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tv   News  RT  January 16, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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a to look some common ground the, the us and u. k. take a might. yep. and, and the new router bombardment, spokes class and for the who the group tells our to get on the exclusive, interviewed that the western campaign would make this group change calls the strikes which have occurred more than once, have no impact on their decision at all. we still adhered to our firm position on palestine. iraq recalled it's a bass of the to ron the following, to have runs metals twice against what they called via and the spice centers and tower groups in the rock. the . the idea of strikes the south of gather leaving casualties in the streets of rafa . i met the cottage in the region to death dog keeps on rising.
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the kind of welcome to the global needs update on our t international. i. a michael watching the us of the you k, have reportedly conducted news twice on the who the positions in yemen, of the you as a set to have targeted ad to ship myself facilities. i been, i made an escalation between these who would be the western powers on monday they who would be struck on the american congress ship in response to multiple attacks and the groups position by the us and the u. k. u m and base john list said political on the list of who say in all because deep and used to of mari, she had their views on the latest developments. well, these attacks, they seem to be targeting humans, the air defense system. they seem to be targeting radar sites, they seem to be targeting ballistic miss messiah warranting sites. and this has been the case since they started these us and
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u. k. british military operations and human law 6 days ago. so, according to us officials, us moist. these are patched with the intention of disarming and disabling the on saw a lot who these capabilities when it comes to launching ballistic missiles at targets in the red sea. i think there's a glutton for them. uh, the believe it says that i can attack that they didn't actually so, but yeah, many photos is little my thought of getting is that a link chip or chips hidden toward the, is that i a but actually after the u. k. and us attack against them, and in many, ottoman has expand the attack by targeting commercial chip ad belongings to the united states, the united states and new cases as well. and that the many has been on the attack on. so the aggression and unite data image with the support of you. okay. i knew as, uh, 4 of the 8 years more than 250000 as that i could have conducted against a human induced atheist and what, what was the result? yeah, many has become a strong god with the u. k. i united state, they always say what jim and have to do with ballast times thousands of my and 4 of
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them and they took the day and i said, i knew ok. came thousands of miles towards a ballast died in sub lot of ways that are really we hope that they can actually listen to the people who talk to the city at millions of them to start with the attack again. because of the way the located and allow for and with this into and that because you have many will continue with that at that. and they will do whatever it takes a bit if it's going to be at ease and a lot. they are really happy to do that as a board at the stuff genocide, i guess by listing the spokesperson of the who the group gave an exclusive interview to our to he said, the west and aggression and yep. and we'll make the group change cools. this reliable minded behavior attack on him and by the us is unjustified. and we consider it to be a bleeding violation of how many sovereignty in an act of aggression against the many people the many army targets, because really ships heading to israel and has not intercepted any other vessels,
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including american and british ships. therefore, we consider that the militarization of the red sea represents a blatant violation of yeah, many sovereignty and a major shifting the conflict. this may lead to a major disaster by turning the red sea into a military arena that could threaten international navigation, which will lead to the expansion of the conflict outside the scope of the red sea. look, the many operations did not cause any human harm, but rather representative economic pressure. even on a material level, the losses were very limited. for example, the galaxy leadership, which was taken to the portal. her data did not suffer any casualties and did not contain any goods, but what america did was shed blood and turn the conflict into a bloody one that requires a response. therefore, the one who should be worried is the aggressor whose hands are stained with the many blood without any justification. the strikes which have occurred more than once, have no impact on their decision at all. we still adhere to our firm position on
