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tv   News  RT  January 16, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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the common ground the we're going to get the brain or solve to the to get the israel. the situation saw donald trump has one of his plus priorities. 15 returns to the white house. a will be to end the war in you prayed, pass off to the former president to put significant step back to the oval office winning the republican. i took a spill, so i had that are people starting in areas and we are not able to give basic food for the needs of rising faster than we are able to display as a desperate lack of 3rd of all to ad hygiene in gods. but the un says is radio priorities offs filled with using access to 8 groups. and then most of the enclave will start to come around
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noon. says what it pulls with tiny a tree, strikes the games, spice senses and tara groups and it wrong in respondents to attack. so, and it's a tower tree, at least for people on the malware around this is all to international room. welcome to the program, and it's got to us voice starting off a triumph such on that's the overnight take away from the i what cool, cuz why the former president easily beach also has rival challenges vying for the republican ticket. so this is race for the white house. if he retakes his place and he has lost his donald trump said the 1st stop, he's going to solve the war in ukraine. and again, it stopped what associated because it should have never started. and so say it would have never ever happened. and likewise,
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a history of what is never been attacked. and we're going to get things solved. we're going to get to ukraine more soft. we're going to get the israel a situation saw. we had the tara band, we had the tower band that caught the trump travel then, but it was really the trump tera then we don't want people in our country that a get a blow up our shopping centers. thank you very much. there's a growing friend of republicans opposing us military intervention has them around the world that's pretty apparent. if you listen to trump's latest jabs of dividing administration, we're dropping bombs all over the middle east again, where i defeated isis and our secretary of defense who just went missing for 5 days is running the war from his laptop in a hospital room. remember, this is the same gang that surrendered if dennis that when no one was held accountable or fired, it was the most embarrassing moment in the history of the united states. now we have more than you, brain is real and human, but no war on our southern border. oh,
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that makes a lot of sense. crooked joe biden is the worst president in the history of the united states. historically, republicans where the war hawks tough on the commies, big on the pedagogy, but not anymore. and it's not just donald trump with his america 1st slogan. policy experience is not the same as foreign policy wisdom. i want everybody at home to know that was the 1st person to say we need a reasonable piecemeal and ukraine. now, a lot of the neo cons are quietly coming along to that position with the exceptions of nikki haley and joe biden, who still support this. what i believe is pointless war in ukraine, and i think those with foreign policy experience. one thing the joe biden and nikki haley have in common is that neither of them could even state for you. 3 provinces in eastern ukraine, but they want to send our troops to actually fight for. so would ship dismiss that . they've been selling you that somebody had a cup of coffee sent it to you when in the mix. 8000000 bucks after has real foreign policy experience. rama swami has been nailing nikki haley,
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a darling of the neo conservatives to the wall for her advocacy of military intervention isn't. and the crowds at the debates just can't get enough of it. shortly after you took the office, joe biden promised that he would end the warranty on it. now he's done the opposite . he drag the united states into it. at this point, the united states has bombed yan and saying, i want to put a stop to the activities of the who's these in the red sea down in solidarity with gaza? well, randa sanchez is not exactly thrilled. he seems to be a bit more concerned about america's border, then ukraine's the federal government let people come across the border. they wouldn't even try to stop them. and now you just have new york city. they are common during a school in brooklyn because of so many illegal aliens that they have in their city . so they're having the school kids stay home so that they can use the school to how's these people? and i'm just thinking of myself is that just not like the, the perfect snapshot of everything that's wrong with this country to put your own
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citizens last to put your own school children? last, the economy is not so good to either republicans won't let the white house forget that might. inflation is crushing families across texas in america. let's take a look at the numbers under biden's leadership. energy prices are up 31.2 percent. gas is up 34.2 percent. groceries have rise and 20 point one percent. natural gas is up 27 percent. thanks to bite inflation caused by reckless out of control spending. americans pay more for everything. under jo biden's failed economic agenda, americans are spending $11400.00 more annually just to buy the basics. byte, inflation is out of control. long time us on policy, critic random paul says it's plenty of money is being made from the pentagon's born adventures. but not for the american people, and like many republicans,
