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tv   Documentary  RT  January 16, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EST

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a direct action against iran because these are all the, whether it's has below or who sees and, and, and even the militias in iraq the, they're all prophecies over on that and the, and with talk like that, it feeds into netanyahu's narrative. and he would be very happy for the united states to assume that the responsibility of taking iran had on it will save him the trouble. and frankly, he would, he, he doesn't need a 5th front, but the united states is going to be confronted with the 5th frontier. momentarily the intentions of the days has many people around what, plundering just what if we had a website, has exports and not as has an opinion on why the, the recent us strikes on young men could ignite a wide conflict and find out about the grubbing gas and the position golf view as soon as radio forward save. wow, i'm much more at all to you don't come up around this. our next stop. we look back
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to talk moment in history. it's 1953 in front of washington. it's not c. s estimate to put the premium nationalist answers unless because always the entire population 18 is on what lessons can be lot to go around and find out the . i look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than to the various jobs mean with the
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artificial intelligence. we have somebody in the team in the a robot must protect this phone. existence was alexis, the, [000:00:00;00] the the thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. a very we hectic schedules for
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members of the national executive committee of the african national congress. 112 years on looking at the foreign policies of the african national congress. how have they you go to look at the international twins. do you think they've evolved? thank you very much for inviting us and also let me convey condolences to members and supporters of been so who died or that we yes. and it was a said that a experience being informed what would be communicating in the visit to the families from monday, $112.00? yes. what is it 20 volts does as the in see it's from positive resistance to that i go to intimidation. i left a solid delta
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t i solution of about the dates of africa to negotiations and the being part of my to let the positions in platforms. and here we are today. we celebrate to be a 112 years having and become part of the community. is that important? and so did you communities of nations that does not just looking at the political relations, but also it is a common interest when it comes to inclusive growth. so good to do, we, we, we, we've also come a long way having been part of the normalized movement that we remain committed to that position of being on my life at the we remain the outspoken. well, would believe that a view has to be to be conveyed and be understood just as we have seen now of played
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a lot of role and the continuing to play enrolled with regards to the rest. yeah, you creating that situation with our president and the 8th education that engaged with the both of us we are in, in euclid and india today. um does to years ago women and children of palestine still with us against the above did so that's the car. and was to do it also in an occupied the environment and also being explicit by the israeli government. when i hit today, it does then select government that does take them to submit that to the which therefore means that that's indeed, oh, well, for the impulses have advanced the your and does the a vision of a better world to how do we build this baton and lastly, you,
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you, you know, we are part of those. what was the promoting, it didn't that great, that includes, they did the plate in africa through the i forgot to they did it. and then um we, we, we, we, we, we had it and it is a nation. and most importantly the amc that also knows that some of them are new in the international fund to make take positions. that's me. i'm talk with nice us against of us. but we, we are, when we, because of us also did that. so this, this is where we are. and it's something that, that on the 15th of july we were interested in, i live is a reflection on the situations in does that and the was been and, and see what was that this and one of those. but some guests that we had who called vague nobody on these occasions, we have the n c in their lives. but this time with a special message that comes from the friends of palestine in technician that'd be
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. and the painting that was done by a child in the, the occupied delta's of palestine. that shows the unity of um the oh, but it's been unity of the god and others that are living by do us could meet event and course and as putting it into action. so our international relations bonuses now get up to what's the size of x, and that some of them is costly, but it does to because it, because it was costing for other nations when they don't with us. i'm interested to find out coffee in watts since because a lot of people have raised concerns about houses as well. that's because supports behind palestine going to affect its relations with countries like the united states and the united kingdom given the fact that they have supported as well. that's
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a good to add up saying that they may be those that to assume that they have some football of and, and that's exactly what our pool is, that our games that can be your new laptop, our lives and, and, and also the end, the, my new will fall in technician conventions and fidgets and, and editors, precisely because of that. but we would enjoy this, then do the people of us that know we will of cause we have a different relationship with those that are supporting a the, the other thing is of a leak of list and of cause i was, is not about being and to the people is that right, well onto this as to why and desire and isn't what i'm to get out of a soberly, is states and what, what, what the general slide. so you mentioned brakes, and you mentioned that the development in so far as the international relations and the policies are concerned. is there any c,
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continuously engaging on how it can strengthen its relations with countries like russia, of course. and as you know, historically our historically allies in, in, in the last year as the coming to supply to a for us, you are the cause of what the united part does. that does not, we. 8 and in the past, due had to have to go to the soviet to none. and to the end, the but the soviet to that we had to, to relate with those for the developers. and we, we've not only looking at the political relationships, oh, we came through breaks, but also developed a lot of relationships around images due to about, up to 3 shall intelligence out of our issue. so for menu, for shelby and, and also in the defense is space. so yes, we're doing a lot. but what we now emphasize from the side of leads people to people relations, making sure that it does not, does government. and,
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but it must be nations that the presented by these governments who must now know each other, little torres in through exchange programs of young people. and most importantly, through the use of fund of communication platforms and exchanging of knowledge. and in any of that research that presented in, in, in information that each one of us is able to purchase the south african amc lid. government has proposed a 7 point plan in parliament in the national assembly and how it views the developments in the middle east and so far as the resolution is concerned. and part of those include a 2 state solution, but we've seen the, the response from israel and given the kind of responses that they've given the only reason sheet in the hey we've,
