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tv   News  RT  January 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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the the joseph conrad wrote hall of darkness at the height of units colonial scramble. 5. it's about the search for a mysterious white trader. old mister cuts is become a monstrous killer. symbolizes a type of savagery at the hall of western civilization? the shops of african heads for fun. the
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1st read joseph conventional was studying at oxford university. i thought cups was just an operation. i twisted from to see of conrad's imagination. he had summed up of the judge to her i didn't really get it, but the more i learned about colonialism, the more i realized it always started with men like cuts and that sex link to this day. then i made a discovery that changed everything for me. at the same time that comrade was writing his book, life was imitating art. in an astounding way, a french army officer was leading an invasion of west africa. and his true story was even more terrifying than columbus fiction. i began to plant a journey across space. time in search of this real the
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job to read. so i grew up in both of my parents, come from nigeria in west, off for a little bit. when i got into oxford, so i'm owed a tony ends in my youth, some black students like me. but it was here. i begin to research the imperial history that made my was the history they didn't teach at school. the i discovered a heart in london sites in congress with joseph conrad said, his story. a country, the size of wisdom, your slave plantation, collecting robust that you are repeating bicycles. the
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mutilation is punishment for refusing. what a belgian king leopold to say the rules domestic. he's upset. c e o goes 700 feet, just lying. there is a file that looks down in connection as punishment support the was not so shocked as the most think. i had expected to see a know of, of, with the, you know, the, it was black dried, some couldn't with closed eyelids ahead that seem to sleep at the top of that pole . and with a shrunken dry lips showing
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a narrow white line of the teeth with my 2 children dismissed. it was just a word to me. i did not see the man in the name any more than you do. do you see him? do you seek the story? seems to me inside, literally making a vain attempt because no relation of a dream can convey that notion of being which is the becoming obsessed with finding my real nice. there are a few candidates and a toy, as jim and captain in the mid, the belgian ivory hunter is in the arched imperialist. so rhodes, who stuck just on the
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as a student, i campaigned to bring his that you down because i'm going to meet the light goods rhodes, beside africa's land to its p. i said i came across a less well known french army officer, cold poll too late. he's mentioned in 1899, in the very magazine, with a fictional code supposed to pay it. the comrade wrote that, oh, you went into the making of cuts. he was the ultimate amount of culture, but he was also an outside. so it was too late. and so for that much, by the way, that is everything. everything the animals want drains the water.
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the wells of stuffed with quotes is the fact that we go degrees the sites become more frequent, more horrible. it's clear this man fully has lost his way. he is leading a mission that is a little onto itself. the lamp session is beginning to keep me awake at night too. i use captain poles away. you said he 2 years old soldier if the 1899 from humble beginnings, headings at the top. just like
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the mission to beat the british to make the chat function the, the last part of africa to be invaded by your you went to create a hub for francis scott of african colonies. if you shovels its empire rested on his own shoulders. the to you with your team. planning your conquests. almost exactly a year to the day after this picture was taken. you with that you thought yourself so civilized? so culture. so culture, you into africa with a vast library of books by your ministry heroes? julius caesar and the pony, and it came to face just like pets. the
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income of some of the stuff which is almost silent is the same with your story too . as i could speak, what would they say about you calls or like more about the people that now? how do they deal with what you've started the i want to track you down. do you agree that the edge of the present, the i use the real list that i'm coming after you captain polls the this is the land you once conquered. friends is just most of nigeria, but my parents come from the today. it's
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called and they say to you and says it's the world's least developed countries. you invasion, create to dispose of the, the, the, this feels like the 1st time i've been in a place where everyone looks like me. why is it strange to be? so my way, i for one this black, the, i don't see and i belonged. you either in this hotel in front of my business.
