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tv   News  RT  January 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the pay off some the coast of guys, there was $3.00 civilians that killed one of the idea of opening fire and the crowd, and that's at the local to the delivery of the many to and supplies that arrived in the nearby. we got comments from on a look at about a dire situation in the region. the pool of these continue with really incentives are happening and those are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been of target. these have been how do i get the most services?
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there's no particular places because of the war and gap has raised for one to have a day. the total of those killed and that's the tops $30000.00 to living in odd displays according to gas. all pressure so that's what we decided to move to the last point in gaza and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in gaza. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son were looking for safety. we pray to god that wouldn't stop show me can not the tone for its own past by supporting the genocide in guys that matched the damning speak meant from the not me being president, after planning, supported israel and the national court of justice. the while we are competing coverage of the latest trends from around the world. welcome to our teens, national. i a my quick question with the updates this our now we start this out
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with disturbing footage out of gas of words play these really forces, sod civilians who were rushing to get aid the now this video was released bobby, you were mad human rights monitor reports say at least 3 people that killed more footage from the side shows the thousands on the shoals of western gather 50, running towards the food distribution side. after hearing that a truck load of aid has arrived. and that's happened shortly before they came on the ledge idea. fine. now the foot practice is beyond die. i have a visa on the brink. according to the un, half of old guys ends. us stopping. now as conditions did, there are a few better. i few minutes here and organizations continue calling for a peace,
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according to one is where the official who requested to remain anonymous. there was no hunger in gaza. have a look at what's on your screen right now. but while a member of the liquid party had this to say about the situation a lot, if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be, in my opinion, a terrible decision. because without hunger and thirst among the gods, the population, we will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to provide people with drink, with food, with medicine. while the policies to the products that. busy preston distributed 15000 food parcels to displays families in the south. have a look at some, some of the latest numbers from the guy, the media office. why they're now set to $1000.00 had been killed on or missing since the beginning of the conference, more than half of them,
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but women and sold. and you've seen the numbers in there. more than 60000 had been wounded alongside the 2000000 who have been displaced by much that the. busy after the shelling intensified and dear of a lot, this is my last refuge, and i don't want to go to con units because it's dangerous and weirdest place. we decided to move to the last point in gaza and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in garza. our goal now is to assure egyptian brothers and the soldiers opposite us to feel the suffering we are suffering and to see with their eyes, how we were forced to flee to the border. or the i came here near the junction border after the warnings that israel through it has to go to the milwaukee area. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son were looking for safety or that we prayed to god that the world will stop. we call in all the countries of the world to stand by us and on the side of all the poor, worst out to a spokes busing for the palestine reg,
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crescent society to discuss the dire situation in gaza. so good in situations as the ras changing over to 100 days of continuous floor on gaza. thousands of people have been killed over 60 thousands have been injured. the health situation is some 3 collapsing with a majority of hospitals when it's completely out of service. the feeling also since he and the north have been left without medical services, they are since trapped denied access to medical a to human nature. you need knocking food and water and very basic necessities with over 100. to day march the $101.00 days and the war is just continuing and more civilians are paying a high price. so this continuous work, we're talking about over 12000 children who were killed since the beginning of this 4. so more people are getting killed or injured. and unfortunately,
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the were assessed continued with. i use the prostitution of destruction under presidents and destruction for the insect. for the introspection, almost 60 percent of homes have been destroyed on the top of the humanitarian aid is suspended, getting into gaza, very slow, and doesn't meet event 10 percent of the needs. all of this is happening. all of these continuous relations are happening and those are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been of target schools have been trying to get more churches. there is no predicted to places in casa hospitals have been trying to get a time. a dix everyone is under target, there is no safety place in goza does not have been extremely dangerous and the most dangerous place for children in costa and all of this hunger and diseases and the entire collapsing of the house. so the system will,
