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tv   News  RT  January 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the breaking news on the r 2 international. it runs revolutionary, broad cool launches, drive on all the new rack saves. and cindy, 2 of us facilitates a case for people. i reported hilde india tax. the scales on the coast of guns as 3 civilians are killed. when the idea of opened fire on a crowd of locals trying to reach you, the necessary and supplies that heard was arriving nearby. we hear from an aid work
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about the dire situation. the nature of all of these continuous relations are happening and those are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been target have been of target services. there's no particular displaces because of the war in gaza. so pos is $100.00 days. the number of those fuel and missing exceed 30000. meanwhile, 2000000 remain displaced according to officials in the enclaves. i don't, that's what we decided to move to the last point in garza and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in gaza. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son. we're looking for safety. we pray to god that the world and stop the welcome everyone, your watching our t international live from must go. i'm additional why josh top stories the sour
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would begin with breaking news from the middle east, where a radian media repair. busy it's that the countries revolutionary god call have carried out as strikes targeting us facilities in neighboring iraq. the, the i r g c says anti is radian terrorism. these really espionage centers were targeted. it added the tariff sales and syria were also destroyed. according to us media, sol says 4 people died as a result of the price of the victims in america. this which shows the aftermath of the rain and strike, as you can see for soon it is or severely damaged and leaving nothing more than debris behind local emergency services or on the scene. 8 facilities near the american consumers in the northern iraqi city of a belt where hit the i r g c issued
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a statement saying that the attacks were indeed retaliatory. all correspondent use of july was in the wrong right now. has the latest, you know, your set, then the revenge would come on the right time and place. and finally, less than 2 weeks after the car monitor dead, it was as long as the engine bar score or targeted isis positions and syria was a barrage of ballistic missiles. the strikes were made public midnight local time of the statements police working on our gc. the statement with that quote, in response to the we centers, crimes of the entities of the espionage headquarters at the gathering of antonio. involuntarily, sourcing parts of the region were targeted by our gc. what was the missiles and of the quote there also fund confirmed reports that i so strong holes in afghanistan have also come under missile attacks. the v r g rates were in response due in january 3rd,
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terrorist attack in the southeastern city of care mon targeting the procession, marketing the 4 of or 3 of the last assassination of it was prominent. or do you see commander general lawson? somebody might be on your gc release to other statements afterwards, announcing the targeting of the most that headquarters. it was curtis, then we jet as well as the u. s. consulate watts or view the statements. i read that, and i'm paraphrasing that the attacks are in response to the recent operations carried down by as well, which is the commanders of the as long as driven lucian bar score and the resistance front. it's further red that the targeted building was. this was a center for planning espionage operations and quote, terrorist actions in the region. your call media skirt has done also reported this sound of explosions in our
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b o. the reason it one has targeted is waiting bases. there is that 1st of all believes that his will have orchestrated an engineer. they care montera against tense as well as allegedly waiting for the recent serial killing of the top resistance commanders from a senior velocity or solid ready to apply. or do you see what's force official say it was equal 70 less than a month ago, a service? believe that is really the actions trying to inside a reaction from your mind to pull the country into the complex and no one has finally pulled the trigger in a higher while it's out situation that's viewed as a powder. ok, so everyone is now waiting to see how is real. that'd be us, where we actually want to move from our and this we now cross live to genom list in political analyst, abrupt in that case. he's reported extensively in the middle list and has been following the latest development rubber. thank you for joining us. what was your initial reaction to the news that iran has carried out the series of strikes near
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us facilities in iraq to well, there are a number of elements to this number want on is that this was a, uh, a real blow. this was a strong response, it was calculated so that it would not cause perhaps this to erupt in to a grand regional board. but with deliberate disorder blow to the, as riley's was, of course, sending a message to the united states. and i think one of the very significant aspects of this course were still awaiting confirmation on many of the details of what happened in albany. it all we know about age sides being heads. we know about the number of pipe profiled individuals being killed, however, of what's not being paid to attend. a lot of attention to is the fact that these are on the instruct sites inside of syria. now this is very significant because it shows their capabilities striking at long distances and hitting with accuracy. as part of the reports we have a moment. and this is
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a direct threat to the israel and it's similar to as when, roughly around the week ago. now, loving a test below struck and is really mark of the tank from the distance of a kilometer is essentially it's showing that if we want to, we can hit you, we can do great damage and it works as a certain deterrence against the israelis of the americans in the region and for them to know that gave them the event that this escalates. iran capabilities are very wide stretching and they will be able to hit what they are saying. they're going to be able to head it. so it's a proportion of response to what israel did. and of course, the both woven incident is, has been the response to the attack, which was claimed by dash against iranian civilians. but it's been very effective, i think, at a deterring as well. so responding. yeah, let me come in here. are you surprised?
