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tv   News  RT  January 15, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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the season because of the stock, so i need it to produce to play the seeds of k. also the shows have gone to 3 civilians are killed off to the id. i open this file on a crowd off the local, so the delivery of humanitarian aid had arrived nearby. according to local human rights of war and jobs as raging off over a 100 day. the toner of those killed and missing tops and thousands of 2000000 audits place from what we decided to move to the last point. and gosh, we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places and gods. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son. really looking for safety, afraid to go to the stop to south africa refuses
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a israel of the i t j a breaching the genocide convention. and we have an exclusive interview with the mind behind that loves because problems taking a moment to put in pads and expose the to the, the, the color in the in the gaza strip. for that was the one. it's a good to have your company for this. i was broadcast live from most go. this is out of the international. so we thought this our with a well disturbing footage for you, it coming out a gauze or its claim that is rarely for us as a shot at civilians who are rushing to get aid. the the, this video released by the euro made human rights monitor the full say at least 3 people were killed from the site,
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shows thousands on the shoals of western kansas city, basically running towards the food distribution. so i don't say hearing that a truckload of aid had a ride that happened shortly before they came under. alleged is railey fire. now as you can imagine, the food process. now it's just be on dia, the enclave. well, it's just on the brink. and according to the un, hauff of old goblins are officially starving. now as conditions continue to deteriorate, humanitarian organizations, and not stopping the coals for a ceasefire. but according to one is rarely official who wanted to remain anonymous . there was no hunger in goss. i have looked at the comment on your screen. meanwhile, a member of the crude party had this to say about the situation. the bus. so i'm so lot. if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be, in my opinion, a terrible decision because without hunger and thirst among the gods,
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the population who will not be able to recruit collaborators, we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to provide people with drink with fluids like with medicine. we have to have some kind of the machine . meanwhile, the palestine red crescent, who distributed about 1500 food parcels to displace families in the south. so let's show you some of them. it is very disturbing numbers from the guys of media offers . you can see them right here. 31000 people. busy old and old, missing since the beginning of the conflict, more than half of them, women and children. can you imagine more than 60000 people wounded? that's alongside the 2 millions who have already been displaced the bad much that the. busy after the shelling intensified and dear of a lot, this is my last refuge, and i don't want to go to con you is because it's dangerous and we're just really, that's what we decided to move to the last point in gaza. and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in regards to them. our goal now is to assure egyptian brothers and the soldiers opposite. us are sure to feel the
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suffering. we are certainly seen with their eyes and we were forced to flee to the border of the month. i came here near the junction border after the warnings that these real through it has to go to the milwaukee area where i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son were looking for safety when we pray to god that it was stopped and i was calling all the countries of the world to stand by us and on the side to vote for us the secretary of state has taken to social media to condemn us for keeping hostages for more than a 100 days off about the palestinian representative to the un highlighted anthony blink and failed to acknowledge the cottage and gossip $100.00 days of captivity and gaza is far too long. the united states will not rest until all remaining hostages, including 6 americans are united with their loved ones. $100.00 days and not a single mention of the nearly $24000.00 killed,
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half of which are children. shame on those who remain complicit and not called for an immediate cease fire and gaza. shame on them for the news. so it just keeps getting worse and worse, the numbers keep going up, don't they? all things don't record. and now joining us here in the studio, hey, we're talking over a 100 days. it was a 100 days 24 hours ago. the gods of war, civilian casualties going off enough enough. but what about washington? what is it america now saying about israel's military operation? well, it looks like bite and then senior us officials actually feel like televi tv's taking them for a bit of a ride. actually because from the beginning washington's, of course, given tell a be a blank check to essentially do whatever it wants, regardless of how many thousands of civilians, the idea of kills. and the process, i mean, democratic senator chris of on hold and even said that the israeli prime minister benjamin that's on yahoo has been giving joe biden, the finger at every single junction juncture, that could potentially lead to some sort of curbing of the violence. and despite no sign of anything changing,
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the us are still trying to assure people that things are going to cool down in the future. it looks like it was it's been a 100 days since that mazda attack on israel that sparked where we are now. does the us need to press is real harder to move into the low intensity conflict. they say they intend to move towards. i can tell you the secretary blanket just came from bridge that we have been talking to them intensely about a transition to low intensity operations. we believe the time is coming here very, very soon for a transition to this lower intensity phase. one of those commons came to shortly after thousands of people marched on the white house to protest. washington support for these rarely more on gods. but because let's not forget late last year, the us boosted it's weapons deliveries to israel. so it seems a bit hypocritical that us officials are now still saying that us supports the 2 state solution and that palestinian shouldn't be displaced. me. it is interesting
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how you talked about flicking the book. i've seen a number of reports out there, the nothing yahoo than any other government really is just sticking up the book to washington. and it does seem there's a huge disconnect between those 2 allies. can you tell us any more about that? do you think? well, i mean, israel has not tried to hide the fact that it's not willing to listen to anyone when it comes through how it's waging this war, not its allies, definitely not its enemies and not even the hawk. don't hold on. no one will stop us. will not the hague, they're going to be accessible, nor anyone else if it is viable and necessary that we continue until the victory. and that is what we will know. so now we've seen a 100 days of this attitude and 24000 palestinians killed along with another 60000 injured 1500000 palestinians are food and secure living and shelters. and over half of the hospitals and guys are no longer functioning. it just already, it just goes to show that israel's trying to make it clear that nobody is going to