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so the words continued and the international community has failed to stop o. this situation, how for you to stop is read from a being to the international humanitarian law and international in northern gas, locals and international aid groups, coal, the condition, catastrophic parts of the area. how largely cut off from maybe too many to and help the local journalist a mom would stop by has the details. yeah. yeah. so you know, maybe that kind of be i left if i it a 100 days to be around goes or 100 days will on children we mean and the elderly that the school has left tens of thousands of moss and wounded and missing. not to mention the destruction of infrastructure of vital facilities and the health care system. and this report will show you how people are coping with all these crises in the northern parts of the gaza strip. c i have a button the 100 days. these are difficult days for the palestinian people. we experienced
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a very terrifying war. everything that happened in this were all the losses, the children who were lost in the citizens who paid the price. as you can see, everyone left their homes. no one remained, everyone was displaced. the situation is dire, there is no water, no electricity, no gas, no flower, nothing more. the price of every thing has doubled or tripled. there is no income, everything is closed. we've been surrounded from one side and the seas as a whole is a tragic situation in terms of health. hospitals are not functioning, most of them have shut down. what? uh, there's no fuel for the hospitals. there is no lighting that everyone has lost something . i lost my home, i lost my cousins and my neighbors, and i lost my loved ones as a citizen, i paid half the price. sorry. i don't know how to insure it. the days were very difficult. they were like the little genocide that the whole world witness. there was a high amount of casualties in kamala, the von hospital alone. and that's a hospital that has been operating for years. the number of injured people during the 1st 100 days average,
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100 per our casualties are challenging both medically and psychologically for the medical stuff. during the genocide of war, one had to choose either to run the medical department or state home with family. this basically means that during the 1st 100 days were almost cut off from our families. i as a doctor for the speed of recovery, oval our patients, and the brew in the cemeteries for all our debt. because our debt are currently buried in the streets. schools, hospitals, when the people who haven't died from being injured or dying from the hunger and hardship which they are experiencing these crises and will are increasing and listening for residence in the northern goals and strip with the occupation forces blocking aid from entering the area to israel assignments administrator is trying to drum up the cash for the country's military by proposing a new law. according to the bill, easy will, will be able to seize frozen policy and funds and use them to pay for the idea of
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the bombardment of gaza. that back in 2018 is really parliament bands the policy and authority from offering financial aids to of the families of and present the policy unions. since then, these are all has frozen and part of the governing bodies tax revenue use. the simon question now stands at nearly $800000000.00. that's cross now live to the men of the jerusalem, develop and fun. somebody see mayflower, somebody this disclose good to have you told me right now as well as looking to seize funds that belong to the policy. and as far as de, according to the office, no accord. why do you think he's with his trying to privatize this funds? now because this is a government that acts like a gunk, like a mafia, the buyer to take on this money and to expend things. this is tax money that was paid by palestinians on goods import. then through that button
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posted to the palestinian economy. according to the eh, bodies protocol, which is part of that also agreement. is it a just collect the money and should the transfer that to the thought of the it's not the money, this is better spending money and what they are doing now, these gunk, the young golfing, to india on small ditch the mafia. that is not all the trying to steve the land in the us bank and the i'd like to stay the money for them. it comes at a time that the p a, the colors to be that simple. that is very much committed to the security called the nation. so even these governments that item and government is not taking the cost of that issue that the out of the but i think the palestinian also the from financing security operation that said that didn't know. you can see that almost
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every night that are a huge grades from days of 80 out of me to palestinian control areas to different i'd citizen to tell them. and janine even to the model what, what are the best days. and this operation is happening. these operations that happening because the security called the emission method is, is allowing that so in a way or another, is it a, it is small that it is rock shooting himself in the leg, maybe in the head even. but this guy is only motivated by here to it is only trying, particularly venge from able to think about. i've seen you even on a petition that said it was a his suck loads in the west bank, his suck gloves. the followers of some of the rich who lives in the west bank are protected by security mckinney that is financed by this money. and he's holding
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this money. so he is blind. he is the blind with, with the, with hair today. is blind with the, uh, with, with all this phonetic ideas that he has the, he doesn't, he doesn't want to see palestinians. he was the to the bought the, the spread, but to a minute them. so this is how this government is, is acting on that the whole community, the whole international community is it in getting a lot of matters is amazing that it's flag. i'd say that the palestinian authority might collapse the security called the addition michael up i, you know, i said these things and i am on a position to the sort of, i don't like what they do. but since these are the fact they are providing a lot of safety, security environment that codes these settlers live in the us back and he comes uh the price to get it. is it something good?
