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tv   Documentary  RT  January 15, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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the most v as a new printer, which is the street address, but you where it goes. all so you guys just sent it to me for you the the most, the most fun physically spending more than what it's supposed to be something that the
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little they spend on the on the e mail, co sign. that promotion is i shouldn't use escal sales and reset process of see will we have the lowest on early 1941 more than 300 miles and 1680 small mining enterprises operating in the region, producing on average $85000000.00 tons of coal a year. but the war changed everything. attention. this is most go calling the insurance actually was the
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same of the the it is in the was those months co money continue. output was maintained on many male affairs were replaced by women, the elderly and adolescence put in september when the german sees keys, don't pass workers and the enterprise is way back to raise it to the east. your story, i thought of you're not just unusual for themselves. and so you cut the so i guess assess that somebody me and the story drove me by you haven't got the right. i'm going to get i use and we'll get the fluids in the prost a. i'm not where she works night shift. so we ask them years and somebody, me unless you're here just a little bit more or less than was 3. you know,
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for the last it was, it just of the essential is coming up with them was a bunch and if i guess question well, so sure. yeah, it was so cool. and therefore, if i knew about the wisdom, but yeah, i don't think that you're close to it. the new phones, the, the silver level of the components within the right level of logical styles to bundle it with us. i showed you must certainly know something you can use it as little on, but it along with the of sale a few and a near full chance of bu running those of law school, the potential for failure change and we'll give him a good as well. and that most of the items are on the policy is based on a vision is on the former employee of video video. there's plenty of, of them in their capacity of school or compared to what the killing us that it was
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empty. you know, it's got the got the males signing, scratched to the sheriff law, which just isn't. yeah. the way we just have to issue a new process for the air. so for us to only be able to move to help us look at the kitchen stuff, the fact that misplaced fidel commercialization is put in we can insure single the mass today, the code industry is a pillar of don't buses, economy after the special military operation began co output in the l. p. a decrease shop late, but many mines continue to operate. the truck goes to get the most of them will get all the usaa so initially put in by somewhere there. so it in a little associated with says a, so i, and i mean this to me for to know i looked
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a little sort of chilly vehicle in us, partially is let's just show it original by a demo. but if we did something to do so, now the best option, you send it to you, if you like us to show you what i, what i am. so near this goal of my stay and i'll slow down. so the by august 1941, the gentleman said approach the nepa target. don't bass get to resume the service union and couldn't find a long war with germany without its cold. the dumbass was mobilized. many miners volunteered for the people's militia, as a matter of urgency. defensive lines were built a storm, the gentleman, the to the, to the red armies, but the people,
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the building certifications and getting ready to send off the not see whats wrong is that the actual bung outputs about the unclear of what you need to do to get these these to do, i'm going to be moving columbia to where was this blog? obviously. yeah. what's your role? look you status to absorb it. daughter. 3 defensive lines were plan from the see of as of to hock of 250000 people were deployed in the, the space of these young national worst. come not sure what the people that the dispute avoiding for them. i mean, the chairs are on board. you
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sean units, you know, it will guide you to the grocery in your which is full of wish le, just because you're doing your budget 0 was yeah. what do you mean? you're got to dump a boy she you saw that that was fluid is probably when you me a score me separate on. there's new stuff that i was worried about. like you what are good for you, bella? i thought it exception and you have destroy wondering if bill be a total can use the sample up with these needs. i knew which one knowing you, i'd be as of level dates and why am category we didn't really very in math into you and find some more, some nice that cracked template kafka books from now lots of you know, looking at stuff. sure. and you know, i'm so tired, so proud to watch about only national teams that you want from us getting started with was do cx is really in your small activity. yeah, you should use. so sort of get a reward. the daughter, you know, some of those about this meeting with the gentleman this kamesha that so they
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quickly seized on its facilities virtually on damaged, including a shipyard and a half deals and 2 huge steel plants. the, i'm to warn you, a quote, say this case i use c as a release as a society mere group. me or shoot me a few to one man. you were the contact the so you're most them for the dollars. the porcelain veneer. i did 15. you thought a company or she knew me ask you, considering their criteria, burkle, which is so soaps, kidney put bids, stuff so, but what else piece is that right? in 1941 as a style was a fairly new style plant at full blast and 6 open hans bonuses after the war stones, it works ceased, and most of the equipment was moved to the urls last night. but i put those um, what are you putting on that? well, what as far as this dam somebody,
