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tv   News  RT  January 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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just because of the facts, so i need to waste of study at the headlines right now here on oxy as a rock records is on basset to a rock following terrans. but it's all strikes the gets what it calls. zion is spies centers on power groups in a row. the, at the idea of a strikes with south of god, leaving casualties and the streets over the phone. and i made the cottage and the region, the death toll just people on broad. we're going to get the brain we're saw is really situation saw donald trump. they're promising to prioritize ending conflicts as he takes a big step towards returning to the white house. by winning the republican, the iowa caucus and alex jones, the host of info was. so is there
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a big or forces states side that are not interested in we, we want the future. but the military industrial complex, the president eisenhower warmed up, being another one thread does not want that they want to global domination. and the bigger problem is they're incompetent. north korea is a 4 minutes to until russian capital pods. so get off or off holding bilateral told today here in moscow case popped up and about his analysis that to sit down with does not include the pulling off a lot of talk about this our here on how to international investors. get crackin right now because we kick it off with breaking news for you. this our united states and the u. k. have reportedly conducted new stripes on who the positions in yemen. it is of, at the escalation that is a relative between the group in the south and west empowers. on monday the who is these are struck us cargo ship interest wants to multiple attacks on the group's
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positions by london and washington this week. that's a lot more right now, and course in life a human based job wisdom, political analysts use of mile re for more details on this. usually if i'll get straight to it any more detail that you have and these latest western strikes on. yeah. and then i will be surprised, they seem to be targeting humans, the air defense system. they seem to be targeting radar sites. they seem to be targeting ballistic miss messiah warranting sites. and this has been the case since they started these us and u. k. british military operations and human cost 6 days ago. so according to us officials, us watched these impacts, the intention of disarming and disabling the also a lot who these cheap abilities when it comes to launching ballistic missiles at target, send the receipt of course as they continue to target the targets deep into is really territory so that was the main objective of east west u. k. military operations. and of course,
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as you have seen them the least breaking news your minds on saw, the movement. they have the continued to launch the ballistic missiles, the continued to launch on man drones and they've targeted not just the american uh we ship yesterday. all the calls of the also targeted to a couple of hours ago. another is reading has been shipped just about 50 miles away from the course of the data. so these military operations by the western forces by the us don't seem to really have a direct impact on their capabilities of launching or continuing to launch their ballistic missiles. they will use it. meantime we're seeing a lot of our western ships, a lot of western carriers refusing to go to the suez refusing to try that along the red sea right now. of course, america put together the so called coalition of the willing, but frauds and italy in spain and australia. they all dropped out of it is basically your usual culprits, the u. k. and us again, bombing, one of the poorest countries in the world and use of, you know,
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seeing any signs of tensions, of dying down between the who these and the washington led red c coalition. let's talk about an escalation, hey, what, what, what do you looking at? what's your full costume? you're telling us about ballistic missiles and drones being fired as some of the ships and the red sea. what's next year. thank. the, the, according to the food deals thought a lot, visuals, and you know, if you, uh, if you uh, watch their tv statements, their public statements. um, there are tweets or posts on x. no, they're, they're considering it to be an honor to be engaging this direct more against the west doesn't look what it does, all official. so, you know, the, you know, with a demonstration that took place last friday with 3000000 silver sweets of the many capitals you had prominence with the officials taken to the podium with the, a k 47 calling for war calling for jihad against what they call the break states and you know, they, they pulled a miracle responsible for the decades and decades of atrocities committed. not just in the, i'm about to walk the most. all right. and the i saw a lot with you, me,
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they actually, you know, this, you know, they're actually very excited about, you know, playing the leading role or spill heading this military officer to clear the middle east of, of all of western and us military bases. you know, they even allison, probably the place yesterday and is he had it going to be yesterday with one of these tv networks. and he mentioned that the us has not seen the cheaper the full capability of humans. ballistic missile says that he mentioned that there are still weapons and there are still new styles that have not been introduced into in this war. and that these miss i all the secret midsize, but they haven't yet released or haven't yet use. they're going to be used in the near future if the us continues to attack human. if the british government for the british want to continue to waste these operations in the red sea because of the many who the movement they're out for blood because they feel it is their duty to get revenge for the 12. many soldiers that were killed by the hands of the us.