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this is a dept. this is the biggest theft. have you ever had heard about except of $3000000000.00 in, in, in the day a light in front of everybody on publish media by officials, by a minister of finance of instead that is called is it a that them she'll be a democracy. it's all happening in front of everybody that i'm not sure i'm of it. they will tie that. they declare that they say we are the biggest steves of this sun, shred it. and we do it in front of everybody and we don't charge for them. it all right and get the policy notice already of the also called cold that fast. now israel has been the largest recipe and of us for an aide for decades. why will these ready finance minister need to use policy and funds to a tied guys a new thing? maybe that a lot of money or is it just shad corruption? what's your opinion?
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go things. first of all, he wants to hire them by the students. he wants to have excuses to see it. the money of, of the p a, a. his intention is to try to make this pathetic. he died slowly and he wants to go and the next the band can, you know, be the new, the king of, of is it i that is controlling and throwing the whole historic to the jewish land. it's, it's a lot of, i don't as you that, but also yes, they are in financial problems. the war has closed. is it a lot of the economy close is there. i'm not able to finance it to taking into consideration as you know that the americans problem is to give is that i in addition to the ability to add that they are getting now. and by, by the way, the military id that they are getting now is 100 percent of their needs the
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evidence they can get a bump that is dropped over. does that comes from the american that has to be like $300.00 military airplanes that the make mit emulate that bridge between us until i be in addition to another $28.00 ships, this is a huge amount of bombs and the tenant is and, and weapons that continues to come, but in addition to this, it by that i'm bring can offer, is it a committed to give? is it a n 14 minute video you as the for a, this is not military, this a civilian to try to compensate. there is that i am from the last as of the war, but they couldn't do it because they tried to put it within a package of a 100000000000 and that goes most of it to thread. you know, always by that has a,
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has a problem to convince the company congress that to you he, he can come through a contribution and support the claim is against that options and, and the conflict that so he tried to make it today, but there isn't any aid within the ukrainian it in one package. so maybe you can bet a few that called goodness deposit instead of the comb with his book it. so now he is not able to provide, not, is it a little kid with, with the, the, this $100000000000.00? and this is it a, that they suffer. they get all the economically because the is what i have never been a back to soon, 5, a long war. this is the longest war, and they, instead of is it i had 100 days. and then we would almost $350000.00 civilians who are part of the military. eh, these people are running very small and medium business businesses which are,
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which is the backbone of the, is the economy. everything is collapsing, their economies lapsing. that is, know to is, is it i, which is a very important part of its economy and, and that are almost if you go on and check what's happening and in the add port, you can see most of the airlines stop flying to is it a, it's all this accumulates and it's been a lot of financial, but that and the for a small butcher. this is an amazing opportunity to steve, the policy and money. i would have to leave it here. now. thank you very much. is some austin, his language, but not the jerusalem develop and find the faithful go inside. thank you. iran has hosted a confidence to describe the humanitarian crisis in gaza, or the gathering included delegates from resistance groups fighting against the usual r t. corresponding use of july the you has a story at the end of as well as internet. this warning was made by ross presidents
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of racy on sunday as your address, the conferencing to wrong via an access tour monday, awakening of human conscience. the one who present i said as well as we can get some grave by coming, get us some children in gaza, which has brought to leave nothing but global condemnation. i'm the only thing shouted leave. what design is pharaohs are doing today is killing thousands of children and innocent people. god's revenge will definitely emerge in the form of the palestinian people in muslim nations. the collapse of design is regina's sorts, and this is god's promise. and our firm belief event was held to mark the 100 day. it'll be ongoing is really military campaigning. does a $201.00 in and regional active as along with state officials attending the event to discuss ways to and the crisis. today's the 100 today of aggression against the, for the, soon as i'm going as a and we have seen the destruction and the killing that has been taking place and certainly such a griffin has not been detroit. so what we have seen is that many muslims,
