to commit genocide. i think that is notes. i think that's wrong when, according to canyon activist or campbell or yoko, besides the south africa is right to them on the accountability at the hey, couple of why? because of close against. uh, uh, uh, uh, international norms and human rights. once you make your, uh, it's clear that uh that, that the state of his life is, uh, well you guys uh, does not intend to protect civilians over to the dentist. fixed one of the populations intends to, uh, do the site and uh,
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the absence of the ideas and the, and these ladies, i mean, they were coming on this claim that these, i mean, is professional and dental. it's not that we haven't seen any evidence of that they, they say, i mean has 30 notes of very, very, very extreme or does it be so that there's another civilians that destroyed uh 50 minutes of the houses? i think these dismissing the population and most of these countries will find it, don't mess up the exactly what's going on and it gets right. and i mean, i'm either you as a central standard on so really kinda australia and he's doing that on the psychiatrist. so and many of them at the corner of nissan, but we did that was the case against the indigenous community. so they have no, i'm one of the best under us is claiming that the basic they'd be giving us like government provided any evidence based on the case that i, that actually gave you said to go back and see what this is in the document. they provided with
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a number of evidence from credible sources about what's going on in uh, any of the policy that towards the taiwan has lost diplomatic ties with one of the 12 countries at shred official relations with days after elections on the island that says now over with tiny pacific nation and micronesia, re establish ties with beijing is something well, it development that china appraised to do so. there is only one china in my world. taiwan is an invaluable part of china's territory. the narrow government's decision of re establishing diplomatic ties with china, once again shows that the one china principle is the expectation of the people. and the prevailing trend of our time. china stands ready to work with now route to open new chapters in our bilateral relations on the basis of the one china principal. have a look at this right here. the now real flag is being removed from the diplomatic quarter and type pay with the pacific countries embassy is located at the time when
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these officials last out of a position in a ques, china, of, quote, buying out the country. hello. this comes on the heels of a pro independence candidate winning the presidential election and taiwan. elijah intake potty is now set for historic food presidential term that would fail to gain a majority in the regional parliament. china says the results will not stand in the way of the inevitable re unification. well, western media very quick to praise. the result is a victory for democracy. however, widespread public support for the president's elect remains in question. he only took home 40 percent of the ballad, and a recent poll showed the vast majority of time when he is wants to keep the status quote, something the ruling party wants to change. so we discussed this with the arctic contributor, call john of the candidate light. she built a one, the election q one was 40 percent of the vote, which means 60 percent of the electorate voted for opposition. candidates. the only reason why that is because our position is dividing,
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so you know that i'm over 60 percent of the voters. 33 percent voted for the k n t . i had 26 percent voted for the 3rd party candidate in the in the high one legislature, jim t opposition party still won the most seat the what? the one more seats then p p p. which means somebody into the presidency lights and do it is going to face a hostile legislature. whatever $51.00 does, the, it has to be as explicit. go ahead, an approval for watching it right now. washington is embroiled already. our team from war one of proxy where you can ukraine against russia. another right now a to us is deeply in involved in middle east to support is really atrocity in palestine unions. now is the us just bomb, given us does not have extra lead, extra aircraft carriers to send it to tie one at the moment i use not in us
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interest to start in as the 3rd from war. so i don't expect much to change. i, a group of former us government officials landed in taiwan and met with the president elect. the white house is said to of asked them to travel there on officially. now, washington does not officially have to about demonic ties with the audit, but maintains a strong relationship. of course, washington is the main supply of weapons to the time when he is ministry service. meanwhile, the u. s. u k. in japan congratulate to the newly elected president, drawing angle from badging, china who is accused at washington, london in tokyo, of meddling and the country's internal affairs. and beijing based jim political export in our tank and says the west interest in taiwan is actually aimed raining in strategic rival to as the average american we're taiwan was. it wouldn't be able to tell you they wouldn't be able to tell you why. so strategic importance,
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basically what it comes down to is this is part of the containment strategy that washington has come up with. isn't working very well. but you know, if you take a taiwan hong kong to a 2 beds and she and john, these are these guys in the south china seas, these are the areas where they feel china is wrong ruble and where they continue. this kind of miscommunicating misinformation campaign to try to portray china is somehow evil when it's simply trying to assert control over what he believes is its territory. it's about his jeremy uh that the us, um, after world war two's dad does, doesn't trust anybody. they don't trust the europeans and they made it clear that the u. s. is going to take control of the world and that it's the world has to come to uniformity and of course and is necessary and they're willing to do that. and that is the sticking point. you cannot negotiate with somebody who says you're, you're wrong, i'm right. and that's unfortunately where things are happening. the