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ringback and the british military offensive, but also shot to directly with the palestinian jesus. i apologize for interrupting you. but you know, this is part of what the west, the media doesn't like to talk about the who's, who these are acting this way because of showing solidarity with the palestinians. and, you know, you talked about all these american warships in the region. there are quite a few of them. you know, this is the answer quite a technology to use. uh, these are big old ships based on world war 2 technology here. and i went there who these are firing off like a $20000.00 drone america has to respond with a $2000000.00 missed style here. so you know, the disparity here. i mean, you talk about the fact that he was, he just said, we've got a lot of massage. we haven't even debuted yet. i mean, i keep saying to my colleagues here at odd, see how. busy is it until we get the report of an american or british warship, this country sitting at the bottom of the red sea? i mean what, what, you know, this whole idea are escalate to de escalate. i'm in on monday the u. k. prime minister said he was up to the hood, these, to restore the piece, and then 24 hours later, america and the u. k. lost all these attacks, i mean,
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escalate to de escalate. does that make sense to you? exactly. was it just the u. s. u k, they're usually getting their way in the middle east. is that simple? they're used to given the orders to these regions and these are leaders and they follow suit. they haven't really had anybody you know, defy the us and the british waters when it comes to sort of policy in the middle east. always use the example of the new student in a school where there's a school bully and the school bully. he walks around with picking on every single student, and then finally he needs the students, the student, the all the way in the corner. you don't find it. he tries to pick on him, but then he gets punched in the nose. this is a similar situation to what we have right now because it seems that comes on a lot of my back and don't, you know, they are really ready and they're serious about liberating the house and look forward to the follow up with the officials. their main objective is to, i'm the atrocities and the genocide is taking place in palestine. and according to the, you know, the single song home floor, you know, anytime no way for 3. if,
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even if it means that they will continue their support for the costing and people. so basically what they're saying is we have to continue to target these really wind shifts in the red sea until the desiree in palestine. if the west, if the u. k or any western powers not to declare a world war on us or if they want to lose my regional award, then we are ready to face this. we don't, we're ready to a face the us and it's british military empire, not just in one, but throughout the middle east. let's not forget there's also targets military targets across the middle east that these are seeing their budget start targeting. so they're not just spoke to target us and british military manifestations in the red sea. they're talking about targeting us and, and new british military bases across the media across the region, including military bases in the island. difficult, but including the military bases and the islands of make or not. of course, there's us and british presence in the eastern carbons of the young men. what truly
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engaging and training exercise was on the southern for the. so the options for the also a lot of these, a target capability is, you know, it's homeless and it's just a matter of time before they really reveal the weapons. and there are some reasons i can say they have remote control submarines stationed in the proper locations according to them and also believes are able to travel the total distance of 400 miles, etc, to hit a target. so that's a new weapon that's probably going to be introduced and then in the near future, if pensions continues rise, why they say as you say, they're wanting the who data saying we've got all sorts of weapons you haven't even seen yet. a government based john list and political unless use of mine. thank you . thank you. the iraq has announced it's recording. it's on bassett, or from iran for emergency torques at the move photos of what i've missed all strikes by iranian forces on targets in iraq. you coast on iran, so i, i,
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r g c. come on to confirm the time of the budget allows going on. thanks to a lot. everything went according to the plan, right at midnight for k barsha. khan missiles were shot from the south of the crudest on province to target extremist groups, also for missiles from the come, a shop province, and 7 from western azerbaijan were shot to hit design. this targets in sherlock 9 other missiles will target. the 2nd group of i salt in the upcoming hours will go to look at his donovan or his report of it for civilians were killed in the 6th wounded in the strikes to around. so as it targeted terrorist groups in syria and is really spies centers in a raw that runs far manager says the move was carried out in the interest of its national security measures carried out by the i r g. c was in line with the mighty defense of the country, sovereignty and security in the fight against terrorism, and was part of the flemish republics fair punishment for the violators of the country security. the slight make republic of around always supports the regional
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peace, stability and security, and is committed to the observance and sovereignty into total integrity of all countries. this furniture formerly a showing the optim off of one of those strikes. several buildings are destroyed as luckily emergency services were very quick to the same old age buildings near the u . s. consulate in the northern iraq is city of a bill are also reportedly had in syria, near a level. iran said i sold terrace sales were destroyed, and washington denounced the attack, scolding them reckless and imprecise. the united states strongly condemned to run the attacks inner bill today and offers condolences to the families of those who were killed. we oppose the runs reckless missile strikes, which undermined a rock stability. curtis unofficial say one they were on the end result struck the home of a prominent local businessman who was killed along with his family. earlier we heard from eroni an academic site and i'll have him all righty for his take on the developments even though the central government is protesting. they know quite well
