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tv   News  RT  January 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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is that the canyon nation has not recovered from on sale. now, the k. austin, the coast of guys are 3 civilians are killed when the idea of opening fire in a crowd that the apple of hold her, the delivery of the money to in the supply that arrived in the waters nearby. we got comments from on a well care about the dire situation in the region. all of these continuous relations are happening and those are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been target rules haven't been told to get services. there's no particular places, because up as a warrant gasket has to be raised for $100.00 days. the tone of those killed and missing tops. $30000.00 asked to living in the oddest place according to gas all
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for so that's what we decided to move to the last point in gaza. and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in god. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son, looking for safety, afraid to go to the world and stop me can not a tone for its own past by supporting the gentle sliding guys acts. and that's the dabbing take that from the median president after funding support at each all, and that he's an optional port of chuck, the pedals. welcome to the global news updates on our team to national i a mike cortez . now let's talk best news on with disturbing footage out of gas of where it's claimed is ready for his shot at civilians who were rushing to get aid. the
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video was released by the euro. busy human rights monitor report say if me, 3 people were killed. more footage from the side shows thousands on the shores of western gather city running towards the food distribution side of the hearing that the truck load of aid has arrived. and that happened shortly before the cape on the legs. idea of fire. the food price is beyond dye it. the enclave is on the brink, according to you, and have a whole gallons off solving. now as conditions deter, rate, humanitarian organizations continue calling for peace. the, according to these do any official who requested to remain anonymous, there was no hunger in gaga. have a look at what's on your screen right now, was a member of the liquid party had this to say about the situation for the show. i'm
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so that if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be, in my opinion, a terrible decision because without hunger and thirst among the gods of population, we will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence, we will not be able to provide people with drink, with food, with medicine and the machine. well, while the palestinian red crescent distributed 1500 food parcels to displace families in the south, have a look at some of the latest numbers from the guys a media office as we showed them to you right now. so the $1000.00 had been killed on or more i'm missing since the beginning of the conflict. more than half of them are women and children. more than 60000 had been wounded and alongside the to median who had been displaced but much the. busy after the shelling intensified and dear of a lot, this is my last refuge, and i don't want to go to con units because it's dangerous and we're display. so we
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decided to move to the last point in gaza. and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in gaza. our goal now is to assure egyptian brothers and the soldiers opposite us to feel the suffering we are suffering and to see with their eyes, how we were forced to flee to the border. or the i came here near the junction border after the warnings that is real through it has to go to the milwaukee area. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son were looking for safety or that we pray to god that was stop. and i was calling all the countries of the world to stand by us. and on the side of all the poor. now, what are your thoughts with spots? boston for the polished by and red crescent society to discuss the dire situation in gaza. is so good in situations as the ross changing over to 100 days of continuous floor on gaza. thousands of people have been killed over 60000 as have
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been injured. the health situation as some 3 collapsing with a majority of hospitals went completely out of service. the feeling also sent to you and the north have been left without medical services. they are still trapped, denied access to medical a to humanitarian need, knocking food and water, and very basic necessities with over 100. today, march the $101.00 days and the war is continuing, and more civilians are paying a high price. so this continuous work, we're talking about over 12000 children who were killed since the beginning of this 4. so more people are getting killed or injured. and unfortunately the were assessed continued with. i use the for our station at destruction under president the destruction for the insect, for the infrastructure. almost 60 percent of homes have been destroyed on top of
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the humanitarian aid is just getting into garza very slow and doesn't teach event. 10 percent of the needs, all of this is happening. all of these continuous relations are happening and those are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been of target schools have been trying to get new services. there's no protected to places in casa hospitals have been targeted time, a big everyone is under target. there is no safety place in goza does not have been extremely dangerous and the most dangerous place for children in garza and all of this hunger and diseases. and the entire collapsing of the health system will, the stores continued. the international community has failed to stop o. this situation house for you to stop is right in front of the building to the
