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tv   News  RT  January 15, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EST

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a it's a bit of the, the, the themes of k or on the shoals of gossip as a 3 civilians are killed off to the id, i proportionally opens fire on a crowd that heard a delivery of humanitarian aid that arrived nearby. killed according to local human rights, who will get a live report or not. it's just a moment of the war and gaza rate is on for over a 100 days. now, the toner, those killed and missing, is hoping 30002000000 are officially displaced. the court of the gods or oppression . i know that's what we decided to move to the last point in gaza and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in god. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son were looking for safety and pray to god that it was stopped. the quote,
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germany cannot code and for its own parked by supporting the genocide and gaza. but that is the timing stipend from the namibian president talked about and supported israel and the international court of justice and the islands in the nation of now little cups. diplomatic ties of type pay comes days off of the pro independent. the candidate wins the presidency in taiwan and after taking home roughly 40 percent of the vote, the just stopping by myself at 6 pm here at most, go with our guests lined up with some solid commentary this hour. but for right now here on oxy produced off this new dollar with disturbing footage coming to us out of gauze or where its claim is ready for his shot at civilians who were rushing to get 8. the now this video was released by the euro made human rights monitor before saying at least 3 people
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were killed. that more footage from the side showing thousands on the shores of western gaza city running towards the food distribution side off the hearing that a truck load of aid has arrived. that happened shortly before they came under alleged. it's really fun fun now, as you well know by now the food crisis is be on dia or the enclave. well, it's just on the brink. and according to the united nations, half of the old gardens are officially stopping. now as conditions continue to deteriorate and humanitarian organizations continue to make that loud calls for a cease fire. well, according to an as riley official who want it to remain anonymous, there's no hungering goss. i have a look of what's on your screen right now. meanwhile, a member of the could party had this to say about the situation the, the show i'm so last, if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be in my opinion, a terrible decision. because without hunger and thirst amongst the gods of
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population, who will not be able to recruit collaborators, we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to provide people with drink with fluids with medicine, we have, let's look at the machine. meanwhile, the palestine red crescent has distributed 1500 of food parcels to displace families in the south. but let's bring up some of the latest numbers for you from the gaza media, all phase so you can see them for yourself. 31000 killed and old, missing since the beginning of the conflict. i'm more than half of them all women and children. more than 60000 wounded, alongside the 2000000 who have already been displaced. the much the the. busy after the shelling intensified and dear of a lot, this is my last refuge, and i don't want to go to con units because it's dangerous and we're displayed. so we decided to move to the last point in gaza. and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in guy. so our goal now is to assure egyptian brothers and the soldiers opposite us to feel the suffering we are suffering. and
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just seeing with their eyes. and we were forced to flee to the border or the i came here near the junction border after the warranties that these real through it has to go to the milwaukee area. well, i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son. really looking for safety when that we pray to god that it was stop and i was calling all the countries of the world to stand by us and on the side of all the port re reached out to a spokes person for the palestinian red credit society to basically discuss what is a dire situation across casa, so good in situations as the vast aging, over $100.00 days of continuous floor on gaza. thousands of people have been killed over 60 thousands have been injured. the health situation is some 3 collapsing with majority of hospitals, when it's completely out of service. the feeling also since he and the nurses have been left without medical services, they are still trapped,
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denied access to medical a to humanitarian need, knocking food and water and very basic necessities with over 100. to day march the $101.00 days and the war is just continuing, and more civilians are paying a high price. so this continuous work, we're talking about over 12000 children who were killed since the beginning of this war. so more people are getting killed or injured and unfortunately the were assessed continues with and use the foundation of destruction under presidents of destruction for the insect, for the infrastructure. almost 60 percent of homes have been destroyed on top of the human need to be an 8. as soon as getting into garza very slow and doesn't t t the 10 percent of the needs, all of this is happening. all of these continuous relations are happening and those
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are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been of target schools have been trying to get more churches. there is no particular places in casa hospitals have been trying to get a time. a dix everyone is under target. there is no safety place in goza does not have been extremely dangerous and the most dangerous place for children in garza. and all of this, however, and diseases and the entire collapsing of the health system will. so the worse continued, the international community has failed to stop home of this situation. house for you to stop is right in front of the building to the international humanitarian law and international in northern got the locals on the international aid groups, cold conditions, catastrophic parts of the area are largely cut off from any humanitarian health.