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he is not thrilled about dumping more funding and weapons into ukraine is elected officials. we have an obligation to pursue a foreign policy that advances the security and prosperity of the american people. funneling billions of dollars into the meek rider in eastern new cream dust. neither. so why has the republican party shifted so far from its position during the cold war, even during the bush years? well, some might say that it's because of the big conspiracy between donald trump and vladimir putin, but the democrats should really look closer to home. maybe look in the mirror because poll after poll is showing that americans are far more interested in dropping prices than they are and dropping bombs, failed. mauppin, artsy, new york, the found of info rules don't. com. alex jones said his thoughts on the importance of this is presidential race, as well as trump policies. to be american, people that they want to pretend like america is run by all these loving, wonderful, liberal people. but it's not,
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america isn't run by americans. it's run by black rock, it's run by big central banks, basically use america, go hijacked america, to project our power in the world, and basically terrorize other nations into submission. so it's an american patriot . my goal is to get control of our government back. and that's why i'm trying to support president trump, or clearly had the election stolen from him 3 years ago, back into power. so we can bring the world back from the edge of thermal nuclear war so. so my main mission is being a loyal to god, family and country. and because i'm a loyal to america and our republic, i don't want us to be any legal wars, the russia, or china. i'm peacefully trying to get trouble acted. i'm trying to get governors elected. i've tried to get the crazy people from control of these hijackers that have hijacked this country. and so i want the world to know, not just russians that the american people are absolutely against us. we want our
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country to be under our control. we want your country to be under your control. we have so many resources together. we want to go to space together. we want to work with each other and like travel to north korea to make a deal. and you know, everything else we want progress we, we want the future. but the military industrial complex that president eisenhower warned up being the number one threat does not want that they want global domination. and the bigger problem is they're incompetent. actually they both said and their, their, their high pressure of all know, are already out of the article right here. he said a victory by trump will deal a guess blow to the global order of the anglo american establishment. and so, yes, they totally, for a drop, perhaps a strong president. he's pro america, but he also wants to be french show if people deal with america straight, he wants the giant business deals with the whole world. he wants fair exchange. he
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wants the middleman, the, all the guards to be removed, and that's why they're there, they're coming after him. so with the 10 most of the election, most important election, i think of world history. if you change such a dangerous time because again, the pentagon is run by the democrats, and that's the big news. they say, trump is going to be a dictator of elected. so they're introducing legislation. is this week center blumenthal to strip power from president tribe who as the executive war power to the senate show that he can't stop riots by black lives matter funded by george soros if he's elected. so they're overly planning. a trump does get elected, which he's about to have a landslide, we have to have a to, to take control the military and the congress never done us as great, totally illegal. because trump might use the military on them. he's never call for that. he's never done that. he's never persecutors,
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board arrivals. he's all about soft power is all about results and economics. you want to get nomics, not war. he does think worse. good. but he does think it's stupid to have a war for no reason. and they say always here in time military because he doesn't like seeing proves legs blown off. no, not unless he has to. and so trump is all about prosperity and they're in full panic motive. so they're now saying wash your post york times news week. trump is going to be a dictator, so we have to remove the military power from them congressionally before he's elected. so he won't stop riot. russia and move career are looking to boost that by lot full ties. the news creating for administer has pups down in moscow. i shall hold towards with how counterparts. okay, now falls on a whole host of issues. well, following this old for us now is autism, me? it's a job. i believe in central most go. um. so it may not, i mean,
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we know that as being a series of recent, quite high profile meetings between the 2 nations and looks like that moving forward, strengthening and facing those ties. so just give us a rundown, what can we expect to come out of today's pool? so of course, as you've just mentioned, the russian foreign minister is meeting with the he's a north korean culture parts here in moscow and it's for it. and it ties between both countries. we'd also so remember that this visit comes uh, 3 months after the russian foreign ministers visit to young young in october of last year. so rosa is set to build and sweat, and it's relations with the country in all sorts of spears. you know, the economics, the military or even political sphere as well. the visit is also said to further discuss the agreements, we should between be a north korean leader, kim jong going, and ross and president letting me put in on law. i'm seeing