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war in gaza has brought criticism to those avoiding either side and is riley football. and it has been released from a turkish cold officer, a hearing where he was accused of inciting the public for displaying a message on his wristband, mocking 100 days since the october the 7th from us attack. and we got comments from b is rarely defense minister when there wasn't nurse quicken turkey less than a year ago. israel was the 1st country to stand up and extent 8 that saved the lives of many turkish citizens. the scandal was the rest of the soccer players to give to his skill is an expression of high bach receipt and in gratitude through which actions turkey served as an executive arm of come us. that's the more allen cost i have to watch it. correspondent, imelda doe, and joining us here from is stumbled. appreciate your jumping onto a quick email to do if you would talk to us about a, the past 24 hours or so. and what does this case mean? because when you look at it from a slide, the outside perspective, it seems as an awful lot to read between the lines. the spot varies. husband is very busy,
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24 hours. and so i guess the full, i can say these right foot full or so have your head scouts has been dismissed from his super. it's like a super late p montages for occupations off of hate incitement of hatred. he has been then detained, to be interrogated. and then later on he was released just to be imported from the country. well, all of this just because of his way spread where he has painted these righty flags and he has to where it's at october 7. many, many of the people many talk is football funds and the public has, i have uh told that this is the support of israel's will crimes and goes off. so that, and good really, um the people pointing on social media and criticizing the team and also the 3rd case of football authorities, cooling them to the chain or the end. the port is why the foot fuller. so this is
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why the tigers, prosecutors have taken a step, we can say the 2 things are important here. first of all, the talk is public is really engaged when it comes to the. 6 and goals, are there really supporting the policy and young people and that they are really politically engaged in that sense? so the takes the end of the social media and secondly, the tech is low. make us are also the judiciary leads. we. we have seen this in several incidents. they have been taking steps and decisions following and go on social media. so this was another reason why this pulled fuller has been um, detained yesterday, and has been interrogated. now he has been deported from the country. now the, what about the general sentiment towards that conflict, and i mean, not just the, one of the politicians and to, to be able to, among the people as well. what can you tell them?
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well, the public is really sensitive. overall, when it comes to the war and go stuff and since they one uh they have been really engaged both on social media and also karen got protests on the street uh, siding up with palestinians and uh, sending against the war in gaza and calling for a ceasefire a president add on as well, has been really vocal since day one of cooling for a cease fire. he has been really harsh in his criticism against israel. he has lately called a niche and yahoo he has like, couldn't nothing yahoo, it's a hitler several times. so he was really harsh when it comes to israel and took, he also claimed that it will deliver some proof of israel carrying out genocide in garza to the i. c. j. no, i don't think worthwhile that melba don't mind joining us live here. thank you. i thank you for joining us here for this program life from moscow. it's turning into
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a very busy monday. i appreciate your patience and you spending some time with us here at the mothership in moscow. we are back soon with more of your top wells at the, [000:00:00;00] the mouse sooner attention. welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the middle east in recent days, over 10000 palestinians, mostly women and children are being killed with u. k. u. s. and you nation weapons and gaza. i'm the jerusalem today. donation media and politicians advocating against disease for i'm, it's the slaughter the war on children began 7 weeks ago today. but is israel
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repeated 911? really want nato corporate media want you to think it was one of the greatest john this in the world writing today has new revelations about what happened on october, the 7th. he's editor in chief of the grades on base in washington, dc. co director of killing gaza, an author of the management of savagery, how america's national security state fuel, the rise of al qaeda, isis and donald trump. he joins me in the studio. max, thanks so much for coming to us studio. why are you still? did you buy a show? it's not the global media for him, perhaps it's something grimma than the outcome you're here. it is fairly gram. i had actually been in cairo, egypt hoping to reach the gyptian side of rafa to monitor the aid situation. as part of a delegation that was going to raise awareness about the lack of aid going in and the gyptian government blocked our permission, blocked,
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has blocked all internationals. and pretty much any form of activism in support of palestine or against the humanitarian catastrophe. and gaza is off limits in ccs egypt at this point. so i diverted to here to your studio and well see if you did refuse to meet with your president biden, in fairness, along with the cost of king of jordan. but let's get to the 7th of october then because central to the nature of nation narrative is and everything began on october. the 7th. um yeah, tell me about that. what do you think of that as well as the beginning of history? and, you know, right as a, now, as we speak, the hospitals of northern gods are under attack. cnn is not showing these images from inside the hospitals, doctors being handcuffed, blindfolded, humiliated. babies being taken from intensive care units and incubators to other wings of the hospitalized or under attacked by israelis. this is to,
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is the product of american propaganda deployed by the pentagon and white house, claiming that there are underground bunkers that the hospitals are doubling as military bases. their intelligence assessments are essentially recycled as rarely propaganda. and we saw the same thing take place after october 7th, with the white house. green lighting is reels, genocidal, military operation in the gaza strip on the basis of lies deceptions and distortions of half truths. spun straight out of it and that's in yahoo is office. and into the mouth of bite and starting with the 40 be headed babies lie, but one of the greatest slides that hasn't been unpacked yet, which i delved into at the great zone was what actually took place on october 7th and raising the question of how many is riley's, were actually killed by the is really military using the same doctrine of disproportionate force and the indiscriminate use of heavy weapons that we're now seeing in the gaza strip. and it appears that the death toll is pretty high. yeah,


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