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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the breaking news here on our tea runs revolutionary god call luxury strikes on northern iraq. the city of us facility. at least 4 people are killed in the attack . according to american media, the k, all on the coast of guns are 3 civilians are killed when the idea of opened fire on a crowd of locals trying to reach human inquiry and supplies. they heard was arriving nearby. we hear from an aid work of,
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of the die of situation in the region. all of these continuously relations are happening and those are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been a target and have been talk targets services. there's no protection to places in casa now for warren gas, off for process 100 days, the number of bills killed and missing exceed 13000. meanwhile, 2000000 remains displaced according to officials can land place. oh, that's what we decided to move to the last point in gaza and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in garza. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son were looking for safety and pray to god that the world will stop the welcome everyone your watching are to international live from must go. i do show a josh and we're bringing you more than headlines this hour. we're going to start with breaking news from the meet,
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at least with reiney and media have reported. and what countries revolutionary god call has carried out as strikes on the territory of a rock. the b i r g c says anti iranian terrorist groups and espionage centers where targeted according to media sources. 8 facilities near the american consulate in the bill were shipped, and 4 people have died delivered from former senior security policy analyst, the pentagon. mike, on the move. he says the strikes where retaliatory and all for some time that the israelis have a base up there for training and what have you. and that's what they've raymond, the concern that the allegation from the i r g c. as i understand it, is that the people who did the attacks in carmen in iran,
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on the anniversary, the 4th anniversary as well. the death of a general sort of money. what and who was killed assassinated by americans. this is a quickly becoming an escal atory situation. and this is, of course, is what made, you know, who wanted he wanted the united states involved. so you wanted the united states to do with military operations for it. it's the best and, and this, this, once again, is getting us involved in a and, and, and creating a far larger and expands of war. that'll make it that will put it up to 5 front just within this particular war. that if you're run, it's going to get more engaged as the i r g c a, suggesting that it's involved in now that they could even start shutting down the straight up for moose, which is another major into the persian gulf. and that's
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a major, a trading route as well for oil and gas and, and other commodities at the, and food, food products and agriculture products that people need. so this is uh, this is a quickly escalating and there's no way, no one seems to be around to try and stop at or quit, or try to bring it to a halt at some points. it feeds into netanyahu's narrative and he would be very happy for the united states to assume that responsibility of taking iran had on it will save him the trouble. and frankly, he would, if he doesn't need a 5th front. but the united states is going to be confronted with a 5th frontier momentarily. now let's take you to galvan now way of disturbing suited shows is really forces opening fire on the civilians who we're rushing to get 8 the the you are mad human rights money to release this video. and according to reports,
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at least 3 persons were killed. more footage from the side shows thousands of people hurrying towards the food distribution station. after hearing that a truck load of relief had arrived. event allegedly targeted by idea of expire. oh, but it's all comes as a food. chrysler is a being don't, dyer and gas out. the region is on the brink of a catastrophe, like finding, according to the united nations. one of the gallons of staffing and children under 5 are at the highest risk of malnutrition. and we begin to see that the situation is not even getting any better as conditions deteriorates. humanitarian organizations continue to co 4 pins according to an is run. the official who requested to remain anonymous. there we've no hunger in gaza . have a look at what's on your screen, just have
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a look at that. a member of the liquor party had this to say about the situation of the show. i'm so last, if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be, in my opinion, a terrible decision. because without hunger and thirst among the gauzy population, we will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to provide people with drink with food, with medicine. but meanwhile, the processing and reg preston, society is distributed $1500.00 foot parcels to displace families in the south. let's take a look at, at some of the lights of numbers from guides of media office. 31000 has been linked and or missing. they've been killed or missing since the beginning of the conflict to more than half of them are women and children. more than 60000 have been wounded along the site, the 2000000 that have already been displaced. now there was more but much that the. busy after the shelling intensified and dear of a lot, this is my last refuge,