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a space facility in the roster as far east, but previously also moscow as shown yang, have denied the ons deals. rumors that from the dot com that came from the west, but they have said that they will continue their cooperation across the board. the korean foreign minister has also previously said that the criticism coming from the united states and its allies, when it comes to north korea's arms deals to russia, as they claim is simply distorted and politicized. then she also went on to emphasize that cooperation between both countries will continue. and that the, the relations between moscow a young young would reach quote, a new hire face. now when it comes to today's meeting, we will also let you know what will come after this meeting between the tough the format. it's just a little bit later. of course,
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when that press conference comes out, we'll be crossing back to you. that was all to correspond to the name. it's job reporting from central most could. thank you my my now to go on. so why the death toll has broken through the 24000 more. quantum was 621000. how being locked wounded, the un office, the says is, randy will far tease have denied access to most of it's a mission which had hope to bring desperately need to medical on fuels supplies to the north of the and place around 95 percent 18 out of 19 of admissions involving the allocation of fuel medicines to war service f was war to wells and health facilities in the north of why the guys have been denied access bias where he lives ortiz, like a feel for water, sanitation hygiene increase his risks of health and environmental hazards, lack of medicine debilitated the functionality of the 6 partially functioning
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hospitals. this purchase has been released by the palestine read precedent. it shows that the conditions in which is born and has struggled to provide medical treatment to the wounded after shelter into fall in open gauze for monetary and with an ice ation says, it has no contact with its team. of the israel once again caught off communications on internet services. this video released by palestinian civil defense shows its rescue operations inc also city point and has continued to pick through levels listing cases of concrete, and it's have to find any survivors. meanwhile, the wild food programs representatives in golf says lang c. c spot is heaton only way to meet the needs of the system. so far we've, we've set on 1400000 people with food, but everyone in gaza is hungry. we're exploring 4 possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles. there are people starving in
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areas, and we are not able to give basic food for the needs are rising faster than we are able to respond. we need to be able to bring in more supplies, and we need safe access to reach people everywhere in gaza. not just those who are close to the borders, we need the long lasting cease fire to stop the suffering. meanwhile, people have been sheltering in the brains, your refuge account, lots and central goals that have been back to see what's left about homes. almost nothing in the city is recognized to what was once a thriving community. people say they had hoped to pick up the places of that lives, but the city is an old watch. me on inhabitable just over $100.00 days into the wall and the conflict supposed to be entering a new phase. that seemed to be of a suggestion for me is rainy defense, minnesota, although he gave no details of what pos that will take in the future. a c,
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i'm not available made it clear that the intensive i knew bring stage with last for approximately 3 months. the money to an old and the area. oh because this trip this phase will come to and that it's for another 2000 guys that will reach this achievement and it will end soon in both places. the moment will come when we will move to the next phase to become old footage from rafa shows the current living conditions of refugees in southern gaza. they have to shelter intense and make ship structures built out of wood, plastic and fabric which provide any limited protection from the cold and rain displays, people who is being forced to take off breakfast that have complained about the conditions inside they face danger from stray adults thanks, stephen. how about it's not only civilians who are finding themselves in a firing light in dogs, us. but john is to ask for the group to protest what they say is the idea of deliberate aggression against proposes from rafa. rodney allegory is a long among these really are read responses to the killing of journalists,
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especially those who have been killed at you and sized their homes, like the jordan of this would fall, assign tv, other daughters who are supposed to be pre journalist as well, has right, 80 army among that sort of these responses as that, those journalists are believed to be a working good operating within some minutes into groups like come us and they use a lot make do had. but the response by the journalist has been clear to these allegations or diseases were either claims that that those channels that those kids have been killed along with their family members, along with a children's lives assessed towards parents and some other family members. this, it brought test by as a journalist, as the 1st ever, and the past to 3 months or more than 3 months. the journalist out to cry, now i gaze was they consider to the crimes that gains then is something that is