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international humanitarian law and international in northern gazda, locals and international a drugs, coal. the conditions, catastrophic parts of the area had been largely cut off from 80 the money to and help local douglas caught us side by half the details and methodist. uh and then this is the popular zone. we a markets one of the oldest markets in the gaza. strip renowned for the diverse of goods, especially in the areas of spices and not just gimme items and also scar seemed guzman quit found upon the weight in this market. considered a historical site in government and the jonathan market is now completely back to after being invaded by these riley army a few days ago, directly either. but those several shops were targeted with warheads and artillery shells set up for closing significant destruction. the markets used to thrive, which might tell, it was due to the presence of residents serving as the central markets, the destruction of many shops by nissan cement, and subsequent fire. san ramon has had a profound impact on the cut on the client engagement,
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affecting people's ability to shop things, essential, particularly basic necessities. we can observe targeted and burn shots, and as a result of these really armies incursions into gaza feed, the continuous backdrop includes the sounds of our tools we're showing for the persistent presence of surveillance back russell in the area. these are the prevailing conditions in gaza, as we have described, with the ongoing sounds of artillery and surveillance aircraft and defining the atmosphere in the region of the us secretary of state is taking to social media to condemn, to mass with keeping hosted useful over 100 days and after that the policy and representative to the un highlighted that i'm going to bring thing fields to acknowledge the cottage in gaza. $100.00 days of captivity and gaza is far too long. the united states will not rest and to all remaining hostages, including 6 americans are reunited with their loved ones, $100.00 days and not
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a single mention of the nearly $24000.00 killed, half of which are children. shame on those who remain complicit and not call for an immediate cease fire and gaza. shame on them. looks like bite. and then senior us officials actually feel like televi tv's taking them for a bit of a ride. actually because from the beginning washington's, of course, given tel aviv a blank check to essentially do whatever it wants, regardless of how many thousands of civilians, the idea of pills in the process. i mean, democratic senator, chris of on hold and even said that the israeli prime minister benjamin that's on yahoo has been given joe biden, the finger at every single junction juncture, that could potentially lead to some sort of curbing of the violence. and despite no sign of anything changing, the us is still trying to assure people that things are going to pull down in the future. looks like it was, it's been a 100 days since that her mazda attack on israel that sparked where we are now.
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does the us need to press is real harder to move into the low intensity conflict. they say they intend to move towards. i can tell you a text or a blanket just came free. that we have been talking to them intensely about a transition to low intensity operations. we believe the time is coming here very, very soon. for a transition to this lower intensity phase, to those commons came to shortly after thousands of people marched on the white house to protest. the washington support for these really war on gods. but because let's not forget late last year, the us boosted it's weapons deliveries to israel. so it seems a bit hypocritical that us officials are now still saying that the us supports the 2 state solution and the palestinian shouldn't be displaced. i made it clear to these really vicky own element answer here is a 2 state solution. 3 believes that a 2 state solution is possible. it's going to require leadership, solid, concerted,
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transparent leadership on both sides to make this happen. we reject the statements by some is really ministers and lawmakers, calling for re settlement policies outside of guys. these statements are responsible, their inflammatory. israel has not tried to hide the fact that it's not willing to listen to anyone when it comes to how it's waging this war, not its allies, definitely not its enemies and not even the hate hold on. no one will stop us, it will not the hague on the axis of evil, nor anyone else it is viable and necessary that we continue until victory. and that is what we will do. so now we've seen a 100 days of this attitude and 24000 palestinians killed along with another 60000 injured 1500000 palestinians, our food and secure living and shelters. and over half of the hospitals and guys are no longer functioning. it just already it just goes to show, but israel's trying to make it clear that nobody is going to tell us what to do. it's going to do what it wants, what it wants, no matter what,
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even the west sense was single, was with the americans. we have a discourse and we don't always agree. there were differences from the beginning. they didn't agree to a ground evasions. we invaded, they didn't agree to the, i'll shoot for hospital, we ignore the request. they one of the possible that hostages, we didn't accept that. what was reported and i'm glad was corrected. we have no american ultimatum. there is no deadlines in the us. we are working. we have to continue striking a mosque and even if it will get to a call, it's like what the us, what this path hearted, whining from washington falling on deaf ears and tel aviv. i mean, it's obviously, it's going to be really unlikely that anything is going to change as long as these weapons and this unlimited diplomatic support continue to flow in that direction. maybe that has hit out to add a former colonial ruler, jeremy for fighting with ease. while in the genocide case, bro advice of africa to the international court of justice. i, they hate germany cannot morally express commitment to the united nations convention against genocide, including