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what i to to your story, boswell, sometimes i assure you why scott, out, it was in a boy pretty blossoming by the more easily china store. is that what that little started located them because many of them look outside of the city, the city i look up on us and the police. these plays also if you had a must still stuck in, you'll don't always let me sorry. my gosh, just in the reason why i was fascinated. you gotta see you. so you have to get what portion of the be, are we not show up above save is going to be an email on still save those leaves so that i'm watching this stuff through with you in this little most of the of us will introduce some of these old as a new yeah, of course 3, you know able look on your snow boots it go through these of all in yes ma'am. to sit in and you're pushing out so you may have come up with the phone number. just remove the cute girl for most beloved and bully, the 16, almost all the groups and much fun taney as the people who resisted as best they could. but they were called executed by the nazis square. i knew the village going
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on sanctions was one place where mass executions took place. this the input point, a group of the whole system, the change and the group associate. grafton got e with us a little bit in the sixty's to knit one each. there's only politicize get chiller, you can me below nathan, our system pistol in the pacific. and about the about switching this. yeah, the way well in a city and then you must go to ensure all 3 cars need issue. this thing is showing . it doesn't allow the occupied territories scenario. those residents were forcibly deported to, to them, and then the rice plan to take at least $15000000.00 people from the us as a conscript them for the full us labor. all the locals knew this house with a deep ortiz list, so a compiled after the war memorial plaque was placed here to commemorate those terrible events. it would be kept in the museum during restoration works in the
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city of any medical buffy matter. will butler distribute it so sort of every sort of $32.00 worth of value in the us gives us the but so the, it will be on the drops to get my new born district distribution label. but of course, the shop if i keep moving forward with this, just shoot you through the stomach of this black over there. now send me the check . i thought i had the official throwing you freeze been there, but i can see where you live off the, the supposedly of those done. you know what you're going to do. thank you for your valuable today. the events of spring 2014 are regarded as a pause of the don't basketball when for the 1st time since 1945. that goes to the gunfire in the streets. muma national grains, the thong kicker through the us through the deal and up routes and most of them was there with a lot of those. the name was yes and i also think,
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and i feel enough one user stories using it or do you uh, there's less defensive demolish or sport and bullet that will postage difference. the 4 zeros 3 la, normally the, because the, the move, the leach list, you know, was of, i mean, you got this 13 to know if is i'll stay on the why she lives east, goes on and use it, then you will be your show much it will be to, but mostly is a spelling lot of course going be to prevent disability on you doesn't don't have c a 3 to 3 in the gym in really good use of a non non bizarre position mobile. we'll put them look at the velocity as we get them on school in the memo. go check of a few wave sec on november, the mario blog evasion last at $700.00 days, the germans printed newspapers and leaflets. from 1941 they began staring up into ethnic tension at uh, even if i should be in the okay. and couldn't so to use a come up. so i knew it was so full of skills and the story, and e g o skills,
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look for your school in the book degree just because it be shown though and it was broken. okay. and screams like yeah, you mentioned as 3 to across or would you also do that and as a junior, and you're going to come a dentist wish you prepared some videos to cause compress or opinion while or for the lease a little bit with nickel bucks would be really stuck out this presume one cuz some of these. okay, you know, but each color system will show us where it lives. deposit is ok and so on that all of them are coupled with you let it come to also because i don't this doing that with the engine that old nobody you follow up with some of the statements and slogans that come in today. you can draw a direct line from the events of 80 years ago to the recent genocide of their own people in dumbass. and this caused a huge casualties of destruction. russia is now handling reconstruction, just as it did after the great country on take war. the
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a the same wrong just don't you have to shape house because the and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves boils, the parts we choose to look so common ground the to set the the federal loss yet folks who got probation period last year by reduced the. busy and then you've got cancelled out to the corporate is
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reducing museum is good, you get to see what was i think of the universal law. who is this your 1st that i know look us up when you come. but the most, the most suitable assertion to spend a field is in this room for funding and we will participate if a course i thought was right. and just most of it is a college senior, if it goes to infinity. but in that a special system with your eyes, he look at her son as it is going to be present the visual hosta t. as in 202200 allowed to begin with a senior restore, a minor you pose local history museum monitor. i'll stop by there and ask if proper kind of meet the full eyes to skip. i wish i thought it was from us that it wasn't showing up as i've done by the
