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tv   News  RT  January 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the, the k awesome, the coast of guys, there was 3 civilians are killed when the idea of old when fire and a crowd, and that's after the locals heard the delivery of humanitarian supply that arrived in the waters nearby. we got comments from my aid. welcome about the dire situation in the region. all of these continuous relations are happening, and those are relations for the international civilians have been target and have been to, i guess most services. there's no particular to places in casa, after the war, and gas has raised to 100 day, the phone of those killed, and methane tops, 30000 to many an odd display according to gas offers. so
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that's what we decided to move to the last point in gaza and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places. and gosh, i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son looking for safety . we pray to god that is william stopped. jeremy, a canada told him for his own past by supporting the gen ed fighting guys, i got to put it down being statements on the median president out there, but he supported these are all in the international court of just the top. it has all the international reaching you live from moscow. welcome to the global update this. alas, i a michael boucher now we start this news all with this being footage out of guys of where it's claimed is there any forces shot that civilians who are rushing to get aid?
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the this video was released by the euro. mad human rights monitor reports say at least 3 people were killed. more footage from the side shows and thousands on the shoals of western gather factory running towards the food distribution side. i'll be hearing about a truck load of aid high. the ride that happened shortly before we came on the ledge idea fire about the food process. if it is beyond die, being and cave is on the break. according to the un, half of all gas and stopping the ice conditions bitter, we see many tear and organizations continue calling for peace. now, according to one is why we offer solar who requested to remain anonymous. there was no hunger in gaza. have a look at what's on your screen right now that meanwhile, a member of the liquid party had this to say about the situation about selling them
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so that if you decide to and the siege to break the siege, it will be, in my opinion, a terrible decision because without hunger and thirst among the gods, the population who will not be able to recruit collaborators, we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to provide people with drink with fluids. with medicine, we have to have some kind of machine with some what me while the policy me a red crescent distributed 1500 food possible to displace families in the south. and have a look at some of the latest numbers from gather media office that we're looking at right now. such a 1000 had been killed on, or missile, or maybe even missing. they'll do it all of that since the beginning of the conflict. more than half of them, women and children, more than 60000 had been wounded so far you could sit numbers in there alongside the to median who have been displaced. a bad much that the. busy after the shelling
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intensified and dear of a lot, this is my last rescue, but yeah, and i don't want to go to con humans because it's dangerous. and we're just really, that's what we decided to move to the last point in gaza. and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in guy. so our goal now is to assure egyptian brothers and the soldiers opposite us to feel the suffering we are suffering and josephine with their eyes. and we were forced to flee to the border of the month. i came here near the junction border after the warranties that leads real through it has to go to the milwaukee area and i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son. really looking for safety on that we pray to god that it was stop and i was calling all the countries of the world to stand by us and on the side of all the poor. now we're reached out to a spokes, boston for the polish find bag crescent society to discuss the dire situation in gaza. so good in situations as the last page is over 100 days of continuous floor on gaza. thousands of people have been killed over 60000 as have
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been injured. the health situation as some 3 collapsing with majority of hospitals went completely out of service. the feeling also city and the north have been left without medical services. they are still trapped, denied access to mid to a, to humanitarian need, knocking food and water and very basic necessities with over 100. to day march the $101.00 days and the war is just continuing and more civilians are paying a high price of this continuous work. we're talking about over 12000 children who were killed since the beginning of this 4. so more people are getting killed or injured and unfortunately, the were, is, continues with and use the prostitution that destruction under presidents and destruction for the insect,
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for the infrastructure. almost 60 percent of homes have been destroyed on top of the humanitarian aid as to getting into garza very slow and doesn't t event 10 percent of the news. all of this is happening. all of these continuous relations are happening and those are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been of target schools have been trying to get new services. there is no predicted to places in casa hospitals have been trying to get a time. a dix everyone is under target. there is no safety place in goza does not have been extremely dangerous and the most dangerous place for children in garza and all of this hunger and diseases and the entire collapsing of the health system . the doors continued. the international community has failed to stop