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we've heard statements that we'll also put before the court. and so far as the statement of some of the statesmen from is while do you in your view, thinks that going forward. you, as the african national congress would be able to collectively know whether or not that let me, let me rephrase this question. these solutions that south africa has put on the table, including the 2 state solution. if the out come in the hey, does not say that the order that you are seeking? what other solutions are you saying shouldn't be looked at in, in that concept? first, what of the outcome? especially with believe that we have a valid case. what what, what calling for an immediate immediate says via quoting for an immediate action that's about to have. so that then you might have given what's getting coming
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through and stuff. you've been to the court since otherwise i think it to be also a that they are on the responsibility to to have make us understand what do they have driven them not to appreciate that this is actually a violation of the, of the general side to convention there are other things that do they have to, to, to look at, one of the things that is a non negotiable for us. it's issues of negotiations coming to the table and then showed that to the stuff and allowing the affective parties to engage amongst themselves. secondly, we would love to get out of the things that we also have. so that's i have also consider that remember glove? only 1961. that's vincent from doing good voices when the nation or when wouldn't, wouldn't, wouldn't have even ballast and movement and the oppressed so that they had not been
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listened to and to the might of the state is being used that gives the house close . that one of the 2 of the extreme and means we also support didn't and looking at the issues that out and the it but cuts this investments and some of the options. because in this yeah, the understanding with our own comrades and part of that they've been said that we will not go immediately into postcards and this investment was products and happens in the older but still just those of you buy them cuz i've gone from being that has died down, buildings of blood. so what, what is it that do they want to do? is it security defense? we have to look at those issues. well, most viewed them ways is that we know it do that really quick questions on us. but this is douglas, the means it's not going to be as little as one. it's about getting evolutions,
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cutting that relations and then sort of called our own that representatives. what consultation does, is it that they have been to the south african embraces, being told in the, in the, in the day to pose of a nation who that, that's killed, silver in the predicts hospital kind of the nation that can claim to, to have a, a relationship with those of us who believe that this is an act of genocide and the ends we believe that leads the close so we can, we can no longer go back and it is only through the mode to let the blood that these things can be done. have him to call him for the form of the you and it's that's including, you'd say a security to come slip. so that's then what you'll do not to have those who see themselves,
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this power undermining the views of the minority or those what seemed to be the and the developed. so we all of those options have to be coincidence. but also with must be guides that and, and the advised, but the people of color spent themselves, i'm just in the context of engagement, seeing the trajectory all as well. engagement and response to this whole war. and them arguing in quotes that the context of the 70 plus years of occupation in palestine does not match that in that context, you think they would even dare to engage. i mean, you mentioned the recent to by the president with the, as a heads of states to try and speak to the president of russia and of ukraine. but do you think that even at that level to engage countries live south africa who's
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gotten as far as the weld international court stage to shame them from what they have done? do you think that would even be able to come to the table to the time when we taught the south african the government to never come to the table? and it took donation. i like solution that they realize that they cannot continue like this. even with up update is that right? the wilds will have to come to that transition at, at there's no point in some of us thought that was the united states. you don't it particular view. you will see people of jewish origin protesting and saying not in my me that's, that's in middle school. i knew what, what you will have. what so that's the guy has that knowing very well that, that anything may be an outcome with that, you know, what situation find that, do you have to come that to the,
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to the table. so this is what we believe in this. they can see that at some point they have to come together, but it's kind of late in the most of the developments on october 7, on developments that have of, of course, shaken the entire globe. but the amc has been very vocal dating back to a former president, nelson mandela about the issues that are affecting the palestinians as the agency that has really been vocal about palestine. do you perhaps think that arab states, i'm not going, as far as south africa has gone? what we're going to do to engage ever both nations and, and government zip go to their own way of us seeing things just as it goes up and with us. that would be by look at it and gauge months. that will also be in the region that didn't gauge mintz, and that wouldn't be also engagements in the multitude,
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lots of other platforms and whatnot. we wouldn't want to talk about why of us have up to 2 weeks for now. we won many in the world to appreciate why we've taken this that you mentioned drastic steps like games is style, which some opposition parties had and saw that because of the demonstrations on the streets taken to the speeds. courtney boy, boy called all the products from israel in the country. now, are you giving us a word that indeed the amc is considering these drastic measures dependent on the outcomes of what is transpiring in the hey, whatever means that was, that was used by the international community to bring. so that's the kids together . that part of the, the gym to the should movements. all those means must also be explored for the evaluation of the people of buttons that and then sort of fuse him to,
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to be accused as the legal representatives or from us of the days. um we, we, we, i know it sort of, it, we understand these kind of x and was it happened to us? and then the formation of good to is is with the gloria, if a meal of the african this now congress and um we, we, we, we, we went to the united nations, which is close to the world. and the president tom, we came out with that. i would just love was kind of a signature, but it was a photo as this is what it is. and what's happened with dissertations to as was going to meet with the instantly the ship. and they knew that simple vinson, coming to what the escape and gauging before the court their flight did. we may or may see the i'm you of is the right if and my to i me. but finally the left to come to the table. find that do they have to talk?