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let's get a few more details now with this level john list must move silva. yeah. so you know, maybe that's the kind of be i left. if i you, that's a 100 days to be around goes or 100 days will on children. when that we mean and the elderly that was left tens of thousands of moss had wounded and missing. yeah. what not to mention the destruction of infrastructure of vital passivity on the health care system. and this report will show you how people are coping with all these crises in the northern parts of the gaza strip. about in the 100 days, these are difficult days for the pals to mean people. we experienced a very terrifying, lower. everything that happened in this were older losses, the children who were lost in the citizens who paid the price. as you can see, everyone left their homes. no one remained. everyone was displeased. the situation is dire, there is no water, no electricity, no gas, no flower, nothing was the price of every thing has doubled or tripled. there is no income, everything is closed. we've been surrounded from one side in the sea and as
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a whole is a tragic situation. and so the hospitals are not function. most of them have shut down. what uh, there's no fuel for the hospitals, there is no lighting that everyone has lost something. i lost my heart, i lost my cousins and my neighbors, and i lost my loved ones as a citizen, i pay to have to try to house it. i mean sorry i on the. ready in short, these were very difficult. there were like literally genocide with the whole world witness the high amount of casualties. some c'mon, with von hospital alone, and that's a hospital that has been operating for years. the number of injured people during the 1st one holidays average, one of the casualties are challenging both medically i can psychologically put the medical skills during the genocide of war. one, not the truth either to run the arkansas or state home with family. and this basically means that during the 1st 100 days were almost cut off from our families . i as a doctor for the speed of recovery. uh more stuff uh in the brew in cemeteries for our dad. because our dental insurance is buried into the hospital when i had the
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people who have them died from being injured or dying from the hunger and hardship which they are experiencing out of her, these crises and who are increasing and listening for residents in the northern goals and strips with the occupation forces like walking aid from entering the area as well to israel. now where one woman is reported of being killed and at least 17 people wounded in a suspected cause robbing and stabbing a type that's according to israel's national emergency services. i should warn you, disturbing images coming your way in just a moment. local police are the right in the suspect tribute contract, 3 vehicles. he as well as one of his relatives have now been arrested. both of them reportedly residents of the west bank where we can learn more or less cross live now to local charlotte roby bottom and joining us live from the scene. robi, thanks for jump. me jumping on so quickly. can you tell us a, anything else about the incidents in any possible motives of the suspects? sure, well, i'm here in ronada, which is basically a very wealthy stopper of,
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of calibrated, you could call it was a lot of french in americans. i lived here on a who is the street as you can see, and that's exactly where of the terrace attacks happen to palestinian summer. everyone who work here in a car wash by the way, just a minute ago, it was leased on the news that the owner of the car wash, presumably are jewish, is really man was arrested for hiring palestinians who does not have permits to be inside of israel any way they knew the area quite well at about 2 p. m a just a few hours ago. they staff a 70 year old woman to death, and they spent a 60 year old man grad, hijacked. the car ran to a couple of people crashed into a pole. uh, hijacked, another car ran a few more people, correct into another pool and then hijacks, another car, both brothers. i think their brothers are some very close relatives and several, and have been arrested. and this is wider implications because right now there's usually about a $100000.00 indians that live in the west banks that i've worked permits to come
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into israel to work. and the government is considering ever since the war and october 7 happened. the borders haven't closed, the government is now discussing whether or not to allow palestinians to come back is israel to north because there's a lot of deprivation, lack of work, lack of money, lack of food in the west bank. and i have no doubt that this will impact the considerations and the conversation about whether or not the palestinians in so it's really a very said a ranada by the way, is a place i have your friends. i live here marking w hearing. your son was a soldier, he was killed on october 7th. i have a relative, a daniel, ben, how those who is murdered was killed in the cause of war as well use from romana. so this is a place that's known, a lot of suffering because of the war. and now to have a terrorist attack where civilians, 18 people standing on the street waiting for it was getting moved down and as their hospitals all over the country. it's just really, really a tragedy of our i love to join us a robi bomb and thank you
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a maybe a has hit house. it is full of colonial rule of germany for siding with israel in the genocide case, brought by south africa to the international court of justice at the hague. germany cannot morally express commitment to the united nations convention against genocide, including atonement for the genocide in there may be a lot supporting the equivalent of a holocaust and genocide and gaza. various international organizations, such as human rights watch, have chillingly concluded, that israel was committing more crimes and gaza the countries president just about it and to reconsider its vile to intervene and calling it a shopping decision. he went on to know the german, he has yet to atone for the atrocities that committed. and that may be which by letting only acknowledge over a century later in 2021. and also dismissing the south african case out of hand as the british foreign secretary, lord cameron, he called the accusations of genocide,