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that is a iran that is attacking us facilities and not the who the rebels seems though what the rebels are, the ones that have come under attack by coordination forces over us and the u. k. because they've also been bombing ships, you know, connected to israel in the red sea. how does this it will faith together? oh, well, of course, with iran, iran was responding to is rarely a brushing and c area which assassinated a senior i r t c official. and then of course, the terrorist attack, which took place on iranian territory, and they waited some time for those. this is not an immediate response. they obviously calculated as well. and they took into consideration of how this could escalate and how this could be interpreted and responded to the is rarely as perhaps made strikes. i'm tired for gets in syria as 3rd fact the response to these really don't admit these strikes. often, when it comes to on sort of law or the who the is,
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is there popularly known in young men, we're still waiting for their response against the u. k. u s. air strikes, which were launched against their territory. we've seen that there have been some target things to all of us vessels and there was a security incident which was reported earlier today by the british. and i don't think we seen the full extent of there was on from us are a lot inside of the m and get that, that probably will come. but again, when we're looking at all these actions that the, all these actors, whether they be iran or it's allies, they have clearly stated they don't want this to escalate into a full scale regional war. they're prepared for it, they say, but their actions tell us that they're supporting the palestinian armed groups in the gaza strip and they're playing just the supporting role. they don't want to involve themselves in a regional war, which could possibly lead to millions of people being killed. so what kind of
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reaction can we expect from washington and is a direct conflict with iran? likely it's difficult to say whether it is likely at this point that things could quickly escalates this. i think if they are going to escalate to a full scale conflict with, between the united states and to get on this will happen of the israel and it uh, choosing an escalation, most likely on the liberty's front of the united states cannot defeat later on in the region, the only thing it could hope to do is pro and bought a bunch of nuclear weapons at iran, which would plunge the entire planet into chaos. so um, in terms of the things escalating, what we do see on the ground and this is not just the predictions and opinion is that the united states continues to escalate. they took out a commander of the, the iraq e hosted a shot the or the popular mobilization units. and that they launched these joint air strikes with the united kingdom on you. how many territory,
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despite the fact that the many forces had not killed americans and u. k citizens, to that point, it was the us that killed 10, right? you have any sailors. so they are in general, they are escalating in the region just by using this language and claiming that they don't want to escalate their auction, se otherwise. and they're not restraining their ally, israel either. that's another key thing. so tell me robert, what do you think is happening right now to the u. k? how are the allies of the united states going to be handling this situation right now as well? it's very clear that the u. k is acting as a lap dog for the united states government and the us is running the policy here. unfortunately, the united kingdom is getting itself into something which if it escalates, it has no capacity to end. and it doesn't have a large enough armed force. and we're talking about the case of arm capabilities. they're standing r v is less than that of lebanese hezbollah at this point. they're not
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a significant military force. the united states, of course, is but to intervene in multiple countries we're talking about in get on the dock in syria, love in on it on and perhaps on in favor of these rallies in gaza. this is a massive escalation, which the british cannot handle. the americans can't even handle. they don't have the resources there to do it right in the l. um, it would be a terrible situation for them. they would have been, they would be pushed out of the middle east officially. and the only real responsible the feeds of fire, nuclear weapons at this conflict escalates. that's what we're looking at. that's the only way the lesson is broken. quote unquote. when this conflict and the only one that seems to want this right now, is israel, israel wants to escalate tensions, and it has been carrying out actions to us, believe these tensions. but the united states doesn't have the backbone effects that it can kill its way into the victory. instead of going forward of being brave and,
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and doing diplomacy. and it refuses to tell israel to stop it refuses to de escalate tensions. instead, it starts launching air strikes, which is only going to make things worse. and then of course, the israelis, they were drawing their reaction from the iranians. but what happened today, the iranians did not escalate themselves. this was israel, that escalated. so the united states and the u. k are in, in all hope tradition, and they look terrible in front of the region that in front of the world, robert in law cache. thank you so much for speaking to r, to international generalist and public political analysts. i think the current escalation comes as the west struggles to control red sink transport threats with, with the rebels and government presenting targeted and the american congress ship and response. the us and u. k. attacked the positions from minutes to richardson, act of, of britain says it's up to the roof is to restore peace. so we want to see is