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but what we must stop is the intention of eliminating the police do means because of what is happening that is about the elimination of a nation. what do hold a situation? we tend to get that killed in a pediatrician. what's because what do call the killing of people in, in the mosque in a place of worship? men being taken out of their homes in boys? well you'll, you'll actually literally go in full civilians and in the annual situation, hospital splits as of safety for ever protected. but in this instance, what you could see that this is an eggs a games to monday. and it's an intention of me. they took a nation and hence why we went to the hate because that's it. get to the stuff, isn't this nation guns kind of puts, you know, into,
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into extinction was the world is watching. as i let you go, you draw a lot of similarities between what you call that compet date, israel government, and the then tell the african opportunity government. now, do you see history repeating itself in instances like since the ship, for example, we speaking on our teeth. many people aren't able to access a such a platform because of these wisdom sanctions. and that changes on freedom of expression, freedom of speech. would you then say history is playing itself out in the developments today? absolutely, and hence, i'll wait in suspense that the most beautiful of all this month, do you have to write an institution? the, the, the issue sofa is the right to information access to information. it depends. yeah . and so that's the way the couldn't you know, that's and said,
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even the news and events that take place in this country we, we have lived under a situation we as a child involved in this plugin fulfilled, we have to defend ourselves. it's, you know, it lead of edge of the rubbish bin and the store and do see the total is that i doing that in 20242023 it's. it's actually brings that he's protocol explicit and using not when i in this forms that these children can go through what i've gone through the kids of the, the women getting killed, such as being bombed and off imported. those was to do with the about a big so the spending was about
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a big is right. so they remain consistent. and 2 people and 2 peas and keep democracy, but protecting themselves as nations. that's a democratic. i know i said i'd let you go as been working with the minister of justice and this, along with you was hailed by a lot of nbc members for the work that they've done at the global stage in the hague. what are the views overall of the any see, especially for you, given the fact that your role within the organization is to deal with international relations and the policies, the international policies in the face of the organization. what is your view as so far as how he is in the team member of the agency has dealt with that situation. of course, the questions that we even coming as who as they came out of the quote from the western media which has a different view. some people going as far as complaining that they did not broad
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costs. all that because sides. but they decided on the next day to broad costs, israel's defense, what do you make all of him and being able to stand for the agency and the government? the good thing about the applicant is now called says that it's pointless is make you to be able to totally been consistent on what needs to be done on that level that has given they the technician that release and support this is of the, the, to a level, but the world was some were watching all those who why you put clips when it comes to justice when it comes to democracy. but in the data to an extent where there was a blackout that did, that's easy with us. it was just now in the ninety's 99, just that madiba was taken of the lives of those with brenda to settle this. and yet they wouldn't, but do it plus on what you call, give me a. well,
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i called that's what we, i so that's a good we, we, we, we add the leads it to some, and when it suits them would become the allies. but what one to remain is to be on the side of the money. thank you so much for your time. we really appreciate it. and to the the who. what i would show seemed wrong just to save house because the application and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for common ground, the
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the little to no one, no, no, no, no, no, not for to most of the location of the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so i guess it was the great deal to the youth. suddenly looking through here, keep on month to mazda thought this name, nguyen,
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one of our from the sale of that i don't understand. i wish to know about doing so need. i know you gave him some more or less than a to you it's. i had to put on with this kind of them of the, i don't know, a party bill, you cannot push the couch. so that's good to go. if you want to fund this to should buy a new on it, on the site is animal simone. good. so you don't, the yo, yo know, put them out that they give us together in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia with a goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. the funny, i mean, he stuck up some issues with all the cars and just showing this to the 10
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the on least one of the most horrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting hold of somebody. i know the question, richard dental, hey, i'm philosophy followed there to do some paper visual. once i could have multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups, what the headed apartments for us to get the move of nancy. and i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity inbox on that you need to africa . the choices general with days, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish value at legacy still echoes throughout the consonant. so my name is ben and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the position of willy and base grew up in,
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in the region. the focus of the problem is this case is still wishing me. so can you guys just sent it the memo good, which is the is to not just use a mobile guess of sucks. so good . i used to be off the
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the the the they're going to get the brain warsaw. so it gets beat is really situation solved. donald trump says one of his priority, the fever todd, is to the white house, will be to stop the room in your frame on the opposite, the president sort of significant step back to the office, winning the republican file, a full cut. all types come that are people starting in areas and we are not able to give basic foods for the needs are rising faster than we are able to display as a desperate lack of 3rd role to add a hydrogen in tall to be un sizes rangel far as he's still refusing access to aid for it in the notes of the i found


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