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tell us what to do. it's going to do what it wants when it wants, no matter what. even the west says. let's take a list with the americans, we have a discourse. we don't always agree. there were differences from the beginning. they didn't agree to the, i'll shoot the hospital, we ignore the request. they wanted to pause without hostages. we didn't accept that . what was reported in the beginning of the programs and i'm glad was corrected. so i think we have no american ultimatum, and there is no deadline for us. so we're working. we have to continue striking a mazda and even if it will get to a conflict with us. and so with this half hearted whining from washington falling on deaf ears and tel aviv, i mean it's obviously, it's going to be really unlikely that anything is going to change as long as these weapons. and this unlimited diplomatic support continue to flow in that direction. yeah, i mean, you know, meantime what 24 hours ago mocking to 100 the day of this. well, we soul the biggest demonstrations worldwide. i think that i've seen since a 2003 invasion of a rock with millions of people were in london. but this time,
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millions of people all around the world, openly showing that solid already with the palestinians. and yet nothing you know doesn't seem to be listening to anyone these days, especially what you said about the bide whitehouse in washington. of course i don't know quarter. thank you. well, off the south africa finished presenting its case against israel at the hey. so you have the chance to sit down for an exclusive interview with a man behind the lawsuit, the south african justice minister role molar. he spoke about the reasons why his country not only chose to publicly hold israel accountable for atrocities in gaza, but to do something about it. the minister of justice. thank you so much for your time. i just want you to take us back to what people have labeled a very historic moment for south africa. and you being physically, they, with those that have also been labeled that at the legal minds also that's because
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of great legal minds of the country and duty. it was a ground breaking moment and not only for the, for the, for the, for the entire group to be able to see that and expose the, the, the, the, the, the cutting to general side that is unfolding in the goes us 3 for the world to know, and we'll assume that it was, for instance, the done by or less and the 2 plus i commends the evidence and also a bed by international law and quinn vision. so they all do native nation. so i believe that the country has indeed food. if we had to continue the case and let them in, in front of the international court, but not only in front of the international court, but in front of the world was sort of the world must be able to see in, due to, in the, in the mall in taishan, those terms what is cut into unfolding and does a,
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which we believe it is within the definition of the genocide convention. listening to israel input one. all of the arguments before the international court of justice was that the context of the somewhat 70 plus years of occupation by israel and palestine. somehow it does not matter how. how do you view this in the context of the sufferings of the palestinians over so many years? know is that i have good no more understanding. and to, to say that because that in the pipe. so is an open play um, in terms of the to, i'm missing a lot, you'll kind one to define the homes of the game. and the victims must be able to stand up for their rights. and it is coming to slip from africa and other people with a signatories to the genocide convention, to add them and opens up the u. n. and the menu is what issues of the united
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nations that must end up for, for the people of policy. and as you would have seen, that we have also presented the reports or valdez organs of the united nations, which of all said, there is a possibility of genocide heaping indic as well as most technologies must then must they kind of be more clear evidence the evidence compiled by bodies of the admissions. speaking about contexts, israel's argument is also that the only context that matches is what are the folded on october 7 mentioning come us repeatedly as a terrorist organization. something that the agency has also been labeled in the past. how do you make of those revelations of that kind of argument, given the developments in the middle east, them, we of us through the condemned, the actions of,
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i'm us and you'd have seen our statement from the sort of government condemning the issues of a mazda on the 7th of october and, and then we have also done that through diplomatic china as to what is called in the box. but we have argued in quotes, and this is bed by judas, put the ends of the quote that what they have i live in of atrocities cannot justify general sites. so a jewel side cannot be justified by what denver and a government is that i it has when it's of defense or whatever, you can not commit genocide in the name of self defense is look big, but into and there's no, there's all the quotes to that effect, a lot of south africans have expressed the about the impact of south africa supporting palestine. if you look at the united states of america, how they've looked at the developments and so far as your case is concerned, saying that no matter. are you concerned about the fix of this decision by the
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south african government to support as well, considering the fact that they are backed by the united states, a powerful country, and it's all know we we are exercising or what? right disagree. teddy's to be genocide convention and then where we have going to is it is the international court, the highest of the no benefits emissions in terms of education of dispute between countries which we have with them at georgia as a signal to the genocide convention. not only to be just as degree type of but also to prevent genocide from hip. and so we're going to see why one must be punished for exercising. what is in the conversions of the u. n. and what is needed to be done by the contrast was in we've done this for, for the money to as well. you'd be aware of that. do. the genocide convention is one of the conventions i've sold off of this accident at the 1st ones in 1998 by
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a founding present, nelson monday. and so we had the motor low position and they do to, to send for people of palestine or any way and doing, thinking about the u. s. they said to have supported the pod take government to filled africa back in the day. the united kingdom as well. when you look at those 2 possible nations, the united states, the united kingdom, do you see the reflection of what had happened in the past them supporting the apartheid government on south africa? do you see that kind of history unfolding in what is happening and because of the, by the, what is very important now is, is the facts on the ground and which we're, we've been able to present and sold to the corporate, ridiculously, to, and with the forensic that the state of is what i is committing, genocide is involved in ethnic cleansing in does. so that is what was made to him