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palestine. that position is to prevent as really ships or those heading to occupied palestine from crossing the many armed forces decision to prevent american and british ships from crossing. the red sea is a response to their arrogant and aggressive attacks against the many people iraq as a now, as it's recalling, it's in bassett, a, from a neighboring it ran for emergency towards the move follows overnight muscles twice by iranian the 4th is on targets in iraqi kurdistan in syria and iran in command of the attacks. that pauses bids so night the i r g c, and the combined operation or response to the crimes of talk few re isis groups. but to many of our compatriots and care mon, from the southern most points of the country at a distance of 1300 kilometers, hit one of the important a headquarters of talk fury groups in the area under the occupation of tech fury
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groups in each leap. if the rocky curtis stand officials do not settle things with the separatist and scientists groups which act freely in that area, we will several things ourselves. it wasn't the 1st operation, and it won't be the last of general hodges, not as review. new details about the missiles, the flyer decides from where they were shot in the early hours of tuesday. work on time here this point as being capable of penetrating missile fields. what time meant over ability during the landings, the agent can hit target as far as 1400 kilometers away with pinpoint accuracy in this whole set of masonic espionage. raising a box or b o y says holes in syria. the latest reports say 4 people were killed and 6 others were the only or do you see the case? the reaction from the forties and he wants to turn assembly jen. um, mr. mos on
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e with all the move a client, i guess the courage people over to one has described as far as a legitimate act of self defense. any means to punish the violators of their laws and national security. the measures carried out by the i o g. c was in line with the mighty defense of the country, sovereignty and security in the fight against terrorism, and was part of the flemish republics fair punishment for the violators of the country security. these logic republic of around always supports regional peace, stability, and security, and is committed to the observance and sovereignty until the total integrity of all countries. the united states seems to be caught by surprise and has now not condemning b o l d c, a chance. sympathizing with your walk, you government at a time when your warranties seriously pursuing the expulsion of the remaining american forces on this territory. the united states strongly condemned or runs a tax inner bill today and offers condolences to the families of those who were killed. we oppose that runs reckless missile strikes, which undermine the rocks,
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stability. she won't really do everything in its power to stay on the confines, but it seems that it's inevitable. the west has been igniting in a new war. and you're right on here. there's 40 jukes free to follow with my dad was targeting here, want keywords, distance races, as well. first part has also been trying to promote you want to stand towards phone with us. most of the initial ways on the will side, espionage based interview was carried out in response to these weighty assassination of a number of commanders on the g c. and there was a sense why there weren't now says that's just the tip of the iceberg. and there's more to come you what i sent as well, plus they had with their actions in the region which could be anything from shutting down this freight of our moves into purging off the targeting american bases in your walk in syria or even it's, you know, that we've heard from him, so he decided he had political on list and visiting professor at university of tag,
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ron. he says ron is sending a wanting to, he's on the west about validate and gets red lines. there is this lead lines when it comes to the national security of the country and there is this 0 tolerance policy when it comes to using the countries using the land of other countries in order to attack or threaten the rainy and i saw fit crazy. everybody in the weekend except for the zionist regina is concerned about the media involved to, to create the of the region, but for 10 to run. i think for a long time you ron has been practicing sort of strategy patience, which was i think ronald leads in east interpreted by some players in the region as a side of your relativist or in difference. we are seeing to import in size. you honest conveying 1st and foremost it very clear masters to the world,
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including the united states and the west and the lives of these really re gene that this patients is getting over. and in case read lies are across to ron is going to face them. but some tough can sequences and then the 2nd point is a kind of emphasis that we have heard from the beginning of the shows regarding this 0 tolerance policy regarding the expression of the bar to the borders or close to the borders of iran, which is also going to be tolerated a little while nearby impact the stand militant group of jobs. i'll add a has also report to the come on the fire. iranian state media said to facilities used by the group were destroyed last month. the group claimed responsibility for an attack that killed the 12 members of your ronnie and security forces.