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a reduction of tensions in the region and a restoration of stability. that is, i'll say today it's incumbent on the who t is not to escalate this to continue with what all the legal and i'm provides times on civilian shipping, putting innocent lives at risk of damaging the global economy west and strikes against the positions going through the use of war, plains, ships, and submarines in the red sea, the u. s. avenue. they say that it was vital to ensure the safety of commercial vessels in according to the who these, their attacks were in response to israel's bombardment of cancer. however, the u. k. claims that the conflict in gaza and the baffle in human unrelated. i want to stress it separate from the situation in israel garza, it's 2600 kilometers away. this house should be very clear in making it clear to the outside walls,
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that there is no linkage between what we have done last week on the situation. and as well goes up. this was a specific action in self defense against the who t already am. i calling mike, of course a and the strategic affairs expert i made. can all my sri k discussed the west military involvement in human in the you. k politician has said that it's all about money that the country could lose all of our cobbler shipments through the red sea . what is your take on this lighting for elective and take and listen to this before you. you respond. who decent being deliberately attacking the, pretending that it's something to do with a conflagration and them at least consumers in the u. k. will feel that. and so we do have to take action. all right, so what, what does it assume that the kidneys taking action when it's financial interest? where do put dies? do you think because what this is all about, what's your take on this? i think it is just
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a exaggeration of the situation. it is just another excuse which british government is trying to use to manipulate the situation in their favor to do. we have to legalize that to give any div that's for the attack on human. if you're not on the attack on the hook, the did you the back on another fall within the country, it is a long history of nature which they are breaking down, connection lost by reading and attacking solver entity assume in the country. we have seen a long history of americans and birthdays and did i like to be using it, use it to attack on any country, whether it was cd, i read that it was a you know, it all wrong as well. many times they have lost the members a bi, you're talking about economy and all because he pays, you know, making the feudal batteries to tax and other things. they have to be the, let's see, that is the want to get the i've had too many in the region. they are using fault excuses to get there. has you many and this has many is not going to last longer in that i,
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most people are situation. let's had over 2000 now where the stuff in food to it shows is running forces opening fire on civilians were just trying to get aid of the of the year. a med human rights monitor released the video on your screen and according to reports, at least 3 people were killed. additional footage shows thousands of people hiring to what's a food distribution station. after hearing that a truckload of relief had arrived there within it, allegedly targeted by the idea of this all comes as the food crisis is beyond di uh, where the region is on the verge of a devastating finding. according to the new and half of all gallons of stopping and children under 5 are especially vulnerable to mild nutrition, and as these conditions deteriorates, humanitarian organizations continue to call for pains. according twenty's, run,
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the official who requested to remain anonymous by the way. it says there is no hunger and gaza have a look, it's what's on the screen. meanwhile, a member of the legal party had this to say about the situation the, the show i'm so that if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be in my opinion, a terrible decision. because without hunger and thirst among the gods of population, we will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to bribe be both with drink, with food, with medicine. ok, the machine being well, the palestinian red crescent society has distributed $1500.00 foot parcels displaced families in the south. let's take a look at some of the latest numbers coming out of gaza. so to 1000 have been killed or i missed the incidence. a conflict began more than half of them all women and children, and over 60000 others,
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a one that that's alongside the 2000000 people who remain displaced. but much that the. busy after the shelling intensified and dear of a lot, this is my last refuge, and i don't want to go to con eunice because it's dangerous and we're this place. we decided to move to the last point in gaza. and we can't speak about safety because there are no safe places in gaza. our goal now is to assure egyptian brothers and the soldiers opposite us to feel the suffering we are suffering and to see with their eyes, how we were forced to flee to the border. or the king here near the junction border after the warnings that israel through us to go to the milwaukee area. i came here to preserve the lives of the girls and my little son were looking for safety. we pray to god that the world will stop. we call in all the countries of the world to stand by us and on the side of all the port earlier were heard from the spokesperson for the palestinian red crescent society. here's how she described.