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home of this situation. house for you to stop is right in front of the building to the international humanitarian law and international in northern gas, locals and international aid groups call the conditions catastrophic parts of the area. launch the cutoff from a humanitarian help. local journalist mom would stop by half of the details here and give you, i mean, you know, maybe that's kind of be i left. if i, that's a 100 days to be wrong. goals or 100 days on children when the women and the lady that was left with tens of thousands of mazda and wounded and missing. yeah, what not to mention. the destruction of the infrastructure of vital vicinity has no health care system. and this report will show you how people are coping with all these crises in the northern parts of the gaza strip. c the button, the under days, these are difficult days for the pals to mean people. we serious, very terrifying, a little more lead me. everything that happened in this were older. last, as the children know were last is and the citizens who paid the price. and as you
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can see, everyone left their homes. no one remained. everyone was displeased. the situation is dire, there is no water. is that no electricity, no gas, no flower, nothing was the price of every thing hasn't doubled or tripled. there is no income, everything is closed. we've been surrounded from one side and the see is a whole is a tragic situation in terms of how to hospitals are not functioning. most of them have shut down. what? uh, there's no fuel for the hospitals. there's no lighting that everyone has lost something. i lost my home, i lost my cousins and my neighbors, and i lost my loved ones. as a citizen, i paid half the price of the house. i mean, sorry, i don't know how to insure it. the days were very difficult. there were like little genocide, but the whole world witness was a high amount of casualty, some combined with von hospital alone, and that's a hospital that has been operating for years. the number of injured people during the 1st $100.00 days, average $100.00 per our casualties are challenging. both medically can psychologically, for the medical stuff during the genocide of war,
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one have to choose either to run the department or state home with family. and this basically means that during the 1st 100 days, we're almost cut off from our families. i as a doctor for the speed of recovery or pictures in the brew in the cemetery for all our debt. because our debt aren't currently buried in districts. i had to squeeze hospital when i had the people who have them die from being injured or dine from the hunger and hardships which their experiences autopay these crises and who are increasing and listening for residence in the northern goals and strip with the occupation forces like walking aid from entering the area of the us, i get your state has taken to social media to condemn him. us for keeping hostages for over 100 days after that the policy and representative to the you and the highlights of that and to the blinking failed to acknowledge the cottage in gaza. $100.00 days of captivity and gaza is far too long. the united states will not rest until all remaining hostages,
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including 6 americans are united with their loved ones. $100.00 days and not a single mention of the nearly $24000.00 killed, half of which are children. shame on those who remain complicit and not call for an immediate cease fire and gaza. shame on them. looks like bite. and then senior us officials actually feel like televi tv's taking them for a bit of a ride. actually because from the beginning washington's, of course, given tell a be a blank check to essentially do whatever it wants, regardless of how many thousands of civilians, the idea kills in the process. i mean, democratic senator chris of on whole and even said that these rarely prime minister benjamin that's on yahoo has been given joe biden, the finger at every single junction juncture, that could potentially lead to some sort of curbing of the violence. and despite no sign of anything changing, the us is still trying to assure people that things are going to pull down in the future. looks like it was. it's been a 100 days since that hamas attack on israel that sparked where we are now. it does
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the us need to press is real harder to move into the low intensity conflict. they say they intend to move towards. i can tell you the check straight blinking just came from bridge that we have been talking to them intensely about a transition to low intensity operations. we believe the time is coming here very, very soon for a transition to this lower intensity face to those commons came to shortly after thousands of people marched on the white house to protest. washington support for these really war on gods. and because let's not forget late last year, the us boosted it's weapons deliveries to israel. so it seems a bit hypocritical that us officials are now still saying that us supports the 2 state solution and that palestinians shouldn't be displaced. i made it clear to these really to the county element answer here is a 2 state solution. 3 believes that the 2 state solution is possible. it's going to
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require leadership, solid, concerted, transparent leadership on both sides to make this happen. we reject the statements by some is really ministers and lawmakers, calling for a re settlement palestinians outside of guys. these statements are responsible, their inflammatory. israel has not tried to hide the fact that it's not willing to listen to anyone when it comes to how it's waging this war, not its allies, definitely not its enemies and not even to have hold on. no one will stop us, it will not the hague looking on the axis of evil, nor anyone else because it is valuable and necessary that we continue until victory . and that is what we will know. so now we've seen a 100 days of this attitude and 24000 palestinians killed along with another 60000 injured 1500000 palestinians are food and secure living and shelters. and over half of the hospitals and guys are no longer functioning. it just already it just goes to show, but israel's trying to make it clear that nobody is going to tell it what to do.