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they runs the rush as president and protection has a denounced a new piece planned, pushed by ukrainian officials and made the will that cannot be far him. he said, as of the proposal was simply a continuation of keeps policy of prohibiting direct negotiations with russia. and so what they did that goes away all the so called piece formulas that are talked about in the west and in ukraine are a continuation of the implementation of the degree of the ukrainian president banning talks with russia. these are prohibitive requirements for the negotiation process if they don't want to talk, this is their decision. if what is currently ongoing continues. and we can see that their counter offensive has completely failed. the initiative is in the hands of the russian armed forces. if this continues ukrainian state to it may be dealt and irreparable. very serious blow. but this is their area of responsibility. this will be the result of their policies and governance president page and also talking about the ukranian counter offensive, which he said had to completely failed. and you said that was one of the reasons
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that key was now attacking russian citizens and russians. cities. you said it was be using this as a way of distracting from its own citizens in ukraine and also from its west and back is just how badly that conqueror offensive had gone down. and he said, if things continue on this with the state to to of ukraine could be rapidly damaged or just instead of this pressure, people ask why other people thought it is doing what they are doing, showing peaceful russian towns populated areas, hitting city squares. what is the military sense in this? there is none, 0, but why are they doing this? there is an answer. it is to show their people and their sponsors who give money for weapons and ammunition, that they are able to respond to russia's actions when russia, in order to solve one of its issues. the demilitarization of ukraine launches precision strikes and military facilities and defense enterprises. on ukrainian territory with high precision, long range weapons. they are trying to show that they too can do something. instead
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of solving military problems, they act in and by barrack manner attacking peaceful communities. moreover, with multiple launch rockets systems you, they are simply showing series squares. preaching also asked all the not easy it's, and he's referring here to the failure of ukraine to come to a peace deal with russia back in 2022. and this is because they have been these recent admissions by the head of the crating negotiating team. the camp was ready to sign on the dotted line with most go, but then there was a visit to care of by the vin prime in strip e k for students who voted ukraine to continue fighting on the piece to quickly, unruffled. now the comments by present preaching come as president zalinski is in danville in switzerland at the moment, going camping hun once again to the west for more money for ukraine. he's also be
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mooching a piece plan was use the piece plan that would c r u crane re game for his back to 1991. this is a piece plan. this bill reading things out like rejected by russia, particularly of the referendums health last year, which so do you regions drawing russia? no, no, you want you people who live in east and you kind of always consider themselves to be part of russia. this is obvious things. that's why the referendum played out the way it did. so i keep saying that nobody will force you to come to the polling station. it's might be possible to falsify everything like in the previous us previous elections through postal voting. it's clear what kind of voting that was with them go. they bought ballots for 10 bucks. a pop filled them out without being supervised by observers. threw them into mailboxes. and that's it. but it's impossible to, for someone to come if people haven't wanted to, they wouldn't have come to the polling stations. this is called voting with your feet. here they came and voted. and so what is this,
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if it does not democracy and action, because this is the will of the people, this is democracy. and this, they want to be with russia today. they are a part of russian genius. instead of, you know, the timing has repeatedly said it's open to p students with kids. it's also only thing to discussing a ceasefire on the battlefield. but of course the queen has rejected that time and time again for some future. and also speaking most about some of the hardships being faced by academic russians who move in full months. so if you union countries saying some of them now were being checked out of countries that they've lifting for decades, couldn't even russell the russian people in lafayette and other multics republics and basically being thrown over the border. this is very serious. it directly affects our country's national security. we use as many as there's no medicine for russian citizens. there, no pensions, nothing. the close my bank account today. and i couldn't even take out my money. i
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left my job there. nobody is interested. just take your belongings and go. what kind of democracy is that? i want. the other thing that present and preaching touched upon was recent countries joining nato or attempting to join nato. he said they had betrayed the assessed has betrayed that people and also betrayed the interests of the countries . now he could be talking about sweden, hay, which has applied for membership of nato. it's not yet being rushed to fight. but if it's wise to find that would end $200.00 use of sweden being a neutral country, president preaching said traitors would never win until the guys are now where a residential area in the southern city of ross has come on. the idea of fire. israel assess that the quote intensive face of the conflict has been completed. and the norful, the enclave, the country's defense minister added. this phase will end in the south as well. a
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warning that there are disturbing images that had the, the boy was caught up in the latest idea of a tech as well, has escalated, its a tax in the south despite previously designating the area as a space. so i know we spoke what day you had all the national commit to you of our local councils and use role i'm. they will be shocked. he who he said that the suppression of arabs and the prevention of any possible political demands has been ongoing since israel was founded in name and video route history. since the beginning of the state of israel, there have been many significant risks that have deepened over time. between the is really an error communities, historically, issues such as land confiscation have played