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many people around the world have been convenient conferences expressing their outrage at this, at the continuation of this aggression. and i think this is one of the conferences that has been doing that today. we have gathered that the conference on ok so and then we can of human conscious to explore the mechanisms to help the posting of nation. we explored many routes and i mentioned the most important one of them in my speech. and that's the passive resistance, which is indispensable. there is no alternative to the path of resistance and the culture or for systems. as a consequence has entered the 4th month's de escalation seems out of sight as new flareups have now erupt in other parts of the region. i was ever say that us a new case twice against the who's the targets and yemen. feel the fire rising concerns of a full scale war as different resistance groups in the region have declared their readiness. detroit, you know, on one hand, they get this right? all the arguments, all the weapons, all the time, all the political protection and the beatles. to basically commit genocide on the
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for this thing and people, and we have seen this in the past under yet 100 days yet. you could see that when the m and is stood up for the police scene. and so i'm trying to say you stop that question and we're going to stop simply whatever ships was going to aid this genocide. then the americans start bombing them along with the british and saying that this is somehow admitted student nutrition. i mean, the dispute is still tele, outragious for the night states, but it's not, you know, it's not really surprising because this has been their policy in many parts of the world. the us led military coalition against him as, as the names to the great because he's defensive capabilities in order to stop them from further attacking shipping in the red sea. because they say they only target is really linked vessels in support of balance medias and the washington's move will not stop them from their campaign. it wrong refers to that who fees as the answer are long move and den recognizes them as the official government in, in pricing directions against israel. we should thank you. i'm and wholeheartedly
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for it's courageous resistance against design this regime. the braves have many nation has been defending the oppressed and resilient people of palestine for some time in the muslim world. honors ex bravery from these weighty war on gaza to the us and u. k. is direct military involvement and human, then i'll call it effects of the conflict are gripping far flung parts of the middle east. washington now advisors, everyone to rest assured that their move will quote, deescalate the tensions. but these people don't buyer saying 3 months dose when the united states started this military a to the idea of it made the same promise, usability, our to, to the us that gives you a state has taken to social media to condemn, to mass with keeping hostages for over 100 days after that the policy and representative to the you and the highlighted that i'm going to blinking failed to acknowledge the pottage in gaza. $100.00 days of captivity and gaza is far too
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long. the united states will not rest until all remaining hostages, including 6 americans are united with their loved ones. $100.00 days and not a single mention of the nearly $24000.00 killed, half of which are children. shame on those who remain complicit and not called for an immediate cease fire and gaza. shame on them. right, let's work a marty curse by then donald content right now. who is a here would be in the student. done is good to have you join me right now over 100 days of fighting with casualties. women, children, elderly journalists to many to room work as i'm counting. what has the us got to say about israel's miniature operations in in guys? well, it looks like joe biden and senior us officials feel like tell of he's taking them for a ride because from the start washington. so essentially, given a blank check to israel to do whatever it wants,
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no matter how many thousands of palestinian civilians are killed by the idea of a democratic senator chris bon hall and even told the media that the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu was essentially giving bite in the finger at every juncture, that could possibly lead to some sort of curbing of the violence. and despite no sign that anything is changing, the us is still trying to assure people that we're going to look, we're going to be seeing a cool down period somewhere in the near future. let's take a listen to spend a 100 days since that, how mazda attack on israel that sparked where we are now. does the us need to press is real harder to move into the low intensity conflict. they say they intend to move towards. i can tell you a text or a blanket just came free that we have been talking to them intentionally about a transition to low intensity operations. we believe the time is coming here very, very soon for