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and i don't want to go to con eunice because it's dangerous and weirdest place. we decided to move to the last point in gaza and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in garza. our goal now is to assure egyptian brothers and the soldiers opposite us to feel the suffering we are suffering and to see with their eyes. how we were forced to flee to the border, or the king here near the junction border after the warnings that is real through it has to go to the milwaukee area. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son were looking for safety or that we pray to god that the world will stop was calling all the countries of the world to stand by us. and on the side of all the poor were reached out to us books are seen for the policy and red crescent society to discuss the dire situation inc also so good in situations as the vast aging over to $100.00 days of continuous floor on gaza. thousands of
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people have been killed over 60000 as have been injured. the health situation as some 3 collapsing with majority of hospitals went completely out of service people . and also since he and the north have been left without medical services, they are still trapped, denied access to medical a to humanitarian need, knocking food and water and very basic necessities with over 100. to day march the $101.00 days and the war, it's just continuing, more civilians are paying a high price. so this continuous work, we're talking about over 12000 children who were killed since the beginning of this 4. so more people are getting killed or injured. and unfortunately the were assessed continued with. i use the valve station at destruction under presidents of destruction for the insect,
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for the infrastructure. almost 60 percent of homes have been destroyed on top of the human need to be an age. as as to getting into garza very slow and doesn't meet event 10 percent of the needs. all of this is happening. all of these continuous relations are happening and those are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been of target schools have been trying to get more churches. there is no predicted to places in casa hospitals have been trying to get a time. a dix everyone is under target, there is no safety place in goza does not have been extremely dangerous and the most dangerous place for children in garza. and all of this however, and diseases and the entire collapsing of the health system. so the words continued and the international community has failed to stop. all of this situation,
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how for you to stop is read from a being to the international humanitarian law and international. in northern gods are locals and international age groups. school the conditions, catastrophic parts of the area have been largely cut off from a humanitarian help. local journalist cardoso bar has to details and so for the, this is the popular zone. we a markets one of the oldest markets in the gaza strip, renowned for its diverse goods, especially in the areas of spices and knots. items often skarts in gaza, but found abundantly in this markets considered a historical site in gaza. the market is now completely evacuated after being invaded by these riley army a few days ago. several shops were targeted with warheads and artillery shells, causing significant destruction. the market used to thrive with vitality due to the presence of residents serving as the central markets. the destruction of many shops by me solves, and subsequent fires has had
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a profound impact on the comic life in guys that affecting people's ability to shop and obtain essentials particularly basic necessities. we can observe targeted and burn shops as a result of these rarely armies incursions into gaza. the continuous backdrop includes the sounds of artillery shelling and the persistent presence of surveillance aircraft in the area. these are the prevailing conditions in gaza, as we have described, with the ongoing sounds of artillery and surveillance aircraft defining the atmosphere in the region. your secretary of state has taking to social media to condemn how much for holding hostages for more than 100 days. following that, the palestinian representative to the un highlighted i'm from the blinking failure to address the devastation in gaza. $100.00 days of captivity and gaza is far too long. the united states will not rest and to all remaining hostages,
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including 6 americans are united with their loved ones. $100.00 days and not a single mention of the nearly $24000.00 killed, half of which are children. shame on those who remain complicit and not call for an immediate cease fire and gaza. shame on them. looks like bite and then senior us officials actually feel like televi tv's taking them for a bit of a ride. actually because from the beginning washington's, of course, given tel aviv a blank check to essentially do whatever it wants, regardless of how many thousands of civilians the idea of kills in the process. i mean, democratic senator chris of on hold and even said that the israeli prime minister benjamin that's on yahoo has been giving joe biden, the finger at every single junction juncture, that could potentially lead to some sort of curbing of the violence. and despite no sign of anything changing, the us is still trying to assure people that things are going to cool down in the future. it looks like it was, it's been