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it's going to do what it wants when it wants no matter what, even the west sense was single. as with the americans, we have a discourse and we don't always agree. there were differences from the beginning. we didn't agree to ground invasions. we basically didn't agree to the, i'll shoot for hospital police, nor the requests that say one of the pos without hostages. we didn't accept that what was reported and i'm glad was corrected. we have no american ultimatum. there is no deadlines in the us. we are working. we have to continue striking them us. and even if it will get to a call, it's like what do you as the, what this half hearted whining from washington falling on deaf ears and tel aviv? i mean, it's obviously, it's going to be really unlikely that anything is going to change as long as these weapons, and this unlimited diplomatic support continue to flow in that direction. right . that's across live to for my ease, riley ambassador to the us had a new all alone. they need good to have you join me right now. what did you make of the recent statements that use are all is willing to disregard us request regarding
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the war in gaza? well, i would say the war and guys use continue. boring to re schedule that uh, the military will, the, the state is based on the developments on the ground right now. seems like most of a, uh, some of the military infrastructure is dismantled in the northern part of the guys of central because of the mostly is the dismentos. and most of the operations though, are concentrated on the southern part which use the units in the rough uh, area where uh, a lot of the civilians are and say, this is why it seems like you are moving to a different stage of the low intensity, especially operations and the, the objectives of taking that from us totally out of the equation for me to use it
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as well. thank you. minutes and yeah, let's catch you and that, let's say the one stop until the me, their objective, the but you know, all of those, how do you see washington reacting to this, especially the, when they have given an outright advice to you as well? well, i would say that's washington from, from the us. it's headed to urging away conflicting objectives. wives used to bring us down because the commodities a threat to the entire region into uh, um, stability interest by the 2nd one was containment. washington did not want to actually widen the road, but it seems like the containment is pretty much failed, as we see if this is the noise in the forty's. in the monday the red sea are acting up. so in this case, i see that we're seeing now a to stage where the grids,
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washington has become these, where a boot is even more or 42 seconds in front of the slide. the forces led by the united states, if they continue to effect their shipments and try to stop freedom. litigation in the risk now use really has historically been the largest recipient of you as far as the aid. how do you think that influence is washington's relationship with israel? well, i would say that just, you really uh, look uh you know, where there is very, uh, you know, drilling down this um, what is so called uh, assistance is basically a defense corporation. it is true that we get a lot of um, arms and conditions from there, washington, which is all boxed there. but there is
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a corporation which is a 2 way street because uh, from use of sizes, a lot of technology and romance and the intelligence. and the also um, the developments of weapons. they watched the nice weather arrow or the iron dough, which is, you know, uh, purchased by the way slippery from the experience of the stores is in the, in the middle east. so basically it's a 2 way street where both the countries really benefit from that. so there is no way that these things which are all we have to living here now had a uh, yolanda forma ease ready and back to the to the united states. thank you very much for your insight. thank you. now one woman is reported to have been killed and at least 17 people wounded in the suspect of car robbing and stopping attack unusual. and that's according to ease roles,
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national emergency services, local journalists, it won't be by mad reports from the scene. well, i'm here in ranada, which is basically a very affluent community in israel, which a lot of americans is really citizens. i'm just branches really center them. so there was a terrorist attack where to relatives living in everyone which is in the west bank for here illegally. they stabs and killed a 70 year old woman including stabbing a 6 year old man. then they hijacked the car and ran over a bunch of people crash into a pole. then they hijacked another car, ran into a few other people and then did it again with a 3rd car. they were arrested by security forces. about a 2 people have been seriously injured, one person has died. a lot of people are in critical condition and the owner of the car wash, i presumably, and is rarely due has been arrested probably for on flowing to palestinians. some