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a told him in for the genocide in there may be a lot supporting the equivalent of a holocaust and genocide and gaza. various international organizations, such as human rights watch, have chillingly concluded that israel was committing more crimes and gaza. but countries president urged a bullying to reconsider it's valid to intervene. calling at the shocking decision he went on to note that jeremy has yet to a tone for the atrocities committed in the media. with bullying only acknowledged over a century later in 2021. also dismissing the sub alec in case out of hand is the british foreign secretary, david cameron, he called the accusations of genocide, quote, nonsense. even if you take a different view to my view, um to look at is a democracy, a country with the route of little country, with all the forces that are committed to a bang, the route of little to say that they have that, that country,
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that leadership that poses that they have the intent to commit genocide. i think that is notes. and so i think that's role let's trust live now to active best and political scientist joe, i'm append in the media job is good to have you join me right now. now considering the carlo new a history, all the u. k. jeremy, in all the european nations in, in africa. how do you perceive the critics, the same office of advocates approach to international law and justice? thank you very much and do things to you, mike. and you this next a, a t, you know that, or they did the line or we used to watch in photo at the very well. now we only do that on social media. they have found a way to go to broadcast t here, but i'm very happy that you are making efforts to also get the voices of people in africa. now back to your specific question, in africa,
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particularly in southern africa, in country that has a history with colonialism. visit tim, that'd be called immediately. yeah, of course we do at the gym as you need risk of application. but that's part of southern africa in it for my career and use of these countries are from that because, you know, we were quite a nice the southern of the costco. nice. but the big easy the point to be the gym. and so we have a deep appreciation and understanding of what immediately success infinity them does not only open by use of it in space, but infinity. they also speak to dominate any stick to domain nadine or manifestation they don't see you at all. they don't see that you exist as a human being. so what infinity they may have done, which is t as big as it is even if the human like the african. so instead of augusta is up to date, the argument that the, as that begins that easy and it is not necessarily that they should the gym and i'm
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sitting looking at the many of the key there i'm sitting, seeing these are blake people. what is wrong with that? what do they know? so they say the what is in the, in the, to give you an in depth before i put in a ticket to do duty said to another date for david, come in with being a prime minister of the country to, to, to use the weight to say it's absolute noticed that he did not totally. and if you do have plans, you would obviously not use that same way. if you do have another video to come through that the the taking up. i mean, why did you set up the gotta do it? oh, absolutely. nothing the, the, the, the, the genocide convince the vision adult is. and that's of interest that last have been provided even in through june by those computer guns. so that'd be great. simply guessing we owe signatory to this conviction. we're all,
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we're all set that in the division of the court of justice. is they to solve problems? yeah, it's what the, what are the constructive ways of conflict resolution into this? uh, i didn't know, but they did a teacher that didn't pay their requested. the united vision of the african jeanetta and the black to put in particular didn't want to be the explosive that we have seen over the. i mean, the african tough i. but more than 500 years of what i need and it keeps changing, come up the independent quote to be neo colonial ethan. so in other words, colonialism is ended, but it continues even of the independence. it continued in the practice of international law. it continues to kill, must be continuing different and weight of how the internet so we have we are obviously a public and know stop price that to send you that particular i did you, you'd say that there's not a little mistake. presidents. okay, so if international,
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my thing is that, what does that definitely gotta do that? i think i went to the dentist of go to get these. he said, i also get to know what you need to do is we are not waiting for opinions of the games or the opinions of the treaties. that's up weekends in the applicants are waiting for the court to pronounce them. so do it the means to us that we would very proud for those brilliant argument that that'd be made. yeah, and you will see you today responded to those pieces as a. yeah, this is most of like a bunch of documents that are identified postcards, what do is pick the gym and students point? yeah. the gym and we know when the president of our country speaks to say that they have not that don't. we struggled with the gym and to acknowledge and that said that there's the defense general set of a 20th century to please in, in, in, in, in that maybe i been gibbons up with up to get so the up playing they'd be playing