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a central role in widening those divides the suppression of the era community and the prevention of any possible political demands have been ongoing for many years. this includes military will land confiscations and in recent years, attempts to influence various government institutions including the finance ministry and other agencies. but the global economic requirements necessitate the filling of those gaps efforts have been made over the years, but they have always been calculated and incur mental. recently finance minister smote rich and the government as a whole have proposed a new budget for this year, which includes a 15 percent reduction in funding for the error community. this is a severe, targeted and deliberate blow against the error community. is riley sold as have held many trades. busy with the stated goal of increasing readiness for
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a potential ground to fold on 11 on the ideas said it's more prepared than ever before. is this, this exercise we're in and heading out to is important for the enhancement of our preparedness, extending our operations and for an offensive against 11 on we're more prepared for this than ever before, even for tonight, if needed. and we'll continue and strengthen our preparations. and our readiness moving forward is really military is conducted operations against either shop and why the solution area that is, of course, close to the border with israel. but it's also just, he's available with less than 50 kilometers. and these attacks are of course increasing in magnitude, but it's also becoming a lot more closer to densely populated civilian areas, particularly the country's capital availed. but the space on the statements provided over the course of the last 48 hours. the idea of suggest that they targeted multiple outpost belongs that has the law that they have also targeted and
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to take this out. launch is, as well as cheap strategic for military weapons as military infrastructure and didn't responsible has essentially been doing the same trying to render israel's surveillance capabilities uses by targeting surveillance outposts as well as military outposts and the back and forth between has the line is we all could be attributed to a number of different things, but just based on what is happening, the most important thing and most significant development is that of reports coming out of these were suggesting that is real cent boots into lebanese territories, boots on the ground, this is significant because if true, it would be the 1st time since the 2006 war between the 2 sides. of course, we still need to wait on his way the officials to at least provide us with a little bit more information. but here's the law media sources and suggest that that's just not true, but they do say that there was an attempt made. and this in and of itself is important. they suggest that these really set soldiers were trying to infiltrate lebanese lands and place surveillance devices. now this is important for
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a number of 2 things. if true, then it means that the state is coming out of the is really military. should meet it can with a pinch of salt at least with a grain of salt for a number of reasons. that being the statement suggest that the idea is ready to wage war against testable at any given moment. if true, then that would also suggest that is really military. currently speaking, needs to gather more information surveillance before engaging and across the board of military operation. but there's also the economic factor here as well. the is rarely bank suggests that since october of the war and casa in and of itself is costing that is really economy north of $150000000.00 each and every single week. and up until this point, it is costs that is really economy more than $58000000000.00. that's more than a 10th of the countries g, d b. as it is. we'll just go ahead and engage in a 2nd font with the world's largest known state military power. that number will only increase and the prospect of anything good will see less and less likely. so
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these statements coming out of israel and here's the law. media sources are contradictory, but the one thing that does stand alone is that the is really military does seem eager and willing to engage in a 2nd front. a group of south african lawyer saw preparing a lawsuit against the us, accusing washington of being complicit in these ready war crimes. in gaza. the us is busy spending more money and more resources to allow is real, to commit the crime. no one says stop enough is enough to us must now be held accountable for the crimes that committed. a similar lawsuit is being prepared against the british government as well as the lawyers say. their initiative is guided by the genocide case filed by sub africa against each roll of the i. c. j, which is supported by a number of countries worldwide and bangladesh has become the latest country to express that support philosophic as genocide case against either
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a law. the united nations court to other solve asian nation says each row has voted a validated right of the 1948. and the national convention against genocide is that the usual bus and its occupation of policy and territories and restore the country is pre 1967 board. as we spoke with the lawyer shaw our foster rod in the bangladesh and national capital, he said his country support for the case against each roll is not just a formality. the bottom of this means that i'm not totally under substantive requirement for the finding of genocide present in this case. this is also one of those case where the international community as a whole, has failed to stop the mastercard of cbs. and as a result, the provisional measures which has to be knocked by south africa becomes that much more important to stop the humanitarian catastrophe, which has been unfolding, which is unfolded in a piece 100 dates. it has been israel display book of forever. i mean they,