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a 100 days since that her mazda attack on israel that sparked where we are now. does the us need to press is real harder to move into the low intensity conflict. they say they intend to move towards. i can tell you the check straight blanket just came from bridge that we have been talking to them intensely about a transition to low intensity operations. we believe the time is coming here very, very soon for a transition to this lower intensity phase. to those commons came to shortly after thousands of people marched on the white house to protest. washington support for these really war on gods. but because let's not forget late last year, the us boosted it's weapons deliveries to israel. so it seems a bit hypocritical that us officials are now still saying that the west supports the 2 state solution and that palestinian shouldn't be displaced. i made it clear to these really to the county element answer here is a 2 state solution. 3 believes that
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a 2 state solution is possible. it's going to require leadership, solid, concerted, transparent leadership on both sides to make this happen. we reject the statements by some is really ministers and lawmakers. calling for a re settlement a policy and these outside of guys are, these statements are responsible there, inflammatory. israel has not tried to hide the fact that it's not willing to listen to anyone when it comes to how it's waging this war, not its allies. definitely not its enemies and not even the have. i don't hold on. no one will stop us, not the haig, not the axis of evil, nor anyone else. it is viable and necessary that we continue until victory. and that is what we will do. so now we've seen a 100 days of this attitude and 24000 palestinians killed along with another 60000 injured 1500000 palestinians are food and secure living and shelters. and over half of the hospitals and guys are no longer functioning. it just already, it just goes to show that israel's trying to make it clear that nobody is going to tell it what to do. it's going to do what it wants when it wants,
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no matter what even the west says. let's take a listen with the americans. we have a discourse and we don't always agree. there were differences from the beginning. they didn't agree to a ground evasion. we invaded, they didn't agree to the, i'll shoot for hospital, we ignore the request. they one of the possible that hostages, we didn't accept that what was reported and i'm glad was corrected. we have no american ultimatum. there is no deadline from the us. we are working. we have to continue striking them us. and even if it will get to a call, it's like what the us, what this path hearted, whining from washington falling on deaf ears and tel aviv. i mean, it's obviously, it's going to be really unlikely that anything is going to change as long as these weapons. and this unlimited diplomatic support continue to flow in that direction. tiwana has lost diplomatic ties with one of the 12 countries that she had official relations with days after elections on the island that says no row, a tiny pacific nation in micronesia, reestablished dogs with brain gene,
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china price the development to do so. there is only one china in the world. taiwan is an invaluable part of china is territory. the narrow government's decision of re establishing diplomatic ties with china, once again shows that the one china principle is the expectation of the people and the prevailing trend of our time. china sounds ready to work with now route to open new chapters in our bilateral relations on the basis of the one china principal. the photo shows the number of flag now removed from the diplomatic quarter in taipei with the pacific countries. embassy is located, tie one officials lashed out at the decision at a choose china, of course, buying out the country. or this comes on the heels of the pro independence candidates winning the presidential election in taiwan. lightning test party is now set for history. 3rd presidential term, though it fails to gain a majority in the regional parliament,
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china assessed results won't stand in the way of the never table unification of western media where quick to praise the result as a victory for democracy. however widespread public support for the president elect remains in question. is he only to comb 40 percent of the votes cast? a recent poll show that the vast majority of tyler needs want to keep that status quote, something that the ruling party wants to change. we heard from our to contribute a cause on the candidate lights and the one the election he won was 40 percent of the vote, which means 60 percent of the electorate voted for opposition. candidates. the only reason why that is because our position is dividing. so um, you know, the amount of a 60 percent of the voters, 33 percent voted for the cavity. i had 26 percent voted for the 3rd party candidate in the, in the i one legislature, jim