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with with the yeah, in more than 10, what is it been between 19 or 14 edge and it can be the good of genocide? yeah. so is it, is it, is it 50 this question, but it could be in that maybe i would be a big it. it'd be a budget that our government has been sending out the way. it'd be big underground discussion with the gym. and so it caught him by surprise that jimmy was sick too big, practically makes it. in fact, we also see these gemini, each, each of the names into those proceedings with this, i don't use that. we need to equal the intervene as an immediate because that's the, the deal that i think you'd have impeded. he's completed the audio by an extract your resources in color. nice. you don't see they don't see you, you money they, they meant by you for the human spending. so anything else that you, you,
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that your state and do that type of responses. all right, now, besides, before i let you go, joe, you talked about new causal down as an ad, imperialism, and all of that. now, when it comes to this perspective, a lot of sub saharan african countries share this experience. how do you think that she was 10 we'd be talking about in taking advantage of being an international instrument to which video or signatures too well, i think we definitely got they in the, in that is not going to just this is not the 5th at the setup because cayden's brother is good. the 1st experience was you remember in the 1960 we had gone to being to miss out, go to just the fit way to go to that. and then again, do competing with jim and he and others. and the 3 d, what are keith was out the was that during those time that the patient, the,
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the vision of the media, our country, my country, do you know of me be i by i bought the that africa, which was the but they did a game is we know the joy, this is the new to men don't compete any we know for example, that apply the set up in to go as a what it but you today a price. it says every goes up. what did, but they might get in touch and i this you would remember that such and then we're putting this in mind. did identity. and do you mean the independence way and this is my did i had been put in the basement of us? did it got it as a touring? the us probably just remove monday left them that lead to view the code. it didn't, it was easy to, to 1000, you know, give you an update, let copies, why claiming that you the look of he's going to contribute. so we don't have that expediently that instrument, but we do recognize that what is basically happening is that,
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is it. if i post all of the shifting the global of the population, they now know that, uh well the, the, the african inside and the guy in particular is shifting towards um, the east of goes there. i seen that already be not put in the chinese, the boys be not offering that you've been. it's been uh friends in less deep countries that, that supported us. but i guess it always be not afraid, but of course it independent. we see we saw a lot to do just that, that we are lining with their, with and, and i was watching tv the other day. one of these guys in brick didn't actually say they can see that uh that uh, so that's pretty good in other countries. lightning we're done. we're not lightning with those guns. do those can do the always be not prince. our funding president, for instance, speaks about the, the, one of the fist we punch the people with the pit to give us we want to find out, i started at the window, didn't see the in this country. so we don't have experience. for example,
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the i c j. 1960, the 191967, i think when i did united fiber in that district and 7 declared that the completion of let me be advice of africa he's, he's really got and he gave us a new but this of us fighting to that's that i get it right actually into what does equity interesting, he's do with that i use the for example, by depriving yourself. he said i would say no one can stop them and continue with their budman to book a woman into today. all right, not the hey. all right, joe, but i'm afraid we have to leave it here now. i really thank you for your inside and taking us back memory laid on some of this issues. we definitely look forward to more time to discuss this issues, joe, but i'm upon the active list of political scientists joining us from the media. thank you. a. thank you very much, mike. thank you. the us as you have any who will be forced his truck in
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american cargo ship with a mess all in the golf aiden, and that's after the us and u. k. conductor. the series of attacks on who the positions in response to escalating violence against commercial vessels in the region of the british prime minister says it's up to the who fees to restore peace. but we want to see is a reduction of tensions in the region. and the restoration of stability, that is our state today. it's incumbent on the who choose not to escalate this and continue with what all the legal and i'm provides times on civilian shipping, putting into some lights at risk of damaging the global economy. it was on please western powers conducted slides that gave us who the positions using more plate ships and submarines in the red c a u. s. and u. k said he was a necessary response to resend that fact by who will be on commercial the vessels who the say there of strikes in the region where retaliation for israel's
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bombardment of gaza. a group has expressed sold authority with follow spine for the u. k. has insisted that the water and gas and the fighting around. yeah. and then are not directly related. i want to stress. it's separate from the situation in israel garza, it's 2600 kilometers away. this house should be very clear in making it clear to the outside walls, that there is no linkage between what we have done last week on the situation. and as well goes up. this was a specific action in self defense against the who t alex cross live to john life. then strategy affects experts have age, kind of must rekey in the u. k. i'm good, i'm glad to have you join me right now. why in your opinion of british officials say that the country is a tax against this who these have no connection with the warring gazda?