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to the court end of the international community. and them is not only that this bed by statements and of the of the she in order to in is what i as a prime minister and miss the miss. and you know, the minister of defense kit it out by the soul. just we just clearly effect so lose . nope, it's to get the committed to me. must be taken into consideration. and that is what with my students, russia tv that we're on car to right now is an example of that need yet being suppressed. they aren't able to broad costs in many countries. these width infections mean such things, preventing a freedom of expression. and when you look at south africa, particularly the african national congress, and it's experience in not being able to get its voice across the globe during a party. how do you make all these wisdom sanctions right now?
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yes, the, the words must be part of the job of speech for the most speech must be allowed to oppose the dope. it must be a bits of ideas and based on so put a new jeep the best i just my most most pervaded, and that is what we have done to the eyes of g presenting. what we believe is a compelling case. for instance, i have done best buy evidence and also the convictions of the way we believe that is, oh that was sort of thing. did you try to sort of almost speech a low we submit, i need you to put it face or the minister of international relations in parliament in south africa, had spoken about the double standards of the international criminal court and how it viewed the developments between russia and ukraine. now when you look at what is kind see happening now in the middle east, do you perceive double standards in so far as how the western side of the world is
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dealing? particularly with this issue in god's. i'll give you an example. minnesota many tunnels from the united kingdom, including the united states of america, did not entirely broad costs the side of south africa before the international court of justice. this was noted by many people across the globe. do you think that the perceived double standards and how they dealing with this particular issue in the middle east, the waste and countries that is and how they had dealt with the issue between russia and k? yeah, 1st please that we have to distinguish between the i c, g and the internet. the criminal court, you'll remember in november i was in and as a confidence of the parties on the i c. c. and as sold off ago, we have raised the concerns with that because of the double standards of the
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prosecutor. look moving with the same speeds in, in, in, in, in the area of palestine on investigations that were long opened before the investigations and ukraine and so forth. we were told yesterday have looked at what you're seeing with the best of the broadcasting of yesterday, the one to shape your particular, another team and the agenda. but i don't think that is how the international communities will function and the people over the world will be given information visual of played for the. so the best present issue and then is what i was presentation and let us see the judges. some of the arguments presented by advocate attempted on guide to be what statements solve some of the state members problem as well. and if you look now minister at the united states of america, them condemning some of these statements. and then people in america going, as far as, say, president fighters shouldn't just condemn some of these statements,
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which were pointed out by advocating by adobe before the i c j. now, when you look at what america is saying and doing during this conflict, what do you make of america's role now? oh yes, that's what them with pointed to the court doing this statement of the prime minister and, and, and the minister of defense. the sort of just cutting the statement in the actions with the video that has been sent. please then the celebrating and saying that i'm not involved with dealing with everyone all civilians. it could be a statement of intent of policy by the state of is that i, there's no way you can ignore the statement of the, of, of a prime minister and say, is just a retorted as pay. what is it? i have to assume your fundraising close enough for america to just condemn those statements without taking further action, but not actively supporting is while nope,
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of us to be in the context of the court and that we were dealing with. we have said such statements were not condemned and is what i am in the international community, including by the u. s. so that is not enough because statements him good week. and in the context of genocide they, they are producing they, they encourage the paper tray tests of genocide to compare to the statement of intent of identity to so if they escal have condemned them on individual time into live. also have, as you have seen from, does you do the sort of just on the ground already be kidding out. what do the dependent is that said that this is a moment or for a minute of your, the minister of justice, but i beg your indulgence in this particular matter, related to whether you are concerned, perhaps i should say, is there any see concerned about the relations they all with the united states of
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america, given the fact that there's not only disregarded the case before the international court of justice, but they've also somewhat supported obese and supported as well. are you concerned in any form about the relations between south africa and the u. s, will continue to engage you davis or for by the other. lucian says what they is, he met them by side of the us to put across all positions. so we continue doing good. you do. so what happens if you, when, how, how, how do you, what are the things developing from the will be in the do, says issue offer a fire and doesn't allow anyone to be an age. and a loading gauge moves to, to, to continue to find a long lasting peaceful solutions for, for the tupelo, for of, of gaza and, and cut on the you end is an issue on the tuesday,
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the solution. what happens if so that's because not crime to that with us. there's but i've been continuous and we believe that them and it was 50 for the outcome. we have been able to expose the easy because each of them pauses. i'd be in the world and we've also been able to do to with forensic eh pointed and this, the actions of the state of is that i so there was no notes. so it was picked to pull the outcome. the words when put the pressure under state is that i have to stop what is happening and push for it from stage solution as colorful by that you and you're sitting there in the court. i don't listen to the arguments all is well in your view, but it's stuff. what do you make of the arguments before the court and what all the web stuff for me? the most is that they were turning the judges into was that do it visually?