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where are you pool? i'm desperate to get out and find. but if i do, when i find out about myself, the 23rd of july 1898, confident from the instructions to captain, willy, from the foreign minister. your task is to control the unknown territory between the re button the the unlike shot and find a way to connect our african possessions to the north on. so the list of thoughts i respect the from share, listen to great. we think i kind of pretend to tell you how to put your must above or avoid angry. then consider this,
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a mission of the, of the good side of whole trading continued really had a force of 2000 me to mean, and they're going to help me for these x rays. they, of course they're going
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to want to see people for 54164. the easier to see it goes to the police of a son shows me where we're going don't what do they have come off on you. i mean, you see the capstone issue, but it does do really induct soon to listen to the content. so don't sit through while i'm here to create a minute on 0. so no thoughts, dental facility that of you on the, upon the different course, you know, domestic, you to visit him under require them opened. so what, what the turn that off one chair is broke around. did you have his time of going into mr. kidnaps and my success team goes to are gonna get a lot in the local language house. a vocal around means western education submitted
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to my neighbor said it was not going to buy the latest from of the power items from new jack. in fact, from a village, this right on our road is approximately 100 meters outside of the village enemy forces attack the team with small arms, fire directed at the rear of the convoy. a team members to a smoker need to conceal the team's movement. 12 us soldiers, a company 30 troops from the share on a routine meeting with the village elders, lama young l. i told them you need, they need the don't leave the help the how, the region, the
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the who, when i was wrong, just don't safe house. because the after and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the
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the more i see what's going on is that now in the morning of assessing i'm relieved. i mean, i understand sorted out. yes. the soul just on my age. if i didn't believe i could be more, then they tell me that because i'm english may as well what the you mean to mr. cox? when you seen just the cards came from means of ever seeing here is very
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satisfactory. the hour drive that, that nobody's doing is keep looking times we protect the hope them inside the we're coming into june, june 200 miles down the road. the 1st place use takes the serious resistance to
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as the minister told to avoid entering the natives. but you wanted them to see what kind of mine he was, the one that i'm worried the people may have forgotten what you did for his after a 100 years evenings moved to me to them. i do sunset. i'm watching my phone, the infinity x, and i see that exempt or state when you, when i divide through comes up. i think like, i mean, i used to say,
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i've seen the i've is looking for things up on date. if it comes to see, there's a t i found out. so my name is cindy, can i come from england? and i've come really to find out more about the, the mission of lee and the history of colonialism in, in the region. what do you feel? the impact of that fateful day in 1899. i mean the some sort of business. what do you, how do you feel that kind of remains in your lives? is someone who wanted to go, i just want somebody to make, i mean, i mean it's bedding and no, no continued also because according to the video, let's look at this as a mobile integration. the window is right in this way. he doesn't want somebody to go on the
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of the just jumping the gun on, i moved up, assessable with that or swap, even that they've given me some cuts of interest. and if there's somebody i shouldn't, it'll be loaded. they present the 1st few minutes. you download us, could you see me something so we can use some of the new data they put into parts. you need to download it, but i'm plus a, i'm plastic bought a new deal to do so they put the actual, most likely you see the c lunacy left for us to get the scene. i need to be company, bicycle on top of union. i'm asked to look see, see, see the shows us did. i could i have to look up some cool odyssey dot com. so i think a lot for us that i see that comes up, but i was,
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i'm punching it to you at the end of this message. it is 11 she was going to you. and so i was wondering if i skipped was, would be good enough for us continuing to see it. when i bought off, what i levy ex you bought off or uh, i noticed was i know who don't go. why did it do the way i should do this out on june to do well the one days you guys watching my phone defined, shooting or not the most up to date method. uh, i do want to do this. can we shut down the list? i think the extra is if it's the
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the this is old, the remains of the towns most cool is just as you left it to parading your troops across its ruins. why did you do that pull? did you think you'll agree to find a power made you morally superior to in france, we are used to regarding blacks as mediocre in terms of weight and intelligence. they seem to as little as ready to accept your opinions of their superiors, that they have to and quite the opposite. yeah. you are fee and prestige fantasies . when the natives a thing themselves come up for a while for i was told this was amazing. the specification that's just for light, explanation, in reality to deceive a conquest new
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kind of hard or easy to go? no, no, no, no, i don't even any to him. he's going to agree to got you dirty. oh and so thank you . and then another one click this, um, what time she assembled for the identity, put in your identity and she is a well, anybody here that i knew i am well had, i'm just because and then boom, with any and no, cuz i mean i might have to have to know what the name i knew i wouldn't need to pull the car. and i've been in without an investment here in a sense of what the customer support groups that are feeling that she started seeing that she wanted me. i could send it to you in the email and what else to do that i'm really to know is she my no minutes? no wonder if i wouldn't make up and she's the because she's got to it. we're going to use the she's in the back and i'm looking at it cuz i love pretty, i'm pretty light and i'm going to have it going to the one you allow me to much the
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and data to do. and this is a new sure good job. who knows? you're not one of the, not the been to the told me. no one of the come before to ask about the history, the tire blink times. the, i'm disgusted by what you do to people who look like me call. i'm disgusting. that it's almost forgotten near the but i signed the concert, my feelings with the others the exactly the moment you would you sing?