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offline department that was to go out. i think there's a place to buy that ticket. the reason being that part of the game was the designing video 3 to throw at the computer with the continued to play the grid general sort of nice for the civil good. the seems squares able to display or propose a seat glovebox. andre comes to this boon down museum every day as if it were his job because he is away rubble searching for the fragments of exhibits. progressive. progressive graphic digital at the,
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the last like it's interesting that the federals move in, it appears to expose, so that will shrink it because it's 0 that's newest of the associated region. meaning, you're going to look at just a very quick, i need to finish real quickly. would you prefer to do this for some reason grading the one on children is the course of 1941 was the great pancreatic was most critical moments. the germans were closing on moscow and then in grad, even most of ukraine, had been captured in late october, the 1st pens, ami seized on and now done. its very soon, dozens of concentration camps were built and don baths is done in
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a loan. the okey buzz at st death camps were prisoners of war and civilians were routinely exterminated shots the guardian of course you shall not show any good taste and that level as that's open i anybody will know now that we chose . yeah, by the most, i think most of the little boy, but even union scroll unlimited amount of odd numbers that i don't have done. yes. good. yes, that's the guy's name, but that's okay. my us. this is if this is we'll meet this needs to me. i need to do so as to what it is, what we mean by somebody full resource chuck, the type of these to see this up good to be able to move the subway in through the, the se. that'd be the say a corpus only by you see if there is a sofa. so the whole as well. the and the story below for line. yeah. and then you
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see my sir nipple. a fire. the union some such as voice, but it isn't easy. those are, those are the nice it, but the some, some of the for i've know for you for i see me a quote from a less of i do need a political office. was an underclass. my day is, i keep in mind your words of guidance to be worthy of the great trust of all people about whom that the enemy charges. with an unprecedented intensity, the nazis comes to the teeth like cornered beasts of prey. a rushing that's all physicians. but through the misfortunes of alpha battles, we are sure to emerge victorious up to the 1941. the 1st calendar offensive of the was in don't box the 700 and 33rd regiment was ordered to engage the enemy in the village of dlc, of the
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united states, closely surrounded associates on the 2nd companies, commander was killed, dounia political instructor who sent on josiah to come on the look on you from the simple the welcome on the ball, a solution to questions before the somewhere shared with the new portfolio within one because i was that from silver jewel credits. was that the for to be what's actually as i'm going to be supported me with this. so i kind of what i do. so i taught the, the way you keep on an east company though they tell me what the noise is. i can show it to each key to can you call mike what the status of the gauge gate is for
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mike, for the gauge kind of work though. so busy to subside his teacher at the throat and at least them be so hot or she just issue out of ama and josiah let the gentleman come closer. he was holding too good nights. the others, though some of the roof introduced you for a short quintal score and i've tried to be initially do it, but it's ok. those are federal in the image just so. so even if i give should be a way to shumate that was the issue idea. so might have just sort of that over more that bus manifest to mobile police wayne is when they get to a service close. i do, i feel kind of terrorism was a morale boost of a red army soldiers college and went around the front line to write the voice test
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. surrounded by nonsense, he shouted. russians don't give it a 1941. the red army stabilized the front line for a while. they took the non 68 months to seize control over. don't bass, not be so much as to what's most natural. let's define it buttons to find out, but don't put in the new dock at the wheeler got to dine yet still quietly. and you question us bradley? i pets now, is that what go to someone's really, really cool at the bullet to really sure what she gets in that still clear. yeah. were you that they should do so sort of federal. what do i have? you don't want to country, that's what you want to, to do on the bus, on the way to you and know something, don't know what's up, it's only, it isn't always got to put the and so when you have to try you on board, show that this is a sort of mutual would argue to get those who are dealing certificate,
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they should use those sort of place. where would them across not don't, was among the last of the known c occupied cities is here that the young god, the famous, underground organization was active. the members was 16 to 17 years old. and one was as young as 14. if the what the school system then you still get cut ordering, you can start a little confused middle school thing and introduce the usual keep the story and you will look assume the mind. you can throw it in the, she's doing the work, the trip, and they should have cut out according to the some of the boards diety, you're with the, distributing the cities. that's all i need to put out. we've decided to focus me, what is the gambling? somebody, what did it boards, which is a foot board in northern virginia. i'm all the. yeah. i'm a humongous couple of which was lose, which is just like crazy. did you so sort of creation little what's the good is a lot of must give you had like a let me show it was really sweet brass disease. good us not doing you love shuffle