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did not have work permits. now this is going to have wider implications because ever since the war of october 7th, israel has shut down the entrance into israel from the west bank. and there are about a 100000 palestinians that cross the border every day to find employment as laborers as construction workers. and it had no work and no income for the past 3 months. so the government actually today was considering opening up the borders to a limited amount to try to let more palestinians back into the as well to work. and no doubt this will have an impact on those discussions. but now media has head out the edits for my colonial rule, a jeremy for fighting with ease role in the genocide case brought by. so the advocate to the international court of justice, i have a in germany cannot morally express commitment to the united nations convention against genocide, including a told him in for the genocide in there may be a lot supporting the equivalent of a holocaust and genocide and gaza various international organizations,
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such as human rights watch, have chillingly concluded that israel was committing more crimes and gaza. but countries president are bullying to be considered. it's valid to into they in calling it a shocking decision. he went on to note the g. busy me has not yet tone for the atrocities committed in the media. with bullying only acknowledged over a century later in 2021. although dismissing the south african case out of hand is the british foreign secretary lord camera on heat cold, the accusation of genocide, quote, nonsense. even if you take a different view to my view, um to look at is a democracy, a country with the root of little country with armed forces that are committed to a bang, the route of little to say that they have that, that country that need to ship that off, which is that they have the intent to commit genocide. i think that is notes. and
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so i think that's role. can you in the active is told young boy, your cost as a fanatic is right, the demand accountability of the hague. why? because uh, of course the, uh, uh, international norms of humans makes sense. you make a little. uh, it's clear that uh, that, that the stick of these ladies, uh, well, you guys, uh, uh, it does not. it tends to protect civilians is of interest in district wonderful. relations you think tends to, uh, i don't, i didn't say and the absence of the ideas and, and these ladies, i mean, they were coming on explain that these. i mean, if i select them both notes uh that we haven't seen any evidence of that savings a, i mean has cut the notes of very, very, very extreme or does it just so that there's an obviously williams that destroyed the payments of the houses. some of these dismissing the population and most of
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these companies will find it, don't mess up the exactly what's going on in uh is right. and i mean, not my day you as a central standard on. so click on any kind of a failure to those countries. so and many of them at the corner of nissan, but we did, it goes against the indigenous community. so they have no, no model based on the us is claiming that they, that they, the dental site doesn't provide any evidence. this will topic on case that, that i, that actually j instead of comprehensive what it is, it is in the document they provided with a number of evidence from clinical filters about what's going on in uh, any of the policy that towards the u. k. has announced one of its largest deployments of troops for nato as soon as the. ready war, but countries driving to said 20000, sold as across europe for upcoming military drills on coordination with. fetch and
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meet with member states. but u. k. defend the secretary instead of the war games where to prepare to find russia, especially the quote putting menace. the face of britain's regular army is expected to take part of the exercise will also involve aircraft carriers and other worship, as well as if my projects, the lights crossed, lived altamont in j douglas and added to the new site, monterey, ivy dot org. now it's good to have you join me right dot mazda, another u. k. has it now is one of the biggest military deployments for nato exercise since the cold war. what's your reaction to this in the 1st place? i think it was delusional, but no longer rules the waves, if we're talking about uh, anything to it ends up being an exercise in the red c o capabilities. now in recent years of dwindled, you know to, um,
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something like on the, on it has some like 75000 soldiers on maybe and is 26000. i mean, it's pacific numbers really when you consider some of them now to some of the top chesapeake tenants coming from government ministers in breton about what we intend to do around the world. whether it's against the hutus, russian or anyone else in a way we can best. we can only be a supporting acts to america other than this i thought this. and so you know, these sort of exercises, i think, really appeal stunt. and who can blame them for using this appeal stuff? because one of the problems including pressing is only on services of desperate on demand, we simply can't get. the recruitment drives going to get the people to get the young people to join, to become soldiers anymore. all right, johnny's boss newspaper recently published an article about supposedly meets document, se,