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what's going on in northern iraq and they are very unhappy. they are terrorist organizations, anti ronnie and terrace organizations based there, which are not secret western tv channels. often go and make documentary is in northern iraq and visit the basis of these terror groups. but also in the sun hasn't been firmly established. they have a aside the, they have a strong relationship with the local government in attribute, and they've been cooperating. and the iranians have for years been trying to encourage our to be to discontinue, with their support for these terror groups, or for them to close the eyes to these have groups and to quite who are in plowing saw to work in northern iraq. they fire those miss how some of those miss house to the north west of syria. and that is sending a message. it is way the regime and to the americans that iraq and stripe hard to the south of syria. but in addition to that, the money is struck,
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the east circuit started party, and that is a group that has, that is attracted terrace from central asia, from western china. and it's a threat to asia is a threat to russian interest. chinese interest federal agent interests any running interest. so it was also sending a message to countries of asia that iran is indeed protecting them from not only itself, but also them from these terrace to gaza. now where a residential area in the southern city of alpha has come under is riley fire. israel says to the quote, intensive phase of the conflict has been completed in the north of the ink life. the country's defense minister added this faithful end of the south as well. a warning, disturbing images coming your way. a little boy cooled off in some of the latest idea of
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a time. israel has escalated it strikes in the south despite previously designating the area as a safe. so we have this report from local journalists. i mean, i'm okay. and the salary and goes us to have which has been the most the highly volatile region in the gaza strip. as what ever strikes and the ground, reparations of gun on the beach. it overnight, over the past, the 24 hours was that at the intensive as really ever strikes angle bergman's over the downtown of china, in this city. the in which it the as where 80 army had become operations across this particular policy in the city, in the south actually. and in terms of the contributors out of these as strikes, at least a people have been reportedly killed. and during get a during is really feeling around that civil defense is the civil defense services center. and the city also around the hospital, the mazda of hospitality,
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and con eunice. there has the shilling intensive feeling around the hospital and which one people, one person, was reportedly killed and several others at wherever injured. that is the situation for fun, eunice, in central gaza, 13 bodies repeatedly being recovered from the rubble of the alma kazi refuge account that the deceased i believe, to have been killed in the past few days during a period of intense as rarely bombardment. we have this a local report, a good amount in front of the entrance of the town and also one day where we can now enter after the withdrawal of his early tanks. behind me is the all my guys, the refugee camp and the headquarters of the electric company. all these places are completely destroyed at the entrance and then the front of the municipality headquarters is really excavators are now digging into court or an idea of tanks or protecting them. uh here a large number of shops and commerce was established and were completely destroyed
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around either a large number of owners of the shops bag. an establishment is trying to carry out what remains of the electricity company headquarters here is completely destroyed. there was a multi flor villa which is now also completely destroyed. there was a group of shops of business. some of the facilities of warehouse is completely destroyed. with a short while ago, a number of martyrs were found under the rubble of one of the commercial establishments. here were recovered. it seems that they have stayed in this place and were killed. but now you're thinking that this area had not been told to evacuate. this happened with the rest of the areas, and the central region of the residential building was completely demolished and burned. these are commercial establishments here along the street. there were commercial facilities warehouses for major companies in the gaza strip, and the cars burned here, residential square was palmed and completely destroyed. here's a completely destroyed factory and non it's equipment has also been destroyed. the entire area of the entrance to the cam has been completely bulldoze that. it seems
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that there is an escape from the police after hearing is really machine guns firing while everyone around me now was running, withdrawing the audio as to the complete destruction of infrastructure streets and electricity network is on a massive destruction at the petroleum station. here i'm one of the headquarters and equipment were completely burned up. i love this place was on fire here continuously in front of date. one of these rarely tang center the other. now the tanks are located specifically in front of them. a guy's a municipality headquarters excavators are taking on the street image, the heavy presence of tanks and recognizance planes, and a sense of the presence of snipers in the vicinity that they were shooting from time to time at the people in the street with them to hear a central gauze and a scene of total destruction on the card with both. well, many are holding a trial for trump. that's the overnight take away from the iowa caucus. but the former president eclipsed his rival challenges vying for the republican ticket for this year's race for the white house. now if indeed he does read take his place in
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the oval office. donald trump said the 1st up, he's going to solve the war in ukraine. and again, it stopped but associated because it should have never started. and so say it would have never ever happened. and likewise, israel would have never been attacked. and we're going to get things solved. we're going to get to ukraine war soft. we're going to get the israel a situation solved. we had the tara band, we had the tower band that caught the trump travel then. but it was really the trump tera then. we don't want people in our country that a get a blow up our shopping centers. thank you very much. there's a growing friend of republican. supposing us military intervention has them around the world that's pretty apparent. if you listen to trumps latest jabs of dividing administration, we're dropping bombs all over the middle east again, where i defeated isis and our secretary of defense who just went missing for 5 days is running the war from his laptop in a hospital route. remember,