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understandable and cannot be under restored. but your journalist community and the gaza strip as they do some kind of journalistic work that is guaranteed by the international and that humanity or an interaction to know. and this was not bored. and then what we'd like to say did, with this protest, we're going to continue covering and uncovering the crimes of be occupation forces . this process is to raise our voices to the international community following the exposure yesterday for the international court in the hague of his rating crimes. with them on the international federation of generates on the our federation of journalists to take action and break this funds by stopping the crimes of the occupation forces against the journalist, community policy and journalist lopez journalists, and goals on how are gathering gripes at this location. i'll put testing against what they term and consider to be deliberate targeting of
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a journalist and the shadow of the killing of more than $100.00. 9 showed l. as so far during the this as were either was on the gaza strip. they followed the killing of, of one of that gives you wrecked crews at just at 12 weeks ago before this incident on this mounting as re mounting killing of the journalists and the casualties among journalists are a raising get at the a lot among journalists that they might be targeted deliberately, by the, as really, by the is really all or me, ronnie, i'll be at r e r t rough. i city south of the gauze, us thread over the weekend. a huge riley in the us took its feelings about the right to the very dates of the white house. but while divide the ministration keeps pool kidding. about a 2 state solution to bring about lost in peace. it is still fine quoting as well
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as defense of all teens don't cool. so how small over $100.00 days, tens of thousands of palestinians killed and israel still has a blank check to do whatever it wants. yet washington's main focus is still on the hostage situation. $100.00 days of captivity and gaza is far too long. the united states will not rest. and to all remaining hostages, including 6 americans are reunited with their loved ones. $100.00 days and not a single mention of the nearly $24000.00 killed, half of which are children. shame on those who remain complicit and not call for an immediate cease fire and gaza. shame on them at the same time telling me of looks to be taking joe biden and top us officials for a ride. democratic senator chris, bon holland told the media that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has essentially given joe biden, the middle finger at every opportunity that could have curb the violence. and
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despite no sign of anything changing us is trying to assure everyone that things will calm down a bit soon. it's been a 100 days since that her mazda attack on israel that sparked where we are now. does the us need to press is real harder to move into the low intensity conflict. they say they intend to move towards. i can tell you a text or a blanket just came freed that we have been talking to them intensely about a transition to low intensity operations. we believe the time is coming here very, very soon for a transition to this lower intensity phase. those comments came shortly after thousands of people marched on the white house to protest, washington support for the war, israel's waging. let's not forget the us boosted deliveries of weapons to tel aviv late last year. seems a bit hypocritical, that officials are still saying they're dedicated to a 2 state solution and the palestinians should not be displaced. i made it clear to
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these rarely vicky own element answer here is a 2 state solution and 3, still the lease of the 2 state solution is possible. it's going to require leadership, solid, concerted, transparent leadership on both sides to make this happen. we reject the statements by some israeli ministers and lawmakers, calling for a resettlement palestinians outside of gaza. these statements are responsible, their inflammatory of israel's not even trying to hide the fact that it's not interested in listening to anyone when it comes to how it's waging it's war, not as allies, definitely not, it's enemies and not even the hate hold on. no one will stop us or not the hague, the god, the axis of evil, nor anyone else if it is viable and necessary that we continue until victory. and that is what we will never. so 100 days of that attitude has added up around 24000 palestinians, killed and over 60000 wounded. according to the united nations,
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50 percent of gardens are starving. while over half of gauze hospitals have stopped functioning. israel's already made a clear, they're going to do whatever they want when they want, no matter what the west says with the americans. we have a discourse and we don't always agree. there were differences from the beginning. they didn't agree to a ground evasion. we invaded, they didn't agree to the, i'll shoot for hospital, we ignore the request. they wanted to pause with a hostages. we didn't accept that what was reported, and i'm glad was corrected. we have no american ultimatum. there is no deadlines in the us. we're working, we have to continue striking them us and even if it will get to a conflict with us. so it's half hearted whining from washington falling on deaf ears and tell of it's unlikely much is going to change as long as the weapons and the diplomatic support continued to flow and rain in full. so say they have carried out a strikes targeting, what they cool spice centers on terra groups and neighboring a rock on the tire on claims