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but i didn't expect russian forces to attack nato sometime next year. now there's a built up by nato troops. what do you make, how, the timing of all of these? well, it's all about election here, isn't it? you know, we've got elections coming in burton and in america i'm calling you from union. i think there's a link between the elections on a lot of the steering a little. this fake news is being created by nature countries to pull the smart screen chris, my screen over the realities. the reality is all that we've failed in ukraine completely to come even close to what we're hoping to achieve. and we're failing in the middle east, which is by day, by our escalate signal into a regional or something to bind comp control. so i think um, i think this is oh, really about creating a narrative which distracts people away from the truth. and the sort of headlines
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you know, some sections they are all very effective of doing right. i'll be your k defend secretary said in reference to the upcoming nature drills that the conflicts in you can. busy in the middle east of shaking the foundations of the world or to what well or did you think she was describing from it's is this the rooms based older which is of drip? let's go unless you understand that expression, it's a sort of an hour and the a play on words, but a sort of an oxymoron in the rules based on a is western countries dictates and the rest of the world, particularly the levels of countries, how they expect them to behave, but then break their own rules way for the unexpected rest of all to put up with that practice, that was something that went on for right on time. in american britain save the sixty's empties and the eighty's. but i think of the coastal ended and slowly you know, a multicultural world's most sickly in the last few years. now,
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you know this, this doesn't really hold water anymore. so i think we have to all of to wake up to new reality, which is the world is changing and the person in america do not have the power to they had, he knows, even in my lifetime, even even 20 or 30 years ago, not the okay. defense, i guess he also said that his country is prepared to fight against russia. he described there awesome leadership as a mattress. do you foresee a direct conflict between the yuki and russia? no, it's just it's, it's just not since it's just beating we, you know, we had a former defense minister who by motors. so we who turned out to be a mr. angry caricature and now he's been replaced by mr. number 2. i mean, drop ships is not very bright. if i can put it that way without wants to be too in the line, he's really not a very, he's not the sharpest tool in the box. and he says he's ready to meticulous things . because press in the u. k, i know some sort of a sympathetic so they basically just access them over for those and just print
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oldest notes. and somebody also said today or yesterday, but um your text in the red sea against the hutus were absolutely nothing to do with what was going on cause or because that was 2600 miles away. something equally stupid that was repeated. but she said, i will say, you know, those kind of statements which would normally should be left. of course, you know, taking seriously important services right there. statements up and there's an awful lot of television in the u. k. who would take the face value of you know, what's going on in red. see now is a very, very inconvenient destruction meeting destruction to take the pressure off the blood to give into the cause. a surrender seems fine, but which is pulling the west into original, which is edging close every single day to a foot on what was a run, which is where i would like very much, but sure, but it was already declared publicly the washington post that that's something if it is very much use, the said to me i have just a few days ago on
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a telephone call at all costs. we must avoid and will, with has blood in 11th, which is sort of for the stupid very when you think about it to declare you with this, to renovate it. but that's what the radians are looking at. now when they look at this, this to a political region with global, they're looking at how to manipulate and can capitalize on america's weakness. and i think we should expect probably in the coming days and weeks on some systems strategic strikes from a rainy and but i'm proxies perhaps and interact. it gives us citizen or right martin's age on the list, an editor at the biography dot org. thank you. so much for your time and insight. now be sure to get more updates on our to come most stories are coming your way ahead. just in about 15 minutes. the
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monthly is because that's what really, that's what happened in this forest village. 18 years ago. witness testimonies of those things that are still inform you to the people.


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