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t opposition party still won the most seat. that was the one more seats. then cvp, which means somebody into the presidency lights window, is going to face a hostile legislature. whatever $51.00 does, it has to be as explicit go ahead, an approval for washington right now. washington is embroiled already on a team from war. one of proxy words and ukraine advanced russia. another right now a to us is deeply involved in middle east to support is really atrocity in palestine. and now is the us just bomb. give it to us does not have extra lead, extra aircraft carriers to send it to tie one at the moment. i use not in us interest to start it as the 3rd from more so i don't expect much to change. and early a, a group of former us government officials landed in taiwan and met with both the president elect and the outgoing president. the white house is set to have boss
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those individuals to travel there on officially, washington does not have separate diplomatic ties with the island, but maintains a very closely relationship and is the main supply of weapons through the taiwanese military issue. meanwhile, the u. s. u k. and japan that congratulates had been newly elected president voting and from beijing. china has a case those countries of meddling in its internal affairs. we heard from political and financial analyst and the loan piano in hong kong use as western interference and tie one doesn't allow for a true democracy. the only reason the actually the call me the can t didn't win here is because they were actually supposed to partner with a t b p and joining together they would have won the election spots while the didn't go to and they with their with divided. so
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d p p weren't because of the division. what the change absolutely nothing. i think what the west is doing is just pro pro cation is just boisterous and chinese to have time on the side. how, when he's a very pragmatic, they want to trade with china. if you look at the tree, the, how, the type of trade that china is doing, we tie one, we have around 50 percent of the taiwanese exports. she's going to try not the way she didn't tie one of these, not a democracy just very simply because you have the fundamentally the same as in ukraine once you have all those in jewels this. yeah, yeah. national endowment for democracy, which method lead to a concrete, you actually lose your utility because of because okay, which is a process of set that the munition so you assess again the new, the forces struck and american cargo ship for them is all in the gulf of i didn't, that's after the us and u. k. conducted
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a series of attacks on who's the physicians in response to escalating violence against commercial vessels in the region. prime british prime minister says it's up to difficulties to restore peace. so we want to say is a reduction of the tensions in the region and the restoration of stability. that is, i'll say today it's incumbent on the who choose not to escalate this to continue with what all the legal and i'm provides times on civilian shipping, putting innocent lives at risk of damaging the global economy for since the western powers fed up that strikes against a physician seizing ball plains, ships and submarines in the red sea, the u. s. and you can say it was a necessary response to receiver sent attacks, pregnancies on commercial vessels. and they who say this strikes and the region with a retaliation for israel's bombardment of gossip. the group has expressed still a diety with palestine,
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but the u. k. as insisted that the war in gaza and the fighting around young men are not directly related. i want to stress it separate from the situation in israel garza, it's 2600 kilometers away. this house should be very clear in making it clear to the outside walls that there is no linkage between what we have done last week on the situation and as well goes up. this was a specific action in self defense against the who t. ernie and my colleague, mike ove, which a and strategic affairs expert, how made con all machinery discuss the us and you can submit it to your involvement in human in the you. k politician has said that it's all about money that the country could lose over cobbler. shipments through the red sea. oh, what is your take on this? i'll let you know, let's it will take you listen to this before you, you respond hudy's of been deliberately attacking that,
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pretending that it's something to do with a conservation of them. at least consumers in the u. k will see a lot, and so we do have to take action. all right, so why would i assume that the utility is taking action when it's financial interest? where do put dies? do you think because what this is all about, what's your take on this? i think you did just the exaggeration of the situation. it is just another excuse which british government is trying to use to manipulate the situation in their favor to do. we have to legalize that to give any d the for the attack on human is not only attack on the hook, the digital tack on another far within the country. it is a long history of nature, which data breaking down, connection lost by reading and attacking, solve the entity, assuming the country. we have seen a long history of americans and brief data and data lies using excuse it, to attack on any country, whether it was cd, i read that it was, you know,