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on his radius by sentences. what talkative assets that tara selves and syria will surface points according to us media. so says so people were killed as a result of the strike zone. affection decides to america 8 buildings, heavy us concepts and then move in a rocky city of the hit. all the diplomatic building itself was not damaged. washington has denounced the miss solve tax and put them right plus on the and precise no us personnel of facilities would talk. it's it. we have been in touch with senior rocky officials as well as officials and the code to some region, as long as claiming this is in response to the terrorist attacks and come on and rusk with a focus on isis. we will continue to assess the situation, but initial indications are that this was a reckless and precise set of strikes on your screen right now is claim to be
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a sight of one of the radians strikes with smoke. still rising from the power and to tack on his we'll see it in just a moment. the optimize shows severely damaged facilities leaving nothing but staying free and that's wait. local emergency services, all i've seen is on the web. national guard has since released the statement. the simon revolutionary gods court in response to the recent crimes of terrorist groups and their i'm just killing of our countrymen in carmen and russ sec, identified and destroyed a number of key tyra commandments and elements. especially dias. in the occupied territories of syria, by firing a number of ballistic missiles to your said, the revenge would come on the right time and place. and finally, less than 2 weeks after the car monitor dead. it was as long as your bar score or targeted isis positions and syria was a barrage of ballistic missiles. dislikes were made public midnight, local time of the statements, police plugging on our gc,
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they're also fun confirmed reports. that's why so strong holes in afghanistan have also come under missile attacks. the v i r g. the rates were in response to the january 3rd terrorist attack in the southeastern city of care mon targeting the procession marketing the for 3 of the last assassination of it. was probably the tire dc team under general lawson, so they might be on your gc to other statements afterwards announcing the targeting of the most said headquarters. it was curtis, then we jet as well as the u. s. consulate wants or view the statements. i read that and i'm paraphrasing that the attacks are in response to the recess. operations is carried out by as well. it gives the commanders of the as wanting driven action bar score and the resistance front. it's further red that the targeted building was. this was the center for planning espionage operations and
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quote, terrorist actions in the region. your call media skirt has done also reported this sound of explosions that are b o. the reason it one has targeted is ready bases. there is that 1st of all believes that these will have orchestrated an engineer. they care ma starts out again seconds as well as allegedly waiting for the recent serial killing of the top resistance commanders from a senior last meter solid ready to apply. or do you see what's force official say it was equal 70 less than a month ago. a surface believe that these rows actions tracked inside a reaction from your want it to pull the country into the complex and now to one has finally pulled the trigger in a highly volatile situation that's used as a powder. ok, so everyone is now waiting to see how is real. that'd be wise, where we actually want to move. well, the attacks come against a backdrop of rising tensions in the middle east,
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washington hispanic sound to fall the $1500.00 troops to both rock and syria up despite the rocky prime minister this month, twice cooling for any remaining us soldiers to leave his country. for pentagon security on this, michael lewis gave us his paper to these developments. this once again, is getting us involved in a and, and, and creating a far larger and expands of war. that'll make it, that will put it up to 5 fronts just within this particular war, and not to mention the, the other one that were involved in, in ukraine. i mean this is the, it's got, it's gotten out of control and how you how you put a stop to this at this point. i don't see it happening because the, the goofy. so have pledge to increase their activities and, and, and, and they are now going to be targeting all, all us vessels in that, in the,
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in the red sea that could easily be expanded. anything that goes into the persian gulf, if it run wants to get more engaged. and here iran has the capability to make life very difficult in that entire region. it has the fire power. it has the ballistic missiles. and, and the only thing that the amount of states can do, and we're hearing this from commentators from retired generals here in the united states. that the oil facilities refineries that could be easily targeted as a, as a consequence, as, as it is, the iranians took back a ship that the united states had seized a year before. and uh, so increasing direct engagements with iran is occurring. and we're here in these retired generals, call a 4th grader, direct action against iran because these are all whether it's has below or who
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sees and, and, and even the militias in iraq the, they're all prophecies over on that and the, and with talk like that, it feeds into netanyahu's narrative, and he would be very a half before the united states to assume that responsibility of taking iran head on it will save him the trouble. and frankly, he would, he, he doesn't need a 5th front, but the united states is going to be confronted with a 5th frontier. momentarily. the intentions of the days has many people around what, plundering just what if you had a website, has ex spots and not as has an opinion on why the, the recent us strikes on young men could ignite a wide conflict and find out about the grubbing gap in that position golf view as soon as radio forward save. wow, i'm much more at all. you don't come.


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