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know the statements made by them by the prime minister is what i am the minister of defense. and i'm a general just because those statements live with me. and as it is that a total of 40 to come speak. and so that really astonished to me because the statement by appointment is to have a good day or 30 to make tons of this evening as a political to speak. inventory is government bodies and those statements were carried by the minutes of defense. they were carried by day ground forces, the generals, including the ground forces on the ground. they hate at a late effect, so they can just be ignored and be dismissed as a totally political until they get appointed to go speak. not only is that minutes, that is what has gone as far as to naples, south africa, as the devil's advocate at for aging, and defeating the activities, they'll come us. and there's also a negation that come up as also in south africa, or what each stage such develop, oh, that does on as on found it,
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it must be dismissed to the contempt of deserves. we edited. on behalf of the government to solve the problem, which i did with you in terms of the genocide convention, to act in this context. and any violent relation that sold off of that has we have with this stage of punishment is on the quote, this will. so that was just important to kind of like me to believe me, the government will so definitely come not to do what it is due to balance in terms of the genocide convention has a the south african government. i know you are in the space of justice and correctional services, and i know the minnesota international relations would probably be most splitting for this question. but in south africa, in tulsa, come us, have you spoken? have you reached out to them? we know, so the africa has gone in for us to try and intervene in the conflict between russia and ukraine and now in the a will between israel and palestine. have you reached out to come?
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yep, of us. that is the, is the, we have quite a good point. it is a question related to an international relations the printer please to, to respond to that question about them. and the hey, goal was with a d, g of the offer international relations, who re emphasize and in the steps out of the court that in the, by the relations i've sold as is with the state to fees that i have. and then we continue to engage with them in that context. give them a sort of with this, the kind of thing. as i like to go minutes the i just want to find out from you, especially full view what you really want to know. if the order is granted full, so that's because you want this is they should all of 5. now, with regards to a mas, are you saying that the must also, for example, is, has been bringing up the issue of october 7 to hostages as well. i say it also seems on his end as well. this one must his file most sit on the table or
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dissolve. the challenge in line with the united missions resolution office is offered to the states. so thank you so much for the and so as we speak, the world economic forum is slithering into gear in davos. the theme that you rebuilding trust as if they ever had it in the 1st place. darth vader, a klaus schwab is having close to meetings with world leaders telling them exactly what his hands off with a. yeah. and that they should obey. so cold disease x is already popping up. the headlight is scratching. our heads is the new next super virus, but it hasn't even been discovered. but big pharma saying that already working on a vaccine and klaus schwab says, disease x is most definitely on the way. so make sure you question more with us
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here at all to international before the w h o. try so lucky will down to get eyes open and say you haven't been was. this is the international. the, [000:00:00;00] the after that nancy see power in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito mussolini needed glorious
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victories. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa. despite the fact that formally libya had become an italian colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this. but as soon as the religious order of the senate side stood in their way, the arabs did not want to submit to foreign power and put up fierce resistance. dividers against colonialism were led by the seats of the senate side order. omar l move star, who was nicknamed the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the violent, bombardments and voice and gas usage, man as the parts agents and the imprisonment of the local population in concentration camps. the invaders could not cope with the era patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l moved star was captured and sentenced to hanging at the trial. the hero of
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the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. bard pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress libya, 18th of the entire population, more than 100000 b boats fell victim to their. however, just a few years later, the entail you enroll, collapsed. in 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence. the hello and welcome to cross type were all things are considered 9 people bluebell image in the spotlight, washington says it wants to deescalate regional tensions, but instead expands the conflict. this administration is simply out of control also,


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