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quote, nonsense. even if you take a different view to my view, um, to look at israel, a democracy, a country with the route of little country with armed forces that are committed to a bang, the route of little to say that they have that country, that leadership, that offices that they have the intent to commit genocide. i think that is notes. and so i think that's role or canyon activist or the humble york oversize the south africa is right to demand accountability at the hey kat. well, listen for yourself. what you guys close against? uh, uh, uh, international norms and if you make sense, you might tell youngel. uh, it's clear that uh that, that the state of his life use. uh, well, you guys uh does not do tend to, uh, protect cbs over to the dentist, fixed bundle of lessons. it depends to, uh, kind of don't do the site and the absence of the ideas and that, and these ladies,
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i mean, they were coming on explaining that these, i mean these professional and whatnot. but we haven't seen any evidence of that. there's a, i mean has cut the notes of very, very, very extreme or does it just says that there's an obviously williams that destroyed uh the most of them, the houses and the bees dismissing that population and most of these companies will find it, don't mess up the exactly what's going on in uh it is right, and i mean, i'm a day you as a central sound good on. so can i go on any kinda assembly, i need to know the status. so i'm not many of them at the community center, but we did our products against the indigenous community. so they have know, i'm one of the best under us is claiming that they, that they'd be dealing with, like government provided any evidence. this was the case that i, that actually j is pretty comprehensive. i use it is because in the, the document they provided with the evidence from kind of assaults as about what's
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going on in uh, any of the policy that towards the taiwan has lost diplomatic ties. with one of the 12 countries at shed official relations with days after elections on the island, that's as now old or what tiny pacific nation in micronesia re establish ties with badging. it's a development that china prized to do so there is only one china in the world. taiwan is an inalienable part of china's territory. the narrow government's decision of re establishing diplomatic ties with china. once again shows that the one china principals as the expectation, the people, and the prevailing trend of our time. china sounds ready to work with now route to open new chapters in our bilateral relations on the basis of the one china principal. for the intro shows in our flag now removed from the different about a quarter and type a but the pacific countries embassy is located. taiwan officials left out of the
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decision and accused china of quote, buying out the country. old as comments on the hills of a pro independent candidate winning the presidential election and $51.00 electric ties potty is now set for historic 3rd presidential tom, though it fails to get a majority in parliament, china says the results will not stand in the way of the inevitable re unification or wasted in the media very equipped to praise the result as a victory for democracy, however, widespread public support for the president elect does remain in question here. i need to come 40 percent of the entire ballot. and the reason poll showed the vast majority of time, and he is wanting to keep the status quote with something with the routing party wants to change. but we discussed this with thought to contribute to call john the candidate lights and the one the election one was 40 percent of the vote, which means 60 percent of the electorate voted for opposition. candid and the only reason the one is because our position is divided. so um, you know,
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the amount of 60 percent of the voters, 33 percent voted for the cavity and a 26 percent voted for the 3rd party candidate indicted by one legislature. jim t opposition party still won the most. that was the one more seats, then p d p, which means somebody into the presidency lights and do it is going to face a hostile legislature. whatever $51.00 does the, it has to be as explicit. go ahead, an approval for washington right now. washington is in royal already on the team from war. one of proxy where you ukraine, peace, russia, another right now a u. s. is deeply involved in middle east to support is really atrocity in palestine in and now is the us just bomb given us does not have extra lead extra aircraft carriers to send it to time one at the moment i use not in us
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interest to start in as the 3rd problem more so i don't expect much to change. earlier, a group of former us government officials suddenly landed in taiwan and met with both the president elect and the outgoing president. the white house is said to have off those individuals to trouble the unofficially. washington does not have set for a diplomatic ties with the island, but maintains a very cosy relationship and is the main supply ultimate width and m. c section of the time when these minute trans laura most and meanwhile, america, the u. k. japan congratulate to the newly elected president, drawing angle from beijing. a china is that he was washington london on tokyo of meddling in the country's internal affairs. what, let's learn more crossing live now to political and financial analyst. zillow, juliano, who is joining us now live from hong kong at approximately 20 past 11 in the evening. a very good evening to you. so thank you very much for coming here. what are the international angelo? it's great to have you here. so you know the story a time when he's political party, the ones independence for a badging winning