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this is the same gang that surrendered if dennis stand with no one was held accountable or fired. it was the most embarrassing moment in the history of the united states. now we have more than ukraine is real and human, but no war on our southern border. oh, that makes a lot of sense. crooked joe biden is the worst president in the history of the united states. historically, republicans were the war hawks stuff on the commies. big on the panel gun, but not anymore. then it's not just donald trump with his america 1st slogan. policy experience is not the same as foreign policy wisdom. i want everybody at home to know that i was the 1st person to say we need a reasonable piecemeal in ukraine. now a lot of the neo cons are quietly coming along to that position with the exceptions of nikki haley and joe biden, who still support this. what i believe is pointless war in ukraine, and i think those with foreign policy experience. one thing the joe biden and nicky aly have in common is that neither of them could even state for you. 3 provinces in
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eastern ukraine that they want to send our troops to actually fight for. so reject the smith that they've been selling you, that somebody had a cup of coffee sent it to you when that makes a 1000000 bucks. after has real foreign policy experience, rama swami has been nailing nikki haley, a darling of the neo conservatives to the wall for her advocacy of military intervention isn't. and the crowds at the debates just can't get enough of it shortly after you to the office. joe biden. promised that he would and the warranty on it. now he's done the opposite. he drag the united states into it. at this point, the united states has bombed deanna and saying, i want to put a stop to the activities of the who's these in the red sea. down in solidarity with garza. well, rhonda sanchez's not exactly thrilled, he seems to be a bit more concerned about america's border, then ukraine's the federal government let people come across the border. they wouldn't even try to stop them. and now you just have new york city. they are common during a school in brooklyn because of so many uh,
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illegal aliens that they have in their city. so they're having the school kids stay home so that they can use the school to house these people. and i'm just thinking of myself is that just not like the, the perfect snapshot of everything that's wrong with this country to put your own citizens last to put your own school children? last, the economy is not so good either. republicans won't let the white house forget that bite. inflation is crushing families across texas in america. let's take a look at the numbers under biden's leadership to energy prices are up 31.2 percent . gas is up 34.2 percent. groceries have rise and 20 point one percent. natural gas is up 27 percent. thanks to buy the inflation caused by reckless out of control spending. americans pay more for everything. under jo biden's fails, economic agenda. americans are spending $11400.00 more annually just to buy the
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basics. byte. inflation is out of control. long time us on policy and critic random calls says it's plenty of money is being made from the pentagon's born adventures, but not for the american people. and like many republicans, he is not thrilled about dumping. more funding and weapons into ukraine is elected officials. we have an obligation to pursue a foreign policy that advances the security and prosperity of the american people. funneling billions of dollars into the meek, rudder and eastern view cream dust neither. so why has the republican party shifted so far from its position during the cold war, even during the bush years? well, some might say that it's because of the big conspiracy between donald trump and vladimir putin. but the democrats should really look closer to home. maybe look in the mirror because poll after poll is showing that americans are far more interested in dropping prices than they are and dropping bombs, failed. mauppin, artsy, new york. the founder of info was dot com. alex jones,
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who shed his thoughts on the importance of this year's presidential race as well as a traumas, plans for the american people that they want to pretend like america is run by all these loving, wonderful, liberal people. but it's not, america isn't run by americans. it's run by black rock, it's run by big central banks. they basically use america, hijacked america, to reject our power to the world, and basically terrorize other nations into submission. so it's an american patriot . my goal is to get control of our government back. and that's why i'm trying to support president trump, or clearly had the election stolen from him 3 years ago, back into power. so we can bring the way back from the edge of thermal nuclear war so. so my main mission is being a loyal to god, family and country. and because i'm loyal to america and our republic, i don't want us to be any legal wars with russia or china. i'm peacefully trying to get trouble acted. i'm trying to get governors elected. i've tried to get the crazy
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people from control of these hijackers that have hijacked this country. and so i want the world to know, not just russians that the american people are absolutely against this. we want our country to be under our control. we want your treasury be under your control. we have so many resources together. we want to go to space together. we want to work with each other and it like trumpets north korea to make a deal. and you know, everything else we want progress. we, we want the future, but the military industrial complex, the president eisenhower warmed up, being the number one threat does not want that they want global domination. and the bigger problem is, they're incompetent. actually they both said and their, their, their high pressure of all know, our, our yeah, the article right here. he said a victory by trump will deal a guess blow to the global ordered of the anglo american establishment.