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the situation in the enclave. are so good in situations as the last aging over to 100 days of continuous floor on gaza. thousands of people have been killed over 60000 as have been injured. the health situation assembly collapsing with a majority of hospitals when it's completely out of service. the billing also sent to you and the north have been left without medical services. they are still trapped, denied access to medical, a to humanitarian need, knocking food and water, and very basic necessities with over 100. to day march the $101.00 days and the war is continuing and more civilians are paying a high price. so this continuous work, we're talking about over 12000 children who were killed since the beginning of this 4. so more people are getting killed or injured. and unfortunately the were assessed continued with. i use the valve station at destruction on the president of
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destruction for the insect, for the infrastructure. almost 60 percent of homes have been destroyed on top of the humanitarian aid is just getting into garza very slow and doesn't meet event 10 percent of the needs. all of this is happening. all of these continuous relations are happening and those are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been of target schools have been trying to get more churches. there is no predicted to places in casa hospitals have been trying to get a time. a dix everyone is under target. there is no safety place in garza does not have been extremely dangerous and the most dangerous place for children in garza. and oh,
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this hunger and diseases and the entire collapsing of the health system. so the world's continued and the international community has failed to stop all of this situation, how for you to stop as read from a being to the international humanitarian law and international law. and in northern guys, locals and humanitarian organizations of describe the situation as disastrous thoughts of the region have been largely shut off from humanitarian assistance. cut us, a bar, a local journalist as more and so for sure, this is the popular zone. we a markets one of the oldest markets in the gaza strip, renowned for its diverse goods, especially in the areas of spices and knots. items office carson garza, but found abundantly in this markets, considered a historical site in gaza and on the market is now completely evacuated. after being invaded by these riley army, a few days ago, several shops were targeted with warheads and artillery shells,
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causing significant destruction. the market used to thrive with vitality due to the presence of residents serving as the central markets. the destruction of many shops by me solves, and subsequent fires has had a profound impact on the comic life and guys that affecting people's ability to shop and obtain essentials particularly basic necessities. we can observe targeted and burn shops as a result of these rarely armies incursions into gaza. the continuous backdrop includes the sounds of artillery shelling and the persistent presence of surveillance aircraft in the area. these are the prevailing conditions in gaza, as we have described, with the ongoing cells of artillery and surveillance aircraft defining the atmosphere in the region. the us secretary of state antenna blinking has taken to social media to condemn high mass for holding hostages for more than 100 days in response to policy and representative to the united nations highlighted thinkings
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failure to address the devastation and ga, so $100.00 days of captivity and gaza is far too long. the united states will not rest and to all remaining hostages, including 6 americans are united with their loved ones. $100.00 days and not a single mention of the nearly $24000.00 killed, half of which are children. shame on those who remain complicit and not call for an immediate cease fire and gaza. shame on them. looks like bite. and then senior us officials actually feel like televi tv's taking them for a bit of a ride. actually because from the beginning washington's, of course, given tel aviv a blank check to essentially do whatever it wants, regardless of how many thousands of civilians, the idea of kills. and the process, i mean, democratic senator crisp on whole and even said that the israeli prime minister benjamin that's on yahoo has been giving joe biden, the finger at every single junction juncture, that could potentially lead to some sort of curbing of the violence. and despite no sign of anything changing,
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the us are still trying to assure people that things are going to cool down in the future. looks like it was, spend a 100 days since that hamas attack on israel that sparked where we are now. does the us need to press is real harder to move into the low intensity conflict. they say they intend to move towards. i can tell you the text right blanket just came free that we have been talking to them intensely about a transition to low intensity operations. we believe the time is coming here very, very soon for a transition to this lower intensity phase to those commons came to shortly after thousands of people marched on the white house to protest. washington support for these really war on gods. but because let's not forget late last year, the us boosted it's weapons deliveries to israel. so it seems a bit hypocritical that us officials are now still saying that the west supports the 2 state solution and the palestinian shouldn't be displaced. i made it clear to
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these really the only element answer here is a 2 state solution and 3 on the lease of the 2 state solution as possible. it's going to require leadership, solid, concerted, transparent leadership on both sides to make this happen. we reject the statements by some is really ministers and lawmakers, calling for re settlement policies outside of guys. these statements are responsible, their inflammatory israel has not tried to hide the fact that it's not willing to listen to anyone when it comes to how it's waging this war, not its allies, definitely not its enemies and not even have a hold on. no one will stop us, not the hague, not the axis of evil, nor anyone else. it is valuable and necessary that we continue until victory. and that is what we will do. so now we've seen a 100 days of this attitude and 24000 palestinians killed along with another. uh
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60000 injured 1500000 palestinians are food and secure living and shelters. and over half of the hospitals and guys are no longer functioning. it just already it just goes to show, but israel's trying to make it clear that nobody is going to tell it what to do. it's going to do what it wants when it wants, no matter what, even the west says, let's take a listen with the americans. we have a discourse and we don't always agree. there were differences from the beginning. they didn't agree to ground evasion. we invaded, they didn't agree to the, i'll shoot for hospital, we ignore the request. they want on a pause without hostages, we didn't accept that what was reported and i'm glad was corrected. we have no american ultimatum. there is no deadlines in the us. we are working, we have to continue striking them us and even if it will get to a call, it's like what the us, what this path hearted, whining from washington falling on deaf ears and tel aviv. i mean, it's obviously, it's going to be really unlikely that anything is going to change as long as these weapons, and this unlimited diplomatic support continue to flow in that direction. the apple kindly succeeds,
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are playing out in iceland wherever volcanic eruption has wreaked havoc and a small fishing town fitted from the side shows a re verify of slowly engulfing one of iceland, oldest towns. it's breached defense as that was settled just a month ago, or $4000.00, bring the vic residents what evacuated people, the disaster. oh, those are the top stories. that's our head to our website, our team dot com for more i'm they show on josh, i'll see you at the top of the hour with the latest the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment as a patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. and the point
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don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the waiting thing to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify all confused. who really wants a better wills and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground, can the


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