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a 3rd consecutive time for the presidency. so some people say that a lot of the voters in taiwan that they want to maintain the status quote and yet they don't want to contribute. it. we just had on call, john said perhaps that's what to be expected with the 3rd time for this president, maybe it will just be a maintenance of the status quote. i don't know. what are your thoughts to that's and meekly. tony's as they picked them up, take this, they don't, it's the note that the reality the wish the wish of the population in the majority is probably the they do want independence just because the, there's been a very deep work off changing the mentality. gym to changing the history books. and there's been a lot of meddling from a, for in the, in a lot of age, euros, including the, the re branded need. see i the, the national endowment for the more pressing machine job they ab tv, anti one. but type one, these are, they know the realities that they want to keep this stuff just cool. and here when
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we look at the fig goes like cod judge of state before only 40 percent voted for the d b p. the only reason the actually, the quantities done and the key here is because they were actually supposed to partner with a t p in joining together. they would have one connections, plots set while the didn't go through and they were, they were divided. so the people because of the division. so here what happens at this time is going to be about keeping on the publication with the, against china. but again, as i said before this, they companies are very big when i take, they want to trade with china. if you look at the tree, the, how, the type of trade that china is doing, we tie one, we have a wall and 50 percent of the taiwanese exports, which is way too china. so almost i would say the taiwan is defective. reunited
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with china is just a few details. it's just about the final step over the gaining 70 and what show and what china wants to do. we tie one is to apply the same system. the apply the home phone, which is one computer system. so nothing, nothing changes in reality that one can keep its political system is just for money to that try now wants to do with 5 on. and you know, i thought it was so interesting about me to go when you mentioned to how active many, n g o. so being in the region and when you, when you mentioned the national endowment for democracy, all my alarm bells started going off. i mean, and g o as can be very problematic in certain places in the world. so often their job is just to foment unrest. but let me, let me, let me just case. i might just continue on with our discussion here because in the wake of the election, when the western media very quick to claim that democracy has one. would you a read between the lines, the anything that stands off and comment? what is interesting is that the definition of the west that when he comes to
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democracy, what is a real democracy? and i think in asia, we didn't, you have a different definition. i'm going to give you just a few figures in china. there's a, there's a pause b and b that was done by mit and howard university you had between 90 to 95 percent of chinese that are really happy with the system. when you compare with the west, we have around 30 percent, 35 percent of maximum 40 percent of people that are satisfied with the system. so it wouldn't be having to west is we have democracies that were in the rooms of the games that were written by deletes. so where the right to move up the gate and control the outcome of the game. so testing upon it, does it make it a democracy? in addition to that, we need to keep in mind. why is it, uh, do you mind much money the way so you didn't tie one of these, not a democracy. just based simply because you have to find mentally the same as in ukraine once you have all these n g. oh, yeah,
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yeah. and that's the domain for the macro. she which made it into a coffee. you actually lose your, your southern because of because of the work which is a process of set that the nation i think that is a really uncommon to angela. so good to have your network tv saying, such things. i appreciate that comment. i totally agree with you. let me ask you this. uh, the west. the media also according to the selection and a loss for china. no comments. what the change? absolutely nothing. absolutely nothing. again, it's just the, i think what the west is doing is just pro, pro cation is just boisterous and chinese to have time on the side. keeping in mind to tie one, being re united with the main line. this would, and what china is called a century of human cation, when you had all those foreign powers that came into china in these, these, these store everything in the. and that's, that's actually by the way, this,
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what they want to do with rush out by the way. so what they, what chinese want is just get these central human nation to end up with high one, be we united, read the mainland and again on both sides the chinese but a but, but what the, the us wants to do is that again, they don't care about taiwanese, they want to use high, want to fight china. the same is, is they, the ukraine, they want to fight china to the last guy. what he's saying is the, they want to, the us want us to fight rush out to the last, the ukrainian, sadly, those, the, they don't want to send the troops, they actually, it, they are the funny thing is that if i didn't come for start that you yeah, yeah, no, i would agree with you though. let me ask you this on zillow. i had a guest on the earlier cold. i not a time getting, he's a really interesting geo political expert and, and i was asking him, oh yeah, you know, what's the big deal with taiwan?