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thank you very much, mike. this is a very sad state, but i would say that the reason is that, i mean it is a very, it has so many that events with the cause of a law which is going on. and we do the genocide going on by user a. i mean, they do obviously, other data, the agent from the whole these, because they have been say for the last, you know, over a 100 days that, i mean the dad, well, you know, send, you know, belly cdn and it doesn't kid any, nothing people, the killing them brutally, no food, no, maybe going to eat or anything to them. and it was, it is the feeling then the sentiment of the diet was whoever, whoever heart in the right place that what is going on. but it's ninety's again that humanity. and i mean, uh, i can uh, reduce government or anybody claimed that it has nothing to do with the guys that uh, you know, the situation is i'll quote, you do that evaluation by the who do i need
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a very limited to deluge. and i would say that they are not because they are not dead by phone for like the americans are made to order. the french are really the, the, whatever they are doing. it is a very they were just her daddy issue and know what americans and you know, you can branch. i agree and read. see it is that it is an absolutely open pro vocation to the other a, you know, concrete in the region and do the other. bob or america has understand that the word is not reading by the daughter of a late eighty's, early ninety's reduced 2024. now the boys did into a multi folder. you know, it is a system and there are more than one cheaper. if i went to the world and this region, this greg, the conflict, this attack is global vision for other countries as well. and there is a hi john. see then, i mean, i'm not the executive meeting, but it's a dangerous dangerous situation there. and it's gonna escalate the water into
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a bigger uh, you know, uh because the scale as well. this is something with the united states that you guys were just then that you get involved in other countries in that region as well . all right, now the british public has condemned via tax. indeed what's going on in gas in the middle east. that could you do the thing that the statements by the u. k. have been on attempts to avoid in fighting the anger among the british public. that i mean, the sadly british government had been doing so many steps against the village and the rush of the public. i mean, we have seen there are millions of people that protesting against the is that the attack in the streets of london, manchester, burning them every bit in your every bit, but the don't much the steps via supporting unconditionally to the bottom end of that he doesn't care, i mean, it is against the village, the vision of the people region. on the other hand, b of c, as in dog,
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lot as well. then the videos are people who are testing outside the house. and tony blair decided to go with you all was instructed, the water gave it up. we have, there is a long standing history of british government going against the bill of the people . and this is not something new, but there's only one thing we have seen in the recent time that the be the i'm going to be studied supporting is very uh you know, i guess. yeah. did atrocity, it is absolutely unprecedented. and it can not be supported by anybody who has that hot idea. awesome, right place. and that is what people out of region are demanding that elaine bridges, government is on a, you know, unlikely city involving and so many perfect bit, there is no need to escalate the suggestion bid. there is no need to start another bar. i mean, you there, they think that the deck, you know, these will be just,
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i never did want dad. there miscalculating the situation is going escalate and daddy, but the people up, we do not have a funeral economy's already struggling. and people think that anything that they have that the vanity and human rights should not be supported by the british government, especially when they're trying to support only usc, but no reason. all right, now the, the, the, the u. k. politician has said that it's all about money that the country could lose over a couple of shipments through the red sea. what is your take on this? a less than 5 minutes? it will take you listen to this before you respond. who have been deliberately attacking the time being that it's something to do with a conservation of them, at least consumers in the u. k. will feel that. and so we do have to take action. all right, so what, what does it assume that the u. k. is taking action when it's financial interest where do put dies.


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