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a transition to this lower intensity phase of those comments came shortly after thousands of people marched on the white house to protest. washington support for is these really war on gaza? let's not forget that late last year, the us actually boosted it's weapons shipments to tel aviv. and so it seems a bit hypocritical that now us officials are still saying they support a 2 state solution and they think that palestinian shouldn't be displaced. i made it clear to these really detailed element answer here is a 2 state solution. 3 believes that a 2 state solution is possible. it's going to require leadership, solid, concerted, transparent leadership on both sides to make this happen. we reject the statements by some is really ministers and lawmakers calling for a re settlement a policy and these outside of guys are, these statements are responsible, they're inflammatory or i don't, the united states has been calling on as well to try to reduce the intensity of its
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attacks and operations that on, on the other hand, these really saying we wouldn't stop until we achieve gold. now what do you think is responsible for this disparity or this conflicts in, in the rhetoric between this b as to close allies? well, it's because of something that israel's already main play made plainly clear. the fact that it's not willing to listen to anyone when it comes to how they're waging this war, not its allies, definitely not its enemies and not even the hague. i don't want to say that no one will stop at home, not the hague, the god, the axis of evil, nor anyone else if it is viable and necessary that we continue until victory. and that is what we will do. so. and so 100 days of this attitude and nearly to 24000 palestinians have been killed and over 60000 have been injured 1500000 of our in food and security and they're living and shelters actually with over half of the hospitals in gaza. not functioning right now. i mean,
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it's been made plainly clear that is real. it feels that it can do whatever it wants. it's going to do whatever it wants to, and that's in spite of whatever the us has to say about it. with the americans, we have a discourse and we don't always agree. there were differences from the beginning. they didn't agree to a ground evasion. we invaded, they didn't agree to the, i'll shoot for hospital, we ignore the request. they want to pause without hostages. we didn't accept that what was reported and i'm glad was corrected. we have no american ultimatum. there is no deadline from the us. we are working. we have to continue striking them us and even if it will get to a conflict with the us. so it's half hearted whining, falling on deaf ears and tell a v if it's not unlikely anything, it's going to change as long as these american weapons. and this unlimited diplomatic support for tel aviv continue to flow in the same direction. all right, we'll wait to see how the massive support around the weld wait to see how that translates into better days ahead, especially for those who are, you know, going through the,
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the situation in gas. i don't thank you for your insight in here, but let me be a, has had all the updates for my colonial rule. i just need for fighting with ease will end the genocide case. broad bice of africa to the international court of justice. i hate in germany. cannot morally express commitment to the united nations convention against genocide, including a toman for the genocide in namibia law, supporting the equivalent of a holocaust and genocide and gaza. various international organizations, such as human rights watch, have chillingly concluded, that israel was committing more crimes and gaza, of the country as president urged the body into because today it's valid to intervene. calling it a shocking decision, he went on to note that germany has yet to a tone for the atrocities committed in the media, which buddy and only acknowledged over
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a century later in 2021. also dismissing the sub isaac in case out of hand as the british for in the secretary lord camera on he called the causation of genocide, quote nonsense. even if you take a different view to my view, um, to look at israel, a democracy, a country with the route of low country with armed forces that are committed to a bang, the route of little to say that they have that, that country that need to ship that imposes that they have the intent to commit genocide. i think that is notes. and so i think that's the role canyon. the active as to the amboy jo. coolest aspects of africa is right to deny the accountability of the hague. why? because of close friends or international norms, i'm a few months make sense. you make every single it's clear that the for the sake of his life is well,
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you guys does know do tend to protect civilians that much extended fixed. one of the positions you think tends to carry out insights and the absence of the ideas and that, and these ladies, i mean, they were coming on explain that these i mean is professional and whatnot. but we haven't seen any evidence of that. there's a, i mean has cutting notes of very, very, pretty uh, pretty much, i guess, uh, and obviously williams does destroyed uh, 30 minutes of them the houses subsidies dismissing the population. and most of these countries will find a don't know exactly what's going on in uh it is right. and i mean the, the with itself was turned it on. so the kinda australia is in that of those countries. so, and many of them at the corner in the sense that we did that goes against the indigenous community. so they have, know, i'm one of the best under us is claiming that they've been the dentist that they haven't provided any evidence. this was the case that i,


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