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i mean, i know they make all these little, these semi conductor chips. and i know that really important for, for the minute treat for your phone and all of this kind of stuff for your computer . but i also most of the big deal with taiwan and he talked about, well, the us has a containment strategy for china. and as you just said on zillow, in a sense that using taiwan in a sense, that to continue that containment strategy of china. but i aust, mr. time good. why does the united states have a containment strategy? china? what would you answer to that angela? or i would say is the strategy of a loser? i don't know if you remember the escape to escape tonya harding. the only way she found to be the was to, to break the recap of all opponents. not the car now. yeah. exactly. so you have a declining power, they cannot actually, the china is beating the collect the west on the game of the collecting west. they are using the tools, capitalistic tools in the hub,
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working in the smoke in the using scientific approach. they have a union united, the country in the west, doesn't one of that because these are new was i just knew what agenda, which is about the structure of the state destruction, the construction of human beings and so on and so on. because we want to divide and ultimately we see that. so they want to, if you follow the where they could on the phone that's, that's the. yeah, actually just telling what they want to do is this new one folder, no folders. and it would be one page would be corporation and the gold at least at least that's what they want. yeah, it's amazing. you mentioned the w. yes. that meeting this week in davos on de angelo, the w e. f. the world economic forum where they bring all these well, the latest, the davos and tell the will of leaders. he is how your going to have. you're going to, oh nothing and be happy. you're going to eat cockroaches. i've seen the story. i mean, i've seen the whole scoop from klaus schwab who, who just felt like darth vader, but listen to that meeting this week and doubles on the world should pay attention
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. i'm really worried about that too, but that's another side story angela. you're going to have to come back to me and talk to me again, angelo judy on. it was a political, a financial analyst joining us for a late in the evening from hong kong. i really enjoyed our conversation. thank you so much. thank you. to india, now we're a national congress potty representative made a visit to the state of money porter which had been previously the site of fis ethnic clashes and photos. the chief minister suggested the politician chose the wrong time to take his to a given the current situation in the state. is it a time for politics by holding a rally? it is the time to protect lives and properties and provide consolation or previous they are all gone. the visited the area in june of last year, 2 weeks before the violence suddenly erupted speaking just before the start of his car and trippy underlying the urgent need the handle of the crisis. we want to know about your pain. we want to share
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a vision of brotherhood and harmony. we are in during a period of profound injustice in india. social, economic and political injustice persists against the people in traditions with widespread issues across the nation. we spoke to a political analyst, a new dell, a who suggested the triple only compound. the issue in the region have a nice a, a fee and it should come in yet. and as long as we were just suffering from existing child crisis is trying to ensure that it is present because around the political, a scene in india, that is the only thing otherwise. and also trying to create some kind of a disturbance in, in the particular region and trying to get the benefit out of the light and then try to do that is not going to happen in the inductor. the money for does not normalizing, doesn't comply, acknowledges the language. so normally based administration is state and control of the situation. at this point of time, there's a hosted,
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routed on the to that particular losing money for is not required because it may, again, you know, create direct us by it or a disturb line or that in these index the and therefore the money for c and is absolutely correct and saying that he should have avoided and do you know the state of affairs and the communist will be on this new goes and congress on leaving congress been already are embarrassing situations for the congress. hence, they are trying to invest. some more proceed today is not be gone. this will be used to use it is uh, the far the which has been hijacked by 2nd very good elements. richard advising the golf nutrition was themselves become radicalized today. so as my guess was just talking about this week right now is the annual one world government event taking place in davos w, e f. well, they're going to look for him with klaus schwab inviting world leaders and telling them exactly what the plan for the world is already talking about. a mysterious disease x, a new super deadly virus that they will suit announce to the world before it's even
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been discovered. you should be very, very worried about those who are meeting the w e. s. in dobbs. the, the, the new ones used because.


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