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your dog. i finally saw so many sides. they have lost the members a by you talking about the gun, we can all because he pays, you know, making the fuel batteries the decks and other things. they have to be the and they see that if they want to get the i've had too many in the region, they are using called excuses to get their heads. you many and this has many is not going to last longer than most people are situation them all day as, as aust, india to we brought strips from the island nation by mid march. there are about 80 indian troops in them. all. these are t correspondence where they can not be to who has more on the story a mile. this as india to waste 0, its military personnel from the island by march 15 met an escalating tension between 2 countries full in his recent return trip from china. now there in
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president mohammed moiz who formerly requested india to withdraw its forces from the island weasely headset that he will remove all indian troops. and this statement was delivered during his campaign for the presidential tools. a high level form meeting has been established by india and also mol this to negotiate the true withdrawal. and the root has need for the 1st time on sunday, at the foreign ministry headquarters, in molly, with indian high commission at mu. my how are also joining the meeting. the indian government however, did not comment on this and did not report any to confirm me this farm, the media as well. there be going to be the blue r t reporting from jakarta, indonesia, and those are the top stories. the ssl are way to be in a closer eye on the breaking news. coming out to the rock. we have several explosions where reported in the last hour and they have the us constitution or
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bill according to iraqi security forces. at least 4 people are said to have died in those attacks. well, this is a developing story. i will bring you more details as we get them. thanks a lot for staying with us. i'm a day show, a joshua sea of the hours, the hello, i'm an electron. you are tuned into modus operandi. in the fall of 2023 story of east meets west. she's been paying arrived in historic san francisco to streets that were unrecognizable to the locals, cleaned up for the asia pacific economic cooperation summit. better known as a peck, nearly 2 dozen pacific rim world leaders. we're in attendance, but all lies were on the sheet and bite and meeting. and that is what we'll focus on today. all right, let's get into the m o,
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the in case you forgot. there's been an ongoing trade war between the us and china for the last 7 years or so that trade war has found the world's top 2 economies at loggerheads over everything from technology like while way to social media like tick tock, and even geo politics. like the conflicts in gaza and ukraine, but especially over the status of ty, one but a peck, 2023. the asia pacific economic cooperation is supposed to focus purely on money trade economics. and as the name implies, how to better cooperate with one another on these matters. the its pacific rim countries jointly control the over whelming majority of trade goods and services
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all around the world. so when 2 of the 21 key players aren't seeing, ida, i will the rest of the world lose sight of which way to navigate in the 21st century. to joining us to discuss this complicated relationship between the us and china is anna, go. she is a geo political analyst and talk show host for c g t and radio. she's coming to us from beijing, china, and a thank you so much for joining the program today. uh 1st i'd like to hear your top line thoughts and overall read on the 2023 apex on it and how it was received by those in china. so far, i think the meeting has shown positive size, as i believe the mid theme of the meeting was to see a way forward for the string ties. and the ottoman sphere was general was great in general. the talks of the 2 presidents last 2 to 4 hours long. i think that indicates how engaging of their conversation was a coverage,
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a wide range of issues on china. us relations, including establishing an inner government to dialog on artificial intelligence, setup a working group on drugs to control cooperation, review high level communications between the 2 militaries and a grade to a further substantial increase in slice earlier next year. that means to expand exchanges, education, youth, culture, sports and business. they also how to all around communication on addressing the policy in and is a real conflict. the print prizes, climate change and other global challenges. and more importantly, i think this is so made, it serves as a great opportunity to clarify both the china and the us. a stands on major differences or critical uses. uh, for example,
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president and she elaborated on china's principles stanza regarding the time. one question. he's that to mr. biden and china well realize reunification and this is as solvable and urging the us to take the real actions to honor his company meant of not supporting taiwan independence. this is a strong and clear message and directly from the top leader of china and from mr. biden. on the other hand, again, he reaffirmed to the united states does not seek a new cold war and does not seek to change china. a system does not seek to revitalize east alliances against china and does not support highway independence and has no intention to have a conflict with china. but he also defended the us a so called in due pacific strategy and watts washington believed that the freedom of navigation and overflights as well as the practice of small circles,


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