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they go in get a lot of civilians and when it were aust, are held accountable for their actions. they very rarely point to a militant faction. it's almost now it could have been some, some real else in the, in the past. they have always done that. this is nothing new or 4 days read because it was very clear from the comments made by these really policy makers that they were targeting palestinians as a whole. i mean, you have the defense minute step. all the things that a simians do humanizing palestinians as human animals, you have the, is really 5 minutes to come up. so exciting by those horses. when the army was launching the, the off down defensive, which justifies the killing of men, women, and children. you have the israel's idea of army spokesperson, seeing that their, their benefits is their focus is not on accuracy,
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but don't damage bees. and then you have the same square hospitals. schools have been deliberately talking to civilian residential apartment complexes have been leveled to the ground. now, if anyone believes that idea of what's targeting commodities, these areas where they can do so, but did shouldn't mind look a bit foolish here because it's quite clear what he's ready to strike to do. and that is displace or to as much palestinians as possible because this particular document can easily repeats. and they're generally there, but it's been established. does not be that the states that you wish there was the policy in solve to been diag difficulty, which they consider themselves so for themselves that they are home. and that is why such excuse is, i think we're not here in the icj is legal documents. a child support from time that's the take away from the iowa caucus where the former
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president eclipse his arrival of challenges vine for the republican ticket. for this he has raised for the white house if he takes his place in the oval office. donald trump says that 1st stop is going to resolve the conflict in your train. and again, it stopped associated because it should have never started. and so say it would have never ever happened. and likewise, a history of what is never been attacked. and we're going to get things solved. we're going to get to ukraine. warsaw. so we're going to get the israel a situation solved. we had the tara band, we had the tower band that caught the trump travel then. but it was really the trump tera then we don't want people in our country that a get a blow up our shopping centers. thank you very much of this comes, i made several recent scandals over legs and voting fraud in the viable democratic party. last november, according to $1.05, the parties voted for
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a mayoral election in connected cod. and that's after a video was posted by candidates campaign. reportedly showing an apparent support are being combined, man is tough and i'm the absentee ballot box. it's not the 1st thoughts and the incident has before the occurred in the us back in 2021. absentee ballots were classified as the valid in the city of mississippi. this comes a major repeated statements by democrats slamming republicans of a vote. the for all occasions, voiced by the lot as trump secures the last slide victory, the 1st, the republican primary, so mainstream american news of light seemed to be a pushing for ideas of kicking him out of the race. we spoke with political on list and john list dunbar only who speculated about the potential reasoning for that. at any time. the major corporate media not begins
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a narrative against donald trump. you know, it's for a reason. they obviously want to discredit him. they want to make him look bad in the, in the eyes of the american people. let's imagine it's the year 2124. so one of the story is going to write about this period. they looked back at this period as a time when dictatorship a rose. we have a decade ship now in the us. it's not official, but it's defect though the all guards who control the states. they will remain in power. and they will further their agenda of greater control domestically and more wars abroad concepts more because, well, war for them is, is a tremendous business opportunity and we are coming up. we're now transforming to a new america one that's more to tell terry. and maybe the reason why they all got to really control this because he, the reason they hate trust because yes, he is precisely the personification of democracy. meaning the people, the majority of americans supported takisha hughes report at least keeping the
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will the economic form in switzerland. and that's apparently because he doesn't agree with the pro ease really stands by organize that. so the conference media report say to key is president of on ask the finance minister, who was the boss to leave the country delegation not to go to the event. eric on this is fonts critique of israel's metric campaign. in gaz that is not visit of the devil's farm since 2009 when he left after a fairy debate between gaza, all about gas up with these roles, president of the time we've heard from joe political experts will kindly riley. he says that for a global forum doubles locks neutrality in most cases, especially to acknowledge that photos likes the world economy put on such a big event. such a big gathering for the, for the economy. for the most of the, the officials are that they play a crucial role in shaping global economy. going political agenda box,
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this kind of worries, weeks to reflect on all kinds of, most of the international matoney work to run. government wants to take and bump bully inductors, run the economy for federal to data. it's international. let's see. it cannot be into the international little more. they prefer to be on its budget office, the colors and so totally agree. i watch it in for reserves. moving this involves my tongue to undermine the spiritual global corporation. welcome to sidelines, critical voices and perspectives. particularly those from the developing that does it come through the villages east and west. thirty's. as long as junction because of the oppressed and has been able to get for peace or somebody to be there. and i just say that's 13. this is an update on the list will be meaningful enough. just ok. you to call me is where you can get for the details of all the stories will fall on this. i'll keep watching the art international for all the global stories.


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