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and so yes, they totally, for a drop from so strong president, he's pro america, but he also wants to be friends. so if people the old america straight, he wants the giant business deals with the whole world. he wants fair exchange. he wants the middleman, the, all the guards to be removed, and that's why they're there, they're coming after him. so with the 10 most of the election, most important election, i think of world history. if you change such a dangerous time because again, the pentagon is run by the democrats, and that's the big news. they say, trump is going to be a dictator of elected. so they're introducing legislation just this week, center blumenthal to strip power from president trump, who as the executive war power to the senate show that he can't stop riots by black lives matter funded by george soros if he's elected. so they're all totally planning at trump. does get elected, which he's about to have a landslide,
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we have to have a to, to take control the military and the congress. i never doubted us. that's great, totally illegal. because trump might use the military on them. he's never call for that. he's never done that. he's never persecutors. political arrivals is all about soft power is all about results and economics. you want to get nomics, not war. he does think more stupid. he does think it's stupid to have a war for no reason. and they say always here in time military because he doesn't like seeing proves legs blown off. no, not unless he has to. and so trump is all about prosperity and there are full parenting motive. so they're now saying why should post new york times news week? trump is going to be a dictator, so we have to remove the military power from him can rushing away before he's elected. so he won't stop riots. north korea's 4 minutes there is right here in moscow. she's been holding tolts with our russian counterpart and
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a pair of top different amounts of praise, the cooperation between both countries. a bit later today in the evening hours or she is expected to meet with the russian president vladimir putin. during that meeting earlier for minutes or so allow her off highlight the importance of both piece and ne things you the way this is i am not sure if we reassign my principal position in favor of a comprehensive and fast settlement to the existing problems. we've always favored the establishment of a negotiated process without any preconditions in order to achieve last in peace and stability in the home of north east asia. the pressure has submitted relevant proposals to the un security council on his own, and together with the people's republic of china and then now on the negotiating table. however, we have some notes that the policy of the united states and its regional satellites to create threats to the security on the d p. all case is not at all conducive to moving in a positive direction. we will continue to call for the rejection of any steps that lead to escalation and tension. now of course, as we just saw,
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the foreign minister said that the goal here is to discuss and negotiate to help tackle existing problems and achieve long last since he's in northeast asia. this meeting is also one given was the forward to really strengthening the relations between both countries. this is a high level diplomatic meeting between the russian foreign minister and he's north korean counterpart. and this visit comes after lot rugs visit in a young yang just a few months ago in october of last year. and russia really is set to build stronger ties with north korea in all sorts of spheres. whether that would be in the, the call to me military or also the political spheres. now on her part, the north korea and foreign ministers for us. how important this meeting is to develop the relations between both countries. not only that,
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but she also seemed to express her delight over the zip o matic pumps as well. now this visit is also to further discuss the agreement that was reached between the north korean leader kim jong born and the russian president, jamie puts in sweetness, face lawns, facility in the russian far east to help north korea bill satellites. now president puts in is also going to be meeting with the north korean foreign minister later today. and, you know, previously a young young and most goal were have denied the on steel. good or is that were brought up by the west and the north korean foreign minister herself had previously mentioned that the criticism from the united states and its allies, when he comes to north korea and russia, is simply politicized and distorted. and she also emphasized that ties between multiple and p on yang, i quote that they would reach a new hire phase. now,
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all of this really signifies the diplomatic engagement between russia and north korea and the ongoing, frightening of ties between both countries or that's about it for now. just a quick heads up here on, on the you know, the world a lead, a wining and dining in davos of the world. you're going to look for this week on the top henchmen klaus schwab is not just telling those in attendance about his global plans for the year. he's actually instructing them. he's telling them to and not his plans and to obey. i mean, his sounds crazy. i know the theme of the annual donald defend is rebuilding trust because the global elite know all to well, they'd never had our trust in the 1st this is the .


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