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. shocked and little bit different. another by give you the push, the see, the way she gets thing, the decimal, virginia condo to ensure you come the, let's use the tag and use them custom to let you remember any process you who do run into the difficulty, shall i do simple. there is some skimming in your describe it this we're going to read you the disconnect order and it says what else to send me is easy. well, just waiting for credit with missed what department. so basically was interviewing various, it'll face of a board if it's not stuff, that's the right. it's in oregon. right? yeah. what about the, what is most of the, with the soft steam and then the i would suggest is when will you send me the toilet for a portion of this bush? let's get him to school, to sure. ensure that there's the community posting to it pretty much got to look, show me more things you interest me in the would you be to legit just going yeah. and you're going you that and you come on by the worst thing that the purchase price. i'm at the store in the store and wondering if it might be some uh,
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can you go for the memo, the long fits the we get the concept between the set thing gulf missed. i bought a team that opinions us, but the person from a store nice. i've seen that my cousin a, you see a private in a year where you just to see the other 3 to gauge which will be 6 spacecraft, they will, does you use? just wanted to keep that appointment. so those are the nissan what. what do you mean you think you gave a training danielle to there to put the graphs easier for you to me that, that you gave me? she left me some folks told me you will get help with the do you wish and don't be able to do with the story? i don't mean the on the, on the i'm a little do glad to have with the issue, but it actually really not causing the certification go to see that live for reach and which of course are doing is going to church to shut out the beloved diversity of a solution that you must see your stimulus over to your stablish work on your storing family who is get the story quickly. money see of the community
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a border besides from the dealership and also to gauge able to compete some post that was suddenly beat them off the worst they will. the aggression move was that is what you've worked with and we've, we've recently shut the door unless someone did appraise actual approachable. or they wouldn't be patient should of us that are of the piece of learning. and you're going to see what's bringing the results from the city of how much look at the dice here watching the city of stylish. yeah, i'm going to cheat be gnostic mode. they've got to do so he's not going to use the spray. the deal is stovall are no slots so they will get away. most of that would inform you not to get away. i'm not sure. cuz i don't get too much. you should be, you've shown up. you stick that would you that i'm yes, a need to have some problem with them. you know, i 1st was made in the communion, this would be just because needed. i knew was a solution is working for your for the most to handle a much of the comments contest and those kind of stuff much and thoughts and you
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because stuff when you minus the sin shots with what they doing. donors done this from visiting looks isn't in your promotion will absolutely when you come here by the door. so virginia and you back in in this, in the book the young gods trim cells have just a few days after their execution. on february, the 14 says the guns divisions liberated crestwood on. i thought i should've gone down this. the guns on the southern front, the 28th on a controlled ra stuff on the cabin re played a big part in the liberation of don't boss. once every, the tense, cavalry cool broke through on reach defaults of a railway station and cut off the germans round supplies to accommodate your needs . for example, you missed completion at the new judge. let's go ahead and pull up some of the woods this and get all the risk because it was all but i'm not much longer in the
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village and instrumental, but otherwise each of them will still have bushels. so they came up and then we stopped him. and he'll facilities for an electric chest. the afghanistan has a drug with congress attention, from time immemorial in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the afghan lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to predict independence. the mere of a dentist in the us blue homage turned for help the russia raise. the rate is considered their deal political adversary. this was the last straw for london.
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britain declared war on the afghans. in august, 1839. the invaders occupied couple and brought their henchmen to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed any resistance, thus, is deli. they slaughtered all i have gained man who had reached adulthood and raped hundreds of women seeking to humiliate the muslims to 1841. a general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone last couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from couple made it to the british position in general about the defeat of the royal army caused in norm is damaged to the prestige of the british empire throughout the world. the victory of the afghan people became the most important events in the history of the oppressed peoples resistance to the colonialists. it just failed the races. smith
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of the european invincibility, the iran revolutionary god launches stripes on northern new rock. near us facility is at least 4 people are reported killed in the attack. the details of the coast of god, the 37 audience are killed when the idea of opens via on a crowd of locals trying to reach a few military and supplies nearby. we hear from an aid burka about the dire situation in the region. all of these continuous relations are happening, campbell's, or relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been target schools have been up to get services. there's no.


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