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judging to rebel joseph conrad was writing in hop darkness, words could have been about you and grabbed what they could get. the sync, what was to be got was just robbery with violence aggravated mode or on a great scale. conquest of the which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complex, you know, slightly flats and noses and ourselves. it's not a producing. when you look into it too much the because your process to supplement them because i need it because you, you could potentially put in the simplest, if um,
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less than to say to replace the most of you could have needs to be that most of you said there was nothing that is calls to let people in your and you want me to swap . this includes a pretty of, except me, you still cannot complete. this is just reveal it has to do with dish. i don't want people to hold on with mr. on sent mckayla bus to the worst case. this one mistake you can call me thank you. my 2nd my guides telling me this wrong. the national highway follows the exact route su, lays messages, village after village. what kind of country is this, where the main road drives over? so many parties, the
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simple matter of changing the time. i don't want to end up on the side of the road in one of those among costs. and the something about this function, this seems anything in the individual says it was a good, good, a coach. you go to look at, go to you cause you about all my little bit. so i'm not going to, she tells me how the rogue was built in french, colonial times. he worked on it when he was my age too,
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but the guy had been because you're looking as you go then configured oklahoma, google quinta, she keeps at the house calling to see if it leaves in the and the mission is concrete, original relation not to spirits essays always resist intruders include is like you pull hello, i'm just about much on the outside on the was the screen witness. does it remember the 1st european, the income to you know, the, unless you're not gonna get the whole you're going to. she told me it was a boy and she gets it's still showing. i'm headed into this one and i'm looking
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more like a little late and wondering with the, with me that doesn't come from cs or go back. i thought kind of need to because you must do so say, doesn't say don't show more than is in control. the good judges who above what does the above, once it get done with a new dentist because i'm going to, i've been looking to forgotten, you know, and then i'm also only guy, you know, time do they need to go? so got you through the digital. i'm going to send them always on the 09. 0 no 10. go on the go, you go. it doesn't cause you the to take a fresh look around as
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a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify all confused. who really wants a better wills and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present? it is. but can you see through their illusions, going underground can absolutely false 1899. but then gary, although i skipped in valley, this entire area is a narrative spies. take all some of these get to santa fido as a scouts from these to really study when you chance to review these to corporate
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tax even slowly. and that'll tie you to the source of use the, the, with the window and go with, i'm going to attend the quick. oh, well, she'll get to us. welcome with the blog, i suppose the only time you said you wanted to think, or we need an advocate for quote included. so where did you put the weight of a jimmy when he wanted to know we didn't go? no, well, you know, not do a 100. that means that you just, you know, done me doable. i to go to city wide. i don't want to go with you about it. go through to with, with their go with the one with one would up. they tie us with, like i asked me when the, when the, when the guy she.


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